NQT Education - This Class Workbook belongs to · 2018-10-11 · Important information about the...

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Transcript of NQT Education - This Class Workbook belongs to · 2018-10-11 · Important information about the...

This Class Workbook belongs to:

NQT Education Centre:



ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Any unauthorised reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher. Any unsolicited/unlawful use of these materials must be reported to NQT Education.

Important information about the NQT Education Class Workbooks

Students studying at NQT Education receive two books per term:1. The Class Workbook

2. The Homework Book

NQT Education has taken the steps to design two separate books for our students to give them a more

structured approach to their weekly homework tasks and the best chance for our students to practice

what they have learnt in class. This will ensure more valuable classroom teaching time is freed up so

our students can spend more time with their tutors and have all work explained in the most thorough

and comprehensive way possible.

What will be contained in this student workbook: • Student’s individual tracking sheet (this tracks the student’s weekly academic and behavioural

performance in Maths and English with scores awarded by their tutor);

• Detailed theory for new concepts in English and Maths with in-built class time dedicated to

thoroughly explain these new concepts;

• Exercises and activities designed to be completed in class to practice newly taught concepts

that are linked to weekly homework tasks;

• A variety of exercises and activities designed to challenge and stimulate students of all

different abilities.

Advice for students and parents/guardians:• All students must bring a separate notebook or an exercise book to every lesson to take down

classroom notes;

• Students from grade 3 must bring a dictionary to every lesson;

• Studentsfromgrade5shouldbringabasicscientificcalculatortoeverylesson;

• Students from year 9 are recommended to bring in a graphics calculator and a graphics calcu-

lator is compulsory in year 10;

• Students are not to complete any work beyond the week they are studying in class. If students com-

plete any work ahead of their classmates, they will not have their work corrected until the assigned

week; and because they have NOT had the theory properly explained, risk completing the work


• Parents / guardians are encouraged to ensure their children keep to the assigned week

they are completing in their NQT Education classes.

WEEK 1 Class task: tutor to explain and brainstorm essay topic (1) and students to complete draft for homeworkMaths: /10 English: /10

Tutor initials:

WEEK 2Class task: tutor to explain and brainstorm essay topic (2) and students to complete draft

Maths: /10 English: /10

Tutor to tick - Essay (1) draft submitted: YES NO

Tutor initials:

WEEK 3Class task: tutor to return correct essay(1) draftsHomework task: Students to improve Essay(1) draft

Maths: /10 English: /10

Tutor to tick - Essay (2) draft submitted: YES NO

Tutor initials:

WEEK 4Student to submit to tutor BOTH FIRST and FINAL drafts of Essay(1) Stapled together

Maths: /10 English: /10Tutor to return corrected essay(2) draftsHomework task: Students to improve Essay (2) draft

Has Essay (1) been submitted with the first and final drafts (with changes and improvements made)? YES NO

Tutor initials:

You will be given weekly tracking scores for your MATHS and ENGLISH work. YOUR TUTOR will record all your weekly scores. This will allow you, your tutor and your parents a snapshot on how you are progressing throughout the term.


WEEK 5 Class task: tutor to explain and brainstormessay topic (3) and students to complete draft

Maths: /10 English: /10 Essay(1)Score: /10

Student to submit to tutor BOTH FIRST and FINAL drafts of Essay(2) Stapled together

You should refer to your assessment sheet for specific comments about your essay mark.

Has Essay (1) been submitted with the first and final drafts (with changes and improvements made)? YES NO

Tutor initials:

WEEK 9Student to submit to tutor BOTH FIRST and FINAL drafts of Essay(4) Stapled togetherMath: /10 English: /10 Essay(3)

Score: /10

You should refer to your assessment sheet for specific comments about your essay mark.

Has Essay (4) been submitted with the first and final drafts (with changes and improvements made)? YES NO

Tutor initials:

WEEK 6 Class task: tutor to explain and brainstorm

Math: /10 English: /10Essay(2)Score: /10

Student to submit to tutor BOTH FIRST and FINAL drafts of Essay(2) Stapled together

You should refer to your assessment sheet for specific comments about your essay mark.

Has Essay (1) been submitted with the first and final drafts (with changes and improvements made)? YES NO

Tutor initials:

WEEK 7Class task: tutor to return correct essay(3) draftsHomework task: Students to improve Essay(3) draft

Maths: /10 English: /10

Tutor to tick - Essay (4) draft submitted: YES NO

Tutor initials:


Maths: /10 English: /10 Essay (4) Score: /10

You should refer to your assessment sheet for specific comments about your essay mark.

Tutor initials:

WEEK 8Student to submit to tutor BOTH FIRST and FINAL drafts of Essay(3) Stapled together

Maths: /10 English: /10Tutor to return corrected essay(4) draftsHomework task: Students to improve Essay (4) draft

Has Essay (3) been submitted with the first and final drafts (with changes and improvements made)? YES NO

Tutor initials:

Thisbooklet isdesigned tohelpyou improveyouressaywritingskillsandassuch,youwillbe required tosubmitfinalisedessays4-5timesperterm.Assuch,youwillonlyreceiveafinalscoreforyouressay/writingwillbegivenonceyourfinalessay draft is submitted with improvements made based on your tutor’s comments and feedback. All essays will be assessed using a criteria sheet.


1 x 1 = 12 x 1 = 23 x 1 = 34 x 1 = 45 x 1 = 56 x 1 = 67 x 1 = 78 x 1 = 89 x 1 = 91 0 x 1 = 1 01 1 x 1 = 1 11 2 x 1 = 1 2

1 x 2 = 22 x 2 = 43 x 2 = 64 x 2 = 85 x 2 = 1 06 x 2 = 1 27 x 2 = 1 48 x 2 = 1 69 x 2 = 1 81 0 x 2 = 2 01 1 x 2 = 2 21 2 x 2 = 2 4

1 x 3 = 32 x 3 = 63 x 3 = 94 x 3 = 1 25 x 3 = 1 56 x 3 = 1 87 x 3 = 2 18 x 3 = 2 49 x 3 = 2 71 0 x 3 = 3 01 1 x 3 = 3 31 2 x 3 = 3 6

1 x 4 = 42 x 4 = 83 x 4 = 1 24 x 4 = 1 65 x 4 = 2 06 x 4 = 2 47 x 4 = 2 88 x 4 = 3 29 x 4 = 3 61 0 x 4 = 4 01 1 x 4 = 4 41 2 x 4 = 4 8

1 x 5 = 52 x 5 = 1 03 x 5 = 1 54 x 5 = 2 05 x 5 = 2 56 x 5 = 3 07 x 5 = 3 58 x 5 = 4 09 x 5 = 4 51 0 x 5 = 5 01 1 x 5 = 5 51 2 x 5 = 6 0

1 x 6 = 62 x 6 = 1 23 x 6 = 1 84 x 6 = 2 45 x 6 = 3 06 x 6 = 3 67 x 6 = 4 28 x 6 = 4 89 x 6 = 5 41 0 x 6 = 6 01 1 x 6 = 6 61 2 x 6 = 7 2

1 x 7 = 72 x 7 = 1 43 x 7 = 2 14 x 7 = 2 85 x 7 = 3 56 x 7 = 4 27 x 7 = 4 98 x 7 = 5 69 x 7 = 6 31 0 x 7 = 7 01 1 x 7 = 7 71 2 x 7 = 8 4

1 x 8 = 82 x 8 = 1 63 x 8 = 2 44 x 8 = 3 25 x 8 = 4 06 x 8 = 4 87 x 8 = 5 68 x 8 = 6 49 x 8 = 7 21 0 x 8 = 8 01 1 x 8 = 8 81 2 x 8 = 9 6

1 x 9 = 92 x 9 = 1 83 x 9 = 2 74 x 9 = 3 65 x 9 = 4 56 x 9 = 5 47 x 9 = 6 38 x 9 = 7 29 x 9 = 8 11 0 x 9 = 9 01 1 x 9 = 9 91 2 x 9 = 1 0 8

1 x 1 0 = 1 02 x 1 0 = 2 03 x 1 0 = 3 04 x 1 0 = 4 05 x 1 0 = 5 06 x 1 0 = 6 07 x 1 0 = 7 08 x 1 0 = 8 09 x 1 0 = 9 01 0 x 1 0 = 1 0 01 1 x 1 0 = 1 1 01 2 x 1 0 = 1 2 0

1 x 1 1 = 1 12 x 1 1 = 2 23 x 1 1 = 3 34 x 1 1 = 4 45 x 1 1 = 5 56 x 1 1 = 6 67 x 1 1 = 7 78 x 1 1 = 8 89 x 1 1 = 9 91 0 x 1 1 = 1 1 01 1 x 1 1 = 1 2 11 2 x 1 1 = 1 3 2

1 x 1 2 = 1 22 x 1 2 = 2 43 x 1 2 = 3 64 x 1 2 = 4 85 x 1 2 = 6 06 x 1 2 = 7 27 x 1 2 = 8 48 x 1 2 = 9 69 x 1 2 = 1 0 81 0 x 1 2 = 1 2 01 1 x 1 2 = 1 3 21 2 x 1 2 = 1 4 4





Key lesson aims:To revise over finding factors and multiplesTo revise over reading graphs To revise over arithmetic skillsTo develop reading comprehension skillsTo revise grammatical skillsTo investigate letter blends with ‘a-e’ patterns

Please refer to the TRACKING SHEET at the front of thisworkbook for the whole term’s tracking scores.

Math: /10 English: /10Class task: Essay topic (1) to be explained and commenced in the lesson

Tutor comments: ........................................................................................................................





1. List all the factors of the following numbers:

a 9

b 10

c 32

d 45

2. Circle the numbers which are factors of the given number.

a 15 : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ,17, 18, 19, 20

b 12 : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ,17, 18, 19, 20

c 16 : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ,17, 18, 19, 20

d 20 : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ,17, 18, 19, 20

3. Fill in the blanks with the missing factors of the numbers shown.

a 12 : 1 , 2 , ____, ____, 6 , ____

b 8 : ____, 2 , ____, 8

c 10 : 1 , 2 , ____, ____

d 15 : ____, ____, 5, ____


Instructions for students

This is revision from last term based on factors.

Spend the next 15 minutes answering the questions.



1. Find the first seven multiples of the following numbers:

a. 9

b. 10

c. 32

d. 45

2. List all the multiples of 9 between 21 and 89.

3. List all the multiples of 11 between 30 and 70.

4. List all the multiples of 3 between 15 and 54.

5. List all the multiples of 7 between 30 and 90.

6. Solve the following and show your working out.

a 5 Squared = b 6 Squared =

c 7 Squared = d 8 Squared =

e 9 Squared = f 1 0 Squared =


Instructions for students

This is revision from last term based on multiples.

Spend the next 15 minutes answering the questions.
