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Transcript of Ocdsb

DISRUPTION: Are we learning too?

Stephen Abramstephen.abram@gmail.com

Dec. 17, 2013


Objectives for the Day



Realize the Possibilities

Can we make transformational change?Can everyone source their force?Can we contribute to everyone’s self-actualization?


The disruptions that were predicted . . .



Is Google that 5 inch wave. . . ?



• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 1. Librarians have a healthy attitude toward technology. I am afraid my latent sexism will show here, but the majority of our librarians are female, and females often exhibit a healthier attitude toward technology than do we males. On seeing a new box that plugs in, rather than asking “How fast is the processor?” or “How big is the hard drive?”, a librarian tends to ask “What is it good for?” Good librarians are neither technophiles nor technophobes. The librarian considers and teaches not just how to use technology, but why and under what circumstances it should be used. An old adage says that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem becomes a nail. For many technologists, technology can become the solution to problems that actually require traditional or human solutions. (Ever see someone spend 45 minutes using a computer to address an envelope?)

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 2. Librarians have good teaching skills. Unlike technicians they are more likely to use good pedagogical techniques and have more developed human relations and communication skills. We are understanding and empathetic when technologically related stress occurs in the classroom.

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 3. Librarians have an understanding of the use of technology in the information literacy process and its use in fostering higher level thinking skills. We view technology as just one more, extremely powerful tool that can be used by students completing well-designed information literacy projects. “Technologists”, it seems, are just now understanding this powerful use.

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 4. Librarians have experience as skill integrators and collaborators. Integration of research and information literacy projects has been a long-term goal of school library programs, and as a result many librarians have become excellent collaborators with classroom teaches, successfully strengthening the curriculum with information literacy projects. We know kids, know technology and know what works.

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 5. Librarians are models for the successful use of technology. The library’s automated library catalogs, circulation systems, electronic reference materials, and student accessible workstations all showed up well before classroom technologies. Teachers rightfully see the librarian as the educator with the most comfort with technology as well, which in turn bolsters their own self-confidence.

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 6. Librarians provide in-building support. A flexibly scheduled librarian is a real asset to teachers learning to use or integrate technology. The librarian can work with the teacher in the library, lab or classroom. The librarian is available for questions that might otherwise derail a teacher’s application of technology. This as a primary advantage of the librarian as opposed to a classroom teacher having primary responsibility for staff development in technology.

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 7. Librarians have a whole school view. Next to the principal, the librarian has the most inclusive view of the school and its resources. The librarian can make recommendations on where technology needs to be placed or upgraded as well as on what departments or teachers may need extra training and support in its use.

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

• 8. Librarians are concerned about the safe and ethical use of technology. Students will need to have the skills to self-evaluate information; understand online copyright laws and intellectual property issues; and follow the rules of safety and appropriate use of resources. Who but the librarian worries about digital citizenship?"

From The Indispensable Librarian, 2nd ed.


• Who are the tech leaders in your school?

If it’s all about the learning …Then what is disruptive to the ecosystem of learning and libraries, learners and librarians?


It’s an Information Ocean, not a Highway.

Libraries are an “Exploration Space” not a collection space.

Libraries are an Experience animated by the staff for a purpose

Information Engagement Levels





Act on/ Discuss Content


Situation Dr. Thomas Davenport

Intelligence and Learning Styles

•Visual/Spatial (Picture Smart)•Verbal/Linguistic (Word Smart)•Musical/Rhythmic (Music Smart)•Logical/Mathematical (Number

Smart)•Bodily/Kinesthetic (Body Smart)•Interpersonal (People Smart)•Intrapersonal (Self Smart)

▫Piaget, Bloom, Gardner, etc.

Information Literacy

•Standard Curriculum Components▫Mathematics / Arithmetic▫Science, Biology, Physics &

Chemistry▫English, Languages▫History, Geography, Politics,

Sociology▫Music, Art, Phys. ed.▫Guidance, Religion

Information Literacy• Information literacy is integrally tied every aspect of the


▫Mathematical logical thinking skills - Math and Arithmetic

▫Scientific method - Sciences▫Criticism, interpretation and comprehension

- English and languages▫Analytical thinking - History, Geography▫Interpretive and imaginative- music, art &

phys. ed.▫Inter and Intrapersonal skills - Religion,

Guidance, etc. ▫ There is an imperative for people to have a lifelong

curriculum - a personal learning strategy

Taking The Knowledge Positioning





Apply Stand-

ards Store


Display Chart Graph Publish Picture Format

Knowing Learning Filtering Evaluating


Do Decide Choose Apply Enact



The first phase of any innovative disruption is just to re-create the old ways

And that’s just so easy, comfortable and beguiling…




• Guitar . . . Electric guitar• Carriage . . . Horseless carriage• Book . . . E-book• Mail . . . E-mail• Store . . . Online store• Catalogue . . . OPAC• Games . . . Video games . . . PC Games . . . Gamification• Blackboard . . . Whiteboard . . . Smartboard

• In our world just put an ‘I’ or an ‘E’ in front of any noun.

An innovation is defined as innovative if it’s new to the observer not as measured by timeRogers



So we’ve seen . . .

• Banks become ATMs• Books become e-books and documents become PDFs• Textbooks become e-textbooks• Classes become e-classes• Conferences become virtual conferences

So are nouns what it’s about?Let’s talk verbs…


What is the disruption here?

• Radio• Telephone• Cars• Planes• Television• Talkies• PCs• Internet• E-mail• Wax, vinyl, tape, CD, MP3• Beta, VHS, DVD …

Streaming media• Smartboards

• Online databases• Amazon• Google, Yahoo, Bing• eBay• eBooks• Boolean• Digital Cameras – camera

phones• Flickr, Pinterest, Tumblr,

Instagram• Siri, Facetime• WebEx, AdobeConnect,

G+ Hangouts, Web Conferencing

• Cloud, (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS)


What is the next disruption?

• Robotics• Nano• Embedded devices• Internet of Things• 3D printing• Making culture• Genomic advances• Frankenfoods• Holographics, holodeck?


Black and White

•The polarization of discussionDogmatic vs. Professional positions on: eBooks, access, copyright, etc.

Political and social value systems in confl ict

Black & White


• Examples of B&W discussions

• These can sometimes lack professional perspectives, be politically dogmatic and belief driven, and use metaphors symbolic of death~!

• E-books versus Physical Books• Textbooks – eTextbooks - Coursepacks – Learning Objects• Open access versus Proprietary Content• Free versus Fee• Business Models versus Social Models• Apple versus Microsoft PC• Desktop vs. Laptop vs. Tablet vs. Phone vs. Phablets• Privacy and Confidentiality

• Make no mistake. I’m not saying the discussions are wrong or taking sides, I just think professionals see colours and shades of gray.


So let’s really think . . . What’s really going to happen?

• Evolution or Revolution?• Education versus Learning• Teaching versus Engagement• Librarian versus coach, partner, developer, …• Publisher / Vendor versus School / Academic Institution• Curriculum versus Common Core • Delivery Institution or Learning Ecosystem• Diplomas versus Accredited Providers

Are you locked into library mindsets?

What about value and impact?

Or shall we stick with this?

Grocery Stores

Grocery Stores

Grocery Stores

Cookbooks, Chefs . . .

Cookbooks, Chefs . . .


Finding the BIG TRENDS

1. Follow the money and the market opportunity . . . equity and venture capital

2. Watch the consumer market first for devices, behaviours, entertainment . . . e.g. ringtones

3. Watch the rest of the world4. Who stands to lose? Win? (cataloguers, systems,

metadata . . .)5. What is on the fringes? (e.g. eBay and cars)6. Think clearly about price, scalability and


7. “I spy with my little eye… something that is . . .”


It’s simple really, shift happens, gedoverit• Users & Communities will continue to be diverse in the

extreme• Expectations around timeliness will increase• We will have a foot in both camps for many, many years to

come: digital and physical• Content will (is already) be dominated by non-text

(gamification, 3D, visual, music, video, audio, etc.)• Search will explode with options and one-step, one box

search is for dummies• The single purpose anchored device declines as a target

environment• Devices will focus on social, collaboration, learning, sharing,

multimedia, creation and successful - Services will align with that

• Librarians will need to focus primarily on professional service(s) and strategic alignment (reduced roles in organizing knowledge and step&fetchit politeness): Service Professionals NOT Servants

• Users will NOT differentiate public from school libraries• E-Learning, collections and metadata will go to the cloud




So what am I spying . . .?

From a School Library focus• Global learning and publishing investments• Online high schools (Gale Cengage, Stanford)• Devices are markets (CleverU and Newmindsets)• E-Learning (Blackboard, D2L, Moodle, ...)• MOOCs (Almost 24 months of EdX, Udacity, Coursera)• Learning and Experience Portals as classrooms (Khan) • What is happening with the textbook?• New business models (big data models...)• Discovery trumping Search• Non-Text: Video, audio, read-speak, etc.• Search Tuning – Lexiles, sentiment, visual, semantic,

Sciencescape• Advanced stuff – 3D printing, gamification, …• Partnerships, alliances, mergers, on the state and national level

The signs . . . There’s always another view…



• Discovery• Search – known item retrieval• Topical or Subject Search• Research• Immersive Learning• Assembly• Two step discovery: discover, searching, finding,

use• The pressure is ON for librarians to scale up

their information fluency and experience curation initiatives

What are the real issues?• Craft versus Industrial Strength• Personal service only when there’s impact• Automated personalization and archiving• Pilot, Project, Initiative versus Portfolio Strategy• Hand-knitted prototypes versus Production• e.g. Information Literacy initiatives• Discovery versus Search versus Deep Search• eLearning units• Citation and information ethics• Repository and content archipelagos

• Strategic Analytics• Value & Impact Measures, Behaviours, Satisfaction

• Policy, economic and strategic alignment

What Does Boundarylessness



So what do you do as both an educator and librarian?

• Scale up! Province-wide and nationwide (a la OCLC)• Understand deeply the research on genome, behaviours,

learning styles, child and teen development, brain research . . . In the digital context.

• Develop your skill portfolio as a team instead of individuals and do both your attitudes and aptitudes

• Avoid LONE WOLF syndrome


Build (some examples)

• Online teaching skills• Online learning skills• LMS MOOC development skills• Teamwork competencies• Partnership competencies (and not just not-for-profit)• Your sacrificing skills• Priority-setting and Milestone skills• Cooperation and Collaboration skills• Culture of Trials and Experiments “always in beta”• Assessment skills and data analysis in a digital age.• Advocacy and influencing skills




Until lions learn to write their own story, the story will always be from the perspective

of the hunter not the hunted.

So, how should Info Pros react?


•We KNOW more than they do!

•We have VERY high information literacy skills.


•We care about excellent customer service.

•You’ve got the stuff!

•We strive to meet their REAL needs.


•We’re out there every day doing this.

•We will survive and thrive.




Your Frame

RelationshipsGoal of an effective working relationships


Realize the Possibilities


Stephen Abram, MLS, FSLAConsultant, Dysart & Jones/Lighthouse Consulting

Cel: 416-669-4855stephen.abram@gmail.comStephen’s Lighthouse Blog

http://stephenslighthouse.comFacebook, Pinterest, Tumblr: Stephen Abram

LinkedIn: Stephen AbramTwitter: @sabram

SlideShare: StephenAbram1