Objective - ohconnect.org Payroll Process…  · Web viewThe Deduction Expenses and Liability...

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Transcript of Objective - ohconnect.org Payroll Process…  · Web viewThe Deduction Expenses and Liability...

Munis Payroll Processing


Procedural Documentation

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Payroll Processing............................................................................................................................................ 5

Payroll Start and Status................................................................................................................................... 6

Void Payroll...................................................................................................................................................... 51

Miscellaneous Payroll................................................................................................................................... 54

Payroll Time Entry......................................................................................................................................... 58

Payroll Vendor Processing.......................................................................................................................... 87

Appendix A—Payroll Processing Setup................................................................................................... 96

Appendix B—Payroll Processing Errors..............................................................................................106

Appendix C–Retroactive Payroll Processing....................................................................................... 107

Payroll Processing ObjectiveThe Payroll Processing document provides instructions for payroll personnel, including procedures for producing regular payroll runs, issuing payments to vendors and addressing any additional functions required of the payroll department.

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OverviewThe payroll process includes four major steps:

Starting the Payroll—This creates the control record for the payroll run defined by run type and warrant. In order for users to enter time, view information, or run specific processes, they must be attached to a payroll.

Creating/Editing the Payroll Data—This accumulates the payroll data to include in a specific payroll warrant. Data is either generated into the payroll, manually entered, or imported from a third-party source.

Audit/Review—This provides a check of records prior to posting the payroll data to the general ledger. Munis provides standard proof reports for review throughout the payroll process.

Finalization—This creates the payroll data file for proof and approval. The finalization steps to the payroll include posting the payroll data to the history files, printing checks, advices, and creating the direct deposit file. Along with posting the payroll to the general ledger, the encumbered salaries and benefits are updated.

PrerequisitesBefore you can successfully complete this process, you must ensure that roles granting the necessary permissions have been assigned to your user account. If the roles have not been established, contact the system administrator to have them updated or added into the Munis system.

Confirm the following: You have permission to access Payroll Processing, Time Entry, and Payroll Vendor

programs. You have Payroll superuser permissions. The Payroll Control Settings program reflects the correct settings for your organization. Payroll run control records are established.

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Payroll Start and StatusThe Payroll Start and Status program:

Manages each payroll process, assigning a unique identifier. Provides a status indication on each payroll step. Deletes a payroll started in error. Provides the option to switch between or change active payrolls.

Starting the ProcessTo begin a payroll:

1. Open the Payroll Start and Status program.The current payroll is the active payroll that displays.

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2. Click Start on the Payroll Start and Status screen.The program displays the Payroll Start screen.

3. Click Start.

4. Complete the fields, as required, to define the payroll.

Field Description NotesNew PayrollRun Type This list determines the payroll run type

code. The program completes the default value from the Run Control screen in the Payroll Control Settings program, but you can change it.

Warrant This box specifies the warrant code for the payroll process. This is a unique six-character code that acts as a name for the payroll run. This code can be alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric. The warrant cannot be used again with the same run

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Field Description Notestype for payroll. The date is a common code, such as 121214.

New Payroll ParametersPayroll Check Date

The box specifies the payroll check date. You can update this date as long as the Employee Update step is not complete.

End of Accrual Year

This box identifies the last day of the accrual year. Complete this box only if the end of the accrual year falls within this payroll.

Fiscal Year This box specifies the fiscal year for current payroll. The box is automatically completed after you enter the Payroll Check Date, but you can change it as long as the Employee Update process has not been completed.

Location These boxes define the range of location codes to include in the payroll. To include all locations, leave the default value in each box.

Group/Bargaining Unit

These boxes define the range of groups or bargaining units to include in the payroll. To include all groups, leave the default value in each box.

Employee Group These boxes define the range of groups or bargaining units to include in the payroll. To include all groups, leave the default value in each box. Employee groups must be established in the Employee Group Master program; employee groups are managed using the Employee Groups program.

Payroll Begin/End Dates

These boxes define the payroll start and end dates. The default values may be set on the Run Control screen in the Payroll Control Settings program, but you can change them.

Change Cash Account

For Void/Manual payrolls only: This list indicates the cash account from a different run type to use. The default value is the cash account defined for Void/Manual payrolls, but you can change it.

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5. Click Accept to save the payroll record, and then click Back to return to the main screen. The new payroll is now the active payroll and you can begin processing.

6. Complete each of the individual programs. You must complete the programs identified with the green arrow; the remaining programs are optional. (Important! Required programs are determined by your organization using the Run Control option in Payroll Control Settings.)

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Generating PayrollThe Generate Earnings and Deductions program generates default pay records into a payroll run. This procedure is limited to any employees or pay lines that are not being processed through the Time Entry program.

To generate payroll records:1. Select the Generate Earnings and Deductions option from Payroll Start/Status screen.

The program displays a Payroll Confirmation box.

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2. If this is the correct payroll, click Yes; if this payroll is incorrect, click No and use the Change option to select the correct payroll. When you click Yes, the program displays the Generate Earnings and Deductions screen.

3. Click Define, and then complete the fields, using the following tables as a guide.

Field Description NotesBegin/End Dates

These boxes define the beginning and ending period dates for this set of employees.

Earnings Factor

This box indicates the earnings percentage factor used to define the percent of employee pay values to generate. Use this value for unique payrolls such as a year-end split pay where the employee will receive a portion of pay in this payroll, with the rest in a subsequent payroll.

Deduction Factor

This box specifies the deduction percentage factor used to define the percent of employee deduction values to generate. Use this factor for unique payrolls such as a year-end split pay where the employee will receive a

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Field Description Notesportion of pay in this payroll, with the rest in a subsequent payroll.

Calculate Income Tax Using Actual Deduction Gross

This check box, if selected, causes federal and state income tax to be calculated using the actual deduction gross amount, regardless of the earnings factor. If this check box is not selected and the earnings factor is not 100%, the taxable gross is factored to represent 100% earnings. This check box is also available on the Generate screen of the Payroll Control Settings program, where you can maintain this functionality for all payrolls.

Earn Accruals Within this Payroll

This check box, if selected, indicates that accruals are earned in the payroll.

Increase Days Worked in this Payroll

This check box, if selected, directs the program to change the days worked by job for the current payroll run. Note: It is possible to track days worked for all pay type codes. To track days worked using a specific pay type, in addition to selecting this check box, you must ensure the following settings are correct in Pay Master and Job Class Master:   In Pay Master, the Unit of Measure must

be set to D. In Job Class Master, the Days Worked

check box must be selected.Factor Days Worked by FTE in this Payroll

This check box, if selected, directs the program to factor the number of days worked by the full-time equivalency (FTE) factor for all job class codes on each employee record in the payroll.

Override Consecutive Workdays Count in This Payroll

This check box, if selected, directs the program to override the consecutive workday count for substitute teacher pays. The number of consecutive days with which to start the substitute's next payroll is entered in the Consecutive Days box in the Days Worked by Job program.

Decrement Remaining Pays

This check box, if selected, allows the Remaining Pays value to be decremented during the Employee Update process if the value should be decremented (for example, the pay is encumbered). When this check box is not selected, the Remaining Pays value is not decremented, even if the current setup requires that it be decremented. In the Payroll Control Settings program, on

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Field Description Notesthe Generate Defaults screen, you can set Decrement Remaining Pays as a default value for new programs.

7. Complete the Ranges tab to define the employees to include in the payroll. Ranges for pays or deductions are defined by the From and To fields; all pays or deductions contained within the defined ranges that exist in the Employee Job/Salary files or Employee Deductions files are not generated into the payroll.

Field Description NotesRanges TabLocation From These boxes define the range of location

codes to include.To include only one location, enter that code in each box; to include all locations, leave the default value in each box.

Group/BU From

These boxes define the range of group or bargaining unit codes to include.To include only one group or unit, enter that code in each box; to include all groups or units, leave the default value in each box.

Employee Group

These boxes define the range of employee group codes to include.To include only one group, enter that code in each box; to include all groups, leave the default value in each box.

Check Number This box provides the check sequence number linked to the Earnings and Deductions record. This allows an employee to receive several checks in current payroll. The default value for the first check sequence is zero, but you can change it to any number between one and nine.Note: If the employee is receiving a standard check plus an advance vacation check, the employee has two records in the current payroll work table that are distinguished by different check sequence numbers.

Special FIT Rate

This box indicates a special federal income tax (FIT) rate, if applicable. This is changed during a payroll only if the FIT deduction was not determined through the Tax Tables program, but rather as a specific percent.

Sched Hours Year/Period

These boxes contain the scheduled hours per year/period, if applicable. This references the appropriate scheduled hours, year, period, job, and employee number from the Default Scheduled Hours program that can be used to complete the Scheduled Hours

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Field Description Notesfield in the period pay table.

4. Click the Payroll Periods tab and define the Pay Frequency and Payroll Cycle that applies to this payroll run.

Field Description NotesPayroll Periods TabPayroll Period Type

These check boxes, if selected, indicate each pay period type to include.

Deduction Cycle (1-5)

This option determines the deduction week of the month to which the current payroll applies. This must be changed every pay period.

Last FLSA Cycle These lists indicate if the identified payroll period and deduction cycle are the last FLSA cycle of the month.  You can select Yes, No, or Exclude from the list.

5. Click Accept to save changes.6. Click Execute on the toolbar begin the generate process.

If the Generate step has previously been completed, the program displays a Continue or Cancel message.

a) Select Continue to add new data to existing data. b) Select Delete to replace all data with newly generated data. This is useful when you

need to restart the whole process. However, if you select Delete, any data manually entered using the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program will be lost and must be re-entered. Any Time Entry data moved over is moved back to Time Entry batch processing, and the approval process must begin again.

c) Select Cancel to cancel the execute process.

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Changing Pay or Deduction FiltersPay and deduction filters are designed to exclude pays or deductions from generating into the payroll or to tell the system that particular accrual types should be processed (only for accruals defined to earn based on hours worked). To make changes to one or more of these filters, click the appropriate filter option from the Generate Earnings and Deductions program.

The Exclude Deduction filter includes the Frequency list, which allows the exclusion to be limited to only employees on a specific pay frequency. For example, if both weekly and semi-monthly employees are processed, a particular deduction can be excluded for weekly but not for semi-monthly.

Additional options in the Generate Earnings and Deductions program are:

Test—Allows the generation of a defined, limited number of employees; may be used for verifications of setup changes instead of generating an entire payroll.

Liquidate Escrow—Liquidates previously withheld escrow deductions to pay vendors in the summer months for school environments.

Buyout—Processes a balloon payroll (that is, multiple checks combined into one) for a single employee.

Moving Time Entry Data into the PayrollPayroll exceptions (that is, employee labor hours and absence accruals) are managed in Munis using the Time Entry programs. Once a batch is imported into Munis, assigned payroll personnel approve or reject the batch. If the batch is rejected for errors, the process can be repeated once the errors are corrected. Once a batch is released for approval, they can be moved into the appropriate payroll.

To move a batch:

1. Open the Time Entry program.

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2. Click Search, leave all the fields blank, and click Accept to find all the Time Entry batches available.

3. Review all batches to make sure that they have been approved by the appropriate personnel. The Status list displays the approval status.

4. If your organization uses workflow, click Release to submit the batches for approval.

5. Once all of the batches are approved, create the active set of batches again by clicking Search, leaving the fields blank, and click Accept.

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6. Click Move.The program displays the Post Time Entry to Payroll screen.

7. Click Execute to begin the process.Because data already exists within this payroll run (for example, default earnings/deductions generated previously or other Time Entry batches previously loaded), the program displays a Continue or Cancel message.

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8. Click Continue.The program merges the records from the Time Entry batch with the previously generated payroll data, and displays the Output dialog box.

9. Select the output type and settings, and then click OK.

10. Review the Time Entry Summary report carefully. If the report includes errors, correct the errors and complete the Move process again.

If the report does not include errors, the program displays the Output dialog box for the Time Entry Proof Detail report.

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11. Create and review this report.

If you include accruals in your payroll, the program displays the Output dialog box for the Accrual Alerts report.

12. Create and review the report.The program provides the Post Time Entry dialog box.

13. Click Yes to post the records to the current payroll.

Payroll Earnings and Deductions The Payroll Earnings and Deductions program is a maintenance program where you can edit employee or paycheck items associated with payrolls. You can make the following payroll changes using this program:

Change the pay and/or account distribution on a one-time basis. Change/add/delete employee deductions (withholdings). Change the mail code for the employee's check. Add a unique check message for each employee. Enter accrual history information to update/verify entries in the employee’s accrual

record. Add or remove employees from the current payroll. Void and reissue checks.

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Generate deductions for inactive employees using the benefit arrears process.Changes you make using this program are temporary and affect only the current payroll. Permanent changes must be made using the master records.

The Payroll Earnings and Deductions program is comprised of the Period Summary, Pay, Deductions, Pay Detail, and Deduction Detail tables.

Reviewing Employee Pay DataTo review data for employees:

1. Click Search.

2. Complete the fields, as required, to identify a specific employee or groups of employees; leave the fields blank to create an active set of all employees.

3. Click Accept.The program displays the first record in the active set of employees matching the search criteria.

4. If you created an active set of employee records, click Jump to quickly move from one employee record to another by entering the employee’s number, last name, or Social Security number.

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5. In the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program, review the Name/Address information on Summary tab.

6. Click the Pay tab to review summarized pay information.

7. Click the Withholding tab to review summarized deduction/benefit information.

8. Select any detail line on the Pay or Withholding tab to review detailed information for each specific entry (for example, general ledger account, risk codes, pay rates, and so on).

Updating Pay and Withholding Records If you have corrections, such as later entries or other required changes approved by the Payroll administrator, you can enter changes to the payroll values.

To update pay records:

1. Find the employee record to update.

2. Click the Pay tab.

3. Click Add to add a new record or double-click an existing record to display the details.

4. If you are adding a new record, complete the Pay Code box. Click the field help button to select a code.

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5. Accept the default job class or enter a new job class.The program completes the remaining values.

6. Press Tab to move to the Hours/Days, Rate, or Pay Amount boxes.

7. Enter the required changes.

8. Click Accept to save.The Pay tab includes the new pay.

To make a simple change to the Hrs/Dates box:

1. With the Pay tab active, click Update.The program makes the Hrs/Days box available.

2. Enter the correct value.

3. Click Accept to save the change.

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Allocating PayFrom the Payroll Detail screen, use the GL Allocation option to split a single pay line across multiple general ledger accounts or to review any existing allocation defined. Allocated pay lines are indicated when there is no value displayed in the Account fields.

To allocate:

1. From the main Payroll Earnings and Deductions screen, with the Pay tab active, click Detail.

2. On the Payroll Earnings Detail screen, click GL Allocation.

The program displays the Manual Allocation screen.

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3. Click Update.

4. Enter the GL allocation detail.

5. Use the Amount, Hours, or Pct box to define how much of this pay line is to be charged to this account.

6. Press Tab to add the next general ledger account.

7. Continue until all details has been entered and all of this pay line allocated.

8. Verify that totals shown in the Hours Detail group for the Hours and Amount boxes match the amounts in the Totals boxes and that the Percent total equals 100.

Changing Employee Withholdings or Employer BenefitsIf you have corrections to employee withholding or benefit amounts, you can enter changes to the Withholding values.

To modify withholdings:

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1. Find the employee record to update and click the Withholding tab.

2. Click Add to add a new record or double-click an existing record to display the details.

3. If you are adding a new record, complete the Deduction Code box. Click the field help button to select a code.

4. Press Tab to move to the Employee Amount or Employer Amount boxes and enter the correct deduction or benefit amount.

5. Click Accept.The program returns to the Withholding tab with the added deduction included.

To make a simple change to a withholding amount:

1. With the Withholding tab active, click Update.

2. Enter the correct amount for the Employee Amount or Employer Amount.

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3. Click Accept.

Manually Adding an Employee to a PayrollPayroll personnel can manually add employees to the active payroll, if required, Examples of when you may need to add an employee record include new employees who were not entered at the time the Generate process was completed or major changes to an employee record after the Generate process was completed.

To add an employee:

1. With the Summary tab active, click Add.

2. Enter the employee number and press Tab; the program completes the remaining Employee Identification fields.

3. In the Check box, enter a value from 0 to 9.The program displays the Employee Add box.

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4. Select the Generate Default Pay check box to have the program automatically generate standard pay lines for the employee. Clear this check box to add pay lines manually.

5. In the Deduction Cycle box, enter the value to be used when processing deduction/benefit codes (use 1, 2, or 3 for biweekly payrolls).

6. Click Accept.

Earnings and Deductions Proof The Earnings and Deductions Proof Report lists the contents of the current payroll work table: Employee Earnings, Taxes, Withholdings, and Net Pay. Its detail version provides a complete gross-to-net pay presentation for each employee. The last pages of the proof provide totals for all pay and deduction types. You can run the proof as often as necessary. You must run the Final Proof before the Employee Update step of the payroll.

The following information describes the conventional Munis Payroll reports. Any of the options found on the Earnings/Deduction Proof menu are available at any time, with the exception of the Final Proof report. The Final Proof is run to verify that the payroll is correct and ready to continue. The various reports offered in this program provide valuable audit and review tools.

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To create a report:

1. Click Define.

2. Select the report type from the Proof Option list.

3. Select the report sequence, require page breaks, and include text, as required.

4. Select or clear the Print Employee SSN check box to include the employee’s Social Security number.

5. Select the Print Payroll Statistics check box to direct the program to print the payroll statistics (employee type counts, cash requirements and liabilities) on the proof reports (options A, B, E, and H).

6. Select the Use Memo Balance check box to cause the program to determine the available cash balance after payroll; if this check box is not checked, the program uses the actual balance. This check box applies if the value of the Proof Option list is A-Final Proof or B-Detail Proof and the Print Payroll Statistics check box if selected.

7. Enter a report title.

8. Click Accept to process the report.

9. Select an output option to initiate the report processing.

Depending on the number of employee records in a particular payroll, this report may take a significant amount of time to process.

When creating reports, it is important to make sure that all payroll users have completed any file maintenance tasks and have closed out of the payroll maintenance programs, particularly before running the Final Proof report.

Final Proof ReportYou must create the Final Proof Report prior to proceeding on to the next step in the Payroll process, Employee Update. The Final Proof Report serves as the Payroll Register for a payroll run and contains detailed information on all the employee pay records contained within this run. While it is not necessary to print a hard copy of this report, you should create and save a PDF or electronic copy of the report.

Prior to running the Final Proof Report, confirm the following:

All data entry tasks completeo Time Entry batches moved in to the payrollo Manual data entry tasks complete

Adjustments to pay Adjustments to deductions/benefits

All necessary proof steps complete and payroll accuracy verifiedo Error Listing report produced and all items reviewed and correctedo Clerk Audit and Exceptions Only reports run and verified, as applicableo Totals Only report run and compared to prior payroll period Totals Only report

All payroll users logged out of Payroll Processing programs Note: It is not necessary for other Human Resources or Payroll users to be logged out of the system; they just need to be out of the current active payroll.

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Once these items have been verified and completed, the payroll manager or designee should follow the steps outlined above to define and run this report as follows:

1. Select Final Proof from the Proof Option list.

2. Select 01-Loc/Org/Name Totals by Loc and Org (GL Account) from the Report Sequence list.

3. Select None from the Page Break list.

4. Select No Text from the Print Text list.

5. Clear the Print Employee SSN check box.

6. Select the Print Payroll Statistics check box.

7. Clear the Use Memo Balance check box.

8. Accept the default report title or enter a specific title.

9. Click Accept.

10. Click PDF or Save to create a PDF or electronic file of the report.

If the program encounters errors, redefine the report, selecting Error Report as the Proof Option, and then correct the errors. You cannot proceed until all errors are corrected.

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Proof SummariesThe Proof Summary page found at the end of the Final Proof report should be printed and provided to the appropriate administrators or managers. This page contains information about the amount of money that will need to be transferred into the payroll account to cover payments being made with this payroll run.

Once the Final Proof Report has processed changes, you can still make changes to the payroll records using the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program. If changes are made, you need to create the final proof again.

Proof Reports The following table provides a brief description of available proof reports.

Report Option Description [Customer NameFinal Proof Provides detailed information for all employees

paid within a payroll run.Detail Proof Provides detailed information for all employees

paid within a payroll run.Error Report Shows any error conditions that may exist within

a payroll, including insufficient net pay and invalid general ledger accounts contained within a payroll run.

Exceptions Only or Clerk Audit

Shows detail for manual adjustments made by PR clerks within the Payroll Earnings and Deductions screens.

Total Only Shows subtotals by each individual pay code and deduction/benefit code included within each payroll.

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Employee UpdateThe Employee Update program serves as the final step in the payroll creation and maintenance process. It should not be run until all necessary file maintenance has been completed, all Time Entry batches are included, and an error-free final proof has been run.

It is during the Employee Update process that:

Permanent earnings and deduction/benefit history files are written. Summarized accumulator records are updated. General ledger accounting for Benefits Expenses and Deduction/Benefit Liability is calculated

and processed for use by the GL Posting program. Information is gathered for printing of checks and advice forms (accrual balances, YTD

information, and so on). Accrual usage records update employee accrual balances. FLSA overtime records are updated.

To complete the Employee Update, click Update Emps in the Employee Update program.

As the program processes, it displays progress details.

If accrual errors are encountered, the program displays an error message and the screen refreshes to include the Accrual Errors option on the toolbar. Select this option to create the Accrual Error report.

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Printing Payroll Advices The Print Payroll Advices program prints or reprints payroll checks and advices for the current payroll. 

When you display this screen, fields include the default values defined in the Payroll Run Control record. Click Change only to define a message to print on the check or advice stub.

To complete the processing:

1. Click Print Checks/Adv.The program displays the Output dialog box.

2. Select the applicable printer options, including the correct printer.

3. Click OK.

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Direct Deposit FileThe Direct Deposit File program prints or creates a file of net pay amounts for all employees who have 100% of their pay directly deposited. Employees that are listed here do not print on the check register because they do not get a paycheck. 

To create the register file:

1. Select Direct Deposit File from the Payroll Start/Status screen.

2. Click Define.

3. Press Tab to move to the Company Descriptive Date box and enter the payroll check date assigned to this payroll.

4. Press Tab to move to the Effective Entry box and enter the payroll check date assign to this payroll.

5. Click Accept.

6. Click Register to print a list of all direct deposit advices produced for this payroll.

7. Select an output option to create the list. Use PDF to create the file in a presentation format; click Save to create an online file in the Munis spool directory.

8. Click Bank Report to print a list of all deposits and prenote records to be processed through this ACH file.

9. Select an output option to create the list. Use PDF to create the report in a presentation format; click Save to create an online file in the Munis spool directory.

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10. Record the values shown at the bottom of the report for Total Deposit and Total Records. These will be the control totals you provide to your bank once the ACH file has been sent.

11. Click File Tape option to create the ACH-Direct Deposit file to be sent to the bank.

12. Note the name of the file and the location as shown on the bottom of the screen.

Print Payroll ChecksThe Print Payroll Checks program prints or reprints payroll checks and advices for the current payroll. As the checks print, check numbers that were created in the Employee Update step are added to the employee’s earnings and deduction history. Reprinting checks also automatically identifies the old check number as a reprint.

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Before beginning the print process, it is important to remember to: Load the printer with the correct paper/stock. Make sure the printer is loaded with MICR toner. Make sure that the signature card is installed.

To print checks:

1. Select Print Payroll Checks from the Payroll Start and Status screen. The program completes the default values for this screen according to the Payroll Run Control record.

2. To enter a message that prints on the paychecks, click Change and enter the message in the Check Messages box.

3. Click Accept.4. Click Print Checks/Adv.

The program displays the Output box. 5. Select the appropriate output options, including the printer. 6. Click OK.

Check Register and Positive Pay FileThe Payroll Check Register program prints a list of all checks associated with a payroll. The first section lists the payroll checks in check number order. The second section lists voided checks, including reprints and alignment checks. An asterisk on the report notes a gap in the sequence of check numbers. The report includes all checks that have the same payroll run type and warrant number as the current payroll set.Use the Check Register program to:

Create a printed report outlining the specific checks written and the amounts for each. Create the positive pay electronic file for transmission to your bank.

To create the register:

1. Select Check Register from the Payroll Start and Status program.

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2. Click Define.

3. From the Output Types Desired list, select Both.

4. From the Electronic File Format list, select the applicable format for your bank.

5. Enter the bank number and the bank account number.

6. Select or clear the Electronic File with Line Fee, Include GL Account Info on Report, Include Direct Deposit Advices, and Include Text at End of Report, as applicable. If you select Include Text at End of Report, click the folder button to add the text.

7. Select the print location or select the blank option.

8. Select an output option to create the register. Use the PDF option to create the report in presentation format; use Save to create an online file in the Munis spool directory.

Deduction ReportThe Deduction Report program creates the electronic file submitted out of each payroll for the selected organization. The fields on the screen vary according to the organization for which you are creating the report.

To create a report:

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1. Select Deduction Report in the Payroll Start and Status program.

2. Select the applicable report option.

3. Click Accept.The program displays the specified report screen.

4. Complete the fields, as required, and click Accept.

GL Distribution Journal The GL Distribution Journal program updates the appropriate general ledger accounts with journal entries associated with the current payroll. The payroll department generates the journal using the payroll check date as the effective date. The program completes the Period and Year values according to the check date, but you should verify these.

To post journal entries:

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1. Select GL Distribution Journal from the Payroll Start and Status program.

2. Click Define.If the general ledger entries for this payroll period are to be split between two accounting periods (that is, payroll periods crossing a fiscal year), select the Split Between G/L Periods option. Your Finance Department should determine whether this split is to be based on a percentage or date. If no split is required, select None.

The program makes the Main Period fields accessible if you click None; the program makes the Split Period fields available if you select By Percentage or By Date.

3. In the GL Effective Date box, enter the payroll date.

4. Verify that the correct accounting Year and Period are defined.

5. If you are processing a split period by percentage, ensure that the correct percentage is entered in the Percentage box; if you are processing a split period by date, enter the cutoff date for entries to be posted to this period. If this journal is to be split between two accounting periods, repeat the previous steps for additional accounting period.

When splitting payroll journals By Percentage, the program allows you to make a payroll split where the first journal allows for 100% of the costs. If the first percentage is set to 100%, the Defer Cash Posting check box is automatically selected and the second journal percentage is set to 0%. You cannot set the first journal percentage to 100% when the Defer Cash Posting check box is not selected.

6. Select the Defer Cash Posting check box if this process should split expenses and liabilities between both periods, but post all cash impact to the second period.

7. Click Accept.

8. Click Output-Post.The program displays the Output box.

9. Select PDF for a presentation format of the report; click Save to create an online file. If no errors are detected, the program displays a Post Updates confirmation box.

10. Click Yes to continue.Munis® 2018.1 Payroll Processing Page 36

Note: If errors are detected, the program displays a Print Error Report message. Click Yes to create the error report and use the Fix option to make corrections.

Detail State/Local Taxes ReportThe Detail State/Local Taxes report provides a list of totals by county for state taxes withheld during this process.

To create the report:

1. Select Detail State and Local Taxes from the Payroll Start and Status program.

2. Click Define

3. Select the processing time from the Execute this Report list.

4. Select the report type. Select Detail for an employee listing or Summary for totals only.

5. Leave State box blank to create a list of all state codes processed.

6. Click Accept.

7. Select an output option to create the register. Use the PDF option to create the report in presentation format; use Save to create an online file in the Munis spool directory.

Deductions Report by TypeThe Deductions Report by Type program provides deduction detail for all deductions processed within this payroll. In some cases, this report may be used to provide detail to vendors.

Note: Employee deduction detail for items to be processed through Payroll Vendor Processing is also available during that process. For any deduction identified with a specific vendor, whether paid through Payroll or through Accounts Payable, should use reports created during that process for submission to any vendor.

To create the report:

1. Select Deductions Report by Type from the Payroll Start and Status program.

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2. Click Define.

3. Select the processing time from the Execute this Report list. This field applies if your organization uses Munis Scheduler for report processing.

4. Specify ranges for location and deduction codes according to the report you are creating. You can create this report multiple times for various detail output.

5. Enter the range of org codes to include.

6. Select the report sequence. Do not select DED/SOC SEC # except in situations where the report provided to a vendor requires inclusion of the employee’s Social Security number.

7. Select the Page Break After Deduction check box.

8. Unless the report being provided to the vendor requires inclusion of employee gross pay amounts, do not select the Include Gross Pay check box.

9. From the Show/Hide SSN list, select Hide SSN except in cases when the employee’s SSN is required in a vendor report.

10. Click Accept.

11. Select an output option to create the register. Use the PDF option to create the report in presentation format; use Save to create an online file in the Munis spool directory.

Changing PayrollsWithin Munis, you can process more than one payroll at the same time (for example, a regular payroll and a miscellaneous payroll). Munis also allows multiple users to be associated with a single payroll run at the same time. However, users can only be associated with one payroll at any time. Use the Change option in the Payroll Start and Status program to move between payrolls. The Change option also

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allows you to access prior payroll runs should you need to review past payroll data or to rerun reports.

To access a different payroll:

1. Click Search.

2. Complete the Run Type and Warrant fields to identify the alternate payroll.

3. Click Accept.

4. Click Change.The selected payroll is now your active payroll.

Defining a Payroll Run for Time Entry UsersPayroll personnel can select and change active payrolls from the Payroll Start and Status program. According to departmental or organizational permissions, not all users may have access to this program; however, users entering data in the Time Entry programs must be associated with a payroll in order to complete their tasks.

To associate other users with a payroll:

1. Navigate to the payroll for which to associate update users.

2. Click Users.

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The program displays the Users screen.

3. Click Update to maintain an accurate list of users for the payroll; when you click Update, the Delete option is available.

4. Click Accept to save any changes.

5. Click Switch to associate the current payroll with this list of users.The program displays a confirmation message.

6. Click Yes to make the current payroll the active payroll for the users.

Tip: When you create a new payroll record, switch Time Entry users as soon as the data entry deadline for the current payroll passes.

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Void PayrollThe void payroll process is similar to the void payroll checks or direct deposits process. The primary distinction is how the payroll data file is created. In order to create void payrolls, the Void run control payroll type must be added in the Payroll Control Settings program.

To create a void payroll:

1. From the Payroll Start and Status program, click Start to create a new payroll.

2. From the Payroll Start screen, select Void from the Run Type list.

3. Enter a warrant identifier.

4. Enter the payroll check date for the void payroll.

5. Define the Payroll Begin Date and Payroll End Date boxes to correspond to the date when the checks are being voided, not the date the original check was issued. In some cases, this value may be adjusted to account for checks that need to be voided in some prior accounting period or calendar month.

6. Click Accept.

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7. Open the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program and click Void.

The program displays a Payroll Check Voids screen.

8. Click Search and complete the fields, as required, to define the checks to be voided.

9. Click Accept.

10. Click Void Check.

The program displays a confirmation message.

11. Click Yes.

12. Return to the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program and review the details for the item to void.

13. Return to the Payroll Start and Status program.

14. Click Earnings and Deductions Proof.

15. Complete the proof process as for a regular payroll.

16. Once the final proof is complete, click Employee Update to update the employee records.

17. Do not select the Print Checks and Advices option. This is not included in a void payroll run. If a void item involves a reversal of a direct deposit record, please contact your bank directly to arrange for the reversal.

18. Click Check Register. Voided checks are reported to the bank through using the positive pay file created by printing the Check Register.

19. Complete the GL Distribution Journal program.

To void vendor checks:

1. Ensure that you have a void payroll started. See the instructions listed above for details.

2. Open the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program.Munis® 2018.1 Payroll Processing Page 42

3. Click Vendor Void to open the Payroll Vendor Processing program.

4. Click Void to open the Void Vendor Checks program.

5. Click Search and complete the fields, as required, to define the checks to be voided.

6. Click Void Check to void the vendor check, or click the Void and Defer option to void the current vendor amount and defer the payment to a future payroll.

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Miscellaneous PayrollA miscellaneous payroll (also referred to as a manual check run) is primarily used to correct mistakes or omissions that occasionally occur during a regular payroll run. For example:

To pay employees who were overlooked during the regular run. To pay overtime or other additional compensation that was omitted from the regular pay

run. To reissue lost or stolen pay checks. (In this case, a separate void pay run needs to be

used to void the original instrument.

A miscellaneous payroll is distinguished from a regular payroll by the fact that the data file for a miscellaneous payroll is typically built manually by adding each employee. Note: In order to create miscellaneous payrolls, the Misc run control payroll type must be added in the Payroll Control Settings program.

To process a miscellaneous payroll:

1. Open the Payroll Start and Status program.

2. Click Start.

3. From the Payroll Start screen, click Start.

4. Select Miscellaneous from the Run Type list and enter a warrant identifier.

5. Define the Payroll Check Date, Payroll Begin Date, and Payroll End Date fields, as needed, for this payroll.

6. Click Accept.

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7. Select Earnings and Deductions from the Payroll Start and Status program. Note: The Generate Earnings and Deductions program is not used for a miscellaneous payroll run.

8. With the Summary tab active, click Add.

9. Enter the employee number, and then press Tab to complete the remaining Employee Identification values.

10. In the Check box, enter a value from 0 to 9.The program displays the Employee Add screen.

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11. Select the Generate Deduction Refund check box to cause the program to automatically generate standard pay lines for an employee. Clear this check box to manually add pay lines.

12. Enter the Deduction Cycle value to be used when processing deduction/benefit codes. (Use 1, 2, or 3 for a biweekly payroll.)

13. Click Accept.

14. Repeat the process for all checks to be processed within this payroll.

15. Review all information contained within the Pay and Withholding tabs for each employee and verify accuracy; update any details lines, as necessary.

16. Click Accept to save all changes, and then click Back to return to the Payroll Start and Status program.

17. Click Earnings and Deductions Proof, and create the Final Proof report as for a regular payroll.

18. Once the final proof is complete, click Employee Update to update the employee records.

19. Select Print Payroll Checks and complete the program as for a regular payroll. Remember to load the printer with the correct paper and printer, and ensure that the signature card is installed.

20. Click Check Register to create the positive pay file to submit to your bank.

21. Complete the GL Distribution Journal program.

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Payroll Time Entry The Time Entry program allows you to maintain time and attendance records for employees. When you open Time Entry, the program displays a payroll verification message.

Ensure that the active payroll is the correct payroll before entering time. If the active payroll is not correct, contact your Payroll Department.

Starting a BatchOnce you confirm the correct payroll, the program opens the Time Entry program. Only one batch should be created for a payroll period. If data entry is completed on a daily basis or if multiple users enter time, use the Resume option to continue adding time to the current batch. To review detail records during the batch entry, click Scan Detail.

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When you click Add Batch, the program displays the Options box.

Detail—Allows access to the full detail for an employee exception record, including dates, quantities and general ledger accounts. Use this option for one-time payments.

Daily Grid—Allows access to a single employee’s time data using an electronic time sheet for a full week at one time. Use this option for standard employee time sheet entry.

Multiple Emps—Allows access to multiple employees on a single screen for a single day. This is an efficient approach for entering time exceptions for a supervisor reporting employees on a daily basis.

Multiple Detail—Allows access to multiple employees on a single screen for a single day, but provides additional access to multiple job classes and provides general ledger account changes.

To set your preferences to always enter time using the same option, click Preferences to define the option.

Once you select a time entry option, you must complete the batch header details.

Only Time Entry users with time entry responsibilities for more than one location have the opportunity make changes on batch entry. For these employees, the primary location assignment displays in the Location box. If you are completing data entry for employees in more than one location, you may wish to separate those employees into separate batches. In this case, change the Location value.

Auto-LoadWhen you have a defined time entry group, you can automatically load time entry records when you create a new batch. The auto-load process takes a predefined list of employees (and, as another option, pay types) and creates time entry records for each employee with the appropriate pay codes. You can create groups for autoloading using the Time Entry Groups program.  

The Auto-Load process is available when the Enable Auto-load check box is selected on the Time Entry Preferences screen.

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On the Auto-load screen:

1. Select your group from the Group list.If you do not define a group, the function loads all employee pays that meet the entered criteria.

2. Use the Override Defaults fields to generate holiday rather than regular work day entries or to add an additional pay code to enter occasional pay lines (for example, uniform allowance pays).

3. Click Accept.

ResumeTime Entry should be done consistently throughout a pay period. It is more efficient to process employee time each day, rather than entering all the time in advance of a pending deadline. All employee time for a pay period should be entered into a single batch.

To add time to an existing batch, click Resume on the Time Entry Header screen.

ProofTo proof a batch prior to releasing it for approval, use the output options on the toolbar on the Time Entry Batch Header screen to create a report. Select an output option to display the Report Options

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While multiple options are available, use the following selections to create a detailed snapshot of all records within the selected batch:

Report–Standard Option–Detail Include–Batch Sort–Employee Name

If corrections are required for the current Time Entry batch, click Scan Detail to browse a list of record within the batch and select the record to update.

After any change in employee data, you should create a new proof report for review.

ReleaseOnce a batch has been reviewed, click Release on the Time Entry Batch header screen to release the batch for review and approval.

Approvers have the option to approve the batch, reject the batch, or forward the batch to another approver. If an approver rejects a batch, they must enter a comment as to why they rejected the batch. In this case, the program returns the rejection notice to you so that you can update the batch, as required, for approval.

Reset If a batch posting process is interrupted before completion, the Batch Reset option allows you to reset the Posted indicator to not posted. The Batch Reset option is only available if you open the program and there are one or more batches in progress for the current run and warrant.

When you select Batch Reset, Munis verifies that the Generate Earnings and Deductions program is not running; if this program is running, the program identifies the user who is currently accessing it. Once that program is closed, the Batch Reset process resets the Posted field to No for the selected batch.

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Daily GridWhen you use the Daily Grid option with Autoload, the program completes the default values for employees and displays daily work hours in all the employees’ defined standard work days. Review these automatic entries.

If all entries are correct and no changes are needed, use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen to scroll to the next employee to review.

To make changes to any entry, or to add additional information:

1. Click Update and press Tab to move to the appropriate field.

2. Enter the correct number of hours in the Base Pay or press Tab to the Pay field to enter the correct pay type code.

3. Press Tab to move to the Hours box and enter the correct number of hours.

4. Complete all required changes and then click Accept.

5. Navigate to the next employee record and complete the process for each.

Customize the Daily Grid ScreenThere are many fields available on the Daily Grid screen, and many of these fields may not be required for regular use. To hide unused fields, right click on the column headings to display a list of fields.Select or clear the check boxes for the fields, as required, to display or hide the field.

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Edit DetailsThe Daily Grid option works most efficiently when only basic information displays. (See Appendix B for instructions on how to define the values that display.) For standard time entry, only seeing the employee’s standard job pay and hours is sufficient. However, you may encounter a situation where you need to change the standard information.

To edit information on a pay line, particularly when circumstances dictate that an employee’s labor expense should be charged to a different general ledger account or project, or that it should be allocated to multiple accounts:

1. Highlight the pay line and click Edit Details.

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The program displays the Time Entry Detail screen.

2. Click Update and press Tab to move to the appropriate field.

3. Make the required changes.

4. Click Accept, and then click Back to return to the Daily Grid screen.

The following table provides details for each field on the Daily Grid screen.

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Field Description NotesFrom/To These are the start and end dates for the time you

are entering (may be a single day, a range of days or for the entire payroll period). The default values for these dates are from the Payroll Start Status screen. You can change the dates, but they must fall on or between the dates on the Payroll Start and Status screen.

Absence This list specifies if this time entry record is an absence (accrual) record. If Yes, the pay type category must be 3-Absence/Accrual. If you are recording time and attendance for purposes other than an absence, select No.

Unexcused Partial Day

This check box, if selected, indicates that the absence is only for part of a day, and it is not an excused absence.

Position This box contains the position code for a vacant position.

Employee This box contains the employee number/ID number.

SSN This box contains the employee's Social Security number. This box is only accessible if you have the appropriate permissions.

Last NameFirst NameMI

These boxes contain the employee's last name, first name, and middle initial. If you are adding a record, the program completes these boxes according to the employee or Social Security number entered.

Supervisor This box contains the employee number of the supervisor of the employee. This box is only accessible when you click Find to identify a record.

Substitute ForThese fields are only available when the Display Absent Employee Info on Sub Only Records option is selected for the Time Entry category in the Payroll Control Settings program; you can only update these fields for S-Sub Only records.Employee Last NameFirst NameMiddle I

These fields provide the employee number and name of the employee for whom a substitute is engaged.

Ext Emp Num This list provides the extended employment plan number, if applicable. If you enter an EEP value, the program completes the default values for the Job Class, Pay Type, Account, and Location fields.Note: This field is specific to organizations using the Extended Employment Projects program.

Department This box specifies the department code from the

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Field Description Notesbatch header screen. Department codes must exist in the Department Codes program. A department code is optional unless you are using activity costs.

Activity This box contains the activity code, which allows you to add additional details to the time entry record. Activity codes are created in the Time Entry Activity program, where you can attach pay types, work order number, job classes, general ledger accounts, and so on, that become the default values for those entry records assigned the activity code.

Job Class This box identifies the employee’s primary job class code from Employee Master. You can change it if the employee worked in a different job class and has that job class defined in Employee Job/Salary.

Pay This box displays the pay code. The employee’s base pay code is the default value.

Hours Entry These boxes indicate the work start and end times if you are using the Hours Entry method of time entry. The boxes are accessible only if the value for the Time Entry by Hours label for the Time Entry category in the Payroll Control Settings program is Y-Yes. If you use the Detail screen to enter hours, you are required to complete the boxes and the Quantity box is not accessible. If you use the Hours Entry screen to enter hours, you are not required to complete these boxes and Quantity box is accessible.

Quantity This is the number of hours to be credited under pay code selected.  

UOM This is the unit of measure (UOM) for the quantity. The program completes this default value correctly based on definitions made within the Pay Master records and cannot be changed.

Rate/Amount This box displays the calculated pay amount for this record (Quantity X Rate). This box is display only.  


Allocation This box contains the general ledger allocation code to which to assign the time. If you enter a value in the Job Class or Pay box, the program completes the allocation code from the Employee Job/Salary or Pay Master program. If you do not use allocation codes, the program completes the general ledger account information from Employee Job Salary or Pay Master. To manually assign an employee's time to two or more general ledger accounts, click the folder button to

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Field Description Notesdisplay the Manual GL Allocation screen. Allocation codes must exist in Allocation Codes in Munis General Ledger. Used if the payment is to be split between multiple general ledger accounts.

Project Allocation This box identifies a project allocation code, if applicable, which allocates pay to project accounts. Project allocation codes are maintained in the Payroll Project Allocations program.

Project Account This box identifies the project account associated with the pay. This box is only accessible if your organization uses Munis Project Accounting.

Org/Obj/Proj These boxes identify the general ledger account number associated with the employee pay. The default values come from Job Class Master or Pay Master, but you can change them. This is the account used when the amount is to be charged 100% to a single general ledger account.

Location This box provides the employee's primary location code.

Reason This list provides the personnel reason code for the time entry. Personnel reason codes must exist in Miscellaneous Codes for the code type REAS. You can change a default value. Click the folder button to open Miscellaneous Codes where you can view/maintain codes. The reason is optional for an absence record (for example, family sick, bereavement, jury, and so on).

Notes This box contains notes associated with the selected time entry record. The program adds detail dates to this box when it is blank and the Quantity is D-Daily or H-Hourly and the value of the Absence List is Y-Yes or S-Sub Only. The Notes box can contain up to 50 characters.

Work Order This box contains the work order number associated with this record. If your organization uses Tyler Asset Maintenance, the program verifies the work order number and task. The payroll activity codes and work order activity codes must be an exact match. This box contains up to 25 characters. When the Use Work Order Activity Codes check box is selected in the Payroll Control Settings program, the program looks for a matching PR activity code before searching for a WM activity code. This allows the field help list to include WM activity codes, but a PR activity code may override a WM activity code, if it exists.

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Field Description NotesReference This box contains reference information; you can

enter up to 20 characters of text. This box provides field help for bus trip numbers, but the program does not validate the entries.

Change Budget/Expense AccountTo change the general ledger account detail for a Time Entry record, when 100% of the time is being transferred to a new account:

1. On the Time Entry Detail screen, click Update.

2. Press Tab to move to the Account field.

3. Enter the account number, as appropriate, and then click Accept to save the change.

Allocate DetailTo allocate employee payments among general ledger accounts:

1. On the Time Entry Detail screen, click Update.

2. Press Tab to move to the Allocation box.

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3. Click the folder button. The program displays the Allocation screen.

4. Click Update.

5. Enter the first general ledger account to be charged.

6. Enter the amount of be charged to this account.

7. Enter the next account, and the amount to be charged to this account.

8. Continue steps until entire entry is allocated to the required general ledger accounts.

9. Verify that the combined totals of the individual allocation lines equal 100% of the pay line being allocated. When they do, the program automatically updates the record, preventing you from over allocating.

10. Click Back to return to the Detail screen.

11. Click Back to return to the Daily Entry screen.

Multiple Employee EntryThe Multiple Employee Entry screen provides a view of all employees for a single day rather than a single employee for multiple days. This screen provides efficient processing for shift time entry.

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This screen can only display five different pay codes at one time. If more than five are used (which is quite possible with multiple leave types available and multiple options for extra hours or overtime), use the forward and back arrow buttons to access those additional codes.

Use the navigation arrows at the bottom of the screen to move through days.

To make changes, click Update and then press Tab to move to the appropriate fields.

If the Autoload function is used when the batch is created, the program automatically completes each employee record with their normal work day. You will only need to make changes in the event of leave taken or extra hours worked.

To add leave, enter leave code from pay code columns by clicking the field help button and selecting the code from a list. Once a specific leave code has been selected for an employee (which creates a new column), you can add additional employee absences in the same column.

If a pay line or record is entered that needs to be charged to a different general ledger account, click Edit GL to access the Detail GL Account lines and make the necessary change.

Multiple DetailThe Multiple Detail Entry option allows you to enter time for multiple employees by date and time entered details. When the program completes the default value for a pay code, it verifies Payroll Control Settings option GL Account Default Checks Basepay. If this option is enabled, the process looks for the general ledger account number from the job or pay code within the Employee Job/Salary program. If the account number does not exist, then the standard general ledger account process is used with the following adjustment:

All available general ledger account data from Pay Type Master. If the option is enabled, all available general ledger account data from the Employee

Job/Salary record for the base pay based upon the specified job (to complete general ledger data not completed from Pay Type Master).

All available general ledger account data from Job Class Master (to complete general ledger data not completed from Pay Type Master and Employee Job/Salary).

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All general ledger account data from the Employee Master record (to complete any general ledger data not completed from the Pay Type Master, Employee Job/Salary, and Job Class Master).

When the GL Account Default Checks Basepay option is disabled in the Payroll Control Setting program, the program does not look for the general ledger account number from the base pay.

Time Entry PreferencesThe Preferences screen allows you to customize your default report and screen preferences for Time Entry. For example, if you will always enter time using the same method or you always want to use exactly the same report, set these preferences. Once defined, the program displays screens or presents options according to these settings. You can update these preferences at any time to reflect changes in usage.Click Preferences on the Time Entry batch header screen, and then click Update on the Preferences screen.

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Field Description NotesPreferences For This box displays the user ID for the

active account. The program completes this value; it is display only.

Report Preferences TabReport This list indicates the type of report to

create. The default value is Always Choose, which allows you to select a report type each time you create it.

Option This list sets the default for the report option: detail or summary.

Include This list indicates the batches to include: batch (the current batch), clerk (batches by the selected user), or all batches (all batches in the payroll).

Sort This list identifies a standard sorting format for time and attendance reports.

Employee Subtotals This check box, if selected, directs the program to subtotal by employee.This is available for the standard report in detail format.

Hide SSN This check box, if selected, directs the program to not display Social Security numbers in reports.

Dates Outside Payroll This check box, if selected, directs the program to reduce the active set of records where the value of the time entry records' From and/or To dates fall outside of the defined payroll start and end dates.

Screen Preferences Tab Default Screen This list determines the default time

and attendance entry screen. The default value is Always Choose, which allows you to select the screen when accessing the program.

Find Sort Order This list determines the sort for records in an active (find) set.

Account Description This list indicates the general ledger account description to display on the Daily Grid screen.

Absence Default This list provides the default value for the Absence list on the Time Entry Detail screen; the default value for this list is No.

Autoload Default This list provides a default Time Entry group for the autoload option; the default value for this list is blank.

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Field Description NotesDaily Grid Days This box contains the number of days

to add to the daily grid prior to the payroll start date. This enables you to enter data for pay records for prior payrolls to include in the current payroll. Note: The program does not adjust the work week in the display. The daily grid displays the first day defined (typically the first payroll day) and displays following days in seven day increments. For example, if the payroll start date is a Monday and you elect to add three days to the daily grid, the daily grid displays the first day as Friday.

Prompt to Verify This check box, if selected, directs the program to verify the current batch after reporting.

Enable Autoload This check box, if selected, directs the program to use the autoload option when creating new batches.

Hours Entry in Military This check box, if selected, allows time entry using the military time format (for example, 4:00 p.m. as 1600 hours).

Warn on Undefined Pay Type

This check box, if selected, directs the program to display a warning when pay records entered do not exist in the Employee/Job Salary program for the selected employee.

Set 'To' Date from 'From' Date

This check box directs the program to automatically update the To date when you change the From date. If this check box is selected, the To date is reset to the From date; if this check box is not selected, the To date remains at the default value.

Record Date Notes This check box, when selected, directs the program to copy the time entry detail dates into the Notes box when the UOM is D-Day or H-Hour and the Absence Type is S-Sub Only or Y-Yes, and the Notes box is blank. The Find Pending process also updates the Notes box but only when the UOM is D-Day.

Pending Preferences Tab Pending Prompt This check box, if selected,

automatically prompts the user to load

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Field Description Notespending time entry records when starting a Time Entry batch.

Default Group This list identifies a time and attendance group for which to automatically load records. Select the blank list option to provide the user a list of groups from which to choose for autoloading.

Daily Grid Fields Tab  This tab defines the preferences for

the columns that display on the Daily Grid screen. The default value for all check boxes on this tab is selected; when you clear a check box, the program hides that column on the Daily Grid screen. To view that column when the Daily Grid screen is active, right-click on the table header and select the column. If you set a column to hidden using the table header right-click method, that column may still be hidden when the program initially opens.

Importing Time Entry DataThe Time Entry import process is used to automatically enter employee time records that are stored in another database or format, such as Excel or a time clock program. The import format is flexible, requiring minimal data elements in the external file.

The first step of the time entry import is to analyze the data file layout and to set up a template within Munis that will match the layout. Once you have defined a template, you can use this template to import the records into Time Entry.

PrerequisitesBefore importing the data file:

Identify the data that needs to be imported and what the data file should like. The Munis Time Entry import process only requires the data file to include either employee number or Social Security number. However, the import can also be defined to pull in all accessible data fields in the Time Entry employee detail record.

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Use the Export Sample option on the Import screen to create an Excel file of available fields from which you can create a template file.

ProcedureTo import data into Time Entry:

1. Click Import to display the Time Entry Import screen.

2. Click Custom Templates.

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The program opens the Template Editor program, displaying a list of available templates.

3. If no templates exist, click Export Sample to create an Excel file of existing fields.

4. Click New Template to display the New Template dialog box.

5. Complete the template fields and navigate to the sample template file that you created.

6. When you click Upload, the Template Editor page refreshes to provide a framework for defining the import fields. Click the arrows in the table header to select the fields.

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.7. Click Accept to save the template.

When you save the template details, the program immediately displays any applicable errors; you must correct the errors to continue.

8. Click Back to return to the Time Entry Import screen.

9. Select the template and identify the import file.

10. Select the Skip First Line if the import file includes a header row.

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Field Description NotesTemplate This list allows you to select a

template created and maintained using the Custom Templates option. When you select the template, the program displays the file format.

File This field identifies the import data file. Once you identify this file, the program copies the file to the Munis server (if not already on the server) under the Munis defined filename “import_prtimatt.###”.

Skip First Line If selected, directs the import process to omit the first row of the import file. Select this check box if your import file includes a header row.

Date Format This date field provides the default date for the import. The format for Time Entry is MM/DD/YYYY. If dates are included in the data file, they should reflect this format or this field can be maintained to reflect the actual date format in the file.

Hours as Time If selected, hours are included in the file as time (HHMM) so that the time can be converted to decimal number of hours.

Allow Blank Project

This check box, if selected, directs the import process to accept a blank project for the general ledger account

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Field Description Notesnumber. If this check box is not selected, the program does not identify a blank project code as acceptable and attempts to complete this value. The default value is selected.

Assign Period If selected, directs the import process to assign the split period value by FLSA calendar.

Merge to Active Batch

If selected, the program imports the data file records into an existing (active) batch rather than create a new batch.Note: This check box is only accessible if the Merge Batches check box is selected in the System Administration Roles program for HR Management/Payroll or if you have payroll superuser privileges.

11. Click Accept to display the Time Entry batch header for the existing active batch.

12. Complete the Time Entry header record. If the Merge to Active Batch option was selected on the import, the batch must be selected prior to the import and does not require these fields to be updated.

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Field Description NotesDepartment This box Identifies the department.

This is an optional field unless you are using activity costs.

Location This box specifies the location code used to represent the batch of employee time records that are being imported.

Comment This box provides additional information, if applicable. This is an optional field.

Clerk This box identifies the user importing the records. The value can be changed to reflect the user who will need to access and maintain the detail records.

13. Click Accept.The program displays the Output dialog box.When you confirm the import, the program displays the number of employees who have been imported in the Employee Count box and the number of detail records imported at the bottom of the screen.

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Payroll Vendor ProcessingPayroll Vendor Processing creates an electronic file (the Vendor ACH file) that can be used for submission through standard NACHA procedures.

The Payroll Vendor Processing has an individual Payroll Start and Status program. This program is available on the Munis menu at Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Vendor Processing> Vendor Payroll Start and Status.

To complete payroll vendor processing:

1. Click Start.

2. From the Payroll Start screen, click Start.

3. Select X-Payroll Vendor Run from the Run Type list and enter a warrant identifier.

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4. Complete the remaining fields and return to the Payroll Start and Status screen.

5. Click Vendor Processing.

The program displays the Payroll Vendor Processing program, which assembles vendor check amounts across one or more payrolls as a preview of payments to vendors. 

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The program automatically reviews and displays any unprocessed vendor items from employee payrolls, including any Void Payroll runs, as well as any vendor items deferred from prior Vendor Payroll runs. The details display in summary form, collated by vendor.

6. Click Browse to view the list of all items contained within this vendor payroll. Use the output options on the toolbar to produce or display a report of the items contained within this run.

7. For each vendor record, click Detail to review detailed information on the specific deduction codes and payroll warrants that have contributed to each vendor’s total.

8. Click Remove to remove a vendor from this payroll. Note: This option is typically used during a mid-month vendor process to defer particular vendor payments to the end of the month.

9. Click Global to restore any items previously removed in error. Note: This option restores all items previously removed.

Vendor Item Detail ReviewThe Deduction Detail screen allows you to review deduction code detail information for the selected vendor for a given run number and warrant. Note: Deductions identified to have the escrow liquidated are included in the processing.

To view detail, click the Detail option on the Payroll Vendor Processing screen.

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The program displays the Deduction Detail screen.

Deduction detail includes:

Individual amounts for each deduction code that is defined in the Deductions and Benefits Master as being associated with that particular vendor.

Each individual deduction code broken down by the individual payroll warrants (Monthly/Bi-weekly/Misc/Void) run prior to processing this vendor payroll.

Individual amounts for any items that may have been deferred from prior payrolls.

Use the toolbar options to create deduction detail reports. In addition, use the Child Support and Creditor Garnishment options to produce additional, formatted detail reports, including some specifically created for reporting case details.

You can also review the employee by employee detail associated with each of these items by clicking Detail from the Deduction Detail screen.

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When accessing this screen from a specific vendor record, only detail associated with that particular vendor is displayed.

On the Deduction Detail screen, use the Search button to find all other vendor detail. This is particularly useful when creating the Creditor Garnishment and Child Support reports as it allows you to produce all of these vendor reports with a single action.

Proof ReportsTo create Vendor Payroll Proof report, use the output options on the Payroll Vendor Processing screen.

Prior to taking this step, ensure that only those vendors you wish to process, whether they will be paid directly through this payroll process (vendor check or vendor ACH record) or will be paid through Accounts Payable, are included in this process.

Update VendorOnce the vendor details are processed and proofed, use the Update Vendor option to update the vendor records prior to posting to the general ledger.

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1. From the Vendor Payroll Start and Status program, click Vendor Update.The program displays the Update Payroll Vendor Tables screen.

2. Click Update Vendor.The program displays a confirmation message when the process completes.

Direct Deposit Register/Direct Deposit FileThe Direct Deposit File program creates a file of pay amounts for vendors. While shown on the Vendor Payroll Start and Status program as the Advice Register and Export and the Direct Deposit File programs, these programs as actually a single program with multiple options.

The Vendor ACH process will be used primarily to create the Detailed ACH record requested by state Child Support Administrative agencies.

To create a file:

1. Click Define.

2. In the Company Descriptive Date and the Effective Entry date, enter the pay check date. Do not update any other fields.

3. Click Accept.

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Vendor Report The Vendor Report option creates a list of all direct deposit advices printed in the prior step. This report only contains the net deposit amounts. If additional, fixed amount direct deposits are included in this file, the total on this report and the actual bank report will differ. To create the report, click Vendor Report. The program displays an Output dialog box; select the applicable settings and click OK. Click PDF for a presentation format report; click Save on the toolbar to retain an electronic copy of the report file as a reference.

Vendor FileThe Vendor File option actually creates the Vendor Direct Deposit file for transmission to your bank. The file uses the file name that you specify in the Vendor ACH File Name box on the Output Options tab. Once created, the program displays the full path where the file has been created and the actual file name used.

For reference, capture the file and path detail by pressing Alt+PrintScreen on the keyboard and pasting the image to a Word file.

The file is available for transmission to your financial institution in accordance with their procedures.

Posting to the General Ledger The GL Distribution Journal program updates the appropriate general ledger accounts with journal entries associated with the current vendor payroll. The payroll department generates the journal using the payroll check date as the effective date. The program completes the Period and Year values according to the check date, but you should verify these.

To post journal entries:

1. Select GL Distribution Journal from the Payroll Start and Status program.

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2. Click Define.If the general ledger entries for this payroll period are to be split between two accounting periods (that is, payroll periods crossing a fiscal year), select the Split Between G/L Periods option. Your Finance Department should determine whether this split is to be based on a percentage or date. If no split is required, select None.

The program makes the Main Period fields accessible if you click None; the program makes the Split Period fields available if you select By Percentage or By Date.

3. In the GL Effective Date box, enter the payroll date.

4. Verify that the correct accounting Year and Period are defined.

5. If you are processing a split period by percentage, ensure that the correct percentage is entered in the Percentage box; if you are processing a split period by date, enter the cutoff date for entries to be posted to this period. If this journal is to be split between two accounting periods, repeat the previous steps for additional accounting period.

6. Select the Defer Cash Posting check box if this process should split expenses and liabilities between both periods, but post all cash impact to the second period.

7. Click Accept.

To create a cash detail report:

1. Click the Cash Detail option in the Menu group.The Cashflow Detail Report Options screen displays.

2. Click Define.

3. Click one of the selections to print totals by category or GL account.

4. Click Select to create the report.

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Appendix A—Payroll Processing SetupThe Payroll Control Settings program configures fields that predetermine various processing decisions to be made by Munis programs during payroll execution. The program must be completed before running payroll processing for the first time. If necessary, you can change the information between payrolls, but do not make changes once payroll processing has begun.

Notes: The Deduction Expenses and Liability Accounts option, selected by clicking Exp/Liab in the Payroll Control Settings program or by clicking Expenses in the Deduction and Benefit Master program, displays a revised screen according to the setting of the Value box for the GL Posting category in the Payroll Control Settings. When the category value is GL Posting and the Value box contains a post to org setting, the Fund reference on the Deduction Expenses and Liability Accounts screen is Earning Org. In this case, the Fund reference on the Mass Update screen is also Earning Org. When you reset values and there is a conflict between the Employee Expense Org and Post Expense by Fund values, the program displays the following message: "Providing a value for Employer Expense Org is invalid with the current value for the Post Expense by Fund field." The program displays a similar message when you reset values and there is a conflict between the Payroll W/H Org and Post Liability by Fund values. The Salary Payable and Deduction Payable options establish expense accounts to payable account crosswalks for both pay and deductions based on fund. These accounts are used in Accrued Expense Payroll processing.  When any user selects the Payroll Control Settings program from the menu, the program displays a list of available payroll settings.

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To update a setting, double-click the entry in the list to display the detail on the main Payroll Control Settings screen. Click Update to change the settings.

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Run ControlThe Run Control program establishes a default set of operational parameters that are automatically displayed when you are setting up a new payroll run type. Munis programs use these default settings when you create a new payroll run type so that it is not necessary to re-enter each parameter. When you set up a new run type, you need only change those fields that you want to be different from the default.

Field Description [Customer-Specific]Payroll Run Control Code This list contains the payroll run control

code. Each run type must have a unique number. It can be 0-9, V or X. Payroll run control codes are maintained in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program for the code type RUNC - Payroll Run Control Codes. Click the folder button to open the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program, where you can view/maintain

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Field Description [Customer-Specific]codes. The following codes should be established:1 – Regular Payroll9 – Miscellaneous PayrollV–Void PayrollX–Vendor Payroll

Processing OptionsCash Account This box identifies the general ledger

cash account where post payroll expenditures are posted.


Check Format This list identifies the check format to use for the payroll run.

Laser Cartridge This list indicates the laser cartridge code. Laser cartridge codes are maintained in the Payroll Miscellaneous Codes program for the code type LASR–Laser Cartridges. Click the folder button to open a new screen where you can define the laser format.

Check/Advice Sort Seq This list establishes the check/advice sort sequence

Print FYTD Earnings This check box, if selected, directs the program to print fiscal year-to-date earnings on the check.

Suppress Check Number This check box, if selected, directs the program to skip printing check numbers on checks and advices. This option is useful when you use forms preprinted with check numbers. Note: When the check number is suppressed, Munis programs still record it internally for the purposes of reconciliation.

Earnings Maint Line 1 This check box, if selected, directs the program to allow earnings maintenance on line 1.

Supplemental Pay The list identifies the method for processing supplemental pay: Percentage: This option takes a

defined percentage of any pay type with Supplemental Rate selected in the Tax Method list in Pay Master program. The percentage amount is defined on the Calculation screen in the Tax Tables program.  It is used with income tax deductions. Typically, the federal government withholds

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Field Description [Customer-Specific]a flat 28% of any supplemental pay types. States may also tax a flat percentage of supplemental income.

Advanced Supplemental: This option calculates federal income tax on supplemental pay. The federal government allows an employer to withhold taxes for supplemental pay types based on current period earnings, prior period earnings, and prior period federal taxes withheld versus using the flat 28% tax rate. It does not work with deductions outside the federal tax table 01 and must be in the deduction range 3000–3010.The setup for this functionality is as follows: o You must select Advanced

Supplemental in this list before running the payroll. Changing from Percentage to Advanced Supplemental has no effect on payrolls run previously.

o You must ensure that the Supplemental Rate is selected for the Tax Method list in the Pay Master program.

Accrual Format This list determines the manner in which accruals display on the check stubs, if at all. The options are Standard, Detail, or None. Standard: The standard accrual

print format shows current time used and the remaining balance beside the accrual’s short description and unit-of-measure. This format obtains the time used (CURRENT) information from the payroll records and the accrual balance (REMAIN) from the Employee Accruals.

Detail: The detail accrual format displays a beginning accrual balance, time earned, time used and a resulting ending balance in a column format. This format

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Field Description [Customer-Specific]obtains all accrual information from Employee Accruals -History records. The system evaluates the beginning and ending dates of the payroll warrant. The beginning accrual balance (BEG) that is displayed is obtained from the Running Balance box on the first record in Employee Accruals –History with a date on or before the begin date of the payroll. Earned (EAR) and Used (TAK) time are only reflected when the History dates fall on or between the beginning and ending dates of the payroll. The resulting ending balance (END) that is displayed is computed: Beginning Balance + Time Earned–Time Used.

None: Accruals do not display on the check advices.

When you are adding a record, click the folder button to access the Accrual Print Order screen, where you can select the applicable accrual types for the run. On this screen, click Update, press Tab to move through the fields, and select an accrual type from the list in each box.

Check Message These boxes contain the two-line check message to print on each payroll check stub. This message appears on all checks unless overridden at the employee level with a custom message applicable to a single employee. Each box can contain up to 70 characters. Leave these boxes blank to omit a message.

Processing JobsThese check boxes indicate the required steps for the payroll run type. The required steps are highlighted in the Payroll Start and Status program. Not all of the individual steps provided for processing a payroll will be used for each payroll run type. Note: Earnings and Deduction Proof, Employee

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Field Description [Customer-Specific]Update, and GL Distribution Journal are required for all payroll runs.

Generate DefaultsThe Generate Defaults screen sets default values for the Generate Earnings and Deductions program.

Field Description NotesStart/End Dates These boxes define the payroll start date.

If you leave the Start and End Date boxes blank, the program uses the dates for the payroll period in the Generate Earnings and Deductions program.

Earnings Factor This box provides the earnings factor percentage. This is typically 100.000, which is the default value. This should be changed only for unique payrolls, such as

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Field Description Notesa year-end split pay where the employee receives a portion of his/her pay in one payroll, followed by the rest in a subsequent payroll.

Deduction Factor This box contains deduction factor percentage. This is typically 100.000, which is the default value. This should be changed only for unique payrolls, such as a year-end split pay where the employee receives a portion of his/her pay in one payroll, followed by the rest in a subsequent payroll.

Location Theses boxes establish the range of locations to include when generating the payroll. To include one location code, type that code in each box; to include all locations, leave the default value in each box.

Group/BU Code Theses boxes establish the range of group/bargaining unit codes to include when generating the payroll. To include one group or bargaining unit code, type that code in each box; to include all groups or units, leave the default value in each box.

Employee Group Theses boxes establish the range of employee groups to include when generating the payroll. To include one group, type that code in each box; to include all groups, leave the default value in each box.

Calculate Income Tax Using Actual Deduction Gross

This check box, if selected, causes federal and state income tax to be calculated using the actual deduction gross amount, regardless of the earnings factor. If this check box is not selected and the earnings factor is not 100%, the taxable gross is factored to represent 100% earnings. This check box is also available in the Generate Earnings and Deductions program, where you can maintain this functionality for individual payrolls.

Earn Accruals Within This Payroll

This check box, if selected, indicates that accruals are earned within the payroll (that is, accrual earning methods 01, 02, 03, and 08).

Increase Days Worked in the Payroll

This check box, if selected, directs the program to automatically track the number of days an employee works.

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Field Description NotesFactor Days Worked by FTE in this Payroll

This check box, if selected, directs the program to factor the number of days worked by the full-time equivalency (FTE) factor for all job class codes on each employee record in the payroll.

Override Consecutive Workdays Count in this Payroll

This check box, if selected, directs the program to override the consecutive workday count for substitute teacher pays. The number of consecutive days with which to start the substitute's next payroll is entered in the Consecutive Days box in the Days Worked by Job program.

Decrement Remaining Pays

When new payrolls for the specified run type are started and this check box is selected, the default option for remaining pays during the Employee Update process is to be decremented. The Generate Earnings and Deductions program also includes the Decrement Remaining Pays check box. This check box, if selected in the Generate Earnings and Deductions program, allows the Remaining Pays value to be decremented during the Employee Update process if the value should be decremented (for example, the pay is encumbered) When this check box is not selected, the Remaining Pays value is not decremented, even if the current setup requires that it be decremented. The Employee Update process recognizes the Decrement Remaining Pays value indicated in the Generate Earnings and Deductions program.

Excluded Pays These boxes establish the range or ranges of pay type codes to exclude from the payroll generate.

Excluded Deductions

These boxes establish the range or ranges of deduction codes to exclude from the payroll generate.

Excluded Employee Types

These boxes establish the range or ranges of default employee types to exclude.

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Appendix B—Payroll Processing ErrorsIn the Payroll Earnings and Deductions program, the Error Level box identifies the error level. The system automatically places a value here if an error condition exists. Select an output option on the toolbar to create a report of errors within the current payroll.

No. Description Level1 Insufficient Net Pay Warning

2 Risk Code Error Warning

4 No Bond Assignment Warning

8 GL Account Not Found Warning

16 Reserved Warning

32 Bank Code/Account Not Found Serious

64 Calc Code Not Defined Serious

128 Insufficient Net Pay Serious

256 Tax Table Missing Serious

512 Deduction Not Resolved Serious

1024 Deduction Not Computed Serious

2048 System Problem Serious

4096 Alloc Missing / Not 100% Serious

8192 More Than 100 Pay Lines Serious

Note: A serious error will prevent payroll processing from proceeding past the proof process. The error must be resolved.

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Appendix C–Retroactive Payroll Processing When the Enable Retroactive Pay Processing by Effective Date setting in the Payroll Control Settings program is enabled, the Process Retro Pay program is available from within the Payroll Start and Status program and on the Payroll Processing menu.

In Payroll Start and Status, the option is only applicable when retroactive pay records exist. Causes for retroactive pay processing include an individual increase for a date in the past, addition of a pay with a historical start date, or a mass salary change with a historical date. Essentially, anything related to an amount change in Employee Job/Salary can prompt retroactive pay.

When you open the Process Retro Pay program, the program prompts you to generate pending retroactive records. The Generate process reviews the retroactive pay changes made, and recalculates what was paid against what should have been paid to determine the retroactive amount owed. The program then provides a record for each employee/check combination where a retroactive pay is

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When you select an employee, the program displays the retroactive payroll periods in process. Choosing an item from this table updates the Pay and Original Rate Withholdings tabs with pay and deduction details:

The Pay tab contains a breakdown of the pay codes that were paid, along with the adjusted and retroactive amounts.

The Original Rate Withholdings tab contains a breakdown of the deduction codes that were paid, along with the adjusted and retroactive amount. Only deductions for which the Use Original Calculation Information for Retro Processing check box is not selected in Deduction and Benefit Master are recalculated.

The Move option allows you to move the total amounts to the payroll, or to move specific employees or partial amounts to the payroll. The records in the Retro Pay Process program remain at a Pending status until they are moved to a payroll.

The Detail Report option creates a set of retroactive records that shows the number of employees impacted and the total pay/deduction changes that will be moved. If the employee-level detail is necessary, the Process Retro Pay program can provide that level of detail. 

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