Obesity a Ticking Time Bomb

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Obesity a Ticking Time Bomb

ObesityA Ticking Time Bomb

Obesity is a serious

Obesity is a serious, chronic disease that can have a negative effect on many systems in your body. People who are overweight or obese have a much greater risk of developing serious conditions.

India as you know is a very prosperous and flourishing country

“It also has the world’s largest population of poor people (just saying). It also happens to be the third largest country with regards to the population of obese people. U.S. and China lead the race as they do in all other cases, but India isn’t too far behind.

Indians One in every 5 Indians is overweight, just look around and you’ll understand what I’m saying. We’ve been hit by malnutrition since decades, but thanks to globalization, we’re now a victim of overnutrition too.

The middle classes have now the purchasing power and ability to buy global products and processed foods that have been made available in the Indian markets. Overdependence on these products and overusing them has caused the boom in obesity.

Nowadays rather than taking a dabba to school, a mother won’t mind giving her kid a packet of biscuits or chips instead since he loves it more than what she gives him and it saves her the trouble of waking up and cooking too.


But these foods are full of saturated fats and sugars and trans fats that not only lead to a tighter pair of jeans but also more serious problems that we’ll come to in a bit.

This dependence, coupled with the sedentary lifestyles that the urban society has adopted has led to the obesity time bomb which will explode sooner rather than later.

Jobs require sitting for 8-10 hours and the children back home prefer a good game of the Playstation relaxing on the couch rather than going outdoor and playing a real sport.

With no real exercise how is that fat or those excess calories going to be nullified? The answer is simple, they won’t.

The causes are the lifestyle and the globalised products, but the consequences are even worse. Let’s introduce you to them. First of all, knee replacement a few years down the line, since your knees didn’t sign up to manage double the weight.

Knee and joint problems are bound to happen, but diabetes and cancer are also possibilities since these sugars found in processed foods are carcinogenic.

Heart issues are also a huge risk and obese people are 65% more likely to suffer from strokes and heart attacks. Cholesterol and blood sugar fluctuations are also possible consequences if you don’t take necessary actions today.

Remember guys, try and put in a small workout, even a brisk walk would do daily. But you need to get your get off the couch right now!


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