Old Testament Intro - ABCJesusLovesMe

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Transcript of Old Testament Intro - ABCJesusLovesMe

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Old Testament Intro

Many believe the Bible is a locked book. You must be super smart or have a degree in Theology to understand the cryptic message. I used to feel this way too. But this is not true.

When we show up with an open heart, the Holy Spirit will give us the key to unlock what we may not understand. And, I am excited to say that reading through the Bible will change your life, because it has changed mine.

If you have never daily spent time with the Lord, I invite you to read my blog series on How to Have a Quiet Time. Here are some suggestions supplies I have found helpful for this journey:

• Prayer Journal, Be Intentional Planner, or Notebook I used a top-bound spiral notebook to take notes of each chapter and my Prayer Journal to guide my prayer time.

• Favorite Pen Choose a pen or pencil that you love to write with. It will make journaling more fun!

• Bible or Bible App The free YouVersion or Blue Letter Bible apps make it easy to switch between versions and for reading commentaries.

• Commentary I found the David Guzik and Matthew Henry commentaries to be incredibly helpful. I also used my study Bible for explanation on tough verses.

• Accountability PartnerInvite friends to join you. Each day send a text or email sharing something you learned. Or meet weekly for discussion.

There is great discussion on the chronological order of the Bible, as well as the most important chapters. I have chosen the chapters and the order based on my research and personal study of the Bible. But feel free to add or subtract chapters or arrange in an order that you feel is most accurate. Simplifying this study to “key” chapters in no way negates the rest of the Bible. The Bible is God’s Word and should be examined as a whole. I invite you to jump into the New Testament study when you finish this one.

Yes…it may be hard to get started. It will be even more difficult to stay consistent. But. Your. Life. Will. Change. It will be worth every moment. I promise.

Only by grace...heidiheidi@ABCJesusLovesMe.com

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Welcome to the Keys of the Bible study: two personal studies of the Old and New Testament for all current Our Out-of-Sync Life blog and The Helping Hand newsletter subscribers.

Imagine with me a locked box. Your curiosity begs to figure out what is inside.

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Old Testament

Week 1

Old Testament

□ Monday: Genesis 1 - 2:3 In the beginning…

□ Tuesday: Genesis 2:4 – 25 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

□ Wednesday: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-24 It is important to review what God said about the tree in the garden to compare what was repeated in chapter 3.

□ Thursday: Genesis 4:1-16 The first murder.

□ Friday: Genesis 6:5-22 Because of the “great wickedness of the human race,” God made a plan.

□ Saturday: Genesis 7 Noah’s family entered the ark with the animals.

□ Sunday: Genesis 8

□ Monday: Genesis 9:1-17

□ Tuesday: Genesis 11:1-9 This is a short reading to give you time to understand the effects of pride. I found this article from Desiring God very helpful in understanding the significance of the Tower of Babel.

□ Wednesday: Job 1 While in the middle of the Bible, many people believe that Job occurred after the flood and before Joseph. While there is uncertainty about the exact timing, after the Tower of Babel could be a possibility. Job is often considered a confusing book. I found Matthew Henry’s concise commentary to be very helpful in getting the full picture.

□ Thursday: Job 2

□ Friday: Job 38 This is my new go-to chapter for when I begin to question God. I would encourage you to read this chapter a second time in The Message translation for further understanding.

□ Saturday: Job 39 A continuation of God’s sovereignty.

□ Sunday: Job 40 Although we won’t be reading it in this reading plan, Job 41 continues God’s response.

Week 2

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Old Testament Old Testament

Week 4

□ Monday: Genesis 27 From yesterday’s reading, Isaac and Rebekah were married. Skipping a few chapters forward, they had twins named Esau and Jacob. Esau was the oldest and was loved by Isaac. Jacob was loved most by Rebekah.

□ Tuesday: Genesis 28:10-22 Another promise was made.

□ Wednesday: Genesis 37 Today’s reading begins the journey of Joseph. It is many people’s favorite Bible story because of its example of God’s sovereignty. Jacob (or Israel) had 12 sons and Joseph (age 17) was the youngest and Jacob’s favorite.

□ Thursday: Genesis 39 Two times the Word says, “The LORD was with Joseph...”

□ Friday: Genesis 40 Notice how Joseph served well, no matter where he was.

□ Saturday: Genesis 41 What does Joseph say prior to interpreting the dream?

□ Sunday: Genesis 42 Joseph had his brothers do various things to see if their character had changed.

□ Monday: Job 42

□ Tuesday: Genesis 12 Today we return to Genesis. For the next few days we will see Abraham’s faith grow and a covenant made between God and Abraham.

□ Wednesday: Genesis 15

□ Thursday: Genesis 18 Scholars believe that the three men in this chapter were heavenly beings in human bodies.

□ Friday: Genesis 21:1-21 Today a portion of the covenant from Genesis 12 was fulfilled in Abraham’s son Isaac. In v9, Hagar and Ishmael were mentioned. I encourage you to go back to Genesis 16:1-4 to understand the backstory.

□ Saturday: Genesis 22:1-19 This chapter has always been a struggle for me as it seems out of God’s character. In reading some commentary I learned two things. 1. There is a difference between test and tempt. James 1:13 says that God does not tempt anyone, but Genesis 22:1 states that God tested Abraham. Testing is to reveal our heart toward God and lead us to maturity (James 1:2-4). Tempting is to draw us to sin (what Satan does). 2. Trust-God was testing Abraham to see if he would trust God even when God’s command didn’t make sense.

□ Sunday: Genesis 24 Finding a wife was handled a little differently in Genesis.

Week 3

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Exodus 4:1-23 And the doubts continued for Moses.

□ Tuesday: Exodus 5

□ Wednesday: Exodus 6:1-13 Make a list in your journal of each “I have...” and “I will...”.

□ Thursday: Exodus 6:28-30, 7:1-25 Why the 10 plagues? So the people “will know that I am the LORD.”

□ Friday: Exodus 8 I always thought Moses did all the acts of God with the rod. Notice that Aaron did several due to Moses doubting God.

□ Saturday: Exodus 9 Each plague attacked one of the Egyptians’ gods.

□ Sunday: Exodus 10 Notice that #1-9 plagues only affect the Egyptians, not the Israelites.

Week 6Week 5

□ Monday: Genesis 43

□ Tuesday: Genesis 44

□ Wednesday: Genesis 45 The sovereignty of God.

□ Thursday: Genesis 50

□ Friday: Exodus 1 Today begins the story of Moses, the battle with Pharaoh, and the Israelites’ exit from Egypt.

□ Saturday: Exodus 2 This chapter covers 80 years of time: Moses as a baby, Moses at 40, Moses at 80

□ Sunday: Exodus 3 Notice how many times Moses doubted God.

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Leviticus 16 The Day of Atonement points us to Christ as our sin offering and scapegoat. Jesus removed the need for this once-a-year sacrifice.

□ Tuesday: Numbers 13 Grab your kids as you read through this story of the spies. Have fun acting out the story afterward.

□ Wednesday: Numbers 14 Sin has consequences.

□ Thursday: Psalm 90 A prayer by Moses on the brevity of life. For me, this was a summary of Ecclesiastes and the brevity of life. “And our work will stand if we quietly leave it in His hands. Quietly do it to Him, never mind about results, but look after motives. You cannot influence results, let God look after them; you can influence motives. Be sure that they are right, and if they are, the work will be eternal.” MacLaren’s Exposition Psalm 90, Part II

□ Friday: Deuteronomy 1 Deuteronomy is a book of reminding and preparing. This chapter begins the review of what happened in Exodus.

□ Saturday: Deuteronomy 2

□ Sunday: Deuteronomy 3

Week 8Week 7

□ Monday: Exodus 11, 12:1-28 This chapter begins Passover instructions.

□ Tuesday: Exodus 12:29-51

□ Wednesday: Exodus 13 As you read through all the details praise God for the sacrifice of His Son, which removed the need for the animal sacrifice.

□ Thursday: Exodus 14 While this story is very familiar to many, ask the Holy Spirit to allow you to read the chapter with new eyes.

□ Friday: Exodus 19 As you make notes in your journal, use arrows to mark Moses moving up and down the mountain. You may find the last part of this chapter confusing, but the Matthew Henry’s Commentary is helpful.

□ Saturday: Exodus 20:1-21 Providing the Israelites with a new way to live, God spoke directly to the people through the 10 Commandments. If you are unsure how to implement the 10 Commandments into the lives of your children, I encourage you to view this video series available to order.

□ Sunday: Exodus 32

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Old Testament Old Testament

Week 10

□ Monday: Deuteronomy 29 A 2nd covenant was created. God made a promise toward man, and it required a

response from man.

□ Tuesday: Deuteronomy 30 This chapter was a little tough, so it may be helpful to seek a commentary.

□ Wednesday: Deuteronomy 31:30, 32:1-52 Moses’ song

□ Thursday: Deuteronomy 34 Passing the baton.

□ Friday: Joshua 1 Notice how many times Joshua was told to “be strong.”

□ Saturday: Joshua 2 2nd round of spies.

□ Sunday: Joshua 3 Crossing the Jordan - I love how the water wasn’t divided until the priests’ feet stepped into the Jordan.

□ Monday: Deuteronomy 4:1-40 Notice that God commanded the Israelites to not add to or subtract, just keep His commandments. What have you added to God’s commands (legalism)? What commands are you ignoring (abuse of grace)?

□ Tuesday: Deuteronomy 5 This is a reminder of the 10 Commandments. I love how God says to not turn aside from right or left. I like to call this “keeping it between the ditches.”

□ Wednesday: Deuteronomy 6 Notice all that God provided for the Israelites in the Promised Land.

□ Thursday: Deuteronomy 7 God doesn’t mess around with sin. He expects His commands to be followed. And when they seem harsh, remember that His commands are for the protection of His people.

□ Friday: Deuteronomy 8 Follow every command...so that you may live.

□ Saturday: Deuteronomy 27 God explained what will happen if His commands were not followed.

□ Sunday: Deuteronomy 28 God shared all the blessings from obeying His commands.

Week 9

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Judges 13:24-25, 14:1-20 As you read through the story of Samson, remember that God set up many commandments to keep the Jews safe and worshipping only God. In this story, notice the consequences for Samson intermarrying and eating from the carcass of unclean animals.

□ Tuesday: Judges 15

□ Wednesday: Judges 16

□ Thursday: Ruth 1 Enjoy this precious story.

□ Friday: Ruth 2

□ Saturday: Ruth 3

□ Sunday: Ruth 4

Week 12Week 11

□ Monday: Joshua 4 How could you make a memorial of what God has done in your family?

□ Tuesday: Joshua 6 Ask the Lord to show you something new in this familiar text.

□ Wednesday: Joshua 23 Joshua was very old.

□ Thursday: Joshua 24:1-31 A review from Abraham to the present.

□ Friday: Judges 2

□ Saturday: Judges 6 Notice that Gideon obeyed God by destroying his father’s idols. The fleece was to confirm God’s military help.

□ Sunday: Judges 7 God wants the glory.

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: I Samuel 16 I love how God placed David in a place to learn about ruling a nation before he was king.

□ Tuesday: I Samuel 17 David’s sole reason for action and focus was the LORD.

□ Wednesday: Psalm 19 There are some wonderful verses in this chapter to pray over your family. Available on the ABCJesusLovesMe is a precious prayer calendar.

□ Thursday: Psalm 103 Make a list of all God’s benefits.

□ Friday: Psalm 104

□ Saturday: II Samuel 5 David was anointed king.

□ Sunday: Psalm 106 Beautiful review of Exodus. Make a list of what the Israelites did wrong.

Week 14Week 13

□ Monday: I Samuel 1

□ Tuesday: I Samuel 2 Notice the contrast in parenting between Hannah and Eli.

□ Wednesday: I Samuel 3 Eli knew about the sin in his children’s lives yet did nothing about it. Judgment was placed on his house because of it. What sins in our children are you ignoring out of laziness or denial?

□ Thursday: I Samuel 8 Despite the Lord’s firm warning of what would occur, Israel wanted to be like everyone else with a king. What of the world’s do we desire despite God’s warnings?

□ Friday: I Samuel 9 God used lost donkeys to take Saul to Samuel.

□ Saturday: I Samuel 10

□ Sunday: I Samuel 15

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: II Samuel 11 Make a list of each chance that David had to stop his snowball of sin.

□ Tuesday: II Samuel 12 Notice David’s apology to God, “I have sinned against the LORD.” Period.

□ Wednesday: Psalm 51 David’s prayer after his sin with Bathsheba.

□ Thursday: Psalm 37

□ Friday: I Kings 1

□ Saturday: I Kings 2:1-12 David’s charge to his son, and next king, Solomon.

□ Sunday: I Chronicles 29 Chronicles is considered a repetition of Samuel and Kings with unique contributions.

Week 16

□ Monday: Psalm 107

□ Tuesday: Psalm 1 Wonderful chapter to memorize.

□ Wednesday: Psalm 23 Total dependence on God.

□ Thursday: Psalm 24

□ Friday: Psalm 100 Psalm of Thanksgiving

□ Saturday: Psalm 105 Chapter of remembrance.

□ Sunday: II Samuel 7

Week 15

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Proverbs 6

□ Tuesday: Proverbs 7

□ Wednesday: Proverbs 8

□ Thursday: Proverbs 9

□ Friday: I Kings 8:1-21 The Ark of the Covenant was brought to the temple.

□ Saturday: I Kings 8:22-66, 9:1-9

□ Sunday: Ecclesiastes 3 Make a list of every season or appointed time mentioned.

Week 18Week 17

□ Monday: I Kings 3 Solomon’s request.

□ Tuesday: Song of Solomon 1 This book is “a testament to the beauty of the marriage relationship in its

fullness.” Chuck Swindoll

□ Wednesday: Proverbs 1

□ Thursday: Proverbs 2 Make a list of if...then and when...then statements.

□ Friday: Proverbs 3 Notice the blessings that follow commands.

□ Saturday: Proverbs 4 Guard your heart, mouth, eyes, and steps.

□ Sunday: Proverbs 5 Solomon warned about the dangers of adultery.

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Old Testament Old Testament

Week 20

□ Monday: I Kings 19

□ Tuesday: Obadiah 1 Judgment on Edom for injustice done to Judah

□ Wednesday: II Kings 1

□ Thursday: II Kings 2 Elijah was mightily endowed with the Holy Spirit. Make this the prayer of your heart.

□ Friday: II Kings 4 “It is well.”

□ Saturday: II Kings 5 Notice the sincere faith of the young servant. Taken from her home, her heart desired to serve wherever God placed her.

□ Sunday: II Kings 6:1-23 God works more miracles through Elisha.

□ Monday: Ecclesiastes 12 Leave time to focus on verses 13-14.

□ Tuesday: I Kings 10

□ Wednesday: I Kings 11 Oh the consequences of disobedience.

□ Thursday: Proverbs 31 Take the list of a virtuous wife to the Lord in prayer. In what area do you need the Lord to work in your heart?

□ Friday: I Kings 12 Solomon’s son (Rehoboam) rejected the wisdom of the elders and took that of the younger men.

□ Saturday: I Kings 17 Elijah and the widow.

□ Sunday: I Kings 18 Notice how even in the presence of the LORD, Elijah was focused on the negative.

Week 19

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Amos 1

□ Tuesday: Amos 2 Who...What...Then...

□ Wednesday: Amos 9 Compare Amos 9:2-4 to Psalm 139:7-12.

□ Thursday: Micah 5 According to Matthew Henry, Micah 5 is “perhaps the most important single prophecy in the Old Testament.”

□ Friday: Micah 7

□ Saturday: II Kings 18 Moses made the bronze serpent to save the people (Numbers 21:1-9). Men took something good and used by God and made it a destructive idol.

□ Sunday: Hosea 4 If you have read the amazing book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, you know the background story of Hosea. Hosea is a prophet who has been instructed by God to marry a prostitute named Gomer. “Its central theme is the redeeming love of God towards sinners.”

Week 22Week 21

□ Monday: II Kings 7 A great famine hit the land.

□ Tuesday: II Kings 8 When confronted with the sin in his heart, Hazael ignored it.

□ Wednesday: Jonah 1 “The book of Jonah teaches us that only true repentance brings salvation and God’s compassion is toward all.” Women’s Study Bible

□ Thursday: Jonah 2

□ Friday: Jonah 3

□ Saturday: Jonah 4 Notice the large “but” which begins this chapter.

□ Sunday: Isaiah 6

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Nahum 1 Make a list of God’s characteristics.

□ Tuesday: II Chronicles 34 Josiah was only 8 years old when he became king, yet he was an amazing leader.

□ Wednesday: II Chronicles 35 But just like Hezekiah, Josiah’s legacy was tarnished by pride.

□ Thursday: Joel 2 There is question about where Joel falls in the chronologic order. I chose to put it here based on the research that I have done. No matter where it falls, there is truth in this chapter. Be sure to read commentary to see the tie between this chapter and Acts 2.

□ Friday: Zephaniah 3 Notice how rebellion looks the same today: not obeying, not receiving correction, not trusting the Lord, and not drawing near to God. How are you rebelling?

□ Saturday: Jeremiah 18 How heartbreaking to read that Judah felt it was hopeless (not worth it) to repent (v12). What feels hopeless in your life? What is the truth of your situation?

□ Sunday: Jeremiah 19 This chapter was another reminder of how God is a jealous God and desires our full worship.

Week 24Week 23

□ Monday: Hosea 14 Focus on verse 9.

□ Tuesday: Isaiah 40 Jerusalem had been told of the coming Babylonian conquest.

□ Wednesday: II Kings 19 Notice how Hezekiah received the letter and immediately went to the Lord in prayer (v14-15).

□ Thursday: Isaiah 53 Foretelling of Jesus and His death.

□ Friday: Isaiah 55 Make a list of all the verbs used in this chapter (e.g. listen, eat, let, incline...).

□ Saturday: Isaiah 61

□ Sunday: II Kings 20 Pride destroys.

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Old Testament Old Testament

Week 26

□ Monday: Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the prophetic meaning.

□ Tuesday: Daniel 3 David Guzik mentioned in the Enduring Word Commentary, “They didn’t doubt God’s ability, but neither did they presume to know God’s will.”

□ Wednesday: Daniel 4 God loves us enough to get our attention.

□ Thursday: Daniel 5 Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, Belshazzar mocked God. God gets everyone’s


□ Friday: Daniel 6 The power of pride.

□ Saturday: Daniel 9 “One of the most amazing and significant prophetic passages in the Bible.” But even with David Guzik’s commentary, this chapter is tough. Don’t give up while reading Daniel’s prayer and Gabriel’s interruption.

□ Sunday: Ezra 1 Ezra shared the return to Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the temple.

□ Monday: Jeremiah 31:31-40 This chapter beautifully ties the Old and New Testament together. Be sure to read a commentary to understand the full depth of the New Covenant.

□ Tuesday: II Kings 25 Notice in verse 21 “Judah went into captivity, away from her land.” David Guzik says, “This was the land God gave to His people, the tribes of Israel. They had possessed this land for some 860 years; they took it by faith and obedience but they lost it through idolatry and sin.”

□ Wednesday: Habakkuk 3 This chapter is especially fitting if you are going through trouble or a crisis. My Bible commentary said, “True faith means loving and serving God regardless of circumstances.”

□ Thursday: Lamentations 3:1-33 Verses 1-20 state Jeremiah’s bitterness to the current situation. Verse 21 explains that at the bottom Jeremiah found hope. “This I recall to mind....therefore I have hope.” Notice who God is (faithful, compassionate) and what I am to do during trials (wait, seek).

□ Friday: Ezekiel 1-2 These two chapters share Ezekiel’s vision from God for him to be a prophet and speak to the children of Israel.

□ Saturday: Ezekiel 37 Another vision that God would bring restoration to Israel.

□ Sunday: Daniel 1

Week 25

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Old Testament Old Testament

□ Monday: Esther 1 The king was drunk. Queen was removed from her throne.

□ Tuesday: Esther 2 Four years later, Esther was brought to palace.

□ Wednesday: Esther 3 Decree to kill all Jews.

□ Thursday: Esther 4 “For such a time as this...”

□ Friday: Esther 5 The plot thickens.

□ Saturday: Esther 6 All events were orchestrated by God.

□ Sunday: Esther 7 2nd banquet held.

Week 28

□ Monday: Ezra 3 The altar in the Old Testament is what the cross is to the church in the New Testament.

□ Tuesday: Ezra 4 Read how the Israelites handled adversity in building the temple.

□ Wednesday: Ezra 5 FYI: The King Darius of this chapter was not the same as the King Darius who

sent Daniel to the lions’ den.

□ Thursday: Ezra 6 The temple was finally completed and dedicated.

□ Friday: Haggai 1 Haggai was one of the two prophets God used after the Jews’ exile back to Jerusalem. I found myself asking the question...What is God calling me to do? Then, stop the excuses!

□ Saturday: Haggai 2

□ Sunday: Zechariah 14 Zechariah is the second prophet God used to encourage the Jews in rebuilding the temple.

Week 27

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Old Testament Old Testament

Week 30

□ Monday: Nehemiah 8

□ Tuesday: Nehemiah 9 This chapter is a beautiful review of the Old Testament.

□ Wednesday: Malachi 3 God will set everything right. First, through a messenger (John the Baptist) and then through the Messiah (Jesus).

□ Thursday: Malachi 4 I encourage you to use a commentary on this chapter to fully grasp the verses.

□ Friday: Luke 1 Jump right into the New Testament Reading Plan with Luke 1. Note how John was the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6. Print the New Testament Read Plan using the link provided in your weekly Our Out-of-Sync Life blog and The Helping Hand Newsletter emails under “ABCJesusLovesMe Free Resource Library.”

□ Saturday: John 1:1-14 Every time you read the word “Word” substitute in the name of Jesus.

□ Sunday: Luke 2 O Holy Night!

□ Monday: Esther 8

□ Tuesday: Esther 9

□ Wednesday: Nehemiah 1 Notice how Nehemiah immediately went to prayer and fasting.

□ Thursday: Nehemiah 2 After praying for 4 months, Nehemiah was able to talk to the king.

□ Friday: Nehemiah 4 Discouragement set in.

□ Saturday: Nehemiah 5 The work stopped.

□ Sunday: Nehemiah 6 Discernment by Nehemiah.

Week 29

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o Genesis 1-2:3 o Exodus 4:1-23 o Joshua 4 o II Samuel 11 o II Kings 7 o Daniel 2

o Genesis 2:4-25 o Exodus 5 o Joshua 6 o II Samuel 12 o II Kings 8 o Daniel 3o Genesis 2:15-17, 3 o Exodus 6:1-13 o Joshua 23 o II Samuel 51 o Jonah 1 o Daniel 4o Genesis 4:1-16 o Exodus 6:28-30, 7 o Joshua 24:1-31 o Psalm 37 o Jonah 2 o Daniel 5o Genesis 6:5-22 o Exodus 8 o Judges 2 o I Kings 1 o Jonah 3 o Daniel 6o Genesis 7 o Exodus 9 o Judges 6 o I Kings 2:1-12 o Jonah 4 o Daniel 9o Genesis 8 o Exodus 10 o Judges 7 o I Chronicles 29 o Isaiah 6 o Ezra 1o Genesis 9-:1-17 o Exodus 11, 12:1-28 o Judges 13:24-25,14:1-20 o I Kings 3 o Amos 1 o Ezra 3o Genesis 11:1-9 o Exodus 12:29-51 o Judges 15 o Song of Solomon 1 o Amos 2 o Ezra 4o Job 1 o Exodus 13 o Judges 16 o Proverbs 1 o Amos 9 o Ezra 5o Job 2 o Exodus 14 o Ruth 1 o Proverbs 2 o Micah 5 o Ezra 6o Job 38 o Exodus 19 o Ruth 2 o Proverbs 3 o Micah 7 o Haggai 1o Job 39 o Exodus 20:1-21 o Ruth 3 o Proverbs 4 o II Kings 18 o Haggai 2o Job 40 o Exodus 32 o Ruth 4 o Proverbs 5 o Hosea 4 o Zechariah 14o Job 42 o Leviticus 16 o I Samuel 1 o Proverbs 6 o Hosea 14 o Esther 1o Genesis 12 o Numbers 13 o I Samuel 2 o Proverbs 7 o Isaiah 40 o Esther 2o Genesis 15 o Numbers 14 o I Samuel 3 o Proverbs 8 o II Kings 19 o Esther 3o Genesis 18 o Psalm 90 o I Samuel 8 o Proverbs 9 o Isaiah 53 o Esther 4o Genesis 21:1-21 o Deuteronomy 1 o I Samuel 9 o I Kings 8:1-21 o Isaiah 55 o Esther 5o Genesis 22:1-19 o Deuteronomy 2 o I Samuel 10 o I Kings 8:22-66, 9:1-9 o Isaiah 61 o Esther 6o Genesis 24 o Deuteronomy 3 o I Samuel 15 o Ecclesiastes 3 o II Kings 20 o Esther 7o Genesis 27 o Deuteronomy 4:1-40 o I Samuel 16 o Ecclesiastes 12 o Nahum 1 o Esther 8o Genesis 28:10-22 o Deuteronomy 5 o I Samuel 17 o I Kings 10 o II Chronicles 34 o Esther 9o Genesis 37 o Deuteronomy 6 o Psalm 19 o I Kings 11 o II Chronicles 35 o Nehemiah 1o Genesis 39 o Deuteronomy 7 o Psalm 103 o Proverbs 31 o Joel 2 o Nehemiah 2o Genesis 40 o Deuteronomy 8 o Psalm 104 o I Kings 12 o Zephaniah 3 o Nehemiah 4o Genesis 41 o Deuteronomy 27 o II Samuel 5 o I Kings 17 o Jeremiah 18 o Nehemiah 5o Genesis 42 o Deuteronomy 28 o Psalm 106 o I Kings 18 o Jeremiah 19 o Nehemiah 6o Genesis 43 o Deuteronomy 29 o Psalm 107 o I Kings 19 o Jeremiah 31:31-40 o Nehemiah 8o Genesis 44 o Deuteronomy 30 o Psalm 1 o Obadiah 1 o II Kings 25 o Nehemiah 9o Genesis 45 o Deuteronomy 31:30, 32:1-52 o Psalm 23 o II Kings 1 o Habakkuk 3 o Malachi 3o Genesis 50 o Deuteronomy 34 o Psalm 24 o II Kings 2 o Lamentations 3:1-33 o Malachi 4o Exodus 1 o Joshua 1 o Psalm 100 o II Kings 4 o Ezekiel 1-2o Exodus 2 o Joshua 2 o Psalm 105 o II Kings 5 o Ezekiel 37o Exodus 3 o Joshua 3 o I Samuel 7 o II Kings 6:1-23 o Daniel 1

Our Out-of-Sync Life Old Testament Key Chapter Reading