oDesk - Penjelasan & Cover Letter Example - For New Contractor.doc

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Transcript of oDesk - Penjelasan & Cover Letter Example - For New Contractor.doc

Contact Info:

- YM : heryhendraid

- SKYPE : hery.hendra.technolyze

- Email : hery_hendra@odesk.com


● Silahkan lengkapi profile terlebih dahulu dan kirimkan saya :○ Nama○ Email Pribadi○ Username oDesk○ Link Profile oDesk

■ Link Permalinks agan agan sekalian bisa dilihat di https :// www . odesk . com / d / view _ profile . php , dibawah foto agan pasti ada permalinksnya. Kalo belum ada, berarti profile belum lengkap.

■ link profile ada di:■ - https :// www . odesk . com / d / view _ profile . php ■ - dibawah foto ada permalink. sertakan itu yah.

● Setelah lengkap akan dilakukan review apakah profile sudah ok atau belum.


Odesk.com adalah situs freelance di mana pengusaha dan pekerja lepas bertemu dan mungkin masuk ke dalam hubungan kerja. Sebagai freelancer online, Anda tidak perlu membayar apapun untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan di oDesk. Pendaftaran benar-benar gratis.

Ada   3   pemain   kunci   dalam   oDesk:

1. ODesk Company/Team - Bertanggung jawab atas pemeliharaan website dan operasi. Contractor bertindak atas nama team, dimana client mempekerjakan team/company. dan bertindak sebagai perantara antara dua pihak>> Pengusaha & Kontraktor(pekerja).

2. Pengusaha/Employer – adalah mereka yang mempekerjakan pekerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka (full-time atau paruh waktu, jangka pendek atau panjang, atas dasar

proyek atau kerja terus menerus).

3. Contractor / Freelance - Ini adalah pekerja atau pekerja lepas tersedia untuk dihire. Biasanya ada 2 tipe pekerjaan. Yaitu Fixed Work atau Hourly Rate.

Pada dasarnya, sistem oDesk bekerja seperti ini: 

● Seorang Pengusaha akan posting tawaran pekerjaan dan 1 atau lebih Kontraktor dapat melamar pekerjaan dengan "penawaran". Misalnya, perusahaan ABC ingin menyewa asisten virtual (VA) dan bersedia membayar $10/hour, kontraktor mungkin melakukan bidding dan memberikan "tawaran" - bahwa ia dapat bekerja sebagai VA sebesar $ 8/hour ($ 8 adalah bid yang diset oleh Contractor).

Jika majikan menerima tawaran, kontraktor mendapatkan pekerjaan. Pembayaran untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan adalah dilakukan melalui sistem oDesk dan akan dikreditkan ke rekening kontraktor dikurangi biaya oDesk (fee oDesk adalah 10%, dan ini dibebankan ke Pengusaha. Bukan kontraktor).  Kontraktor kemudian dapat melakukan withdrawal setelah masa tenggang 1 minggu bisa melalui Paypal, MoneyBookers, BankWire.

Registration dan Profile● Untuk users yang telah melakukan registrasi. Dapat melihat video oDesk.com disini. Di link ini

https :// www . odesk . com / help / help / learning - center / learning _ center _ providers ● Yang perlu dilengkapi adalah :

○ My Contractor Profile (https :// www . odesk . com / d / profile . php )○ My Tests (https :// www . odesk . com / d / exam _ history . php ), yang terpenting harus ikut test

https :// www . odesk . com / tests /752? tot =2& pos =1 . Harap baca dulu https://www.odesk.com/help/.

My Contractor Profile

1. Masuk ke account & Profile Setting2. Pilih My Contractor Profile (https :// www . odesk . com / d / profile . php )

3. Untuk Public Profile

○ Buat Profile Sesuai spesialisasi anda. Misal spesialisasi anda di :■ Data Entry.

● https :// www . odesk . com / users / Administrative - Personal - Assistant - Office - Manager - Data - Entry - ETC _~~670 e 50 e 51 f 098 e 95? sid =49002& tot =5000& pos =29

● https :// www . odesk . com / users / Data - Entry - Professional _~~12 a 4 b 728 b 75 d 431 b ? sid =49002& tot =5000& pos =13

● Kalo anda lihat disini title dan objectivenya cukup jelas. Anda bisa ikuti sample seperti ini. Yang terpenting adalah di title. Karena terkadang client juga searching manual untuk contractor. Jadi kata kata searching yang sering dicari harus dimasukkan juga di title.

■ Writer / SEO.● https :// www . odesk . com / users / Link - Builder - SEO - Wordpress - Blogger -

Writer - Web - Researcher _~~1 dd 92 ddf 52 f 62 f 46? sid =49002& tot =5000& pos =1

● https :// www . odesk . com / users / oDesk - TOP - SEO - Specialist - SEM - SMM - Expert - Writer _~~ d 58490 b 4 b 2 d 9 f 601? sid =49002& tot =5000& pos =11

■ Atau bila Spesialiasi lain, anda bisa melakukan search di odesk.

4. Untuk Categories

○ Masukkan list categories dari spesialiasi anda, apakah Administrative Task, SEO, atau data entry.

5. Untuk Skills.

○ Sama seperti yang lainnya, perlu ditambahkan juga, skill apapun penting

6. Untuk Employment History & Education

○ Sama seperti yang lainnya, perlu ditambahkan juga, bila memang ada.

7. Untuk Portfolio Projects.

○ Nah ini bagian, perlu ditambahkan juga, bila memang ada.○ Bila memang portfolionya SEO atau data entry di website mana, sebutkan saja. Gak


● Link Permalinks agan agan sekalian bisa dilihat di https :// www . odesk . com / d / view _ profile . php , dibawah foto agan pasti ada permalinksnya. Kalo belum ada, berarti profile belum lengkap.

My Test

● Untuk anda, setelah melengkapi profile. Anda juga harus coba mengikuti test. Test yang wajib diikuti adalah :

○ oDesk Readiness Test for Independent Contractors and Staffing Managers

kenapa test/quiz penting. Karena ada beberapa hal :

○ meningkatkan quota buat kita bidding project. https :// www . odesk . com / help / help / my _ jobs / candidacies / quota

○ ada beberapa pekerjaan yang require test tertentu, jadi makin banyak test makin bagus. Walaupun newbie, lebih mudah dapat pekerjaan kalau ikut test/quiznya banyak.

● Tips buat ikut test :○ Untuk test, gunakan google. Karena semua jawaban ada disana biasanya, atau download

dulu ebook yang berkaitan dengan test.○ Jangan takut ambil test sebanyak banyaknya. Kenapa karena kalo test failed gak keliatan

ama client, dan kalo nilainya misalnya average, bisa diset biar gak keliatan ama client. Ini bisa dilakukan di https :// www . odesk . com / d / exam _ history . php

Consideration for First Time Users / Bidder.

Okay... there are a lot, and I do mean a lot, of posts asking about how to get that first job. I check these posts from new people who are asking "why can't I get hired" and when I go to look, their profiles aren't even filled out, no tests are taken, or what is filled out is just filled with mistakes. To top it all off, there are just as many contractors handing out bad advice.

That's not to say that my advice is the absolute best; nor will it work for everyone. But it's a system that works for me, and has been working for me since I joined oDesk. If you really want to get that first job, hopefully this will at least serve as a starting point for you.

My hope is that other oDesk freelancers will read and add to this posting any thoughts on what works for them that might be different from what I post here.

So, going through step by step to landing that first job...

1. Set up your profile! Yes, a lot of people come to online sources because it's easy and convenient - but that doesn't mean that they want to completely give up the personal experience as well. Your profile is what will introduce you as a person as well as an applicant to the people reviewing your cover letter. Make it count.

● Overview - One of the most important parts of your profile is your overview. It should introduce you to the client and establish your objective. Use this to set you apart from other contractors. "I write fast and can get the job done quickly." So what! Chances are, 90%-95% of the other applicants can, too. So how are you any different? "I want to be the best provider to my clients." Again, so what!? This doesn't help you at all because everyone else says the same thing. Not to mention - it should be a given that you want to provide the best service. Your overview should answer the question "why you should hire me over the other guy" ... If it doesn't answer that question, it's not a good overview.

● Picture - After all, they speak a thousand words, right? It's not a requirement to have a picture, but it does help. Make sure you follow oDesk's identity policy when choosing a picture to post - but in general, any picture of you with a smile on your face will do wonders for you. People like to put a face to a font... So give them one.

● Hourly Rate - I hate to say it, but there are a lot of clients that will look at your hourly rate. I am not talking about whatever rate you bid on a project, but the rate that is displayed on your

profile. This rate should reflect the level and quality of work that you provide and should be a fair reflection of a going rate for the field / category you are interested in working for. Is there a difference? Of course! Can you expect to get paid the same amount of money for site scraping as you can for writing articles? Probably not unless you are the best darn web scraper in the world (and can back it up!). If you're not sure what to set your rate at, look through at other providers, or go through the oConomy pages, figure out how much you would be paid for the exact same job at an office, or do a search to see if you can find out what the average going rate is for that field and adjust that average to reflect your experience level.

● Resume - Also important because your resume houses all of your skills. Are you a web designer? Great! Then post your CSS, PHP, Javascript, Drupal, Joomla!, and Wordpress skills! A lot of clients search for providers based on these skills - how will they find you if you don't have them listed anywhere on your profile? And your resume is the perfect place to showcase these skills because it allows you to also place a brief description of how you have used this skill in the past and display how long you have been using it.

● Take and Show Tests - Some clients won't even look at you if you're not oDesk ready - so take that test! Beyond that - take any other test that will help show just how good you are at something. How is a client going to know that you're the best web site designer if the only test you took was an English skills test and a telephone etiquette test? Go to the oDesk tests and search for tests that are relevant to your field and take them. Then make sure you show the ones you need. Tests you happen to fail will automatically be hidden, anyway; But those tests where you barely pass, hide them until you can retake them and try again. Everyone is entitled to a bad day, no need to display for all to see that you are in the bottom 20% of people who took the test. Retake tests as you get the chance to raise your scores and show off your knowledge.

● Build a Portfolio - This may be easier for some than others... But a portfolio is a great way to display your work. If you build web sites - place some links in there to web sites that you've built. If you're an artist, then throw together some logos and interface designs and place them up there. Writer? Post a link to your blog... Anything that will show examples of your work without violating any terms of service is good. Also important, once it's up - keep it updated. Check the links to those web sites to make sure they're still working and place up new examples of your work as you complete them.

● Be Honest - If your English isn't a 5.0 - then don't rate it at 5.0... Clients will be able to figure it out and you will look like a liar. If you can't be honest about something like how fluent you are in English, why should anyone believe that you're being honest about anything else?

2. Once your profile is set, then it's time to sell your self to the clients. And by sell your self, I don't mean pay them for the privilege of working for them. I mean convince them that they should hire you and pay you what you want. So, how do you do this? Cover Letters. Write a cover letter that A) Proves you know what you're talking about, B) Proves that you've read the job description, C) Explains your costs and terms (such as how many hours it will take to complete, or how much money you will require upfront for a fixed rate, or any guarantees that you offer).

And for goodness sake - don't send the same cover letter to each and every job posting. The clients always know. You aren't fooling anyone - so just stop.

Never beg for a job... It makes you look desperate, not professional. Never lower your hourly rate to a ridiculous amount in hopes of landing a job (or worse, offering to work for free)... Again, it makes you look desperate and gives the impression that you don't deserve whatever amount you have posted on your profile.

Now, for me - and I know other contractors disagree with this (and that's fine) - I also include a paragraph within my cover letter that explains about the ability to contact me. I don't include my contact information - but I do let them know that I am available via Skype, email, and cell phone as well as via my oDesk message center. I also let them know that all of these messages are forwarded to my cell phone to help expedite communications (well, except calls to my cell phone - since that would be redundant). I include this because I would want to know how easy it is to get a hold of a contractor, or if I would be limited to just the oDesk message system.

Also, for me, I will ask all sorts of questions in my cover letter. Some contractors view this as

unprofessional, and that's fine. Like I said - this advice won't work for everyone. But if there's a discrepancy in the job description, or if I just want to know more details than was given, I ask then rather than waiting for the interview. What does this do for me? In a lot of cases, the clients want to answer the questions, which gives them more of a reason to place me into an interview, which gives me a better chance of talking to them and convincing them that I am the best candidate to hire for their project.

This doesn't mean just start asking any stupid question you can think of. "What's your favorite color?" will probably get you rejected. But asking a question like "Do you think you might also be interested in having Twitter integrated onto your site?" will raise an eyebrow.

How else can you sell your self? Glad you asked. You don't have to rely on oDesk's search function to find jobs. Nor do you have to rely on the idea that a client will find you and invite you to an interview. Do you have Facebook, MySpace, or another site that you use? Find the little badges in your account and post them up! Chances are, one of your friends on Facebook might see that you are available for hire as a writer - and they might know someone who just wrote a book that needs editing.

And finally...

3. Bid often and Bid Reasonably Earlier I spoke about the hourly rate that is posted on your profile - now I'm talking about the hourly rate or fixed price rate that you enter onto the little application form that will accompany your cover letter. This bid can be different from what's posted on your profile - but it should still be reasonable. What do I mean by reasonable?

● Make sure it is worth your time● Make sure it will cover your expenses (such as cost to withdraw)● If it is fixed price, make sure it reflects the amount of time you will be working on that project

Remember, it looks bad if your hourly rate on your profile says that you charge $10 per hour if you then bid on a project at $1 per hour... And you shouldn't let a client's budget dictate the level and quality of professionalism that you can provide.

And bid often! I still continue to fill out my quota of 20 applications per week. If a client is not responding to my application after a couple of weeks, I withdraw that application so I can apply to another job. The only time I slow down on my bidding is if I am beginning to get overloaded with projects. Don't send out just 2-3 applications and then get disheartened that neither one has accepted you yet.

This doesn't mean sit down and apply to 20 jobs all in one day - spread them out. I read through just about every hourly job posted (I always filter out the fixed price jobs), but I probably apply to only 4-5 jobs every day, if that many. Be discerning - if the job isn't worth your time, wait a couple more hours and see what new jobs have been posted. It won't do you any good to apply to a job that you're only semi-interested in only to find a great job that you would love to work on but can't apply because you've reached your limit already.

Okay - wow, this is really long. Hopefully this will help to get some of you started. But, long as this is - you also need to remember that this is not the most complete listing of advice, and it's not meant to be the end-all be-all or any sort of guarantee that following these steps will get you hired, just a system that works for me. Remember to find your own niche - whatever works for you.

Bidding Jobs / Projects.Nah, untuk bidding jobs dan projects. Pastikan dulu anda :

● Lengkapi profile sesuai yang saya jelaskan diatas.● Ikut test sebanyak banyaknya. 3-5 test juga cukup. ● Download oDesk application (https :// www . odesk . com / downloads ), ini nanti digunakan untuk

tracking hour dan capture screenshot. Kalo kerjanya adalah Hourly Job. Kalo Fixed Work gak perlu.

Nah untuk Jobs sendiri di oDesk ada 2 macam (https :// www . odesk . com / help / help / my _ jobs / post _ job / terms _ comparison ) :

● Hourly Job○ Job yang dibayar setiap jam (dan ini sudah dijamin odesk pasti dibayar), sesuai hour

yang ditrack oleh oDesk application.● Fixed Work

○ Job yang dibayar pasti, sesuai hour yang ditrack oleh oDesk application. Ini dibayar per jam.

Nah untuk anda yang belum pernah terima proyek, saran saya (berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, jadi tergantung anda gimana approachnya) :

1. Bid Job yang tipenya Fixed Work di awal, ini gunanya buat bangun reputasi. Di Find Contractors & Jobs -> Find Jobs, kita bisa filter jobsnya.

2. Kalo bisa bid fixed work, yang nilainya kecil kecil dulu, kenapa karena buat bangun reputasi, kalau mau bid yang hourly work juga boleh tapi kasi nilai bid yang kecil dulu. Karena tujuan kita bangun reputasi / feedback dulu. Makin tinggi feedback makin tinggi juga kita bisa set rate.

3. Pada saat bidding, liat reputasi client dulu. Kalo baru bergabung, dan dari India, saran saya jangan diambil, karena biasanya ini client bawel, dan kadang ribet urusan sama mereka.

4. Saya ambil contoh. Misalnya job buat programmer saat ini :

a. Nah ini jenisnya khan fixed price.b. Trus employernya feedbacknya juga bagus. Jadi bisa kita apply.c. Cuma di Preferred Qualification dia minta yang ada portfolio atau test passed. Jadi kalo

ngak ada, yah ngak usa bid. Karena percuma. Tapi kalau ada langsung apply. Makanya saran saya ikut test terlebih dahulu.

5. Nah bidding job semuanya sama seperti ini. Tapi biasanya saya dulu pertama kali selalu kasi message ke employee. Kalau misalnya anda gak puas dengan hasil kerja, anda gak perlu bayar sama sekali, ini biasanya saya lakukan karena kompetisi. Jadi berusaha untuk ningkatin rating dulu daripada mikirin bayaran, tapi karena sekarang rating sudah ada. Mikirin bayarannya dulu.

Saran saya, yang penting anda usaha dulu. Ngak kenapa bayaran rendah pada 1-2 proyek awal, karena buat dapet rating tinggi. Kalau dapat rating tinggi. Dijamin pasti gampang cari proyeknya.

Contoh Cover Letter yang sering saya gunakan.


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

I have one example that you might interested to look. Please take a look at this site i'm working it :

SITUSANDA.COM (still on reviews of my clients)

I have 5 years of experience in both Web design and HTML coding. I have read you requirements and submitted a bid of $250 for your project. This includes:

$50 - Requirements definition / clarification

$200 - Website design and development

$50 - QA & Testing

This project could be completed within 2-3 weeks time. depends the requirement completion.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message between 8 am - 6 pm your time (GMT-5) to discuss further.

I also have a few clarifying questions on the project:

1. Do you have a preference for the CMS ?, if don't i usually created with my custom CMS like example i provided to you. it will faster to finish.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

i have the skills you want. for detail you can look my resume.

I have several example that you might interested to look. as part of my portfolio :

1. SITUSANDA.COM (Majic Management Site)

2. SITUSANDA.COM (Site using wordpress, using custom themes and plugins.)

from what you want i can do that. only for aweber.com, i never use that. so i'm willing to learn new things.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message between 8 am - 6 pm your time (GMT-5) to discuss further.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

i have the skills you want. for detail you can look my resume. i don't have any feedback score since i'm new in this site. and also i'm not very good in english because it's not my mother language. but i'm sure i meet all your requirement in coding area. and also the time is not matter for me, since i will available online at your time.

I have several example that you might interested to look. as part of my portfolio :



I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message between 8 am - 6 pm your time (GMT-5) to discuss further.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

In review of your job requirements, I am confident to provide you with skill you need. I have expertise in creating wordpress site.

I am an expert programmer with excellent skills in PHP/MySQL/AJAX/HTML/XHTML/CSS/FLASH/JAVA SCRIPT etc. I am an Adaptable, organized, result and detail-oriented individual with excellent work ethic plus strong time management and interpersonal skills.

I know i'm new at odesk.com and don't have any feedback at the moment, but i will very appreciate if you just look into my attachment file for CV and Example of xhtml that i already finished (3 site). or from the sample of one of my client site (http://www.kliktarajewel.com/home/ - xhtml compliance with no table tr td tags).

from what you want i can do that. for 30 PSD it will require approx. 2 weeks, but it depends on the PSD design. so i need to look further on detail psd

if you want, you also can test my expertise first by giving me one psd to slice, so you can see my skills.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message between 8 am - 6 pm your time (GMT-6) to discuss further.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Dear Mr. XYZ

My name is Hery Hendra and I am writing to you regarding your request for Web development of wchospitality.net advertised on odesk.com

I am currently employed as a Software Engineer and Project Manager at an online marketing company. The main technologies I use daily are OO PHP, MySQL and Perl.

My former employer was NetFlix. I was part of a development team that designed and implemented an online DVD rental system. This software has since been licensed and is currently used all around the world. Telstra Bigpond is one of the more well known licensees.

I'm looking to advance my Software Engineering career by learning new technologies and completing new and exciting projects.

I'm a hard working and reliable person always looking to grow my knowledge and learn new technologies and skills. I'm sure if I am given the opportunity to meet with you I will be able to tell you more about my achievements and aspirations.

I look forward to discuss further with you.

Kind Regards,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

i have the skills you want. for detail you can look my resume.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message to discuss further.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

i have the skills you want. for detail you can look my resume.

from what i read, you need just like form to mail that sent to both parties. it can be done, if you have the detail what you want i can created it in 1-2 hours. 3 hours top if there is a problem.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message between 8 am - 6 pm your time (GMT-5) to discuss further.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

i have the skills you want. for detail you can look my resume. i also attached my latest project development as portfolio.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message to discuss further.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra


Hello Sir,

I am interested in working on this project.

i have the skills you want. for detail you can look my resume. i also attached my latest project development as portfolio.

for your question, here are the answer:

a. Examples of work

- blablablabla.com

- Why should we hire you over the others that apply?

Hiring me isn’t an act of faith — I’ve been doing programming for a long time, and it shows by lot of site that have been developed. Over these past year, i already delivered dozens of successful web sites, what i'm offering simply a job quality.

- What timezone do you work on? We are PST (GMT -8)

I'm in Indonesia, so it's GMT+7, but for working time. i'm using GMT time (8AM-7PM GMT TIME)

- What availability do you currently have?

for now, since the contractor on odesk only in maintenance, there are a few works to be done. but for new contractor, the time that can be dedicated are 4-5 Hours/day. or if there are urgent projects that required fast deadline, than it can have more than 5 hours/day.

I am happy to discuss further regarding your requirement, You can send me message or contact me.

Thank You,

Hery Hendra