Oh when we were young and wild and free!!

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Oh when we were young and wild and free!!

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I am sure there are so many more issues we face each day as moms and I shall be happy to help (if I can) with any other issues you think I should discuss. Please leave it as a comment below and I shall do the best that I can!

As of now, we are discussing two major issues mommy's face- not feeling pretty, young and as fit as pre-mommy days AND not being vibrant, creative and energetic as pre-mommy days.

These two issues are actually directly linked to self-esteem. And hence need some time and sincere effort to be worked on with! But they are easily overcome- trust me! ….

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… I was reading an article where it said that “I was the best mom only when I wasn’t a mom!”

So true! We have these idealistic theories about how moms are when we don’t have kids of our own and we aspire to be like that. Its only when the dirty diapers, burps and pukes show up do we realize the reality and practicality of the situation we have got ourselves in.

Not feeling pretty is a thing of the past- feeling clean is also a luxury at times!

But don’t worry my darling! Here are some easy ways to overcome the Momzilla days!

Website | Facebook | TwitterBe realThis is what I tell anybody I care about! Mom, dad, young, old, boy, girl- anybody! Our problems arise from the fact that we have a parallel reality in our head that we are living while the practical reality is far from it. It is when these twoparallel worlds meet and we see a collapse of ourexpectations that makes life difficult!

Seeing mommies in control makes us think that it’sThe reality. We have hardly ever seen our moms cryOr breakdown. We feel that’s the level of ease and peace we should have too as moms. Honey! That is just part of the package of being a mom. You have to SEEM in control even if you are not. That’s not the reality.

So its ok to break down, its ok to crash and burn.

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Know your strengths and weaknessI can’t start to paint like Picasso because my daughter is showing interest in painting! She has her own strength and you have yours. Tomorrow if my daughter is not a science genius I can’t feel cheated either! No matter how much research I might have done in a lab for years, no matter how great my husband is as an engineer or a sportsperson; if my daughter decides to take up painting as a profession I have to support her in that. I might not know it. But I can surely make sure she goes to the best of the schools to take it up professionally.

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Make yourself proud on your ownIt’s difficult for a mother to treat her baby as a separate individual. Obviously we feel that they came from our womb and are a part of who we are. However the sooner you realize that you are you and your baby is a different individual, life will become much simpler and sorted. I mentioned earlier in one of my post that we should never ever derive our self esteem from our kids. Be happy in their success but their achievements should not be the sole factor driving your happiness or self esteem. Make your own points in life to make yourself proud.

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Work towards fitness not slimnessWe all have our own metabolism. We did before we got pregnant, we do now too! Hence if Kim Kardashian looks a particular way after baby doesn’t mean you need to! Having said that, using baby as an excuse to not be fit is also wrong. Know what fitness you were at before baby. Be able to run after you kid, be quick to climb stairs, have the energy to not get breathless during the day- these are the parameters you should judge yourself with. Not numbers on the scale or measuring tape. I could climb 8 flight of stairs before baby. Hence now when I become breathless after climbing even 4, I know I am not fit.

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It’s all in the mindI can’t tell you how much your body shape changes with the way you look at yourself. It sounds crazy but it’s actually in your mind. If you think you are overweight, obese, ugly or unfit- you will become so. If you walk tall, thin high and feel great- you will start looking fit! Its really that simple a relation. You start looking what you actually feel about yourself. So be really careful with your thoughts- esp about yourself!

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“We all start with a gym, but you should actually start with the mind!”

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Age is just a numberI know I have to behave a certain way society dictates a 33 year old Indian woman to be. However, in my mind and my heart I am no older than 12! And I love it! It leads to being immature and foolish in social settings sometimes-but the rest of the time I am happy jumping on and off beds with my daughter! Atleast with your baby, keep your age aside and enjoy the bliss of being a baby even it’s for a few moments! It will help you forget the cooking, kitchen and bills for sometime atleast.

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Rules are just to civilize the societyTo keep us from going wild and unruly, our ancestors thought of laying down some rules to make us into a “Civil society”. However seeing the news for an hour makes me really question our basic civility and humanity. Yes, I think rules were made to form a structure.

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“But don’t shun her to sit down just because ‘people are watching’.”

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Take baby steps to regain your lifeWhen it comes to taking out time to pursue your passion or hobby start with baby steps. I have two major passions- writing and dance/fitness. I figured out that for writing I need to be in a particular frame of mind where thoughts can flow easily. For that frame I need to be calm. For being calm I need to re-start my yoga/dance routine. See how my thought cycle started with one passion and fed into the other!Hence I decided that my immediate plan should be to start my yoga. Initially I started taking out 10 mins (again, remember to keep it real). That was not too tough. ….

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… Slowly I started taking out 20 mins and then ½ hour each day. As my baby grew, I could free up a few more minutes. Now that she goes to school, I took up zumba for an hour. And finally I am in a frame of mind to start writing good stuff.

Agreed it took me 3 years to get to an hour of zumba and an hour of writing each day. However, I think taking longer than usual is better than whining and not doing anything at all. I could have just cribbed for the past two years how my life has fallen apart. And believe me, two years is enough time to make a universal whiner- a person who whines for everything and anything under the sun!

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Include your baby to stick to your goalThere will always be days when you can’t even get that 10 min off for yourself. Of course there will be! Get creative at those times. I have a cuteyoga routine that I devised to incorporatemy daughter into the routine. Instead ofdoing certain asanas, I do a different setthat has me making body bridges that mydaughter crawls under and has her fun. I get to do my yoga, she gets to play funny with mommy! Agreed I get restricted to 5-10 asanas instead of my regular 20 asanas, but I get something done.

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So the crux is to train your mind. It takes time. But just because you are a mom doesn’t mean your life has to be a certain way. And just because you are a mom doesn’t mean you can’t have your breakdown days.

“Even heroes have the right to bleed”- my fav line from a great song called “It’s not easy to be me” by a band called Five for Fighting. It’s a song about superman and how superheroes also have their bad days. And wherever there is a mention of superheroes, I equate it to moms!

Read the complete article over here : Oh when we were young and wild and free!!