Online Coupons

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Online Coupons

  • 1. Bill slashed to 50% with Coupons I am a big foodie and like trying new cuisines. Eating out is fun and a great hobby of mine.

2. Pizza, burgers, frankies, steaks, kebabs, shawarma, curries, soups, mocktails, fruit salad, sandwiches are some of the foods items that I relish. 3. I go out with friends, family, colleagues and try out tasty and good food at new and popular restaurants. 4. Food apart from providing nutrition is a way to bond with people and getting to know them. 5. New joints are opening up and chefs are cooking new dishes which is a new discovery. 6. I learned cooking from my mom, a book, online or a cookery show. 3 squares meals a day helps me get past a hectic and challenging day. 7. On a weekend friends came over and we decided to order pizza. As a host it was my duty to treat them with a lavish meal. 8. When I calculated the cost it was too expensive. I searched for deals and found discount coupons. 9. I managed to save a lot of money by using the coupons and ordered food from my our favourite pizza provider. 10. Food that would have cost me Rs. 800 was delivered at half the price. Now I use online coupons to buy almost everything.