OF AVIATIONI KARNALharaviation.gov.in/sites/default/files/documents/memo-of...dfher lncc'ne may...

Post on 31-Jan-2021

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Transcript of OF AVIATIONI KARNALharaviation.gov.in/sites/default/files/documents/memo-of...dfher lncc'ne may...

  • 1. i -


    OF THE


    In the matter of Act XXr of 1860 for registration of a society for promoting the art and science of civil aviaEion and aercnautics in all its aspects and in arr natterg connected therew,ith.

    rn lhe matter of Haryana rnstitute of civil Aviation, a society hereinafter referred to as the Institute.


    $ihort title I" ( i) The name of the society ahall be t,he rHaryana InetiEute of Civil Aviationn and its hear- orf ice sha l1 be locaEed at Karna1.

    ii) The regietered office of'the Soclety shall f or t.he time being, be at Karnal in the State of Haryana.

    .)Stfini.fisne In this memotrandum and the rules made thereunderr unless the context ot,herwise requires; (a) "Seciety" shall mean Haryana fnstitute of Civil AviaIion.Hd:$ (b) "Central Governmentn ghall mean the Government of India;-'i;b

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    $-Ei :i.Z Hir (c) "State Government" shalI mean the GovernmentaUE

    of Haryana in the DepartmenE of Civil Aviation. (d) "StaLe" shal] mean the State of Haryana.

    0BJgcrst 3" The main objects of the Institute are as under:-(a) to promote the art and science of aviation

    and aeronautics in all its aspects and all matters

    connected therewiEh and to provide facilities for

    the said purpose and for the housingr storage and

    safe custody of such equipmenEa, inst,ruments and

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    machtnea ot... .rnd to p.;ovltlc arrd erz.cct and malntaln bulldirg.rr lrangersr cheds, rnchorag€ar ollpwayr; lneerlngsl voukehop rnaihlnoryr pltrrEr InalrunenEn ind rrppnrntun hnnEnr Inrrnclron nrrrl nilror Ehlngr n.cco!ary or lncldenBal .to thc rald purpore and to provlde, layouE r .pFcpare and nalnt,aln aerodromes, . landlng groundo (permanenE and.teurporary) and undertake euch furt,herance of the eaid objectlvea; (b) uo carry on the acrlvltlca ot.|fytngr glldlngr aeronaut,lcalr alrcraft malntenance engtneercr tralnlng, cabln crelr Eralning; ground gtaff tratnlngr hotel keeper trar.ring and such other act lr.,it.ies as may be incldental to aviallon and aeronautics and other purposes of !hg Inrtltute;

    (c) : t,o purchErs! 1 consEruct r r€conStfuct r ov€EhauI r malntaln and repai r equlpmenE ueed i.n t,he lngLltute and other accegsorles and to sell and to let for hlre the samc and to uge the same for the purpocce of, tutlon

    ,and ot,her purpooss of Bhf Instlt,uBf r Bo fall tha r.rvlcra of r.conrgruct,lngl ovcrhaullngr nalntafnllg rnd rcpatrtng alrcraftr gllder ano motor acceacortca ctc.; (d) to lngtruct menberg and such other persons

    ,as may be secided by the Instttute fron t,lne to tinre

    ln the art of aviatlon and science of aeronaut,ics and

    aII matters connected Lherewlth and to lgeuc ccrtl!lcatcs 'i.

    of efftclency relating thereto and to Prov{de f,or

    lnstltuBlongr for traiplng and acqulrlng knowledge ln

    of.t brnnelton of. nvjnt-lti,. ntttl noroltnlltlcn;

    (e) to pnrchase, Ieaser s€cure by excltange of

    Ilcencer hlre and othorwlse acqulrr any lnovoablc rnd

    immoveablc property and any lnteresUr Gt!€rn€nEgr rlghta

    and privi leqes necessary or convenient, f or t,he purposes of

    the. InetiBute and t.o repair, alt'er moveable and immoveable

    properLy ot the Institute and undertake such other

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    activities as may be neces$ary and incldental to

    give effect to clause(a) above; (r) to consLrucI r ilolntaln r aIEer r rePaiE an]Y bulldlnga r sBrucLures etc. requlred f or t,he Ingtlt'ute

    and !o puII down and demotish such as are not required

    and to reconst,ruct and rebuild other in place thereof

    if required for t,he Inst.itutei I

    (g) Bg crrry on t,hr burtnt.! of c Inct'lt,utr hotel keeperr tavern-keeper and retreshment' to purveyor

    and such businesses as may be incidental to aviation

    and aeronauLics and other purposes of the'lnstit,ute;

    (h) lo purchase and procur€ sUores for the

    PU rpo se e of the Institut,e r avlaEionr aeronautlcg and

    mot or ing and to seII the same to members and otherrs:

    (i) to establish, promote and asslsE in establighment and promoting and Eo gubacrlbe to and

    become a momber of any oLher .comPanyrlasocitEionr club

    or Instltutlonr uhoss obJecta are almllar or ln Fart'

    simllar to the objects of the InstlLute and the

    esLabllehmenL or promot,lon of whlch may be beneflclal

    !o the Inst,it,ute and to amalgamate therewit'h and to enter

    into arrangements with any Companyr dEsoCiationr club

    or inst,ltuBion Eo enabJ-e the members lhereof to

    parttclpate 1n the prlvlleges of t'he Inatlt'ute:

    \1, to purchase r consErucE I f€const ruct rov€EhauI

    malntaln ancJ repair equlptnettI uo'ecJ ln tlre lttctlEuto

    lrlronnd oIher acccr]norie.q altd Lo nt-'il nnd to let' for

    Elte sattte arld Lo ur;e Elre !lollro Ior Elre pur[)ogco ot

    other purposes of the Instit'ut'e I t'otut ion and f or

    sell !o servlces of reconst'ructing I oV€Ehiulinrg I

    mainlaning and re-POiring aircraft and moBor

    accessories etc-;

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  • tr - ;-(P) ge)nerally to :o al I such other tirings as mayt. incidental beor conducive to the allotment of the aboveI objects or any of Lhem: . (qt thc lncomc ond proprrcy o! tho InacltuEerhrll br rpplted colcl.y towarda thc pronotlon o! EhcobJecte of the Ineiltute and no portlon thereof shallbc prid gr .(.rhrf crrcdr dl roqily or tndlraeEly, by H.yof rJtvldenrrr ho1113 nr orhorwr nn hy wny nf pr^f I I to trrnmemberg of the Institute,

    (r) No merlber of ilre General Bo

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    obJeccs olrrrl.l nr to tlre ()l) ii.(:t.!r ()t ilrl.q lrrnr i r.rrto r:rr bet determlncd rly ttre trrolr rnerrrrrcrn of Elra rrrrrLiLuLa or before thr time of dissorution and in default thereof by llts DlrocIor (',orrnrnl ol t]lvll Avlnl. lrrtr, ri.rvl tnl Indta/Advlser ClviI,\vlation, Haryana;

    (w) No arteration shall be made Lo thie Memorandum of AFEactat,ion of rhe Inst,lt.ut,er unleeo lhe propoered arEerat'lon lras been prevlc,usly approved by r.ho Avlatlon Advlaer to Ihe GovernmenI of ilaryana and Elrc Direcrtor Gcncral of clvil Avlatiolr, Gover'ment of Incria;

    I'he objects incidental or anci Ilary Eo the at,t.ainrnent of the above rnain ob jects are: -

    (i) Lr buy, seIIr IoE or hJ.rer repai(r lmpe:.tr export, rease, t.rade and otherwlse deal in al.l kirnds of


    nraclrlnory r colnponent r grilrLn r qccor.tuorlcs arrd crLlter geOtlg I malerlaJ spare-part-s and filling whlch can be profltably dearE within connection with the businese of installation and operation of lhe Ir.s! it,uLe's gooda:

    ( t i ) to ernploy personnel ae mEy bb f ound nccessary for tlre efficient handllng and conduct, of the busiliess of Ehe Institute;

    (ii1) Eo ol;Ealn Iicences, certificates and privileges for alI purpo.ses from aII p€Esor:sr IocaI aut.horiti. ..rd Ehe CenEraI and State Governmen to renew the same anJ to transfer the sarne in favour

    of any person or auLhorl.t ies;

    ( tv ) fo €nter inL-.r aoreement,s and eontrar:t.s with Indlan arrC/or f oreign indivi duals r companles or otlrer organisations f or.: ralrsferr eale or prrrchaee

    of , equipment arrci f or technical , f inancial or any

    o!lrer asgisttrrrt'e fc,r carrying ouE aIl or r)nt of !tte

    ob'iecIs of t-lrc lrrr;tiIr)t.e:


  • - /-fq

    (v) to enter into partnership or into any

    agreernent for slrarjrrg prof its, union of irrl-erest-, cooparal-lonr joint vent,urer r€ciprocal concessions or otherwise wiEh any

    person, firm, society or company carrying on or engaged in or about Eo carry on or engaged in any business or undertaking or transaction which rna)' seem capable of betng carried on or cond.rcted

    so as to directly or indirectly benefit the rnstitute;

    /-.:\vr/ \ to enter into any agreement with any Governrnent or auth6rity (l'trnicipal , local or othemise) or any c€rporatirlnr corpany or peraon which m.ry seem condtcive to the rnsLitute's objects or any of them and t,o obtain f rom any such Gcverrurent r authorityr coFpoFdtionr company, society or personr dnf contracEr rightr privireg€r oE concession which the rnsEitute may think declroable and to carry ouE, exerciee and comply with any euch contractr right.r privilege or concesgioni

    (vli) to clbtain any ac[ of central or stat,e legislaturer

    .'' provlelonal or Ilcc'rtcc o[ aut.onirrnus trocty or lnstltute tor enarbllng '€sil the rnetit.ut.e to carry out any of its object.s into effect or f:orH.r .9?',.jE9: ! effectlng any nndification of t,he Institute's const.ituLion or for \