Oral presentation

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Oral presentation

Oral Presentation

Done by: Lezahairam Thomas

Carina Fallas

• Location: Costa Rica

• Noarest City: Tortuguero

• Area: 312 Km²

• Established: 1975

• Governing body: National System of Conservation Area (SINAC)

The park is located in the Limon province of northeastern Costa Rica. It is the third-most visited park in Costa Rica, despite the fact that it can only be reached by

airplane or boat.

The park has incredible biological variety, due to the existence within the reserve of

eleven different habitats.


• Rainforest

• Swamps

• Beaches

• Lagoons

Beaches are key nesting ground for endangered sea turtles, such as Hawksbill,

Loggerheads, Green and Leatherbacks.

The rivers within the park are home to sensitive populations of manatees, as

well as caimans, cocodriles and Tropical Gar, which is considered a living fossil.

The forests are home to jaguars, raccons, three-toed sloths, and three of Costa Rica

´s four species of monkey.

Basilisk lizards and poisonous frog also inhabit the area, along with 375 species of birds. Some of

the protect birds are great green macaw (endangered species), buzzard and the hawk.

The park was created to protect the plants and wildlife of this region, also to facilite

scientific investigations, and promote environmental education.

Thank you!!