Online Live Photo Streaming From Any SD Card Enabled Camera

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Transcript of Online Live Photo Streaming From Any SD Card Enabled Camera

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    Online Live Photo StreamingFrom Any SD

    Card Enabled Camera

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    I'm a software engineering student who's also passionate about photography so I

    wanted to combine the two interests in a fun project. What I ended up with is a

    web server that will automatically display photos to any connected browser as

    soon as a photo is taken with a digital camera. Now I want to teach you how to

    make it too!
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    Express JS [7]to run our application

    Socket IO [8]to power our web sockets

    Node FS [9]to read files

    Node-Watch [10]to monitor our file system for new images

    Lets look at a system diagram of how this is going to work.

    Once the photo is taken, the image is sent to Eye-Fi's servers before being

    forwarded to our own computer. In the meantime, our server is accepting

    connections and opening web sockets with each browser that attempts to

    connect with it. When the server detects a new image that has finished

    uploading, it sends a link to that image to each of the clients through the socket.

    Pretty simple, right?

    So let's get started.

    Server Set Up

    First, we'll need to install Node JS (which I'll refer to as just 'node') to run our

    server. There are a couple of easy methods described on the node Github page

    [11]. Once node is installed, we will make a directory for the project and install

    the node modules I mentioned above that will make our lives much easier. We'll

    be using the terminal to complete these tasks and for a few similar tasks in the

    future. On Windows, this can be accessed by hitting the windows key, typing

    'cmd', and then pressing enter. On OSX, just open the Terminal application. Run

    the following commands in the terminal.
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    I apologize that none of the code is copyable; you can't write code on

    Instructable's site because they don't want you hacking it. I can't say I blame


    Now we can start creating our server. In your editor of choice (

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    The next thing we are going to do is serve up an actual HTML page instead of

    text when we hit the server so that we can eventually display an image. First,

    we'll create a directory inside our project directory called 'public' inside of which

    we will store any of the files that we'll serve our clients.

    Then we'll create a file called 'livePhoto.html' inside the 'public' directory and

    enter the code below into it. The code creates a simple webpage with a single red


    Finally, let's add a couple of lines to our 'livePhotoServer.js' file that configures

    the public directory as our static file sharing source (line 14), and include the

    module for reading files (line 17). We then modify our root route (lines 20 - 24)

    to read our livePhoto.html file and send the text down in the response (which

    will render as HTML in the browser). I encourage to compare the line numbers in

    the screenshots to figure out where in the files the code bits go.

    Now we need to start the server again. To go back up a directory, type 'cd ..' after

    which you can start the server (node livePhotoServer.js). Reload

    http://localhost:8080 (or whatever your port number is) in your browser and seethe red square!

    There is one more layer of communication we need between our server and our

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    client: websockets [13]. Websockets give the server the ability to initiate a data

    transfer to the client instead of depending on the client to request new pages.

    We can use these two-way pipes to keep open a communication channel that will

    notify the client when we receive a new photo.

    We'll start by adding two lines to our 'livePhotoServer.js' script. First, we import

    the socket io module and start listening for connections on our server's address.

    Then we create an array to hold references to the sockets that we'll make.

    Then, we'll write a method that on our server accepts web socket connections

    from clients, stores the socket reference to the array and sends a little messageback to make sure it worked. Also, to keep the logic clean, we'll remove the

    socket reference from the array on disconnect.

    Now we need to write the logic that initializes web socket connections from the

    browser when it loads the page from our server. Create a file titled 'livePhoto-

    client.js" in the public directoryand add some code to initiate a web socket

    connection with the server (line 2). When the client receives a "connected"

    message from the server, it will open a dialog box with the contents of the

    message (lines 5 - 10).
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    The final part of our web socket concoction involves executing this client-side

    javascript by linking to it from our client HTML file. We also link to the socket io

    code (which must be declared before our livePhoto-client.js file so that the io

    library is not undefined). jQuery is also linked in because it will make our lives a

    little easier when we add more complicated code later.

    If you restart the server again, and reload the page, you should see an alert box

    with the message: 'Message from server: Welcome to Photo Stream." If you see

    that, your websockets are working beautifully!

    Phew! Enough javascript already. Let's configure the Eye-Fi card to work with

    our code.

    Eye-Fi Set Up

    First, we're going to create an 'images' directory inside our 'public' directory that

    our photos will be magically delivered to (or which you can paste images into if

    you don't have an Eye-Fi card).

    If you've never used your Eye-Fi card, follow the instructions on Eye-Fi's website

    [14]to set it up. If you have already used it, make sure you can connect to a
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    wireless network. We're going to want to make sure that the card uploads photos

    to the 'images' directory inside of our 'public' folder and that it doesn't create

    date-based folders. If you're confused about this step, see the screenshot below

    from the Eye-Fi Center App.

    Finally, we can start taking pictures! I recommend changing your camera'ssettings to the lowest resolution possible, if it has the capability, so we can

    achieve faster upload times. Take a few pictures and verify that they end up in

    the 'images' directory. If it doesn't seem to be working, make sure you camera

    doesn't go into a sleep mode after taking pictures and that you're close enough to

    the wireless router. I had a few problems with this myself when I was working

    on the project.

    Now let's get back to the code!

    File System Monitoring

    Now we are going to start monitoring our file system to detect when Eye-Fi

    delivers a new photo to our 'images' directory. We'll need to add the code below

    to our 'livePhotoServer.js' file so that we can import the node-watch module to

    utilize it's watchmethod. It monitors a directory and provides us with a callback

    it will execute when a file changes (line 32). Unfortunately, the filename of the

    changed file it provides in the callback is the name of parent directory (in ourcase 'public/images') which is pretty useless. Instead, we'll create an array called

    imagesin which we will manually keep track of the images we've already

    displayed so that we know which image is new when the file system is changed

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    (we'll write the implementation offindNewImageName()in the next step).

    Now we're going to add more code to our 'livePhotoServer.js' file to append all

    the images that are in the directory to our array as soon as we start the server so

    that we don't accidentally display them as we take more pictures (lines 92 - 103

    & 106). Then, whenever we get notice from node-watch that something

    changed, we can iterate over the file system to see which file isn't in our array

    (lines 71 - 85). It seems to be a bit complicated for such a simple task so if

    anyone can think of a simpler way of doing it, please let me know.

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    Now, if you restart the server and take a few photos, your terminal should print

    out the file names of the pictures you're taking! Awesome.

    Image URL Transmission And Rendering

    The final part of the system involves sending over URLs of the new images to all

    of the awaiting client sockets. In our 'livePhotoServer.js" file, we'll add some

    code to update the clients by iterating through the array of sockets and sending

    down the URL to each one. This gets called whenever we detect a change in the


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    Then we'll update our 'livePhoto.html' file to take out the red square and replaceit with an image element that can be updated. Assign it the 'live-photo' id so that

    we can access it in our JavaScript.

    Finally, we will update our client-side JavaScript so that it can receive socketmessages with the new image URLs. We use jQuery to find the image element

    and update it's source attribute (lines 5 - 11).

    Restart your node server, refresh your localhost:8080 page, and start taking

    pictures. They should be updating on the page in realtime!There is about a 3

    second lag between taking pictures and them appearing in my browser when

    using the 'S3' file size setting on my Canon DSLR so expect a transport delay of

    that magnitude.

    You can also view the live stream from any other device on the same wireless

    network as your server. Simply find your IP Address using either

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    the ifconfigcommand, if your running OSX, or the ipconfig,if your running

    Windows, in your terminal. Enter that IP address followed by ':8080' (or

    whatever port number you used) on another device and it will update with

    photos as you take them (or paste them in the 'images' folder).


    Optional & More Advanced: Live Stream

    From A Website

    If you already have an FTP server active somewhere, it's not too much more

    trouble to move this photo streaming server onto it. There are three changes we

    need to make:Change the address of the client socket

    Change the Eye-Fi configuration

    Check if the photos are completely uploaded before notifying clients

    Let's start with the changing the client-socket address. In the 'livePhoto-

    client.js' file, change the io.connect method to accept your server's domain


    Now we are going to utilize Eye-Fi's ability to send the photos to an FTP server.

    You should follow Eye-Fi's great instructions of how to do this here [15]but I

    also want to specify one more thing. For some reason, Eye-Fi doesn't allow you

    to disallow titled directory creation for the photos like they do when you have

    them transferred to your local computer, so you need to point the FTP

    transaction to LivePhoto/public (instead of LivePhoto/public/images like we had

    before) and set the album name to images. That way, the file structure stays the

    same so our code doesn't break.
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    The final change we have to make is a consequence of the FTP implementation

    (it may depend on the FTP service you use on your sever... I'm not sure... I used

    pure-ftp). I found that when I used the code from above on my FTP server, linkswould be sent over and over again to clients as the upload was in progress.

    Sometimes the links stopped being sent before the upload was complete so the

    browsers would see incomplete or missing pictures. In order to counteract that

    effect in the simplest way possible, I added an interval of .5 seconds before

    sending out the link, and if another file change was detected because the image

    was still being uploaded before the .5 seconds was up, I reset the interval. This

    seemed to alleviate the problem.

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    There are a couple other more complicated, but more reliable, ways of getting

    around this such as monitoring programs like lsof(stands for list open files) or

    monitoring your FTP server's logs because they usually indicate when a file has

    finished uploading. However, for this demo, those would have been more

    trouble than they're worth.

    And that's it! Run the node server, go to YOUR_DOMAIN:8080 and startlive streaming your photos!

    My thanks go out to selkeymoonbeam [16]for her help working the kinks out of

    this Instructable.
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