ПРАКТИКУМkhusurikov.ru/upload/files/Praktikum-po-angliiskomu... · 2016-04-19 · Exercise...

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Transcript of ПРАКТИКУМkhusurikov.ru/upload/files/Praktikum-po-angliiskomu... · 2016-04-19 · Exercise...


Министерство культуры Красноярского края

Краевое государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Красноярское художественное училище (техникум) им. В.И. Сурикова»



«Система времен. Настоящее простое время»

1 курс 1 семестр

Красноярск 2015 г.


Учебное пособие - Практикум по английскому языку КГБ ПОУ

«Красноярское художественное училище (техникум) им. В.И. Сурикова».

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов I курса

специальностей 54.02.05 Живопись (по видам) и 54.02.01 Дизайн (по

отраслям)», 16 cтр., 2015 г. предназначено как для аудиторной, так и для

самостоятельной работы студентов и ставит своей целью развитие навыков

устной и письменной речи по дисциплине ОД.01.01. «Иностранный язык


Пособие разработано в соответствии с рабочей программой учебной

дисциплины и содержит материал по теме 2.2.3. «Система времен. Настоящее

простое время».

Составитель Т.А. Киселева, преподаватель КГБ ПОУ «Красноярское

художественное училище (техникум) им. В.И. Сурикова».

Рецензент Н.Н. Семенова, педагог-организатор, преподаватель КГБ ПОУ

«Красноярское художественное училище (техникум) им. В.И. Сурикова».

Рекомендовано предметно-цикловой комиссией общеобразовательных,

общих гуманитарных и социально-экономических дисциплин КГБ ПОУ

«Красноярское художественное училище (техникум) им. В.И. Сурикова»,

протокол заседания № 3 от 20.11.2014 г.


Пояснительная записка

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса художественного


Основная цель работы – помочь студентам овладеть грамматическим

материалом, предусмотренным программой.

В пособии поставлены следующие задачи:

сформировать теоретические знания по теме;

отработать и закрепить теоретические знания на практике (сформировать

практические навыки)

Материал состоит из 3 разделов:

теоретического, грамматических упражнений для практической работы на занятиях

(включая работу с текстом), занятий для внеаудиторной работы студентов

(домашние задания).

В результате выполнения практических заданий студенты приобретают

следующие умения:

делать краткие сообщения, описывать события и явления (в рамках

пройденных тем), передавать основное содержание, основную мысль

прочитанного или услышанного, выражать свое отношение к прочитанному и

услышанному, кратко характеризовать персонаж на иностранном языке;

понимать основное содержание несложных аутентичных текстов на

иностранном языке, относящихся к разным коммуникативным типам речи

(сообщение, рассказ), уметь определять тему текста, выделять главные факты

в тексте, опуская второстепенные;

читать аутентичные тексты на иностранном языке разных жанров с

пониманием основного содержания, устанавливать логическую

последовательность основных фактов текста);

используя различные приемы смысловой переработки текста (языковую

догадку, анализ, выборочный перевод), оценивать полученную информацию,

выражать свое мнение на иностранном языке;

читать текст на иностранном языке с выборочным пониманием нужной или

интересующей информации;

ориентироваться в иноязычном письменном и аудиотексте: определять его

содержание по заголовку, выделять основную информацию;

использовать двуязычный словарь;

использовать переспрос, перефраз, синонимичные средства, языковую догадку

в процессе устного и письменного общения на иностранном языке.


основных значений изученных лексических единиц (1200-1400 слов,


признаков изученных грамматических явлений иностранного языка;

особенностей структуры и интонации различных коммуникативных типов

простых и сложных предложений изучаемого иностранного языка.


Теоретический материал

The Present Simple Tense

Настоящее простое время

Формы Present Indefinite образуются от инфинитива глагола без частицы to. В

третьем лице единственного числа прибавляется окончание –s. Вопросительная и

отрицательная формы образуются при помощи формы Present Indefinite

вспомогательного глагола to do и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to.


утвердительная отрицательная вопросительная


You write


He writes



You write



You do not write


He does not write



You do not write


Do I write?



Does he write?



Do you write?


Запомните: В устной речи отрицательные формы do not, does not часто

«стягиваются» в одну форму: don’t, doesn’t. Окончание 3-го лица единственного

числа –s, -es произносится по-разному в зависимости от характера

предшествующего звука.

Окончание –s произносится [s] после глухих согласных звуков:

Looks [luks]

Writes [raits]

Окончание –s произносится [z] в остальных случаях, т.е. после гласных и звонких

согласных звуков:

Lives [livz]

Plays [pleiz]

Окончание –es всегда произносится [iz]

Matches [´mæt∫iz]

Misses [´misiz]



Студенты пишут

диктанты на

уроках два раза

в неделю.



The students write dictations at the

lessons twice a week.

Отрицательная форма

The students do not write dictations at

the lessons twice a week.

Общий вопрос

Do the students write dictations at the

lessons twice a week?

- Yes, they do.

- No, they do not.



Do the students write dictations or

tests at the lessons twice a week?



The students write dictations at the

lessons twice a week, don’t they?

-Yes, they do.

-No, they don’t.

Специальные вопросы

Who writes dictations at the lessons

twice a week?

-The students do.

What do the students write at the

lessons twice a week?

Where do the students write dictations

twice a week?

When do the students write dictations

at the lessons?

Примеры в 3 лице единственного числа:

Он гуляет в парке по


Утвердительная форма

He walks in the park in the


Отрицательная форма

He doesn’t walk in the park in

the evenings.

Общий вопрос

Does he walk in the park in the



-Yes, he does.

-No, he does not.

Альтернативный вопрос

Does he walk in the park or in

the yard in the evenings?

Разделительный вопрос

He walks in the park in the

evenings, doesn’t he?

-Yes, he does.

-No, he doesn’t.

Специальные вопросы

Who walks in the parks in the


Where does he walk in

the evenings?

When does he walk in the


Употребление Present Simple

The Present Simple употребляется для выражения:

1. Обычного, повторяющегося действия в настоящем:

They go to the country every weekend.

2. Относящегося к настоящему времени в широком смысле слова:

I work as a teacher.

3. Общеизвестных истин:

The Neva flows into the Baltic Sea.

4. Будущего действия с глаголами движения:

Come, go, leave, start, arrive:

The train starts in half an hour.

5. Совершающегося в момент речи действия с глаголами, которые не

употребляются в длительном времени.

I see George at the window. Ask him to come nearer. I hear you quite well.

6. Для передачи инструкций:

First you cross the street, then turn left.

7. Последовательности действий, быстро следующих друг за другом (например,

в спортивных комментариях):

The boys fight like tigers. Thompson gathers the ball, bamboozles the defence and

passes to Roger who makes no mistake.


Задания и грамматические упражнения

Exercise 1. Give the 3d person forms of these verbs.

Take, give, speak, say, go, send, finish, kiss, catch, begin, tell, bring, promise, explain,

start, work, walk, come, know, teach, make, do, close, open, understand, see, look, brush,

watch, sing, like, hate, listen.

Exercise 2. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1. Juan and Carmen live/lives in Madrid.

2. Harry watch/watches television every evening.

3. I usually go/goes to school by bus.

4. It never snow/snows in this city.

5. Sam live/lives in that house.

6. You never clean/cleans your teeth!

7. Carol get/gets up early every day.

8. All the buses leave/leaves from this bus-stop.

Exercise 3. Complete each sentence. Use the verb and frequency adverb in brackets.

1. Tina (sometimes, miss) sometimes misses the bus to school.

2. I (never, get up) ………………………before 6.00.

3. We (usually, take) ………………………a holiday in August.

4. Jim and Helen (often, go) ………………………to the theatre.

5. I (often, sing) ………………………in the shower.

6. Pat (sometimes, play) ……………………… football on Sunday.

7. You (never, finish) ………………………your homework!

8. Our teacher (always, wear) ……………………… a tie.

Exercise 4. Read the sentences and correct them as the information is wrong. Write two

correct sentences.

Examples: The sun rises in the West.

The sun doesn’t rise in the West. The sun rises in the East.

1. Mice catch cats.

2. The Earth goes round the Moon.

3. The river Volga flows into the Black Sea.

4. Patients look after nurses in hospitals.

5. Water boils at 50 degrees Centigrade.

6. Indians live in Scotland.

7. Carpenters make things from metal.

8. Our city stands on the river Thames.

9. It often rains in Africa.

10. Tigers eat grass.

11. Our group studies Chinese.

12. Our classes begin at 8 o’clock.


Exercise 5. Answer the questions in the negative.

Examples: A. Do you study Italian? No, I don’t, I study German.

B. Does your boy-friend like football? No, he doesn’t. He prefers hockey.

A. 1. Do you get up at nine o’clock? 2. Do you live in Nevsky prospect? 3. Do you like

the green hat? 4. Do your parents work at school? 5. Do you spend weekends in town?

6. Do you go to the pictures every day? 7. Do your friends go to disco dances every

evening? 8. Do you often write letters? 9. Do you go to bed at 10 o’clock? 10. Do you

prefer ice-cream to fruits?

B. 1. Does John live in Moscow? 2. Does your grandmother still work? 3. Does your girl-

friend work hard at her English? 4. Does your sister watch all TV programs? 5. Does

your mother like to make dresses? 6. Does your cousin collect stamps? 7. Does Ali

speak English at home? 8. Does your boy-friend often meet you at the University? 9.

Does she visit her grandparents every day? 10. Does Mary love Nick?

Exercise 6. Make up questions and let your fellow-students answer them.

Example: Study English/ study French

Does Ann study English or French? - She studies English.

1. Like pop music / jazz (you)

2. Get up at 7 / 8 o’clock (your mother)

3. Go to the pictures often / once a month (your friends)

4. Watch TV every evening / at weekends (your family)

5. Live in the centre of the city / in a new district (your boy-friend)

6. Borrow books from the University library / the local library (you)

7. Write dictations every week / once a month (pupils)

8. Like skiing / skating better (you)

9. Make pies every day / on Sundays (your mother)

Exercise 7. Give short answers to the following questions.

A. Pattern: You don’t get up early, do you?

Yes, I do. (No, I don’t)

1. You don’t get up at six o’clock, do you? 2. You don’t like her, do you? 3. You don’t

read very much, do you? 4. You don’t go to the theatre very often, do you? 5. You don’t

work here, do you? 6. You don’t wear your coat, do you?

B. Pattern: He doesn’t work here, does he?

Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.)

1. Your husband doesn’t know her, does he? 2. Your brother doesn’t do his morning

exercises, does he? 3. He doesn’t come home early, does he? 4. He doesn’t live here any

longer, does he? 5. Your husband doesn’t call on your parents very often, does he? 6. He

doesn’t like me, does he?


Exercise 8. Add question-tags to the following statements and then let your fellow-

students answer these questions.

Pattern: She doesn’t study Spanish.

She doesn’t study Spanish, does she?

Yes, she does. (No, she doesn’t.)

1. Your sister doesn’t study English. 2. Your friends don’t have dinner at the institute. 3.

Your little sister doesn’t take her bath in the morning. 4. Your mother doesn’t cook in

evening. 5. Your parents don’t often go to the theatre. 6. It doesn’t often snow this winter.

7. Your brothers don’t dine at home. 8. They don’t have supper at home. 9. Your sister

doesn’t ring you up often now. 10. It doesn’t rain much this autumn.

Exercise 9. Give short answer to the following questions beginning them with so

according to the pattern.

Pattern: I come home early, and what about you? (And you?)

So do I.

1. I get up at seven o’clock, and what about you? 2. I go to the institute every day, and

what about you? 3. I often go to the theatre, and you? 4. We often come home late, and

you? 5. I often see her in the library, and what about you? 6. You often go to the skating-

rink and what about your brother?

Pattern: I like her very much, and what about him? (And he?)

So does he.

1. You often call on your parents and what about your brother? 2. Your wife likes to swim

and what about her sister? 3. You know them well and what about Nick? 4. Mrs. Smith

likes them very much, and what about her daughter? 5. They get up very early and what

about their son? 6. Nelly studies very well, and your sister?

Exercise 10. Give short answer to the following questions beginning them with neither.

A. Pattern: I don’t come home early, and what about you? (and you?)

Neither do I.

1. I don’t get up early, and you? 2. I don’t come home late, and what about you? 3. She

doesn’t go to bed until twelve o’clock, and you? 4. She doesn’t like to watch TV, and you?

5. They don’t go to the skating-rink, and you? 6. I don’t often go to the theatre, and you?

B. Pattern: You know him well, and what about your friend?

(And your friend?)

Neither does he.

1. You don’t like this man and what about your husband? 2. You don’t call on the Smiths

and what about your friend? 3. You don’t want to go the theatre and what about your

daughter? 4. Your friend doesn’t get up early, and her daughter? 5. Your sister doesn’t

work there any more, and her friends? 6. They don’t live in Moscow, and their son?


Exercise 11. Answer the following questions in the Present Indefinite Tense.

1. Where do you usually take walks if you have spare time? 2. What presents do you

usually give your friends? 3. Does your mother often speak to you about family matters?

4. When do people usually send greeting cards? 5. What do you know about the poet

Byron? 6. What films do many women like to watch? 7. When does he come after work?

8. What do your parents usually bring home when they come from their country house? 9.

What language does Mary teach? 10. Who kisses you good night before you go to bed?

Exercise 12. Give shorts answers to the following.

1. Who likes to play tennis?

2. Who gets up very early in your family?

3. Who often appears on TV?

4. Who among your friends keeps pets?

5. Who helps him with his studies?

6. Who keeps a diary?

7. Who grows flowers in this garden?

8. Who likes fruits better than sweets?

9. Who often rings you up?

10. Who teaches history?

11. Who usually comes very late?

12. Who often gives you flowers?

Exercise 13. Put questions to all parts of the sentence.

1. My sister gets up very early. 2. TV programmes begin at ten o’clock. 3. Our family does

not go to the country in summer. 4. At home Tommy wears his new slippers. 5. His

parents work at a factory. 6. Late at night Tom walks his dog in the park. 7. There is a cup

of hot tea on the kitchen table. 8. My sister has two little children.

Exercise 14. Act out the conversations. Describe the situations where these

conversations may take place.

1. Russ: Honey, why are you so sad? (Janet says nothing.)

Russ: Honey, why are you so unhappy? I don’t understand.

Janet: You don’t love me, Russ!

Russ: But, honey, I love you very much.

Janet: That’s untrue. You love my cousin, Sunny. You think she’s lovely and I’m ugly.

Ross: Janet, just once last month I took Sunny out for lunch. You mustn’t worry. I like

your company much better than Sunny’s.

Janet: Oh, shut up, Ross.

Russ: But, honey, I think you’re wonderful.

2. Mr. Harries: Do you speak other languages besides English?

The Waitress: Oh, yes, sir. I speak German and French and the dialectic.

Mr. Harries: Which do you like best?

The W.: They are all very much the same, sir. I can’t say I like one better than another.

(E. Hemingway. Homage to Switzerland.)


3. Anna Cornelia: How long does it take to make one of those pictures, Vincent?

Vincent: That depends, Mother. Some canvases take a few days, some a few years.

A.C.: A few years! Oh, my! Can you draw people so that it looks like them?

V.: Well, I don’t know. I have some sketches upstairs. I’ll show them to you.

A.C.: I’m fixing your favorite cheesecake, Vincent. Do you remember?

V.: Do I remember? Oh, Mother!

A.C.: It’s good to be at home with your mother?

V.: Yes, sweetheart.

(I. Stone. Lust for Life.)

Exercise 15. Read and translate the text. Explain the little of the text in your own


Eating out.

My sister Helen is a terrible cook. She often tells us that she tries hard but it’s no use.

She has got a lot of cookery books, she chooses a recipe, she wants to cook, she prepares

all the necessary ingredients and follows the instructions. But the result is terrible and she

just has a sandwich or some other quick snack.

So, Helen often eats out. She doesn’t like great restaurants. It’s not expense, it’s just that

she doesn’t feel at ease in them. First the waiter gives a menu which she doesn’t

understand, because it’s complicated and has a lot of foreign words. At the end of the meal

when she pays the bill she never knows how much to leave as a tip. She prefers fast food

places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightway.

And she likes take-away places, where you buy a meal in special container and take it



1. Ask and answer all possible questions on the text. Work in pairs.

2. Retell the text as it is.

3. Speak about your favorite dish and describe the process of cooking it.

4. What can you say about Helen’s sister?

Exercise 16. Use the proper of the verbs.

Every morning Mrs. Green (come) downstairs into the kitchen. First she (do) the

washing-up from the previous day. She (turn) on the cold tap, and (fill) the kettle. When

the water (boil), she (make) tea into a mug. She (not use) a cup and saucer. She (put) some

breakfast cereal into a bowl, and (take) a jug of milk from the fridge. She (put) some sugar

in her tea with a teaspoon and (stir) it. Then she (put) everything on a tray and (carry) it

upstairs. After breakfast in bed she (go) back to sleep. She is used to getting up late.


1. How you spend your mornings on weekdays and on Sunday?

2. Ask your friend about his evenings on weekdays and on holidays.


Exercise 17. Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs. Use them in short

situations of your own.

1. A good beginning makes a good ending.

2. The heart that once truly loves never forgets.

3. After rain comes fair weather.

4. All is well that ends well.

5. The appetite comes with eating.

6. Barking dogs seldom bite.

7. Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.

8. Catch the bear before you sell his skin.

9. Clothes do not make a man.

10. Dogs do not eat dogs.

11. The end justifies the means.

12. Man proposes, God disposes.

Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы (4 часа)

1. Повторите и запомните теоретический материал: формообразование времени

Present Simple, его употребление.

2. Выполните упражнения.

Exercise 1. Give the correct form of the Present Indefinite of the verb in brackets.

1. My dad … in Saudi Arabia. (work)

2. The Bible … love of money is the root of all evil. (say)

3. She never … up very early. (get)

4. The concert … at 6 this evening. (begin)

5. Can she manage? I … so. (hope)

6. He … to Moscow once a week. (drive)

7. In the film he … the central character of David Copperfield. (play)

8. She … a very good sister. (be) We …her. (love)

9. The children … a lot of ice-cream (eat)

10. Babies normally … weight in the beginning. (lose)

11. It seldom … here. (rain)

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Мой брат часто слушает эту музыку. 2. Многие люди любят путешествовать. 3. Я

вас не понимаю. 4. Он хорошо знает язык и редко делает ошибки. 5. Она часто

смотрит на эту фотографию. 6. Они обычно заканчивают работу в 5 часов. 7. Он

много обещает, но мало делает. 8. Моя подруга всегда говорит правду. 9. Он

никогда не ходит на дискотеку. 10. Я ничего там не вижу. 11. Он редко рассказывает

о своей семье. 12. Дети часто поют хором.


Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks in the conversations below, using the correct form.

At the Weekend

Tom: I (hate) spending the whole weekend at home. Let’s go out.

Lucy: Where you (want) to go?

Tom: Why (not we go) to the film club? Most weekends it (show) good films.

Lucy: I (not feel) like seeing a film toning. But look, the newspaper (say) that Abe

Compit, the jazz pianist, is giving a concert tonight. I (know) you like jazz. Why (not we

go) to that?

Tom: To be honest, his playing (not appeal) to me much.

Lucy: Well, why you (not go) to the film on your own? It (not matter) to me if I (stay) at

home and watch TV for once.

Tom: Let’s better (go) and see your sister, if you (like). We haven’t seen her for ages.

Lucy: That’s a good idea, She’s lonely where she (live) now. She (stay) at home all the

time. The buses (not go) to that part of town, and she (not get out) at all.

Discuss: a) Your weekends in summer.

b) Your weekends in winter.

Exercise 4. Retell the text «Eating out» (Exercise 15).


Список использованной литературы

1. Блинова С.И. «Практика английского языка». Сборник упражнений по

грамматике «Союз» Санкт-Петербург, 2000 г.

2. Винс М. «Грамматика английского языка; грамматика, лексика» (Уровень

«Elementary»). Издательство «Macmillan» Китай, 3-е издание, 2010 г.

3. Корнеева Е. А. «Практика английского языка», сборник упражнений по

устной речи «Союз», Санкт-Петербург, 1999 г.

4. Моисеев М.А. «Практическая грамматика английского языка», издательство

«Аквариум» 1998 г.