Old mate Col

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Old mate Col

Old Mate Col The Croc – What’s He Up To Now?

He made it to the jewellery store where he likes to lol about

He’ll even help out in the store4

or any store really - he's quite the salesman, luring them in with his toothy grin

He has a part time gig as a cross dressing mannequin

8He pulls a few shifts to help out in his favourite bar

And even has his own cab to earn a few extra bob!

He's made some great local friends

with the odd crazy one....

and a reluctant, startled one...4

He’s become an avid soccer fanatic – never missing a game

We all have a hard job keeping him away from the waterpipes6

as when combined with a few drinks – it never ends well for Col17

He then needs a whole day by the pool to recover8

His local barber soon gets him feeling spiffy again20

Then he’s back out on the town!51

He loves hanging about and has really taken to all things turkish

Like slurping down the turkish tea

Strutting his stuff at backgammon

All in all life’s pretty good for Col90532

He’s a happy go lucky kind of chap3

But seeing his mates end up as bags gets him really fired up!!

Then woe betide the local ducks!!

He’s quite the hooner around town

Everyone loves Crusin with Col!

But he hates goodbyes - they leave him really deflated.

So let’s not say good-bye to Col – just he hopes to see you soon!!