Online Reputation Management Guide for Healthcare Industry

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Online Reputation Management Guide for Healthcare Industry

Healthcare Reputation Management

For a healthy online reputation of Doctors, Physicians &



Doctors spent years in building a good practice. Rightfully, they deserve the recognition for it whenever someone

searches for them.


More than 50% people search for doctors and hospitals online whenever looking for any treatment for themselves or

their loved ones. And as a matter fact, most of them directly check for doctors and hospitals on the popular review and rating sites.

Online users Offline users

55.55 %

44.45 %


How exactly patientsfind you on the internet?


Google Search

Most people do Google search by the name of disease or treatment required.

Many do online search for doctors/physicians or hospitals by name.



Online Word-of-mouthReference

Social media sites are the prime word-of-mouth reference source on the internet.

PPeople also recommend doctors and hospitals online through email and other information sharing apps.


Niche Directories

More Internet savvy people search for doctors and facilities in niche directories for healthcare industries.


Online Review Sites

Online reviews sites are the real game changers. More than two-third people make their decision after checking doctors or

facilities on rating and review sites.


So, how to attractpatients online?


Get Rid of the Negative Links

Not just completely unhappy, even a slightly unsatisfied patient can post a negative review. In any case, negative reviews do the work of bringing your

practice to a halt.

Financial LosesNegative Reviews

New Patients Driven Away


Do NOT Let Go of Your Patients

Engage your patients by educating them over the concerned matter, address their needs effectively and ask them for the feedback on your different online


Financial GrowthPositive Reviews

New Patients Driven Towards



Formulate the Right Strategy

Track all your online mentions and listen to what people are saying.


Engage people in your online conversations and try to build longterm relationship with them.

Respond accordingly on every mention and take great cautions with negative ones.

Do all these task with the help of Online Reputation Management experts for best results.


Remember!Your Loss is your competitors gain

The math is simple. If patients aren’t coming to you, it means they are going to your competitors.

All this, because you have a few reviews associated with your name on top search results that you overlooked.

Online presence is important. Online reputation

management is Imperative.


Act before it is too late

So, what are you waiting for, take the lead. Protect your name from harmful links, promote your practice across different online channels, keep you present patients intact and continue capturing new ones.




Consult with w3Police foreffective online

reputation management.

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