One World Many Needs Many Views

Post on 25-Jul-2015

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Transcript of One World Many Needs Many Views

One World. Many Needs. Many Views


It’s our time. Let us grow our Economies and take care of

our peopleYou’ll fix whatever you want to


The West:“If you do as I have done it

will be a mess.”

Let us all change- rapidlyLet’s secure our nation,

people and planet

Emerging:Will there be enough for

us?Can i afford it?

Who will deliver it to me?

The poor:When will we see electricity and get


Opec and GasPec:You need us!

We can deliver your needs!What is all that fuzz about

Availability and climate change?

Future Strategies and Scenario’s: With Uncertainties


Prognosis Renewables/CleanTech

2030-2040 BAU ReMap2030 UN DDCP (Business As Usual) (IRENA/UN Energy For All) (exponential growth)

21 % 30% > 70%

BAU= Business As Usual, ReMap2030= UN Energy For All Study and PlanDDCP= UN Sustainable Development Goals post-2015/ Deep-De-carbonization project

Thomas Piketty and Pope Francis On Capital, Wealth and Social Justice


Clickable Video Presentation Clickable Video Presentation

The State of Our World Energy System

Three wise moves:

• The Western (OECD-) countries could do well if they were able to “make room” and reduce their average fossil energy footprint significantly, in order to-

• Allow and facilitate the non-OECD countries to grow and allow their benefits and wealth creation (opportunity) from fossil energy.

• The general predicted increase in world average energy consumption per capita should ideally be generated by non-fossil fuels such as renewable energy. Overall world fossil fuel production is not to rise and should taper-down significantly if we do not wish to cross levels which can no longer be sustained or guaranteed for our economies, societies or nature.

And an action agenda:

• A political agenda: “We need better oversight and agreement on the rules of the game on sustainability and the dynamic developments in the world energy system.” We need policies, markets and regulations which supports the new

• A business and large (energy) corporation agenda: “making room for the new: enabling the development of energy architectures of the 21st century”

• A social agenda: “we need to allow for the poor and middle-class incomes: ensuring that energy once and when made available – remains affordable.”

• We need leadership values of the 21st century : allowing for better integration of sustainability in the energy value chains and across borders. 8