Oma lab 1

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Oma lab 1

By: Dr. Brian E. Esporlas

Muscular and largest single organ in the mouth

Anterior 2/3 located in the floor of the mouth

Posterior 1/3 in the pharynx

Divided antero porterior by the sulcus terminlis.

Divided into anterior lateral halves by the lingual septum

Filiform papilla: numerous, pointed, cone shaped

Fungiform papilla: mushroom shape

Foliate papilla: are narrow mucosal flds bilaterally located along the posterior border of the body about 4 to 8 in number. Well developed at birth and became atrophied in mature individual

Vallate: largest papilla. 8 to 10 in numbers. Arranged in v-shape manner.

Masses of lymphoid tissue with the primary function of producing lymphocytes and has a role in immunization 4 in numbers. And formed the protective ring of waldeyer Palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils and pharyngeal tonsils




Clinical crown

Anatomical crown

Anatomical root

(covered by


Clinical root (

implanted and

surrounded by the


Enamel: hardes calcified tissue covering the anatomical crowns of teeth

Dentin: main bulk of the tooth underneath the enamel and cementum

Cementum: calcified tissue that covers the anatomical root

Alveolar bone: part of the jaw that forms the alveolar socket where the tooth is embeded

Gingiva: a firm mucosa around the neck of the teeth

Periodontal ligament is the fibrous connective tissue found between the roots of the teeth and alveolar bone.

Dr. Brian E. Esporlas


union of two


Blastomeres. The

zygote 2 daughter


3rd day of

development a

sloid ball of cell is


16 cell.

Inner cell mass and outer cell mass. With fluid

filled cavity known as blastocoel.

Formation of 2 germ layers

Human facial development begins at

approximately four weeks post conception

with the appearance of the five processes,

which surrounds the early oral cavity or the

so called STOMODEUM.

Frontonasa process

Maxillary process (paired)

Mandibular process (paired)

Development of the frontonasal process

rapidly enlagres as the underlying forebrain

expands into bilateral cerebral hemispheres

The mandibular processes unite to provide

continuity to the forbearer of the lower jaw

and lip.

Medial and lateral nasal processes from

within the enlarge frontonasal process to

surround an early ectodermal thickening, the

nasal placode.

Medial growth of the maxillary processes

dominates subsequent development of the

face resulting in contact then fusion with the

lateral nasal processes.(forming nasolacrimal

duct, cheek and alar base of future nose)

Further growth towards the midline pushes the lateral nasal

processes superiorly and allows fusion of the maxillary

processes with the medial processess inferiorly merging them

together in the midline to form:

Central portion of the nose, upper lip philtrum and primary


The palatine shelves are forming from the maxillary

processes and are directed downward on each side of the

developing tongue.

The tongue has been depressed and the

palatine shelves are elevated but not fussed.

Fusion of the shelves and the nasal septum is


Cleft palate

Cleft lip


Clefts of the lip and clefts of the palate can

occur simultaneously or separately.

Identify as primary or secondary.

The primary palate includes: Lip and


The secondary palate includes: Hard

palate, Soft palate, Uvula

Any cleft of the primary or secondary palate may

be complete or incomplete, depending on whether

or not the cleft involves the entire anatomic structure.

Any cleft of the primary or secondary palate may

be unilateral or bilateral.

Submucous clefts of the secondary palate may also


12th July 2008 Dr. Christine Underhill

12th July 2008 Dr. Christine Underhill

Draw the following

President dabu please submit all sketch pads

to advance orthodontics department. Nov 15.


Read chapter 5