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Online Application Summer Food Service Program


Application Guide

Online Application Summer Food Service Program

Last Modified: 2/2/2017 4:22:14 PM

Application Guide


Revision History ......................................................................................................................................... 2

Revision History Chart ............................................................................................................................... 2

SFSP Forms ................................................................................................................................................ 1

Sponsor Application .................................................................................................................................. 1

Site Document Application ..................................................................................................................... 10

Budget Application .................................................................................................................................. 22

Civil Rights Application ............................................................................................................................ 27

Submission Process ................................................................................................................................. 30

Creating A Revision ................................................................................................................................. 31

Online Application Summer Food Service Program

Last Modified: 2/2/2017 4:22:14 PM

Application Guide

Revision History

Every change to this document, subsequent to initial sign-off, must be recorded in the Revision History Chart below. There are no exceptions. Note that the Project Manager must sign off on any changes to this document.

Revision History Chart

Date Version Description Owner

04/13/2015 1.0 Online Application SFSP Instruction Guide June Barrett

02/01/2012 2.0 Included changes resulting from the SF 2017 release

June Barrett

Online Application Summer Food Service Program

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SFSP Forms To access the Summer Feeding Program (SFSP) forms (different parts of the application); click SFSP on the left menu bar. Two options will appear Application and Submit (if you have the authority level to complete and submit the forms). When you click Application, application/agreement forms will be listed. The forms should be completed in the following order: Sponsor Application, Site Document Application(s), Budget Application, and Civil Rights.

Sponsor Application Page 1: Address and Contact Details 1) General Information: This information will be entered by the State agency. If the information is

incorrect, please contact the State agency at 334-242-8249.

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2) Waiver Request: If the private non-profit organization operates more than 25 sites or other

sponsors operate more than 200 sites, they must submit a Waiver Request. Question 2 will only be shown if the sponsor has the above specified number of sites.

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Page 2: Operational Information 2) Organizational Type: Select the organization type that best describes the identity of your

organization. 3) Type of Applicant: Use the drop down box to

identify the type of organization represented by the sponsor. a) Does the applicant provide ongoing year-

round service in the community that will be served by the SFSP? Click Yes or No. If yes, please make a comment explaining the situation.

4) THIS QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED. Check the box to the left of the certification. This certifies that the applying sponsor will exercise direct operational control of the entire program from initiation to completion.

5) Termination: Was the applicant ever

terminated or deficient in the operation of the SFSP or any other CNP program? Click Yes or No. If yes, explain the circumstances in the box provided.

6) Multi-State Operation: Does your

organization operate the SFSP in any other state(s)? Click Yes or No. a. If yes, choose the state(s): Select the appropriate state(s) from the list by clicking on the state name. To select multiple states, hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard key and click all applicable states. b. If yes, you must submit a copy of the approved SFSP budget(s) from the other state(s). c. Select the state where your organization is headquartered d. Are admin cost shred between the states?

Sponsor Comments: A section for Sponsor Comments is displayed on each page of every application. Any comment, explanation, question, etc. can be typed into the first Comments Box titled Sponsor Comments. The name of the person who added the comment, along with the date and time will be displayed once the Save button or another page number is clicked. The second box is for State agency comments. You may see notes before or after the application/agreement is approved.

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Page 3: Training and Expenditure Information 7) Expenditures over $750,000: Did your organization spend $750,000 or more in Federal funds

during the last operating fiscal year? Click Yes or No. If no, responses b, c, and d will not appear on the screen. a) If yes, were funds expended for USDA programs or for USDA and other Federal programs. Click

the appropriate response. If no, list the federal agencies other than the USDA that provide financial support.

b) What is the latest financial period that has ended for this organization? NOTE: These dates are the beginning and ending dates of the last financial year. These are the dates of your fiscal year; not those of the SFSP. You must enter date with either slash marks or hyphens. Example 01/01/08 or 01-01-08.

c) If your organization did spend $500,000 or more in Federal funds, did your organization submit a copy of the audit report? Click Yes or No.

d) If the audit report was not conducted under the agency name listed in the agreement, type the name of the agency for which the audit was conducted in the box provided. This field will need to be completed only if question 7 was answered yes and if the name on the audit is different than the name on the agreement.

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8) Administrative Staff Training: a) Enter the date and location of training for administrative staff by typing in the box. b) Enter the date and location of training for program staff by typing in the box. NOTE: Dates must be entered with dashes or hyphens. Example 01-01-08 or 01/01/08.

9) Training Topics: Identify the topics to be covered in the training by clicking all that will be covered in the training. If additional topics will be covered, click Other and list the topics in the box provided.

10) Certification of Training: Certify that no SFSP site will operate without a trained staff person by

checking the box.

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Page 4: Management Plan and Attachments 11) Name and Title: (If you need to enter more

than one person for each question, please identify additional persons by typing name, title, and responsibility in the Sponsor Comment box.)

a) Identify the names of the person

authorized to approve purchases or rentals by typing the full name, title, and dollar limitations the person is allowed to approve. (Example: Tim Jones, Supervisor, $20,000)

b) Identify the name of the person

authorized to approve the number of hours and overtime pay for employees by typing the full name and title in the box provided.

c) Identify the person responsible for

participation and cost data, and preparing the claim for reimbursement by typing the full name and title in the box provided.

d) Identify the person responsible for scheduling and supervising monitors, reviewing site reports

for deficiencies, restricting or terminating food service and if necessary, affecting (implementing and following through on) corrective action.

e) If applicable, identify person who coordinates with site supervisors.

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Page 5: Meal Preparation Options

12) Meal Participation: Identify by checking the box whether you prepare food on site, at a central kitchen facility, contract with the local board of education, or contract with a food service management company. If you obtain food from another source select Other and explain the situation. If you contract with a board of education or food service management company, identify the name of the organization and contract price for each meal. NOTE: Do not type the $ before the price. If you prepare meals at a central kitchen, answer question 13.

13) Food Production Labor: This question is only answered for sponsors preparing food in a central kitchen. Other sponsors will not see this question. For each staff responsible for food production labor complete title, number of positions, hours worked per day, number of days worked, salary per hour including fringe benefits, source of funds for reimbursement and duties. Total program wages will automatically be calculated for you based on other information given in this question. Click the Add button. This will add the information to the box below. Complete for each food production staff job title.

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Page 6: Financial Viability, Accountability, and Management Capabilities (VAC) Documentation 14) Bookkeeping/Accounting System: Do you

use the Monthly General Journal to record income and expenditures? Click Yes or No. If no, describe the bookkeeping or accounting system you use to manage SFSP funds. The box will appear when no is checked.

15) Separation of Expenditures: Do you have a

separate SFSP checking account (required for most Private Non-Profit Organizations)? Click Yes or No. If no, describe how you separate your SFSP expenditures from business expenses. The box will appear when no is clicked.

16) Attachments: Send to the State agency one of the identified documents for the most recently completed fiscal year to document financial viability. These will be due prior to completing the application/agreement. Sponsors meeting A-133 audit requirements must submit audit report no later than nine months after the end of the sponsor’s fiscal year.

17) Certification Statement: The Sponsor certifies that it meets the compliance requirements of 7CFR

part 226.2 of the Federal Regulations of the Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture. 18) Board Members: Only Private Non-Profit Organizations must complete this question. List your

business board members. List all of your board members by typing the required information in each box. After completing the first entry click Add. This will move the name of the board member to the list below the box. Continue adding board members until all members are listed.

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After each form has been completed and information has been saved, you may review the form by clicking the Review Page button to the right of the last page of the document. This will display a review of all pages in that form. This is a good tool to use to be sure the form is completed correctly. No changes can be made from this view of the form. To make changes you must go back to the active document and make the desired change. If you are sure all pages of this form are complete, you may print this page for your records.

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Site Document Application

Sites Document Application: This is the display you will see once you click Site Document on the left menu bar. From the list that appears, select the sites that will participate in the Summer Feeding Program this year by clicking the box under the Site Participation column. To bring up the first page of the Site Document Application for a site click Edit on the right side of the screen. All seven pages of the Site Document Application must be completed for each site.

Page 1: Site Information 1) Contact Information:

a) Name: This is the name of the site. Physical address is the street address of the site. Physical city is the city where the site is located. Physical state is the state where the site is located and Physical zip is the zip code for the site location. County is the county where this site is located. Phone number is the phone number for the site.

2) USDA Programs: Indicate the other USDA programs in which the site participates. Select either

School Lunch, School Breakfast, CACFP, Food Distribution, Special Milk or Farm to Summer if they apply.

3) City Denoting Physical Location: Choose the best answer. You may choose other if an appropriate

response is not listed. When a selection is made from the drop down box, the appropriate response for SDE Approved Site and SMSA Information will be answered for you. Identify the option that best describe the type of site that is being operated.

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4) Past Operation: Choose the response to question 4 that best describes the past participation of this site. a) If previous site with serious operational problems or brand new site is selected, a date of pre-

operational visit must be completed. NOTE: Dates must be completed with hyphens or slashes. Example 01-01-08 or 01/01/08.

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Page 2: Site Type

5) Type of Site: Select the type of site by clicking the appropriate button. Each type will require answering different questions. Questions for each type of site will be explained individually.

Open site is a site at which meals are made available to all children in the area. At least 50% of the children are free/reduced eligible. When Open Site is selected, question 5a and b will be displayed. a) Question 5a, How do you determine

eligibility? Has three options: School Data, Census Data, and Housing Authority Data.

If School Data is selected, choose the school system and school from the drop down boxes that are closest to the site.

If Census Data is selected, complete the information requested by typing in the text box.

If Housing Authority Data is selected; you must click the box that certifies you will submit documentation to the State agency.

b) Site Activities: Choose all of the activities that apply for this site.

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Closed enrolled are only open to enrolled children opposed to the community at large. At least 50% of enrolled children at the site must be free/reduced eligible.

a) Type of Site: Choose either Located in

needy area or Located in non-needy area. b) If School Data is selected, choose the

school system and school from the drop down boxes that are closest to the site.

If Census Data is selected, complete the information requested by typing in the box provided.

If Housing Authority Data is selected; you must click the box that certifies you will submit documentation to the State agency.

If F/R Application (Free and Reduced-Priced Application) is selected, go to the next question.

c) Site Activities: Choose all of the site activities that apply. d) Enrollment: Enter the number of children enrolled in the program e) Free/Reduced-Priced Meals: Enter the number of children eligible to receive free and reduced-

priced meals.

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Camps can be residential and non residential day camps which offer regularly scheduled food service as part of an organized program for enrolled children. Non residential camp sites must offer a continuous schedule of organized cultural or recreational programs for enrolled children between meal services. Residential Camps and Non Residential Camps will answer the same questions 5a-5e. a) Sessions: Enter the start and end date for

each camp session operated at the site. Enter dates with either hyphens or slashes. Example: 01-01-08 or 01/01/08. Click Add to add each session to box below. Continue until all sessions have been added.

b) Upward Bound Program: Check the box

if this camp is an Upward Bound Program. c) Eligibility: Upward Bound Programs may

use free and reduced-price meal applications or Upward Bound eligibility documents to establish program qualification. All other camps must use free and reduced-priced applications. Click the box to identify how eligibility is determined.

d) Enrollment: Enter the number of children

enrolled collectively for all sessions in the box provided.

e) Number F/R Meals: Enter the number of

children collectively for all sessions that are eligible to receive free and reduced-priced meals.

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Migrant Site serves primarily children of migrant workers. a) Eligibility: Eligibility for Migrant Sites is

predetermined and will be automatically answered.

b) Letter: Verify by checking the box that

certification of migrant status has been sent to the State agency.

c) Enrollment: Enter the number of children

enrolled in the box provided. National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) is a college/university sponsored program in conjunction with the National Collegiate Athletic Association. a) Eligibility: Choose whether eligibility is determined by 50% of the children residing in low income areas, free and reduced-priced meal applications, or Health and Human Services (HHS) guidelines.

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Page 3: Operation Days 6) Calendar: A calendar must be created for

each site. To create a calendar, first choose a month from the list on the left of the screen by clicking that month. That month will appear on the calendar on the right of the screen. Dates in red indicate operating dates and dates in blue indicate closed dates. To select a date click on the date. This will change it from a closed date to an open date. Select all days you are operating so they show on the calendar in red as operating days. When all information is recorded on this form click Save. After the calendar information is saved, the Operating Dates in the middle of the screen will change.

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Page 4: Meal Selection

7) Meal Type, Time, and Meal Preparation Select the meal and snack claimed by clicking the Edit box next to the meal type: Breakfast, AM Snack, Lunch, PM Snack, or Supper, then check the meal box. This activates that meal. Complete the time each meal or snack begins and ends by entering the appropriate time. Times should be entered with hours and minutes. Example: Start Time 8:10 AM and End Time 8:50 AM. Remember you may not claim meals served outside of these times. Select the meal preparation location by selecting the appropriate location or describing the meal preparation location by clicking Other and typing in the box provided. An Update and Cancel button will appear to the left of the meal box. Click Update to save the information for that meal. Click Cancel if you clicked that meal in error. Continue until all meals are complete. IMPORTANT The sponsor must identify whether they request approval for the site to implement Offer vs Serve for all meal types

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Page 5: Approved Level of Meal Service NOTE: All sites except camps must estimate average daily attendance. Camps must use the estimated daily attendance for children eligible for free and reduced price meals. (This figure should be based on historical data and/or plans for the current year.) 8) Estimated Attendance: First use the drop

down box to select the type of meal. Only the meals selected on question 7 on page 4 under Meal Selection may be selected on this page. Once the meal type is selected identify the average daily participation (CAP). Click Add and that information will be shown in a box at the bottom of the page. Continue for each meal served.

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Page 6: Staff Positions

9) Site Staff Positions: Identify all staff positions for the site by completing: Title, Number of Positions, Hours Worked per Day, Number of Days Worked, Salary per Hour (including benefits), Source of Reimbursement and Duties. Total Program Wages will be calculated automatically from the other information completed in this question. Once the information is completed for a specific position, click Add. This will add the information to the box at the bottom of the page. Continue until all positions including volunteers have been identified.

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Page 7: Meal Delivery Arrangements 10) Meal Delivery

a) Delivery System: Indicate the system for delivering meals by selecting cafeteria style, children line up to received unitized meal or other. If you select other, identify the procedure used for serving meals by typing the procedure used in the box provided. (Cafeteria style is when meals or plated or assembled as the child proceeds down the serving line. Children line up to receive unitized meals is when they form a line and pick up boxed or sacked meals as they proceed through the serving line.)

b) Inclement Weather Plan: Identify your plan for serving meals during inclement weather by

clicking either serve in-doors, cancel for the day, or other. If other is selected, type the serving plan to be used in inclement weather.

c) Arrival of Meals: Indicate how meals will arrive at the site by clicking either delivered in

appropriate hot/cold holding equipment, picked up in appropriate hot/cold holding equipment or prepared on site.

d) Communications: Indicate how the site

supervisor will communicate the number of meals that will be needed for the following day by selecting the appropriate button.

e) Storage of Meals: Indicate your plan for

the receipt and storage of meals before serving children by clicking the appropriate button.

f) Leftover Plan: Identify your plan for

leftover meals or components by clicking the appropriate response.

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REVIEW PAGE After each form has been completed and information has been saved, you may review the form by clicking the Review Page button. This will display a review of all pages in that form. This is a good tool to use to be sure the form is completed correctly. No changes can be made from this view of the form. To make changes you must go back to the active document and make the desired change. When you are sure all pages of this form are complete, you may print this page for your records.

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Budget Application

Page 1: Organization Staffing Pattern 1) Organizational Staffing Pattern: Identify

each staff person by: Title using the drop down box and typing in the boxes provided for the Number of Persons in that position, Daily Hours spent in that position, Salary per Hour (including fringe benefits), and Number of Days Worked. Gross Salary will be automatically calculated for you.

Once all the information for that position has been entered, click the Add button. This will add the information to the Staff List. Repeat the process until all positions have been identified. If volunteers participate in your program, include those individuals using the title “other.”

Repeat the steps for all other individuals involved with administering SFSP. NOTE: Total administrative salaries will round to the nearest dollar and will appear on line item “administrative salaries” on the next page.

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Page 2: Administrative Budget

2) Estimated Administrative Budget The estimated budget shown at the top right of the form is based on the number of meals claimed for reimbursement last year. If you have added or dropped sites you may need to adjust this estimated budget. Contact the State agency before completing this format 334-242-8249. In the proposed column enter the amount for each category listed. Administrative salaries will auto fill based on input from page one of the Budget Application. Remember if the totals for the proposed budget exceed the figure shown at the top of the form, you must provide an explanation in the Sponsor Comments box. IMPORTANT If you entered figures in the proposed column of the budget for items with an * you must submit additional information to the State agency. You must certify that you understand this by checking the box at the bottom of the page.

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Page 3: Operational Budget

3) Estimated Operational Budget The estimated budget shown at the top right of the form is based on the number of meals claimed for reimbursement last year. If you have added or dropped sites, you need to adjust this estimated budget In the proposed column enter the amount for each category listed. Remember if the totals for the proposed budget exceed the figure shown at the top of the form; provide an explanation in the Sponsor Comments box. IMPORTANT If you entered figures in the proposed column of the budget for items with an * you must submit additional information to the State agency. You must certify that you understand this by checking the box at the bottom of the page.

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Page 4: Other Income 4) Adult Meals: Will meals be sold to adults?

Click Yes or No. a) If yes, identify the price of an adult meal.

5) Other Income: Will your SFSP receive

income from other sources other than the SFSP reimbursement to cover expenses associated with operational or administrative budget items. Click Yes or No. a) If yes, identify the type and amount of

these funds.

6) Advanced Funds: Are you requesting advanced funds for operational or administrative costs? Click Yes or No. a) If yes, for operational and administrative

costs identify the month and number of operating days for each month. Advanced funds may not be requested if operating less than 10 days in a month.

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REVIEW PAGE After each form has been completed and information has been saved, you may review the form by clicking the Review Page button to the right of the last page of the document. This will display a review of all pages in that form. This is a good tool to use to be sure the form is completed correctly. No changes can be made from this view of the form. To make changes you must go back to the active document and make the desired change. If you are sure all pages of this form are complete, you may print this page for your records.

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Civil Rights Application Page 1: Racial and Ethnic Data 1) Racial/Ethnic Make-up: Provide an estimate

of the of the Racial/Ethnic make-up served. Click the counties where the children live that you serve and click the Add button to add them to the box below. To add multiple counties, you may use the CTRL Key on the PC or the Command Key on a Mac while you click with your mouse. When the Add button is clicked, all counties highlighted in the above box will be shown in the chart on the bottom of the page with Ethnic and Racial data from that county.

2) Advertisement: The SFSP program must be

advertised to the community. Identify the method that you used to contact grass roots organizations about the SFSP program by typing your response in the box provided.

3) Language: If information was provided about the SFSP program in any language other than English,

identify how that was done by typing a description in the box provided. Save Page 1

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Page 2: Civil Rights 4) Allegations of Discrimination: Has a lawsuit

or complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin ever been filed against your organization? Click Yes or No. a) If yes, has FNC been notified? Click Yes

or No.

5) Civil Right Compliance Review: Has the sponsoring organization been the subject of a civil rights compliance review two years prior to the current year of federal feeding program application for participation? Click Yes or No. a) If yes, list the name of the agency or organization performing the review.

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REVIEW PAGE After each form has been completed and information has been saved, you may review the form by clicking the Review Page button to the right of the last page of the form. This will display a review of all pages in that form. This is a good tool to use to be sure the form is completed correctly. No changes can be made from this view of the form. To make changes you must go back to the active document and make the desired change. If you are sure all pages of this form are complete, you may print this page for your records.

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Submission Process Once all the required forms are complete, you may submit your Forms Package to the State Agency for processing. First, click Submit Application under SFSP on the left menu bar. This will display the screen below. NOTE: Only those individuals with the submission Authority Level will have the Submit option.

All the forms you have started will appear in the list. If the box has a white background you can submit the form by clicking the box next to each form that you want to submit. Incomplete Forms If a box is highlighted in a color the box is disabled (you can’t click in it), this indicates the form is not ready for submission. A list of items that remain to be completed will appear under the respective form name. If the form must be completed for each site, items that remain to be completed will also be listed by site. Paper Documentation Submission On the bottom of the page is a box that reminds you that there are several paper documents that must be submitted. At the bottom of the page is a Submit button. When the Sponsor Application, Site Document Application, Budget Application, and Civil Rights appear in a white box, you may submit the application. If the forms are not complete, the submit button will not appear at the bottom of the screen. Please be sure all forms are correct before submitting the forms package. After you submit the forms package, you will not be able to make any changes until the State Agency has processed the application. When the form package is successfully submitted the following message will appear.

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Creating A Revision Step 1. Go to Enter username/password Step 2. Once on the Online Data Entry Page go to SFSP Step 3. Click Application Step 4. Open the form you wish to edit. Step 5. In the text box, type why you need to create a revision. Step 6 Click the blue line Click Here to Create a Revision. Step 7. Enter the changes you wish to make to the form. Save the page(s). Step 8. Go to Submit Application. Submit the revision.