Opening Research: Thriller- The Dark Knight Rises

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Opening Research: Thriller- The Dark Knight Rises



• Establish character

• Establish setting

• Create enigma

• Establish to the audience who is involved

• Establish why we should be interested

• Contain continuity editing and cross cutting

• Images/action intercut with titles

• Name of production companies at beginning

• Use of music suited to genre

• Clear generic conventions

From the opening of ‘The Dark Knight Rise’ we are able to tick off all of the conventions. The

opening most importantly creates enigma and makes the audience want to continue watching.

This is done through the jump cuts of images and action, with the titles running throughout.


The Dark Knight Rises is portrayed worldwide as a successful film, and part

of an extremely successful trilogy. It is directed by Christopher Nolan and

stars huge actors such as Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, and Morgan

Freeman, which are highly regarded in the Film Industry.

The opening of this film informs the audience of what genre it is, who is in

the film, and even reveals clues of what to expect.


Distributed by:Warner Bro. Pictures

Production companies:Legendary Pictures, DC Comics & Syncopy


After the distribution

and production titles,

we are shown the

directors name

The iconic batman logo is shown straight before the title appears

A few of the main characters names appear on screen, followed by a

visual image after each one

The final credit is the

directors name, this is

unusual to be shown again


One of the first visuals we are presented with is a

photograph of Christian Bale. The photo has been

ripped slightly and has tears in it, suggesting

something bad might happen to him in the film

This picture of Anne Hathaway

is also quite revealing. She

seems to be hiding behind her

hat, perhaps to illustrate that

she may be hiding from

something in the film.

Another picture of Christian Bale,

which is being circled, suggests

that he is going to be targeted This image of the batman

logo smashed, could lead

the audience to infer that

batman becomes


The broken glass and

hand with a glove on

could also connate


The final image

we see if

batman’s mask

lying isolated

on the floor, this

could support



that batman

may be
