OpenSAP c4c1 Week 1 Transcript

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Transcripts from SAP INTRO course from Open SAP

Transcript of OpenSAP c4c1 Week 1 Transcript


openSAP Experience SAP Cloud for Customer Week 1 introduction

00:00:09 Hello and welcome to the SAP Cloud for Customer Experience Workshop. In this short video I would like to give you a short introduction of what this workshop is all about

00:00:19 and how you can use it for your own purpose. My name is Sven Feurer, I am part of the Cloud for Customer Product Management team,

00:00:27 and I would like to guide you quickly through the workshop content here. So in general, the workshop is structured into six different modules.

00:00:35 We typically start with a strategy module which is explaining the customer engagement & commerce strategy

00:00:43 and where Cloud for Customer fits into this strategy, right? And with that one, we come to the functional block

00:00:51 which gives you detailed information about the sales, about the service and the marketing functionality in Cloud for Customer.

00:00:59 With that we also come to an industry topic where we talk about our industry solutions and our industry coverage with Cloud for Customer.

00:01:09 And whenever you do this workshop and whenever you repeat this workshop in your customer situations, you may mix it up

00:01:15 with multiple hands-on exercises if you like and if your customer likes this. So we will also come to a dedicated module about exercises: What is possible here?

00:01:28 How you can really allow your customers to touch the system and to get experiences in Cloud for Customer.

00:01:36 And after these four modules, we have two remaining ones: The fifth one will be about integration,

00:01:46 so how can this solution really integrate into existing landscapes, the Business Suite on the one side,

00:01:52 but also the hybris Commerce and the hybris Marketing on the other side. And last, not least, we will talk about the architecture of Cloud for Customer

00:02:02 and also how this solution can be adapted with key user tools, how it can be extended with the Cloud Application Studio or even with the HANA Cloud Platform.

00:02:13 Whenever we do this workshop with customers, we typically do it in one day or half a day. But whenever we do this workshop as a kind of enablement activity,

00:02:26 we typically have this two-days agenda, where we start on the first day, of course, with the strategy and also with the sales part of Cloud for Customer,

00:02:37 and then in the afternoon we come to the architecture and the key user tools. Day 2 will mostly start with an exercise on extensibility

00:02:48 and also an in-depth discussion and presentation about the integration. And then we typically come to the service and the marketing functionalities and end up the day,

00:03:00 the second day with some experiences in terms of development and extending the solution. Take it, if you like, this workshop, as a kind of best practice,

00:03:15 as a kind of sales best practice, as your toolbox. It is really available for you,

00:03:20 and you could be our sales colleagues, presales colleagues at SAP, but also our partners. Take it as a toolbox and take the content, reuse the content. It will always be up to date.

00:03:33 So we make sure that the content that you have at your fingertips is always up to date. And also, play around with the workshop.

00:03:42 What we typically experienced in the past was that, if you use this workshop in your sales cycles, you might not use it in the very first customer meeting,

00:03:54 rather in the middle or at the end of the workshop when you get the buy-in from the business people but also from the IT people.

00:04:02 And then you have the momentum in your sales cycle and then you can tell the customer: Hey, we have an experience workshop prepared for you. Shall we do it together?

00:04:11 And why not getting experiences, more and more, in the Cloud for Customer solution? So that is this offering all about.

00:04:20 And whenever we do this workshop together with partners and also our internal SAP colleagues, we put everything into a single SAP Jam group in order to share all materials with you afterwards.

00:04:35 Also, we will make available everything that you need to sell, to position, and induce your audience with SAP Cloud for Customer.

00:04:47 With that, thank you very much for watching. And also stay tuned and check out the follow-up videos that we offer.

00:04:57 And I’m looking forward to the next session. Thank you very much.

Week 1, Modul 1 video 1

00:00:10 Hello everyone, welcome to the digital version of our Cloud for Customer Experience workshop. My name is Alexander Schroeter, I am Vice President in the Product Management organization for Cloud for Customer.

00:00:20 And with the team I am responsible for Financial Services in Cloud for Customer and for APJ and MEE region. In module 1a of this workshop I would like to introduce the Customer Engagement and Commerce portfolio,

00:00:35 how our Cloud for Customer fits in, and also provide a quick overview on our strategy and what is behind. To set this in context, the Cloud for Customer Experience workshop consists of different modules, six modules here.

00:00:51 And you see we are in module 1, and in general we will cover all different dimensions of the product: Functional overviews for sales, service, marketing, integration, architecture, key user tools, extensibility.

00:01:07 And this you will find in all these different other modules, and we have recorded about fifteen videos and then cut these in smaller pieces for you.

00:01:18 To start with a quick introduction, and this is not spectacular news for anyone: Technology is developing faster and faster and this has impacts on all dimensions of life.

00:01:31 So for us as end consumers, as end customers we are affected also in our roles as employees, and of course also our partners and customers are affected.

00:01:42 And especially our customers, they absolutely see a value in all these technology terms that you see here on the slide. They absolutely would like to leverage these technologies

00:01:56 and would bring them in their existing system landscapes, but they just cannot do it. So if we talk to them, if we ask and discuss with them, it’s just not possible.

00:02:04 They have a global ERP rollout or CRM rollout or whatever, and two or to agree other projects - it’s not possible. So, we as SAP, as a company, we invest more than 2 billion euros to be leading in these different technologies.

00:02:21 And what we do is not only provide these technologies, but we converge them in our products and then we deliver them to our customers more and more in the cloud.

00:02:32 So this is how we address this dilemma of our customers: innovations delivered in the cloud. That is why the term cloud is a little bit in higher capitals here, bigger letters.

00:02:42 That is our answer. Again, what does it mean for the customers, for the end customers, for the customers of our customers?

00:02:50 I mean they are digitally connected, they are always mobile, they are very well informed. The mobile device is basically the remote control for their life.

00:03:02 Everything is about very quick access. They expect a convenient, consistent customer experience

00:03:10 across all possible interaction channels to a company with which they want to interact. They want to reach the company 24 hours/7 days.

00:03:20 So these are all higher expectations that end consumers, that customers have today. And this is basically what drives our strategy.

00:03:30 So it’s about omni-channel today. In digital transformation this is imperative. It is not optional, it is really imperative.

00:03:39 And on top of this, data is the fuel and the context makes the difference. Not only can make a difference, but makes a difference.

00:03:49 Imagine you are in the interaction with a customer and you can leverage all the information that you have about a customer.

00:03:56 You can be meaningful in the conversation when he is in the shopping basket, when you are on the phone with him and want to sell something, when he has a complaint.

00:04:06 When he has hanged up, when he has left the shopping basket, time is over; it is a complete different story. So, we think companies should engage the individual by delivering

00:04:19 real-time, contextual, consistent and relevant experiences regardless of the channel, on every device and through the complete customer journey

00:04:32 with a complete new generation of systems of engagement. So this is our fundamental believe.

00:04:40 When you look at the strategy, again, more and more innovation will come through the cloud: Innovation across marketing, sales, service, commerce, mobile, whatever - in the cloud.

00:04:54 And at the same time we address this dilemma I mentioned before that our customers have. They have invested millions and billions of euros in existing enterprise systems.

00:05:04 They of course will replace parts of that over time, but in the medium and long term they will not rip and replace everything.

00:05:10 The future will be hybrid, and we deliver innovation in the cloud and ensure at the same time

00:05:17 that this fits on top of their existing investments. So that is our strategy, that resonates very well,

00:05:24 and we are SAP, the cloud company, powered by SAP HANA, and we encourage our customers to go this way with us.

00:05:32 We propose use cases to them, we want to encourage them to get a better understanding of our cloud offerings.

00:05:39 It’s new for them, and it makes absolutely sense together with them to identify use cases like mobility on top of their existing systems,

00:05:49 a quick Cloud for Customer implementation in a region where not the big CRM is rolled out, or in general if they have requirements in sales, service, or other areas, so Cloud for Customer would be a perfect fit.

00:06:05 In addition to that, insight or insight into action is another key pillar of our strategy. What does that mean?

00:06:11 That means that we, since many years, enable the end user in sales, in service, in marketing to have all the information at their fingertips that they need to make the relevant decisions in their business task.

00:06:27 So they need to have all the information at their fingertips to make the right decisions. On top of that, with all these millions and billions of data points

00:06:36 that are available in your systems of record, in your enterprise systems, the internet, in social media, you can leverage these today.

00:06:44 But it’s of course a challenge for the business user, for the end user in sales, service, marketing, to make sense of that. And that’s why we think it’s very important that we have them get there arms around these massive volumes of data

00:06:57 and that’s why we invest significantly in predictive analytics. So predictive really helps you to make sense of this millions, billions data points

00:07:05 for the sales guys, sales reps, sales managers. It shows them what are the leads that you should focus on.

00:07:12 What should you propose, what should you sell, what other similar customers have bought in the past. What are the topics that you should raise in a meaningful sales conversation?

00:07:22 It makes upsell, cross-sell offerings, but it also optimizes for the marketers, campaigns, cluster analysis. It provides you information on churn probability:

00:07:34 Which customers are at risk to go to the competition, staff like that. So a lot of different use cases, another investment focus in our strategy.

00:07:45 At the end, and this is again a must today, we need to cover all touch points and channels. We have seen this interaction: One day the customer calls in, then he wants to shop online, via different devices.

00:08:00 The customer expects that we have all the information, that we are meaningful. And this is another key pillar of the strategy that we cover these requirements.

00:08:11 So, and here you see how this is reflected in our portfolio. We are not talking about CRM any longer, but about Customer Engagement and Commerce.

00:08:19 At SAP we have the largest portfolio in this area consisting of sales, service, marketing, e-commerce,

00:08:28 really a huge integrated end-to-end portfolio. Key differentiators, as you can see, on the one hand side covering all the different channels on top of the screen.

00:08:40 Then industries are a key differentiator with all the investments and the big industry expert groups that we have in the organization. Capabilities in CEC, in Cloud for Customer to differentiate.

00:08:53 Then here it’s about predictive, mobile, offline, staff like that. And all that running on the market-leading technology platform, SAP HANA Cloud Platform,

00:09:03 which provides us all these mechanisms with big data, predictive, that I've mentioned before. So, join us. There is a huge demand for new capabilities in sales, service, marketing, and commerce.

00:09:19 And it is an absolute growth business. We will be happy to work with you. And I would also like to encourage you to watch the other videos on the other modules.

00:09:28 Thank you very much.

Week 1 Modul 1 video 2

00:00:10 Hello everyone, welcome to the digital version of our Cloud for Customer Experience workshop. My name is Alexander Schroeter.

I’m Vice President in the project management organization for Cloud for Customer.

00:00:20 With the team we’re responsible for financial service industries within Cloud for Customer and for APJ and MEE region.

00:00:28 So I would like to introduce or provide an overview of the Customer Engagement and Commerce portfolio in a little bit more detail than in the first module,

00:00:38 and the focus will clearly be on Cloud for Customer. To quickly set the context again:

00:00:45 This digital version of a Cloud for Customer Experience workshop contains different modules and we have cut it into about 15 videos.

00:00:54 So we will have deep-dives on most of what I’m presenting in this module 1b. In the last module we stopped with the portfolio overview, so a quick recap here.

00:01:08 You see here the market-leading, most comprehensive Customer Engagement and Commerce portfolio, so the most comprehensive portfolio for sales, service, marketing, and commerce.

00:01:19 We differentiate with industries, with predictive, with mobile, with UI capabilities, with comprehensive end-to-end functionalities, capabilities, integration.

00:01:34 And then all of this sitting on the market-leading SAP HANA Cloud Platform where we leverage big data and other technologies and services to do

00:01:45 and to enable our customers to do things that they couldn’t do before and can’ t do with any other player in the market.

00:01:54 And now, Cloud for Customer: So within the Customer Engagement and Commerce portfolio, Cloud for Customer especially covers sales and service and a little bit of marketing.

00:02:07 But for Marketing we also do have a, let’s say, Mercedes or Rolls Royce of marketing, which is hybris Marketing which I will introduce at the end of the presentation.

00:02:17 Within Cloud for Customer we have strong capabilities, very comprehensive capabilities in sales, some in marketing and then also a lot in service.

00:02:27 Again, deep-dive videos are available on the functionalities. In sales it’ s about customer activity management, lead management,

00:02:35 opportunity management, visit planning, order taking, quotations. And then in marketing you can quickly segment your customers,

00:02:44 you can use e-mail templates, invite to events, trigger campaigns, define triggers when the customer opens, what happens then,

00:02:56 a lead is created automatically, strong analysis, stuff like that. And in service we have omni-channel service, we have a contact center.

00:03:06 We do have social engagement. The social channel in service is very interesting. We also have very strong field service capabilities.

00:03:22 And here, quickly, the top-ten highlights of the products. At the end these are also key differentiators to our competitors.

00:03:32 First of all, we’re very beautiful. This is a highly subjective topic, but a typical feedback from our customers is really:

00:03:40 Wow! This is SAP? We can’t believe it! You see here some example screenshots - very easy to use, looks very beautiful.

00:03:52 And you might test yourself and judge yourself, but again, this is the typical feedback we get. And you know how important it is for sales and service users

00:04:02 that the product is easy to use and also really is beautiful. Insightful is another key strength or strong reporting capability that, in the end,

00:04:11 in every role that I am as a Sales Manager, Sales Rep, Service Rep, or whatever, I always have quick access to key KPIs as you see it here on the iPad or on the iPhone.

00:04:22 I directly see aggregates, how is my pipeline, how are articles looking in a service area. I can directly jump to the one single opportunity or the one single ticket:

00:04:35 What is happening here, who do I need to get this closed or fixed? So that‘ s very good to use.

00:04:45 Mobility is a key strengths, including online and offline capabilities. So analysts are surprised to see that with SAP, with Cloud for Customer,

00:04:56 our customers are really running with tablets and mobile devices on the street, so their customers are using it, so high acceptance and really in use.

00:05:07 Predictive is about helping the sales user, the service user to focus on the right topics, What are the most promising leads, what are the tickets that are close to escalation?

00:05:21 What are the key influencers, the most influential people that I should leverage to close a certain deal. Stuff like that. Then we have Collaboration embedded really in the product.

00:05:35 That means people are working together seamlessly within the CRM or sales or service community, but also beyond within the enterprise and even beyond the enterprise with partners and customers.

00:05:49 So, let s take the example of the sales audience. For example, you want to quickly set up a collaboration room for a certain opportunity.

00:06:01 I set up a collaboration room. This is automatically populated with all the data from the opportunity. The sales team is invited. And then everyone is automatically updated on the progress of this opportunity.

00:06:16 So very effective collaboration around the business. Integration is key. So we have integration that nobody else in the market can match.

00:06:28 I mean ERP, SAP ERP is a standard, and if you want to have a complete 360 degree on the business, not only the front office,

00:06:37 and if you really want to have end-to-end processes and stick to your promises, check availabilities, everything, we can do things that nobody else can do.

00:06:47 Typically big companies are coming back to us. They often have tried with the competition but they see, it s just not working.

00:06:56 Maybe here and there a little bit batch integration, but real-time integration where you really have value, get value out of it,

00:07:03 this is only possible with SAP and I will come to that in a little bit more detail. Security is also of highest importance to our customers.

00:07:12 We deliver Cloud for Customer for different data centers around the world. I’m now here in Walldorf. In Germany we have the data center in Rot.

00:07:21 The backup is under the cafeteria in Walldorf. All the lines between is property of SAP, the data centers, so security is high.

00:07:31 Nobody is allowed to get access. All the certificates for the data security are available.

00:07:40 If customers want to know about that, we can provide that. And we, of course, can also invite them to visit our data centers.

00:07:47 Typically this is an interesting event for them. They typically like it very much. Future-proof: That lies in the nature of a cloud product in general.

00:08:00 Within SAP we combine it with the topic of leading technology. So, you remember, I mean we are really investing more than two billion EUR in research and development

00:08:11 to be leading in all these different technology categories. And then we bring this in our products:

00:08:17 Big data, mobile, social collaboration, whatever, you name it, cloud. So we ensure that customers can always leverage latest technologies

00:08:29 and have the best possible leverage and use of this technology for the end users. Examples are - I mean we started, a couple of years back, with Cloud for Customer.

00:08:41 At the beginning we were not on HANA. We changed that in the meantime. For the customer it is a non-event.

00:08:47 They just benefit from the positive effects of running on HANA. We as SAP, by the way, also take profit of that: We can lower the prices.

00:08:59 Or we could lower the prices. And other things where we started with the Silverlight UI in the past.

00:09:04 At that time it was the best option. Now we’re going to responsive HTML5, now we are using responsive HTML5.

00:09:11 So again, we are doing that. The customer doesn’t have to run projects, upgrade projects, database migration projects.

00:09:19 We are doing that - preparing the customer, informing the customer, and again, for them it should, at the end, be a non-event.

00:09:27 Quickly, I would now like to show the product and... So I have here an iPad. I’ m now switching to the role of a Sales Manager.

00:09:40 And I have all my information here at my fingertips. And very quick, look and feel, only: I open here the left-hand side.

00:09:49 I see here my upcoming activities. What is my plan for today, what are my tasks, what am I supposed to do?

00:09:55 At the top of the screen, I typically see then here information related to the customers that I’ m visiting today. Then you see all the different tiles. These are the KPIs,

00:10:08 the key information that is relevant for me when I start my day or during the day. I see here the forecast. I see my shelf, the performance, win ratio, whatever.

00:10:18 I can easily personalize that, adapt it to my taste: What is relevant for me? And just to give you a quick example here, I start now here with the pipeline.

00:10:28 As a Sales Manager this is where I have to be on top of things every day. I personally like a different view on that, the column chart. I see the pipeline.

00:10:39 I see here the different phases: Decision phase, Identify, Quotation phase. I go here to Decision phase and then I see here the 1.9m US dollar opportunity, owned by Simon Dechent.

00:10:55 So this is critical for me and my team, so I quickly just annotate this here and send it to Simon. Okay.

00:11:14 Dechent … I should be able to better spell my colleague here. Okay, but I mean you get the idea.

00:11:25 Then I enter here: We need to get this closed. Do you need any help? And so on and so forth.

00:11:40 And then I can directly send it here to my colleague and take action. What also is important, I mean I directly want to switch and jump to the opportunity itself.

00:11:50 I want to understand what it is about in more detail. I see here all the details to the opportunity:

00:11:56 the customer, responsible persons, priority, deal size, again, and whatever. Here I can also go to different other topics within the opportunity,

00:12:06 and then, just to complete this very quickly, on the left-hand side, as a power user I have now a lot of other capabilities within Cloud for Customer.

00:12:18 I have here Feed, Customers, Visits, People, Marketing, Sales, Activities, Competitors, Products, and so on and so forth, and can do all my work from here

00:12:28 whether I am on the street, mobile, offline, on any device. Again, deep-dive videos will be also available on top of this.

00:12:42 Now I have to get back the remote control. Here it is. And the next topic that we have in Cloud for Customer,

00:12:53 I mentioned it before, is in module 1, industry focus, also here industry focus. So we‘ re also differentiating via industries.

00:13:01 So the key message to you as our partners is, I mean, every customer at the end is in a certain industry.

00:13:07 We support here key industries as of today and more is to come. And I mean in automotive we have the vehicle object,

00:13:15 in chemicals it’ s about the sample management process that's very important. Consumer goods: It’ s about retail execution, the visit planning process,

00:13:23 how does the perfect store look like, stuff like that. In banking, it’s about supporting the client manager in the sales team.

00:13:31 We have products here for wealth management and commercial banking where we allow to have a unique view for each of the different specialist teams on their business

00:13:42 and for the customer from their perspective, but then we can also roll it up and unify the bank again and generate a complete picture

00:13:50 across all these different dimensions or business divisions. In insurance we have here processes around from lead to policy.

00:13:59 Again, supporting here the agent, the captive agent, to most effectively work with his clients, all the information at his fingertips, also mobile.

00:14:10 Then in high tech we have the design registration process, in utilities, commercial selling and industrial selling.

00:14:18 So we here are also leveraging a lot of the assets we have in the back office, make this available to the sales guys

00:14:24 and they can be very meaningful in the discussion with their customers. Retail, the in-store associate:

00:14:31 You walk into a store and you’re directly being recognized as a value customer. They have all the information about you and can make meaningful offerings to be really relevant.

00:14:43 Then some other topics in professional service, public sector: Again, one deep-dive session will be available on this as well.

00:14:52 Topic of integration. Again, mentioned before. So we have everything that our customers need.

00:15:00 We have the technologies like process integration, PI. Many customers are running this today, they can just leverage this when they want to use it,

00:15:09 If they have no integration technologies, we also have a middleware in the cloud. this is HCI, HANA Cloud Integration.

00:15:16 And, so these are the technologies, the tools, and then on top of this we provide the integration content. We call it iFlows.

00:15:25 I will show that in more detail on the next slide. So this allows you or this runs then in PI or HCI

00:15:31 and allows seamless integration between the different systems. So on the one hand side this only ensures that you really have real-time business integration

00:15:43 with all the advantages and, of course, also minimizes risks, leverages the existing investments of our customers.

00:15:52 And I mean it’s also about reliable upgrades, money saving and so on and so forth. And here just as an example, and I don’ t want you to look at all of this in detail,

00:16:03 but this shows you, at the top of the screen, SAP Cloud for Customer and then the ERP below, how the integration works. This is, let’s say, at the end, the iFlows, the integration content.

00:16:15 And then you can open this directly, you can see all the field mappings. And this is very powerful.

00:16:22 So integration can be done within days or weeks instead of months or years and not working at all.

00:16:31 So you get it done with SAP. It’s very, very powerful. Feedback is very positive. And we even have some partners now that already offer this at a fix price

00:16:41 because they know what they can talk about. Here the next example: This is the Cloud for Customer Integration tool, CRM on premise.

00:16:50 That doesn’t mean that you have to run on premise but if you have it, you can continue to run it.

00:16:55 Again, innovation comes on top here. For example, let’ s say, leverage mobile scenarios

00:17:00 but you can also leverage here all the existing investments in the SAP CRM on-premise world. And of course, this goes on:

00:17:09 We have integration then also to other hybris Marketing, Commerce, and so on and so forth. Also very important when we talk about a software product or a service, a cloud service,

00:17:28 customers need to be able to personalize it, to adapt it, to configure it and even to extend it. So it’s nothing... It’s not what you see is what you get and you cannot adapt it to your needs.

00:17:40 We know, that’s one of the first questions we get from customers: We have here a certain specialty or this and that is very unique in our business.

00:17:47 We want to modify it, adapt it, or even extend it, integrate it to other solutions. And what I want to say with the slide is basically, we have all the options

00:17:58 and we have, at the end, very powerful tools here in this flexibility spectrum. So we invested thousands of man-days to do most of the adaptations,

00:18:13 configurations, extensions with key user tools, So this means that these are very easy to learn, very easy to use to perform the respective task.

00:18:26 And then, of course, we have also tools that are more addressed to the experts, consultants, and partners, or experts, IT experts for development and heavy integration.

00:18:40 But we have it all and it’s just, I mean it’s amazing: The consultants, the partners, they like it, they give very positive feedback.

00:18:49 I mean it starts with the project scoping. What you do here is, and really all the methodology is embedded in the product, you start with the scoping:

00:18:58 I want to go live in these and those countries. Here you pick the countries. I want to do sales and service, I want to do opportunity management, lead management, whatever.

00:19:06 You pick this, you define that and then the system automatically generates you the respective activities. And you are guided through the activities and then on top of that you can adapt,

00:19:17 you add fields, of course, directly on the mobile device, you adapt objects, screens, whatever. Most of that is very easy and also the heavy lifting can be done with the respective tools.

00:19:33 Then we also leverage, of course, HANA Cloud Platform, so especially to you, the partners: If you want to, let’s say, develop your own stuff,

00:19:42 and you want to maybe reuse it or even monetize it on our app store, then HANA Cloud Platform is a very powerful platform to do that.

00:19:51 You can leverage all the different services around mobility, portal, integration, whatever. And to do so and, again, you might even consider to build certain things

00:20:05 that are also running on their own, like, I don’t know, event management or similar topics, add it to the app store and then monetize it via the store.

00:20:17 Where are we in the market? Are we successful or not? I mean we started with four customers in 2012. The beginning is always hard.

00:20:25 And today we have about 550 customers. We are adding customers every other day. Customers in 49 countries and 25 industries.

00:20:35 You see here the logos in all these different industries. The smallest customer has about 10 users, the biggest has about 63,000 users.

00:20:46 When you talk to your customers we will always find examples, mostly cases in their industries. And, I mean, just to mention here a few big successes:

00:20:57 TUI was a big success with 15,000 users for Cloud for Customer, on top of this 50,000 additional users for Jam, for the collaboration.

00:21:09 Good Year, a global project. Nestlé, very big: We started here with Nespresso, replacing Salesforce.

00:21:20 Now even Nestlé likes that so much that they also are going with us. Nespresso maybe, as a subsidiary, as a daughter of Nestlé, is a very interesting case.

00:21:34 They’re really following our omni-channel strategy, doing commerce, covering all the channels - so an excellent story here.

00:21:43 Then we have also very positive feedbacks from analysts. You see here just some examples at the end, confirming that we’re not me-too;

00:21:52 so we are really next generation, leveraging these leading technological capabilities in the areas of social, mobile, analytics. So very interesting.

00:22:04 Then Forrester conducted a return-on-investment study. They, at the beginning of last year, looked at four different Cloud for Sales customers,

00:22:13 they made an artificial aggregate of these customers and they derived the huge return on investment here: 655%.

00:22:23 I mean a number is not so relevant, but we can provide you more details if required. So some other feedback here, then also positive from Gartner,

00:22:33 more from Forrester, also customer feedback, here AkzoNobel. AkzoNobel, I had a personal great experience.

00:22:42 I was presenting the integration in more detail in a chemical executive council here at Walldorf. Suddenly, the guy from AkzoNobel stood up and I thought: Oh, what’s happening now?

00:22:55 And then he was confirming everything I said: That it is so powerful, that they just didn’t get done the integration with Salesforce,

00:23:04 That they are now very happy. That they have a high adoption. All the other customers were directly invited to look at this and were very interested.

00:23:12 So the market potential, demand, request for this is huge. And I mean it was just for me a great personal experience.

00:23:21 And at the end, I mean, we do not have to be shy. We are not shy, we are bold. But just if you look here at the reality: This is here about the Gartner Magic Quadrants.

00:23:34 They have 13 quadrants in the area of Customer Engagement and Commerce. And if you look at this here, right part of this screen, we are in 12 of them,

00:23:44 in 12 of 13 versus Salesforce, Microsoft is only in 5 of them. We’re leaders in 5 of them, and the competition here only in 2 or 1.

00:23:53 So I mean this is also, I think, a clear message. We are very ambitious. Customer Engagement & Commerce and Cloud for Customer innovation topics

00:24:03 with a high priority and investment topics, strategic, and topics for SAP - that’s where we are and where the market sees us.

00:24:17 What we also launched at SAPPHIRE is Digital for Customer Engagement. What we also launched at SAPPHIRE is Digital for Customer Engagement.

00:24:21 This is, at the end, let’s say, a slightly reduced version of Cloud for Customer. The key differentiators or the key differences are that this is not to be extended.

00:24:32 This is, what you see is what you get. So extensibility is out and you also cannot integrate it. This is more supposed to be for individuals, for small teams that want to start.

00:24:48 This is also where we encourage our customers or you could as partners encourage your customers to start with a trial version.

00:24:56 You get it within 15 minutes. After registration you can do it with 1 user. So also some partners started here to have something

00:25:08 that they can show to others or to play around with it. Interesting is also that you can upgrade the tenant that you directly get here,

00:25:16 also later together with you - our partners, our customers - can do that to a full fledge Cloud for Customer version where you then can do also all these extensions and integrations to other systems.

00:25:31 So you see here also the link to the SAP store, the new SAP store. We would like to encourage to check the offering to also propose it, introduce it to your customers?

00:25:43 It’s a very interesting offering. Here on the next slide you see, quickly again, the key product capabilities:

00:25:49 SFA, e-mail, visit management, whatever. So again, a big portion of what we have in Cloud for Customer is included here.

00:26:00 You can also upload your data from Excel, Outlook, Outlook context and whatever. You have full mobile support but again no integration here and no extension.

00:26:12 This is also the beauty of it. It’s a very simple product to work with. And you can absolutely work with it.

00:26:20 And then later, if you see this is something more strategic for you and your enterprise, you might also want to integrate it in other products and in processes like ERP and whatever.

00:26:30 So it’s not a one-way street. Here very quickly is the pricing for this offering and this also shows you

00:26:38 how Cloud for Customer generally is priced. It’s priced by the user, per user, per month.

00:26:47 The more users, and the longer the contract, the smaller the number that we will charge to our customers, our partners.

00:26:56 So that’s the story here. Then the next topic, hybris Marketing.

00:27:02 Again, I said it and it’s very important, we have some functionalities in Cloud for Customer, but if you’re really looking for the Mercedes or the Rolls Royce of Marketing,

00:27:12 then it’s hybris Marketing. At the end, it’s something that should be relevant for all customers that are serious with marketing.

00:27:21 So, if you really - I mean, the key challenge that marketers have today is the data. The customer data is split across so many different data silos.

00:27:32 They just cannot really leverage it. They can bring it to IT, get some results back, they are not really happy.

00:27:38 So, hybris Marketing will not be everything for all marketing organizations, but it will be or is, at the end, a must

00:27:49 because it can do things that nobody else on the market can do. It breaks down these data silos and helps you to bring all this data together, makes sense of it.

00:27:57 You can segment over your customers across all these different data types in your enterprise systems, in the internet, in social media,

00:28:06 and you can make sense of that - of millions, billions data points in real time. So here a simplistic view: On the left hand side the customer,

00:28:15 and you see then here, of course, with big data technologies and HANA, we can understand what happened in the past.

00:28:24 But then we can also directly understand what is happening now during our conversation, during our interaction with the customer.

00:28:34 Be it personal on the phone, be it on the web shop, or wherever. And then, on top of this, we can even use all that information

00:28:42 and predict what they may be doing, so with a high accuracy, and this is revolutionary. Again, we can be meaningful in real time, we can be relevant.

00:28:53 And this, of course increases the probability that a deal is being closed, that you have a positive user experience and customer engagement

00:29:05 by, I don’t know, an unbelievable big portion. So this is spectacular and we would encourage you to look in more detail in this portfolio.

00:29:18 So it started with Customer Engagement Intelligence. That was completely new, newly developed on HANA

00:29:27 to leverage the capabilities of HANA to the maximum extent. Again, we can do here things that nobody else can do.

00:29:33 High volume segmentation as an example: You go across all these data silos, you segment according to all these most different criteria,

00:29:44 get meaningful target groups and make relevant offerings here. Then also you can really understand the value of your customers.

00:29:52 At the end you can look at all your customers on a Boston Consulting Group-like portfolio. Let’s say, high revenues, high margin. You directly can see here:

00:30:03 Who are the customers that have a high margin and high revenues, low margin, low revenues? Where are they?

00:30:09 You can understand the patterns, you can compare them, you see why those customers from within a certain customer segment are successful

00:30:19 or that you are successfully selling to them and others not, and you directly get recommendations what you should offer them.

00:30:26 You get guidance as a sales person to have the right discussion on the right topic and to position the right topic

00:30:35 so that the probability that you sell is much higher and the customer satisfaction is much higher. And then it was also about, I mean, contact intelligence,

00:30:44 that you can really record all the interactions across all the interaction channels that you have to your customers.

00:30:52 You can directly understand what they are talking about, what the sentiment is, which of your products they’re interested in.

00:31:01 You can also work to get the anonymous contact, that maybe checked out your web site, and transform it into a buying customer, so very powerful capabilities in this area.

00:31:14 This was combined with an acquisition, SeeWhy, a retargeting solution. Basically, that’s, at the end, to describe it in a simple way: You go to a web site.

00:31:26 I was doing that in the addidas shop. I wanted to buy football shoes. And then this comes back, sends you e-mails again: Buy it, buy it, buy it.

00:31:36 At a certain point of time you give up and you buy the product, so very powerful. It’s a bit more than I described it here. And then we added a lot of other capabilities.

00:31:45 So, at the end it’s a very comprehensive marketing platform, again, that can do the things that customers want to do, that they couldn’t do before.

00:31:56 At the end you might want to use the one or other third-party product. We are not replacing everything in the area of marketing, there are so many products out there,

00:32:07 but this is something that is relevant to everyone. And there will be, of course, other assets and information available for this product, too.

00:32:18 Then last but not least, very powerful, hybris Commerce. And here I don’ t want to spend too much time.

00:32:24 Again, we have a lot of materials and assets, and hybris Commerce is the clear market leader in the area of commerce.

00:32:32 We at SAP made the decision to acquire the company, quite some time ago. It is the clear market leader.

00:32:43 Customers, before the acquisition, came to us and told us, guys, you have a great CRM product,

00:32:48 but in the area of commerce the clear choice for us is hybris. Some of them even recommended us to buy, to acquire hybris. We did that.

00:32:57 Now we own here the best asset in this class of software and we even now add value with further integration into the SAP portfolio.

00:33:09 So every time when it is about e-commerce or other commerce, commerce across all these different interaction channels,

00:33:17 then hybris Commerce should be the natural choice. So very simple pitch at the end.

00:33:23 Here just a quick example. You all know the guy. I mentioned the Nespresso example before.

00:33:29 So again, a great omni-channel story: Cloud for Customer included as a key part of it but then also hybris Commerce,

00:33:37 and now they are looking at hybris Marketing and other products, too. So to quickly wrap up: Why do customers choose SAP Cloud for Customer?

00:33:49 This has many different reasons. New, and we were not known for that in the past, is usability.

00:33:57 You see it here in capital letters: Usability, Mobility, Integration, the Brand, Industry, Beautiful.

00:34:04 There are a lot of reasons why you should go with Cloud for Customer. It’s the most modern product in this area for sales and service.

00:34:13 Again, a core component of the Customer Engagement and Commerce portfolio. So, with that said, again, I would like to encourage you to join us.

00:34:26 Cloud for Customer on its own, it’s a triple-digit growth market opportunity. It‘s leading next generation sales and service capabilities.

00:34:34 And grow your business with SAP Cloud for Customer and why not run it on your own to boost your business.

00:34:42 There is a very attractive discount in place for partners. You want to know more? Get in touch and we will share more information.

00:34:51 Thank you very much for your time and interest, and I hope you will also enjoy the other modules and videos.

00:34:57 Bye, bye. Thank you very much.

Week 1 modul 2 video 1

00:00:09 Hello and welcome to the functional part of the Cloud Experience workshop. I’ m going to present, first of all, the Sales Manager. My name is Simon Dechent.

00:00:19 I’ m from the Product Management side.And after showing the Sales Management role I will jump over to the Sales Rep role but that will be in a separate video. That I will show you later. So you can watch that later.

00:00:29 Actually, what we are going to look at is a very simple process, starting with a Sales Manager, starting his iPad,

00:00:41 and starting our Cloud for Customer application on it. He will check his KPIs, his most important KPIs. We look how is business is evolving over time

00:00:50 and also then what appointments, what customer meetings he does have today. Right, and then later on, we will also jump into the pipeline to see

00:00:59 if there is any very valuable opportunity in the pipeline that we could go after to make our quota this quarter.

00:01:08 And once we have identified this opportunity, that is very valuable for us, then we will update the forecast and notify the Sales Rep that is going after this opportunity to really help us to make our quota.

00:01:21 So therefore, we are jumping to the iPad. That's what you see as a Sales Manager as the very first thing in the morning. You see that there is many KPIs that we have here. Of course, all these KPIs are definable as the sales role

00:01:37 so the Sales Manager wants to see it. What do we see here? I mean we have the Forecast available. We have the Stalled Deals, the Win Ratio which is pretty good, with 100%.

00:01:49 Then we have our Pipeline, our Performance and, of course, we can also drill into those KPIs. I mean that’s very nicely illustrated here in this visualization.

00:02:00 And let’s just quickly jump into Performance KPI, for example. What we see here is, very nicely on the left side, that we have the different opportunities

00:02:10 and the win ratio but that’s just the very first level of drill down which we can make. All the data, that you see here, is basically not pre-aggregated data. It‘s all aggregated on the fly.

00:02:23 You see in the upper right corner there is this little 3-minutes-ago Last Refresh And when we pull down the whole application, then it’s refreshing again.

00:02:35 So now we have the latest information from the server. This is just possible due the power of HANA. Now, but let’s go through the story flow. I mean on the left side you can also see there is a little arrow.

00:02:48 When we click this little arrow we see that there is also our appointments, the upcoming appointments. There we can also have an integration to all the different groupware systems.

00:02:58 What we want to do now is, we want to drill into this final meeting that we have with Firstcome Electronics here and see what it is about. So it’s really the final meeting and after that we want to have the signature.

00:03:13 Meaning – let’s look at the notes here. There is two people coming with me and this is the final meeting. There is some note: This is the final meeting. So we can give up to 20% discount to make this deal.

00:03:26 All right. So let’s check our pipeline here.

00:03:30 What we first want to do, I mean you have seen now that we can have some drill-down capability here, into the reports. But now we can do some much more sophisticated drill-down capability directly on the device.

00:03:44 So, I’ m a Sales Manager. Shortly before a customer meeting, waiting for the customer, and I’ m pressing on the little four tiles that you see in the upper-right corner.

00:03:54 And everything what you see here now, is some predefined KPIs and these dashboards consist of different KPIs.

00:04:03 Of course, all of those KPIs and dashboards, they are completely definable. That’s just some best practice what we have here. What we’ll do now, we’ll look at the Pipeline Funnel. Just to show you how easy it is to drill down in the different angels of the business.

00:04:18 There is this little arrow in the upper-right corner of the Pipeline Funnel. We click on this one, I don’t need that one anymore - then we can see some filter criteria on the right side.

00:04:30 Now, I mean it’s a Pipeline Funnel. So, why not looking at it in a slightly different format. It’s a funnel chart what we want to see here. So let‘s just quickly change to funnel chart.

00:04:41 And now it’s really nice what you can do here with interaction with the system. We just drill, we click into the report, and then we can actually grab all the opportunities in the decision phase

00:04:53 and now we go even one step further down, setting some filter. ABC Classification. I want to see all the opportunities in the decision phase from my A-Account.

00:05:04 So, let’s just select all the A-Accounts. Now, I want to see at which accounts I have this opportunity. Let‘ s set an additional filter with Account.

00:05:15 But now the visualization, we need to change that, right? We have all the opportunities in the decision phase with my A-Accounts.

00:05:22 Now I want to see - Show me all the big opportunities out there. So I’ m selecting the bar chart. Now I see the size of the opportunity and the customer on the left side.

00:05:32 Now when I go further down her then, wow, we see that there is one huge opportunity.Let’ s quickly select that one. So after selecting this, we really came down from very a high level

00:05:44 which could be corporate level of data to - let’s go to the table. We are back to the single object to a single record in the system,

00:05:54 What you see here, Firstcome Electronics: 3.4 Million US Dollar deal. That seems to be a very good one. So let’s try to look at some more details.

00:06:04 What's the closing date of this opportunity? Then actually there are two. So there is one opportunity which is closing very, very soon. And if we can make it, then we’ll probably make our quota.

00:06:15 So let’s quickly check, who is responsible for that one, which Sales Rep. All right, so we are just down to this one single record.

00:06:26 Simon Dechent is responsible. So it’s my opportunity. It seems like I have a good pipeline. And then I’m also drilling to the main competitors because I want to know, as a Sales Manager, who is involved here.

00:06:40 So I can see there is Tokyo Electron involved. And Tokyo Electron is a very price-aggressive competitor of ours. So, what we do now is, we just quickly look at which opportunity exactly this is.

00:06:54 What is the description of the opportunity? And now we actually give it our Sales Rep, our Key Account Manager who is going to this account and is responsible for it.

00:07:04 We will make a notification: Hey, we found a nice opportunity here. Please go after that opportunity and try to pull it forward and really, really close it in this quarter.

00:07:15 So I’m sending out this as an e-mail notification to Simon. He is the Key Account owner: Please give up to 20% discount.

00:07:33 There is a strong competitor involved. This is going out to the Key Account Manager now. Now, let’s go back because we identified that there is a huge opportunity in the pipeline

00:07:43 and when we make it, then we actually will make our quota in this quarter. So, let’s go to the forecast because we are pretty sure that this opportunity will make it

00:07:56 with the 20% discount that we can give here. So we pull up the forecast and now we look at - okay, what was the last forecast? That was 600 million here.

00:08:08 Let’s press on Edit to see a new forecast. So we are creating a new forecast with a higher number here. That‘s going up.

00:08:18 There are some more opportunities, so by a few million, and we will save this new forecast. Now it’s editing the forecast and I’m actually seeing the next version of my forecast.

00:08:37 So, we see there is a slightly higher forecast now. Next icon on the right side on this little report - and it’s very quickly, on the mobile device, creating a new forecast.

00:08:47 That’s fantastic. Let’s just submit it and go back. Now, let’s quickly also check the pipeline of influence. So which opportunities are here in the pipeline?

00:08:59 So there was this one Q3 Sorting Machine opportunity which we have. And let’s quickly check what happened in the past here. So Simon Dechent has here the key account.

00:09:12 He is owning this opportunity and there is also Werner Schmidt, who is the Sales Director. He is also involved there.

00:09:19 And we can also see all the details to that opportunity and what has happened so far with this opportunity. So we can go to this one icon here. There was a telephone call.

00:09:32 Or there is actually a telephone call on the to get a verbal commitment from the customer.

00:09:39 And also there is a final meeting. We have seen that earlier to close or to discuss the solution approach. The final offer is actually today. We have to do this.

00:09:50 Right. But that was just very quickly what a Sales Manager can do on the mobile device, on every mobile device. We are completely device independent. So he can leverage whatever device he wants

00:10:03 and always have the latest information on his device with him, no matter where he is and when he has some time to analyze the pipeline.

00:10:13 Okay, with that the Sales Management piece is completed. And please make sure that you also watch the Sales Rep,

00:10:21 so the Key Account Management piece, which I will record in like 5 minutes. Thank you.

Week 1 Modul 2 video 2

00:00:09 Hello, this is Simon Dechent from the Product Management of Cloud for Customer. I hope you checked out my previous video of which is the Sales Manager related video

00:00:17 because the video you are looking at right now is a subsequent video. So, we have a story flow which builds on top of this one.

00:00:27 So, when you look at the story flow, what we did previously is, as a Sales Manager, and I was in a role of Sales Manager,

00:00:36 looking at the key KPIs, finding an important opportunity, updating the forecast and now we really identified the good opportunities to go after,

00:00:46 we notified the Sales Rep, the Key Account Manager, and now I’m jumping in the Key Account Manger side of the process and will conclude it.

00:00:55 So, I will now quickly jump also on the iPad, right, and I will check my e-mails. I’m starting my day as a Sales Rep, Key Account Manager, I’m looking into my e-mails.

00:01:07 My manager just sent me an e-mail, hey, you can give up to 20% discount for this opportunity because there is a strong competitor involved and we need to beat this competitor.

00:01:19 And they are always giving discount, a lot of discounts, so give up to 20% to make it. Right, so we will check the e-mails, we will then go into the system and there we will see:

00:01:29 Very similar, that’s the same application that we use actually as the Sales Manager, but of course we will only see our territory, only our opportunities and our accounts as a Sales Rep.

00:01:42 Then what we plan to do is, we will actually look at what is happening in this opportunity, what has happened so far, which tasks have been performed,

00:01:52 which interactions with the customer did we have, which calls with the customer. Then we want to check if there is anybody in our department or in our own company

00:02:04 who can help me to engage with that person who is at the end responsible for signing the deal at customer side. So we will drill into some pipeline influencers to see who did interact previously with that contact person at the customer side.

00:02:20 Then we will also directly jump to the operative part of the work and create a quotation out of the opportunity. Oh, there is a fly. And then we will give this 20 % discount, try to upsell a little bit,

00:02:34 and then we will get the signature at the end of our customer presentation and our customer meeting. Now we are jumping to the iPad and I hope you can see it now here.

00:02:45 What you see is that it looks very similar to what we had before with the sales management. It’s just that we see some different KPIs now.

00:02:55 Me as a Sales Rep, I need different KPIs than my Sales Manager. And of course, I only want to see only my territory, my accounts, my opportunities.

00:03:03 My Sales Manager, he needs also to see that of my peers. Let’s quickly go into the details here. I have some slightly different KPIs.

00:03:13 What I want to show is, I want to look at my Pipeline Influencers to see, actually, where are these opportunities that my manager was showing me.

00:03:24 And what we saw earlier, in the e-mails, there is this e-mail coming in from my manager. It was with a picture, saying, give up to 20% discount to make your quota, to win this deal.

00:03:39 Then we jumped to our operative work. And here we see our opportunity, now also the timeline of the opportunity.

00:03:47 We see the different tasks and calls, interactions I had with the customer, but now some more intelligence comes in here,

00:03:55 and that comes from the system and helps me actually to do my work better. I see my team, I see the competitor here, the products involved, but I can also drill down now,

00:04:05 and I’m clicking on the contact now, into the Top Influencer map, the pipeline influencers. And here I can see that Werner Schmidt is already in the sales team for this opportunity.

00:04:21 And I see that there is also Kate Jacob who is my manager, and she is very close to the circle, to the center of the circle as well.

00:04:30 So the closer you are to the center of the circle, the better influencer you are for the person in the center, so for Chen Zhong in that situation here.

00:04:40 So let me click on Kate Jacob quickly to pull up some more information on her. So here I can see that she has already done 33 deals with this contact person at customer side

00:04:52 and she did win 11 of them. So what we will do now is, we check out more information on Kate.

00:05:00 What did she do previously, which opportunities did she work on? Some information on the person, top influencer,

00:05:11 we see which opportunities she was working with. And there are also some opportunities where I was involved with her to sell this.

00:05:22 But now, let’s jump back and really incorporate her in the opportunity. We just pull her to the right and now she is added to the opportunity.

00:05:32 What does that mean for her? So she’s seeing all the updates on the opportunity. We have a feeds mechanism in Cloud for Customer

00:05:39 and that is the new way of always being up to speed with the opportunities, with the accounts, with the sales orders. Everything that happens to my opportunities, to my objects, I will see in the feeds.

00:05:52 And Kate Jacob is now in the sales team of this opportunity, so she is also seeing all the feeds here. So she is always seeing if there is something updated.

00:06:00 So now, we will jump back and she is automatically added to the sales team here. Already there, very responsive here.

00:06:08 Now we jumped one more back, and what we want to do is jump to the operative part of Cloud for Customer now. For that I’m pressing in the upper left corner and jump over to this site.

00:06:19 You have seen that in the video of Alexander Schroeter. You have the feeds mechanism, where you always see what happens, right?

00:06:27 The very first entry here is saying: There is Kate Jacob now also added to the sales team by Simon Dechent, so by me.

00:06:35 And she is seeing all the updates now. I’m now pressing on the left side to actually look at all the different objects that we have in Cloud for Customer.

00:06:46 And I’m really a key user now, right? I’m a power user. Let’s say it that way. And I can see a lot of information here. I can see my Customers.

00:06:57 I can see my Visits, visit planning, tour planning, Marketing. I can go to Sales, see the opportunity, leads, the quotes, the orders.

00:07:05 And also I have added for myself as a Sales Rep, I have also added the Service pieces, meaning that using this application, I cannot only do the Sales pieces like creating a sales order,

00:07:20 but when I am onsite at a customer and there is some unforeseen thing like the machine is broken and we need to send a service technician,

00:07:27 then I can also create a service ticket so that we can proactively involve also a service technician.

00:07:36 But coming back to the process, Kate Jacob was added to that opportunity. So let’s just click on the opportunity in the Feed space.

00:07:46 And now we click again on the little icon here and we jump to the opportunity.

00:08:09 Now what we see here is a 360 degree view of this opportunity with all involved: Customer, contact person, where did this opportunity come from, the opportunity source is in there.

00:08:22 And what we want to do now is, we actually have the permission to give 20% discount, my manager told me. So I am going to this little Edit button in the upper right corner.

00:08:36 First, of course, I want to create a quotation out of it and then we will give the discount. So we go to the sales document site and we press on the plus sign.

00:08:51 Now everything is copied over from the opportunity to the quotation. Now I’m pressing on Done. We are changing the object now, right?

00:09:01 You have seen Opportunity in the upper level first, and now we are seeing the Sales Quote. And in the Sales Quote we have different products, but we want to give discount on the header level.

00:09:12 So, we are going to Details. Now we go to this little pen and we give an overall discount of 20%.

00:09:21 So it’s 20% in there now. Actually, we want to add some additional product to give some goody to the customer to sign the deal.

00:09:32 We have in here the sorting machine and the product sorting and taping solution as of now, and 20% discount on the overall quotation.

00:09:43 Now we press on the little plus to add an additional product here and what we will add now is…. I know that person I want to sell to. This person likes beer.

00:09:54 So I’m giving this person some dark beer in addition as a little goody, 500 of this. I’m saving that, and then automatically the product is added to the quotation.

00:10:08 And when I press on Done now, I can actually get a preview of the whole quotation with the products, with the quantity, also with the discount,

00:10:19 and this is some configurable thing that we see here. So that’s the PDF that was generated automatically from the Cloud for Customer server.

00:10:28 We see the customer in here, some address lines, some little text in there, some description, which can be completely defined by our customers, of course.

00:10:39 It’s just a template what we have here. And we see the product pictures, we see the quantities, we see the actual prices,

00:10:47 and some additional dark beer that we’ll give the customer. And at the end we see also the 20% discount which we were giving

00:10:55 and the overall amount that we get at the end. But now the customer is happy with what he sees here, right?

00:11:04 So, what we can directly do here is taking a signature. And Cloud for Customer and this mobile device-agnostic approach that we have,

00:11:14 this is the device of engagement with the customer, so device of interaction. So we can actually directly get a signature here from the device.

00:11:23 So let’s press on signature. The customer can now sign. And this signature is now added at the end of the preview.

00:11:36 So let’s go to the Preview again because the customer really wants to see all the products and then the quantities, discount, and then the signature below it.

00:11:45 So when we go down, you see there is the signature now. Now the customer wants to have the quotation and the signature and everything.

00:11:53 He wants to get that printed out from his Wi-Fi printer that he has here. So I can directly use the native device features and also can send out via e-mail.

00:12:03 These native device features we can only use because we have a hybrid approach here with this app. So we have a container-based approach app where we basically have a stupid app, a stupid container,

00:12:16 but inside this app, there is HTML5 coding running. And the app container is just helping us to access the device APIs

00:12:25 for using printout, for using picture taking and things like this. Alright, so we can send this out to the contact person, we just sold to

00:12:36 and then we’re actually done with our story flow. What we did, to sum it up very quickly: Our manager was identifying a new opportunity

00:12:46 or an opportunity which is of very high value and closing pretty soon. He was notifying me that this is an important opportunity.

00:12:56 I was pulling in some additional people in that opportunity who could help me to sell better because in the past Kate Jacob was selling to that person, and successfully selling.

00:13:08 So it’s very collaborative what we do here. Then we went into the opportunity, we created a quotation,

00:13:17 with everything copied over directly from the opportunity. And, then at the end we got a signature and we sent it out.

00:13:24 And the next step could be that the quotation is going to ERP, to SAP ERP and an order is automatically generated.

00:13:33 So that’s a kind of a deep integration what we deliver out of the box from when you connect Cloud for Customer with ERP.

00:13:40 So thanks for listening to the Sales Management and also the Sales Rep piece now. We have seen the complete picture and if you have any question, then just reach out to me.

00:13:49 You have my contact data.

Week 1 Modul 2 video 3

00:00:09 Hello, this is Simon Dechent from the Product Management. I am now looking at module number 2 of our Cloud Experience Workshop,

00:00:17 and explicitly we will now look at the Marketing module of it. We have very nice Marketing functionality in Cloud for Customer. I presented that to a lot of customers,

00:00:27 and they were always saying, wow, that’s much more than we can do today. But, of course when you look at very sophisticated strategic marketing,

00:00:37 then you might look at our hybris Marketing Solution, which is more or less the Mercedes among the marketing solutions in SAP.

00:00:45 But have a look at the functionality that your customers need and look at what I am going to present today. Our Cloud for Customer Marketing functionality has very nice features in terms of backloop into the sales.

00:00:58 So from target group generation, over building up the marketing campaign to doing the follow-ups in the sales as the sales person.

00:01:09 So, let’s quickly look at the process. Number one will be of course, we will generate the target group.

00:01:16 That can be done with different notions, right? You can do it either with a standard filtered search, you can do it with reports that we enabled for generating of target groups.

00:01:29 But you can also do it on some graphical base. What we don’t have in Cloud for Customer, and therefore you would need hybris Marketing,

00:01:37 is a classical segmentation model, meaning really a drop-down where you can filter and set additional filters and so on. So that is really just available for the hybris Marketing piece.

00:01:51 So, when we look at the process, we will first look at making a target group, right so identifying the right customers I want to focus on with our marketing campaign that I’m going to shoot out.

00:02:03 So, we are going to make an e-mail campaign. After we identified the right customers to talk to, to engage with, we will build a marketing campaign, right?

00:02:15 And this is where the intelligence will come in. There will be a lot of filters that we can set like: Please send out this e-mail template to those customers.

00:02:28 And when the customer is clicking on a certain link, then we can do a follow-up action like creating a lead or creating a follow-up activity.

00:02:39 If the customer is opening the e-mail, then we can also do some notification to the sales rep or so on. So there is a lot possible here. And then of course we want to track what the customers are clicking in the e-mails.

00:02:52 And based on the clicks that the customers do, we are tracking always what are those customers doing with our e-mails. When I am sending a newsletter and the customer is opening it in like 2 days,

00:03:04 then we can automatically increase the engagement score with that customer, so that we see this customer is very interested in our products.

00:03:13 And when this customer is clicking in an e- mail from the type offer on a link that is called Schedule a Demo, then it seems the customer is really interested

00:03:23 and engaged with our products and our brand. So we can increase the engagement score even by a higher portion.

00:03:32 And at the end, if the customer has reached a certain engagement score, then we can automatically do a follow-up, sort of backloop into the sales, creating an activity, creating a sales lead directly.

00:03:44 So with that said, lets quickly jump into the demonstration, and now we will have a look at the browser. We are now in the HTML5-based browser UI of Cloud for Customer,

00:03:57 and first of all we will create the target group from here, so identifying the right customers to focus on. Let’s say that’s Walldorf target group, so I’m in Walldorf right now and I’m going to add a few customers to it.

00:04:16 So I press Save and Open. Now the target group is coming up, and I’m going to search for the right customers to focus on.

00:04:32 What we can also do in this target group here, we can directly identify: Is that customer reachable? So, will I really reach this customer when I’m shooting this e-mail campaign,

00:04:45 meaning I can do a check: Is there an e-mail address maintained at that customer? So let’s jump into Members and add a customer. We can add them through account,

00:04:56 we can add people that were contacts with individual customers, contacts, other target groups or leads. Let’s just do it with contacts, and here you can see some very sophisticated filter criteria.

00:05:13 What you see right now is not the most sophisticated of course, but you can extend this screen that you see here, that is our advanced filtering.

00:05:22 with additional fields that you might add as custom fields to the account level or to the contact level. There is a famous customer of ours, where they extended 150 fields on this screen,

00:05:37 just to filter the customer in a very, very sophisticated way, so that they know whom to engage with when they shoot their offers out to them.

00:05:47 This is setting filter criteria on an advanced filter base, but we can also do it on a kind of regional base.

00:05:56 And we have those kinds of doughnut charts here where you can also, let’s go a little bit to the right. We can, for example filter, for all market managers, market leaders.

00:06:09 And, just for them we want to shoot out the e-mail campaign. Okay, but now let’s go to the third option here, also graphical based.

00:06:19 Also a little bit of a waterfall model what we have here. And just for this example now, for that video

00:06:27 we are now shooting an e-mail campaign for those four customers in the OBI Markt Heidelberg, so to these contact persons, because I have my e-mail address maintained at those customers.

00:06:42 So we will at the end really receive an e-mail and we can then do the follow-ups, clicking on the links in the e-mail and sending out directly the responses so that we can track them.

00:06:55 Okay, so for all of those, four that are here in the list, I am taking them over into the target group.

00:07:04 And now, what I told you before, I can now check if those customers, if they have an e-mail address maintained. So if they don’t have an e-mail address maintained, I don’t need to shoot out an e-mail campaign to them.

00:07:17 What we see now is that two of them don’t even have an e-mail address maintained. So we don’t need them. Let’s delete those two.

00:07:25 And we just go ahead with the other two contact persons here that I want to engage with. Alright, so we save this target group, go on Action and now we create a new campaign out of it.

00:07:43 That is the Waldorf campaign. Okay, Save and Open. So, we generated the campaign now as a follow-up, so of course the target group is copied over directly.

00:07:59 What we need to do now is bringing in some intelligence in this whole process. That means we are going to the Build work center here to do these follow-up steps.

00:08:13 What happens if an e-mail is opened? Then we want to have a notification. What happens if a link is clicked? We want to get some follow-ups then.

00:08:25 But first of all we are now entering the channel. What is the channel? We will have an e-mail campaign.

00:08:32 Then we go to the Build piece. Oh, no. First we have to say when we want to shoot it. We want to shoot it immediately after I finished it. We can also do it on recurring basis.

00:08:45 Now let’s go to Build. Target group is already pre-maintained here, but now I need to add some actions. So what I want to do is I want to send an e-mail.

00:08:57 So going to the Actions on the left side, I want to send an e-mail. This e-mail, I have some templates, HTML5 templates maintained in the system.

00:09:06 I always like to use that one. And you really have to have one in the system and then you can directly do this process. And in this e-mail template, let’s open it quickly;

00:09:19 there you see I can replace the name, the last name of the customer, so that I am personalizing the e-mails. I have some pictures in there, and some links, like Read whitepaper, Find out more, and also Schedule a demo.

00:09:37 Now we will bring some intelligence behind those links, and also an unsubscribe button is available. We automatically can unsubscribe from newsletters.

00:09:45 So what we’ll do, we press on Apply and we do actions now, e-mail interactions. If an e-mail from type Promotion, that I was sending, is opened by a customer, then I want to get a notification.

00:10:09 Directly I can select an employee that wants to get this notification. I’m selecting myself. So if this e-mail is opened, I want to know who is opening it.

00:10:20 Then next piece. Maybe some more sophisticated things now. If someone is clicking on a link in that e-mail, which is called Read whitepaper,

00:10:34 then we want to send out an additional e-mail with more information, with the whitepaper. So sending an e-mail will be the action.

00:10:45 Let’s just use this football newsletter. I am sending out the football newsletter. I can now look into what this was about. Alright and that’s fine, but what about the other link?

00:10:59 What about if someone clicks on the Schedule a demo link? That seems the customer is really interested in our products, in our brand.

00:11:08 So when someone is clicking on that, I am even shooting out, I’m directly generating a lead. I can use either the Lead Routing Rule that we have in Cloud for Customer

00:11:20 or I generate a lead just for myself because that’s my marketing campaign so I want to have all the leads. It was my idea so I want to have the leads on my name as well.

00:11:35 But I still want to notify at the same time with the same click my manager, Kate. Alright, so far it looks good. That’s what we built now. The intelligence is there.

00:11:52 So we save this e-mail campaign. And now we have to send it for approval. That’s set up in my system in that way. That means now we have to quickly change over to Kate Jacob.

00:12:29 Alright, so we are logging in as Kate Jakob, and later on we will also see some follow-up activities on the iPad directly. But that will take some time.

00:12:42 Alright so we are going to the notifications now because Kate Jacob is my manager, and in the approval process she is maintained the approver.

00:12:51 So she has here the approval directly in the notifications. We accept it. Alright, so the e-mail campaign is now accepted.

00:13:08 And I am logging back in with my marketer because now I want to shoot that e-mail campaign out. So we are going back to the Marketing site of house.

00:13:30 We go to the Campaigns; there is the My Campaigns tab now. Let’s search for the Walldorf campaign. Walldorf campaign is approved now. We had this information.

00:13:44 And when we go to Action now and Activate, then it’s directly send out. And now we are receiving an e-mail, and for this I would quickly go to my iPad to see this e-mail now coming in.

00:14:04 So, there you can see it’s already there. It is personalized. So I was reaching out to Mister Simsa Labim. I was maintaining my e-mail address over there.

00:14:16 What we see is all the pictures are here and there are also the links. Now we did some intelligence behind two of the links - behind the Read whitepaper,

00:14:26 so let’s click on that one, and also behind the other link, Schedule the demo. We wanted to do generate the lead once we press on this Schedule a demo link. Alright, so far so good.

00:14:42 Then we are going back now to the browser and let’s see. We will refresh it and then check if there has already happened some clicking, some opening of e-mails and so on.

00:14:56 So we want to track if someone engaged with our e-mail that we sent out. So we are going to the Execution Details, and what we see here is, we reached two people

00:15:04 and one of them, Mister Simsa Labim, was clicking on those e-mails, right, even on a link. So let’s quickly look into this person. What has this person done with our e-mail?

00:15:20 So we have all the marketing interactions here. We see we have sent out this e-mail, that’s the first entry, to him. This person has clicked on two links, and now we could even respond back to this e-mail as a contact person.

00:15:38 And then we would even see this here. Alright, so far so good. That’s fine. We sent out the e-mail, we were receiving the e-mail and also all the interaction,

00:15:49 the marketing interaction we were receiving this here. And now we are even seeing that we have some in-context marketing analytics here.

00:15:58 So, what has happened? We have sent out two e-mails, both were delivered, only one was opened, a few links were clicked. And this is our best practice analytics that we have in here. Where was it clicked? In Baden-Württemberg and so on.

00:16:15 And that is completely definable by our customers, what they want to see here. Alright, so in a few minutes I should receive also an additional e-mail

00:16:25 because on the click on Read whitepaper I was sending out an additional e-mail, but that takes a few seconds typically. So there is one more thing I would like to show you. That‘s in the lead scoring.

00:16:41 We are of course sending out a lot of e-mails, newsletter, offers to our customers and so on. And we really want to track how the customers interact with them on a constant base.

00:16:52 So we have this lead scoring, and I will come to the naming convention later on. Here, Lead Score… Here we can now really define what happens if a customer clicks on an e-mail.

00:17:07 What happens if he clicks on a link? We can increase the engagement score. Examples, pretty similar to building up the marketing campaign:

00:17:17 If an e-mail is opened from the type Offer, like the one we just sent out, in less than 2 days, then we want to change the engagement score and we want to increase it by 2.

00:17:31 Now if there is a link clicked in type Offer in between 1 and 5 days, then we even want to increase the engagement score by 5.

00:17:50 And at the end, you can build this very complex if you like, but let’s stick to very simple things. You can even submit satisfaction forms,

00:17:59 and based on the responses to those satisfaction forms you can increase or decrease also the engagement score. So at the end, once the engagement score has hit a certain level,

00:18:14 so it’s greater than, let’s say, 40, then we want to create a lead for his specific contact person, and of course I want to have it for myself again, this lead. Simon.

00:18:33 Alright, so that’s my lead, even in the qualified status. And if the engagement score is higher than that, is greater than even 60,

00:18:44 then let’s say we want to generate an activity directly for the sales rep for the key account. And we are saying, give a 10 percent offer for this customer, because it’s a very good customer of ours.

00:19:01 Alright, but I am not saving this because there can only be one activated at the same time, and what I want to do now, because we were generating a lead already with our existing lead scoring,

00:19:15 I want to switch back to the iPad to show you the follow-up in the sales. And therefore I am streaming my iPad. Let’s go to this Customer Insight application.

00:19:26 You might have seen this Customer Insight application in my sales manager pitch. Now it is really interesting, because I was automatically generating leads,

00:19:38 and now I want to find these leads and go on with those leads and see if there is a chance of success with that lead to convert it in an opportunity.

00:19:48 So, when we see this Deal Finder here, let’s click on this. There we get all the leads in that are automatically generated from other sources.

00:19:57 You get all of them in here. And that’s a predictive algorithm that we are using here to analyze the leads based on certain criteria. And here we are now incorporating also the engagement score that a customer has because of his clicks in the e-mail.

00:20:13 And this is now automatically used for qualifying the leads that are generated for this specific contact person. So let’s see all the leads from a campaign.

00:20:26 And now here in the leads from the campaign, we are seeing the lead that we just generated. And when we are now pulling this lead over to the right, because this has a very high chance of success,

00:20:39 this customer is very engaged with our products, we can automatically convert it into an opportunity. And we even see how this will change our quota.

00:20:50 Let’s say, I’m pretty convinced that it’s a 2 million dollar deal, and this will change our quota attainment by 3 percent. So we are actually seeing the overall flow, the overall close loop:

00:21:06 Target group, marketing campaign, tracking the follow-up step the customers do and then really generating a lead and back-looping to the sales.

00:21:17 So that’s how an integrated story flow in the marketing functionality of Cloud for Customer works. I hope you enjoyed the video. And make sure you check out also my other videos. Thanks for your attention.

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