One of the most prevalent powerful programming languages.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of One of the most prevalent powerful programming languages.

One of the most prevalent powerful programming languages

Hi, C#

class Program{

static void Main(){



C#Reads C-SharpIs a computer programming language

Server Side

Client Side SilverLight

Is an ECMA standard, spearheaded by MS

Run on .net frameworkDeveloped in, say, Visual StudioFor all kinds of software

Web, Service, etc silverlight

Windows Form,

TypedEvery value is typedC# is strong typed, different from ES

Every value is introduced after type declaredThe type cannot be changed all the val’s life.

Type before InstanceEvery value is an instance of a type.Many instances are abstracted by type

Each instance can have their own state Stored in each instance

Their behaviors are of the same model Stored in type. Vary due to data of each instance

Type definition and instantiationIn C#,

We define types, the model Behavior/events Data storage space, field

Instantiate Create a new thing from the model Store different values in the data field.

Type definition and instantiationNote,

Type can have its own behavior/data, which will

not be copied/referenced by instances. Such as constant/static ones

Other members can be inherited

Run!Call a type/instance’method

In which other methods may be calledData may be changedThen stop.

CodingSo in c#, the coding is about typing and

instantiatingTypes first.

Kinds of Types by declarationenumstructclassinterfacedelegate

By referenceenumstruct




By val vs by refBy val By ref

Literal in var Pointer in varLiteral in another place

long i=1; object a=1;

1 1A3D136ui a


Types vs TypesSubtype

Any instance of a is also instance of bAssociation

A’s property is b







Negative Integer

Student Male


Object always top


Inherit from multiple

Supertype chain can be 0,1,2, … steps long.The instance of a type is also instance of any type on the supertype chain

Examplepublic enum Color{




Case sensitiveType’s initial is conventionally capitalized

Type def comprises signature and body

{static} {public/…} {abstract/sealed} TypeKeyword typename:supertype[1],…{…//the body


Signature Modifiersstatic

No instance can be created; not inheritable.access

public: Visitable everywhereprivate: only hereinternal: in this project/packageprotected: in the subtypesprotected internal: subtypes or within package

abstractNo instance; subtype can

sealedNo inheritace


FieldsConstructor/destructorMethods/properties/indexerEventsInner types

ChessBoard Square-used only here

Different for declaration kinds of types

Fieldclass Student{

public string id;private DateTime dob;


//Note the type and varName


To init fieldsNo returnCan take argsSame name as classTypes with no fields have no ctor

class Student{Sex sex;public Student(Sex sex){;



Clear up, e.g., release held resources such as db.No returnClass name preceded by ~Not necessary

Often explicitly done by other methods like close/Finalizer/destroyer, etc

public class Student{~Student{

//close database, for example}


Methodclass Stduent{

public int age(){//return currentTime-dob;



Propertyclass Stduent{

public bool performance{protected get{

//return grades;}private set{




//property is like a method without parameter

Indexerpublic class HbueStudent{

public Student this[int x]{//return student one by one


}HbueStudent hs=new HbueStudent();hs[0];//a student//note the keyword this. //it’s like a method


Event is a field where a series of methods wrapped as delegates will be triggered.

Static memberpublic class Circle {

static public double Tau=6.28;double area(){



//Note if a member is static, it’s a member of the type itself.

//It cannot be inherited. For exmaple Disc inherit Circle’s area, but Circle.Tau insteadof Disc.Tau

enumpublic enum Sex{



//Male can be regarded as the static property of Sex, so its initial is capital.

//Object is implicitly the supertype. can not inherit any ther.

//By value//stored as int//used like:

Sex s=Sex.Male;

structpublic struct Point{

double X;double Y;public void Translate(){



//note struct has only one implicit supertype object.

interfaceinterface IShape {

public double area();//…


// no field; no implementation;//implementation will be in classes subtypes//it’s a placeholder for multiple inheritance,

as is impossible for class

classpublic class Student{



delegatepublic delegete double BiOp(double x, double


//inherit Delegate/MultiDelegate implicitly//can only store corresponding functions

BiOp a=(double x, double y)=>return x+y;BiOp b=()=>return;//wrong!

Use your defined type to introduce a var

Student s;Color c;BiOp o;Ishape shape;Point p;


s=new Student();

Invoke members; //method, in which other instances might be created and invoked; //data

Console applicationWe can code different projectsConsole is a simple one

In VSAn application is a project or many projects

When creating projects, select Console, select c# as the lang.

One or more files/folders will be added to the project.C# source code file’s extension is .cs

CodingOne and only one class has a static Main

method The system will invoke this type’s Main and

start the application.





Source code opend


Hi, C#

class Program{

static void Main(){



struct and enum is where to hold literal valuesclass type declaration is where to hold

functions/fieldsVar of such type is a referenceInstances hold fields

delegate/interface is references

The reference chain will finally lead to literal values.

Class vs struct

reference value

In most cases, the two might both do.

Class vs interface

Having instances

Single inheritance

No instance

Multiple inheritance

Reference type

Why interfaceMultiple inheritanceConceptual, type diagram

You don’t have to care much about detail

Classclass is the most used typestatic void Main method of a class is the entry

point of a program.

Type diagramIn visual studio

Draw diagram to illustrate the subtype relationsYou can also add members to types on the

diagramVisual studio will generate the source code for


ConstructAn instance has all the fields along the

subtype chain.Its constructor will call supertype[1]’s

constructor, which in turn will call upward, and so on, till object, where constructor init fields, then return,

letting the lower chain to init subtype’s fields.This process ensures supertype’s fields initiated

before subtype’s constructor reference those fields in its running.

constructAn instance’s constructor can designate which

of the supertype’s constructor to be calledThe default one is the one with no paras.

destructDestruction from bottom up.

virtual overrideA member can be

overridden in subtypeA{

virtual m(){}}B:A{

override m(){}

}A b=new B();b.m(); //call B.m()

Override vs overload

Overload iswithin a same type where methods of

the same name taking different type

of paras

Override isAbout the

inheritance among types

Method of the same name in subtype overrun that in supertype.

PolymorphismFor instances of the same type, but of

different subtypes,Same-named methods might be different due

to overriding.

E.g. All animals will eat, but the ways of eating differ

Func<int, int> a=(int x)=>x+1;

C# Delegates and Events

Defining and using Delegates three steps:

1. Declaration2. Instantiation3. Invocation

C# Delegates and Events

Delegate Instantiationdelegate void MyDelegate(int x, int y);

class MyClass{ private MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate( SomeFun );

public static void SomeFun(int dx, int dy) { }

static public void Main(){myDelegate(3,5);


Type declare



public delegate void FireThisEvent();

class MyEventWrapper{ private event FireThisEvent fireThisEvent;

public void OnSomethingHappens() { if(fireThisEvent != null) fireThisEvent(); }

public event FireThisEvent HandleFireThisEvent { add { fireThisEvent += value; } remove { fireThisEvent -= value; } }}

//somewhere else, someone will add to the events. And when something happens, onSomethingHappes will fire all the delegate in that events.

[…]class A{

[…]void m(){}


AttributesQuerying Attributes

[HelpUrl("http://SomeUrl/MyClass")] class Class1 {}[HelpUrl("http://SomeUrl/MyClass"), HelpUrl("http://SomeUrl/MyClass”, Tag=“ctor”)] class Class2 {}

Type type = typeof(MyClass); foreach (object attr in type.GetCustomAttributes() ) { if ( attr is HelpUrlAttribute ) { HelpUrlAttribute ha = (HelpUrlAttribute) attr; myBrowser.Navigate( ha.Url ); }}

The End
