Oak WOOdland learning activity - Education for Sustainable Living

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Transcript of Oak WOOdland learning activity - Education for Sustainable Living

Oak WOOdland learning activity Envisioning Relationships in an Ecosystem

Copyright © 2012 Center for Ecoliteracy

Published by Learning in the Real World

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Center for Ecoliteracy

David Brower Center

2150 Allston Way, Suite 270

Berkeley, CA 94704-1377

For more information about this activity, email info@ecoliteracy.org or visit www.ecoliteracy.org.

Learning in the Real World is a publishing imprint of the Center for Ecoliteracy, a not-for-

profit, tax-exempt organization. Created in 1997, Learning in the Real World offers resources

to support schooling for sustainability, stories of school communities, and the ecological

framework that informs the work of the Center.


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Oak WOOdland learning activity


Students learn to look at an ecosystem—the oak woodland—as a system and,

by doing so, become aware of relationships among living things, the processes

and patterns that drive survival and evolution, and the importance of abiotic

characteristics in sustaining life.

The assembled oak woodland mural

grade level

Sixth grade and up

(Note: the oak woodland mural can be used with an even wider grade range. For younger

or more advanced students, you may need to modify the information cards for reading level

and content appropriateness.) there are blank cards included for the teacher’s use.




• oak woodland mural (15 panels)

• oak woodland information cards (30 cards)

• Scratch paper and pencil for each pair of students

• Materials for assembling the mural (see Preparation.)


Print out the 15 panels of the oak woodland mural. trim away the outside edges so that just

the image remains. If you plan to use the panels multiple times, mount them on lightweight,

biodegradable foam board or cardboard.

Number the panels in order (1–15) on the back so you can quickly assemble the mural during

the lesson. Determine how and where you will assemble the mural so that everyone will

be able to see it as one scene. you can lay the mural flat on a table, or you may want to

apply Velcro to the backs of the panels and hang them on cardboard or a piece of fabric.

Alternatively, you might use removable tape to join the panels.

Use the information cards provided, or create cards more appropriate for your students’

reading level and area of study. If you are creating a new set of cards, make 15-30 copies of

the blank cards provided on page 37, and add suitable information to each one. It is ideal to

have two information cards for every panel of the mural (resulting in a total of 30 cards).

BackgrOUnd infOrMatiOn

the oak woodland is a common ecosystem in the western United States, and is also found in

many other areas of the world. there are between 300 and 500 species of oaks worldwide.

In California alone, there are 20 species of oaks and more than 5,000 species of insects,

nearly 60 species of amphibians and reptiles, 100 species of mammals, and more than 150

species of birds that rely on oaks for some aspect of their survival. the primary reasons that

oak woodlands support such a variety of species are that they produce an abundant supply

of food in the form of acorns and they provide ample shelter, nesting sites, and shade.

the oak woodland is an ideal ecosystem for illustrating the complex interactions that go

largely unnoticed by humans, but that drive the survival of hundreds of species. By looking

at the oak woodland as a whole system, many of its invisible attributes are revealed, giving

us a richer sense of how nature sustains life over time.


leSSOn intrOdUctiOn

Ask students if they are familiar with oak trees. Ask how many have ever seen an acorn.

Encourage them to make connections with previous experiences with oaks, such as studying

Native Americans who relied on acorns for food.

Explain the importance of the oak woodland ecosystem and how examining it as a whole

system allows us to see the complex relationships and processes that are usually invisible to

the human eye. (See Background information.)

Remind students that when scientists begin to study a particular ecosystem, they often

divide it up into sections or quadrants, then observe and record what they find in each

quadrant. then, they consolidate the information and draw some generalizations about the

makeup and general characteristics of the ecosystem.

note: In the lesson, students are given individual panels to observe. We suggest that you

avoid pointing out to students that the set of panels make up one mural. While there is no

reason to hide that information, students are often pleasantly surprised and re-engaged

when they realize they have been looking at one portion of a much larger picture.

Oak WOOdland MUral exPlOratiOn

1. Ask students to work in pairs and decide who will take notes. give each pair one panel

from the oak woodland mural and invite them to take a few minutes to discuss what they

notice on their particular panel. Encourage them to jot down notes, using any previous

knowledge they may have in addition to what they observe.

2. After the pairs seem to have exhausted all they know and have observed about the oak

woodland, provide each pair with two information cards that pertain to their panel. Ask

them to read the cards and talk about them with their partner.

3. Instruct the pairs to join with another pair of classmates and each share what they know

about their panel, drawing from previous knowledge, what they observed on their panel,

and what they learned from their information cards. When both pairs have shared, instruct

them to join another pair and share again. Have them repeat once more by sharing with a

third pair of classmates.

4. After students have shared with three other pairs, ask them to bring you their panels to

assemble for the whole group to observe.

5. Explain to them that the panels can be put together to form one picture, and invite them

to do that.


diSPlay MUral and diScUSS

1. Ask students: “Now that you see the oak ecosystem in its entirety, do you have any

thoughts or questions for each other about what is going on in this ecosystem?”

2. there are a lot of objects in the oak woodland. Scientists usually begin by naming what

they see. Can you name some of what you noticed? What functions do some of them play

in the oak woodland?

3. What relationships did you discover within the oak woodland?

4. one way scientists learn about an ecosystem is to count the organisms and species in it.

Another way is to “map” the ecosystem, as we did in this lesson, showing the parts and

their relationships. What strengths or weaknesses does each of these two approaches

have? What different information can be gleaned from the two methods?

5. Mapping requires choosing what to include and what to emphasize. Can you imagine

different ways to map this ecosystem?

6. Can you give any examples of surprising and important processes that help maintain

the oak ecosystem? Processes are usually invisible but are crucial to the survival of an

ecosystem. For example, in what ways do nutrients flow through the ecosystem? How do

abiotic factors, such as water, light, temperature, and soil help support the ecosystem?

7. Shifting from what we see to patterns, which are also largely invisible, reveals crucial

information. Within any ecosystem, certain patterns recur. Were there any patterns that

were revealed through our study of the oak woodland?


Keep the mural visible and use it for a variety of writing prompts that reinforce the

discussion topics above, such as:

• How would you describe an oak woodland to someone who is unfamiliar with that

particular ecosystem?

• Write a letter explaining why human communities should think twice before destroying an

oak woodland for ranching or development.

• Compare the oak woodland to another ecosystem. Compare and contrast the

relationships among inhabitants and processes that drive each ecosystem. What patterns

do you notice?
















OakS and cliMate change

Carbon storage (sequestration) occurs in forests,

woodlands, and soils primarily through the process of

photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide (Co2) in the atmosphere

is absorbed by leaves and is stored in the woody biomass

of trees and other vegetation. the Earth has lost nearly 45

percent of its original forest cover to date, and current levels

of deforestation account for nearly 20 percent of carbon

currently released into the atmosphere. these releases

of carbon and other gases are significant contributors to

climate change. Furthermore, as temperatures rise, oaks

and other types of vegetation are at risk. Survival of any

species is dependent upon its adaptation to its external

environment, and there is concern about the potential

effects of rising temperatures on oak woodlands.


Panel 1

cOOPeratiOn in Oak WOOdland

When visiting the oak woodland, you may see the

diminutive oak titmouse flitting around a tree branch,

seizing insects in midair. you can easily identify it by its

small head tuft. the oak titmouse has a range that is

identical with the oak woodland’s range, and it prefers living

in and around oaks. this suggests mutual adaptation over

time. It does not excavate its own nest cavities, but may

use an old woodpecker nest or a natural hollow in an oak

trunk or branch. titmice and bushtits are both voracious

predators of oak moth larvae, which feed on oak leaves.

When present in high numbers, oak moths may defoliate

the oak tree.


Panel 1

PaPer WaSPS in the Oak WOOdland

Paper wasps get their name from the intricate nests they

build out of chewed wood fiber. they often build these

nests in oak trees, where they play an important role in the

oak woodland ecosystem. to feed its young, a paper wasp

will remove caterpillars from oak trees and take them to its

nest, thereby helping rid the oak of destructive pests. In the

nest, the paper wasp will paralyze the caterpillar, stuff it in

a cell of the nest, and lay an egg in the cell with it. When

the larva, or “grub,” hatches, it will have plenty of food as

it transforms into a pupa and then emerges from the nest

as an adult wasp. People fear wasps because they can be

aggressive—and some species are more aggressive than

others—but they are considered a beneficial insect.


Panel 2

OakS and gallS: a cOMPlex interactiOn

there are over 200 species of oak gall wasps. When the

time is right, based on many factors, the gall wasp pierces

a part of the oak tree (leaves, branches, twigs, buds, or

roots) and deposits an egg inside the plant tissue. the

fluid surrounding the egg stimulates that part of the plant

to multiply cells and create a shelter—or gall—for the

developing eggs. the gall’s lining provides food for the eggs

as they grow into larvae. Mature larvae chew their way out

of the gall. Although gall wasps are not considered to be

parasites, many other parasitic organisms take advantage

of the gall for food and shelter. A single gall can be home to

a variety of organisms, including the “host” oak gall wasp

larvae. Predators such as acorn woodpeckers and other

insects feast on gall larvae. galls are harmless to a healthy



Panel 2

the diverSe relatiOnShiPS Of a Screech OWl

the western screech owl is common in fourteen Western

states. It nests in tree cavities and will readily use the nests

of other birds, like the woodpecker, as well as man-made

nesting boxes. once established, it will forcefully defend its

nesting site. the screech owl’s diet includes insects, birds,

small mammals, snakes, and lizards. Like most owls, it is

nocturnal and begins to hunt for food at about sundown,

returning to roost within 30 minutes of sunrise. the western

screech owl is what is known as a “sit-and-wait” predator,

leaving the perch to sweep down and capture prey. Its

predators include jays, crows, raccoons, and bigger owls.

there is evidence that the western screech owl has a

symbiotic relationship with the tree ant, which sometimes

occupies the screech owl’s nest and will sting and bite any

would-be predators that happen by.


MiStletOe: friend Or fOe?

Mistletoe has long been considered a pest that kills trees

and diminishes the health of natural habitats. Recently

scientists have recognized that it may also have ecological

benefits because a broad array of animals depends on it

for food. When the animals consume the leaves and young

shoots, they distribute pollen and disperse the sticky seeds.

As a semiparasitic plant, mistletoe can photosynthesize,

but it depends upon its host tree for water and nutrients.

Its roots penetrate the tree’s bark and branch out through

the trunk, ambushing the tree’s transpiration system for

its own use. Native Americans used mistletoe as a cure for

headaches and as a method for ending pregnancies.


Panel 3

Panel 3

fOOd StOrage Of the acOrn WOOdPecker

Acorn woodpecker groups spend most of their time

gathering, storing, and defending acorns. typically, they

drill holes into a single tree, called a granary. one granary

tree may have up to 50,000 holes in it, each holding a

single acorn. Acorn woodpeckers will also use human-

made structures to store acorns by drilling holes in fence

posts, utility poles, and buildings. Studies have shown that

granaries are so important to acorn woodpeckers that they

are one of the main reasons these birds live in extended

families. only a sizeable colony can collect a large number

of acorns and also defend them against other groups.


the SOcial SySteM Of the acOrn WOOdPecker

the acorn woodpecker has a complex social system.

Family groups create and defend territories, and young

woodpeckers stay with their parents for several years,

helping the parents raise younger siblings. Many different

individuals of each sex may breed within a family; there

can be up to seven breeding males and three breeding

females in one family at any given time. In family groups

that contain more than one female breeder, the females lay

their eggs in the same nest. Even within a family, there is

often zealous reproductive competition between breeding

females, who repeatedly destroy eggs laid by other females.

Reproductive males exhibit competition by attempting to

disrupt copulation between another pair.


Panel 4

Panel 4

the nUthatch: the UPSide-dOWn Bird

Nuthatches are found from southern Canada to southern

Mexico. Like brown creepers, nuthatches prefer old-growth

trees and can be found in a variety of tree species. they

have the unusual ability to move down a tree headfirst,

using their strong feet for traction as they forage for

insects. this skill allows them to find insects unnoticed by

upward-bound insect-eaters, such as brown creepers and

woodpeckers. Nuthatches also eat nuts, including acorns,

and will store them in tree crevices for later use, sometimes

covering them with bits of lichen or bark chips. Nuthatches

have been observed carrying out a housekeeping task

referred to as “bill sweeping.” they will seek out an insect

with a strong odor and, holding it in its bill, sweep the nest

with it to deter predators like raccoons and squirrels.


the BrOWn creePer: BirdS aMOng the Bark

Brown creepers are found all over the United States, in

southern Canada, and in parts of Mexico. they are primarily

insectivorous and are called “creepers” because they use

their stiff tail for balance as they spiral up a tree trunk,

foraging for insects and larvae. When they reach the tree’s

top, they usually fly down to the base of the trunk and

start back up since they are unable to move headfirst down

the trunk. they have no strong preference for a particular

species of tree, but seem to prefer old-growth trees and

a relatively closed canopy. It can be difficult to spot a

brown creeper because their coloration blends in with the

tree’s trunk and, when threatened, they flatten their bodies

against the tree and remain motionless until they decide

they are safe. During nonbreeding months, they tend to

flock with chickadees and some species of woodpeckers.


Panel 5

Panel 5

ranching in the Oak WOOdland

Approximately 80 percent of California’s oak woodland

is privately owned and most of that is used for livestock

production. the behaviors of grazing animals severely

threaten oak survival. When numerous animals share a

relatively small area of open land, they tend to cluster under

shade trees, and compact the soil around the root zone.

this also causes erosion, which can expose the tree’s roots.

Cows and other grazers will often eat and trample oak

seedlings; horses and goats will chew off the bark, exposing

the trees to harmful organisms. However, providing oak

seedlings with protective tree shelters greatly increases

their chance of survival. Also, rotating grazing animals away

from oak woodlands during the summer—when there are

few green plants to eat and large animals seek shade—can

help protect the oaks.


can farMS and OakS cOexiSt?

oak woodlands are disappearing as humans convert them

to farmland, rangeland, and housing tracts. Not only are

oaks cut down to make room for human activities, those

that remain are vulnerable to a host of changes to their

habitat. Agricultural conversion usually alters the habitat’s

water distribution, making it less suitable for oaks and

more desirable to many invasive species. While California’s

oak woodlands are naturally dry in the summer due to its

Mediterranean climate, agricultural irrigation is frequently

heaviest during that time of year, putting stress on the

oak’s root zone. Areas of California that were once covered

with oak woodlands have proved particularly favorable for

growing wine grapes and many acres have been rapidly

converted to vineyards. Entire oak woodland ecosystems

have been wiped out or fragmented with this recent

expansion of “vineyardization.”


Panel 6

Panel 6

ravenS: intelligent learnerS

Ravens have long been considered to be one of the most

intelligent animals on Earth and have been present in North

America since the Pleistocene (1.8 million to 10,000 years

ago). Raven intelligence is well-documented. they can solve

novel problems without trial and error, have been known

to play dead to falsely signal a poisonous carcass to other

ravens, and may trick each other by creating stashes of

nonexistent food as a decoy to lure others away from the

real supply. Several cultures have documented a mutualistic

relationship between ravens and wolves. Ravens not only

shadow wolves as they hunt to take advantage of their kill,

they even have been known to lead wolves to herds of prey.

Researchers have demonstrated that many raven behaviors

are not hard-wired; rather, they learn from observing others

in socially complex interactions.


large-Scale change in an Oak cOMMUnity

Plant succession is the natural process of an ecosystem

changing over time until it forms a stable community. Like

most plant communities, the oak woodland is preceded

by an herbaceous community. Until the 1800s, California’s

grasslands were composed of native perennial grasses,

which are vital to the regeneration of oaks. Perennial

grasses are able to prevent erosion, suppress invasive

species, and serve as a food source for wildlife. yet,

European annual species have largely replaced perennials

across North America, largely due to an increased demand

for agriculture and grazing. the concomitant decline in

grassland birds across the United States has been faster

and more continual than that of any other bird species

sharing a community. this dramatic decline has affected

other grassland species as well. Approximately 90 percent

of the species listed in California’s Inventory of Rare and

Endangered Species are residents of the grassland.


Panel 7

Panel 7

the iMPact Of intrOdUced SPecieS

the western gray squirrel was once a common sight in

oak woodlands of the Pacific states. However, it is now

considered threatened in parts of the West, primarily

because of habitat loss and the introduction of invasive

species. the western gray squirrel competes with three

introduced species—the ground squirrel, the eastern gray

squirrel, and the fox squirrel—for the same types of food,

including acorns, Douglas fir nuts, and fungi. A study

conducted during a food shortage in California concluded

that while the western gray squirrel population decreased,

the ground squirrel population increased due to its ability to

outcompete the gray squirrel. the introduced eastern gray

squirrel and fox squirrel are found in similar natural habitats,

but are also common in human-dominated environments.

they are more flexible in their adaptive behaviors and can

produce two litters per year, while the western gray squirrel

has only one.


adaPtatiOnS tO MaxiMize PhOtOSyntheSiS

oaks are adapted to maximize photosynthesis in the hot,

dry summers of the Mediterranean climate. the coast live

oak is a good example of this. Variation in leaf size and

shape is common among coast live oaks, with two main

types of leaves serving different functions. the outermost

leaves are thick, curved, and small, with three layers of

photosynthetic cells. this structure allows them to maximize

solar absorption while reradiating heat, and also allows

more sunlight to reach the inner leaves. the leaves found

toward the middle of the tree are usually thinner, flatter, and

broader, with only one layer of photosynthetic cells. With

this arrangement, the outermost leaves shade the tree from

intense heat, while the inner leaves can still photosynthesize

by capturing light that penetrates through the canopy.


Panel 8

Panel 8

ecOSySteMS and hUMan life

Ecosystems sustain human life through their processes and

resources. the oak woodland was a vital part of Native

American life and it has much to offer us today. the trees

offer shade and protection from ultraviolet rays. they also

store or sequester carbon, helping counteract climate

change. the leaves of trees and shrubs provide oxygen

necessary for the existence of all life, including humans.

Plant roots mitigate floods and erosion and participate

in nitrogen cycling. Birds serve as seed dispersers and

also keep many pests in check. Even the alligator lizard

diminishes the number of ticks in this habitat. All living

things contribute to the regeneration of soil, if left to

decompose. And, finally, the oak woodland provides an

aesthetic beauty appreciated by people worldwide.


“ticked Off” alligatOr lizardS

Lizards play a vital role in the dynamic balance of the oak

woodland. they feed on a variety of small invertebrates,

such as ticks, spiders (including black widows), insects,

snails, millipedes, and caterpillars. In turn, they are eaten

by hawks, owls, crows, and coyotes. Native Americans also

regularly ate lizards as part of their diet. Recent studies

have shown that there are fewer cases of Lyme disease in

regions where alligator lizards are plentiful. ticks, which

carry Lyme disease, feed on the blood of alligator lizards

while in their nymph stage. It turns out that the alligator

lizard carries a bacterium that kills the causative agent of

Lyme disease residing in the nymph’s gut. Hence, fewer

ticks that reach adulthood are able to transmit the disease.


Panel 9

Panel 9

the WhOle iS MOre than the SUM Of itS PartS

there are more than 3,600 species of lichens in North

America. often spotted on the bark of trees or rock surfaces,

lichens come in various textures, shapes, and colors. they

are composed of fungi and one or two other organisms:

algae and cyanobacteria (a type of bacteria that can

photosynthesize). the fungal cells form the main body

of the lichen and protect its partners from desiccation.

the algae and cyanobacteria produce carbohydrates

through photosynthesis. together, these organisms form a

partnership that is mutually beneficial and functions more

successfully than they would on their own. Lichens provide

valuable information about the health of an ecosystem.

Lichens can establish themselves in adverse conditions

with little soil and extremes in climate. yet, they are highly

vulnerable to habitat alterations. Scientists consider them to

be indicator species that provide valuable information about

the health of an ecosystem: when lichens disappear, it is a

warning that ecosystem health is declining.


hygiene Of the tUrkey vUltUre

turkey vultures are common in and around the oak

woodland. they can be seen soaring high above the

treetops, their signature V-shaped wing position

distinguishing them from other birds of prey. turkey

vultures are scavengers, playing a crucial role in nature as

the cleanup crew. Due to their acute sense of smell and

excellent eyesight, they can locate dead animals from far

up in the sky. they prefer fresh kill, but will supplement

their carrion diet with other items such as rotting

pumpkins, juniper berries, or coyote feces. the turkey

vulture’s bald head, while grotesque looking, plays an

effective hygiene role, as the bird needs to stick its head

inside carrion to reach the meat. A feathered head would

collect unwanted bacteria, threatening the health of the

adult bird and its young.


Panel 10

Panel 10

energy flOWS thrOUgh an Oak WOOdland

All organisms need a constant flow of energy to survive. In

the oak woodland, the oaks receive energy from the sun

and convert it to carbohydrates through photosynthesis.

Caterpillars and oak moths eat oak leaves, absorbing

some of their energy. Woodrats also eat oak leaves, as

well as acorns, poison oak, and grasses. turtles eat insects

like caterpillars and oak moths, as well as small fish and

aquatic plants. Scrub jays eat acorns and pine nuts, fruits,

insects, and nestling birds. the great horned owl preys

upon woodrats, mice, rabbits, and squirrels, and other owls.

Cows eat grasses, and oak and willow seedlings. And many

humans eat cows. this continuous flow of energy—in the

form of food—sustains all life.


PartnerS in SUrvival

Western scrub jays, found throughout North America, play

a significant role in the success of the oak woodland. the

acorn is the main staple of their diet, so when acorns are

ripe in fall, they gather and carry them up to a mile from

the tree, where they bury them for retrieval in winter and

early spring. Scrub jays are highly intelligent and rely on

their superb spatial memory to find and retrieve the acorns.

But, while a jay can bury up to 4,500 acorns in one year, it

retrieves less than one in four of them. the missed acorns

are perfectly situated to sprout into new seedlings, enabling

the oak woodlands to reproduce and spread. Scrub jays

often steal the caches of other jays, and if watched while

hiding their cache, will dig it up and move it to avoid theft.


Panel 11

Panel 11

cOOPerative cOUrtShiP

Wild turkeys are native to the United States, but were not

introduced in California until the 1870s. Flocks of turkeys

adapted to living in oak woodlands are often seen adjacent

to housing developments. Watch them during mating

season and you may observe something unusual. While in

full mating display—fanning their tails, dropping their wings,

and blushing red and blue—two or more related males will

follow a group of females. yet, only the dominant male will

eventually copulate with a female. His brothers will help

corral the females and chase away other males, but will

not mate. this cooperative behavior—referred to as kin

selection—is a successful reproductive strategy that results

in the fittest passing along DNA while the others sacrifice

their opportunity to breed. Studies show that dominant

wild turkey males father seven times more offspring than do

subordinate males.


OakS create healthy SOilS

In oak woodlands, scattered trees, shrubs, and open

grasslands create a mosaic-like landscape. the oak’s canopy

creates islands of enhanced soil fertility, which contribute

to the health of the ecosystem as a whole. the oak leaf and

twig litterfall promotes the development of thicker topsoil,

which in turn attracts earthworms and other soil fauna

that mix the organic matter into the soil. the enhanced

topsoil has a rich mineral profile and also reduces erosion

and leaching. As humans increasingly remove oaks for

livestock grazing, agriculture, and urban development, one

unintended consequence is a rapid and large decrease in

soil quality. By minimizing oak tree removal, we can sustain

ecosystem health while protecting soil quality, water quality,

species diversity, and wildlife habitat.


Panel 12

Panel 12

native aMericanS’ relatiOnShiP With natUre

the worldview of Native Americans includes using nature’s

resources judiciously. they have developed a deep

understanding of each species, its life cycle, and its growth

patterns. While modern-day resource management often

consists of remediation from over-exploitation, traditional

Native Americans lived as members of the natural world

and viewed their role toward plants and animals as both

stewards and consumers, but never abusers. one concrete

example of this view is their relationship with soaproot,

which they used many ways. the bulbs would be roasted

and eaten, mashed up to poison fish, or used as soap or

medicine. Many tribes burned areas where soaproot grew in

order to stimulate its seeds to sprout. they also separated

the bulblets and replanted them. Like other plants and

animal resources, soaproot was harvested only to the

degree that there was enough remaining for it to thrive until

the next year and beyond.


acOrnS aS giftS frOM the earth

Native Americans hold a worldview that considers their

relationship with nature to be vital and reciprocal. It requires

a deep understanding of place and the local resources—or

“gifts”—that nature offers. In the past, acorns were a highly

valued resource, a staple of many Native Americans’ diet

for more than 4,000 years. Since each adult consumed one

ton of acorns each year, they collected acorns from many

different oak species. Acorns were collected in the fall, dried

in the sun, and stored in granary baskets. the women would

prepare them for cooking by cracking and removing the

shells, then using a mortar and pestle to grind the nuts into

flour. After leaching tannins from the flour, they mixed the

flour with water and made it into mush or bread. grinding

rocks can still be found in some oak woodlands, and many

Native Americans still celebrate the acorn harvest.


Panel 13

Panel 13

the cycle Of life and death

A fallen oak tree is a valuable component of California’s oak

ecology. It provides shelter for more than 80 vertebrates,

including small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles, and

perching platforms for many birds. It also provides food for

various insects, beetles, fungi, and other decomposers that

help recycle nutrients back into the soil. there are about

200 species of saprophytes that specialize in breaking

down dead oak stumps, branches, and trunks. A dead oak

is an important member of the oak ecosystem and should

not be removed. Due to its slow decaying process, it can

provide food, shelter, and soil enhancement for hundreds of



Plant SUcceSSiOn in Oak WOOdland

An oak habitat begins as an oak savannah, where trees and

shrubs are scattered over a dense ground covering of herbs

and grasses. As the oaks become increasingly abundant,

they create an open to partially closed canopy with 25

percent to 80 percent tree cover, which provides shade for

their seedlings and for shrubs such as elderberry, coyote

bush, and poison oak. Conditions are also conducive for a

variety of forbs to move in, such as California poppies, blue-

eyed grass, and brodiaea. Eventually, as the oak population

matures, Douglas fir seedlings appear in the understory

and grow faster and taller than oaks. this signals the

beginning of the transition from oak woodland to Douglas

fir forest. Fire suppression and management have thwarted

blazes that would periodically destroy Douglas fir saplings,

allowing them to take over the oaks more quickly.


Panel 14

Panel 14

OBServing MUle deer near yOU

As cities and towns expand into surrounding oak woodlands,

people and mule deer often share open spaces. Mule deer

eat young seedlings and shrubs; hence, they take a toll on

landscaped yards. As opportunistic browsers, mule deer

will decapitate your roses, decimate your tomato seedlings,

and leave no trace of your tulips. yet, they are fascinating to

watch and since many have little fear of humans, they are a

wildlife species that is safe and easy to observe. If you are

lucky, you might notice an unusual association between a

mule deer and a scrub jay. the jay will stand on the back of a

deer, eating ticks and other parasites in its fur. the deer will

often stand very still and even hold its ears up, making the

job easier for the jay. this association is another example of

cooperation among species.


Oak-fUngi PartnerShiPS

gilled bolete is a type of fungus often found under oak

trees. the fruit of the fungus can be seen above ground as

a reddish-brown cap on a reddish (or sometime yellowish)

stem. However, most of the fungus is underground. Its

delicate web of underground filaments—called hyphae—

entangles the rootlets of the oak, helping them absorb

water and nutrients from the soil. In turn, the oak gives up

small amounts of nutrients and amino acids to the fungus.

their relationship is called a “mycorrhizal” association,

which is a symbiotic relationship between a plant and

fungi that is beneficial for both of them. this partnership

promotes the health and growth of the oak tree and the

fungus, giving them a stronger chance for survival.


Panel 15

Panel 15






aBOUt the center fOr ecOliteracy

the Center for Ecoliteracy is dedicated to education for sustainable living. through its

initiative Smart by NaturetM, the Center offers expertise, inspiration, and resources to the

sustainability movement in K–12 education, including its Rethinking School Lunch projects

and the book Smart by Nature: Schooling for Sustainability, which showcases inspiring

stories about school communities across the nation. the Center’s services include a

publishing imprint, seminars, academic program audits, coaching for teaching and learning,

in-depth curriculum development, keynote presentations, technical assistance, and a

leadership training academy. For further information, visit www.ecoliteracy.org.


center for ecoliteracy Staff

Carolie Sly, Author

Michael K. Stone, Editor

Karen Brown, Designer


Ane Carla Rovetta