Nuclear Bible - Sports Hero Barry Soetoro

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  • 7/30/2019 Nuclear Bible - Sports Hero Barry Soetoro


    The Nuclear Bible: Sports Hero Barry Soetoro

    Intro:In order to effectively respond to a nuclear terror attack on the Super Bowl, U.S. President Barrack Obama aka Barry Soetoro(given name) must act the part of a diehard sports fan. To Obamas credit, he has been very busy in this regard. With unprecedented visits

    to the White House, and countless TV appearances on sports related programs, Obama is the greatest sports fan to ever grace the OvalOffice.

    Date: October 12, 2005Source: ESPNTitle/Headline:Presidential First Pitches : Barrack Obama

    Abstract:Barack Obama was a senator Oct. 12, 2005, when he threw out the first pitch before Game 2 of the ALCS between theWhite Sox and the Angels at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago (ESPN, 2010).

    Date: August 31, 2007

    Source: USA Today, Michael McCarthyTitle/Headline:NFL To Revamp Shield With Redesigned Logo

    Abstract:The National Football League is launching a makeover of its red, white and blue "NFL Shield" logo that adorns

    everything from player jerseys to fan T-shirts and hats. The league is creating a leaner, meaner version of the iconic logo that willdebut at the NFL draft in April, 2008. The revamped shield will be slightly taller and thinner, with a new football, fewer stars and darkercolors, says Lisa Baird, the NFL's senior vice president of marketing. The redesign marks the first changes to the shield since 1980. At

    the NFL's annual meeting this spring, commissioner Roger Goodell talked about the NFL Shield as the "envy of the sports world."

    The league has been careful to make an "evolutionary, not a radical change," says Baird. The new shield features eight stars(representing the eight AFC and NFC divisions) vs. 25 on the current logo. Why 25? It's a mystery. After researching the shield'sorigins, the designers could find no reason for 25 stars, says Jaime Weston, director of brand and creative operations. The shield logo wasfirst used around 1940, two decades after the NFL's founding in 1920. The football at the center has been redesigned to resemble the ball

    atop the Vince Lombardi championship trophy, says Baird. It replaces the old-fashioned pigskin nicknamed the "Hamburger" inside leagueoffices. NFL vendors will probably thank the league for switching to fewer stars. Some vendors, without permission, have used fewer stars

    rather than shoehorning 25 tiny stars into smaller shields on hats and T-shirts. Tinkering with one of the country's most powerful andubiquitous sports brands will be a risky and expensive business. NFL sponsors such as Reebok, Riddell, Wilson and EA Sports will

    have to switch shields on everything from uniforms (players wear three logos at the neck and waistlines and on the helmet) and licensedmerchandise to the official "Duke" game ball andMadden video game. Even groundskeepers will have to adopt the new shield at NFLstadiums. But Baird believes the cleaner, more modern symbol will "pop" better during TV telecasts. The less-busy logo will also show up

    better on "third screens" increasingly used by sports fans: cellphones, laptops, iPods and PDAs. During testing with focus groups,

    consumers liked the switch to eight stars for eight divisions, she says. "People felt that made more sense than tying in to 32 teams,"

    says Baird (McCarthy, 2007).

    Although the NFL says that the 4 and 4 star logo is representative of the four divisions within the NFC and AFC Conferences, the

    NFL is seriously looking into franchises in Europe, so that particular concept will only be valid for a couple of years. More than

    likely, the 4 and 4 is representative of the 44th

    President of the United States: Barrack Hussein Obama.

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    Date: February 21, 2008Source: The StatesmanTitle/Headline:Obama Hooks Em In Visit With Longhorns

    Abstract:So, Obama, can the Longhorns win another national championship?Yes, they can.Hours before he returns to the UT

    campus for tonights debate with Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama paid a courtesy call to Mack Brown and his Longhorns. It mightseem like an odd pairing, given Browns repeated claims to be agnostic when it comes to politics. Brown has said that he doesnt even vote(in anything other than the coaches poll), lest he be seen as straying too close to the political fire. Then again, his wife has donated to

    Obamas campaign,giving $500 last March long before Obamas bandwagon had filled with supporters. Perhaps Mack waslobbying Obama about that border fence ideawe mentioned in todays papera border fence to keep the Oklahoma recruitersout. Here are the photos from Obamas visit to the land of the burnt orange and the home of the brave. Given the senators eagerness toflash the hook em sign, his campaign just might find itself doing a little damage control among the Aggie vote. Oh, who are we kidding.

    The Aggies are all Republicans, arent they governor? (The Statesman, 2008).

    Date: April 29, 2008Source: MSNBC, Associated PressTitle/Headline:Obama Hoops It Up With North Carolina Players

    Abstract: For all his basketball skills, Barack Obama was out of his league. The Democratic presidential candidate played hoops

    with the University of North Carolina team on Tuesday, a Final Four squad that cut the 46 -year-old some slack. These guys move

    very fast, puffed Obama, as he raced up and down the court with the much younger and much bigger college players, many of

    whom dwarfed the 6-foot-2 Obama. The Illinois senator is a workout enthusiast, and basketball is his chosen game. He decided to openhis day with the Tar Heels, including star Tyler Hansbrough, a 6-foot-9 All-American who spent part of his morning guarding Obama. At

    one point, Obama slipped past Hansbrough for a layup, which rimmed out. Ever the realist, Obama recognized what had happened.Hansbrough went easy on me, Obama said. I thought I had it. Obama often plays pickup basketball games with local backers. He

    toured the Tar Heel sports complex with Coach Roy Williams, and conceded he had moved up a notch. Let me tell you, these g uysare big and fast, said Obama, catching his breath on the sidelines. In his March NCAA tournament picks, Obama selected NorthCarolina, but the Tar Heels lost to eventual champion Kansas in the semifinals. Though the players, who were relishing banging on each

    other, gave Obama his shots, he was unable to score. At one point he dished off a nifty, behind the back pass that nearly set up an assist.Neither side kept score (MSNBC, 2008).

    Date: May 9, 2008

    Source: Oregon Live, Rachel BachmanTitle/Headline: Obama Speaks To 8,000 At University Of Oregon

    Abstract:After introductions by Oregon men's basketball coach Ernie Kent -- along with U.S. Reps. Wu and DeFazio -- BarackObama entered to thunderous applause from a crowd estimated by fire officials at about 8,000. Bruce Springsteen's "The Rising"

    boomed over a sound system. Obama walked out of the The Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art and onto the Memorial Quadrangle at dusk,

    around 8:10 p.m. It was a dramatic scene, Obama against a backdrop of the museum's ornate brick exterior and a riser full of supporters,facing a riser of television cameras and a long, grassy mall of standing supporters. As Obama began, he noted that he had been introduced

    by the men's basketball coaches at Oregon and Oregon State at different speaking engagements. "That's a sign of being able to bring

    anybody together in this country." Obama went on to speak of the failed policies of President George Bush and the war in Iraq.When Obama noted the high price of gas, he said, "You're riding your bike, aren't you?" -- to a big cheer, of course (Bachman,2008).

    Date: May 16, 2008Source: Media General, Sean Mussenden

    Title/Headline:Top Obama Aide Goes From Duke Basketball Court To DC

    Abstract: On the campaign trail, there are hundreds of young staffers who have been working their entire lives to get a job in the WhiteHouse. And then there's Reggie Love. At 26, Love, a former Duke University basketball and football star isn't exactly sure how heended up as one of Barack Obama's most indispensable aides on the trail this year. As Obama's "body man," he has spent almost

    every hour of every day with the presumptive Democratic nominee for the last 15 months. He makes sure Obama gets up on time in themorning, gets in the shower and has breakfast. He makes sure he has his daily briefing books and list of fundraisers or super delegates tocall that day. He makes sure he gets to bed at night. In between, he does a thousand other tasks that busy presidential candidateslike Obama cannot do for themselves. Love isn't quite sure how he ended up here. That's remarkable in an arena populated by young,

    careerist politicos, the former class president-types who have been angling for positions like his since high school. Love, a Charlotte

    native, majored in political science at Duke University. But until he fell backwards into a job in Obama's senate office in

    Washington in early 2006, he didn't expect to actually work in politics. "Before I started working for Barack, I was very cynical,%20sally&txtState=TX&txt2008=Y&txt2006=Y&Order=N,%20sally&txtState=TX&txt2008=Y&txt2006=Y&Order=N,%20sally&txtState=TX&txt2008=Y&txt2006=Y&Order=N
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    about politics," he said in an interview earlier this month. He hoped to become a professional athlete. And while many people harbor such

    dreams unrealistically, Love almost made it - and still might, at least overseas. He was never the best player on Duke's basketball team

    during his run from 2000 to 2005. Playing forward and center, though, he was a key role player during a stretch where Duke won a

    national championship and several Atlantic Coast Conference championships. On Duke's sub-par football team, Love stood out. As

    a 6-foot four-inch, 225 pound wide receiver, he was good enough to try out for two NFL squads, the Dallas Cowboys and the GreenBay Packers, though he missed the cut for both. In 2006, he was considering entering a training program for a Wall Street investment

    bank, when a friend alerted him to an opening in Obama's senate office in Washington. He got the job, and when Obama decided to runfor president, Love moved on with him. Mentally, he says, the last 15 months on the campaign trail have been like playing four straightseasons of college sports. Physically, he's feeling better than he did during the bruising NFL training camps. In an interview with the

    Chicago Tribune, Obama pointed out that one of the body man's most important roles is making sure the candidate isn't overwhelmed bydemands to call fundraisers, or meet local supporters or read a draft of a speech. Love's temperament is suited for the job, he said. "People

    ...want me here or want me there, or are making requests, or are wanting some phone call out of me. Having somebody who is a

    good people person is really important," he said of Love. At a campaign rally in Charlotte, Love's hometown, the weekend before theNorth Carolina primary, Obama coaxed a reluctant Love onto the stage, calling him "one of the staffers I love the most." "He is

    there, day in, day out, never complains, has always got a cheerful attitude," Obama told the crowd. "He is ...going places."

    Basketball rivalries within North Carolina are fierce, and hatred of Duke is intense in many pockets. Love said he didn't meet a singleperson who said they would not vote for Obama because of his decision to bring a Blue Devil on staff. "Even though the Duke-Carolinarivalry is fierce, there's some civility to it. Much more so than with the (University of) Maryland fans," he said. The body man position has

    been around for years, but only gained notoriety with the television show "The West Wing" that made a lead character of the president's

    body man, Charlie Young. The job is both exhausting and frequently repetitive, and includes lots of menial jobs. At a soul food restaurantin Greensboro on the eve of the North Carolina primary, Love held Obama's box of hot wings while the candidate worked the crowd.

    The pressure is intense. He and other staffers are surrounded by hundreds of members of the media, so the potential ofaccidentally saying something to damage the campaign is real. Even seemingly trivial things get reported. For example, earlier this

    month, Obama, Love and other staffers went to the back of the campaign plane to challenge members of the press to a game of Taboo, a

    word association game. Players offer clues to teammates to get them to guess words. One of the clues Love came up with, "where gaypeople buy clothes" was reported by dozens of news outlets. Obama guessed Abercrombie & Fitch. The answer was the Gap. Despitethe drawbacks, the benefits of the job are many. The body man, in both the White House and on the campaign trail, gets to see history

    being made up close. And there are fun parts. Love, Obama and other staffers play basketball on the road when time allows. And it

    opens doors. Blake Gottesman, President George W. Bush's body man for most of his tenure, left the White House in 2006 and wasgranted admission to Harvard's graduate business school despite his never having received an undergraduate degree. It helpedDoug Band, who did the job for President Clinton, run in circles that led to his dating supermodel Naomi Campbell, according to the

    Washington Post. Before the campaign started, Love had considered moving overseas to join a professional basketball league after it ended.

    Now, he's worried that he might be too old. He acknowledges that if Obama wins, working in the White House would be a niceperk. Even if he never expected to end up there (Mussenden, 2008).

    Date: October 3, 2008Source: Word Press, Kamryn LoveTitle/Headline:Obama Receives Michigan State University Honorary Jersey

    Abstract: Standing before an estimated 20,000-person crowd that would have overfilled Breslin Center by 3,720 people,

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama received a Spartans basketball jersey with his name and the number 08 on theback Thursday afternoon. He modeled it for the audience that blanketed Adams Field off West Circle Drive to a thunderous applause, justbefore he delved into issues such as the economy, energy and education. Everybody has to vote. You have no excuses, Obama told thecrowd, including some members who had arrived as early as 9 a.m. for the 2:30 p.m. speech. But you have to go get cousin Pookie, you

    know, Ray-Ray, whos sitting on the couch loafing around. You have to get them registered and get them out to vote as well. Obamamight as well have been in Breslin Center, as he led a raucous Go Green, Go White chant and paid homage to Earvin MagicJohnson, who led MSU to the national basketball championship during Obamas senior year of high school in 1979 (Love, 2008).

    Date: November 5, 2008Source: ESPN, Lester MunsonTitle/Headline:Change Is Coming To Sports, Too, Under Obama

    Abstract: It will take some time, maybe 1,000 days, to measure the full impact that President-elect Barack Obama will have on the world

    of sports, but we can already circle a couple of upcoming dates and make some educated guesses about his role in the games we play andwatch. On the afternoon of the 76th day of his presidency (Monday, April 6), Obama will be back on Chicago's South Side to join

    fellow White Sox fans at U.S. Cellular Field for Opening Day against the Kansas City Royals. And on the 255th day of his

    presidency (Friday, Oct. 2), he will be in Copenhagen, Denmark, telling the members of the International Olympic Committee whythe 2016 Summer Olympics must be in Chicago. Obama's allegiance to the Sox (he does not hesitate to express his scorn for fans of theChicago Cubs) and his support for an Olympics in Chicago are absolute. In an interview with ESPN's Stuart Scott that aired on"SportsCenter" in August, Obama was asked who he would root for in a Cubs-White Sox World Series. This was his answer: "Oh, that's

    easy. White Sox. I'm not one of these fair-weather fans. You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer; beautiful people up there. Peoplearen't watching the game. It's not serious. White Sox, that's baseball. South Side." On other issues facing the sports industry, Obamaviews are a bit less certain.

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    However, a review of his campaign statements and position papers as well as interviews with his friends and former colleagues

    at the University of Chicago indicate that an Obama administration is likely to:

    Produce major tax increases for team owners and players; Slow sales of professional teams; Increase the powers of player unions; More vigorously enforce the requirements of Title IX; And begin to resolve the serious clashes between sports cable networks such as the NFL Network and the Big Ten Network and

    cable providers such as Comcast.

    Obama's views on other critical sports issues, including performance-enhancing drugs and stricter controls on the powers and the

    finances of the NCAA, are unknown. Experts agree that Obama's support for Chicago's 2016 Olympics bid will be critical and that

    his presence in Copenhagen could easily win the Olympics for Chicago. Former British prime minister Tony Blair's charismaticpresentations were said to have led the IOC to pass over Paris, which seemed to have the leading bid after New York City's attempt to getthe Games collapsed, and give the 2012 Olympics to London. Chicago's competition for the 2016 Games includes Madrid, Spain; Rio deJaneiro, Brazil; and Tokyo. Obama, who appeared at a downtown Chicago rally in support of the bid in June shortly after he won the

    Democratic nomination, could have an even greater impact on the IOC than Blair did, according to Olympics experts. "He will be the rock

    star of the Copenhagen meeting," observes Allen Sanderson, a professor of sports economics at the University of Chicago. "We saw

    the crowd he drew in Berlin, and he will remain in the glow of an historic election triumph when he asks for IOC votes." In late

    July, some 200,000 people attended an Obama speech in front of Berlin's Victory Column, designed in part to demonstrate his

    desire to improve America's image in Europe and the rest of the world. Japanese Olympic officials already have expressed theirconcern that Obama could turn the tide in favor of Chicago when the IOC votes in October. "Mr. Obama is popular and good atspeeches, so things could get tough for Japan," said Tomiaki Fukuda, a senior Japanese Olympic Committee board member. If Sen. John

    McCain had won the election, the U.S. bid to play host to the 2016 Olympics might have been negatively affected. Many IOC membersremember McCain's scathing investigation of the bribery scandal involving IOC members who helped award the 2002 Winter Olympics toSalt Lake City. Two members of the Salt Lake City bid committee were indicted, and McCain's investigation led to major changes in theIOC and the U.S. Olympic Committee. Many IOC members remain bitter over McCain's aggressive efforts for reform. An Olympics in his

    home city of Chicago in the late summer of 2016 would be a grand finale for an Obama presidency that would be about to wind

    down if he were re-elected to a second term. Of more importance than the 2016 Olympics, of course, is the state of the economy, andObama's attempts to restore it to health could have far-reaching effects on sports. "The sports industry needs and wants the economyback," says Marc Ganis, a consultant in sports finance who has worked for numerous professional teams and leagues and most recentlyquarterbacked the deal that produced the new Yankee Stadium. "Fans must be able to buy tickets and cable television packages.

    Businesses must be able to buy sponsorships and skyboxes. The industry may be recession-resistant, but it is not recession-proof.We need a return to health." Part of the Obama prescription for the economy could hurt both owners and players. Throughout hiscampaign, Obama promised that he would increase taxes on individuals who earn more than $250,000 per year. That would take

    money out of the pockets of wealthy team owners and well-paid players. The Major League Baseball minimum salary, for example,will be $400,000 next year. "It will be an increase that they will notice," Sanderson observes. Already, a number of baseball agents are

    saying they might attempt to have their free agents signed, sealed and delivered to new teams by Jan. 1. Among Obama's economic

    proposals is an increase of the top federal income tax rate from 35 percent to 39.6 percent, but signing bonuses paid before the start of thenew year likely wouldn't be subject to the new rate. Too, Obama's campaign promises about capital gains and inheritance taxes, if andwhen implemented, will complicate the sale and transfer of team ownerships. Wayne Huizenga, the owner of the Miami Dolphins, told

    the South Florida Sun-Sentinel recently that he will attempt to complete the sale of his team to Steve Ross, a New York real estatemogul, before the end of 2008 to avoid Obama's promised increase in the capital gains tax. Obama's economic plan calls for anincrease in that tax from 15 percent of the investment gain to 20 percent, a hike of one -third. An Obama-promised increase in estate taxescould also provide problems for team owners. If the tax is increased, the death of a principal owner could lead to serious problems for a

    family trying to keep control of the team. The NFL's St. Louis Rams, according to some reports, are for sale as the result of the

    impact of inheritance taxes at current rates. In addition to his changes in the tax structure, Obama may seek changes in the laws thatgovern unions. After enjoying strong support from organized labor during his campaign, Obama can be expected to increase the leverage of

    player unions through appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, the forum that regulates collective bargaining between players

    and owners. He may also introduce legislation that would ban replacement workers, a reform that has long been a goal of the labor

    movement. Under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, the NLRB was slow to consider and even slower to decide cases

    that involved allegations of unfair bargaining practices on the part of team owners. Union representatives, who requested anonymitybecause of the sensitive nature of the issues, told that they look forward to a more aggressive NLRB that will be quick to decide

    player complaints against team owners. As early as last summer, the late Gene Upshaw, the leader of the NFL Players Association

    who died in August, said he was looking forward to a President Obama introducing legislation that would ban replacement

    workers. Known to labor activists as "scabs," replacement workers are hired to replace striking workers, a device that destroyedan Upshaw-led strike in 1989. Upshaw was anticipating a radically different situation when the NFL's current collective bargaining

    agreement expires in 2011. In addition to the changes he will enact on the professional level, Obama's approach to governing can beexpected to have some indirect impacts in college sports. Coaches, athletes and administrators in a number of so-called minor sports,

    such as wrestling, have long been wary that their sports will be eliminated to meet the equality of gender requirements of Title IX,and they cannot be happy about Obama's election. With President Bush in the White House and Dennis Hastert, a former wrestling

    coach, serving as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, participants in those sports had some hope that Title IX requirementsmight be diluted. Bush and his staff looked hard at Title IX and the possibility of enacting changes in the regulations of the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services that govern Title IX, but they backed away as opposition to any changes grew. Obama, the

    father of two daughters, might not be sympathetic to those hoping to lessen the impact of Title IX. In an issue that affects both

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    college and professional sports, both sides of an acrimonious dispute between sports cable networks and cable providers will bewatching closely as Obama appoints a new chair of the Federal Communications Commission. Professor James Speta, atelecommunications expert at the Northwestern University Law School, explains that Obama has already committed himself to the idea of

    "network neutrality" for Internet providers, an idea that guarantees consumers can decide what Internet sites they want and preventsproviders from blocking consumers from certain sites. "If you take his position on the Internet one step further, you can see that

    Obama will support the idea that a cable TV customer should be able to choose any network he wishes to watch," Speta says. If

    Speta's assertion proves to be correct, it will be good news for the NFL Network, the Big 10 Network and other content providers

    who want cable companies to offer their networks to customers. On other issues, even after a campaign that went on for 22 months,little is known of Obama's positions. Although both the Bush administration and Sen. McCain were aggressive in their approaches to the

    elimination of performance-enhancing drugs, Obama has not spoken on the issue. Will he agree with Bush and McCain, that steroidsand other drugs must be eliminated? Or will he be sympathetic to the position of Donald Fehr and the Major League Players

    Association, that regulation and testing should be a private matter between players and owners? If federal authorities do notconclude their perjury investigation of Roger Clemens before Bush leaves office, Obama and his attorney general will face a decision onClemens that will be a signal of their approach on these drugs. Obama's position on the NCAA and its tax exemptions also is unknown.

    With the NCAA earning billions from football and basketball while competing with the NFL and the NBA for entertainment

    dollars, many in Congress want an investigation of its tax-exempt status. Obama has not spoken on the issue. In 76 days, Obama

    will take the oath of office as the 44th president of the United States. In the 1,000 days that follow, he will help support the White

    Sox, and he will help his city try to win an Olympics bid and perhaps stage the Games. Decision by decision, day by day, his impacton the world of sports will emerge. His promises of hope and change may lead to solutions to problems that have vexed commissioners,

    owners, coaches and athletes for years. It will be an interesting ride (Munson, 2008).

    Date:November 21, 2008Source: The New York Times, Jeff Zeleny

    Title/Headline: Obama Makes A Pitch For Chicagos Olympic Bid

    Abstract: President-elect Barack Obama donned his salesmans hat on Friday and made his first formal pitch to promote Chicagos bid forthe 2016 summer Olympics. In the coming years, my administration will bring a fresh perspective on Americas role and

    responsibilities around the world, Mr. Obama said. But if we are to truly meet our shared challenges, we must all work together.

    By uniting the world in a peaceful celebration of human achievement, the Olympic Games reminds us that this is possible. Mr.

    Obama delivered his remarks through a 90-second videotaped address that was played to the general assembly of the European OlympicCommittee during a meeting in Istanbul. Chicago is engaged in a four-city competition for the games, with Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo and

    Madrid also vying to be selected. The long-distance appearance by Mr. Obamahis first foray into Olympic politicsunderscored

    the degree to which he is willing to go to get involved on Chicagos behalf in its quest to win the games. For the United States, he

    said, the Olympics would be a moment to reach out, welcome the world to our shores and strengthen our friendship s across the

    globe. I deeply believe in the Olympic movement and have long supported hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games in myhome city of Chicago, Mr. Obama said. Over the past two years, I have spoken often about my belief that while we may come from

    different places and backgrounds, there are certain shared values that unite us, values at the heart of the Olympic movement: friendship,excellence and mutual respect. Mayor Richard M. Daley Jr. of Chicago, who was attending the meeting in Istanbul, introduced the videoof Mr. Obama. The image showed the president-elect in a formal backdrop, sitting at a table with an American flag at his side.

    Chicago will make its final presentation to the International Olympic Committee on Oct. 2, 2009, a trip that Mr. Obama is

    expected to make during his first year in the White House. But should Chicago win the Olympics, that doesnt necessarily

    guarantee that President Obama will be around to welcome the games to Chicago. He, of course, has to win re-election in four years.But if he does, the 2016 games would come in the final summer of his second term in office, a fitting bookend to the worldwide attentionhis candidacy has drawn to Chicago (Zeleny, 2008).

    Date: January 9, 2009Source: ReutersTitle/Headline:Obama Backs College Football Playoffs

    Abstract: He doesnt have a vote in the process, but President-elect Barack Obama says college football needs a playoff system.Florida defeated Oklahoma 24-14 on Thursday night to win the national college football championship. The Gators victory has notstopped the annual debatemostly among sports writers and other fans of the gameover whether the top four or eight teams should

    play each other to determine a national winner. Obama, in a light moment at the end of a news conference, congratulated Florida for

    its victory but said other top teams such as Utah, the University of Southern California or Texas might have a case to make forbeing No. 1. If Im Utah, if Im USC, or if Im Texas, I may still have some quibbles. And youve heard my pitch. Thats why weneed a playoff, he said. College presidents have argued against a playoff system by saying it would take the student-athletes away fromtheir studies for an extended period (Reuters, 2009).

    Date: January 30, 2009Source: U.S. News & World Report, Kenneth T. WalshTitle/Headline:Obama's Big Endorsement: Steelers Over Cardinals In Super Bowl

    Abstract: Presidents are usually careful not to take sides in big sporting events, like Sunday's Super Bowl. They don't want to

    alienate the fans of either team, so they generally praise both sides and leave it at that. Not Barack Obama.He threw caution and even-

    handedness out the window yesterday and endorsed the Pittsburgh Steelers in their Super Bowl matchup against the Arizona
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    Cardinals. "Other than the [Chicago] Bears, the Steelers are probably the team that's closest to my heart," Obama told reporters in

    the Oval Office. The president is a longtime resident of Chicago and former senator from Illinois. Obama waded deeper into dangerouswaters when he pointed out that Steelers president Art Rooney II and coach Mike Tomlin had both supported him in the presidential

    campaign. Obama did have some praise for the underdog Cardinals, however. "[Quarterback] Kurt Warner is a great story and he's closer tomy age than anybody else on the field, but I am a long-time Steelers fan. You know, I wish the best to the Cardinals. They've been long-suffering. It's a great Cinderella story, but..." Obama plans to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday with a group of invited friends,

    members of Congress from both parties, and other guests at the White House. During the pregame show, he has scheduled a live

    interview with NBC's Matt Lauer. Vice President Joe Biden, who was born in Scranton, Pa., also backs the Steelers. He told CNBC, "Iknow you're supposed to be one of these guys that says I'm not sure. But I want to make clear, I'm rooting for the Steelers. Go, Mr.

    Rooney!" (Walsh, 2009).

    Date: January 31, 2009

    Source: Fox News, Associated PressTitle/Headline: Obama To Host Democrats, Republicans At White House Super Bowl Party

    Abstract: It's an invitation few would turn down: Watching the Super Bowl at the White House with President Barack Obama

    playing host. Obama is inviting a group of lawmakers to join him for tomorrow's NFL championship game between the PittsburghSteelers and the Arizona Cardinals. With no Chicago team for Obama to cheer, the president says he's rooting for Pittsburgh, but that healso wishes Arizona the best. Five of the 15 lawmakers invited to join Obama are from Pennsylvania, and two are from Arizona. There are

    four senators and 11 representatives. The group includes 11 Democrats and four Republicans. The White House says the gathering is

    another step in the president's continuing effort to get to know lawmakers better in hopes of reducing the partisan rancor as they

    work together on the people's business. (The invited lawmakers are: Sens. Bob Casey, D-Pa.; Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; Amy Klobuchar,

    D-Minn.; and Arlen Specter, R-Pa.; and Reps. Elijah Cummings, D-Md.; Artur Davis, D-Ala.; Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.; Charlie

    Dent, R-Pa.; Mike Doyle, D-Pa.; Trent Franks, R-Ariz.; Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz.; Paul Hodes, D-N.H.; Patrick Murphy, D-Pa.; Fred

    Upton, R-Mich.; and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C.) (Fox News, 2009).

    Date: February 14, 2009Source: The Huffington Post

    Title/Headline:Obama NBA All-Star Game Halftime Message About Community Service

    Abstract: It's another call for public service from President Barack Obama. He says all Americans should help out in their

    communities. That could mean reading to children or repairing basketball courts. The basketball-playing president taped a message

    for Sunday night's NBA All-Star Game in Phoenix. The White House released excerpts ahead of the broadcast. Obama's taped

    message will air at halftime. The president is encouraging people to visit a Web site to find jobs that

    need done near their homes. He says everything from putting together care packages for troops and fixing up basketball courts can help.(The Huffington Post, 2009).

    Date: February 26, 2009Source: NBA, Adam FluckTitle/Headline:Bulls Visit President Obama At White House

    Abstract: President Barack Obamas day began with a discussion on the fiscal year budget of 2010. And no, his remarks did not

    touch on the impending free agency of LeBron James or Dwyane Wade. His daily briefing with senior advisors in the Oval Officefollowed, as did a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus in the State Dining Room, and eventually, a get together with Vice

    President Biden and Secretary of State Clinton. Before the afternoon ended, though, President Obama found time to say hello t o somespecial guests from his hometown, as the Chicago Bulls team visited with him in the Blue Room of the White House on Thursday

    afternoon. It was crazy just being here, Bulls guardDerrick Rosesaid just before leaving the grounds. Ive never had the chanceto be at the White House, but the President gave us the opportunity to come so thats what we did. I was nervous just to stand nextto him, but then for someone like him to even know my name was just amazing. Rose said that the visit, which included a tour of theWhite House, was one hell always remember. Along with his teammates, he was able to personally meet President Obama, have abriefdiscussion with him, and pose for photos. He knewjust about everyone on our team and you could tell hes a real Bulls fan, Rose

    said. The 20-year old rookie said hes taken on a new interest in politics since Obamas historic campaign and election. Im

    definitely reading the papers and online more often, and my Mom calls me a lot to talk about politics, Rose explained. Shes

    trying to make me more aware and involved, knowing that it will be good for me to really know whats going on in the world. Already a role model himself, Rose said that the example President Obamaa fellow Chicagoansets is one that he constantly tries tofollow. He gives you hope, Rose said. Just like no one thought he would become President, no one thought that I could grow up

    and become the first pick in the draft. I thinkit gives people everywhere a little extra hope. "The opportunity to visit President

    Obama at the White House is a great honor for the Chicago Bulls organization," stated Steve Schanwald, Executive Vice President ofBusiness Operations for the team, prior to the meeting. "The President has been a fan of the Bulls for many years and we are very
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    appreciative of this opportunity to say hello to him and pay our respects" (Fluck, 2009).

    Date: February 27, 2009Source: NBC Sports, Associated PressTitle/Headline:Obama Takes In Wizards Win Over Bulls

    Abstract:Caron Butler implored the officials not to start the game until a certain special spectator reached his front-row seat. And

    when President Barack Obama finally arrived Friday night, delaying the tipoff by a few minutes, Butler and the rest of the WashingtonWizards set out to send a message to the First Fan by beating his Chicago Bulls. He truly is a die-hard Bulls fan, Butler said.

    Hopefully we can convert him a little bit. With the Hoopster-in-Chief at courtsidethe first president in nearly a decade to make themile-or-so jaunt over from the White House to attend an NBA gameand buoyed by a louder-than-usual crowd in a fuller-than-usual

    arena, Butler and his last-place Wizards embarrassed Obamasteam with a 113-90 victory over the Bulls (NBC Sports, 2009).

    Date: March 18, 2009

    Source: ESPN, Andy KatzTitle/Headline:Presidential Pick 'Em At The White House

    Abstract: President Barack Obama has studied Lincoln and FDR to help guide him through the early stages of his presidency. But

    he is very much a modern man, never too far from keeping up with the latest college basketball injury updates, the depth issues ofOklahoma, the strong finish by Florida State and the late entry into the NCAA tournament by Arizona. So on a Tuesday afternoon in theWhite House Map Room, we wait for the president to fill out his official bracket. The oversized whiteboard, with a presidential seal, sits

    on an easel a few feet below a framed, formerly top-secret situation map from April 3, 1945. It details the strength of certain

    German divisions and includes projections for the German army for May 1, 1945. President Franklin D. Roosevelt died nine daysafter this map was made. Germany surrendered in Europe a month later on May 7. History creaks around every corner of this place, fromthe framed paintings of former presidents and first ladies to the chandeliers hanging above the state dining room to a coffee pot used byPresident John Adams more than 200 years ago. But the juxtaposition of a president well-versed in the history of the men who have

    held the office before him and the brand-new playground that was built for first daughters Sasha and Malia about 50 feet outsidethe Oval Office makes doing a tourney bracket in the nation's most treasured house seem less surreal. For many of us in our 40s, the

    NCAA tournament became a major sporting event beginning with the 1979 championship game featuring Michigan State's Magic Johnson

    and Indiana State's Larry Bird (Magic and the Spartans prevailed). It was no different for Obama, who was a senior in high school at the

    time. "The memory of Magic, and Bird, and [Greg] Kelser, all those guys it was an unbelievable game, and invigorated not only

    college basketball but ultimately pro basketball as well," Obama said. "So for any kind of basketball fan, Indiana State-Michigan

    State, that still is one of the greatest games of all time." The first round of this year's tournament begins Thursday, and plenty of WhiteHouse workers, as well as countless office personnel around the country, might slip away for a few minutes to watch some of the games.Will Obama? "I think the chances are high," he said. The president doesn't want to touch the field of 65, so you won't find him pushing for

    expansion. He relishes this format and doesn't want any sort of change, unlike his publicized stance on the need for a college footballplayoff system. "This is it," Obama said pointing to the bracket. "This is it. You know, you don't want to start letting it be like

    the NBA. People who are sub-.500 get into the playoffs. There's something wrong with that." So with Secretary of State HillaryClinton and Defense Secretary Robert Gates holding meetings nearby, and a state dinner with Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen to come --

    it was St. Patrick's Day, after all, and the president had on a green tie as the fountains showered green-dyed water -- Obama slipped downto the Map Room to break down the bracket. He proved to be as educated and knowledgeable as those who make this a trade. The

    president had worked on his bracket earlier in the morning, going over it with press secretary Robert Gibbs, an Auburn, Ala.,

    native who was still disappointed his Tigers didn't advance far enough in the SEC tournament to land a bid. Obama, though, didn't

    seem to need much advice when it came time to pick. He dove right into the first round, with only a few upsets here and there , notably No.11 VCU over No. 6 UCLA in the East Regional in Philadelphia. "VCU, I think, has been playing strong, and I hate to say this, because

    my brother-in-law is in the Pac-10 right now, but the Pac-10 has been looking pretty weak this year," Obama said. "I like that as

    an upset." He picked No. 11 Temple over No. 6 Arizona State in the South, too. Craig Robinson, Obama's brother-in-law, is the coach at

    Oregon State and led the Beavers to seven Pac-10 wins in his first season, after OSU went winless in the league a year ago. Obama pickedagainst five of the six Pac-10 schools in the first round, selecting 4-seed Washington (over 13-seed Mississippi State) as the one leagueteam to advance. "I want him to have an incentive, knowing that I think the rest of the Pac-10 can be taken next year," Obama said

    of Robinson's team, which earned a berth in the College Basketball Invitational with a 13-17 record. "I think the Beavers are on

    their way." Contrary to many brackets around the country, Obama went against a trendy 12-5 upset pick, selecting Utah over Arizona.Did it have anything to do with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), whom he defeated in last year's presidential election? "It has nothing to dowith McCain," Obama said. "I think Arizona is a great state. I love playing golf there. But they just squeaked in." Washington was

    pegged as a second-round loser to Purdue, a team Obama was high on because of its finish. The president went with Villanova over VCU

    in the second round but picked Duke over Nova in the Sweet 16. Obama's personal aide, former Duke basketball and football player ReggieLove, was standing a few feet from the easel. Obama and Love are regular hoops players, and the latter watched his alma mater againstMaryland last month at the Comcast Center. "Because of Reggie Love, I've got to pick Duke," Obama said. The whole way? "No, no,

    not the whole way. Come on," Obama said. How much influence does Love have? "He doesn't have that much influence," Obama
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    said. He chided his aide by saying a year ago Love picked the Blue Devils to go all the way, and then added, "I think it sort ofstopped here," pointing to the second round of the bracket. Florida State lost in the ACC tournament title game to Duke. Obama clearlyknew the Seminoles have been on a roll of late, led by ACC Player of the Year runner-up Toney Douglas. But he picked Pitt to beat the

    Seminoles and advance to the Elite Eight against Duke. "Pitt is looking strong," he said. "I think[DeJuan] Blair is a man." In the 2008election, Obama won Pittsburgh, a key city in the swing state of Pennsylvania. "I've had good luck with Pittsburgh," Obama said. "It

    turned Pennsylvania. They came through in the Super Bowl. So I figure let's keep riding them a little bit longer." My bracket has

    Pitt over Duke, too. Did he get my picks in advance? "I didn't look at your picks," Obama said with a laugh. "I promise you, to

    win, Andy, I'm not looking at your picks." Picking Pitt over Duke was his toughest selection. He looked over at Love and said thatdespite the "skilled perimeter players, they just don't have the muscle inside. I think Blair is going to eat them up ." Love smiled, but his

    loyalty at this point in his life has to be to Obama, not Mike Krzyzewski. "Reggie says [Kyle] Singler is going to be able to guard Blair,"Obama said. "I don't think so." So Pitt advanced out of the East to Obama's Final Four. North Carolina is his pick in the South. A

    year ago, when he was still Senator Obama from Illinois, he played a pickup game with the Tar Heels after the Final Four during a

    campaign stop in Chapel Hill before the North Carolina Democratic primary. "Here's what I like about Carolina: experience and

    balance," Obama said. When asked about the issue of point guard Ty Lawson's toe, Obama responded, "I'm a little concerned about that.But I've got to assume that he's coming to play." Further down in the bracket, Obama said he hated to do it to his home state of Illinois, but

    he went with Gonzaga over the Illini. He knew coach Bruce Weber's team missed the NCAAs last year, but "they're making progress,"Obama said. Syracuse got the nod to play Oklahoma in the Sweet 16 at the bottom half of the South bracket. "The problem with

    Oklahoma, they have the player of the year [Blake Griffin], but they play, like, seven guys," Obama said. "I think you start getting

    worn down." Obama said he watched the ESPN highlights of Syracuse's six-overtime win against Connecticut in the Big East

    tournament quarterfinals. Why he didn't last into the night? "I can't be staying up until 2 in the morning," he said. "I've got work todo." He picked North Carolina over Syracuse in the South Regional final, setting up a Pitt-UNC national semifinal. Louisville coach RickPitino was an assistant at Hawaii when Obama was living in Honolulu. Obama, who was known as "Barry O'Bomber" when he played forPunahou High, said he used to go to the old Neal Blaisdell Arena on the University of Hawaii campus. "I saw him at Blaisdell and

    always thought he was a great coach," Obama said. "So I think he's going to do a good job here." Louisville sailed through to

    Obama's Sweet 16. Obama liked West Virginia, but couldn't go against Kansas for a number of reasons. His late mother, AnnDunham, was from Kansas. He also just named Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius the new secretary of the Department of Health and

    Human Services. Oh, and there's one other reason: "Kansas is a young team, maturing -- Bill Self has done an outstanding job

    there." But he still went with Michigan State over the Jayhawks in the Sweet 16. "[MSU coach Tom] Izzo always has great teams," hesaid. Obama had Louisville over Michigan State to reach Detroit. In the West, Obama advanced Connecticut and Purdue to the Sweet 16,

    with the Huskies winning. He struggled with Marquette and Missouri in the bottom part of the bracket. He knew Dominic James was outfor the Golden Eagles and, after hedging, went with Mizzou to advance to the Sweet 16. Obama went local with Maryland over Cal, but

    had Memphis beating Maryland and Missouri. "I think Memphis has got a very athletic team," Obama said. "I think they've got a

    good shot." Obama said UConn is a "fine institution" but picked Memphis in the West Regional final, "so that's my Final Fourright there." During at least the start of Final Four weekend, the president will be with first lady Michelle Obama and his key staffmembers at the NATO summit in France during a March 31-April 5 trip to England, France, Germany and the Czech Republic. "We'regoing to be watching it, but it will probably be 2 in the morning where we are," Obama said. "I'm not going to be able to watch any

    game the whole way through, but we're going to be checking the scores." What if he's on Air Force One during the games? "Air ForceOne does have DirecTV," Obama answered. With his final selections, the president had Louisville beating old rival Memphis in onesemifinal and North Carolina outlasting Pitt in the other. The overall winner? The most powerful person in the world is like many of you:He predicts the Tar Heels will be cutting down the nets in Detroit. "I'm going with experience, and I think that Lawson is going to be

    healthy. I think having an experienced point guard who can control the game and make free throws at the end, that's going to be

    the difference," Obama said. The commander in chief then turned to an ESPN camera, offering this pep talk for coach Roy Williams'crew: "Now, for the Tar Heels who are watching, I picked you all last year -- you let me down. This year, don't embarrass me in

    front of the nation, all right? I'm counting on you. I still got those sneakers you guys gave me." Regardless of the pep talk to UNC,

    I didn't budge, sticking with my original pick of Pittsburgh to win it all. "If Pitt wins, you'll get some commemorative White House

    M&M's," Obama said. "What do I get?" Maybe some ESPN swag, Mr. President? "An ESPN T-shirt?" Obama laughed. "A water

    bottle?" And then he was off, with his bracket in hand, folded and ready to reference on Thursday as the first-round results come tricklingin. As we exited, one senior staffer said this might have been the one "fun thing" the president did all day. The serious work -- and

    there's plenty of it -- was taken care of before and after our brief meeting. But during those 20 minutes in the Map Room, one thingbecame readily apparent: As will be the case in so many houses throughout this vast nation, the upcoming NCAA tournament -- thiscommunal event we call March Madness -- will certainly have its place in the nation's First Home of Hoops. And if you don't believe me,let's have someone from the Secret Service check the trash bin next to the president's desk in the Oval Office. Chances are there will be a

    torn and crumpled-up bracket in there by this time next week. And hey, who can't relate to that? (Katz, 2009).

    Date: March 19, 2009

    Source: Washington Post, Mary Ann AkersTitle/Headline:Obama Likens His Bowling Game To Special Olympics

    Abstract: President Obama seemed relaxed and in good cheer tonight during his appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." But
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    there was one misstep that surely made his advisers wince. Leno asked the president whether the White House bowling alley had been

    "burned and closed down" in light of Obama's gutter ball embarrassment on the campaign trail last year. Obama replied, "No, no.

    I have been practicing . . . I bowled a 129." The audience roared with laughter, and the late-night talk show host assured Obama

    "that's very good, Mr. President." To which Obama interjected, "It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." Theaudience laughed. But the White House didn't let the comment linger without clarification. "The president made an offhand remarkmaking fun of his own bowling that was in no way intended to disparage the Special Olympics," White House spokesman Bill Burtontold reporters flying aboard Air Force One after the taping of the show, according to a transcript released by the White House. "He thinks

    that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world."Also on the "Tonight Show," Leno asked the president when he would finally be making good on his famous campaign promise to reward

    his daughters with a puppy, which so far hasn't surfaced. "Listen, this is Washington. That was a campaign promise," the presidentdeadpanned to much laughter. The president said he was "teasing," and explained that as soon as he returns from the NATO

    summit in France in Germany early next month, the "dog will be in place." Leno asked if the dog would be a "Portuguese WaterHead," referencing first lady Michelle Obama's recent suggestion that the first family was leaning toward a Portuguese Water Dog. The

    president laughed and said, "It's not a 'water head.' That sounds like a scary dog. Sort of dripping around the house." But the first

    dad gave absolutely no hints about what kind of dog - or puppy - it will be. "We're going to get a dog that is -- that I think the girls

    will have a great time -- I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. You know, they say if you want a friend in Washington, get a

    dog." And according to the schedule the president described, his girls will have their new furry friend by Easter (Akers, 2009).

    Date: March 19, 2009

    Source: Fox News, Associated PressTitle/Headline:Duke Coach To Obama: Worry About The Economy, Not NCAA Picks

    Abstract: Barack Obama picked North Carolina to defeat Louisville for the NCAA championship, a relatively safe selection for a

    trailblazing president. Obama spent part of Tuesday making his tournament picks for ESPN, which posted his completed bracket online

    Wednesday and showed the First Fan filling it out with Andy Katz on the noon edition of "Sportscenter." Ofcourse, the president'schoice drew a reaction from the Tar Heels' most intense rival. "Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four,

    and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the

    brackets," Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said from the Blue Devils' first-round site in Greensboro, N.C. The president had top-seededPittsburgh join the No. 1-seeded Tar Heels and Cardinals in the Final Four, but chose second-seeded Memphis to beat Connecticut in the

    West Regional. "I think Memphis has got a very athletic team," Obama told Katz, an ESPN college basketball analyst. "I think they've got agood shot." Perhaps showing some indecision, Obama initially had the Panthers playing Louisville for the national title in the file posted

    online. Pitt was scratched out of the title game in favor of North Carolina, which in turn replaced Louisville in the "champion" box. "Here's

    what I like about Carolina: experience and balance," Obama said. Familiarity, too. Obama played a pickup game with Tyler

    Hansbrough and the Tar Heels while campaigning in North Carolina last April. "Now, for all the Tar Heels who are watching, I

    picked you last year -- you let me down," Obama said. "This year, don't embarrass me in front of the nation, all right? I'mcounting on you. I still got those sneakers you guys gave me." Katz interviewed Obama last October for a story about the president's

    brother-in-law, Oregon State basketball coach Craig Robinson. After the interview, Obama invited Katz to play in a pickup basketballgame on Election Day in Chicago, and he did. Katz extracted a promise from Obama that if elected, the new president would reveal his

    NCAA picks to ESPN when the pairings were announced in March. "They stayed true to their word and didn't hesitate to get it done,"Katz said. (Fox News, 2009).

    Date: March 30, 2009Source: The New York TimesTitle/Headline:Obamas N.B.A. Picks

    Abstract: President Barack ObamasNCAA basketball picks have been well-documented, thanks to ESPN, which scored an

    interview with him two weeks ago in which he meticulously went through his selections with the sports networks college hoops

    guru, Andy Katz. But the First Fanwho picked North Carolina to win the tournamenthas been publicly silent on his picks for

    the upcoming National Basketball playoffs. Until now. At the end of an interview Friday with the New York Times (ostensibly aboutVice President Joseph R. Biden), Mr. Obama was asked which teams he anticipated would meet in the NBA finals. His prediction:

    Cleveland would play the Los Angeles Lakers. No Celtics-Lakers rematch, in other words. The president did not predict a winner,

    but was effusive about the Lebron James-led Cavaliers. Im telling you, those Cavs, Mr. Obama marveled. Theyve only lost

    one game all year at home. Thirty-five and one.(Actually 33 and 1, as of Friday.) And they have home court advantage. Thats pretty

    impressive (The New York Times, 2009).

    Date: April 22, 2009Source: NAVY, Donna MilesTitle/Headline:Obama Honors Navy Football Team For Commitment To Team, Country

    Abstract: President Barack Obama presented the U.S. Naval Academy football team the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy April 21

    during a White House Rose Garden ceremony. Obama extended congratulations to the midshipmen from Annapolis, Md., who

    bested both the U.S. Military Academy "Black Knights" 34-0 and the U.S. Air Force Academy "Falcons" 33-27 during the 2008season. The wins earned Navy the coveted Commander-in-Chief's Trophyand a trip to the White House to receive it -- for the sixthconsecutive year. "By now, you guys know your way around here better than I do," Obama said at the ceremony. Obama offered

    high praise to Navy for its "fearsome offense" as well as the nation's most-improved defense. But amid the levity of the event, he identifiedattributes that make Navy's players unique, including the top graduation rate in the NCAA for four consecutive years and a demanding,,20261257,00.html,,20261257,00.html
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    schedule of coursework and military training. Obama noted that all 32 seniors on the Navy team are "preparing to trade one pr oud uniform

    for anotherand that's the United States of America's uniform." And although the Navy team has won a record 13 consecutive serviceacademy games dating back to the 2002 Army-Navy game, the president told them, "You're all joining the same team now." "Football,

    it's said, makes boys into men," he said. "But the academy makes men and women into leaders. And the bonds that you've built

    and the lessons that you've learned on that field and in your 'four years by the Bay' have prepared you to join and lead the finestfighting force in the history of the world." Obama, who is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at this year's Naval Academygraduation, told the team he has no greater honor or responsibility than serving as their commander in chief. "I'm proud of you," he said.

    "And I promise you this," he continued. "From the minute you put on that uniform to the minute you take it off, and for all the

    days of your life, this country will stand behind you and will be here for you, because we know that you will be there for us."

    During today's ceremony, Obama recognized Lt. Cmdr. Wesley Brown, who in 1949 became the U.S. Naval Academy's first blackgraduate, and for whom the academy's new field house is named. The president also recalled his Hawaiian roots, recognizing two

    fellow Hawaiians: team coach Ken Niumatalolo and Midshipman Kaipo-Noa Kaheaku-Enhada, the starting quarterback.

    Rendering a "shaka" or Hawaiian "hang loose" sign in during the ceremony, Obama noted Niumatalolo's calmness under

    pressure. "That's the Hawaiian spirit," Obama said. "That's how we roll (Miles, 2009).

    Date: April 23, 2009Source: Orlando Sentinel, Mark MatthewsTitle/Headline:Lawmakers Greet Champion Gators Before White House Reception With President Obama

    Abstract: The Capitol Hill crowd isn't known for its boisterous parties, but lawmakers and staffers today mobbed a reception hall

    at the Library of Congress to cheer the Florida Gators hours before the defending national football champions were to visit the

    White House. Congressional aides arrived with helmets, footballs and programs to sign and U.S. Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Bartow,

    even did the gator chomp as soon as he arrived. "It's huge man. But it's getting kind of old. Another year, another championship,"said Putnam, who graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in economics. "it's great that, for a few hours, that the nation's

    capitol is the capitol of Gators nation." Another lawmaker, U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Ocala, presented the team with a flag that he flewover the capitol on Jan. 8the day that the Gators beat the Oklahoma Sooners 24-14. "That shows how much confidence I had that the

    Gators would win," he said. As for the players, they said the experience wasn't too much different than meeting other fans, except

    for the Washington crowd wore more ties. "It's the same, but different attire. But they're still Gator nation," said running back JeffDemps. But he compared the upcoming experience of meeting President Obama to the nerves before a game. "When you're suiting up to

    play, you're fired up [and] I'm fired up to see President Obama. It's kind of like the same feeling," said the rising sophomore who attendedSouth Lake High School. Meanwhile, offensive lineman Corey Hobbs, said the Washington trip was piquing his interest in politi cs and that

    he was hoping to get involved in student government this summer. "I'd like to have a say in the future," said Hobbs, of Oviedo, who alsohopes to go to law school (Matthews, 2009).

    Date: April 27, 2009Source: The Huffington Post, Andrew MigaTitle/Headline:Obama Plays Basketball With UConn Women's Team

    Abstract: Championship ceremony is a White House standard for sports teams. Shooting hoops with the president, now that'ssomething to remember. Moments after Monday's event in front of the South Portico, President Barack Obama hustled theUniversity of Connecticut's women's basketball team over to the outdoor half-court, away from reporters and cameras. The

    president, a former high school player and avid fan who still plays pickup games, prevailed in a brief, impromptu game of P-I-G with a fewof the players. "He was pretty good from 17 feet," said coach Geno Auriemma. "His shot's a little unorthodox, but it goes in ... He's got

    a little bit of that swagger." Renee Montgomery, a senior guard, said Obama only missed one shot and that he sank a final fade-

    away shot from off the court. "He was all over the perimeter," said junior center Tina Charles. After about 10 minutes, Obama walkedback to the White House with his sleeves rolled up and his suit jacket slung over his shoulder. Connecticut dominated women's collegebasketball this season, going 39-0 and beating opponents by an average of better than 30 points. They capped the season earlier this month

    in St. Louis with a 76-54 victory over Louisville. It was Connecticut's sixth national college championship and third perfect season. "Under

    coach Auriemma's leadership, this Huskies program has redefined excellence again and again," Obama said. The president also

    praised the academic achievements of the players. The team gave Obama a basketball signed by the players and a Connecticut

    jersey emblazoned with "1" and his name on the back. "Number One _ that's what I'm talking about," Obama joked. "I will wear it

    when I'm playing." Obama said that as the father of two young daughters, he especially appreciates the success of female athletes like theConnecticut team. "My girls look at the TV when I'm watching 'SportsCenter' and they see women staring back," Obama said of the ESPN

    program, a personal favorite. "That shows them that they can be champions, too" (Miga, 2009).

    Date: April 29, 2009Source: The Wall Street Journal, Matthew Futterman, Amy ChozickTitle/Headline:Is Obama The 'Sports' President?

    Abstract: One hundred days into President Obama's administration, there is little mystery about where the president's
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    extracurricular interests lie. After his inauguration, the president hosted a Super Bowl party, correctly picked North Carolina to

    win the NCAA men's basketball tournament and sat courtside for a Bulls-Wizards NBA game. He works out nearly every day,

    sports a Chicago White Sox cap and plays pick-up basketball with his buddies. This week he played P-I-G against the champion

    University of Connecticut women's hoops team. The president is also jumping into the fray on a host of controversial sports issues. ADemocrat who believes in the power of government to force change, Mr. Obama is using his bully pulpit in a manner that could ultimatelygive him the most expansive sports rsum for any president since Theodore Roosevelt. Before taking office, he pushed for a collegefootball playoff to declare a national champion instead of the patchwork system of bowl games. In his first three-plus months in office,

    he has spoken out on behalf of Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics, lobbied for the U.S. to host soccer's World Cup in 2018 or

    2022, and even delivered a national tongue-lashing to Alex Rodriguez after the Yankees slugger acknowledged using a

    performance-enhancing drug during parts of three seasons. "It's so much a part of what he does, it's almost as if this is becoming apost-sports presidency," said John Sayle Watterson, author of "The Games Presidents Play: Sports and the Presidency." Some say it's also

    good politics. "Intellectually he's so lofty that I think he feels it's necessary to bring himself down a bit," said Ross Baker, a politicalscientist at Rutgers University. "There is nothing better to temper that loftiness than sports." While Teddy Roosevelt is largely seen asthe modern standard-bearer for sportsmen presidents, sports have played a significant role in lives and work of numerous commanders inchief since 1900, considered the beginning of the modern era for organized sports in the U.S. Teddy Roosevelt clearly set the bar high,

    and Mr. Obama is trying to reach it. Earlier this month, the International Olympic Committee's site evaluation group began its visit toChicago watching a four-minute video Mr. Obama taped pleading his hometown's case. Mr. Obama also intends to be in Copenhagen in

    October when the IOC is scheduled to decide the Chicago's Olympic fate. Also this month, he wrote to Joseph S. Blatter, president

    of soccer's governing body, FIFA, stating the case for a U.S. World Cup by citing his own experiences with the game as a child in

    Jakarta and as a soccer-dad in Chicago. During the winter, Mr. Obama took time in his first prime time news conference to show hispersonal disdain for Mr. Rodriguez's steroid use, saying the revelation "tarnishes an entire era." As for creating of a college footballplayoff, Mr. Obama can wield little in the way of formal influence over the debate. However, NCAA officials have been put on notice thatany plan they come up is going to have one very powerful critic weighing in (Futterman & Chozick, 2009).

    Date: May 11, 2009Source: The Washington Post, Michael D. ShearTitle/Headline:Obama Congratulates The Tar Heels

    Abstract: When the president's number one assistant is a Duke man and a former basketball champion, you might think the Tar Heels

    wouldn't be welcome.But when the president famously picks the North Carolina team to win the NCAA tournament, and they succeed, theinvitations get put in the mail.And so today, President Obama hosted the 2009 NCAA champion team from the University of North

    Carolina on the South Lawn of the White House, offering his congratulations but choosing not to shoot a few hoops on thepresidential court."Welcome to the White House and congratulations," Obama said after emerging from the White House at 2:11 p.m.It took only two minutes to get to his real message:"More importantly," he said, "thanks for salvaging my bracket and vindicating me inthe eyes of everyone."Obama's personal assistant, Reggie Love, is a former Duke player whose membership on the 2001 team

    makes him a former champion. Obama noted the rivalry, saying that everyone on his staff was excited about the team's arrival --

    except maybe Love."He wants to scrimmage with you guys," Obama said. "We'll arrange that."Obama offered serious praise for theteam's academic achievement, noting that they had the highest number of graduates of any of the final four teams. He had specific kudosfor Coach Roy Williams, who he said was committed to the development of his players as men as well as athletes.But it was clear thatObama -- who fancies himself a pretty good basketball player -- was loving this particular perk of being president.He joked with Tar Heels

    guard Jack Wooten, reminding him of the scrimmage Obama had with the team as a candidate last year. He noted that both he and the teamhad good luck after that -- "They're now national champions and I'm now president." -- but recalled that Wooten roughed him up.

    "He stole the ball from me, blocked my shot," Obama said, adding that there were "no hard feelings."Williams presented Obama

    with a white-and-powder-blue Tar Heels jersey -- "OBAMA 1" -- and several senior members of the team gave the president a large,

    framed picture of the scrimmage from last year (Shear, 2009).

    Date: May 16, 2009Source: USA Today, Associated PressTitle/Headline:Obama Salutes Underdog Phillies' Title At White House

    Abstract: President Barack Obama has told the Philadelphia Phillies that their 2008 World Series run was similar to his winning

    presidential campaignboth were underdogs. Obama welcomed the baseball team to the White House on Friday and said,

    "Nobody thought I would win, either." He singled out star shortstop Jimmy Rollins for making calls on Obama's behalf during last year's

    campaign. Rollins presented Obama with a jersey and baseball, but the president wanted more. Obama jokingly asked for Rollins' WorldSeries ring. The Phillies were scheduled to meet the president on April 14. But that visit was postponed after the death of Philliesbroadcaster Harry Kalas the day before (USA Today, 2009).
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    Date: May 21, 2009Source: Google News, AFPTitle/Headline:Obama Greets Champion Steelers At White House

    Abstract: President Barack Obama welcomed the Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers to the White House on Thursday,celebrating the National Football League squad's record sixth championship. Obama said before February's NFL title game that hewas cheering for the Steelers, whose 1970s stars made a lasting impression upon him, but that his first loyalties will always remain with hishometown Chicago Bears. "I already told these guys no matter how big they are, I am a Bears fan, but it is no secret that I was

    pulling for the Steelers during the Super Bowl last year," Obama said. "This isn't me trying to have it both ways. Growing up in

    Hawaii when I was a kid we didn't have a local football team. "When I started playing and started paying attention to football, it

    was guys like Terry Bradshaw, Franco Harris and the Steel Curtain... Those were the guys that were playing and so I became aSteelers fan." Two months ago, Obama named Dan Rooney, the Steelers' chairman, as ambassador to Ireland. "I don't know of anybody

    who is more of a gentlemen who is more loyal or who is more committed to excellence than Mr. Rooney," Obama said. "And he is

    humble. This kind of attention embarrasses him but he has no choice." Obama also praised Steelers coach Mike Tomlin, who

    joined his successful campaign to win the key swing state of Pennsylvania in last November's general election. "This is a new teamfor a new era and that embodied by coach Tomlin," Obama said. "He didn't just win the Super Bowl. He also happened to be NFL

    Coach of the Year, the youngest coach ever to win a Super Bowl." The Steelers and US soldiers worked to assemble care packages for US

    troops during the appearance (AFP, 2009).

    Date: June 2, 2009Source: NBA, Associated PressTitle/Headline:President Obama Selects Lakers To Win NBA Finals

    Abstract: OK, Mr. President, let's see how you do picking the pro game. Barack Obama was on his way to the Marine One helicopter on

    the South Lawn on Tuesday when a reporter shouted a question. The topic: Who is going to win the NBA championship, the Los

    Angeles Lakers or the Orlando Magic? Said the smiling president: "Lakers in six, I think." In sports terms, that means the Lakers

    will win the best-of-seven series in six games. The series begins Thursday. So far so good this year for Obama. A huge basketball

    fan, he correctly predicted that that the University of North Carolina men's basketball team would win the NCAA championship. Obama was leaving Tuesday for an overnight trip to the Middle East (NBA, 2009).

    Date: July 9, 2009Source: The Huffington Post, Charles Babington

    Title/Headline:Brazilian President Gifts Obama Signed Soccer Jersey

    Abstract: President Barack Obama seemed pleased with the gift he received Thursday from Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da

    Silva, but it was bittersweet nonetheless. Silva gave Obama, a big sports fan, an autographed yellow Brazilian soccer jersey at thestart of their morning meeting at the G-8 summit in Italy. During their banter, which reporters partly heard through a translator, Silva

    spoke animatedly of the June 28 soccer match between the U.S. and Brazilian national teams in the Confederations Cup series. The gamewas a crushing loss for the underdog Americans, who led at the midway point, 2-0, only to lose 3-2. Silva repeatedly said, "Yes we can,"which was Obama's campaign catchphrase and apparently what the Brazilian president had in mind while his team trailed. Obama smiledgamely; if he felt Silva was rubbing it in a bit, he didn't let on. "Hey, look at this," Obama said of the jersey, signed by the Brazilian

    team's players. "Beautiful. All right, wonderful. I like that." White House spokesman Robert Gibbs later said Obama ended his 30-minute session with Silva by patting the Brazilian's back and vowing, "we will not lose a two-point lead again." Michelle Obama shook her

    head as she took in the extent of the damage, gazing upon centuries-old churches and other treasures rubbled by an earthquake that claimedmore than 300 lives. Obama and other first spouses on Thursday toured the ghostlike historic center of L'Aquila, the Italian city devastated

    by the April tremor and hosting world leaders this week for the G-8 summit (Babington, 2009).

    Date: June 17, 2009Source: Sandra Rose

    Title/Headline:Why Did LeBron Visit The White House When He Didnt Win The NBA Championship?

    Abstract: The Cleveland papers report that NBA star LeBron James and a few of his homies visited Barack Obama in the White

    House on Monday. This is odd since traditionally the NBA champs visit the president, not the sore losers. But I guess tradition and

    protocol go out the window when your home boy is president. I wonder how Kobe Bean and the Lakers feel about LeBron visiting

    before they even get in the door? This brings up an interesting fact about Obama refusing to ante up the names of visitors to the WhiteHouse since he became president. You may recall that Obama campaigned against such secrecy when Bush was still in the White House.

    Obama didnt see any reason why the White House visitors list should be kept a secret. But now that he is president, of course he

    changes his tune. Well, theres a federal lawsuit winding its way through the courts and a federal judge has twice ordered that

    the Secret Service produce the list of names. But ole Obama is stubbornly blocking the release of those names until the case reaches the
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    Supreme court I guess. This means that information which should be made public is being withheld by Obama, who promised transparency

    in his administration. Lol. This also means that Obama can sneak a chick or two into the White House and we, or for that matter, MichelleObama, would never know it (Rose, 2009).

    Date: June 13, 2009Source: NBC, Associated PressTitle/Headline:Obama Welcomes Columbus Crew To White House

    Abstract: President Barack Obama has welcomed soccer's Columbus Crew to the White House to congratulate the team on its MLS

    championship. Obama on Monday joined the team from Ohio in the Rose Garden to honor a turnaround from a losing season in 2007 to thebest record in the league for 2008. The presidentjoked that he's been watching plenty ofsoccerthese days -- for his daughters' games. He

    says he's learned two main rules for youth soccer: no matter the position, players should run toward the ball all at once; andsnacks at halftime must never be forgotten.Obama says soccer's popularity is on the rise in the United States and that the national team

    has been playing with distinction (NBC News, 2009).

    Date: July 14, 2009Source: MLB (Major League Baseball), Jonathan MayoTitle/Headline:Obama Visits FOX Booth, Keeps It Light

    Abstract: President Barack Obama is used to doing interviews on national TV, but the topics usually range from the economic

    crisis to the war in Iraq. On Tuesday night, he got a brief respite from the normal line of questioning when he joined Joe Buck andTim McCarver in the FOX broadcast booth during the bottom of the second inning of the All-Star Game. Obama's time in the boothwas filled with light banter about his ceremonial first pitch, his choice of wardrobe and his thoughts on the state of the game. The president

    was relieved he got the chance to warm up for this first pitch, something that wasn't the case when he was a senator and had the same honorduring the 2005 American League Championship Series. "When you're a senator, they show you no respect, so they just hand you the

    ball," Obama told Buck and McCarver. "You don't get a chance to warm up. Now here, I was with Albert Pujols in the batting

    cage practicing before. "To go down there, to meet Stan Musial, Bob Gibson and those guys, it's such a reminder of what's great

    about this country. You can't beat it and it's a real treat." The president had made no qualms about where his loyalties on the field areand Buck gave him credit for not "playing it down the middle" by wearing non-team-specific garb. "Everyone knows I'm a White Sox

    fan and my wife thinks I look cute in this jacket," Obama quipped. "Between those two things, why not?" In fact, the president

    wanted to take some credit for his favorite team's good fortunes back in that 2005 season. After his first pitch, he pointed out,

    Chicago could do no wrong en route to winning the World Series. "It was just wonderful," Obama said. "I was just talking to

    Jerry Reinsdorf, the White Sox owner, about this. After I threw out my pitch, they won eight straight after losing the first game.Any of these teams need a lefty?" The president showed a pretty good grasp of the game beyo