NYC obesity

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Transcript of NYC obesity

Nicole Zangoglia

Obesity in New York City

Overview Factors of Obesity New York Statistics and Rates Five Boroughs Childhood Obesity Rates Decreasing Obesity

Obesity Defined Excess body fat

Negatively affects health

20% above average weight

Measured by body mass index (BMI)BMI over 30

considered obese

Ideal BMI 19-25Overweight 25-30

Obese 30-34

Severely Obese 35-39

Morbidly Obese 40-49

New York City Statistics 1 in 5 residents are obese 26% engage in physical activity

30 minutes, 4 times a day 9 out of 10 don’t eat healthy

No recommended servings of fruits and vegetables

23% watch television 5 hours per day

5 Borough Obesity Rates


The Bronx62%

Staten Island57%



Children Obesity Rates NYC FITNESSGRAM started in 2005

Measures levels of fitness in schools Results compared

Decreased 5% since 2005 Implemented new nutrition and

activity in schools

Summary Obesity epidemic increasing NYC has high obesity rates Highest rates in the Bronx Childhood rates decreasing

Sources Chan, S. (2009, July 21). Data Show Manhattan Is Svelte and Bronx Is

Chubby, Chubby. Retrieved from The New York Times website: 2009/ 07/ 22/ nyregion/ 22fat.html

Dolnick, S. (2010, March 12). The Obesity-Hunger Paradox. Retrieved from The New York Times website: 2010/ 03/ 14/ nyregion/ 14hunger.html

Mullin, S., & Riley, E. (2005, November 22). 3.2 Million New Yorkers are Overweight or Obese. Retrieved from html/ doh/ html/ pr/ pr115-05.shtml

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (2011, December 15). Drop in New

York City Childhood Obesity Rates. Retrieved from portal/ site/ .