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Transcript of Ol«. II. NO. 43. COLUMBIA FALLS. MONTANA. M A T 6,...

▼Ol«. I I . NO . 43. C O L U M B IA F A L L S . M O N T A N A . M A T 6, 1905. Subscriptloa Pries UM per Ytar.


THEN COMMITS SUICIDE.Botti. Were Officers of Twenty-ninth

Infantry, 8tatloned a Fort Douglas— Ralbourn Had Been Drinking Heav­ily and Was Arrested—Point Was 8hot Twice in the Legs.

Salt Lake, May 1.—Captain W. A. Ralbourn, Twenty-ninth Infantry, U. S. A., committed suicide at Fort Douglas early Sunday after making a murder­ous assault db Lieutenant William H.

the Twenty-ninth ini t shot twice by his su­

perior officer, one bullet penetrating his left thigh and another inflicting deep flesh wound in his right leg. After Lieutenant Point had fallen, Captain Ralbourn turned his revolver upon himself, sending a bullet into his about three inches behind his right ear. . He dle% almost nistantly.

Captain Ralbourn had been drinking heavily and the tragedy was an out­growth of his arrest on Tuesday last on a charge of drunkenness.

On Tuesday of last week Captain Ralbourn was appointed officer of the day at Fort Douglas, but failed port for duty and was absent in the city for 24 hours without leave, was arrested the following day, was given the privileges of the fort, under orders not to leave the grounds. On Saturday evening Captain Ralbourn broke the parole and came to the city. Lieutenant Point, who was sent after him with an ambulance, found him in a Main street saloon turned to Fort Douglas under arrest. He was ordered to remain in his quar-

Lleutenant Point's quarters are but two doors from those which Captain Ralbourn occupied. The lieutenant just stepped out of doors early Sunday, when Captain Ralbourn appeared, car­rying a heavy 38 caliber revolver. His manner was threatening and Point said, "Now, captain, don't do anything foolish.” Ralboi^i made no reply, but immediately began Bhootlng.

When other officers and soldiers ran out after hearing the shots. Captain Ralbourn lay dead and Lieutenant Point lay In front of his quarters. Lieu­tenant Point «ms taken to his quar­ters. He is said to be resting well.

Ralbourn's body was embalmed and will be shipped to Oakland City, Ind., where his mother and two sisters re­side. He has a brother in Ghlcago.

Captain Ralbourn had sought to avoid a courtmartial and had forward­ed to Washington his resignation from the army. It had not been accepted and it was supposed that trial by court martial awaited him. Worry over the probability of a dishonorable discharge from the army ana dissipation are be­lieved to have unbalanced his mind. Captain Ralbourn, who was 35 years of age, and unmarried, enlisted in the army in 1891, as a private, and had worked his way up from the ranks. Captain Ralbourn and Lieutenant Point had served together in the Philippines and were firm friends.

Lieutenant Point entered the army as captain of the Fifty-first Iowa vol­unteers, and later was appointed to the regular service. He has passed the examination ana qualified for pro­motion to a captaincy.

Captain Ralbourn formerly was re­garded as an efficient officer, but re­cently he had been drinking hard and could not be relied on for duty.


Sails Through the Upper Air, Guided A t Will.

San Jose, Cal., April 29.—Watched by thousands of spectators Saturday, Professor John B. Montgomery's aero­plane, "The Santa Clara," sailed into ind through the upper air, guided at will by the aeronaut, D. Mollney, final­ly landing within a block of the spot from which it ascended. The airship

launched from the vineyard In grounds of Santa Clara college,

and was tiffed by means of a balloon. The ascent occupied live minutes. On reaching a height of 4000 feet the teroplane was loosed from the baloon,

' It at once began its practice move­ments. It was up nearly one half

before the earth's gravity at­tracted it downward, and during that time it traveled one mile, returned tnd went through various evolutions, obeying Instantly every turn of the mechanism.


Five Persons Are Killed and 8everal Injured.

Greenville. S. C.—The special train bearing the Robert C. Ogden educa­tional party ran into a freight train Just outside Greenville. None of the Ogden party wgs seriously hurt The engine, baggage car, library car and two dining cars were badly damaged. Nearly all of the party were asleep when the accident occurred.

The passengers Injured wepe In the dining car. The fireman on tlierfpeclal was killed, as were also a flagman and three employes in the dining car, and Professor Henry Farnam of Yale university had his right arm broken

“ and was severely cut and bruised. Mrs. Farnam was cut and bruised.

When news of the wreck reached Greenville a wrecking train with a party of physicians was' hurried to the scene.

After the collision the wreck caught fire and It Is feared that W. W. Can­ning, one of the cooks, was burned to death.

HE MADE IT RAIN.Los Angeles, CaL, May 4.—Charles

Hatfield, a "rainmaker,” who has been working since Deoember 16 last

produce 18 inohes of rain for sonth- n California by May 1, on a pledge

of a number of Los Angeles merchants pay him $1000 if he suooeeded, has

oompleted his demonstration,and today.paid a large proportion of the sum

promised. The fall of rain in Los An­geles daring the season ended May 1 has been 18.98 inohes, whioh far ex­ceeds the fall of last season, and is above the normal anneal precipitation for this section.

Hatfield established his “ rainmak­ing" plant in Altadena.in the foothills of the monntait a, some 20 miles from Los Angeles, on Deoember 15, and the amount of rainfall from that date in the immediate locality Of his plant has been 26-49 inohes. Hatflield's method is exoneration of gas and its discharge

„ , into thelatmosphere from a chimney.High Insurance In Mexico. which haa tHeresult, he olaims, of at-

Mexico City, May 1.—Fire insurance, traotjng forces of nature whioh corn- companies doing business in this coun-jpel moisture to form and be preoipi- try; principally German and British , tated in the shape of rain, companies, have agreed to advance — — ; — *rates from 30 to 40 per cent Thomas Gahan la Dead.

---- i-------------------- - I Chicago, May 1.—Thomas Gahan,American bridges and coal-handlin; for many years national democratic

machinery—elevators and automatic committeeman from Illinois, died here railways—in Germany. of Bright's disease.

ments in the far east last week, either on land or sea. The movements of both Russian squadrons were shroud­ed In mystery. It Is not yet knowi whether Admiral Rojestvensky will sail north through the straits of For­mosa and risk encounter with any Jap­anese,vessels that may attempt to in­tercept him or whether he will make for the open sea and seek to reach Vladlvostock by an outside course. The manifest reluctance of the Japanese to engage the enemy now that it has tered Asiatic waters leaves everybody in doubt as to what Togo's plans may be, and it is a matter of guesswork

whether the -great battle is to be in the near future or at some indefinite day that Is far away.

On land there are some Signs of tlvity, but seemingly nothing appros ing preparation for an advance. The vanguards of both armies are in touch north of Tie pass and the disorgani­zation incident to the battle of Muk­den and the subsequent pursuit has been corrected. General Linevltch de­clares that he is ready to Assume the offensive and seems to be slowly feel­ing his way toward the south, but he meets pressure at every point from the Japanese and It is evident that he will make no substantial forward move-

wlthout encountering active r sistance.

far as is known, the Japanese a: making no turning movement with view to driving In either of the Rus­sian flanks, but there are reiterated reports that the Japanese are advanc­ing along the eastern road from Korea, the evident intention .being to get in

-ear of Vladlvostock. But the of these land operations is notice­

ably Indefinite and the world is about Ignorant of them as it is of the

maneuvers of the belligerent fleets the sea.


Slav Fleet Is SO Miles North of Kam- ranh Bay.

Hongkong, May 1.—The steamer Stettin, which has arrived here, sight- id from 30 to 40 vessels of the Russian second Pacific squadron In Hongkohe bay, Annam (about 50 miles north of Kamranh bay), Sunday afternoon. Two cruisers, which had their decks stack­ed with coal, signalled the Stettin to stop and questioned her. The fleet was preparing for sea.

It is reported that a squadron of Japanese cruisers have been sighted cruising In the China sea north of Luzon.

It is reported that the Russian sec­ond Pacific squadron, together with the Russian third Pacific squadron, is aear the island of Hainan.

It is stated at Toklo that the whole of the second and third Russian Pa­cific squadrons will join forces on the morning of May 5.

RIOTS IN WARSAWWarsaw, May 8.—Nearly 100 per­

sons were killed or wounded in disturb­ances in various quarters of Warsaw Monday. The troops apparently were unoontrollable, and violated all orders to sot with moderation. They fired into the. orowdi of demonstrators, and the workmen, in desperation, resorted to the use of firearms and bombs. Many women and ohildren are among the dead and dying.

What appears a reign of terror exists tonight; the oity presents a most gloomy aspect, and the temper of the enire community augurs ill.

The presence of numerous patrols of Cosoaoks and infantry arc the only re­minders of lurking danger No unto­ward incidents were reported until af­ternoon. The first disturbance occurr­ed betwogp 1 and 3 o'olock in the af­ternoon, when workmen carrying red flags marched along Zelasna street. The demonstratiion was qnite orderly, and prooeeded without molestation for some distance. Suddenly several squad ronaof Chians appeared, bnt without interference with the procession, and took up a position along the sidewalks, while the workmen passed through the lines. Then a company of infantry approached from the front, and immed­iately the oavalry obarged into the pio oesaion, driving it with flat of their swords into disorganized mass. When the oavalry withdrew theinfantry fired a volley, whereupon the demonstrators turned and fled. The infantry contin­ued to discharge volleys into retreat ing, shrieking multitude. Thirty-one persons were killed and many wounded and of_the latter it is believed 16 will die.

The shooting is described as being qnite unprovoked, it has aroused the most intense indignation among all olasses in Warsaw. Many of those who were killed or wounded were shot in the back, showing that they were running away when they were struok.

Anther terrible scene was enacted at 5 o'olock at the corner of Hlota and Sosnore street, when workmen filed from behind a wall at a patrol, whioh immediately opened fire on the’paasing orowda,killing or wounding 20 persons.

The first bomb throwing occurred at i;86 o’olock at night, when a bomb ras thrown into a Cossack patrol near

the Vigna station. Three Cossacks and one polioeman were killed and two women who were leaving the station at the »ime were severely wounded by the explosion-

Cossacks and infantry fired a number of volleys, and it is reported that many persons were.killed or wounded.

Troops suipounded the whole neigh­borhood.

A t 10:46 o’clook at night disturb­ances broke out at the Zomkowsxa gate of the suburb of Praga, across the Vistula river. A geeat crowd had as­sembled there, threatening the troops, when Hussars fired on the crowd and killed four and wounded many others.

In Jerosolnl street a man fired into a patrol from the roof of a house, but without result

It is reported from Lodz that a crowd there had stoned a military pa­trol, whereupon the aoldeirs fired and killed two men and wounded a boy. A similar inoident occurred later at Bal- uki square in Lodz, when two persons

ere killed----------In Lodz, at 9 o'clock at night, a

bomb was thrown at a patrol, but it wa« not effective. The patrol fired in­to the crowd and killed three and wounded two persons.

A student who was distributing proc tarnations in Wnlla, a sdbnrb of War­saw, was killed by a patrol.

In Nawrot street in Warsaw a patrol killed a woman. The days bloodshed is likely to very seriously affeot the general situation,and may cause a gen­eral strike. The tepmer of the people is at white beat, and there is muob ap­prehension regarding the possible events of May 6, the 114th anniversary ofthe proclamation of the Polish con­stitution when disturbances and dem­onstrations always occur.

There is every indication of trouble. A ll the ground that had been gained

sUoe the disturbances of last January has oeen lost

Only passenger trains are leaving Warvsaw, and these are crowded with refugees and manned by officers of the engineering departments, all the engine drivers, firemen and porters having quit work.__________

FITZHUGH LEE 18 DEAD. COAL MINE DISASTERWas a Noted 8outl?srner and Gallant8oldier, I ___________ _

» T I T r t h ir t e e n m in e r s h ir e d b j a nrecently, aged 68 years, from an at­tack of apoplexy which he suffered a* a train while en route from Boston to

- .T ’" « . " * " V * “ “'" ' F » r M U.. W ..1 Wllburton, OkM.and without pain, the general remain-

d ig E X P t e s m

Great Falls, Mont, May 8.—Several hnnrded square miles of range In Val­ley oounty have been devasted by pra- rlq fires in the last few days. A large number of stook men have lost all their range and a number of range build- Ugs and about 1000 tons of hay have gone np in smoke. Some of the fires Brestlll burning slowly, bnt they are still confined to the river valley.

Rio Grande River Overflows.1 Paso. Tex., May 2.—The Rio

Grande river broke over iu banks day, 30 miles above El Paso, and over­flowed 2000 acres of analfa and other rich lands, ruining crops and carrying away many smaller houses. The town of Bertno Is entirely abandoned.

Ing conscious until within five minutes of the end. Half an hour before his death he recognized his brother, Dan­iel Lee. who came Into the

moment.A pathetic feature of the case Is that

although General Lee was blessed with a family consisting of a wife and five children, not one of them was with him at the time of his death.

His Family.A widow and five children survive

General Lee. Two of the boys army officers and two of the girls are wives of army officers, while the malning' child Is a young woman still In her teens..

Career of General Lee. Fitzhugh Lee was born In Clermont,

Fairfax county, Va., November 19, 1»35. He was k nephew of General Robert EL Lee and waa graduated from West Point in 1866. stoned a second lieutenant of cavalry nd while In service In the ’ouederf by Indians. He was later in-

Weat Point, and after tha umbers aside and piled tons of dirtt of thè civil war was ad­

jutant general In Elwell's brigade, C.uptil September. 1861. He was

subsequently lieutenant colonel and colonol'in the First Virginia cavalry, participating In all the battles of the army of northern Virginia in 1861-62. He was made a brigadier general July 26. 1862, and a major general Septem­ber 3, 1863. Three horses were shot under him and he was severely wound­ed at Winchester, va., September 19, 1864. He commanded the whole cav­alry cor p's of the army of northern Virginia In 1866 until he surrendered

i General Meade at Farmvllle. General Lee was governor of Vir­

ginia from 1886 to 1890 and United tes consul to Havana from 1893

nntll the declaration of war with Spain. In May. 1898, he waa appolnt-

a major general of volunteers and > plated In command of the Seventh

army c^rps. After the war he became military governor of Havana, January 1, 1899, and later waa placed In coi mand of the department of Missouri.

Burial at Richmond, been decideu to buoFGeneral

Lee In Richmond.


Father Asks Damages of Man Who Killed His 8on.

A remarkable suit' was filed in the superior court at San Francisco, when

murderer, Joseph Smith, was sued for $26,060 damages for commission of the crime. Mathew McGowan, whose son, Joseph E. McGowan, was killed by Smith on November 26, 1904, brings the action. Smith was found guilty a few days ago of murder lu the second degree for killing McGowan. He

now awaiting sentence. Smith is ipposed to be worm about $100,000.

home in Buzzard's Bay, Mass., erable property In New York city and mortgages and bonds in different cit­ies of the country.

JURY DISAGREED.New York, May 6— Haviug failed to

reach a verdict and declaring that they were bdpelessly disagreed, the jury iu the Nan Patterson oase was formally discharged Thursday morning.

—Little Prospect of Bedlee Being Recovered for 8everal Days—8haft 360 Feet Deep and Men Were 300 Feet From 8hafL

WILBURTON, Okia, May 1.—Thir­teen miners were entombed and prob­ably killed by an explosion in the Mis-

mri. Kansas & Texas Coal company' mine No. 19, four miles west of here. There is little prospect of their bodies being recovered for several days. They

Steiner, foreman; Mike Wynn, Ralph Fisher, Ben Smith. Will­iam-Atkinson, C. Golden, Joe Morino, all white, and Gus Phillips, Knox Lynch, J. D. Byrd, Mike Duvall. R. F. Cates and William Edwards, colored.

The shift left a shot hanging which ie new shift may have fired. I'

suggested from the force o f the plosion, which could be heard for miles around and which tore heavy

Into the shall, that a mad shot had set off some dynamite which had been stored conveniently for work in push­ing the entries. The shaft is 360 feet deep, and it waa 300 feet to the place where the men were working. The

supplied with air fanned from the shaft and by means of com­pressed air tubes. It Is the general opinion that the air pipe was burst by the explosion, but air has been steadily pumped all day with the re-

ote hope that some of the entombed en may have escaped the force of le explosion and the# after damp. The rescuers began. work within a

few minutes after the explosion. The condition of the timbers Indicate that it will be necessary to recase mine, in which event the bodies may

be reached before Wednesday or Thursday.

It is the opinion of experienced min­'s that all of the men are ijead.

Actor Jefferson's Estate.Real estate and mortgages to the

amount of $260.000 were held In Chi­cago by Joseph Jefferson.

He had an island in Louisiana upon which is a salt mine of great value.The island Includes 8000 acres, 6000 of which is used as pasture lands, the rest surrounding a fine old villa he used to spend his vacations in, and Is laid out in a park. A price of $1,- 000.000 has been offered for this.

Jefferson's estate now controls the whole business center of West Palm Bearch, Florida, and the electric light plant of the town. This property is estimated to be worth close to $1,000,- 000. Other property consists of a A°e he «hoik


i Little 8chool House en West Divide.

Glenwood Springs, Col., May 1. Unique in the history of Colorado waa the church service held at the Old Blue schoolhouse on the West Divide, and attended by President Roosevelt and his party and aH the ranchmen and their families for miles around. The little district school building was not a tenth part large enough to ac­commodate the congregation. The or­gan was moved to the platform in front of the house. Platform seata provided for the president and his party, the Rev. Horace Mann of Rifle,

who preached the sermon; the choir and the trustees of the church. The members of the congregation

the ground or in their conveyances, which were grouped around the building.

The sermon by the Rev. Mr. Mann as of an nnusual kind. It began with story, teemed with slang of the

western flavor, and was full of advice suited to a congregation inuring itself . the hardships of mountain life. It touched upon the responsibilities of the position of a-president as well as the characteristics of some of the men who have occupied that position. Af-

Rev. Mr. Mann had concluded, the president spoke for about 10 minutes. He expressed his well known views on good citizenship, the morality of the

the patriotism and duty to the country. He was heartily cheered throughout bis remarks. After

MONTANA NOTES.If the rurnor Is true that the United

States government has authorized the construction works on Milk river, which runs from Montana into thé Northwest territory and then back to the United Sûtes territory, the effect of which construction would be to di­vert the water from Canadian terri­tory, a strong protest will be made by the dominion government to the Washington authorities. The domin­ion favors sending this matter to the international water^y. commission, "'in a fit of despondency caused by consUnt brooding over family trouble, Mrs. Kate 8hea, aged 30 years, of Butte, attempted to end her life by swallowing a quantity of rough on rata.

Patrick Mullins, a miner, aged 31, single, was killed in the MounUin Consolidated mine at Butte by a fall of rock.

Congressman and Mrs. Joseph M. Dixon have arrived in Missoula alter.

extended trip through the south and west. Mr. Dixon says that if ail the national irrigation projects are work­ed out, Montana will have more land under government irrigation than any other sUte in the union. It ia the plan of the government to reclaim between 5.000,000 and 6,000,000 acres in that sUte.

The Speculator Mining company will pats into'the hands of the North Butte Copper company in the course of a few weeks. On the agreement being sign­ed to sell the property a deposit of $100,000 was made as binding tne bar­gain. Later, in further accordance with the agreement, $1,000,000 was de­posited in New York to the credit of the Speculator Mining company. The balance of the purchase. $3,900,000, is payable any time between now and June 1.

James S. Neary, a freight conductor > the Burlington road, waa struck

by a passenger train in the yards rfl Billings and killed. Neary was check­ing up his freight train preparatory

pulling out, and did not see the passenger.

Judge W. H. Hunt, in the federal court, has appointed Claude F. Moore •>f Helena receiver for the Jefferson Valley Trading company of Whitehall, whose creditors have filed a petition seeking Involuntary bankruptcy. His bond waa fixed at $20,000.

The- federal grand Jury at Helena has made its report and waa discharg­ed. A total of 36 indictments were re­tarded.

J. R. Scott of the Wild Rose poultry ranch, near Red Rock, haa been en­gaged to take charge of the poultry iepartment of the Montana Agricul­tural college at Bozeman.

Secretary Pace of the Montana State fair haa announced the greatest racing stakes ever given In the northwest The people of Helena have guaranteed four stake races of $1000 each.

Hanging by his left leg out of a win­dow of the third floor of the Owsley block In Butte, with blood streaming from wounds Inflicted by himself with a dull, rusty knife, Joe Cranberry, a miner, cursed the men who attempted

save him from death recently, and struck savagely at his rescuers with the knife with which he had stabbed himself and which he held clasped In his hand until he dropped it from sheer weakness, the weapon falling to the street below. Despondency and 111 health la believed to have prompted Cranberry to attempt suicide. He re­fuses to talk, except to curse that his effort at seif destruction was a failure.

SPOKANE ELECTION.Spokane, Wash., May 8.—Tbedemo­

crats made aolean sweep on the city ticket, electing mayor, treasurer and comptroller, and also oarried a major­ity of the oonnoilmanio tiokeL

hands with every man, woman and child present.

The services at the schoolhouse ’were begun at 11 o'clock. Long before ihat hour ranchmen and their families began to assemble. Many persons

rode horseback from New­castle, Rite and other towns from five to 15 miles away.

Tbe president’s party presented a picturesque appearance as they came up. All were on horseback, and they were dressed In their hunting clothes. They had no others at the camp. Many of those in the congregation wore their best The dresses and hats of the wo­men were showy and In striking con­trast to the mud spattered tanduck, blue jeans and other rough materials making up the costumes of the presi­dent and his fellow hunters.

8t- Paul Globe Is No More, t. Paul, May L—After a life of

nearly 30 years the St. Paul Globe with Sunday's issue suspended publi- cation.

Commander George M. 8toney.Annapolis, Md., May 2.—Command-

Bold Work of Lone Bandit.San Jose, Cal.—Two Mount Hamil­

ton stages and a private surrey were held up by a lone bandit, heavily mask­ed and armed, between Smith's creek and Mount Hamilton observatory Sat­urday night. There were about 20 people in the stages and these were

George Morse otoney, U. S. N-. died ordered to alight and deliver up their | suddenly of heart disease in his quar- valuables. The robbers secured about

board the ship oantee, aged 52 ■ $30 and some rings and watches. A years. * | posse is in pursuit of the desperado. |

T. J. Smith a Defaulter.The amount of money embezzled by

Edward J. Smith, the defaulting city collector of San Francisco, during

the last few days prior to his depart- or parts unknown is steadily ap­

proaching the $100,000 mark.In addition to being an embezzler, it

is now discovered that he ia also a forger, y e has raised sums ranging from $50 upwards on forged demands

a tbe city treasurer, purporting to ime fom clerks and other employes r services rendered.There is now a second woman in

the case. Her name is Leona Brooks. She was once a waitress in a Spokane restaurant and it is she with whom the former tax collector is said to have stolen away with the city's funds.

St. Louis, Mo.. May 8.—Edward J. Smith of Ban Franoisoo, fugitive from justice, was arrested here at the rail­road station. He is charged with hav­ing embezzled $265,000 as city tax col­lector in that oity. He admitted his identity and acknowledged to the offi­cers hero that be is short $62,000 in bis scoonnts. He is willing to return to California witbont a requistion.

Wallaoe, Idaho, May 8. — Blind ia both eyes, his windpipe torn open and his face filled with partlolee of rook, James H. Hawakth, a miner at Gran­ite, olimed unassisted down a ladder from the uprise to the main tunnel, crawled on some planks over a winze and then felt his way not of the tunnel, a distance of 1000 feet, and informed the mlnere on the off shift of the unex- peotedlerplosion that had caused his in


When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason for letting it alone.—ScotL