Post on 24-Nov-2015

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5th Degree: Initiation of Platinum Opinions4.20 Degree: Initiation of Cannabis Legalization Creation

Transcript of OPL 5

Fifth Degree: Initiation of Platinum OpinionsThe highest truth is everybodys truth is true. Bashar

Watching the Greg Braden clip of shifting into health manifestation vibration in three minutes from very far from that after the Chinese chanting of already done repeatedly reminds us of an important fact; that every manifestation is a result of a suggestion accepted by the subconscious. Every suggestion accepted by the subconscious invariably manifests. Napoleon Hill reminds us of this, as did the author of The Master Key System, and many others. Every self-opinion is an absolute self-fulfilling prophecy. I invite you to intend as a group that we have only suggestions, agreements, and images in our subconscious minds that are most life affirming, most conducive to our individual and collective ascension, becoming ever more consciously creating, illumined witch/wizards. Self-sustaining control and hyperconscious awareness of suggestions placed into subconscious induces greater choice of creations implanted into subconscious, and is an indication of a master. WE ARE the best, if we choose self-love every time. If we choose to say only no toward all that does not strengthen us sustainably-to the negation of many desires, requests, suggestions, and manipulation of those vibrating less than us in 3d-then we are increasingly experiencing our most beautiful, intelligent, powerful self. Remember to cut out these prayers and symbols for your magic journals.Burn some sacred herbs. Pick up your pendulums, wands, and place your magical head pieces. Now speak out loud with me.Thank You Universal ConsciousnessThank You Prime Creatorfor co-intending with us calling forth the Consciousness of the Platinum Rayto the greatest degree possible on a continuous basis for completely uninstalling all not life affirming/most ascending agreements/accepted suggestions within the subconscious minds of all humanity.

Thank You Universal ConsciousnessThank You Prime Creatorfor co-intending with us to call forth theConsciousness of the Platinum Rayto the greatest degree possible by cosmic law, for programming a permanent magical sphere of protection around every member of humanity henceforth that prevents all energies/thoughts vibrating less that Platinum Ray frequency from entering our subconscious minds, conscious minds, and every other level of consciousness we are experiencing, on a continual basis-as well as continually uninstalls any habitual subconscious or conscious thoughts inducing less than Platinum Ray vibration frequency to the greatest degree possible by cosmic law.

Thank You Universal ConsciousnessThank YouPrime Creatorfor co-intending with me-to the greatest degree possible by cosmic law, on a continuous basis- to call forth the Consciousness and light of the Platinum Ray to henceforth continually uninstall conscious and subconscious programing within humanity that influences a yes when we should say no in thought, word, and action.

Thank You Universal ConsciousnessThank YouPrime Creatorfor co-intending with me-to the greatest degree possible by cosmic law, on a continuous basis- to call forth the Consciousness and light of the Platinum Ray to henceforth continually install in place of the aforementioned programming, ever more life affirming, light bringing programing that influences a yes in thought, word, and action only when our highest self-love demands it, and a immediate and clear no and utter rejection when anything less is invited, suggested, or requested.

Thank You Universal ConsciousnessThank YouPrime Creatorfor co-intending with me-to the greatest degree possible by cosmic law, on a continuous basis- to call forth the Consciousness and light of the Platinum Ray to henceforth continually uninstall all suggestions put into the subconscious and consciousness minds of humanity by haters, and in place install the suggestions absolute LOVE would put into their respective subconscious and conscious minds.Repeat these thank you affirmations as intuitively guided. When finished, then verbally articulate the numbers of the OPL magic 33 symbol and specialized associated affirmation.

Now verbalize out loud the following:

Thank YouUniversal ConsciousnessThank YouPrime Creatorfor co-intending with me-to the greatest degree possible by cosmic law, on a continuous basis- to call forth the Consciousness and light of the Platinum Ray to henceforth continually uninstall all brainwashing of humanity, etheric theft, energetic vampirism, black magic spells, etheric connection to subliminal sigils, destructive energies, use of will to control others with opportunistic, predatory intentions, while installing increasing psychic awareness of the intentions of those they interact with and self-loving responsiveness of all members of humanity.And so it is.You are invited to verbalize the numbers of the following OPL magic 24 symbol, as well as the specialized affirmation.

Speaking out loud the following prose finalizes this initiation ceremony. There is a bonus continuation ceremony afterward, if you wish.

WE ARE PLATINUM RAY protectedWE ARE PLATINUM RAY protected WE ARE PLATINUM RAY protectedIf we say WE ARE Highest Vibrating Magic, then we will experience WE ARE Highest Vibrating Magic.Our self-opinion only vibrates platinum;this is to stay.WE ARE ALL PLATINUM RAYHighest Vibrating Witch/Wizard is Our NameAnd so it is.

4.20 Degree: Initiation of Cannabis Legalization Creation

Thank You Universal ConsciousnessThank You Prime Creatorfor co-intending with us calling forth the Consciousness of the Platinum Rayto the greatest degree possible by cosmic law,continually until manifestation of our intention,for manifesting legalization of cannabis all over the world.

And so it is.