NQ Responds To Muddy Waters.pdf

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Transcript of NQ Responds To Muddy Waters.pdf

  • 7/27/2019 NQ Responds To Muddy Waters.pdf


    Oct 26, 2013

  • 7/27/2019 NQ Responds To Muddy Waters.pdf



    This report and all of the information contained herein specifically address the allegations from theMuddy Waters report as released on Oct 24, 2013 and is being provided as an addendum to aninvestor call held on Oct 25th, 2013.

    2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: NQ CASH holdings are fabricated and falsified.

    NQ CASH HOLDINGS ARE REAL. CASH is the ultimate determinate of the health of abusiness and is the yardstick by which any business can be measured.

    NQ has made public all of its bank account holdings, bank names, account numbers,and balances.

    NQ will immediately take steps to obtain an independent validation of NQ CASHholdings.

    NQ has a very strong balance sheet and will show details of its cash position to anyonewishing to do additional diligence.

    3 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    NQ holds approximately US$280M in term deposits including ~US166M from the recentCB offering proceeds. Other cash accounts exist at various operating entities.

    4 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    The following are actual scanned copies of NQs actual bank deposit receipts and bankstatement from the recent convertible bond offering proceeds.

    5 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Level 2 classification of NQ cash holdings is suspicious.

    Classification of cash and term deposits as Level 2 assets is consistent with US GAAPguidance of fair value measurement.

    o Level 1 observable inputs that reflect quoted prices (unadjusted) for identical assets or liabilitiesin active markets

    o Level 2 other inputs that are directly or indirectly observable in the marketplace.

    o Level 3 unobservable inputs which are supported by little or no market activity.

    NQ, based on this guidance, reclassified its cash and cash equivalents and term depositsfrom level 1 to level 2 in 2012 consistent with US GAAP. This approach had beenadopted in 2011 so 2012 was the first year these rules would have been applied so thereclassification was warranted. This was clearly explained in the 2011 20F and did notchange anything related to liquidity or operational efficiency.

    For expert opinion on Level 2 cash classification and specifically China Accountingstandards, please see the following post by Paul Gillis, an accounting professor at PekingUniversitys Guanghua School of Management,http://www.chinaaccountingblog.com/weblog/a-level-2-problem.html

    6 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Level 2 cash holdings do not impact operational capabilities for NQ. Level 2 cash heldin term deposits are immediately liquid instruments and are available to be withdrawnand applied as necessary.

    Today, term deposits are used by NQ as riskless investments for cash holdings and allowfor a meaningful interest rate to be earned. If cash is prematurely pulled by NQ from aterm deposit prior to maturity, NQ would forego any interest accrued, but otherwisewould have no other penalties or impact to the cash balances available.

    NQs rotating cash balances that are held at the individual operating company level areused for working capital purposes and is separate from its term deposit balances.

    Moreover, NQ generates MORE THAN sufficient cash to fund working capitalrequirements for each of its individual businesses.

    7 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Yidatong (YDT) is NQs largest customer and revenue generated, however, YDT is ashell company that is controlled by NQ to generate false revenue for NQ.

    YDT is a separate and distinct company from NQ. One of our major payment processor.They are not a customer.

    There is no ownership or any related relationship other than a contractual relationshipto work with YDT as a service provider for billing purposes.

    YDT and NQ have payment terms between each other that are transparently disclosed.This contract has also been included in our 2012 20-F.

    20F Section on20F Section on20F Section on20F Section on YidatongYidatongYidatongYidatong disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Filing:disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Filing:disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Fil ing:disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Filing:

    Our relationships with mobile payment service providers and pre-paid card distributors are also critical for us to collect revenues. Forexample, net revenues generated through our top mobile payment service provider, Tianjin Yidatong Technology Development Co., Ltd.,or Yidatong, as a percentage of our total net revenues, were 21.4%, 25.8% and 22.1% in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. Yidatongcharges us at a lower fee rate than other mobile payment service providers through which we cooperate with wireless carriers. Ouragreements with mobile payment service providers are generally for terms of one to five years and we generally renew these agreementswhen they expire. Our agreement with Yidatong, for example, has a term of five years and will expire in June 2015.

    8 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Yidatong (YDT) has many listed offices, but no operations actually exist at anyregistered facility.

    As per requirements through YTDs annually renewed SP contracts with carriers, YDTmust have a registered office address in each province in which settlement occurs. Thisis much the same treatment as say a Delaware or a Cayman registered company whereregistration office addresses vs principal business operations are different.

    Yidatongs main operating facility can be found at the following address:

    Tianjin Yidatong Technology Development Co.

    Beijing Fengtai District South 4th Ring, No 188 West Road

    Headquarter Center District

    16 Number 20 Building 3rd Floor

    Yidatong has a number of employees at their main operations center in Beijing tosupport all of their activities with the carriers.

    The following slide includes actual pictures of their office.

    9 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    10 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Pictures from Yidatongs Main Office in Beijing

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Yidatong (YDT) revenue is falsely generated as demonstrated by YDT SAIC financialrevenue accounting when compared to NQ disclosed revenue from YDT.

    YDT files Revenues to SAIC associated to the portion that would be earned for theirservices and NOT GROSS Revenue that is being passed from the carriers on behalf ofdevelopers (like NQ).

    NQ had approximately $20M in revenues flow through YDT in 2012 as disclosed in NQfinancials. YTDs portion, or their Net Revenue from NQ, would then stand to be in the

    mid-to-high single digits of that amount given our contracts with them.o SAIC financials confirm our revenues and YTDs position with NQ along with their other customers.

    11 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: YDT contracts are a sham as proven by DSOs from YDT despite contractual 30 day settlementrequirements.

    YDT and NQ make payments to each other that are transparently disclosed. This contract has also

    been included in our 2012 20-F. However, considerations for DSOs must also account for paymentterms that exist between YDT and carriers.

    It is common industry standard that carrier payment terms can be anywhere from 60 days up to 90days. And, when factoring in the length of payment settlement finally to NQ (which our contractsare an additional 30 days) from the service provider, this can result in DSOs around 90 days when

    looking at the full payment cycle from carrier to YDT to NQ.

    This is standard in the industry and not unique to NQ.

    20F Section on20F Section on20F Section on20F Section on YidatongYidatongYidatongYidatong disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Filing:disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Filing:disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Fil ing:disclosed on page 12 in the Risks Section of our Annual Filing:

    Our relationships with mobile payment service providers and pre-paid card distributors are also critical for us to collect revenues. Forexample, net revenues generated through our top mobile payment service provider, Tianjin Yidatong Technology Development Co., Ltd.,or Yidatong, as a percentage of our total net revenues, were 21.4%, 25.8% and 22.1% in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. Yidatongcharges us at a lower fee rate than other mobile payment service providers through which we cooperate with wireless carriers. Ouragreements with mobile payment service providers are generally for terms of one to five years and we generally renew these agreements

    when they expire. Our agreement with Yidatong, for example, has a term of five years and will expire in June 2015.

    12 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Other online payment methods exist that are less costly to use than YDT. Furthermore, NQ hasits own SP license from MIIT awarded in 2007 and has no need to work with YDT directly.

    Carrier billing still proves to be the simplest and MOST effective means for user conversion. Today,

    most in-app purchases for games, music, and books are settled using carrier billing. This is evenmore so in China and in other carrier markets where app developers dont have a direct relationshipwith the carrier and can take advantage of higher conversion through SP services.

    o Less friction for the user (fewer steps to complete a transaction).

    o A carrier bill option is a trusted option for consumers over a 3rd party option.


    Easier to onboard billing capabilities across many carriers as SPs will do the heavy lifting and sign carrieragreements directly and offer carrier bill aggregation to the developer as a core value.

    o Carriers often prefer consolidating through SPs as it is easier for them to process under a single aggregate billingprovider for many independent developers.

    NQ does have an SP license, but NQ has found that it is simply more cost and resource efficient towork with third party SPs over building its own billing services.

    NQ does uses its own SP license in certain and select channels, but focuses more on product development andcustomer management than to actually spend effort on enabling the transaction.

    2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 13

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Billing options through YDT doesnt show as an option on 17 different prepaid SIMcards.

    NQ has an intelligent business and operations support system (BOSS) thats able tooffer an effective billing channel for any particular subscriber based on carriers, carrierplan, etc.

    NQ has diversified channels covering China as well as International markets. A sampleof 17 phone numbers is hardly convincing evidence. YDT is one of the channels that we

    collect payment from.

    YDT payment screen shots are included in the appendix of this report.

    14 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Prepaid card business in China is immaterial and doesnt generate meaningful revenue and thatretail support is anemic.

    NQ has over 5,000 locations selling prepaid cards in China. Several of NQs leading retailers are

    included in the list below. The following page also shows images of various retail stores selling NQsoftware in China.

    NQ works with 3 main distributors to cover the 5,000 stores, selling approximately 600,000 cards permonth. Most of these prepaid cards are 3 month cards at an average ARPU of 11RMB net to NQ.

    Lastly, NQ does not depend on online sales for prepaid cards. Online sales for prepaid cards is not

    an effective channel.

    15 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Images of various retail stores selling NQ software in China.

    16 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Market share reporting for NQ in China is overstated and is closer to 1.4% than tothe 55% of smartphone share in China.

    NQ does not report its own market share numbers and has quoted third party marketresearch from SinoMR as the source of its market share numbers in the past. Mostother third party research sources primarily use # of app store downloads as thesampling base. Third party app store downloads in China is not a major channel forNQ, which is why the discrepancy is wide.

    SinoMR is a wholly owned subsidiary of GFK that specializes in China Market Researchthat includes mobile security market share in China that does covers all of the channelsincluding preinstall.

    NQ does NOT have a related party relationship with SinoMR.

    The relevant section on mobile security from a recent SinoMR report (2013Q2) isincluded as an appendix to this document.

    17 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    In some instances (e.g., ZTE), NQs products are pre-installed on OEM devices in Chinaunder a brand other than NQ, in which case, users may often not be aware of NQsproduct on the device and will see the house brand instead.

    18 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    ICON for ZTE Mobile Security ICON for NQ Mobile Security

    ZTE N5S

    Powered by NQ

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Activated registered users through pre-installation channels:

    Cumulative activated registered users through the end of 2Q 2013: approximately 58M

    2013 year to date: approximately 25.4M total

    To be clear, the numbers included here are NOT the number of devices sold, but are the numbers of ACTIVATEDREGISTERED USERS of NQ software by device.

    19 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Top 100 Devices for Activated Registered Users through Pre-Installation in China (1H 2013).

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Also, NQ has pre-installation agreements with an expansive range of respected andimportant handset makers and distributors in China including ZTE, Huawei, Gionee,Coolpad. Images of some devices with NQ software preinstalled included below.

    20 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Coolpad 7235 Coolpad 7290Huwawei C8650

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Revenue generated from third party payment channels and other Service Providers(SP) like Alipay and Yeepay are non-existent.

    While NQ does work with Alipay and Yeepay, they are not as effective in comparison to

    carrier billing for in app purchases. Additionally, NQ does have a merchant accountwith both Alipay and Yeepay. Please see following slide for screenshots of NQs Alipay and Yeepay accounts that show account activity recently

    and in prior months.

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    Alipay accountYeepay account

    2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Oct 28, 2013

    Oct 8, 2008Jan 1, 2012

    Oct 27, 2013

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: NQ has only recently started carrier prepaid card billing, specifically a few daysold.

    NQ Mobile has an agreement with 19pay, one of the largest carrier prepaid cards-based

    payment processors in China since 2008. The claim that NQ has only recently startedcarrier prepaid card billing is false.

    23 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    19Pay Account Prepay card carrier payment processor

    April 2012March 2013

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: Revenue generated from third party payment channels and other Service Providers(SP) like Alipay and Yeepay are non-existent.

    Carrier billing still proves to be the MOST effective means for micro payment methods

    for amounts less than RMB 10 in app purchases such as apps, games, music and books. This is even more so in China and in other carrier markets where app developers dont have a direct relationship

    with the carrier and can take advantage of higher conversion through SP services.

    Google Wallet uses carrier billing as a payment method on Google Play for in-app purchases.

    These are the main reasons why carrier billing is the most effective:o Less friction for the user (fewer steps to complete a transaction).

    o A carrier bill option is a trusted option for consumers over a 3rd party option.

    o Easier to onboard billing capabilities across many carriers as SPs will do the heavy lifting and signcarrier agreements directly and offer carrier bill aggregation to the developer as a core value.

    o Carriers often prefer consolidating through SPs as it is easier for them to process under a single

    aggregate billing provider for many independent developers.

    24 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: NQ online portal doesnt work and is a cover to mask fraudulent reporting.

    The portal is working based on repeated testing conducted by NQ.

    o The online portal does not drive material revenue for NQs security business.

    NQs core business is healthy and growing and the online portal is simply anincremental opportunity to convert customers.

    25 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ China Revenue is Fraudulent

    Claim: NQ SAIC financial statements are fraudulent and tax errors are made as a result

    NQ is a publically traded company on the NYSE and follows all related requirements asa US-listed company. We also follow all PRC and China tax and financial reporting rules

    and regulations.

    Price Waterhouse has validated our finances and signs off our financials, cash balances,and tax treatment quarterly.

    Also, to further provide comfort to our shareholders, NQ has appointed a specialindependent board to identify an independent audit firm to re-verify our financials andconfirm all of our business operations which will be shared with all of our shareholdersonce the investigation has been completed.

    26 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Claim: Distimo analytics shows that NQ world wide revenue is at less than $800k.

    Distimo tracks app store revenue performance through two different methods.

    o Method #1: Developer embedding AppIQ developed by Distimo. As a result, Distimo is able totrack behavior data. Another service is called App Analytics which provides account sync servicewith developer's account on Google play, iTunes developer account, etc. Then developers can seerevenue data from across these accounts.

    o Method #2: Distimo scans app stores such as Google on regular basis to capture downloadranking statistics for each app. Distimo then guesstimates apps that don't have a direct revenueaccount synchronized based on this relative ranking as well as revenue from the data that theycapture in Method #1. For example, if they know Google Play gross and revenue data for a appthat holds a #10 gross rank and one that has a #50 gross rank, they then can guesstimaterevenue for those apps that fall between these two apps.

    However, this data may only be relevant for Google Wallet since that's how ranking isdetermined for Gross data on google play. Distimo is not able to track anything outsideof the app store official data.

    2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 27

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    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    NQ does not use Distimo's App Analytics or AppIQ services for our apps (Method #1)

    o NQ has no plans to do so due to the capabilities of our BOSS system to track behavior and gross data.

    o Even if we had subscribed to an App Analytics services, the analytics service still would not be able to track grossdata other than app store billing.

    The majority of our international revenue is from direct carrier billing, SP billing and prepaid cards.This data CANNOT be tracked or recorded by Distimo or ANY OTHER cloud analytics offering.

    Distimo methodology simply DOES NOT APPLY to NQ.

    The Report tries to confuse the reader without sharing underlying analysis methodology fromDistimo. The report also tries to play down the importance of carrier billing and SPs in the billingprocess.

    NQ has developed carrier relationships outside of China since 2008.

    o Google Wallet is simply an opportunity to further expand our billing capabilities and we use it in some regionswhere required and where NQ has better conversions rates than other billing services.


    28 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Claim: US retail revenue is non-existent and closer to 2-3% attach rate.

    Retail store checks conducted by NQ and other parties have validated that US retail continues to behealthy channel for NQs retail business.

    Retail store checks were conducted by PiperJaffray and published in a company note on NQ Mobileon March 6, 2013.

    PiperJaffray conclusion

    o We recently conducted 50 retail store checks with two of NQ Mobiles US retail partners Go Wireless and

    TheCellularConnection (TCC). The following key takeaways highlight the underappreciated efforts and futurepotential of NQ Mobiles US distribution strategy

    1) Retailers we spoke to categorize NQs security product as a pretty cool application and as one of their hottestmoving items;

    2) In cases where we were able to determine the smartphone attach rate from the store rep, we were surprised to seeattach rates in the 15-30% range, and a few even higher; and

    3) our resultant attempt at sizing NQs retail strategy suggests a $10.7M run-rate developing around year end in the US,

    with upside into 2014.o We expect solid Q4 results and believe that there is upside to guidance as the various US partnerships come


    29 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Claim: NQ International Revenue is highly likely to be massively overstated.

    NQ stands behind our international revenue financials and financial reporting and transparency withour shareholders is critical and necessary in our business. Furthermore, Price Waterhouse hasvalidated our financials and signs off quarterly.

    The Report claims that North America and Europe are the largest markets for consumer securityproducts. We believe this shows the researchs lack of industry understanding.

    The other claim in the Report is that SPs are not generally used in these markets.

    NQ does find value and differentiation in these channels and is including a list of some of the higher performingSPs by region below. These have been important markets for us.

    30 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Several example images of international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQproducts are included in the Appendix.

    MITO OEM (Indonesia)

    INTEX OEM (India) VENERA OEM (Indonesia)

    MOBIISTAR OEM (Vietnam)

    Ninetology OEM (Malaysia)

    MicroMax OEM (India)

    Spice Cellular (India) Vietnam Retailer

    Axiom Retailer (Dubai)

    31 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Claim: Cost for NQ.com domain at $1.55M is outrageous.

    The cost incurred includes both SEO and NQ.com domain purchase.

    There is no related party relationship between NQ and Conexus Software.

    32 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 encryption methods are not secure.

    NQ was one of the first software companies to focus on mobile security, specifically inthe domain of malware and security on Smartphones. NQ has a long-standing history

    and expertise in this space and NQ vigorously and unequivocally reaffirms the approachthat NQ takes to provide mobile security protection for our customers on Smartphonesglobally.

    NQ participates in regular benchmark testing through independent labs like West Coast

    Labs and AV Test. Both labs are premier software testing houses that have reviewedNQs software performance and technology.o Earlier this year NQ Mobile's products were included in the AV-TEST public Certification Program.

    o As part of this program, NQ Mobile Security was subject to rigorous tests and quality measurements, includingmobile malware detection, CPU/Battery performance, false/positive application detection, ease of use and theinclusion of additional value added features.

    After multiple rounds of testing, in June 2013, NQ Mobile Security was recognized as a topperforming product, achieving 99.5% malware detection and was awarded the coveted AV-TESTCertification quality seal.

    - Maik Morgenstern, CEO AV-TEST, Oct 28, 2013

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    As the security space is continually evolving, NQ is committed to ensuring its product capabilities areabove benchmark and is constantly reviewing its platform and its capabilities and working withoutside experts like Julian Evans, ID Theft Protect (http://id-theftprotect.com/), to ensure that NQ ismaking the appropriate investments in its core technologies.

    o NQ has also a long standing relationship with external mobile security consultancy, IDTP.

    o IDTP was brought on in mid-2012 as an external consultant by NQ because of IDTP expertise in the mobilesecurity space.

    IDTP was tasked specifically to help review NQs security architecture and to execute technology andarchitecture improvements with our products in order to maintain the security of our products andour customers.

    With IDTPs support, the following security improvements have been made since we initiated thisrelationship:

    o Multi-engine detection - NQ have deployed cloud-side multi-engine detection capability, which is currentlysupported by several Tier 1 and Tier 2 AV vendors, as well as NQs proprietary native engine. This is an industryleading approach to detecting malware.

    o NQ user account salting - NQ provides database user account (cloud server) privacy and encryption. Thisprevents rainbow table attacks which are used for reversing cryptographic hash functions. This approach is usedby hackers to crack password hashes.

    o NQ Gzips - AES encryption prevents data from being uploaded to servers as near plain text.

    o Data Encryption - AES encryption employed to protect SMS, contacts, call logs, IMEI, IMSI, ICCID and ESN.

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    o Master Key Exploit - refer to Android security bug 8219321. Android cryptographic verifier validates the firstversion of any duplicate file in an APK archive, but the installer extracts and installs the LAST version (duplicate).NQ protect users from this exploit.

    o Android Google services weblogin authentication - developed a delete/wipe Google master token for NQ EasyFinder product. A feature that allows Android users to authenticate themselves on Google websites without havingto enter their account password can be abused by rogue apps to give attackers access to Google account

    o 401 Phishing USSD exploit can brick a device by sending the user to a malicious web page. Prompts you if USSDexploit attempts to open the dialler app and or prompt you to open the browser. Vanilla (stock) Android isunaffected by this exploit.

    o SEND_SMS Capability Leak looks for SMS spam (including URLs) that uses the Send_SMS permission withoutactually requesting the read & write SMS permissions. This leak is also used by developers to deliver SMS ads.

    o Adware detection - AdMob/Flurry - API leakage/permission analysis. NQMS classify "adware", if an app is usingAdMob / Flurry, but only if an app uses the INTERNET & ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permissions when there is no

    mention of Google mediation networks on the Play Store.

    NQ Mobile are also collaborating with global anti-virus bodies on malware definitions as well asleading the anti-virus and mobile security industry on developing a Mobile Malware Sample SharingNetwork (MMSSF) to improve real-time mobile malware analysis as well as sharing this data with AVindustry partners.

    NQ believes that there is always room for improvement and our efforts with partners like IDTP andAV Test are helping NQ ensure that our approach is the benchmark for security for our customers.

    35 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 sends consumer identifiable and private data to China

    NQ unequivocally denies that customer identifiable and sensitive private data istransmitted and maintained in China.

    NQ Mobile Security 7.0 maintains strict caution on transportation of non-Chinaconsumer private data to China. NQ has always been very clear on this and has gonethe extra step to have also sought Truste privacy certification, seeking their expertguidance in this particular area, as the protection of our consumers private data is

    important to NQ and to NQs business.

    NQ is and has always been transparent with customers about the data we collect as wellas maintain strict controls about where we store that data. Our process is aligned withour privacy policy, and, most importantly, adheres to the standards that NQ expectsfrom its own business and also that of experts in the industry.

    36 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    The Report alleges that NQ MS 7.0 specifically collects and uploads a copious amountof consumer private data that creates a risk to users privacy because of the amount andtype of data collected as well as the sensitivity of the specific data that the Report claimsthat NQ collects.

    The below table outlines what data NQ MS 7.0 uploads, where NQ store it, and what itis used for.

    37 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 sends consumer identifiable and private data to China

    NQ has always been very transparent in the methodology and the capabilities of NQ security coretechnology and approach that NQ takes in the architecture of its security platform.


    NQ deploys its security engine and technology capabilities through a cloud and client configuration.o The use of NQs Cloud in fact is considered one of the strengths in NQs core technology and several patents have

    been filed in this area including some recent research that NQ had jointly developed and published working withNC State in 2012 that we call our RiskRank algorithm.

    NQs cloud engine which is located in NQs Data Center in China supports virus detection on aglobal scale.

    o The data that is used, specifically applications, is anonymized for use for cloud detection purposes only anddisaggregated from any personally identifiable customer data altogether.

    Furthermore, data that is specific to a phone number or device (IMEI, IMSI, ICCID, ESN) which we dotransport to China is used specifically and only for purposes of billing and are for premium payingcustomers only which is done in our NQ Data Center.

    o NQs Data Center houses NQs BOSS system (Business Operations Support System) which provides global billingand authorization services.

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 shares consumer identifiable and sensitive data with 3rd

    party companies in China.

    The report refers to the sharing of data with a company, Talking Data, as a malicious

    intent to share consumer private data.

    Talking Data is similar to a more widely known company in the US, Flurry.

    Talking Data is a co-partner of NQ. NQ has a contracted relationship with them andthey provide industry level reporting much in the same way that Flurry does.

    Talking Data only receives phone specific info and no private data is shared.


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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 opens the ability for third parties to remotely control andupload malware onto users devices.

    NQ does not upload malware.

    NQ uses a process to update client-side software from our servers. In fact, this is a stateof the art behavior for many application providers and NQ does NOT use this approachuniquely.

    The common practice followed and one strictly adhered to by NQs own internalpolicies and NQs customer first philosophy is that the end-user MUST acknowledgeand accept a particular update.

    Without such acceptance and explicit permission from the user, the server cannot

    independently execute or remotely execute code on a user s device at NQs own will.

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 uploads web browser history to China.

    Clarification of NQs treatment of WEB Browser Data.o Browsing history is not uploaded.

    o The only time a specific browser session link is uploaded occurs when a user clicks on a URL and the sites linkis sent to NQ cloud for security scanning purposes. This is a function of NQs Safe Browsing protectionoffering where NQ determines for a particular session whether a site is safe or unsafe.

    o A specific URL check will be sent to the data center closest to them. For example, URL calls from USconsumers are sent to a Data Center located in the US.

    Safe Browsingo Because of the size of NQs Safe Browsing database (currently in the millions of records), its challenging to

    manage the URL DB on the client for local scanning. Also, because the database is updated frequently,keeping this safe browsing list up to date would be taxing on the client and difficult to keep current.

    o When a user clicks a site, this link is sent to NQs cloud and compared to the URL DB in the cloud to determinewhether a browser link is safe or if it is a bad site (phishing, malicious code embedded, etc.).

    o This configuration is not a unique approach to providing safe browsing protection and NQ does offer this

    service to its consumers as a value-added option.o Users do have the option to opt out of this safe browsing feature as a user selectable setting is available in NQ

    MS 7.0.

    o NQ does encode this URL call and NQ has created a secure channel for this process.

    2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 41

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 is malware

    Claim: NQ Mobile Security 7.0 Virus Broadcast alerts to viruses on users devices that are hard codedinto the database and therefore trick users into believing that they have viruses already on their device.

    Muddy Waters simply does not understand what the function of Virus Broadcast is intended to do.

    Virus Broadcast is a free service for consumers to see what the latest viruses are that have beenreported in our database globally. It is not specific to any particular user s device.

    To be clear, on installation, NQ mobile security 7.0 preinstalls an anti-virus database on the device.With the installation, NQ also prepackages the latest Virus Broadcast Feed as well.

    Prepackaging this with the installation file avoids a separate download after install.

    o After installation, Virus Broadcast WILL show the user the latest two viruses in the Virus Broadcast at the point ofinstallation.

    o Once the database is updated, the virus broadcast will update as well with the latest information from the newlyupdated AV database.

    42 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Claim: 3-15 CCTV is an early indication of fraud perpetuated by NQ Management.

    The CCTV false allegations were addressed in our F1 filing and also in our IPO process.Found on page 21 of our F1 (link below):


    The CCTV news was retracted the following day after the original air.

    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications doNOT contain the alleged malware.

    Images of testing and certification results are included in the appendix of this report.

    43 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Claim: NQ for Men is an attempt to create new revenue and divert attention from core business.

    NQ for Men was originally created back in 2011 as a marketing test application that was based on anolder version of an app that we now call Call Blocker. This was one of several apps that were testmarketed and features were split to create the current Call Blocker as well as other apps like NQ

    Mobile Vault. The intent of Call Blocker is to white list and black list callers.

    NQ Mobile Vault, on the other hand, was marketed as a privacy tool to create a safe place forpersonal content.

    o Everyone has something that they consider personal on their phones. A study that NQ conducted in 2012surprisingly showed that 87% of consumers have content of their own that theyd rather keep private on their

    Smartphone. This included family photos (52%), private contacts (52%), office documents (40%), text messages(35%) and media (31%).

    o NQ had found white space and a large opportunity for NQ Mobile.

    o It is no secret that NQ Vault has become an incredibly successful product for NQ globally.

    The Report does not seem to understand or appreciate the value of creative marketing or even how

    software companies can test a market before fully investing marketing and further development.NQs interest in this effort is rather quite simple. NQ wants to grow traffic and users with littleincremental cost to the business. And, spinning test applications like this is an easy way to de-riskfurther investment or to better tune applications as we bring them to market.

    44 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Claim: NQ engages in Blackhat SEO to create fake traffic and is also subject to trademarkinfringement.

    NQ Mobile unequivocally refutes the allegations by the Report that NQ owns the

    domain addresses referenced in the report. A list of domains owned by NQ is on thefollowing page.

    The natural question that may be asked then is what is the motivation for owners ofthese domain names to redirect traffic to NQ?


    It is our hypothesis that individuals or companies are interested in selling these domain names toNQ after demonstrating that they are successfully delivering page views. While this is only ahypothesis, this kind of behavior is not unique in the mobile industry or the web for that matter.NQ cannot control the behavior or actions of other parties. This allegation is groundless andfalse.

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    List of Domains owned by NQ.

    2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential 46

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Claim: US Management team is only a front and Omar Khan is not part of the real management teamand isnt even on the board.

    US Management team is a integral part of the structure of NQ Mobile management and theoperations of the company. The US and China executive teams work collaboratively and the

    employees and functional teams are mapped across borders in the organization.

    Omar Khan is a co-CEO of the company and on the NQ Board. Omar Khan has responsibility forsetting global corporate strategy and driving the performance of the entire company along with Dr.Henry Lin. Omar is also the appointed executive to oversee the broader strategy forinternationalization of the entire NQ business.

    Gavin Kim is the Chief Product and Commercial Officer for the company and has responsibility forNQs international business.

    Conrad Edwards is the Chief Experience Officer and has global responsibility for all user experiences

    and design for the company.

    Matt Mathison is the VP, Investor Relations and leads all outbound communications and investorrelations for the company.

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Claim: NQ Acquisitions are all likely fraudulent

    Feiliu (FL Mobile) Red Infinity was rated a top 30 independent game developer in China.

    o They had numerous hits in China as well as the International market on the iOS platform.


    Mr. Zhong Liang is the founder and CEO of Red Infinity. He has an undergraduate degree in Computer Science.Prior to founding Red Infinity in 2010, he was a programmer at Inventec responsible for driver development.

    o Mr. Xe Yuteng is an early investor as well as an important member of the development team. Prior to joining RedInfinity, he was senior animator at an advertising firm called 5DS which develop TV programs for large stations.He is still with Red Infinity and responsible for animation and computer graphic special effects.

    o The Report calls these true entrepreneurs villagers which is a very offensive and racially discriminating. Again, itpoints to the kind of research and purpose that was behind this outrageous allegation.


    Red Infinitys registration capital has nothing to do with its success in the mobile game industry. The following area list of selective games that they have published with the success track records, AppAnnie screenshots as well asTop grossing screen shots and media releases.

    Link to one of the most successful games in Asia at the time: Bear War Onlinehttp://www.appannie.com/apps/ios/app/bear-war-online-happy-holiday/app-ranking/#daily=2013-01-03&type=best-grossing-ranks

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Hesine Hesine is a joint venture between MediaTek and NQ Mobile, which NQ has discussed andprovided updates on over the past year. In fact, NQ just recently provided an exciting update on thesuccessful ramp of the iSMS platform for messaging and that the daily active users for this is nearing2 million per day.

    o NQ is excited about the messaging platform going forward given the strong relationship and partnership withMediaTek. The number of smartphones that will deploy many of MediaTeks smartphone chipset solutions including the iSMS platform on it is something that will be potentially exciting for us going forward.

    NationSky The combination of NationSkys strong sales and channel support team and treasuredpast as a key BES value added seller to Fortune 500 companies in China previously and NQs strongIP and product solutions including the NQSky platform are very exciting and rewarding to have aspart of our business.

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    The allegations and accusations raised in the Muddy Waters Report on NQ Mobile arefalse and inaccurate, contain numerous errors of facts, and misleading speculation.

    The Report misrepresents the Company, its management team, its products, and its


    NQ stands by its commitments to its customers, its partners, and its shareholders.

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    51 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    A di

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    SinoMR 2013Q2 Marketshare report

    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

    Images of certifications and testing results from government agencies for NQ and FL mobileapplications

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    52 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Si MR (GFK) Chi M k t Sh t 2013Q2

  • 7/27/2019 NQ Responds To Muddy Waters.pdf


    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report - 2013Q2

    53 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report 2013Q2

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    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report - 2013Q2

    54 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report 2013Q2

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    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report - 2013Q2

    Page 17 of the report

    55 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report 2013Q2

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    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report - 2013Q2

    Page 18 of the report

    56 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report - 2013Q2

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    SinoMR (GFK) China Market Share report - 2013Q2

    Page 19 of the report

    57 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

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    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

    58 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

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    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

    59 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

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    Screenshots of Yidatong payment flows

    60 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    61 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    g Q

    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    62 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    g Q

    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    63 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    64 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    65 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    66 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    67 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    68 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    69 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    70 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    71 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    72 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ Mobile is a fraud

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    Numerous government agencies have certified that NQ and FL mobile applications do NOT containthe alleged malware. Images of certifications and testing results included below.

    73 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    74 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Vietnam Retail

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    75 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Axiom Retail (Dubai)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    76 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Spice Cellular (India)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    77 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Micromax OEM (India)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    78 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Micromax OEM (India)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    79 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Micromax OEM (India)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    80 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Intex OEM (India)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail locations/partners selling NQ products.

    81 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Intex OEM (India)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    82 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Ninetology OEM (Malaysia)

    NQ Mobile SecurityNQ Vault

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    83 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Ninetology OEM (Malaysia)

    NQ Mobile SecurityNQ Vault

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    84 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Ninetology OEM (Malaysia)

    NQ Mobile SecurityNQ Vault

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    85 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Ninetology OEM (Malaysia)

    NQ Mobile SecurityNQ Vault

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    86 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Ninetology OEM (Malaysia)

    NQ Mobile SecurityNQ Vault

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    87 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    MITO OEM (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated


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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    88 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    MITO OEM (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    I f i t ti l t il/OEM t lli i t lli NQ d t

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    89 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    MITO OEM (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    I f i t ti l t il/OEM t lli i t lli NQ d t

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    90 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    MITO OEM (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    91 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    MITO OEM (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    92 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Mobiistar (Vietnam)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    93 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Mobiistar (Vietnam)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    94 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Venera (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

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    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

    95 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Venera (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

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    g / p g p g Q p

    96 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Venera (Indonesia)

    Allegation: NQ International Revenue is Fabricated

    Images from international retail/OEM partners selling or preinstalling NQ products.

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    g p g p g p

    97 2013 NQ Mobile Inc. Proprietary and Confidential

    Venera (Indonesia)