Online reputation management for car dealerships car dealer reputation marketing

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Online reputation management for car dealerships car dealer reputation marketing

Online Reputation Management For Car Dealerships

Car Dealer Reputation Marketing

How to Build a Great Car Dealership Reputation and How to

Keep It

Reputation management for car dealerships is a neglected business

area. Yet it is important to your bottom line.

Customers don’t want to deal with a dealership with a bad reputation.

This is why you need to include car dealership reputation management into your business strategy. We’ll

outline how to build a great reputation and how to keep it.

Start with social networks like LinkedIn. Select social networks

with not only many members but many of your customers.

This may mean a modest presence on Facebook and significant effort

on business related forums like LinkedIn and industry specific sites.

Remember that everything posted on these sites is visible to a search

engine and your customers, so keep content professional.

Use a conversational tone with speaking to your current

and future customers. Never come across in a condescending manner or belittle someone having trouble

with your service.

While it may sound counter-productive, limit your direct

marketing to consumers. If all of your content is endless advertising,

people will block your posts as spam.

Mix in information about new products with tips on how to solve

common problems using your products and advice on using

products like yours more effectively.

Use coupon codes and contests in addition to information on sales to keep customers coming back

to your site in the hope of getting a good deal.

Keep your branding simple. Select a color palette and use it for all of

your content and websites. Use a clean typeface that is easy to read. Adopt a logo, if you do not already

have one, that is simple to understand what it represents.

And, of course, make sure the logo and any slogan are

trademarked and copyrighted so that you alone control them.

Apply quality standards to your website. No portion of the website

directory should be empty, especially sections on getting help

or contacting key personnel.

Incomplete websites look like they were just thrown up to create a web

presence, and that hurts your image. Just as important is the need

to maintain the information.

The only thing worse than a site without contact information is one

whose email address or phone number is out of date. You won’t

hear from the customer directly, but they are likely to generate bad reviews online about the bad


Letís say you have a good reputation. How do you keep it?

Monitor the public opinion of your dealership online, as well as what others say about it. You may need to address negative information


Damage control typically takes the form of complaint resolution and

publicizing the result.

In rare cases, it is necessary to take action against a single person with a grudge or competitor to stop the

false information.

Be honest with your customers. When something is wrong, admit it.

Transparency when it comes to failings will do more to

improve your dealerships' reputation than a massive PR campaign

after a disaster.

Most importantly, your customers will retain their trust in your

dealership. If trust is lost, it may never be recovered.

A poor reputation costs your car dealership money in the form of lost

business and inflated advertising budgets trying to undo the damage.

Learn how to manage your dealership’s reputation so that a

good reputation precedes you. This article has given you a strong

foundation on which to begin that process.