Oracle® BPM 11g Hands-On Workshop Lab · PDF fileConfidential Page 4 of 167 Agenda: DAY 1...

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Transcript of Oracle® BPM 11g Hands-On Workshop Lab · PDF fileConfidential Page 4 of 167 Agenda: DAY 1...

Copyright© 2010

Oracle® BPM 11g

Hands-On Workshop Lab Guide


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AGENDA: ...................................................................................................................................... 4

GETTING STARTED .................................................................................................................. 5

LAB 1: BPMN MODELING...................................................................................................... 14

Introduction................................................................................................................................... 14

Naming Convention ...................................................................................................................... 15 Creating the BPM Project for Quote Process .............................................................................. 16 Creating the high-level outline of the BPMN process .................................................................. 18

Adding conditional split for Business Practices Review Step....................................................... 27 Adding parallel paths for approvals ............................................................................................. 30

Adding loops for redo of Quote .................................................................................................... 34

LAB 2: PROCESS SIMULATION WITH BPM STUDIO ..................................................... 39

Process Simulation Overview ....................................................................................................... 39

Process Simulation Lab ................................................................................................................ 39 Creating Process Simulation Models............................................................................................ 40

Creating the Project Simulation Definition .................................................................................. 45 Running the simulation ................................................................................................................. 47 Analyze the Simulation Results ..................................................................................................... 48

LAB 3: PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................... 51

Naming Conventions ..................................................................................................................... 51

Launch BPM Studio ...................................................................................................................... 51 Business Catalog........................................................................................................................... 53 Creating a Business Object........................................................................................................... 53

Data Inputs and Data Outputs ...................................................................................................... 56 Creating Data Objects .................................................................................................................. 57 Implementing “Enter Quote Details” Interactive Task ................................................................ 60

Configuration of the Service Task................................................................................................. 73

DAY 2 ENVIRONMENT SETUP ............................................................................................. 90

LAB3 CONTINUED ................................................................................................................... 94

Mapping swim lane Roles to LDAP Roles .................................................................................... 94 Deploying the process ................................................................................................................... 96

Using the Oracle BPM Workspace ............................................................................................. 100 Monitoring the Process Instance using Workspace .................................................................... 107

LAB 4: BPM COMPOSER ...................................................................................................... 110

Introduction................................................................................................................................. 110 Creating a Process Blueprint in BPM Composer ....................................................................... 110

Creating a Process Template in BPM Studio ............................................................................. 114 Creating a Mediator Service....................................................................................................... 123

Creating a Process from a Project Template using Composer .................................................. 132


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LAB 5: MONITORING AND ANALYTICS ......................................................................... 139

Adding Monitoring to a BPMN Process ..................................................................................... 139

Configuring BPM Project for BAM Monitoring ......................................................................... 146 Creating BAM Dashboards......................................................................................................... 152

Viewing BAM Dashboards.......................................................................................................... 159

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................ 162

Set up MDS Connection .............................................................................................................. 162

Publish BPM Project in BPM Studio to MDS ............................................................................ 166


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8:30-9:00 Sign In

9:00-9:30 Introductions and JDeveloper Install

9:30-10:30 Oracle BPM Product Overview Presentation and Demo

10:30-10:45 BREAK

10:45- 12:00 Process Modeling with BPMN Presentation

Modeling Lab1

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-2:30 Process Simulation Presentation

Simulation Lab 2

2:30-2:45 BREAK

2:45-4:30 Process Implementation Presentation

Implementation Lab 3

4:30-? Day 1 Wrap up

Q & A


9:00-10:30 Implementation Lab (con’d)

Deploy and Testing

10:30-10:45 BREAK

10:45-12:00 Customization and BPM Composer Presentation

Composer Lab 4

12:00-1:00 LUNCH

1:00-3:00 Process Analytics Presentation

Process Analytics Lab 5

3:00-? Day 2 Wrap up

Q & A


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Getting Started

We’re going to be installing Oracle JDeveloper and then adding the SOA and BPMN editor plug- in’s.

1) Double-click jdevstudio11113install.exe in the location you downloaded

to (c:\BPMWorkshop)

2) Click Next on the Welcome screen.


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3) Make sure the “Create a New Middleware Home” radio button is selected. If you do not want to use the default installation directory make sure you

install to path which does NOT contain spaces (do NOT install to Program Files).

4) Select Complete install and click Next.


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5) Click Next on the Confirm Installation Directories page.

6) Keep the default of All Users and click Next.


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7) Click Next to start the installation, it will take a few minutes to complete. When it completes, De-Select the Run QuickStart option and click Done.


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8) To Start JDeveloper either click the JDeveloper Studio option under the Oracle Fusion Middleware Start Menu Program group

or double-click jdeveloper.exe from Windows Explorer under your <Middleware Home>\jdeveloper path

9) Select Default Role and OK to open.

10) Just click OK on the file associations screen.


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11) De-select the usage tracking option and click OK

12) De-select Show tips at Startup and close the Tip of the Day.

13) Select Help from the Menu Bar.


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14) Select Check for Updates

15) Click Next on the Welcome page.

16) Select the Install for Local File radio button then click Browse.


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17) Navigate to your C:\BPMWorkshop (or wherever you saved the download files) and select the and click Open.

18) Click Next

19) Click Finish


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20) Click Yes to restart.

21) Repeat steps 13 through 16. Instead of Step 17 we’ll instead select the file.

22) You’ll need to restart JDeveloper one more time.


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Lab 1: BPMN Modeling


Note: The solution for this chapter can be found in c:\BPMWorkspace\Solutions\

The first exercise is based on building the Sales Quote Process model. You first create an outline of the process flow as a BPMN model using the Oracle BPM

Studio. Oracle JDeveloper with the BPMN Editor extension is called Oracle BPM Studio. Implementation details are added in a later exercise.

The Sales Quote scenario is as follows:

The business process implements a solution for Sales Representatives to submit Sales Quotes and manage all the approvals within a particular

Sales organization. A quick recap on the business process definition and its flow is detailed below.

The Business Process is triggered by a Sales Representative creating a

Task to Enter the Quote details in the “Enter Quote” interactive step.

The next step is to determine the list of approvers for the Quote using

business rules and also to determine whether additional review by Business Practices is required. This is accomplished through the “Determine Approval Rules” step.

After the rules have been evaluated, the next step is to check whether “Business Practices Review” is required and if “yes” go through the

“Business Practices Review” step.

The Quote then has to get approved for the deal structure and terms. After the “Business Practices Review” has been completed, the process instance

moves to the “Approve Quote” and “Approve Terms” activities that are executed in parallel.

The “Approve Quote” activity is executed by approvers in the “Approvers” role and the “Approve Terms” by individuals that have been assigned the “Contracts” role in the organization.

Once these 2 steps in the business process have been completed successfully, the process instance moves on to the “Finalize Contracts”

step and waits for its final approval by an individual in the “Contracts” role.


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The complete flow is shown in the figure below.

Naming Convention

The folder and the application should be called SalesQuoteLab

The project and the composite should be called QuoteProcessLab

The process should be called RequestQuoteLab


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Creating the BPM Project for Quote Process

1. Open BPM Studio and select the BPM Process Analyst mode when you start JDeveloper.

2. On the Upper Left Select New Application.


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3. Enter SalesQuoteLab for the Application Name, choose BPM Application in the center panel and click Next.

4. Enter QuoteProcessLab for the Project Name. and click Finish


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5. Close the Overview tab by hovering your mouse over the tab and clicking the X.

6. Go to the BPM Project Navigator by clicking on tab on the left hand side.

Creating the high-level outline of the BPMN process

7. Right-click QuoteProcessLab and select New | Process.


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8. Select From Pattern » Manual Process.

9. Click Next

10. Specify the name for the Process – “RequestQuoteLab”. Click Finish.

11. This creates a RequestQuoteLab process with a Start Event (thin circle) and End

Event (thicker circle) of type “None” with an Interactive Task of type User Task in between. The Start Event of type “None” signifies that there is no external event

triggering the process. The first activity after the Start Event creates the process instance.

12. In addition, a default swim lane – Role gets created and the swim lane points to the default logical role – “Role”.


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Note: In BPM Studio, the swim lanes in the BPMN process point to logical

Roles. A logical role represents a process participant (user or group) and

needs to be mapped to physical roles (LDAP users/groups) before the process

is deployed. This will be addressed in Lab 2 .

The Interactive Tasks refers to a step that is managed by the workflow

engine. The Performers represent the business users who need to carry out

the Interactive Task. The associated Task (work to be performed) is shown in

the inbox of the assigned Performers when the Interactive Task is triggered.

The actual work is performed only when the Performer executes on his Task.

The Task is presented to the Performers through a browser based worklist

application. In BPM Studio, the Performer is automatically set to the “Role”

associated with the swim lane in to which the Interactive Task is dropped.

13. Right click on the User Task step, select Properties and specify name “Enter Quote

Details” for the step. Click OK.

14. Now, change the name of the default role Role to “SalesRep” by going to

QuoteProcessLab/ Organization node .


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15. In the left navigation bar, select BPM Project Navigator to view the contents of the BPM project. Right-click on Organization node and select open. This opens up the

Organization pane.

16. Highlight the default role named “Role” and use the pencil icon to edit it to be


17. Click on the “+” sign to add the following Roles – “Approvers”, “Business

Practices” and “Contracts”.


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18. Close the Organization window by hovering over the tab and clicking X. Click Yes when prompted to save.

The performer or assignee for the Enter Quote Details – User Task is now set

to the “SalesRep” Role.

19. Right-click on the process diagram just below the SalesRep-Lane. Choose the “Add

Role” option.

20. Select “Business Practices” from the list of options available. Click OK.

21. Drag the End activity to the right to give us more room to work.


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22. Open the View->Component Palette.

23. Click on User Task from the BPM Component Palette . You’ll find it by opening

the Activities node.


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Important: Note that the click-and-drop action from Component Palette to

process canvas works a bit differently than other drag-and-drop actions -

you have to release the mouse button after the click to select the component

in the palette (instead of holding down the mouse button) and then click in

the process canvas to drop it.

24. Drop this new User Task after the existing Enter Quote Details – User Task by

hovering on the center of the connector between Enter Quote Details and End until the connector turns blue. Then click the mouse button to drop the Task.

25. Name this User Task, “Business Practices Review” and click OK. The connection lines are automatically created.


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26. Drag the new Business Practices Review – User Task to the Business Practices lane. The performer or assignee for the Business Practices Review - User Task is

automatically set to Business Practices role.

27. Create two more lanes for Approvers and Contracts.

28. Drag the End activity to the right side of the Contracts lane.


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29. Do a Save All either by choosing File | Save All from the Menu Bar or clicking the


30. Drop 3 User Tasks on to the process diagram, one following the other, and name them –“Approve Deal”, “Approve Terms” and “Finalize Contracts” respectively.

Make sure when you drop that the connector line has turned blue.

31. Move the “Approve Deal” to the “Approvers” Lane.

32. Move the other 2 User Tasks – “Approve Terms” and “Finalize Contracts ” to the “Contracts” Lane.


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33. Finally add a Service Task right after the “Finalize Contracts – User Task” from the BPM Component Palette and name it “Save Quote”. The modified diagram

should look something like this:

34. Do a Save All

Adding conditional split for Business Practices Review Step

35. We now have a high- level outline of the process. We can now start adding the conditional branching to include the scenario where the Business Practices Review

step can be completely bypassed.

36. Click & drop an Exclusive (XOR) Gateway from the Gateways Pane and add it to

the process right after the Enter Quote Details step (not on top of a connector). Add it to the Business Practices swim lane.


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37. In the Properties Editor set the Name to “Is Business Practices Review required?”

38. This Is Business Practices Required? - Gateway will have 2 outgoing branches –

the conditional one leads to Business Practices Review and the default branch directly joins with the Approve Deal step.

39. First, select the connector coming from Enter Quote Details (currently connected to

Business Practices Review) and drag it to the gateway.


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40. Next, right-click on the gateway and select Add Conditional Sequence Flow and click on Business Practices Review.

41. Finally, right-click on the gateway again and select Add Default Sequence Flow and

click on Approve Deal.

42. Right-click on the outgoing connections and select Properties. Name the cond itional path to “Yes” and the default path to “No”.


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Adding parallel paths for approvals

43. We need to modify the process flow further to promote Approve Deal and Approve

Terms steps as parallel and concurrent activities. This can be achieved through a Parallel (AND) Gateway.

44. Click & drop a Parallel Gateway from the Gateway Pane and place to the right of the Approve Deal step in the process (not on a connector).

45. In the Properties Editor set the Name to “Approvals“. Click OK.

46. This creates a pair of Parallel Gateways to indicate the parallel split and parallel join (merge).

47. Right-click on the Parallel Merge Gateway to bring up the Properties Editor and set the Name to “Approvals Merge“.


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48. Rewire the outgoing connections from both the Is Business Practices Review

Required? – Gateway and Business Practices Review steps to point to the

Approvals Gateway.

49. On the Approve Deal step, select the connector coming from the activity. Right-click and choose the delete option to delete the sequence flow going out of Approve

Deal step.


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50. Drag the Approve Deal User Task and drop it on the connector between the Approvals and Approvals Merge Gateways. Move around the gateway first to give

you more room.

51. Right-click on the Approvals Gateway and select the “Add sequence flow to

converging gateway” option to create a parallel path.

52. Drag the newly created flow connector down a little bit to give you some room.

Delete the outgoing sequence flow from Approve Terms step.


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53. Now drop the Approve Terms step to the newly created parallel path between Approvals and ApprovalsMerge gateways.

54. Right-click the ApprovalsMerge gateway and select Add default sequence flow.

Connect it to Finalize Contracts.


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55. Do a Save All

56. Now, the modified process diagram looks like the figure below. Take some time to


Adding loops for redo of Quote

57. There is one last modification to be done before we complete the outline. The Business Practices Review, Approve Deal and Approve Terms - User Tasks can

have 2 possible outcomes – “APPROVE” or “REJECT”. The “APPROVE” outcome continues the process along the main path, also called the happy path. On the other hand, the “REJECT” outcome redirects the process to the “Enter Quote

Details” so that the Sales Representative can refine the quote and resubmit.

58. The Exclusive (XOR) Gateway is required to create a loop.

59. Click & drop an Exclusive Gateway – “Business Practices Outcome” just after the Business Practices Review step (Do not drop on a connector).


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60. Drag the outgoing sequence flow from Business Practices Review to Business

Practices Outcome gateway.

61. The outgoing business exception path from the newly added Exclusive Gateway should redirect the process flow to the Enter Quote Details step.

62. Select the Business Practices Outcome – Gateway, right-click and add the conditional path to Enter Quote Details step. Name the conditional path as

“Business Practices Reject”.


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63. Select the Business Practices Outcome – Gateway, right-click and add the default path to Approvals step. Name the default path to “Business Practices Approved”.

64. Similarly, the process flow goes to Enter Quote Details step if the Approve Terms or Approve Deal outcome is “REJECT”.

65. Drag & drop an Exclusive Gateway – “Approvals Outcome” just after the Approvals Merge step


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66. Drag the outgoing sequence flow from ApprovalsMerge Parallel Join Gateway and redirect it to the newly added Approvals Outcome XOR Gateway.

67. Drag the Approve Terms activity into the Contracts swimlane.


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68. Draw a default sequence flow from Approvals Outcome Gateway to Finalize

Contracts step. Name this branch to “Approved”.

69. Draw a conditional sequence flow from Approvals Outcome Gateway to Enter

Quote Details step. Name this branch to “Deal or Terms Rejected”.

70. The completed process outline looks like the following diagram.

71. Do a Save All.


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Lab 2: Process Simulation with BPM Studio

Process Simulation Overview

Business process simulation until now has seldom been implemented. Because of tight development schedules, the plan to simulate the current “as- is” and desired

“should-be” processes typically falls victim of having too little time. Simulation is a powerful tool and it is worth the time spent doing simulations before going into production. It helps run “what- if” experiments to see what the impact will be of:

Reducing or increasing the number of people assigned to an activity.

A sudden increase of the number of instances flowing through the process.

Changing the approval ratio from 70% approved / 30% disapproved to a worse case 50% approved / 50% disapproved.

This can help avoid the embarrassment and cost of launching a new process with a

flaw that only becomes obvious on day 3 of production. It can verify that the desired output meets the metric objectives and easily finds bottlenecks in redesigned

processes and leads to breakthroughs.

Process Simulation Lab

This exercise will demonstrate how a business analyst can analyze and propose

changes to business processes using Oracle BPM Studio.

The objectives of this exercise are

Run simulations on business processes and analyze the following results.

- Throughput and process analysis

- Activity-based costing

- Resource allocation

Make changes to the process to optimize the flow

The simulation algorithm is based on discrete events that can process events in a

serial fashion as they occur in time. You need to create Process Simulation Models and Project Simulation Definitions to run simulation. The Process Simulation Model captures a “What- if scenario” for a particular business process model. You can have

multiple Process Simulation Models for a particular business process model. This allows you to create different simulations based on different combinations of resource

allocations and activity behavior. The Project Simulation Definition is used to take the dependency and shared resources across processes in to account. It consists of Process Simulation Model of multiple processes.

The simulation does not execute the actual code of each activity within the process. However, by configuring parameters within the Process and Project Simulation

Models, you can mimic the behavior of your business process. You need to ask the


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right questions to get the right response! In order to perform simulation the process needs to be complete and semantically valid.

You will be simulating the process that was created in Lab #1. If you were not able to complete it or would like to use an already completed process, you can use the project

from c:\BPMWorkshop\Solutions\

Creating Process Simulation Models

1. If you don’t already have the BPM project from Lab #1 opened, start the BPM Studio

11g and open up the SalesQuoteLab application workspace.“

2. Switch to the BPM Navigator Pane (ViewBPM Project Navigator)

3. Open up the “Processes” node.

4. Double-click on the “RequestQuoteLab” element

This opens the Request Quote Lab main process and you are now looking at the process diagram showing in the standard Business Process Modeling

Notation (BPMN).

5. In the BPM Project Navigator go to the Simulations node and expand underneath it.

6. Underneath this node, you can find 2 folders – Simulation Definitions for storing Project Simulation Definitions and Simulation Models for storing Process Simulation



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7. Select the Simulation Models folder, right-click and choose the New Process

Simulation Model.

8. Type in “NormalLoad” for the Simulation Model that you will be creating now and click OK. This will open up the NormalLoad simulation model definition.

9. A Process Simulation Model can configure the following settings for a process:

• Process settings

• Amount and rate of instances created in the process. This can

either be a constant or statistical distribution such as normal, uniform, exponential etc.


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• Activity Settings

• Average Execution Time. This can either be a constant or a

statistical distribution. For example, number of people associated with a Role if it is a User Task.

• Routing Settings

• Probability percentage of instances routed through the different outgoing transitions

• Cost Settings

• Cost for processing the activity and cost of the activity + the cost

of the resource if it is an interactive human centric step

10. To configure the frequency of process instances created, First click on the Flow Nodes tab.

11. Select the Start activity at the bottom, change the Distribution Type to Constant, and change the Period to 5 minutes as shown in the figure below.

12. To set the Activity based parameters, select the Flow Nodes tab and set the parameters as shown in the table below: (Resources will not be defined in the Process

Simulation Model but will be specified while creating the Project Simulation Definition).



Duration (Distribution

type, Mean, Std


Cost Outgoing Flows



Normal, 20 minutes, 3


$100 N/A


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Duration (Distribution

type, Mean, Std


Cost Outgoing Flows

Approve Terms

Normal, 10 minutes, 3 seconds

$50 N/A

Business Practices


Normal, 30 minutes, 3 seconds

$100 N/A

Enter Quote Details

Normal, 20 minutes, 3 seconds

$30 N/A



Normal, 20 minutes,3


$60 N/A

Is Business Practices

Review Required? - Gateway

N/A - Business Practices Review - .9 (90%)

Approvals - .1 (10%)


Practices Outcome -


N/A - Approvals- 1


Enter Quote Details

– 0

13. Example screen shots are provided below:


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The Outgoing Flows tab is used to define the Routing probability.

14. Save All.


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15. You need to select “Use Organization Resources” in order to use the Roles that you have already defined when you created the “Request Quote” process model. Set this

for all Human Task activities.

16. Do a Save All

17. Close the NormalLoad tab. Hover over the tab and click X

Creating the Project Simulation Definition

As you know, BPM projects can consist of many processes. Similarly, each

project simulation can consist of one or more processes and their corresponding simulations. In this step, you will create a project simulation model. You are

creating a project simulation model because this is what actually determines which processes and process simulation models should be used and how resources should be configured for the simulation.

1. In the BPM Project Navigator/Simulations tab, note that there are two Simulations

folders – Simulation Definitions and Simulation Models. As shown below, right click the Simulation Definitions folder and click New Simulation.


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2. Enter AsIsSalesQuoteSimulation as the Simulation Name.

3. As mentioned before, each project simulation can consist of one or more process

simulations. The “Normal Load” process simulation model is the only item in the list and is the only simulation you can include.

4. Change the Duration to 10 hours. Check the checkbox beside Let in-flight instances finish before the simulation ends. Check the checkbox for Include in simulation.

5. Click the Resources tab

6. In this panel, you configure your simulation for your current number of peop le available to perform the activities in their roles, the organization resources.

7. Click the + button to set the participants for the roles you already have included in this project. Make sure you set the capacity for each resource as shown in the figure below.


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8. Note: To select the predefined roles, double-click the Roles cell and then the magnifying glass to open the roles list

9. Do a Save All

10. Close the AsIsSalesQuoteSimulation tab by hovering over the tab and clicking X

Running the simulation

Click the Simulation tab in the bottom window as shown below. If you do not see this tab, open the simulation view from the menu by clicking View -> Simulations.


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11. With the process diagram open in the top window, click the Start button. This starts simulation in an interactive mode where you can follow the progress on your

process diagram. When you clicked the Start button, note that the process diagram view opened up and you now can see the simulation run its course.

12. To complete the simulation without waiting, click the Run to end button in the Simulation View.

Analyze the Simulation Results

Now that you’ve run the simulation, it’s time to analyze the results. Start by looking at over all process execution time.

13. First, for your convenience, change the report type to Bar in the drop-down just below the Chart tab in the left side of the simulation view. This will make the chart more readable by showing the activities on the vertical axis and values out the horizontal



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14. Now click the Indicators on the right side of the simulation chart tool bar. Select the Time checkbox.

15. You now see one big bar showing the overall average process time for the Order

Management process. It takes 3.45 hours for processing the Quote.


16. To investigate why the process is taking this long to process orders, drill down in to simulation results for Activities as shown in the figure below.

17. Select the icon to filter out the activities that have a negligible processing time.

18. Now you have drilled into the process and can now see the average times for processing for each activity. The Approve Deal has an average cycle time of nearly 5

hours which is unacceptable.


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19. You see that the Approve Deal is taking much more time than any of the other activities combined. This is a surprise because it takes only 20 minutes approximately

to complete the step. Maybe there is a bottleneck here? To find out, take a look at average waiting time. You can see that the maximum average waiting time is nearly

4.30 hours. Aha! It looks like orders that need approve deals are backed up for most of the processing time with no one working on them.


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Lab 3: Process Implementation

In the first exercise, you built a basic process with roles, activities, and transitions. In this lesson, you will further enhance the process by creating data types, variables, Task Services, and Adapter Services and binding them to the process



After completing this lesson, you will know how to:

Implement Process Activities and create Task, Rule and Adapter Services

Define the different kinds of Data Objects (variables)

Define Data Inputs and Data Outputs (arguments)

Map arguments to instance variables

The tasks you will complete in this lesson are:

Understanding of Business Catalog

Define Task Services and map to Interactive Tasks

Define Adapter Services and map to Service Task.

Create Business Objects (data types)

Create Data Inputs (input arguments) and Data Outputs (output arguments) for process and process steps

Create Variables (Data Objects)

Create Data Mappings

Naming Conventions

The folder and the application are called SalesQuoteLab

The project and the composite are called QuoteProcessLab

The process is called RequestQuoteLab

The user interface (UI) project names all end with UILab, e.g. EnterQuoteUILab

Launch BPM Studio

1. Now, launch BPM Studio


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2. When prompted for the developer type, select Default Role.

Note: If you receive an error dialog similar to this:

3. Click OK. When the project opens, you need to go to Applications Navigator,

right-click your BPM Project(QuoteProcessLab) and select Project Properties from the context menu.


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4. Go to Technology Scope , scroll down the list on the left , select SOA and add it to the right pane as shown in the figure below.

Business Catalog

The Business Catalog holds the different types of Services (System, BPEL processes, Task Services, Rule Services) as well as Business Objects (Data). There are different folders for holding different types of BPM artifacts. Some

folders have a lock to indicate that the artifacts inside them cannot be deleted.

Creating a Business Object


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Complex types are referred to as Business Objects in BPM Studio and represented by XML Schema. Business Objects are stored under the Business

Catalog folder.

There are 2 ways to create a Business Object

Create from scratch

Browse an external schema definition and create Business Objects from it.

In this example, you create a Business Object named Quote defined by the QuoteRequest element in the Quote.xsd file. Perform the following steps to create this Business Object.

1. In the BPM Project Navigator, right-click on Business Catalog, select New and then select Business Object.

This brings up the Business Object dialog.

2. Type in “Quote” in the Name field.

3. Click on the Magnifying Glass next to the Destination Module. This brings up the Module List dialog. Click on the New symbol to add a module under Business

Catalog with the name “Data”.


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4. Click OK

5. Select the Based on External Schema option and click the Magnifying Glass icon.

This brings up the Type Chooser dialog. Click on the Import Schema Files icon on the top right corner to import an XSD file into your BPM Project.

6. Select the Copy to Project option in the Import Schema File dialog and select the Magnifying Glass icon

7. This brings up the SOA Resource Browser window. Locate and select the Quote.xsd

file in the lab materials C:\BPMWorkspace\MyFiles\xsd folder.


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8. Click OK to close the SOA Resource Browser and click OK again on the Localize Files dialog.

9. Expand the Project Schema Files folder in the Type Chooser and select the QuoteRequest element. Click OK and click OK again.

10. The Quote Business Object opens. You can add description and documentation details here as desired. When finished, close the Quote window.

11. This completes the creation of the Quote Business Object.

Data Inputs and Data Outputs

Data Input refers to the information required to start the Activity (Task, Sub-process) or Process. It is the input argument. A collection of Data Inputs is referred to as an Input



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Data Output refers to the data that is returned from the Activity or Process. It is the output argument. A collection of Data Outputs is referred to as an Output Set.

The Start Event has only Output Set. The End Event has only Input Set. Other activities can have both Input and Output Sets.

The Output Set of the Start Event and the Input Set of the End Event determine the arguments of the Process.

Note: As you will see in later section, the input and output arguments of the process step is the same as the inputs and outputs of the Service (Task, Rules, or

System) that it is bound to.

Creating Data Objects

Data Objects represent variables. Data Objects can be one of:

Process Level (process variables) – Visible throughout the process and

persisted through the life time of the process instance.

Activity Level (local variables) – Visible within a particular scope of the

process. The lifetime of the Data Object is limited to the lifetime of the scope.

Project Level (BPM project variables) – Visible across processes within a

particular BPM Project.

A Data Object has a Type. The type can be scalar or native type: String, Integer,

Decimal, Boolean, Array, or it can be a complex type.

In this lab, you create 3 String variables for the outcomes of Business Practices Review,

Approve Deal and Approve Terms activities.

In addition, you create a Boolean variable used to determine if the Business Practices

Review step is required or not.

You also create a complex variable of the QuoteRequest type in Quote.xsd.

1. In the BPM Project Navigator, highlight your RequestQuoteLab process to view the Structure pane in the lower left of the screen. If the Structure pane is not visible,

select ViewStructure and be sure you have your process selected in the BPM Project Navigator.


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2. Right click on the Process Data Objects folder and select New to launch the Create Data Object window.

3. Enter a value for the Name field and select the appropriate scalar type. Do this for each of the scalar Data Objects listed below,

Process Data Object Name Type

approveDealOutcome String

approveTermsOutcome String

businessPracticesOutcome String

businessPracticesReviewRequire Bool


Page 59 of 167

4. Now create a Data Object of type Quote Business Object.

5. Right-click on Process Data Objects in the Structure Pane and select New. This brings up the Create Data Object dialog. Type in “quote” for the Name of the Data Object.

6. To set the quote to the type Quote Business Object, you have to select the “…” option. This brings up the Type Chooser window.

7. Select Component from the list of types and then choose the Quote from the list of

Business Objects

8. Click OK and click OK again


Page 60 of 167

9. Click on SaveAll icon on the Menu Bar

Implementing “Enter Quote Details” Interactive Task

Defining the Task Service

In the first exercise, you defined the outline of the process and specified only the Name and Description for the activities. Now, in order to execute the process, you need to

implement the process activities. Every Interactive Task has to be bound to a Task

Service. You can either browse for existing Task Services or create one on the fly. Multiple Interactive Tasks can share the same Task Service.

In this exercise, you create a new Task Service.

1. Right click on the Enter Quote Details user activity and select Properties


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2. In the Properties dialog, click the Implementation tab

3. Click the green + next to Human Task

4. In the Create Human Task dialog Enter the name, “EnterQuoteDetails”

5. Select Initiator for Pattern. This automatically sets the outcome to “SUBMIT”.

6. Type in “Enter Quote” for the title.

7. Click on the green + next to Parameters to launch the Data Object dialog

8. Drag quote from the Data Object Navigator window to the Parameters section.

9. Set the parameter to Editable.

10. Click OK and click OK again.


Page 62 of 167

11. This completes the creation of the EnterQuoteDetails Task Service.

12. Do a SaveAll

Generate Form for the Task

1. Expand the Business Catalog > HumanTasks folder to examine the newly created

Task Service and the Types folder to see the associated types.

2. Now open the Task Service. Double-click the .task file to open the Task Editor with the Task Service definition.


Page 63 of 167

3. Click on the Create Form menu and select Auto-Generate Task Form

4. Enter the Project Name “EnterQuoteUILab” Click OK.

5. The user interface for the Task Service is generated automatically. 3 dialogs open to give you an opportunity to do some customization. For this exercise, simply click

OK to all the dialogs. The GUI designer will take a few moments to complete, once the taskDetails1.jspx form appears click Save All.


Page 64 of 167

6. Close all the Task windows by right-clicking the RequestQuoteLab tab on the left and selecting Close Others from the context menu.

Complete the Task Service configuration of the remaining 4 Interactive Tasks. Three

of our remaining Interactive Tasks namely Approve Deal, Approve Terms, and Business Practices Review share common outcomes and payload. So we’ll create one Task Form and one Task which will be used by all three.

7. Right click Business Practices Review activity and select the Properties window and

the Implementation tab.

8. Click the “+” symbol to create the Task Service.

9. Enter the Name as “ApproveQuote”.

10. Select the Pattern as Simple.

11. Enter the title as “Approve Quote”, and add the parameter, quote with the Editable

checkbox checked.


Page 65 of 167

12. The Approve Quote properties dialog looks like the picture below.

13. Click OK and click OK again.

14. Do a SaveAll

15. We’ll now generate a Task Form similar to what we did above.

16. Double-click the ApproveQuote.task file under Business Catalog-> HumanTasks.


Page 66 of 167

17. Select Auto-Generate Task Form.. from the Create Form drop-down menu. Name the project “ApproveQuoteUILab” and click OK.

18. As before, click OK on each of the three dialogs that appear. Once the

taskDetails1.jspx form is done initializing do a SaveAll

19. Close all the Task windows by right-clicking the RequestQuoteLab tab on the left and selecting Close Others from the context menu.

We can now set both the Approve Deal and Approve Terms Interactive Tasks to use the

Approve Quote human task.

20. Right-click the Approve Deal task and select properties.


Page 67 of 167

21. From the Implementation tab, select the Magnifying Glass. Select ApproveQuote from the list and OK to return to the ApproveDeal dialog.

22. We’ll override the Title. Type “Approve Deal” in the Title and click OK.

23. Do a SaveAll


Page 68 of 167

24. Repeat Step 19 above for the Approve Terms Interactive Task. Back in the Approve Terms dialog we’ll override the Title to be “Approve Terms”. Click OK.

25. Do a SaveAll

26. We’ll create a new Task and Task Form for the Finalize Quote activity. As we only

want it to have one Outcome of OK.

27. Go to the implementation tab from the Finalize Contracts activity by right-clicking and choosing Properties. Click the green (+) plus sign to create a new Human Task.


Page 69 of 167

28. Set the Name to “FinalizeContracts”, the Pattern to Simple, set the Title to “Finalize Contracts” and select the Magnifying Glass next to Outcomes.

29. De-Select the APPROVE and REJECT outcomes and Select OK(the outcome). Select OK


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30. Back in the Human Task dialog. Click the green (+) plus icon next to Parameters, drag in the quote data object, select Editable and click OK.

31. Click OK again to return to the process model. Do a SaveAll.

32. Double-click the FinalizeContracts.task file under Business Catalog-> HumanTasks.


Page 71 of 167

33. Select Auto-Generate Task Form.. from the Create Form drop-down menu. Name the project “FinalizeContractsUILab” and click OK.

34. As before, click OK on each of the three dialogs that appear. Once the

taskDetails1.jspx form is done initializing do a SaveAll

35. Close all the Task windows by right-clicking the RequestQuoteLab tab on the left and selecting Close Others from the context menu.

36. When completed return to the BPM Project Navigator tab.

Task data mapping

When creating Human Tasks directly from our Interactive Tasks the data associations are completed automatically(this was the case for Enter Quote Details, Business Practices


Page 72 of 167

Review, and Finalize Contracts). Our other Interactives (Approve Deal and Approve

Terms) were associated with the existing ApproveQuote task, so we’ll have to create the

data associations for these manually.

37. Right-click on Approve Deal activity, choose Properties and go to the Implementation


38. Check Use Associations and click the pencil icon .

39. Drag the quote data object from the panel on the right to both the Inputs and Outputs

boxes on the left panel. Make sure you drag to the correct boxes as shown below(quote matches to QuoteRequest on both Input and Output). Click OK when


40. Complete steps 1-3 for the Approve Terms activity as well.

41. Do a SaveAll.


Page 73 of 167

Configuration of the Service Task

Now complete the following to add a service to your application which implements the

SaveQuote Service Task. First you create the service by adding a Service Reference to the application using the composite editor. Then, you go back to the BPM process and

bind the service to the SaveQuote Service Task.

42. Navigate to the composite editor by opening the Application Navigator and then expanding QuoteProcessLab and opening composite.xml by double-clicking. If it is

not visible, open the Application Navigator from the View menu.


Page 74 of 167

43. Drag-and-drop the File Adapter from the Component Palette to the right hand External References pane in the composite editor.

Note that with the composite editor, you must drag the File Adapter and drop it on the External References pane. You do not use the click-and-drop method used in the BPM

process editor.


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44. Walk through steps in the File Adapter wizard and create a service called SaveQuote to write to a file. The following screens show you the steps: choose the write

operation, specify the destination file name and directory – /home/oracle NOTE:

This refers to a path on the server. Do not select the Native Format Translation

Required option, and for the schema choose the QuoteRequest schema from the Quote.xsd file you used earlier.


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Bind Service Activity to Service

45. The File Adapter service that you just created in the composite application gets

promoted to the Business Catalog in the BPM Project Navigator automatically.

46. Navigate back to BPM Project Navigator

47. Go to Business Catalog/Services/Externals folder and expand it. Verify that the SaveQuote service is present.

48. Open RequestQuoteLab BPMN process.

49. Right click on Save Quote Service Activity step, select Properties and click Implementation tab

50. Choose Service Call from the Implementation drop-down and click the Magnifying Glass.


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51. Click SaveQuote in the Type chooser and select OK.

Pass Data to Service

52. Select Use Associations within Data Associations section and select type Simple. Click the pencil icon.


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53. Drag-and-drop the quote data object from the right hand panel to the Inputs area

54. Now click OK and click OK again. The Save Quote Service Task is complete.

55. Do a SaveAll.

Data Association configuration for conditional flows

The outcomes of the Business Practices Review, Approve Deal and Approve Terms Interactive tasks have to be evaluated for conditional branching. The task outcome of these tasks is a string value of “APPROVE” or “REJECT”. You set

these values when you defined the task. The outcomes get mapped to the Data Objects so you can then use the Data Objects in the conditional expressions used

for branching.

1. Open the Business Practices Review activity by right-clicking, selecting Properties, opening the Implementation tab, and then clicking the pencil icon next to Use

Associations to bring up the Data Associations window.


Page 80 of 167

2. Drag and drop the businessPracticesOutcome data object from the right panel to the box indicated on the Outputs panel.

3. Click OK twice to return to the model.

4. Do the same for the Approve Deal activity, instead mapping outcome to



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5. Map the outcome of the Approve Terms step as shown in the figure below:

6. Do a SaveAll

Now that we’ve saved the outcomes from our Interactive Tasks we can use these to

provide the conditional expressions we need for our Transitions.

7. Double click on the Business Practices Reject transition line and go to the Properties tab.


Page 82 of 167

8. Click on the Expression Editor icon.

Complete the following steps in the Expression Editor

1)Select the businessPracticesOutcome data object from the center Variables panel.

2)Click on the Insert Into Expression button to move the data object to the top.

3)Type in”==”REJECT””. That’s two equal signs and REJECT surrounded by double quotes.

4)Click OK and OK again


Page 83 of 167

9. Do the same for the Deal or Terms Rejected transition as shown in the figure below:

10. Add the condition for the Yes path for Is Business Practices Review Required? Gateway.


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11. Do a SaveAll

Configuration of Script Tasks

Finally, you need to add a Script Task to set the payload (the input data) for the Enter

Quote Details task and to determine whether the Business Practices Review activity is required or not. The script goes right before the Enter Quote Details Interactive Task. Using a script to set the input data makes testing this process easier but when running

such a process for real, the user who initiates the task would enter the input data.

1. Click and drop a Script Task from the BPMN Component Palette and place it

between the Start and Enter Quote Details steps. Name it “Initialize Quote”.

2. Click the Implementation tab and select Use Associations.

3. Select the XPath option and click the pencil icon to edit.


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4. Drag the quote data object from the right panel and drop on the palette in the middle.

5. Click the Expression Builder icon on the left


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Complete the following steps in the Expression Builder:

1)Select the parseXML function on the bottom right.

2)Click the Insert into Expression button

3) Place two single quotes inside the parentheses of the expression, then place your

cursor between the quotes.


Page 87 of 167

6. Using a text editor open c:\BPMWorkshop\MyFiles\input\testData.xml copy the entire contents and paste it in between the quotes on the parseXML expression. Click


7. Drag the businessPracticesReviewRequire data object onto the center palette.


Page 88 of 167

8. Click the Expression Builder icon next to the new box we just created. In the Expression editor type “false()” and click OK to return to the Association page

9. Click OK to close the Associations Editor and OK again to close the Activity editor and return to the process.

10. Do a SaveAll.


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11. Go back to Enter Quote Details step and set the input mapping to the quote Data Object as shown in the figure below.

12. This completes the abstract implementation of the process. We will continue the rest

of this lab tomorrow.


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Day 2 Environment Setup

Your instructor will give you instructions on how to connect to Oracle’s wireless network. You will also be assigned an IP address (each student will have their own).

1. Edit your hosts file:

a. Using notepad or another text editor, open your hosts file located

in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

b. Add a line to your hosts file in the format <ipaddress>tab orabpm-server. Example below: orabpm-server

c. Save and close the file.


Page 91 of 167

2. Open JDeveloper and choose the Default Role

a. Select File|New from the menu bar


Page 92 of 167

a. Choose Connections from the Categories, select Application Server

Connection from the Items and click OK.

1. Type in BPMServer for the Connection Name, leave the default for the

type and click Next


Page 93 of 167

2. Leave the username as weblogic and type in welcome1 as the password, click Next.

3. Enter orabpm-server as the hostname and domain1 as the WebLogic

Domain. Click Next

4. Click Test Connection, you should see nine connection test succeed. If

successful click Finish


Page 94 of 167

Lab3 Continued

Mapping swim lane Roles to LDAP Roles

Process Roles have to be mapped to LDAP Roles for the process to run. You use the pre-seeded roles in the LDAP of the Oracle Weblogic Server installed as part of this training

The BPM engine (Oracle Weblogic Server) has to be running to map the Process Roles

to the LDAP roles. Be sure your server is running before continuing.

1. In BPM Studio, navigate to BPM Process Navigator

2. Right click on Organization and select Open

3. In the Organization editor, select the SalesRep role from the list of Roles

4. Click on the green + within the Members sub-panel

5. Choose the Application Server connection for your server. It may take a while.


Page 95 of 167

6. Click the Lookup icon to search for users.

7. Select user “jcooper” and click the Select button. Then the OK button.

8. In a similar manner, perform role mapping as shown in the table be low for the remaining Process Roles:

Approvers cdickens

Business Practices jstein

Contracts wfaulk

Process Owner jstein

9. Do a SaveAll and close the Organization tab.


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Deploying the process

1. Go to Applications Navigator.

2. Highlight the BPM Project QuoteProcessLab, right-click and select Deploy.


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3. Follow the steps as shown in the screen shot below.


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It will take some time to compile and upload to the server. When complete you should see the following message in the Deployment tab.

Using the Oracle BPM Workspace

Oracle BPM's Workspace is a web application that allows you to interact with a process in relation to your assigned role or roles within your company. The

Workspace helps you to manage your tasks effectively and efficiently with minimal training. It serves as a portal, or window, into a business process for which you have an assigned role. When you select a pending task, the Workspace

allows you to execute the transaction or transactions associated with the task. The Workspace allows you to access your work with an Internet browser from any

location. You can use the Workspace interface like an e-mail reader to view incoming tasks for which you are responsible.

Workspace allows you to:

Invoke instance activity tasks

Route completed instances automatically to the user or system responsible

for the next step in the process

Delegate required tasks to a specific end user

Perform operations on a batch of instances

Add notes and attachments to an instance of a process

Customize how your activities and instances are organized

View detailed activity documentation, notes, attachments, and audit trail information

Search for instances in processes

A Quick Tour of the BPM Workspace

For each process in which you have been assigned a role, the Workspace displays

your current tasks. The participants in the process and their roles and groups have already been created. Recall that:

James Cooper (user id “jcooper”) was assigned the Sales Representative

(SalesRep) role and will be able to do the Enter Quote Details activity


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John Steinbeck (user id “jstein”) was assigned the role ”Business Practices” and will be able to do the Business Practices Review activity.

He also has the role of the Process Owner and will be able to perform process administrative functions.

Charles Dickens (user id “cdickens”) was assigned the role “Approvers” and will be able to do Approve Deal activity.

William Faulkner (user id “wfaulk’) was assigned the role “Contracts” and

will be able to perform both Approve Terms and Finalize Terms activities.

1. To access the Workspace, type in


2. Log in as “jcooper/welcome1”.

When you first access Workspace after logging on, you are in the Tasks section.

The Inbox option shows the list of task items assigned to you and your Group in the right

pane of the Workspace (similar to an email inbox).

On the top left side, below the Inbox, you can see that there are other Views as well and you can query Tasks based on priority, expiration, time window etc.


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On the bottom left side, there are pre-seeded reports available to look at different task related performance metrics.

The right-hand section shows the task items for all the process instances in the Inbox. The

default view displayed is “Me & Group” with Status set to “Assigned”.

The items appearing in your list are based on the roles assigned to you. Each role is associated with certain activities in a process. For example, if you are a Sales

Representative, your role might be assigned to the Enter Quote Details activity in your company's Sales Quote process. As a result, when you log onto Workspace, instances in

the Enter Quote Details activity would appear in the list. On the other hand, a Contracts person logging onto Workspace would not be able to see instances in the Enter Quote Details activity, but would see only those in the Approve Terms and Finalize Terms


As an instance flows through a business process, each end user processes the instance by

completing the tasks assigned to him or her. Once a task is completed, the process advances to the next activity in the business process. If it is an Interactive Activity, anyone assigned to the role for that next activity gets the task and can process it.

Alternatively, you can assign the task to a particular user as long as he or she is assigned to the role for that activity.

Description of columns in My Tasks:


When you click the Inbox, each task is listed in the right pane of the workspace. The Title

column displays information that explains the task. Think of this field as the subject on an e-mail. In the example above, the name of the customer submitting this order is customer

Acme. You enabled this earlier when you set the XPath Expression in the “Enter Quote Details” Task definition:


Page 103 of 167


Each task item has a unique process instance id which is displayed under the

Number column. There can be several task items for the same process instance.


The State column indicates the status of the task in the process instance. For

example, the status of a task can be “Assigned” or “Completed” or “In process”.


The date represents the timestamp at which the Task is created.

Selecting a particular task item opens the UI interfaces associated with it in the section below. Double-clicking it opens it in a new window.


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Triggering the Sales Quote Process

Recollect that the Sales Quote process is triggered by the Sales Representative

role with an Initiate task. The BPM process is available to the Sales Rep in Workspace.

1. While logged in as jcooper, go to the Applications section and click on the process you just deployed [QuoteProcessLab] RequestQuoteLab v1.0. This auto-generates a task item for the Enter Quote Details step and opens the task in a new window – you

may have to turn off the pop-up blocker in your browser to see it. Close the task here and go on to the next section.

Executing the Interactive Tasks and completing the Process

2. Click the Refresh icon in the Tasks tab.

3. You see that a new task item is now available in the Inbox of jcooper.

4. You can single- or double-click on this item to launch the user interface associated

with the task. The double-click action opens it in another window while single-click opens it in the lower pane of the screen. The user interface is the form that was

defined for this task.


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Files can be attached to tasks by anyone involved in a process at any activity and later viewed and used by other participants involved in later activities for the instance in the


To attach a file to an instance, go to the Attachments section (all the way at the bottom)

and select the “+” symbol to bring up a file browser and add documents. The file attachment now appears as a link for other participants. They can view the attachment by simply clicking on the link.

You can also add a note in the Comments section. Any user can add a note to any task item in their view that has not been processed or completed. Other users who work with

the task can also access any notes added previously and then add a note of their own if they choose. The process may also add notes automatically to an instance as it flows through the process. The notes added by the process typically point out problems that

might have occurred and how to correct them. The notes added by the process automatically appear identical to end user-added notes.


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5. In this lab, you can select the Submit button at the top right-hand corner to complete the task.

The task has now left jcooper’s Inbox.

The Business Practices Review step is always skipped as we have set the “businessPracticesReviewRequired” Boolean data object to be always false.

The process now moves to the Approvers and Contracts roles at the same time for the

Approve Deal and Approve Terms process steps respectively.

6. Log out as jcooper and log in as cdickens with welcome1 as the password.

7. Notice the new task in the Inbox for cdickens. Select the task and then select Approve from the Actions menu or click the Approve button on the task to submit the task with the Approve outcome.

8. The Approve Deal task item is now removed from the Inbox of cdickens.

9. Log out again and log in as wfaulk Contracts role.

10. Select the Approve Terms task item and go to Actions and select Approve.

11. The Approve Terms task item is now removed from the Inbox and the Finalize

Contracts task item gets automatically created. Click on the Refresh icon if you don’t see the new task for finalizing the contracts.


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12. As the Contracts role is responsible for both Approve Terms and Finalize Contracts, wfaulk can act on the Finalize Contracts task item as well. Click on Actions and

select OK.

13. This completes the process instance and a file now exists in the output directory you

entered for the SaveQuote service. Go to the directory and view the file.

From an end user perspective, the most important thing to learn about the Workspace is how to execute activities as the process advances.

Instead of having to log in and log out for each role, you could also login once

as jstein, who is the process owner and approve all the tasks. Recollect, that

you added the jstein user to the Process Owner role and he has privileges for

all the tasks in the process.

Monitoring the Process Instance using Workspace

1. Log in to Workspace as jstein with password welcome1.

2. Go to Process Tracking tab. This section displays the process instances that the user

jstein is associated with.

3. To search, select the Advanced tab.

4. Change the options to Processes:All, Assigned:Anyone, at any Role, Status: All. Click OK

The top right section is now populated with process instances that match the search criteria.

Highlight a specific process instance.


Page 108 of 167

This populates the process instance details in the bottom window.

The Details segment provides information on the general process status such as whether it is running or completed, the creation time, priority etc.

The Open Activities provides information on the task items belonging to that process instance that is assigned but not yet completed.

5. Click on the symbol next to the Audit trail and it shows the list of activities

completed for that process instance as well as the activity that it is currently waiting on in a tabular format.


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6. Switch to the Graphical view to see the process instance flow in a graphical format.

You can also view any Comments or Attachments associated with the task instance that

the process is waiting on.


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Lab 4: BPM Composer


This lab will introduce us to support of various different application development lifecycles using both BPM Studio and BPM Composer. As we have already completed labs which went into detail on modeling and implementation we will

be creating an incredibly simple HelloWorld process. We will begin the lab assuming a Business Analyst persona. We will use BPM Composer to create a

Process Blueprint, an abstract model which defines our flow and activities. This blueprint is stored in our Metadata Services Repository and shared with a Process

Developer, the developer will add services to the project and convert it to a

Process Template. Again, the template will be shared with our Process Owner who has privileges to create a new project from the template, complete the

implementation and deploy it to the run time. Our user community and the tools we’ll be using are below:

Persona User Name Tool Used

Business Analyst Wshake Composer

Developer Weblogic BPMStudio(JDeveloper)

Process Owner Sfitzger Composer

Note: Normally templates, blueprints,, projects can be shared directly

between the Composer and Studio environments. However, due to firewall

restrictions on Amazon EC2 we’re not able to create those connections. The

Appendix to the lab guide shows how to set up the connection and examples

of using Studio to communicate directly with MDS.

Creating a Process Blueprint in BPM Composer

In this exercise we will login to BPM Composer as wshake (a Business Analyst

who has the privilege to create new processes).


After completing this lesson, you will know how to:

Create process blueprint using BPM Composer.

Export the project so it can be opened in BPM Studio

As noted above, this could alternatively be accomplished by a direct connection from BPM Studio to MDS


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1. Open your browser (Firefox 3+ or IE7+) and go to http://orabpm-server:8001/BPM/Composer.. Login as wshake/welcome1

2. Click the Create New Project tile


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3. Select the Create a Blank Project option, name the Project HelloWorld, make sure the Enable Sharing and Begin Editing Now checkboxes are selected, and click


4. Right-click the Process Node and Select New|Process.

5. In the New Process dialog set the Name to SayHello, leave Synchronous Service as

the pattern, and click OK.


Page 113 of 167

6. Drag the Service Task activity between the Start and End gateways. Drop it when the sequence flow line begins to pulse.

Because we selected Synchronous Service as the pattern, we have a Start and

End Message gateways. This service enables our process (i.e. It will expose it

as a Web Service.

7. Select the label and rename it CallAService.

8. We’re done with our process. Select Publish from the Editing drop-down.


Page 114 of 167

9. Select Export Project from the Tools drop-down.

10. Save it C:\JDeveloper\mywork\HelloWorld.exp on your desktop (or somewhere else you can find it).

11. Sign out of BPM Composer

Creating a Process Template in BPM Studio

Process templates can be created in BPM Studio to create a catalog of Business Objects, Services, Process Data Object, Rules and Human Tasks which can then be shared with others

(typically process owners) who provide a final concrete project which is customized and deployed for a specific use case. In our example will add one simple Service to our initial

blueprint which will allow our Process Owner to create a deployable project. For brevities sake we are going to create a Mediator which will accept an input value, and return

an output value. In the real world, mediators are often use to provide transformation and routing capabilities to our composite to talk to an actual Web Service or Adapter service. We’ll just be

echoing back a response without a real service behind it.


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1. Open BPM Studio/JDeveloper with a Default role if not already open.

2. From the Menu Bar, select File|Import.

3. Select Import BPM Project.


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4. Open the HelloWorld.exp file you saved in the earlier step and click through to import.


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5. Switch to the BPM Project Navigator tab.


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6. Navigate to the SayHello process and double-click to open in the editor.

7. Create a new Process Data Object(variable) for you process in the structure pane on

the lower left. Call it stringDataOjbect leave the type as String and click OK.

8. Double-Click the Start node to open it. We’ll be defining the input to our process, remember it will be a WebService rather than a Form which starts this process.


Page 119 of 167

9. Switch to the Implementation tab and click the Green Plus icon.

10. Change the Name of the argument to inArg. Leave the type as String and click OK.

11. Check Use Associations and click the pencil to edit.


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12. Drag the stringDataObject variable to the Outputs on the right. Click OK

13. Click OK to exit the Start dialog.


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We’re going to do the same thing for our End message node. This will define the output we send to the calling client.

14. Double-click the End node to open.

15. Click the Green Plus Icon, and give it a name of outArg.


Page 122 of 167

16. Select Use Associations and click the pencil icon.

17. Drag stringDataObject to the left Inputs field and click OK.

18. Click OK to exit the End dialog.


Page 123 of 167

Creating a Mediator Service

Mediator services are valuable for performing routing and transformation operations outside of

your BPMN model, but still within the same deployable unit. As stated before, these normally call real services, but in our simplified case we’re going to just echo back the request with some

changed data.

19. Switch back to the Application Navigator view and find the composite.xml for the

HelloWorld project and double-click to open the composite editor.


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20. Drag a Mediator component from the component palette on the right and drop it into the middle Components lane above the model.

21. Leave the default name of Mediator1, Select Synchronous Interface from the drop-


22. De-select the Create SOAP Binding checkbox and click OK.


Page 125 of 167

23. Double-click the Mediator component to open it’s editor.

24. Click the Green Plus icon to create a static routing rule.

25. Select Echo for the Target Type.


Page 126 of 167

26. Click the Assign Values icon.

27. Click the Green Plus icon to assign values

28. On the From side of the dialog select expression. Then click the Expression Builder



Page 127 of 167

29. In the expression builder type in concat(“Hello “,

30. Then select the inp1:input node and click Insert Into Expression

31. Add a close parentheses at the end “)” and click OK.


Page 128 of 167

32. On the To side again select expression and click the Expression Builder icon.

33. Select the inp1:input node, click Insert Into Expression and click OK.

34. Click OK again.


Page 129 of 167

35. And OK again.

36. Do a Save All

37. Right-click the SayHello process tab and select Close Others from the context menu.


Page 130 of 167

38. Switch back to the BPM Project Navigator

39. Right-click the HelloWorld project and select Convert To Template.

40. Right-click the SayHello process and select Properties.


Page 131 of 167

Now that we have a template, we can decide what users can or must modify to implement the process in Composer. First we’ll set the properties globally for the process.

41. In the Advanced tab, check the boxes for Flow Sealed and Activity Sealed, click OK.

42. Now we’ll override these preferences and say implementers Must Implement the CallAService activity. Right-click and select Properties, or double-click the Service

Task. For Permissions select Must Implement and click OK.

43. Do a Save All


Page 132 of 167

Creating a Process from a Project Template using Composer

Usually at this point we can publish our template to MDS directly from BPM

Studio. Again because of firewall restrictions, we can’t. Your image contains

this template already loaded to MDS.

We’re switching hats again. This time we’re a Process Owner who has been given privileges to create projects from templates and deploy them. Our sample

user is sfitzger.

1. From your browser go to http://orabpm-server:8001/BPM/Composer. Log in as sfitzger/welcome1.

2. Click Create New Project.

3. Select the HelloWorld Template, give the project a name of MyHelloWorld, check the Begin Editing Now checkbox and click Create.


Page 133 of 167

4. Right-click the SayHello process and select Open.

5. Right-click the CallAService activity and select Properties.

6. Select the Implementation tab, and the Change button to select Mediator1. Highlight Mediator1 under the services and click OK.


Page 134 of 167

7. With CallAService select, click on the Data Association button.

8. Under the execute panel, click the down arrows to show the input attributes, then drag the stringDataObject variable into BOTH the Inputs and Outputs fields

exposed. Then click the Apply button at the top.


Page 135 of 167

9. Select Publish from the Editing drop-down.

We’re now ready to deploy. Normally, deployment would not be done by a Process

Owner, but would instead launch an approval workflow to the BPM Administrator. But to save some steps, we’ll do it directly.

10. Select Deploy Project from the Tools drop drop-down.

11. Enter in the deployment dialog: New Revison Id:1.0, Deployer Username:weblogic,

Password:welcome1, select Mark as Default and click Deploy.


Page 136 of 167

12. You should see a dialog saying the deployment was successful, Click OK and sign out of Composer.

13. We can test this process directly from a SOAP test page. Go to http://orabpm-server:8001/soa- infra. When prompted enter weblogic/welcome1 as the username password.


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14. Click the link for Test SayHello.service

15. For inArg specify anything and click Invoke.


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16. When the Test Result returns, click the link for Formatted XML, You should see your Hello message back.


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Lab 5: Monitoring and Analytics

Adding Monitoring to a BPMN Process

In this lab, you add process analytics information to the Sales Quote process.

For the purposes of this lab, you analyze discounts offered to understand its distribution across deal sizes (total net revenue) and industries. At the end of this

lab, you will have created the following dashboard:

Adding Business Indicators

Process Analytics capture standard data such as workload and cycle time and process specific data. Business Indicators are used to specify what process specific data should be captured. There are 3 types of Business Indicators


Measures – These are numerical data that typically signify a value that is

interesting in process analytics. In this scenario, you create a measure for discount.

Dimensions – These specify how process analytic data may be sliced. A

dimension has to have a finite set of values. In cases where it is not, such as for numbers and date/time, a set of ranges must be specified for the

data. In this scenario, you create dimensions for industry and revenue, where revenue is a numerical dimension, and needs ranges to be specified.

Counters – As the name indicates, these are useful for counting iterations.

In this scenario, you add a counter to count the number of times the quote needs to be revised. The number of iterations is clearly an interesting data

point for analytics and can be used for creating dashboards as a challenge exercise.

Now add the measures, dimensions, and counters for analyzing the process. Add

a dimension business indicator for revenue, revenueDimension as follows:

1. In BPM Studio, open the RequestQuoteLab BPMN process and select it by clicking

on an empty spot on the canvas. This opens the Structure panel with the BPM process context.

2. Navigate to the Structure panel; if it is not open, you can open it using Ctrl+Shift+S

or selecting Structure in the View menu


Page 140 of 167

3. Right click on Business Indicators and select New

4. Specify the following values:

Name: revenueDimension

Business Indicator: Dimension

Type: Int

We could have revenue as a measure as well; therefore we named it with

Dimension suffix.

5. Click the green plus icon to add ranges. Specify ranges for dividing numerical

revenue data into finite set of values:

Name Start Finish

<100K 0 100000

100K – 250K 100000 250000

250K – 500K 250000 500000

>500K 500000 214783646

The above ranges are just suggestions; you can choose any values that make

sense to you

Tip: 214783646 is the largest value possible (in future, we may allow easier

specification of upper and lower ends)


Page 141 of 167

Important Tip: The editing of the values is quirky. It does not enable deletion

of all digits; so you may find it easier to move the caret to beginning and

deleting all but the last digit before starting typing new value.

6. Add another Dimension business indicator for industry, industry

Specify the following values:

Name: industry

Business Indicator: Dimension

Type: String


Page 142 of 167

7. Add Measure business indicator for discount, discount

Specify the following values:

Name: discount

Business Indicator: Measure

Type: Int

8. Add Counter business indicator for counting number of times Quote is revised, numQuoteEdits

Specify the following values:

Name: numQuoteEdits

Business Indicator: Counter


Page 143 of 167

Assigning Data to Business Indicators

Now that we have defined our business indicators, we need to assign data to them.

Business indicators behave just like other data objects regarding data assignment (association). That is, data can be assigned to them either as part of an activity’s

output data association or within a Script activity.

Since, in this scenario, the Enter Quote Details output data association is already used for assigning to quote data object, use a Script activity to assign data to the

business indicators from the quote data object.

1. Add Script activity, Assign Indicators, after Enter Quote Details activity as follows

2. Click on the Script activity in the Component Palette

3. Move mouse over the connector between Enter Quote Details activity and Is

Business Practices Required? gateway

4. When the connector turns blue, click on it

5. In the properties dialog box, specify Name as Assign Indicators

6. Create data associations for the Assign Indicators activity as follows

7. Select the Implementation tab of the properties dialog box (if not open from previous step, double click on Assign Indicators activity)

8. Check Use Associations in the Data Associations sub-panel, leave Type as Simple, and click on the pencil icon

9. Assign data to industry, discount, and revenueDimension as follows

10. In the right hand panel, expand QuoteProcessLab node

11. Drag and drop industry into the variables panel

12. Drag and drop discount into the variables panel

13. Drag and drop revenueDimension into the variables panel

14. In the right hand panel, expand RequestQuoteLab node, then its quote child node,

then its summary child node

15. Drag and drop industry to the source (left input text box) for industry indicator

16. To set the discount, click the Expression Builder icon to the right of the left input box for discount indicator


Page 144 of 167

17. Enter the expression round(quote.summary.effectiveDiscount) and click OK

18. Again, use the Expression Builder to set the expression for revenueDimension

indicator to round(quote.summary.totalNetRevenue) and click OK.

19. The completed expressions look like this. Note the changed syntax of the round function.

20. Click OK, and click OK again to close the Properties dialog.

Adding Measurement Mark

By default, process analytic data is specified at the project level and there are 3 settings possible:

Generate for interactive activities only

Generate for all activities

Do not generate

Measurement marks provide a way to add additional capture points. In addition to providing additional capture points, Measurement marks also:

Allow specification of a business name which can be used for filtering during analysis

Provide a visual notation to indicate the capture point

If it is someone’s preference not to have measurement marks displayed on the canvas, it is possible to specify equivalent capture points by using the Sampling

Point property of preceding activity.

In addition to above, Measurement Marks also support Start and End, which

can be used in combination to create a logical activity. One can think of it as


Page 145 of 167

a virtual embedded sub-process, only applicable for analytics. This lab does

not use this aspect of Measurement Marks.

In the previous section, you used a Script activity to assign data to business indicators. Since process analytic data is by default not captured after automatic

activities, unless you specify capture, it will not be captured till the next interactive activity is completed. Since you want to track quotes as soon as they are entered, you need to specify a measurement mark.

1. Add a measurement, QuoteEntered, after Assign Indicators activity as follows

2. Expand the Artifacts accordion in the Component Palette

3. Click on Measurement

4. Move mouse over the connector between Assign Indicators activity and Is Business

Practices Required? gateway

5. When the connector turns blue, click on it

6. Specify measurement properties

7. Double click the added measurement

8. Measurement Type: Single Measurement

9. Name: QuoteEntered

10. Move discount business indicator to selected and click OK

Adding Counter

In this scenario, we want to track how many time, a Quote has to be revised (due

to rejections).


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11. Right click on Enter Quote Details activity and select New Counter Mark

12. In Counter Properties dialog, select numQuoteEdits and click OK

13. Do a Save All

Configuring BPM Project for BAM Monitoring

In this section, we will setup our BPM Project for BAM Monitoring. This setup is

very simple and would usually be done earlier. For flow of tutorial purposes, we are breaking it out and doing it here.

1. Open Project Preferences for QuoteProcessLab

2. Open BPM Project in JDeveloper (if not already open)

3. Navigate to the BPM Navigator panel (use View menu if needed)


Page 147 of 167

4. Right click on the project, QuoteProcessLab, and select Project Preferences

5. Enable BAM as a Data Target for Process Analytics


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6. In the Project Preferences dialog, select Process Analytics Summary

7. Select the Data Targets tab

8. Check Enable BAM checkbox

9. Select eis/bam/soap as the BAM Adapter JNDI name

10. Specify Data Object Path as /Samples/Monitor Express

Running Instances to Create Sample Data

We are going to deploy the project as a new version number. Also since we have

not updated our Forms, we don’t need to re-deploy those.

1. Right-click QuoteProcessLab from the Application Navigator and click Deploy.

2. Click Next on Deploy to Application Server


Page 149 of 167

3. Set a new Revision ID of 2.0, leave “Overwrite any existing composites…” unchecked and click Next.

4. Leave the Projects Unchecked, we don’t need to redeploy forms.


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5. Continue to finish deployment.


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6. Log in as jcooper and initiate a few instances; specify any interesting mix for the following fields in the Enter Quote Details form, make sure you choose to launch the

form for Revision 2:




For purposes of the next section, this much is sufficient and the next steps in

the process need not be completed.


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Creating BAM Dashboards

Important: BAM web tools require Internet Explorer

1. Launch BAM Active Studio

2. Log in to Oracle BAM, http://orabpm-server:9001/OracleBAM, as weblogic

3. Click on Active Studio


Page 153 of 167

4. Create a new report

5. Go to Shared Reports tab

6. Click on Create a New Report


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7. Select the Horizontal Layout report layout.

8. Click on Click to add a report title and specify Request Quote Dashboard


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9. Add chart to display discount grouped by revenue and industry

10. Click on 3D Bar Chart in the top pane. You may have to use the scroll bar on the right.

11. In Choose Data Object tab, drill down in to Data Objects, Samples, Monitor

Express and select BI_DEFAULT_QuoteProcessLab_RequestQuoteLab (Make

sure you select the one with “Lab” in the title)

12. Click Next

13. In Choose Data Fields:

14. Group By: METRIC_RANGE_revenueDimension and METRIC_industry

15. Chart Values: METRIC_discount

16. Summary Function(s): Average. De-select the Sum function.

17. Click Next.


Page 156 of 167

18. Click on “Change View Properties”

19. View Title: Discounts by Revenue and Industry

20. Vertical Axis Label: Discount % (Just type it in)

21. Click Apply to review

22. Add a gauge to display discount

23. Click OK to return to the layout page.


Page 157 of 167

24. Click on Range Gauge

25. Choose Data Objects exactly as in previous step

26. In Choose Data Fields:

27. Select METRIC_discount in the center picklist

28. Select Average in the picklist below it

29. Click Next


Page 158 of 167

30. Click Change View Properties

31. Specify View Title as Discount Gauge

32. Specify Value display ranges as 0, 30, 65, 90

33. Click Apply to review. You can click the Collapse Edit Pane icon to see it.

34. Click OK

35. Save the Report


Page 159 of 167

Viewing BAM Dashboards

In this section, we will use BAM Active Viewer to view both standard dashboard

as well as the one we created in the previous section.

Launch BAM Active Viewer

1. Log in to Oracle BAM, http://orabpm-server:9001/OracleBAM, as weblogic

2. Click on Active Viewer


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3. Click on Select Report and open the Request Quote Dashboard

4. View the Request Quote Dashboard


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5. View the Standard Dashboards (Monitor Express Sample)

6. Click on Select Report

7. Drill down into Shared Reports/Samples/Monitor Express

8. Open Monitor Express Dashboard

9. Select Process View tab


Page 162 of 167


Set up MDS Connection

10. Start BPM Studio in Default Role









19. Open the Resource Palette, by selecting the menu View -> Resource Palette


Page 163 of 167

20. Go to IDE Connections. Click on the folder with the “+” sign

21. Right-click on New Connection and then Database.

22. Create a database connection to the MDS as shown in the screen shot below. You need to type the following fields:

23. Username (default is dev_mds but it is whatever was used at installation), Password (default is welcome1) and Host Name where the database is installed. Once you're done, you can check the connection by pressing the Test Connection button, a

Success! message appears if the parameters are correct. Click the OK button.


Page 164 of 167

24. Now, click on the symbol again. Select New Connection and select SOA-



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25. Create a new SOA MDS Connection as shown in the screen shot below. Choose the database connection that you just created in the previous step. In the Select MDS

partition, obpm should be automatically selected. Test the connection.

26. Go to View/BPM MDS Navigator to open the BPM MDS Navigator.


Page 166 of 167

27. Open Configure Connection and choose the SOA MDS Connection that you just defined.

28. Check that root folders Public and Templates folders are shown in the BPM MDS


Publish BPM Project in BPM Studio to MDS

29. In this example we are going to publish a BPM Project, but the same steps are for a BPM Project Template. Go to BPM Project Navigator.

30. In the BPM Project Navigator, right click on the BPM project that you want to

publish and select the Publish to BPM MDS menu item.

31. The Publish to BPM MDS dialog pops up. Keep the default name of QuoteProcessLab, Check the Override box, and click OK


Page 167 of 167

32. .

33. To see the project just published go to the BPM MDS Navigator and expand the

Public folder, the project should be listed in the correct location folder.

34. If you published a BPM Template Project, then you would find it in the Templates

root folder.