Online Safety

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Online SafetyUsing a YouTube clip I have made a lesson plan for a listening comprehension. Flash cards with new vocabulary and questions are based on the video clip. A crossword is also made using the new vocabulary. This lesson is aimed at teenage students.Being internet safe is important. What are you posting on FaceBook?

Transcript of Online Safety

Online SafetyMaking Good Decisions


COMIC BOOK ADVICE: The Henry County schools in Virginia created a comic book for students that emphasizes online-safety tips and proper cyber behavior.—Courtesy of Melany Reeves Stowe/Henry County Schools

Lesson Plan Listening Comprehension

Introduction: Predict – watch clip without sound. Cut the video into plus minus 2 min segments and get students to predict what is happening and going to happen.

Watch the youtube clip

• Vocabulary: Below are 2 sets of flash cards of new words. Go over words with students.

• Students to write 5 sentences choosing 5 of the new words, in their notebooks.

New Vocabulary

humble ; abode ; nagging ; amazing ; detective ; research ; profile ; password ; private ; loads ; distressed ; obliged

get up to; bird’s eye view ; inside out ; no harm will come to her













get up to

bird’s eye view

inside out

no harm will come to her













get up to

bird’s eye view

inside out

no harm will come to her

• Watch video clip again with sound• Read questions (Handout TWO) and look up words

in your dictionary that you do not know.• Watch video clip again and answer questions

(Handout TWO)

Online Safety Questions

Justin is happy to live by himself because:a. He is away from his mumb. He can do as he pleasesc. He can play video gamesWhy does Justin like to play detective? d. Because he is borede. Because he likes the internetf. To find out more about his friends

Online Safety Questions

How does Justin gather information about his friends?a. Follow themb. Internet researchc. Ask people questions

Justin “ owes one” to Jade’s boyfriend because he



What pictures must you not post online:



Online Safety Questions

Justin could see her photos because she had no ___________________

Rule number three is a. Know who your online friends areb. Don’t talk to strangersc. Be careful what you say to buddies.

Online Safety Questions

All Jade has to do is “click a button” to stop Justin _________________ her.

Why did Jade not think about the photos she was posting online? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________In one word what can Jade do to take back what she posted online. __________________

• Discussion• Would you really want a stranger knowing how to contact

you? Have you ever thought about it?• Have you ever posted extremely personal information on

your profile or wall? • Do you put too much information about yourself out on the

internet? Do you think people will know what school you go to from the photos posted or comments on your wall?

• Do you know how to protect yourself on the internet?• Have you set your private settings on Facebook?• Do you personally know all your friends on Facebook? How

many friends do you have on Facebook?


Rule 1 : Never put up pictures that you would not show your mom, dad, granny, or prime minister.Rule 2: Make sure that your account and privacy setting are kept to privateRule 3: Make sure who is on your buddy list.Rule 4: Stop abuse and report.

Online Safety Handout THREE

Across 4. a representation of something in outline 7. a quantity that can be carried at one time by a specified mean 8. great wonder, or surprise 9. To do a service or favor for 10. She felt emotionally and physically ________________after finding out that her car was stolen. 11. careful or diligent search Down 1. not proud or haughty; not arrogant or assertive 2. the place where one lives 3. We had to do some ______________ work to find out who used to own the house. 4. intended for or restricted to the use of a particular person, group, or class 5. a sequence of characters required for access to a computer system 6. My parents are always _______________me to clean my room.


a) Crossword Puzzle

b) Go home and fix your private settings on your Facebook Page.