Optimizing a Website with Top 10 free tools

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Designing a website and making it online is very easy

but at the same time it is difficult to optimize the pages

for search engines. There are large numbers of website

performance testing and SEO tools for optimizing a

website for search engine ranking from keyword research

to tracking the web traffic.

As per the use and accuracy in report, there are 10

important free web tools which are very useful and

helpful for webmasters to optimize their websites for

better performance.

Benefits of SEO tools

• Instantly analyses website quality.

• Helps in finding page speed, mobile friendly and good

keywords for optimizing the web pages.

• Helps to trace errors in web pages, so that it can be fixed


• Provides insights for further improvement of the website.

• Helps to create a Seo friendly websites.

• Can easily monitor the performance of the website.

Website analyses & SEO tools

It is true that Search engine is a primary traffic source to

websites. For making SEO friendly website, web pages have to

be optimized as per search engine’s webmasters guidelines.

Webmasters can use free tools available online to

test the website for further optimizing the site

for not only the search engines but also for visitors.

Google Trends

Google trends helps to perform keywords research using its trending searches,

comparing trends by search terms, forecast, regional trends etc.

Google Adwords Keyword Planner

A free AdWords tool, Keyword Planner aids to get keyword ideas, search volume

and traffic forecasts for selecting better and relevant keywords.

Robots.txt Tester

robots.txt testing tool in Search Console for testing the robots.txt file

HTML/XHTML Validator

W3C validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML etc.

CSS Validator

Check Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and (X)HTML documents with style sheets.

Structured Data Testing Tool

Use the Structured Data Testing Tool to check that Google can correctly parse

your structured data markup and display it in search results. .

Mobile Friendly Tool

Google Mobile-Friendly Testing tool check the website’s mobile friendly status.

Page Speed Tool

Use Page Speed Insights to find out how to make your web pages fast on all


Search Console

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you

monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search results.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you analyze visitor traffic
