Ordering Food or Drink Around the Pool Originally, the desperate waving to pool waiters. Frustration...

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Ordering Food or Drink Around the Pool Originally, the desperate waving to pool waiters. Frustration...

Ordering Food or Drink Around the Pool

Originally, the desperate waving to pool waiters.

• Frustration for guests

• Delayed receipt of orders

• And lost orders

Ordering Food or Drink Around the Pool

Next, the buzzer.

• An improvement - removes the guest frustration. But still...

• ... back & forth by waiters to get orders

• ... some delay in submitting orders

• ... images and languages restricted by the menu real-estate.

The Digital Generation: Poolside

Poolside is brought to you by D&H Hospitality Systems, the developers of

Wine & Dine: the iMenuThe premier fine dining tablet-based digital menu system.

DelivaIndependently branded food ordering app for restaurants and supermarkets.

Life@Community based app covering various local services, including food delivery, groceries, taxi service, and more, operating across several countries.


• Allows your guests to view your poolside menu and drinks list on THEIR mobile device

• And then allows them to transmit their order instantly

What is Poolside?

Poolside is an app on an individual's mobile device that allows him to view and order from the poolside menu of the hotel he's checked into.

• Works on iOS & Android

• Works on phone & tablet

• Displays the selected menu of any participating hotel all over the world

• Allows navigation in English, simplified Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Russian, French

• Allows images of dishes, cocktails, etc.

So How Does it Work?

Individual Downloads Poolside onto his Device

Maybe it's already on his device before coming to your hotel (used at a hotel elsewhere)

Or he downloads while at your hotel from the relevant 'store' (maybe using QR code on signage within your hotel)

The individual then registers (including his name.)

Once Checked in at a Participating Hotel...

• ... the individual then opens Poolside

• And inputs hotel code, room number, departure date.

• The hotel's poolside menu then appears - and remains till check-out date.

Once at the Pool....

• ... he opens Poolside

• And then submits his order.

• Browses the menu

Before completing his order, he is asked to input his table, sunbed or zone number.

How Does the Hotel Learn of the Order?

• Can operate through the native android Poolside Waiter app, or

The orders are sent to a secure web page (the Poolside Order Management System or "OMS") - which:

• Can be viewed on any web browser (PC, tablet, even smartphone).

Where Should the OMS be Located?

It's completely up to the hotel. Maybe:

• To a mobile phone, or

• To the pool bar for drink orders, with food orders sent to the kitchen, or

• To an android phone carried by a (roaming) pool waiter - who is alerted by sound, vibration and push notification via the app.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

1. Your guests have the poolside menu with them all the time, and don't need to request a menu from your staff - or wave frantically for attention.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

2. The waiter spends less (actually nil) time going back & forward carrying menus or taking orders.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

3. Digital photos of the items can be displayed in the menu - which will be effective at increasing order volumes.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

4. The obvious benefits of having the menu categories presented in multiple languages.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

5. The ability to check that the name and room number of the guest correlate BEFORE preparing the orders (rather than finding out AFTERWARDS).

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

6. Scope to promote offers through the app (happy hour, special promotions on certain items) - which also appear through push notifications on your guests' mobile devices.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

7. The facility to quickly and easily make instant changes to your menus.

So What are the Benefits of Poolside?

8. And all this without needing to buy any hardware... just a modest license fee.

How is the Menu Set Up in the System?

• Sets up your hotel's menu in the system in the first instance... for no charge!


• And then provides the hotel with access to the easy-to-use admin system for making instant changes to menu items or prices whenever required -- or for posting offers.

So How Much Does it Cost?

• An annual fee of US$1500, but...

• ... a free trial is available until the end of September 2015

Poolside is already proving very popular with many resort hotels - even before launch.

So What to do Now?

To proceed with a trial, just create a Dropbox (dropbox.com) folder, inserting:

• Your poolside menu (in word or excel form)

• Photos of the items, if available

• Your hotel logo

• Your hotel address

• The name and email address of the responsible person within the hotel

Then share the folder with poolside@dh-hospitality.com.

Then D&H Will:

1) Acknowledge receipt by email within 24 hours2) Provide the following within two weeks (but not before 27th

March 2015):

• The hotel's unique Poolside code (for pulling up that hotel's menu)

• Access details for the admin system (for on-going menu changes)

• Guides for the admin system and for the Order Management System.

• Various PDFs (in English and Chinese) for local printing - to alert guests of Poolside at your hotel.

The earlier you start, the longer your free trial.

What Some Hotels are Saying About Poolside

"This will increase our poolside F&B sales by at least 100%."

"What is there to lose by trialling Poolside? Nothing."

"This could allow us to reduce our manpower at the poolside."