Operations Manual Version 2020 08 - Regulations.gov

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Transcript of Operations Manual Version 2020 08 - Regulations.gov

4.4 Concept of Operations
5.6 Areas of Operation
5.7 Supervision of Operations
5.11 Weather
5.14 Pre-Flight Checks
5.15 Flight Procedures
5.18 Emergency Procedures
6.2 Call Out Procedure
7.1 Part 137 Approval
7.2 Part 137 Operations
7.3 Part 137 Licensing
7.4 Part 137 Training
7.5 Part 137 Aircraft
8.1 Safety Zone & Geofences
8.2 Operations & Flight Planning
8.3 Preflight, Preparation & Planning
8.5 Post Flight Operations
8.8 Security Planning
8.9 Communications Plan
8.12 Drone Performance
1. Preface
The following procedures are intended to promote safe, efficient and lawful operation of the Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC unmanned aerial system (UAS). Safety, above all else, is the primary concern in each and every operation, regardless of the nature of the mission.
1.2 Philosophy & Mission Statement
It shall be the mission of those personnel of Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC who are trained in the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), to use this resource during flight operations.
It shall be the intent of every UAS operator to make reasonable effort to not invade a person's reasonable expectation of privacy when operating the UAS. When operating the UAS, Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC operators abide by all FAA Regulations for flight and receives the proper authorization for flight.
1.3 Protection of Rights and Privacy
UAS operators and observers ensure the protection of private individuals’ civil rights and reasonable expectations of privacy be- fore deploying the UAS. UAS operators and observers ensure and are held accountable for ensuring that operations of the UAS intrude to a minimal extent upon the private persons and businesses. To accomplish this primary goal, Great Lakes Drone Compa- ny, LLC observes the following:
• When the UAS is flown, the onboard cameras are turned so as to be facing away from occupied structures, etc. to minimize inadvertent video or still images of uninvolved persons or property.
• Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC does not conduct random surveillance activities. The use of the UAS is tightly controlled and regulated.
• A committee is formed and meets semi-annually for the purpose of reviewing the existing UAS procedures as well new technologies, laws, and regulations on UAS usage. The committee consists of personnel from Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC and business partners and advisors.
• Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC UAS operate strictly within the law and regulations. If in doubt, prior to operat- ing the UAS we ensure that the proper forms and applications are applied for and obtained. We balance all opera- tions with the need to accomplish the mission while maintaining public privacy and the freedom from intrusion.
AMSL- Above Mean Sea Level
ATC- Air Traffic Control
ConOps– Concept of Operations
CoW- Certificate of Waiver
FAA- Federal Aviation Administration
FAR- Federal Aviation Regulation
MSL- Mean Sea Level
NOTAM- Notice to Airman
RTH- Return to Home
TOLP- Take Off/Landing Point
UAS- Unmanned Aircraft System
USC- United States Code
VO- Visual Observer
ASTM Applicable Versions
ISO Applicable Versions
This document is based on the Federal Aviation Regulations that are contained within Title 14 of
the Code of Federal Regulations. Title 14 CFR Part 107 relates to the operation and certification
requirements allowing sUAS to operate for other than recreation or hobby purposes. Additionally, it
is expected that all operators will comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local regulations
(sUAS and non-sUAS specific).
4.0 Document Purpose
This document is for the use of all Part 107 sUAS operators and contains recommended, operational
procedures to encourage all related sUAS operations to be conducted safely.
RPICs are expected to be fully conversant with the UAS Pilots Code and all applicable Federal,
State, and Local regulations.
4.1 Document Amendment
Amendments to the document will only be made by GLDC. This document will be published on the GLDC internal drive for staff
access. It is the responsibility of all GLDC staff to make sure they are referring to the latest published version.
4.2 Scope
1. Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC is committed to having a safe and healthy workplace, including:
• The ongoing pursuit of an accident free workplace, including no harm to people, no damage to equipment, the environment and property.
• A culture of open reporting of all safety hazards in which management will not initiate disciplinary action against any personnel who, in good faith, disclose a hazard or safety occurrence due to unintentional conduct.
• Support for safety training and awareness programs.
• Conducting regular audits of safety policies, procedures and practices.
• Monitoring the UAS community to ensure best safety practices are incorporated into the organization.
2. It is the duty of every member within the UAS flight crew to contribute to the goal of continued safe operations. This contri- bution comes in many forms and includes always operating in the safest manner practicable and never taking unnecessary risks. Any safety hazard, whether procedural, operational, or maintenance related must be identified as soon as possible after, if not before, an incident occurs. Any suggestions in the interest of safety should be made to the UAS Coordinator.
3. If any member observes, or has knowledge of an unsafe or dangerous act committed by another member, the UAS coordina- tor is to be notified immediately so that corrective action may be taken.
4.3 Application of Airmanship Principles
GLDC expects all RPICs to apply Airmanship Principles, including, but not limited to:
• Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations (in normal and non-normal scenarios) of all aircraft operated;
• Knowledge of personal limitations and habits that affect safety;
• Knowledge of the environment, airspace, weather, and the operation;
• Knowledge of the team through conducting briefings, use of observers, communications, being positive, and speedy
and fair/just resolution of conflicts;
• Knowledge of the risks by always conducting a thorough risk assessment;
• Staying proficient through scenario-based training for emergencies by conducting “dry runs” of complex operations;
• Staying up-to-date and maintaining proficiency in both safety and operational matters, and technical information re-
garding operated sUAS.
4.4 Concept of Operations (ConOps)
Great Lakes Drone Company and it’s affiliates summarizes our operations into four main categories.
1. General Operations
2. Public Safety Support Response
3. Part 137 Agricultural Operations
4. Drone Light Show Operations
Each of these ConOps are specifically addressed within this document as a guide and reference for our operations. Ultimately this
is a guide for our staff to reference before, during and after operations for quality control and improvement.
5.0 General Policies
All RPICs shall endeavor to fulfill their functions to the highest standards of safety. It is the responsibility of every RPIC to ensure
that processes, policies, and procedures are fit for purpose and regularly reviewed in order to reduce the risks associated with the
operation. Additionally, all RPICs must meet all applicable Federal, State, OSHA, FAA, and client contractual safety training and
5.1 General Safety Reporting
It is the responsibility of all RPICs to ensure all incidents are reported to the FAA in compliance with FAR 107.9.
• Occurrences are unplanned safety related events, including accidents and incidents that could impact safety. A hazard is some- thing that has the potential to cause harm. The systematic identification and control of all major hazards is foundational to safety.
• The OHOR concept provides a mechanism to report hazards and occurrences, real and perceived, to those responsible for UAS operations.
• There is no specific format for the OHOR as the information provided is what is important, not the format and should be used without hesitation to report any anticipated, current, or experienced safety hazard, or occurrence. Further, the OHOR can be submitted anonymously, and to whatever level in the chain of command, to get the matter proper attention, without fear of reprisal.
• Written memorandums fully explaining the problem will be given to the UAS coordinator for investigation.
• Every hazard and/or occurrence is investigated, with the results and corrective action taken communicated to all members. The investigation will be conducted by the UAS coordinator or any other member of the company who has the technical skill necessary to do it. The services of an independent subject matter expert may be necessary in some cases to assure a thorough and complete investigation.
• Hazards requiring immediate attention will be brought to the attention of the UAS coordinator, verbally, without delay.
• ALL MEMBERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO TAKE ACTION TO CORRECT A HAZARD if in that member's opinion delay will result in accident or injury. The UAS coordinator will be notified immediately in such situations.
5.2 General Goals
The overriding goal is to reduce the risk of operation to “As Low As Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP). Each individual job
should be risk assessed and risks mitigated.
5.3 General Risk Management
It is the responsibility of all people involved in any sUAS operation to identify risks and bring them to the attention of their man-
ager or the RPIC as appropriate. It is recommended that assessments be undertaken prior to the day of the operation, which are a
precursor to the RPIC responsibilities on the day under FAR Part 107.49. Risks are to be scored according to the risk assessment
matrix – see appendix C. If risks are identified, they should be mitigated using the ERICPD system. The order below indicates the
priority that should be given to each control measure.
Eliminate The hazard totally
Reduce Make the Risk As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
Isolate The hazard to a minimum number of people
Control The hazard (Notification)
Personal Protective Equipment (Hi-Viz)
All site-specific risks and their associated mitigating measures should be documented in the job
5.4 General Responsibilities of Remote Pilot In Command (RPIC)
In addition to the specific details below, it is the responsibility of the RPIC to provide the remote Part 107 pilot certificate and any
other document, record, or report required to be kept under FAR Part 107 to any person making a lawful request to inspect them.
The FAA may inspect and test the sUAS, the remote pilot, the person manipulating the flight controls of the sUAS, and the visual
observer and determine compliance with Part 107. If this occurs at the place of operation, then this is also a RPIC responsibility to
facilitate it. All sUAS operation manuals are available for review on the company drive and updated regularly.
RPIC responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
• Carrying out site assessments
• Ensuring aircraft has sufficient fuel for the task
• Carrying out flight procedures
• Enactment of emergency procedures if required
• Coordinate with other sUAS operations personnel if applicable
• Reporting accidents or serious incidents to the FAA
• Understanding RF interference as it applies to sUAS
Per FAR 107.19, the Remote Pilot in Command is directly responsible for and is the final authority as to the operation of the small
unmanned aircraft system.
5.5 General Responsibilities of Visual Observer
To ensure that the VO can carry out his or her duties, the RPIC must ensure that the VO is positioned in a location where he or she
is able to see the sUAS sufficiently to maintain VLOS. The RPIC can do this by specifying the location of the VO. Consideration
should be given to ambient noise and outlining acceptable communication methods (hand signals, yelling, walkie-talkie, phone,
etc) and the need to establish what those signals mean before the operation starts. The FAA requires that the remote RPIC and VO
coordinate to scan the airspace where the sUAS is operating for any potential collision hazards and to maintain an awareness of the
position of the sUAS through direct visual observation.
Other responsibilities of the VO may include, but are not limited to:
• Assistance to the RPIC during site survey
• Attendance during any safety briefing
• Spotting for ground-based risks during flight
• Spotting for air-based risks during flight
• Assistance during an emergency event as described in specific procedure
• Observing obstructions on the tower
• Helping to document potential RF interference
• Any other duties as required by the RPIC
The RPIC must have all permissions, required licenses, certificates, and/or permits to legally perform the sUAS operation in the area
where the operation is being carried out. Additionally, the RPIC has to file any LAANC or airspace authorizations required within
the area of operations. All sUAS must be registered and insured to comply with the requirements of Federal, State, and Local regu-
lations. This includes the correct display of the registration number on the exterior of the sUAS.
5.7 General Supervision of Operations
The RPIC is ultimately responsible for ensuring that procedures are in place and that any suggested processes are completed.
Suggested procedures may include:
• Procedures for flight planning for operational environments are appropriate
• Normal procedures are documented
• Procedures are in place to cope with abnormal and emergency situations
• Hand over/take over procedures are documented
• Navigation tolerances and operations around airports are applied
• Post-flight procedures (checklists)
• Job hazard analysis
• Adjacent landowner notification
5.8 General Logs & Record Keeping
It is recommended that the RPIC maintain documents/logs recording all aspects of safety and risk assessment, flight planning,
equipment maintenance, usage, and defects, training, and licenses. Remember that all documents must be provided to the FAA if
requested. All logs will be recorded to Airdata and/or DroneLogbook for compliance.
Suggested records may include:
• Accident and incident reporting
• Individual aircraft flight logs
• Individual aircraft maintenance and repairs (including maintenance, alteration, and repair)
• Component logs – including use of genuine and non-genuine parts, defective parts, and replacement and spare parts
• Individual aircraft software/malware update logs
• General software/malware update logs
• Emergency response plan
• Dispatch notification logs
See our record keeping policy regarding DME (Digital Media Evidence) and further retention and securement guidelines.
5.9 General Safety Equipment
Appropriate safety equipment should be available to all members involved with the sUAS operation. Personnel should follow all
applicable Federal, State, OSHA, and client contractual site safety requirements.
Suggested safety equipment may include:
• Personal Protection Equipment (eye protection, sun protection, work boots, hard hat, etc.)
• First aid kit
5.10 General Job Feasibility and Safety
Upon initial contact from a client, the RPIC should prepare the Job Feasibility and Safety Assessment. This document contains the
feasibility and accountability outlines as well as the risk assessment and hazard analysis. The purpose is to obtain this initial
information to decide whether the task is within the scope of a safe sUAS operation. The client must be informed that full flight
planning and site assessment may uncover findings that could result in the inability to complete the scope of work. Additionally,
the RPIC should be aware of any other site-specific, non-sUAS training requirements.
Job Safety
Once the initial feasibility of the proposed task has been agreed upon, then the RPIC should obtain further information from the
client in order to conduct a thorough job hazard analysis. Reference Drone Light Show operations for safety planning specific to
such operations.
• Obstructions (power lines, trees, guy wires)
• RF equipment present (as it relates to health and safety concerns and sUAS interference)
• Proximity to building
• Ambient Noise Levels
5.11 General Weather
The RPIC should ensure that the following are within specifications of the sUAS and his/her abilities:
• Precipitation
• Minimum weather visibility of three miles from control station, minimum ceiling for operations
• Wind speed
• Temperature range and density altitude
• Humidity levels must not be outside of the design characteristics of the aircraft
(Refer to the checklists in the appendix of this document for further details.) The forecast weather should be obtained for the period
that the operation is expected to take place. Reference should be made to sUAS limitations, as well as any regulatory limitations.
Note that where any legal or manufacturer limitations differ, the most restrictive should apply.
5.12 General On-Site Procedures
On the day of flight, but prior to any flight operations taking place, the RPIC should fully inspect the site. The purpose of this
survey is to confirm hazards identified during flight planning and to identify other hazards, such as hidden public access
points or previously unseen obstacles. The operating frequency of the drone should be considered when conducting the site
survey and any possible sources of electronic (RF) interference should be identified and noted.
Operating Area
As part of the site survey, the RPIC should identify follow standard preflight checklist. The RPIC should consider the
following guidance when selecting the best area depending on sUAS type and requirements: This should be appropriate for an
automatic RTH when in failsafe mode. If this is not possible, then an alternative RTH landing point should be selected.
The RPIC should brief all members involved in the sUAS operation regarding their respective duties. The briefing should
always culminate with a check of understanding and an opportunity for all members of the flight team to ask questions. At a
minimum, the following items should be included in the brief:
• Nature of task
• Review of standard calls
• Review of hazards analysis
• Stop work authority
• Location of personnel
• IMSAFE checklist (see appendix)
The briefing should also include emergency actions as outlined in 4.10, and all personnel should be made aware of location
and contents of Emergency Procedures documentation. The RPIC should satisfy him or herself that all personnel involved in
the operation understand their role and are capable of carrying out their responsibilities.
Cordon Procedure
As part of the site survey, it should be decided where a cordon is to be established. This will be governed by a dynamic risk
assessment. Potential distraction to the RPIC should be minimized; at minimum, a psychological barrier between the RPIC
and onlookers should be established. Some examples on how to accomplish this include high visibility vests, cones, or sign-
Weather Checks
Prior to flight, the current meteorological conditions at the operating site should be measured and recorded. The RPIC is re-
sponsible for ensuring local conditions are within the operating parameters of the sUAS and all applicable regulations. Addi-
tionally, it is recommended that a weather radio be accessible on-site for accurate weather conditions.
Power Systems
The RPIC should ensure the batteries are charged to a suitable level and that the charging area is away from any other sources
of ignition. A fire extinguisher should be in close proximity to the charging station.
Loading of Equipment (Payloads)
The RPIC should ensure all removable payloads are attached securely to the sUAS prior to flight. The method and mountings
for attaching the payload should be fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
5.13 General Assembly and Functional Checks
Once the site survey has been completed and all appropriate risks have been mitigated, then the RPIC should assemble and cali-
brate/prepare the sUAS as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. When operating in GPS mode (or equivalent), the RPIC
should ensure the sUAS has sufficient satellite coverage to obtain an accurate position. It is important to set the action on failsafe,
RTH point, and return height, bearing in mind local obstacles. If satellite coverage is insufficient or the RPIC opts to fly in a non-
GPS mode, then he or she should consider the following implications:
• The impact on the aircraft failsafe mode(s) (RTH)
• Aircraft control and handling (pilot skill, weather)
• Ability to complete task
5.14 General Pre-Flight Checks
When the RPIC is ready for flight and providing all flight planning and on-site procedures have been completed to his or her sat-
isfaction, the pre-flight checks using the Pre-Flight Checklist should be carried out. (See checklist section in this document for
5.15 General Flight Procedures
It is recommended that all phases of the sUAS operation have a corresponding procedure and checklist to ensure all relevant
steps are completed. Recommended operation phases and items may include:
• Start
The RPIC should ensure the area is clear of any hazards.
• Take-off
Arm the system/start the motors, and ensure no errors are present.
• In Flight
During the flight, the RPIC should constantly evaluate if the sUAS is responding correctly to control inputs and
periodically scan the operating area and beyond for possible infringements. It is the responsibility of the RPIC to ensure
VLOS is maintained and risks are mitigated. The RPIC should also periodically review the battery level and other status
messages from the drone to ensure continuing safe flight.
• Landing
The RPIC should ensure that the landing area is clear and free of personnel and obstacles.
• Shutdown
The RPIC should power off the sUAS, retrieve any needed product (pictures, videos, SD Card, etc.) and prepare it for
the next flight or proceed with pack-up procedures.
5.16 General Alcohol/Drug/Pharmaceutical Policy
All staff will be held to the 14 CFR 61.53 and 91.17 standards of operational readiness. It is the staff’s responsibility to review
these regulations and abide by the requirements set forth. Staff are subject to immediate termination for violation of either regula-
tion as defined by the FAA.
5.17 General Crew Duty Time
No pilot shall be asked to work more than 12 hours in a day, of which not more than 8 hours shall be flying time. Time as a
visual observer will not count as flight time. After a maximum time duty day, the pilot must be given at least 10 hours of unin- terrupted rest before commencing another duty day.
5.18 General Emergency Procedures
The following table details possible recommended actions to be taken by the RPIC and support staff in the event of an emergency.
They should be committed to memory. In the event an emergency occurs, the appropriate procedure should be carried out without
delay. The RPIC may deviate from the procedures listed in the table, if to NOT do so would result in a higher level of risk. This list
is not exhaustive, and it is recommended that RPICs add or adjust as needed.
battery failure descent.
landing location identification.
On battery powered sUAS, control or time of control will
be limited.
is activating RTh. Verify area is clear.
Determine if transmitter failed due to hardware or
battery failure.
Control frequency
prior to further flight.
Pilot incapacitation Initiate RTH.
operation, etc.).
Further Information and
ground incursion ensure
the sUAS stays
Land in a safe area if individuals do not comply with requests to stay clear.
sUAS and aircraft.
do not comply.
Consider better visual
failure, interference, etc.).
other individuals of the issue.
Attempt to control the fire and notify/request fire de-
of the issue.
battery inspection/usage procedures).
6.0 Public Safety Response Support
When the RPIC is ready for flight and providing all flight planning and on-site procedures have been completed to his or her satis-
faction, the pre-flight checks using the Pre-Flight Checklist should be carried out. (See checklist section in this document for de-
6.1 Request for UAS Support
Requests for UAS public safety support shall come through three main request systems. Our emergency dispatch line, Active 911, or eDispatch. Staff will be activated via Active 911 for all public safety response calls either by the 911 center directly, or by GLDC Dispatch Operations Center.
6.2 Call-out Procedure
Upon dispatch, the RPIC on call will determine weather, crew and resource availability based on the dispatch information. The RPIC will then acknowledge the dispatch with the requesting authority of response status.
RPIC will have sole discretion for declaring safety or violation of FAA rules. If the UAS operator determines that a requested mission would violate FAA rules or endanger person or property, then the UAS operator will respectfully inform the requestor of the reasons for refusing to operate the UAS and contact the GLDC dispatch immediately. The UAS will not be flown in this circumstance and the authority of the UAS operator is absolute.
If the UAS operator determines that the requested mission will potentially damage the UAS or its associated equipment the UAS operator will inform the requestor of their concerns. The UAS operator will fully document and send a report per our safety report- ing policies..
6.3 Deployment Priorities
*** The UAS shall not be used for the purpose of random surveillance. ***
If several separate requests for UAS support are received simultaneously, they shall be prioritized based on dispatch information for the most amount of good in life safety for the most amount of people.
In general terms, requests for UAS support are prioritized as a Priority 1 or 2 Response Requests. Immediate danger to life is con- sidered a Priority 1 Response in which the UAS Command vehicle, at the drivers discretion, follow all Michigan State MCL Emer- gency Vehicle response regulations. In general, all responses are none emergency responses (Priority 2) except Active Water Rescue calls or otherwise instructed or upgraded by dispatch during the response. At no time shall staff respond with lights and sirens in personal vehicles at any time.
6.4 Minimum Personnel Requirements
Due to the nature of the mission, the minimum personnel required on ALL public safety missions will be an operator and observer. The observer can be a trained representative from the requesting agency under our MOU agreements. Under no circumstances will an operator attempt to complete a deployment alone unless approved by management.
6.5 Reference Guidelines
All public safety operations will be consistent with current NFPA 2400 Guidelines and amendments as applicable.
All Great Lakes Drone Company, LLC and affiliate agricultural operations, operating under Part 137 activities, will follow these
guidelines and references for operational guidance.
7.1 Part 137 Approval
All spraying operations will be done within the exception approvals provided by the certificate of authorization (COA) by the Feder-
al Aviation Authority. This COA will be on hand for inspectors at any spraying operation for review as required by the COA.
7.2 Operations
All spraying operations will be conducted under best practices from the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
Research Department (NASDARF) for sUAS aerial spraying as developed. Operations will also utilize input from our advisory
council from the Michigan State University Extension Office (MSUEO). All spraying operations must be consulted with the
MSUEO prior to deployment. All operations will be conducted within the scope of authority of jurisdictional State control of the
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).
7.3 Licensing
All RPIC must be licensed/certified (as required) by the jurisdictional State in which aerial spraying operations will be conducted.
GLDC will maintain records of training and compliance for all approved operators for our spraying operations.
7.4 Training
All RPIC’s will be required to be licensed/certified through the State of geographical operations Department of Environmental Qual-
ity for aerial spraying operations. Interna training will be consistent with our general training requirements with additional type certi-
fication of operational spraying drones through minimum of 10 hours flight training time on specified airframe.
7.5 Aircraft
All RPIC’s will refer to operational manuals of the specified sUAS for operations, maintenance and software management of the
flight platform. These are readily available on the company drive and updated as manufactures update the aircraft firmware systems.
8.0 Drone Light Show Personnel
Pilot Training Minimums – Part 107 RPIC, 100 hours logged UAV hours, Multiple Unmanned Operations Training (4 hours didactic, 4 hours practical), two hour in house training program focused on exceeding the FAA-H-8083-25B Pilot’s Handbook
of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapters 2 & 17 referencing crew resource management, risk mitigation and decision making, and night physiological awareness affects, review of software manual and operational manuals.
VO Training Minimums - Two hour in house training program focused on exceeding the FAA-H-8083-25B Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Chapters 2 & 17 referencing crew resource management, risk mitigation and decision making, and night physiological awareness affects. General knowledge of policy and procedures with hands on operational experience at our
testing facility.
8.1 Safety Zones & Geofences
For each drone show, the following safety zones are be mapped out (example shown)
Normal geofence: A restricted area where drones can fly. If the drone violates the normal geofence, it will execute the “Return Home” command, that is- return to the take-off point. The geofence border should is set no more than 15 meters from the border of the flight area.
Hard geofence: external barrier, larger than internal. If the drone violates the boundary of the hard geofence, it will immediately turn off the motors. The hard geofence margin is not less than 10 meters from the normal geofence but no more than 50 meters to allow the drone to stop in time if it is still able to return home. Trajectory of a falling disarmed drone is taken in to consideration so that it will not endanger anyone.
Flight Area: An area limited by the size of the light show and the normal geofence. Guests are not be allowed to enter the flight area. Trajectory flight paths, including take-off and landing trajectories, will never be located outside the flight zone
Restricted area: The area bounded by the security perimeter. The operator’s workplace of the show is located within the restricted area. Spectators are not to be allowed in the restricted area. The restricted area is be no less than 30 meters from the external protec- tive barrier.
Launch area: location in the flight area from where drones will take off
Landing area: the place in the flight area where the drones land. The launch area and the landing area for this show are in the same place but in some show setups they can be different.
Guest area: The area outside the restricted area where spectators are located.
All involved personnel within the safety zones should be easily identifiable and wear safety equipment when necessary. The opera- tors will also have constant means of communication (such as handheld radios).
8.2 Operational & Flight Procedures
Operations will be managed to ensure the public are outside the designated areas during the times of the flights and access to the launch locations will be managed by the production team. Daily NOTAM checks will be done, all NOTAM & TFR compliance as required in coordination with the Air Boss or controlling airspace authority.
8.3 Pre-flight Preparations and Planning
• A survey of the site where the show will be performed will be conducted.
• Based on the survey results, safety zones, drone takeoff and landing area, spectator areas, equipment placement, and protective barrier areas will be mapped out.
• The AIR BOSS will again be contacted prior to start of mission to notify them of our flight if required.
• A test configuration of the drone show will be deployed testing ground based RTK GPS base station, radio transmit- ters, drone show software control system, and at least 1 drone.
• Prior to any flights, the weather and possible pop-up airspace restrictions are checked using multiple sources to ensure conditions will be within the specific limits.
• All batteries are charged prior to flight, and each is hand-tested prior to launch.
• As soon as the show animation is verified at the exact location of planned flight and safety zones are set, preparation will be made for the first actual flight test of the animation using 6 drones.
• The weight and balance of the UAV is not expected to change from flight to flight as the payload is identical. The
positioning of the battery is the same for each vehicle each flight, so there is no expectation of unbalance.
• The only cargo to be secured/removed between flights is the battery, which is attached using a Velcro strap.
• Checks are completed to ensure no other UAV team is operating in the same area and potentially cause
radio interference, along with RF Explorer verification.
• No UAV will have any dangerous goods as payload unless authorized by FAR Exception Approval.
8.4 Takeoff, Flight, Landing
The AIR BOSS will again will be contacted prior to start of mission to notify them of our flight if required.
Takeoff is aborted if pre-defined weather and flight conditions are not met, when unauthorized personnel enter the
landing/takeoff zone, or for any other unexpected reason which casts any doubt on the success of the mission. Regular
takeoff is commanded by the ground station and autonomous flight begins.
Landing is performed in two ways: either by the UAV completing its predefined autonomous mission, of if it’s com-
manded into landing mode early. The landing mode is simply a straight, steady, downward velocity until touchdown occurs.
Pre-flight and post-flight checklists are used in all circumstances.
For crew coordination, members are typically within earshot of one another, but radios are also included as a precaution.
The operations manager is in control of the mission when need be. Either the operations manager or the visual observer
Current and predicted weather is monitored before and throughout the mission. At no point will flights occur during haz-
ardous conditions. If conditions unexpectedly change for the worst rapidly, the UAVs will be commanded into landing mode.
The autonomous flight paths are rigorously tested and simulated so that no flight paths move outside of the predefined
airspace. The geo-tether further ensures this even in the event of a mechanical failure or fly-away.
At no point is any UAV expected to fly BVLOS. In the event that a vehicle exits the predefined airspace and moves be- yond the geo-tether zone somehow, the drone will auto power off.
The flights will be autonomously operated, normal operating conditions each vehicle is following its predefined flight
path. Only in emergency conditions will UAVs be commanded into landing mode.
8.5 Post Flight
Any incidents are recorded in the logs and reported to the appropriate authorities. The flight log is compared to the mainte-
nance schedule to check what vehicles needs maintenance before their next flight.
8.6 Flight Duty Time Limitations and Rest Periods
No pilot shall be asked to work more than 12 hours in a day, of which not more than 4 hours shall be flying time. Time as a
visual observer will not count as flight time. After a maximum time duty day, the pilot must be given at least 10 hours of uninterrupted rest before commencing another duty day.
8.7 General Operating Procedures
NOTAMS to be filed by flight director if required
Notification to local helipad operators prior to event
Daylight Altitude Limit 400AGL or 400AGL above fixed obstacle
Nighttime Altitude Limit 200AGL or 200AGL above fixed obstacle
Safety is #1 – always error on the side of safety
Public Safety Emergencies – See Comms and Emergency Plan
LIVE ADS-B Monitoring will be in place if required
CTAF Monitored by Director/Coordinator
Flight Coordinator will handle required authorizations if needed and coordinate with field staff.
NO aircraft will operate past the 20% lower limit battery level.
8.8 Security Plan
• All takeoff and recovery areas will be secured with warning tape & VO visual observer unless in sterile environment previously secured
• All staff will be wearing Drone Light Show apparel to be identified by event staff
• Non-Participants will be notified and directed to stay clear of operations
• Venue/Client will be responsible for providing personnel to secure restricted areas (outlined in yellow on operational map)
• Flights will NOT take place directly over any individuals or moving vehicles.
• All operations will be within defined safety zone of sterile environment.
8.9 Communications Plan
• GLDC has instituted the Eartec Ultralight Comms for key staff.
• All key personnel will be issued a headseat radio system.
8.10 Emergency Contingency Plan
If unusual or abnormal aircraft operation are observed by either the RPIC or VO, and normal control cannot immediately be re- stored then the aircraft will be ditched in the nearest safe area, clear from spectators and structures.
In the event of unanticipated changes within the flight zone (severe weather, other aircraft, and unauthorized personnel) the mission will be aborted and the aircraft will be immediately landed in the designated landing zone or alternative landing zone as determined by the team.
A portable air horn will be sounded at anytime where an emergency poses a continued risk to people on the ground.
If an emergency were to develop, follow emergency COMM procedures. 911 will be contacted through established operational pro- cedures.
A field kit that includes the following will be onsite with all flight teams. First Aid Kit, Fire Extinguisher, Safety Cones & Tape, Air Horn in an event of an emergent threat.
Follow COMMS procedures in which the Director/Coordinator will also provide guidance to event mitigation.
A call out of ABORT-ABORT-ABORT (3 times in a row) on COMMS will trigger all flight teams to immediately clear the air- space and land their aircraft.
Refer further to our General Operating Guidelines and Software Specific Operations.
8.11 Inadvertent Flight into Controlled Airspace and/or Fly-away
As visual line of sight is to be maintained at all times with a dedicated observer, if any departure/fly- away from the planned confined airspace occurs, it will be immediately obvious to the flight team.
In normal operation, all vehicles are under autonomous control. In the event of certain emergency situations, the following actions are taken:
If command of the UAVs is lost to a single UAV (e.g. antenna failure) the UAV will finish the pre-programed flight and land. If command of all the UAVs is lost due to an issue with the ground station (e.g. ground station crash or
ground station antenna failure) command will be rapidly switched over to a spare laptop with the ground station soft- ware and spare antenna and control of the mission will be regained.
Loss of visual contact: Is not expected to occur since there are no flights planned with distances greater than 350 feet from takeoff/landing area. Also, the Geo-Tether is set such that no UAV can travel far from the center of the takeoff/ landing area without entering into landing mode. However, if for some unforeseen circumstance a UAV moves beyond
visual sight, it will be commanded into Landing Mode.
The health (vibration levels, GPS signal strength, etc.) are constantly being monitored by the ground station. If any lev- els exceed a predefined level indicating sub-optimal flight, the vehicle is commanded into landing mode. The landing
mode again commands the vehicle to follow a steady, straight downward velocity until it lands. The UAV also relays its position to the ground station and in turn the ground station sends the position to all the other UAVs and creates a
virtual boundary that forces the other UAVs to move around the troubled UAV.
In the case of a situation where landing mode is not sufficient to safely land a UAV (e.g. a mechanical failure) there
are two possibilities: the UAV has a sub-optimal landing/crash, with potential damage occurring, or it reaches the outer layer of the geo-tether at which point the power to all motors is cut and the vehicle will crash. However, since no per-
son is permitted to be within the geo-tether area, and any person aside from the operations team is not permitted within 30 meters of the geo-tether area the risk of personal injury is remote.
In the case of control station/ground station failure, control will be switched over to a spare laptop with the ground sta- tion software and command will be regained. In the event that this is not successful, the pre-programmed mission will be completed and all vehicles will land. If communication with AIR BOSS is lost, no missions will be started. If a mis-
sion is already in progress, the visual observers will be notified, and if there appears to be any aircraft with the potential to enter the airspace near the UAVs, they will all be commanded to land. If none are observed, the show will be al- lowed to complete and land as the missions will be no longer than 15 minutes.
Fly-aways should not occur due to the geo-tether which is located just beyond the expected airspace. In the event that
it does occur and is not automatically entered into landing mode, it will be commanded to by the ground station. If this is not successful local police (911) will be contacted via phone. FAA and/or Air Boss (if applicable) will be contacted.
Generally, the custom UAV is a small sized quadrotor with small electric motors and components, so the risks to persons or property should be minimal. However, contingency planning will be required in the cases of:
Medical needs from vehicle crashing or loose propellers
Fire in the ground station or vehicle electric components
If any of the above events do occur, immediate assistance will be provided through medical first aid and fire extinguisher. A
suitable handheld fire extinguisher will be available at the flight test site whenever a flight test is being conducted. If further assistance or help is required, a cellular phone will be available to contact emergency personnel. Thus, a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and cellular phones will be present at the time of flight operations.
In the event of more serious injuries, the first to be contacted will be the emergency services at 9-1-1. If they cannot respond, the last option will be to take the injured person to the closest hospital, while still trying to contact the emergency services along the way. All these emergency contact numbers will be identified and presented to all crew members before the flight operations.
As the flight operations for the vehicle will typically be on the order of 30-200 ft there is little risk to general airspace users.
8.12 GLDC – Drone Performance Guidelines
Physical Properties:
• Composition: Plastic with a carbon fiber base plate. Plastic props.
• Measurements: Frame Width: 27 in, rotor diameter: 9 in, Frame height: 8 in.
• Weight: 3 lbs including battery.
• Propulsion system: 4 electric motors.
• Energy system: LiPo battery. 5200 mAh 4S 14.8 V.
• Navigation equipment/capability: RTK GPS w/ GNSS.
• Communication Primary: 2.4gHz WiFi 802.11 Protocol
• Communication Back-Up: Xbee based 2.4 GHz. 802.15.4 Protocol
Flight sensors: Barometric altimeter, GPS, IMU, 3 axis magnetometer, 3 axis angular rate and acceleration sensor, RTK.
• Flight time: 15 minutes.
Max speed: 3 m/s upward and horizontally, 1 m/s downward (9.8 ft/s, 3.3 ft/s).
8.13 Weather Limitations
The UAV will not be operated when adverse conditions are expected. The weather limitations are as follows:
• Visibility: line of sight, at least 3 miles
• Distance from cloud: 1000 feet.
• Cloud ceiling: 1200 AGL.
• Wind speed: 19 MPH MAX
• Wind turbulence: the UAV can handle wind gusts of up to 16 mph
• Temperature: -10°c degrees to 50°c .
*** These conditions will be monitored continuously monitored during operations for changes.***
8.14 Redundant Systems:
To ensure Redundancy the ground control station has the ability to command any UAV into landing mode. Once in this mode, the UAV maintains a straight, constant downward velocity until it reaches the ground. At the same time, the UAV in landing
mode relays its position to the ground station which then broadcasts the position to all other UAVs and creates a virtual bubble around the landing UAV that the other UAVs move around. Since flights will only be planned in a small area above the takeoff
and landing area, the UAV will land in a safe area. Also, in the event of the ground station crashing or loosing communication with the UAVs, a spare laptop with the ground station software and a communication antenna will be on standby ready to take
over the control of the mission. In the event of any anomalous behaviour and any UAV does not maintain its position in the air- space planned for the particular mission, a geo-tether is always present to prevent any vehicles exiting the airspace. The first lay-
er of the geo-tether commands the UAV into landing mode. If the UAV reaches the second layer of the geo-tether the motors are commanded off. This will cause a crash as a last resort, but the geo- tether boundaries are set such that no persons or property are allowed to be within it, so the likelihood of damage or injury is remote.
8.15 UAV Operations and Maintenance Procedures
The UAV operations are detailed throughout Section 9. The maintenance procedures are as follows:
The operations team inspects the UAV prior to every flight as per the GLDC pre-flight inspection checklist. Prior to every flight, the batteries are visually inspected and charged (each battery cell is checked individually), all hardware is intact and operating correctly (check for loose screws, cracks in the frame, wire connections), landing gear integrity. Records are kept in the UAV flight log. The UAVs are small enough that no assembly is required post traveling.
In addition, the start-up and launch procedure requires the following steps:
Operations personnel confirm vehicle envelope, body, and attachment integrity prior to system start-up
The avionics electronics perform diagnostics on startup and prior to launch.
Operations personnel confirm proper operation of avionics sensors (vehicle orientation, altitude etc), verifying on-board sensors
are functioning properly. In the event of non-ideal landing or flight terminations (including emergency landings) the system is thoroughly inspected for specific damage and maintained if necessary. Maintenance, inspections and repair decisions are the re-
sponsibility of the Operations Manager. Field repairs are handled by flight crew under the supervision of the flight Operations Manager. In the event that field repairs are not possible, the reconstruction/repair will be performed at the GLDC facilities.
After every 10 flights, a scheduled, more thorough, inspection of the vehicles is completed which includes:
Check ALL the screws on each vehicle. All the screws with the exception of the ones for the propeller have been
threadlocked. In general, they should not loosen due to vibration but they will be checked anyway.
Connect the autopilot to the ground station via USB and clear all logs if they are not cleared after every flight.
A thorough structural integrity check should be done to make sure that the all parts of the frame are in good condition and
show no signs of degradation.
Maintenance schedule was established by engineering staff.
Maintenance Records are kept for all scheduled checks and unexpected repairs.
The Custom Power Quad has undergone extensive testing in both in China, Canada and the USA and has proven to be a reliable
vehicle. The control system used is the Pixhawk autopilot and has demonstrated its ability to control a multirotor aircraft stably in autonomous flight on their official website (https://pixhawk.org,) and has proven itself as an industry standard. The ground station
software is built in-house and has also undergone extensive testing. It displays the flight status as well as numerous other relevant flight data indicating the health of each of the vehicles. In addition to being able to send regular mission commands, it also has the ability to send emergency commands when needed. To ensure the UAVs remain within their flight envelope in the autonomous
flights velocities are always maintained below the following limits: 1m/s downward and 3m/s horizontal and upward. The limits considered when creating the flight paths and are automatically double checked for any violations before the flight paths can be
created. Those limits have been tested and have shown to keep the UAVs conservatively within their flight envelope.
Ground Control Station and Safety Features
To ensure Redundancy the ground control station has the ability to command any UAV into landing mode. Once in this mode, the UAV maintains a straight, constant downward velocity until it reaches the ground. Since flights will only be planned in a small
area above the takeoff and landing area, the UAV will land in a safe area. Also, in the event of the ground station crashing or loos- ing communication with the UAVs, a spare laptop with the ground station software and a communication antenna will be on
standby ready to take over the control of the mission. In the event of any anomalous behaviour where a UAV does not maintain its position in the airspace planned for the particular mission, a geo-tether is always present to prevent any vehicles exiting the air-
space. The first layer of the geo-tether commands the UAV into landing mode. If the UAV reaches the second layer of the geo- tether the motors are commanded off. This will cause a crash as a last resort, but the geo-tether boundaries are set such that no persons or property are allowed to be within it, so the likelihood of damage or injury is remote.
The ground control station for the Pixhawk will include a single computer in communications contact with the entire group of vehicles. It includes vehicle status updates as well as the command ability to start and stop a given flight sequence.
Vehicle health is continually monitored at a 1 per second frequency with number of GPS satellites visible, the GPS error and the battery voltage being communicated.
The vehicles are controlled with pre-planned GPS waypoints and autonomously follow the path during normal operation.
The communication link for the Pixhawk autopilot is a 2.4 GHz radio transmitter/receiver pair for communications be- tween the autopilot and the ground station.
The ground station software provides a graphical interface with a map display for users with simple access to retrieve each vehicle’s information. It provides high-level mission control as well.
Communication is preformed using XBee Pro transmit data with a serial data rate of 250kbps on back up system and primary will be 2.4ghz wifi with 100mb/sec data link.
The communication links and protocols between the UAV and the ground stations are enabled through the mission planner soft-
ware. It allows operators to configure, monitor, and issue commands. The wireless communication link uses XBee Pro with fre-
quency operating at 2.4GHz with an outdoor LOS range up to 1.5 km.
Pre-flight frequency scanning for compliance and floor level by RF Explorer and Wifi Scanner.
8.17 Operational Reference
All drone show operations will be consistent with current UGCS operational guidelines and updates as provided by the most recent
firmware and release notes provided by UGCS DDS programs. These documents are stored and updated on the internal staff drive
for reference at anytime, as well as on site during any drone show operations.
9.0 General Training
The key to continued safe operations is by maintaining a professional level of competency. The first step in this process is estab- lishing minimum qualifications for selecting members, and the second step involves training those personnel.
9.1 Overall Training Guidelines
1. Observers and Operators must have completed sufficient training to communicate to the pilot any instructions required to remain clear of conflicting traffic. This training, at a minimum, shall include knowledge of the rules and responsibilities de- scribed in 14 CFR 91.111, Operating Near Other Aircraft; 14 CFR 91.113, Right-of-Way Rules: Except Water Operations; and 14 CFR 91.155, Basic VFR Weather Minimums; knowledge of air traffic and radio communications, including the use of approved ATC/pilot phraseology; and knowledge of appropriate sections of the Aeronautical Information Manual.
2. In conjunction with fulfilling all training requirements for operator/observer duties, the new member must also become famil- iar with UAS operations, the aircraft and its equipment.
3. Any new member who fails to successfully complete the initial training may be denied as a member of the UAS flight crew.
4. Before a member can fly as an operator, they must complete and pass the obstacle course of flight training with the UAS in- structors to show proficiency of the flight training exercises and the airframe. This must be accomplished to show their ability and knowledge of the UAS.
9.2 Night Flight Operations
All staff will be required to read, Drone Pilot’s Guide to Night Flight by Sundance Media Group. Staff will then be required to pass a 10 questions written exam, corrected to 100%. Staff will then need to demonstrate those fundamentals during obstacle course flight and/or visual observing within night flight operations training and recurrency requirements.
9.3 Obstacle Course
GLDC will require all Part 107 Operators to pass our obstacle training flight course. This course is based on ASTM, NIST and NFPA 2400 sUAS flight training standards. This course will at a minimum meet those specific flight standards of training. The obstacle course will consist of fourteen (14) stations in which each will have specific objectives to complete. This course will be required at a minimum every six (6) months for recurrency unless recurrent flight time is maintained as stated in Section 9.5.
1. Take Off
4. Land Accurately
5. Avoid Obstacles
13. Flight Without GPS
9.4 Recurrent Training
1. All members within the unit shall maintain proficiency in their operator/observer abilities. Members who do not have any docu- mented training or flight time within a span of 90 days will have to show proficiency before being an operator/observer during a deployment or exercise.
2. Recurrent training is not limited to actual operating/observer skills but includes knowledge of all pertinent UAS/aviation mat- ters.
3. Failure to prove proficiency can result in removal from UAS responsibilities.
9.5 Certificate of Waiver/Authorization Training