OG Revision 0 Revision Status: ClosedFinal Resolution: Superceded by Revision Final Resolution Date:...

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Transcript of OG Revision 0 Revision Status: ClosedFinal Resolution: Superceded by Revision Final Resolution Date:...

(WOG-39, Rev. 0) TSTF-45, Rev. 2

Industry/TSTF Standard Technical Specification Change Traveler

Exempt verification of CM's that are not locked, sealed or otherwise secured

Classification: 2) Consistency/Standardization

NUREGs Affected: p1 1430 Wj 1431 W 1432 W 1433 W 1434

Description:Revise Section 3.6 valve line up SRs were modified to specify that only CIVs which are not locked, sealed, or otherwisesecured are required to verified closed.

Justification:This change is consistent with other valves required to be in the correct position prior to an accident in other systemSpecifications (e.g., ECCS (SR, AFW (SR, and SW (SR

Industry Contact: Buschbaum, Denny (254) 897-5851 dbuschbltuelectric.com

NRC Contact: Giardina, Bob 301-314-3152 lbblnrc.gov

Revision History

OG Revision 0 Revision Status: Closed

Revision Proposed by:

Revision Description:Original Issue

Owners Group Review InformationDate Originated by OG: 30-Oct-95

Owners Group Comments(No Comments)

Owners Group Resolution: Approved Date: 09-Nov-95

TSTF Review Information

TSTF Received Date: 27-Nov-95 Date Distributed for Review 27-Nov-95

OG Review Completed: E! BWOG i WOG E CEOG E BWROG

TSTF Comments:Accepted by all OGs

TSTF Resolution: Approved Date: 28-Nov-95

NRC Review InformationNRC Received Date: 11-Dec-95

NRC Comments:12/12/95 - reviewer modified package and submitted pkg to C. Grimes to review.6/11/96 - C. Grimes comment: TSTF-45 will be referred to a Tech Br.9/18/96 - NRC requested Bases modifications.9/18/96 - TSTF accepted requested changes. Will prepare revision placing a clarification on locked valvesin the Bases.

6/27/99Traveler Rev. 2. Copyright (C) 1998, Excel Services Corporation. Use by Excel Services associates, utility clients, and the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission is granted. All other use without written permission is prohibited.

(WOG-39, Rev. 0) TSTF45, Rev. 2(WG-9 Re. 0 SF4,Rv

OG Revision 0 Revision Status: Closed

Final Resolution: Superceded by Revision Final Resolution Date: 23-Jan-97

TSTF Revision 1 Revision Status: Closed

Revision Proposed by: NRC

Revision Description:9118196 - NRC requested Bases modifications.9/18/96 - TSTF accepted requested changes. Will prepare revision placing a clarification on locked valvesin the Bases, adding, "This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in theclosed position, since these were verified to be in the correct position upon locking, sealing, or securing."

TSTF Review Information

TSTF Received Date: 18-Sep-96 Date Distributed for Review 20-Nov-96

OG Review Completed: E BWOG i WOG R CEOG i BWROG

TSTF Comments:

(No Comments)

TSTF Resolution: Approved Date: 19-Dec-96

NRC Review InformationNRC Received Date: 23-Jan-97

NRC Comments:

3/13/97 - NRC approves.

Final Resolution: Superceded by Revision Final Resolution Date: 13-Mar-97

TSTF Revision 2 Revision Status: Active Next Action:

Revision Proposed by: TSTF

Revision Description:The BWR/4 and BWR/6 pages for Secondary Containment Isolation Valves and BWRI6 pages for DrywellIsolation Valve were added to the change.

TSTF Review Information

TSTF Received Date: 15-Jun-99 Date Distributed for Review 15-Jun-99

OG Review Completed: E BWOG i WOG E CEOG E BWROG

TSTF Comments:

(No Comments)

TSTF Resolution: Approved Date: 15-Jun-99

Incorporation Into the NUREGs

File to BBS/LAN Date: TSTF Informed Date: TSTF Approved Date:

6/27/99Traveler Rev. 2. Copyright (C) 1998, Excel Services Corporation. Use by Excel Services associates, utility clients, and the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission is granted All other use without written permission is prohibited.

(WOG-39, Rev. 0) TSTF-45, Rev. 2


NUREG Rev Incorporated:

Affected Technical SpecificationsSR Containment Isolation Valves

SR Bases Containment Isolation Valves

SR Containment Isolation Valves

SR Bases Containment Isolation Valves

SR Primary Containment Isolation Valves

SR Bases Primary Containment Isolation Valves

SR Primary Containment Isolation Valves

SR Bases Primary Containment Isolation Valves



SR Drywell Isolation Valve[s]

SR Bases Drywell Isolation Valvels]

NUREG(s)- 1430 1431 1432 Only

NUREG(s)- 1430 1431 1432 Only

NUREG(s)- 14301431 1432 Only

NUREG(s)- 14301431 1432 Only

NUREG(s)- 1433 1434 Only

NUREG(s)-1433 1434 Only

NUREG(s)- 14331434 Only

NUREG(s)- 1433 1434 Only

NUREG(s)- 14331434 Only

NUREG(s)- 14331434 Only

NUREG(s)- 1434 Only

NUREG(s)- 1434 Only


. .


Traveler Rev. 2. Copyright (C) 1998, Excel Services Corporation. Use by Excel Services associates, utility clients, and the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission is granted. All other use vithout written permission is prohibited.

TSTF-45, Rev.l/Z-


This SR does not apply to valves that are locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in theclosed position, since these were verified to be in the correct position upon locking,sealing, or securing.

Containment Isolation Valves3.6.3



SR Verify each [48] inch purge valve is sealed 31 daysclosed except for one purge valve in apenetration flow path while in Condition Dof the LCO._

SR Verify each [8] inch purge valve is closed 31 daysexcept when the [8] inch purge valves areopen for pressure control, ALARA or airquality considerations for personnel entry,or for Surveillances that require thevalves to be open.

SR --------------------NOTE-------------------Valves and blind flanges in high radiationareas may be verified by use ofadministrative means.___________________________________________

Verify each containment isolation manual 31 daysvalve and blind flange that is locatedou ide containmen and is required to beclose dring acci ent conditions isclosed, except for containment isolationvalves that are open under administrativecontrols.

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BWOG STS 3.6-11 Rev 1, 04/07/95

7-SF-/ 57 /Containment Isolation Valves




SR ------------------NOTE-------------------Valves and blind flanges in high radiation

"6>Zrlc n areas may be verified by use ofIOCK5 ~ ,~ administrative means.

i5 Or <2W,1(JiSo Verify each containment isolation manualvalve and blind flange that is locatedinside containmen nd required to beclosed during accident conditions isclosed, except for containment isolationvalves that are open under administrativecontrols.

Prior toentering MODE 4from MODE 5 ifnot performedwithin theprevious92 days

SR Verify the isolation time of each power In accordanceoperated and each automatic containment with theisolation valve is within limits. Inservice

TestingProgram or92 days

SR Perform leakage rate testing for 184 dayscontainment purge valves with resilientseals. AND

Within 92 daysafter openingthe valve

SR Verify each automatic containment isolation [18] monthsvalve that is not locked, sealed, orotherwise secured in position, actuates tothe isolation position on an actual orsimulated actuation signal.


BWOG STS 3.6-12 Rev 1, 04/07/95

/ 3e 5 ae,Containment Isolation Val'ves

B 3.6.3



sealed closed position during MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. Acontainment purge valve that is sealed closed must havemotive power to the valve operator removed. This can beaccomplished by de-energizing the source of electric poweror by removing the air supply to the valve operator. Inthis application, the term "sealed" has no connotation ofleak tightness. The Frequency is a result of an NRCinitiative, Generic Issue B-24 (Ref. 6), related tocontainment purge valve use during unit operations. In theevent purge valve leakage requires entry into Condition D,the Surveillance permits opening one purge valve in apenetration flow path to perform repairs.


This SR ensures that the minipurge valves are closed asrequired or, if open, open for an allowable reason. If apurge valve is open in violation of this SR, the valve isconsidered inoperable. If the inoperable valve is nototherwise known to have excessive leakage when closed, it isnot considered to have leakage outside of limits. The SR isnot required to be met when the minipurge valves are openfor pressure control, ALARA or air quality considerationsfor personnel entry, or for Surveillances that require thevalves to be open. The minipurge valves are capable ofclosing in the environment following a LOCA. Therefore,these valves are allowed to be open for limited periods oftime. The 31 day Frequency is consistent with othercontainment isolation valve requirements discussed inSR


> •ex This SR requires verification that each containment

tc4- Xf r C ( isolation manual valve and blind flange located outsidecontanmen !nd required to be closed during accident

• 5 - Mc-ee / conditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure that postaccident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outside thecontainment boundary is within design limits. This SR doesnot require any testing or valve manipulation. Rather, itinvolves verification, through a system walkdown, that thosecontainment isolation valves outside containment and capable


BWOG STS B 3.6-24 Rev 1, 04/07/95

-rFr 7-- `/ i vContainment Isolation Valves

B 3.6.3



SR (continued)

of being mispositioned are in the correct position. Sinceverification of valve position for containment isolationvalves outside containment is relatively easy, the 31 dayFrequency is based on engineering judgment and was chosen toprovide added assurance of the correct positions. The SRspecifies that containment isolation valves open underadministrative controls are not required to meet the SRduring the time the valves are open.

The Note applies to valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas and allows these devices to be verifiedclosed by use of administrative means. Allowingverification by administrative means is consideredacceptable, since access to these areas is typicallyrestricted during MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 for ALARA reasons.Therefore, the probability of misalignment of thesecontainment isolation valves, once they have been verifiedto be in the proper position, is low.

a yc! I 0 7

cpr cJAef,&'tw- .


This SR requires verification that each containmentisolation manual valve and blind flange that is located

-inside containment1and required to be closed during accidentconditions is cTosed. The SR helps to ensure that postaccident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outside thecontainment boundary is within design limits. Forcontainment isolation valves inside containment, theFrequency of "prior to entering MODE 4 from MODE 5 if notperformed within the previous 92 days" is appropriate, sincethese containment isolation valves are operated underadministrative controls and the probability of theirmisalignment is low. The SR specifies that containmentisolation valves open under administrative controls are notrrequired to meet the SR during the time they are open. -!e

The Note allows valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas to be verified closed by use ofadministrative means. Allowing verification byadministrative means is considered acceptable, since theaccess to these areas is typically restricted duringMODES 1, 2, 3, and 4 for ALARA reasons. Therefore, the


BWOG STS B 3.6-25 Rev 1, 04/07/95

7TSContainment Isolation

Subatmospheric, IceValves (Atmospheric,Condenser, and Dual)




SR Verify each [42] inch purge valve is sealed 31 daysclosed, except for one purge valve in apenetration flow path while in Condition E

_ ~~~of this LCO._

SR Verify each [8] inch purge valve is closed, 31 daysexcept when the [8] inch containment purgevalves are open for pressure control,ALARA or air quality considerations forpersonnel entry, or for Surveillances thatrequire the valves to be open.

SR -------------------NOTE-----------------Valves and blind flanges in high radiationareas may be verified by use ofadministrative controls.___________________________________________

Verify each containment isolation manual 31 daysvalve and blind flange that is locatedMuts-idcontainment and required to beclosed during accident conditions isclosed, except for containment isolationvalves that are open under administrativecontrols.


( 6 Z.rJ no-h /L2Ce<� S�e-z!c:y >-


__________ -


WOG STS 3.6-12 Rev 1, 04/07/95

T7- P/- 4, V2 V-LContainment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric,

Subatmospheric, Ice Condenser, and Dual)3.6.3



COD a 2 A __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ --- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -an U o.…-. ----------------- 1 I.U--------------------

Valves and blind flanges in high radiationareas may be verified by use of

N administrative means.

) e Ccqtec,, I- Verify each containment isolation manual/valve and blind flange that is located

Or OTrI&fws& / inside containmen nd required to beclosed during accident conditions is

eC> C et ,___ closed, except for containment isolationvalves that are open under administrativecontrols.

Prior toentering MODE 4from MODE 5 ifnot performedwithin theprevious92 days

SR Verify the isolation time of each power Inoperated and each automatic containment accordanceisolation valve is within limits. with the

InserviceTestingProgram or92 days

SR Cycle each weight or spring loaded check 92 daysvalve testable during operation throughone complete cycle of full travel, andverify each check valve remains closed whenthe differential pressure in the directionof flow is < [1.2J psid and opens when thedifferential pressure in the direction offlow is > [1.2] psid and < [5.0] psid.


WOG STS 3.6-13 Rev 1, 04/07/95

Containment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric,Subatmospheric, Ice Condenser, and Dual)

B 3.6.3



(continued) This SR requires verification that each containmentisolation manual valve and blind flange located outside

, ontain e t and required to be closed during accidentconditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure that post

eX 4- i- ' accident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outside ofthe containment boundary is within design limits. This SRI> c, Jle > does not require any testing or valve manipulation. Rather,

jezck'e J it involves verification, through a system walkdown, thatthose containment isolation valves outside containment andcapable of being mispositioned are in the correct position.Since verification of valve position for containmentisolation valves outside containment is relatively easy, the31 day Frequency is based on engineering judgment and waschosen to provide added assurance of the correct positions.The SR specifies that containment isolation valves that areopen under administrative controls are not required to meetthe SR during the time the valves are open. <

The Note applies to valves and blind flanges located in high* radiation areas and allows these devices to be verified

closed by use of administrative means. Allowingverification by administrative means is consideredacceptable, since access to these areas is typicallyrestricted during MODES 1, 2, 3 and 4 for ALARA reasons.Therefore, the probability of misalignment of thesecontainment isolation valves, once they have been verifiedto be in the proper position, is small.

\ ~~SR

This SR requires verification that each containmentisolation manual valve and blind flange located insidec __itainmenand required to be closed during accidentconditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure that postaccident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outside ofthe containment boundary is within design limits. Forcontainment isolation valves inside containment, theFrequency of 'prior to entering MODE 4 from MODE 5 if notperformed within the previous 92 days" is appropriate sincethese containment isolation valves are operated under


WOG STS B 3.6-40 Rev 1, 04/07/95

Containment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric,Subatmospheric, Ice Condenser, and Dual)

B 3.6.3



administrative controls and the probability of theirmisalignment is low. The SR specifies that containmentisolation valves that are open under administrative controlsare not required to meet the SR during the time they areopen. - ----- _

This Note allows valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas to be verified closed by use ofadministrative means. Allowing verification byadministrative means is considered acceptable, since accessto these areas is typically restricted during MODES 1, 2, 3,and 4, for ALARA reasons. Therefore, the probability ofmisalignment of these containment isolation valves, oncethey have been verified to be in their proper position, issmall.


Verifying that the isolation time of each power operated andautomatic containment isolation valve is within limits isrequired to demonstrate OPERABILITY. The isolation timetest ensures the valve will isolate in a time period lessthan or equal to that assumed in the safety analyses. [Theisolation time and Frequency of this SR are in accordancewith the Inservice Testing Program or 92 days.]


In subatmospheric containments, the check valves that servea containment isolation function are weight or spring loadedto provide positive closure in the direction of flow. Thisensures that these check valves will remain closed when theinside containment atmosphere returns to subatmosphericconditions following a DBA. SR requiresverification of the operation of the check valves that aretestable during unit operation. The Frequency of 92 days isconsistent with the Inservice Testing Program requirementfor valve testing on a 92 day Frequency.


WOG STS B 3.6-41 Rev 1, 04/07/95

Ioa TF- tion T TevContainment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric and Dual)




SR Verify each [42] inch purge valve is 31 dayssealed closed except for one purge valve ina penetration flow path while inCondition E of this LCO.

SR Verify each [8] inch purge valve is closed 31 daysexcept when the [8] inch purge valves areopen for pressure control, ALARA or airquality considerations for personnel entry,or for Surveillances that require thevalves to be open.

SR -------- NOTE--------------------Valves and blind flanges in high radiationareas may be verified by use ofadministrative means.___________________________________________

Verify each containment isolation manual 31 daysvalve and blind flange that is locatedoutside containment and is required to bec ose ing accident conditions isclosed, except for containment isolationvalves that are open under administrativecontrols.

_________________ (continued)

/O ael g(c, -roc le"t ,O

X- ScrCZet--- -- - -

CEOG STS 3.6-12 Rev 1. 04/07/95

T'S ,7- W-Containment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric and Dual)




* SR -------------------NOTE--------------------Valves and blind flanges in high radiationareas may be verified by use ofadministrative means.___________________________________________

Verify each containment isolation manualvalve and blind flange that is locatedinside containmentand required to beclosed during accident conditions isclosed, except for containment isolationvalves that are open under administrativecontrols.

Prior toentering MODE 4from MODE 5 ifnot performedwithin theprevious92 days

SR Verify the isolation time of each power Inoperated and each automatic containment accordanceisolation valve is within limits. with the

InserviceTestingProgram or92 days

SR Perform leakage rate testing for 184 dayscontainment purge valves with resilientseals. AND

Within 92 daysafter openingthe valve

SR Verify each automatic containment isolation [18] monthsvalve that is not locked, sealed, orotherwise secured in position, actuates tothe isolation position on an actual orsimulated actuation signal.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( c o n ,

6 a -e- j )1 e I, • a e ~ 6 c -( k h ~ r S -C - 'A fC 1

CEOG STS 3.6-13 Rev 1.


04/07/95_ _ _ . _ . .

I7 TI- q 5Containment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric and


R'v 7-,Dual)3.6.3



SR (continued)

opening of a containment purge valve. Detailed analysis ofthe purge valves failed to conclusively demonstrate theirability to close during a LOCA in time to limit offsitedoses. Therefore, these valves are required to be in thesealed closed position during MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. Acontainment purge valve that is sealed closed must havemotive power to the valve operator removed. This can beaccomplished by de-energizing the source of electric poweror by removing the air supply to the valve operator. Inthis application, the term 'sealed' has no connotation ofleak tightness. The Frequency is a result of an NRCinitiative, Generic Issue B-24 (Ref. 4), related tocontainment purge valve use during unit operations. This SRis not required to be met while in Condition E of this LCO.This is reasonable since the penetration flow path would beisolated.


This SR ensures that the minipurge valves are closed asrequired or, if open, open for an allowable reason. If apurge valve is open in violation of this SR, the valve isconsidered inoperable. If the inoperable valve is nototherwise known to have excessive leakage .when closed, itnot considered to have leakage outside of limits. The SRnot required to be met when the purge valves are open forpressure control, ALARA or air quality considerations forpersonnel entry, or for Surveillances that require thevalves to be open. The minipurge valves are capable ofclosing in the environment following a LOCA. Therefore,these valves are allowed to be open for limited periods oftime. The 31 day Frequency is consistent with othercontainment isolation valve requirements discussed inSR

isi s

2' l o +'kd, :G, ck)Jed



This SR requires verification that each containmentisolation manual valve and blind flange located outsidecontainmen and required to be closed during accidentconditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure that postaccident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outside the


CEO& STS B 3.6-29 Rev 1, 04/07/95

,Tc77,-- RevLContainment Isolation Valves (Atmospheric and Dual)

B 3.6.3



containment boundary is within design limits. This SR doesnot require any testing or valve manipulation. Rather, itinvolves verification, through a system walkdown, that thosecontainment isolation valves outside containment and capableof being mispositioned are in the correct position. Sinceverification of valve position for containment isolationvalves outside containment is relatively easy, the 31 dayFrequency is based on engineering judgment and was chosen toprovide added assurance of the correct positions.Containment isolation valves that are open underadministrative controls are not required to meet the SRduring the time the valves are open.

The Note applies to valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas and allows these devices to be verifiedclosed by use of administrative means. Allowingverification by administrative means is consideredacceptable, since access to these areas is typicallyrestricted during MODES 1, 2, 3, 4 and for ALARA reasons.Therefore, the probability of misalignment of thesecontainment isolation valves, once they have been verifiedto be in the proper position, is small.


/ \ ~ > This SR requires verification that each containmentk1 07tna Ia ! isolation manual valve and blind flange located inside

,ccntainmentrand required to be closed during accident/scvc/(ec, &&e>/eJ, iconditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure that post

accident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outside theof' r containment boundary is within design limits. For

containment isolation valves inside containment, theFrequency of "prior to entering MODE 4 from MODE 5 if notperformed within the previous 92 days" is appropriate, sincethese containment isolation valves are operated underadministrative controls and the probability of theirmisalignment is low. Containment isolation valves that areopen under administrative controls are not required to meet.-the SR during the time that they are open. <

The Note allows valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas to be verified closed by use ofadministrative means. Allowing verification by


CEOG STS B 3.6-30 Rev 1, 04/07/95

Ts7 7-F- 1- Ad IZPCIVs



SR ------------------ NOTES…------------------

Only required to be met inMODES 1, 2, and 3.

2. Not required to be met when the[18] inch primary containment purgevalves are open for inerting,de-inerting, pressure control, ALARAor air quality considerations forpersonnel entry, or Surveillancesthat require the valves to be open.

Verify each [18] inch primary containment 31 dayspurge valve is closed.

SR -------------… NOTES------------------1. Valves and blind flanges in high

radiation areas may be verified byuse of administrative means.

2. Not required to be met for PCIVs thatare open under administrativecontrols.


Verify each primary containment isolation 31 daysmanual valve and blind flange that islocated ouie rimary containment.andis required to be closed during accidentconditions is closed.


tc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~a d, toccl'

BWR/4 STS 3.6-14 Rev 1, 04/07/95

-7--• ~~.0- -7-PCIVs



SR …---------------…NOTES…--------------…--1. Valves and blind flanges in high

radiation areas may be verified byuse of administrative means.

2. Not required to be met for PCIVs thatare open under administrativecontrols.

Verify each primary containment manualisolation valve and blind flange that islocated inside primary containmenT and isI reqale to be close during accidentconditions is closed.

cie aJ -j oloca 4 Aroee led, oo)V Q 4 Ihev-"dtse razz ~red . -

Prior toentering MODE 2or 3 fromMODE 4 ifprimarycontainment wasde-inertedwhile inMODE 4, if notperformedwithin theprevious92 days

SR Verify continuity of the traversing 31 daysincore probe (TIP) shear isolation valveexplosive charge.

SR Verify the isolation time of each power Inoperated and each automatic PCIV[, except accordancefor MSIVs,J is within limits. with the

InserviceTestingProgram or92 days


BWR/4 STS 3.6-15 Rev 1, 04/07/95




SR ------------------NOTES----------1. Valves and blind flanges in high

radiation areas may be verified byuse of administrative means.

2. Not required to be met for SCIVs thatare open under administrativecontrols.


PO (eckiiS eede Verify each secondary containmentV4 solat on manual valve and blind flange

ecis * that is required to be closed during'S ,- , -~ accident conditions is closed.

31 days

SR Verify the isolation time of each power In accordanceoperated and each automatic SCIV is with thewithin limits. Inservice

TestingProgram or92 days

SR Verify each automatic SCIV actuates to [18] monthsthe isolation position on an actual orsimulated actuation signal.

BWR/4 STS 3.6-53 Rev 1, 04/07/95


BASES (continued) I ' ' '..


SR * o 4w<-, Soed L* 0'5J

This SR verifies that each secondary containment manualisolation valve and blind flange that required to beclosed during accident conditions is closed. The SR helpsto ensure that post accident leakage of radioactive fluidsor gases outside of the [secondary] containment boundary iswithin design limits. This SR does not require any testingor valve manipulation. Rather, it involves verificationthat those SCIVs in [secondary] containment that are capableof being mispositioned are in the correct position.

Since these SCIVs are readily accessible to personnel duringnormal operation and verification of their position isrelatively easy, the 31 day Frequency-was chosen toprovide added assurance that the SCIVs are in the correct

Two Notes have been added to this SR. The first Noteapplies to valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas and allows them to be verified by use ofadministrative controls. Allowing verification byadministrative controls is considered acceptable, sinceaccess to these areas is typically restricted duringMODES 1, 2, and 3 for ALARA reasons. Therefore, theprobability of misalignment of these SCIVs, once they havebeen verified to be in the proper position, is low.

A second Note has been included to clarify that SCIVs thatare open under administrative controls are not required tomeet the SR during the time the SCIVs are open.


Verifying that the isolation time of each power operated andeach automatic SCIV is within limits is required todemonstrate OPERABILITY. The isolation time test ensuresthat the SCIV will isolate in a time period less than orequal to that assumed in the safety analyses. The isolationtime and Frequency of this SR are [in accordance with theInservice Testing Program or 92 days].


BWR/4 STS B 3.6-107 Rev 1, 04/07/95






(continued) This SR verifies that each primary containment isolationmanual valve and blind flange that is located outsideprimary containment and is required to be closed during

ident conditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure thatpost accident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outsidethe primary containment boundary is within design limits.

* X X This SR does not require any testing or valve manipulation.Rather, it involves verification that those PCIVs outside

acKecj leeJ primary containment, and capable of being mispositioned, are/ k in the correct position. Since verification of valve

As a Odin tq~t5 position for PCIVs outside primary containment is relativelyeasy, the 31 day Frequency was chosen to provide added

,ecs4'd I assurance that the PCIVs are in the correct positions.

Two Notes have been added to this SR. The first Note allowsvalves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas tobe verified by use of administrative controls. Allowingverification by administrative controls is consideredacceptable since the primary containment is inerted andaccess to these areas is typically restricted duringMODES 1, 2, and 3 for ALARA reasons. Therefore, theprobability of misalignment of these PCIVs, once they havebeen verified to be in the proper position, is low. Asecond Note has been included to clarify that PCIVs that areopen under administrative controls are not required to meetthe SR during the time that the PCIVs are open.


This SR verifies that each primary containment manualisolation valve and blind flange that is located inside

I primary containmentand is required to be closed duringaccident conditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure thatpost accident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outsidethe primary containment boundary is within design limits.For PCIVs inside primary containment, the Frequency definedas "prior to entering MODE 2 or 3 from MODE 4 if primarycontainment was de-inerted while in MODE 4, if not performedwithin the previous 92 daysn is appropriate since thesePCIVs are operated under administrative controls and theprobability of their misalignment is low.


BWR/4 STS B 3.6-26 Rev 1, 04/07/95

T's7PF -LI g Ifed vLPCIVs





ri j roo C>

)~ er led, Alo

1 <,heelfw"e // 6 ca eI, .


------------------NOTES------------------1. Valves and blind flanges in high

radiation areas may be verified byuse of administrative means.

2. Not required to be met for PCIVs thatare open under administrativecontrols.

Verify each primary containment isolationmanual valve and blind flange that islocated outside primary containment,drywell, and steam tunnet-and is requiredto be cMosed during accident conditionsis closed.

31 days

SR ------------------ NOTES…-----------------1. Valves and blind flanges in high

radiation areas may be verified byuse of administrative means.

2. Not required to be met for PCIVs thatare open under administrativecontrols.

Verify each primary containment isolationmanual valve and blind flange that islocated inside primary containment,

k - drywell, or steam tunnel ,and is requiredto be closed during accident conditionsis closed.

Prior toentering MODE 2or 3 fromMODE 4, if notperformedwithin theprevious92 days


BWR/6 STS 3.6-15 Rev 1, 04/07/95




SR ------------------NOTES------------------1. Valves and blind flanges in high

radiation areas may be verified byuse of administrative controls.

2. Not required to be met for SCIVs thatare open under administrative means.

14IC dme Verify each secondary containment/ r04j4,WAi5 Cisolation manual valve and blind flangeszwcurad A as sequired to be closed during

accident conditions is closed.

31 days

SR Verify the isolation time of each power Inoperated and each automatic SCIV is accordancewithin limits. with the

InserviceTestingProgram or92 days

SR Verify each automatic SCIV actuates to [18] monthsthe isolation position on an actual orsimulated automatic isolation signal.

BWR/6 STS 3.6-50 Rev 1, 04/07/95

Drywell Isolation Valve[s]


SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY Verify each [ ] inch drywell purge 31 daysisolation valve is sealed closed.

SR ------------------NOTE…-------------------Not required to be met when the drywellpurge supply or exhaust valves are openfor pressure control, ALARA or airquality considerations for personnelentry, or Surveillances that require thevalves to be open [provided the [20) inchcontainment [purge system supply andexhaust) lines are isolated]._________________-_______________________

Verify each [20] inch drywell purge 31 daysisolation valve is closed.

SR ------------------NOTE-------------------Not required to be met for drywellisolation valves that are open underadministrative controls._________________________________________

Verify each drywell isolation manual Prior tovalve and blind flange that ii required entering MODE 2to be closed during accident conditions or 3 fromis closed. MODE 4, if not

,_,e , performed inA('# t' CCKC, Soe, the previous

0o1- fo .4scVseccewred 92 days


BWR/6 STS 3.6-63 Rev 1, 04/07/95

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SR (continued)

this SR, the valve is considered inoperable. If theinoperable valve is not otherwise known to have excessiveleakage when closed, it is not considered to have leakageoutside of limits.

The SR is also modified by a Note (Note 1) stating thatprimary containment purge valves are only required to beclosed in MODES 1, 2, and 3. If a LOCA inside primarycontainment occurs in these MODES, the purge valves may notbe capable of closing before the pressure pulse affectssystems downstream of the purge valves, or the release ofradioactive material will exceed limits prior to the purgevalves closing. At other times when the purge valves arerequired to be capable of closing (e.g., during movement ofirradiated fuel assemblies) pressurization concerns are notpresent and the purge valves are allowed to be open.


The SR is modified by a Note (Note 2) stating that the SR isnot required to be met when the purge valves are open forthe stated reasons. The Note states that these valves maybe opened for pressure control, ALARA, or air qualityconsiderations for personnel entry, or for Surveillancesthat require the valves to be open, provided the drywell[purge supply and exhaust] lines are isolated. Theseprimary containment purge valves are capable of closing inthe environment following a LOCA. Therefore, these valvesare allowed to be open for limited periods of time. The31 day Frequency is consistent with other primarycontainment purge valve requirements discussed inSR


,/ cttnJ 11+ > This SR verifies that each primary containment isolation

/ I 'd v ~ J t 1 lmanual valve and blind flange that is located outsideOaeacde, ~ rimary containment, drywell, and steam tunnegl and isrequired to be closed during accident conditions, is closed.The SR helps to ensure that post accident leakage ofradioactive fluids or gases outside of the primary

<> fe ev, ee _,- ~~ containment boundary is within design limits. This SR doesnot require any testing or valve manipulation. Rather, itinvolves verification that those PCIVs outside primary


BWR/6 STS B 3.6-26 Rev 1, 04/07/95




SR (continued)

containment, and capable of being mispositioned, are in thecorrect position. Since verification of valve position forPCIVs outside primary containment is relatively easy, the31 day Frequency was chosen to provide added assurance thatthe PCIVs are in the correct positions. -

Two Notes are added to this SR. The first Note applies tovalves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas andallows them to be verified by use of administrativecontrols. Allowing verification by administrative controlsis considered acceptable, since access to these areas istypically restricted during MODES 1, 2, and 3 for ALARAreasons. Therefore, the probability of misalignment ofthese PCIVs, once they have been verified to be in theproper position, is low. A second Note is included toclarify that PCIVs open under administrative controls arenot required to meet the SR during the time the PCIVs areopen.


.- -> This SR verifies that each primary containment manual1' ~ ,< , Jq isolation valve and blind flange located inside primary

containment, drywell, or steam tunneljand required to beI f J ctsd~uing acciden-F-condittons,-i-s closed. The SR helps

Ioc e LCeJt ~c4Iec, to ensure that post accident leakage of radioactive fluidsor gases outside the primary containment boundary is within

!I tar ot17rx-"c design limits. For PCIVs inside primary containment,drywell, or steam tunnel the Frequency of 'prior to enteringMODE 2 or 3 from MODE 4, if not performed within the

* -...... '------ previous 92 days," is appropriate since these PCIVs areoperated under administrative controls and the probability.of their misalignment is low. >-

Two Notes are added to this SR. The first Note allowsvalves and blind flanges located in high radiation areas tobe verified by use of administrative controls. Allowingverification by administrative controls is consideredacceptable since access to these areas is typicallyrestricted during MODES 1, 2, and 3. Therefore, theprobability of misalignment of these PCIVs, once they havebeen verified to be in their proper position, is low. Asecond Note is included to clarify that PCIVs that are open


8WR/6 STS 8 3.6-27 Rev 1, 04/07/95


7?f-4/1 2z-BASES (continued) ! --



This SR verifies each secondary ontainment isolation manualvalve and blind flange that i equired to be closed duringaccident conditions is closed. The SR helps to ensure thatpost accident leakage of radioactive fluids or gases outsideof the [secondary containment] boundary is within designlimits. This SR does not require any testing or valvemanipulation. Rather, it involves verification that thoseSCIVs in [secondary containment] that are capable of beingmispositioned are in the correct position.

Since these SCIVs arenormal unit operationrelatively easy, theadded assurance that

e readily accessible to personnel duringi and verification of their position is31 day Frequency was chosen to providethe SCIVs are in the correct positions. -

Two Notes have been added to this SR. The first Noteapplies to valves and blind flanges located in highradiation areas and allows them to be verified by use ofadministrative controls. Allowing verification byadministrative controls is considered acceptable, sinceaccess to these areas is typically restricted duringMODES 1, 2, and 3 for ALARA reasons. Therefore, theprobability of misalignment of these SCIVs, once they havebeen verified to be in the proper position, is low.


A secondare openmeet the

Note has been included to clarify that SCIVs thatunder administrative controls are not required toSR during the time the SCIVs are open.


Verifying the isolation time of each power operated and eachautomatic SCIV is within limits is required to demonstrateOPERABILITY. The isolation time test ensures that the SCIVwill isolate in a time period less than or equal to thatassumed in the safety analyses. The isolation time andFrequency of this SR are [in accordance with the InserviceTesting Program or 92 days].


BWR/6 STS B 3.6-102 Rev 1, 04/07/95

uryweii isoiatlon valvetsJB

BASES I - v /l4.0 (j




This SR ensures that the [20] inch drywell purge isolationvalves are closed as required or, if open, open for anallowable reason. This SR is intended to be used fotdrywell purge isolation valves that are fully-qualified toclose under accident conditions; therefore, these valves areallowed to be open for limited periods of time. This SR hasbeen modified by a Note indicating the SR is not required tobe met when the drywell purge supply or exhaust valves areopen for pressure control, ALARA or air qualityconsiderations for personnel entry, or surveillances thatrequire the valve to be open [provided the [20] inchcontainment [purge system supply and exhaust] lines areisolated]. The 31 day Frequency is consistent with thevalve requirements discussed under SR

SR 4o4'uw.se s-ecume

This SR requires verification that each drywell isolationmanual valve and blind flange that is required to be closedduring accident conditions is closed. The SR helps toensure that drywell bypass leakage is maintained to aminimum. Since these valves are inside primary containment,the Frequency specified as "prior to entering MODE 2 or 3from MODE 4, if not performed in the previous 92 days," isappropriate because of the inaccessibility of the drywellisolation valves and because these drywell isolation valvesare operated under administrative controls and theprobability of their misalignment is low.

A Note has been included to clarify that valves that areopen under administrative controls are not required to meetthe SR during the time the valves are open.


Verifying that the isolation time of each power operated andeach automatic drywell isolation valve is within limits isrequired to demonstrate OPERABILITY. The isolation timetest ensures the valve will isolate in a time period lessthan or equal to that assumed in the safety analysis. Theisolation time and Frequency of this SR are [in accordancewith the Inservice Testing Program or 92 days].



B 3.6-128 Rev 1, 04/07/95

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