November Worship - Razor Planet...War Room OR Chonda Pierce’s Movie: Laughing in the Dark? If you...

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Transcript of November Worship - Razor Planet...War Room OR Chonda Pierce’s Movie: Laughing in the Dark? If you...


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Nov. 6 4) Rich Towards God 1 Tim 6:17-19

All Saints’ Sunday; Holy Communion Lk. 12:16-21

Nov.13 CONSECRATION SUNDAY! John 6:5-13, Mal. 3:10

5) God’s Abundantly Rich Blessings

Nov. 20 Celebrate God’s Goodness Guest Speaker: Samantha Burgoon will share about God’s ministry in Malawi, Africa

4:00 p.m. Hanging of the Greens Join in the fun of decorating the church for Advent & Christmas! Many hands make light work!

Nov. 27 1) Hope in the Flesh 1st Sunday in Advent

8:45 a.m. Traditional Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School (all ages)

10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship Service


November Worship

Community Thanksgiving Service Join together with brothers and sisters in Christ for

our Annual Community Thanksgiving Service,

Tuesday, Nov. 22 at 7:00 p.m.

at Faith Lutheran Church

Plan now to join...

The Advent Conspiracy

It may seem early to start talking about Ad-vent and Christmas, but many of you have begun or will soon begin your Christmas shopping--so we want to let you know about this great opportunity now! Even for those of us who know the real

meaning of the season, all too often, we get caught up in the secularized version of Christmas. We have good intentions, but in the hustle and bustle of trying to live out all our Christmas dreams, we inadvertently leave out Christ. And quite honestly, our Christmases have little meaning and become...well...forgettable.

So, what are we to do? Join the “Advent Conspir-acy”—and take Christmas back for what God meant

it to be! This Advent, God invites you to join forces with fellow Christians to conspire against the cultural version of Christmas. Let’s take back Christmas—so it can once again be simple, profound, and life-changing, not only for us, but for those around us.

Advent Conspiracy

invites people to

conspire together against the empire of

consumption and materialism and to

“take Christmas back” and

celebrate it the way it was intended:

with Jesus and for Jesus.

By worshipping fully, spending less,

giving more (relationally), and loving all,

more resources are made available

to those who need it most.

Thank you for being part of

Advent Conspiracy!

For more information about Advent Conspiracy, go to www.advent For ideas about how to give

relationally (how to give more by giving less), go to www.Rethinking

What is Advent Conspiracy all about?

It’s about worshipping fully, spending less, giving more, and loving all.

It’s about giving “presence” (yourself and your time) instead of presents.

It’s remembering that Christmas is Jesus’ birth-day, not yours (or your children’s)! Therefore, we should give gifts to honor Jesus, not ourselves.

It’s not spending more, but giving more while spending less.

It’s about taking the money you saved by giving “presence” and giving it to someone who is much worse off than we are—saving lives by providing safe drinking water, empowering and equipping people in Malawi, and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

What if you could save money, give more, and help save lives all at the same time? That would be a win-win-win situation! As you prepare for Christmas this year, we invite you to not give in to the trappings of our secularized Christmas, but instead to join the Advent Conspiracy —and celebrate it by honoring Jesus and helping others.

HOW CAN YOU GIVE? 1. Mark your gifts for “Advent Conspiracy.” 2. Starting in December, we’ll provide gift cards for you to give to the person in whose honor you are giv-ing your gift.

Youth & Family News Please add to your calendar these

Upcoming events:

If you have any questions Please contact : Tiffany Jones 419-376-2546

Come and enjoy some fun at youth group for 4th-12th graders

on Sunday, November 6th in the Family Life Center from 5:00-

7:00 pm. Friends are always welcome! Dinner provided.

REMINDER: Operation Christmas Child boxes are due back to

church by Sunday, November 6th so that they can be blessed

and sent to a deserving child. Please take the time to pray over

your box, include a photo of yourself and your family, or fill out

the “Let’s Be Friends” sheet located at the table in the narthex.

Also, there are “how to pack your box” forms with girl/boy labels

on the table, or you may print yours online and track which

country it’s shipped to! Thank you for taking time to spread joy

and share Christ’s love with someone else!

Everyone is invited to join us for Family Game night on Sunday,

November 13th in the FLC at 3:00 pm. Be a real live game

piece in Clue, Hungry, Hungry Hippos, Bible Family Feud, and

more! If weather permits we will be both inside and outside; so

please wear warm, old clothes to this event. Snacks provided!

Open Gym begins on Tuesday, November 22nd. Gym hours are

Tuesday's and Thursday’s for families from 5:00—7:00 pm and

Teens & Adults from 7:00– 9:30 pm. A waiver form is needed to

participate for those under 18 years of age. Waivers are located

at the connections center. We also are in need of adult volun-


JACK VAN DINE/HOLLY HARMAN FACKLER Donut Project The donut project comes to end (for now) Jack and I would like to thank Jim Thompson, Libby Fackler, Gayle McCreery, Cheryl Fey, Rich Reed, Jacob Ulrich, Rick Tewell, Hahna McCreery, Abigail Coakley, Christina Buckley, Larry and Talayna Spangler, and Faette and Wesley Smith for their assistance once or many times throughout the season helping to cut, glaze and/or pack donuts. God always seemed to send just enough help. Tim and Peggy Lawlis provided much needed cheerleading and dishwashing the day of the first market and kept the operation continuously supplied with fresh eggs from their chickens. Darcy Soliday printed and trimmed labels on a weekly basis. Worth and Dottie Harman came to market just about every week to meet customers and keep me company. Joe Farmer visited with customers during an entire market. Steve Harman provided some equipment we needed, including a backup fryer that became our primary one after Henny Penny suddenly stopped working (she is still out of order).

We don't know where the project will go from here, if anywhere. It clearly made a positive contribution to the farmers market. We distributed a lot of information about church programs and opportunities. We made some friends

and built some relationships. We heard many expressions of gratitude about the work of the church, from preschool to chair volleyball. CUMC is known and valued for the many ways it serves community needs.

The Administrative Council voted in September to put the $1,342.50 net from donut sales toward the United Methodist Church's missions (apportionments). The $100 we took in at our final market will be used for CarePortal requests. Along the way we used some proceeds to purchase ingredients to make cookies for LU-T school teachers, and to provide donuts to preschool families in September and to the congregation at Easter and on Grandparents Day. On days when we didn't sell out, we gave away boxes or bags of donuts to families, the police, the fire department, neighbors, or random people I passed on my way home. Lots of smiles!

That's it from the Donut Hole.

-- Holly Harman Fackler on behalf of the donut team and Jack Van Dine, who fried just about every donut we sold, and cleaned up the mess we left behind.

GAYLE MCCREERY Deaconess Report A Good Eye...

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness!" (Matt. 6:22-23).

Our Sunday morning Book Club has been reading and digesting the book, Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg. This author has spent decades studying the Hebrew culture, idioms and context of biblical text with the times in which Jesus lived. Jesus' teaching in light of Jewish tradition has a depth and nuance that can change your life and the lives of people who you encounter.

Here's a kernel of the Matthew 6 quote in light of The Jewish idea of ' a good eye': While our usual idea of the good eye is as a window to the condition of our soul, the Jewish concept of ' a good eye' has to do with your attitude and response to others- i.e.-ones's ability to see a need and respond to that with generosity and wisdom as well.

So yes a 'good eye' does reflect on the condition of a soul, but it is the 'other' that is the focus rather than a judgement upon you.

This author points out that the other cultures surrounding the ancient Hebrew culture had much in common regarding basic values and ethics. The difference, the uniqueness of the Hebrew tradition is the concern for, the rules of action for dealing with the neighbor in need- the poor. This care for the poor, the hurting

carries right on through Jesus' teaching as we know it today.

The contrast between the Matthew 6 scripture set in ancient Hebrew and Jesus' time and 21st C. time according to Tverberg is our focus upon self and the health of our soul vs the Hebrew/ Jesus focus upon the other- our neighbor's well being, body and soul.

This book study, in progress, begs the question for me, why do we as church struggle to serve our neighbors in need? If our people hear Jesus in context then would we not be bursting with outreach ideas and volunteers?

That is the question and one of many that Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus brings. Hope you'll take time to read it one day.

Yours in Christ, Gayle McCreery

Want to Borrow a Movie?

War Room OR Chonda Pierce’s Movie: Laughing in the Dark?

If you would like to borrow either of the recent movies we’ve shown to watch it yourself or share it

with a group, please contact the office.

With both movies, we have a one-year license that allows us to show it publicly.

Consecration Sunday is Coming, Nov. 13

Our God is an awesome God! He is the God of all creation who created us and gave us life and breath, our gifts and talents, and everything we have and are—and we are stewards (care takers) of everything God has given us. Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help peo-ple grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes.

Our Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of disci-pleship. Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the ques-tion, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, November 13, we are asking our attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning wor-ship on Consecration Sunday. Even if you do not wish to complete a card, we still urge you to attend. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During our morning worship service (8:45 and 10:45 a.m.), in response to God’s love and goodness, we will invite people to make their commitments as a confidential act of worship. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and have everyone attend Consecration Sunday worship on Sunday, November 13. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events! Administrative Council Chairperson, Joe Farmer

Charge Conference, Nov. 14

Christ UMC’s annual charge conference will be Mon., Nov. 14, at 7:00 p.m. at Lancaster First United Methodist Church. Our new District Superintendent, Tim Bias, has coordinated regional charge conferences for the churches in the Capital Area South District. As a result, our administrative council will care for the business part of charge conference (receive and vote on nominations for church leadership, set the pastor’s salary for the coming year, and receive membership, lay speaker, and any other reports) at a meeting prior to charge conference, and then charge conference will be a celebration of ministry, with our charge conference forms as the offering.


How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

~Psalm 137:4

When the people of Jerusalem were taken captive to

Babylon, they lost everything. They lost their homes, their

families, even the temple where they worshiped God; all

was destroyed and they were taken away from their coun-

try. It was as if their security and identity had been lost

forever. I don’t imagine they felt much like thanking or

praising God in that situation.

Most of us have had tragedy, terrible loss, rough cir-

cumstances, illnesses, financial difficulty and/or other ma-

jor heartache in our lives at one time or another. It isn’t

always easy to praise God during those times.

When the hard times come, as they do, we must re-

member all the times God has been faithful to us in the

past and we must remember that God truly loves us. We

must cling to the fact that He is still with us and working on

our behalf – no matter how the circumstances may look. It

is important to remember that when we enter His presence

with praise, He enters our circumstances with power!

We can ask God to help us see beyond the obstacles,

through the storms, so we can envision His next place of

promise for us. Our doubts, worries and fears need to

take a backseat to faith, hope and love. In fact, others

may even look up from their storm because of how we

trust God in ours.

God eventually brought the people back to Jerusalem

and enabled them to rebuild the temple. He will restore us

as well. Let us look forward to the restoration and praise

Him. Let us give thanks for all the things that are going

right and trust Him to help us. Even in the difficulty, there

is always something for which to be thankful.

“Let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I do not re-

member you, if I do not think about Jerusalem as my great-

est joy.” ~Psalm 137:6.

May God richly bless you! May you have much for

which to be thankful this November as we set aside a day

to give thanks to our great God!

Keep praying & praising,

Kristy Schooler

During November, as a church family, let’s concentrate our prayers. Each week, let’s agree to pray together for the following people and ministries:

Week 1 Children & Youth of the Area

Week 2 Outreach Ministries Week 3 Pastor Alice & Church Leaders

Week 4 Preschool Staff, Children & Families


Plan ahead now so you won’t miss these special worship opportunities!!!

Sun., Dec. 18 Children’s Christmas Pageant

10:00 a.m. ONE COMBINED SERVICE 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages

Sat., Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Services

6:00 p.m. Family Christmas Eve Service (FLC) 8:30 p.m. Traditional Christmas Eve Service (Sanctuary)

Sun., Dec. 25 Christmas Day Service


Sun., Jan. 1 New Years Day Service

10:00 a.m. ONE COMBINED SERVICE NO Children’s Sunday School; Adult Classes can decide



We would like to say CONGRATULATIONS and a BIG THANKS to all of you who helped to make the 2016 Craft/Antique Show a huge success. To those who helped with setting up placements for vendors Friday morning, to those who helped the vendors bring in their wares Friday evening and Saturday morning and helped them pack their wares Saturday afternoon. We are truly grateful to those who worked and prepared food in the kitchen, the bakers and bake sale chairman and helpers, ticket sellers and cashiers, those who shuttled both Saturday AM and PM, the runners who served drinks and lunches throughout the day, our publicity chairman, door prize chairman and her helper, Pastor Alice, office staff, custodians, the clean up committee including the Boy Scouts, and to all who just showed up to help. You were greatly appreciated and we are sure our Heavenly Father was very pleased to watch HIS church family work together as a team in HIS name.

Again this year we had vendors from our own church family. What a joy! In closing, here are a few of the comments that were made by our vendors in attendance: "I was very impressed with how organized you were. Best

run show I have ever entered! All of the people there to help were amazing. This is the best show I have been to because (1) it's well organized, (2) ALL are friendly, (3) wonderful help unpacking and

packing vehicles, (4) driving us back and forth to retrieve our vehicles, and (5) GREAT FOOD. Very nice! Everyone was very helpful and friendly and I plan on returning next year, the Lord willing!"

This makes the whole day truly a blessing as we FELLOWSHIP with one another and perhaps bring new sheep into our fold. Again, THANKS for all of your help and don't to forget to mark your calendar for October 28th, 2017! God bless each of you as you were a blessing to others throughout the two days as we worked and fellowshipped together so we could continue to SEND LOVE OVER THERE!!!

In His Love, Sharon and Becky

Mark Your Calendar for 2017 Craft Show

October 28th

CARA NOYES Choir & Praise Band

Remember this awesome song from your childhood?

"This little light of mine I'm going to let it shine

Oh, this little light of mine I'm going to let it shine This little light of mine I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine, all the time, let it shine

Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine

Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine

Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine

Let it shine, all the time, let it shine."

So… if you were singing along as you read it, let your voice shine! Some of you singers out there are hiding in the pews, and we'd like you to get on up front with us on Sunday mornings and make a joyful noise! You do not have to be able to read music; you just need a willing heart and love for singing God's praises.

We need some more of your shining lights singing with us weekly in our choir. The time commitment is not too much. We practice 3 Wednesday evenings per month (7:15-8:15 pm) and rehearse from 8:15-8:30 am on Sundays. If you cannot be there on Wednesdays, that's ok. I can get you the music well in advance so you can look it over. And you can just join us on Sundays.

In November, we sing on the 6th, 13th, and 27th (1st Sunday of Advent), and we'd like you to let that voice of yours SHINE!

Praise Band News 1 Chronicles 16:9

Sing to Him! Sing praises to Him! Talk about all His


If you attend the 10:45 a.m. service and enjoy

contemporary music, we'd love to have you join us in the

praise band. We'd love for anybody out there who strums a

guitar, plays drums, and/or sings to help Mallory and I sing

about God's wonders. Yes, we are a great duo, but the

Lord loves it when we enter His courts with praise.

Who knows? Maybe you will become "overcome with joy"

as you celebrate JESUS with us. Rehearsals are Sunday

mornings from 10:00 am-10:45. If you can commit to just 1

Sunday per month, that would help lots.

"I will enter His presence, offering

sacrifices and praise. In His house, I am overcome with

joy As I sing, yes, and play music for the

Eternal alone." Psalm 27:6

Celebrating Jesus,

Cara Noyes

REBEKAH CIRCLE New Garden Benches

When the Rebekah Circle met in October, the group voted to spend some of the money they raised at the annual church yard sale. They donated $300 to the church operating funds for the air conditioning used during the three day sale, donated $500 to the Baltimore Food Pantry and purchased four garden benches for the narthex entries and the porch at the fellowship hall entry. We thank everyone who donated items for the yard sale, those who helped sort, price, sell and pack up

unsold items after the sale and everyone who purchased the bargains. The 2017 yard sale is scheduled for June 15-17.

HOLLY HARMAN FACKLER Good Neighbors in the Village

The After School Program (ASP) continues to serve area children and their families with a mix of fun and challenge. LU-T teachers provide feedback that helps volunteers in the program know what is working and where follow-up is needed. This kind of teamwork is creating a strong program capable of making a positive and lasting impact on young lives. Lessons at the ASP are not just academic either. It’s a crucible for character development – and not just for the enrollees! Thanks to the adult volunteers who make this remarkable program possible, and to Faith Lutheran, which has committed heart, soul AND facilities to the outreach.

Continue to ask the Holy Spirit to intervene in the lives of these children and to send us the students who most need what ASP provides. If you have a skill or interest to share with elementary-aged kids or are interested in donating time (the heaviest need is between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m.), please leave a message and contact info with CUMC secretary Darcy Soliday at 740-862-4343.

We will have our annual community Christmas caroling event on the afternoon of Dec. 11 and invite YOUR CHURCH CHOIR to participate. Choirs will meet and disperse from Faith Lutheran at 4 p.m. and return there after caroling for a light supper and fellowship. While

we’re recruiting choirs, anyone who wants to raise a joyful noise and spread holiday cheer is welcome to carol with us. If you know of some area residents who would be heartened to have some singers at their door, please contact Gayle McCreery at 740-438-3820, Darcy or me (number below).

Do you like to cook with fresh vegetables? Do you have a talent for growing food? Are you an expert at preserving what you raise? Do you want to learn about these things and help bring about a local food culture? An ad hoc group is beginning to explore some ways of expanding the community garden (on the property of Faith Lutheran Church) to serve families, children, seniors, the farmers market, Summer Lunch Program, and Baltimore Food Pantry. If you are interested in working with others to develop these ideas (or know of someone who is), please call me or send an email with contact information.

The Good Neighbors board will meet at 6 p.m. Nov. 7 at New Zion United Methodist Church. Our meetings are open to anyone interested in being part of what we do (listening, networking, responding, doing).

Holly Harman Fackler, chair 419-564-0964;

GOOD TIMERS Upcoming Events

Thank you to everyone who helped in the

kitchen & dining area during the Craft Show &

to the pie bakers who donated popular

homemade pies!

We have two events scheduled for

November. On Wednesday, November 2nd

the Ohio

Association of Garden Clubs will hold their Region 9

meeting in the Family Life Center. We'll be serving a

continental breakfast and lunch to approximately 100

guests. There will be speakers and sales vendors at

this all day meeting. Saturday, November 12th is the

Annual Turkey Supper. As an added bonus this year,

Karen Mathews will provide dinner music from 4:30 pm

until 5:30 pm. As always, we'll be asking for homemade

pies for the turkey supper and will need help

getting both of these events served. If you're

not sure what kind of help we need here is a list.

We put up tables and set up the dining room,

cook the food, cut and plate the pies, plate the

food, serve and bus the meal, wash dishes and take

down tables and clean the room.

If you can help with either of these events, please let

one of us know. The Good Timers is a fundraising team

whose profits go 100% to the church.

The Good Timers are Melissa Bader, Cookie Friesner, Dana Hoisington, Tim Lawlis, Susan and Zale Maxwell and Louise Smith. If you would like to be a part of this group, let one of us know!



DIANE FRIESNER Christ UM Preschool Welcome to Fall!

The Preschool has been very busy with learning and having fun. The children are adjusting to our routine and being away from their families. This separation is good for children; they need to prepare for moving on into elementary school. One of our purposes is the prepare children for transition in their lives.

We have a total of 82 children this year! That includes 32 Pre-K children, 46 Preschool children & 4 Wee One children.

The Preschool staff & the children are preparing for our Fall Program that is later this month. Mrs. Stilwell really world hard to have make our program very successful. The children get very excited about performing for their families. Beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 15th, we will be having a Scholastics Book Fair held in the Fellowship Hall and also you may shop in the evenings during our Fall Programs.

The Book Fair is not just for the children’s parents, but for everyone so all of you are welcome to shop and we

hope you do so! This is an excellent place to purchase great book for Christmas gifts. These books are reasonably priced plus there are even choices for adults to read as well. Please come and visit our Book Fair!!!

The Book Fair is open Tue., Nov. 15th - Thurs., Nov. 17th. The Book Fair is also open two evenings during our Fall Programs from 5:30 - 8:00 pm. If questions arise contact Diane Freisner or Darcy at the church office.

The children will also be preparing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to send to children in other countries. We want the children to know that Christmas is a time of giving and showing love. Last year we filled 63 boxes and are hoping to top that this year.

Enjoy the Fall and Thanksgiving!

Sincerely, Diane Friesner Preschool Director

TIM & SUE COOPER Food Pantry News

Well, I knew it would happen. After serving the clients of the Baltimore Food Pantry for several years ( and filling orders each week) I had my turn of an avalanche of people last Wednesday night. I usually have between 1-3 families come for their food on any Wednesday night, but last week I had 7 families who needed help in the food department.

Ruth Crutcher ( bless her heart) came to help me since we ran out of potatoes and she knew how to secure them. That being said, after the craziness and the staging of 7 orders of food for those 7 families came to an end, it dawned on me just how much food had "gone out the door" and why the food at the pantry seems a bit sparse at times. I wanted to share with you just how much your contributions (canned goods, cash, etc.) really mean to help these local families. For those 7 orders (just one night's needs out of 5, mind you) the pantry distributed (are you ready?) ----

14 chickens (yes that is whole chickens), 14 pounds of butter, 14 pounds of ground beef, 14 packages of hot dogs, 7 pounds of baloney - and that's just the frozen stuff !!! 7 gallons of milk, 14 dozen eggs, 14 loaves of bread, 70 pounds of potatoes and some miscellaneous goodies provided by Bob Evans.

Now that is just the frozen and fresh stuff. If we start on the canned goods the numbers are even more staggering: 98 cans of vegetables, 63 cans of soup, 14 boxes of cereal, 28 rolls of toilet paper, and the list goes on. And this is just for ONE evening of the 5 that the Pantry is available during the week.

As you can see, it does take a village to keep these shelves and freezers full. And your weekly contributions go a long way in helping

restock those quickly emptied shelves. Just a reminder, monetary donations can also be made through our church. You can make out your check to CUMC and put "Food Pantry" on the memo line. ( But I still LOVE to see that basket in the Narthex overflowing on Sunday mornings.) Thank you for your consistent and continued support of this very vital ministry. May this month of Thanksgiving, remind us of how graciously and plentifully God has provided for us and that for this reason alone we should (with joy) "pay it forward".

May God's peace and joy fill your homes this holiday season. Tim & Sue Cooper

WORTH HARMAN 2017 We Celebrate 50 Years!

In 2017,the congregation of Christ United Methodist Church

will celebrate 50 Years in its present location

Rev. Paul Lindsey was assigned to the Baltimore-Basil Charge in 1959, and because he was a friendly, outgoing, sincere Christian gentleman, as well as an excellent minister, it was not long before he was well known in the community. He preached a good sermon, but his life in the community held an even better message. The time was ripe and he was by nature, a peacemaker and a good leader. Both the Baltimore and Basil churches were on his charge and he soon had the two congregations considering a merger. The schools had long since been consolidated, both towns were legally Baltimore, a new Post Office replaced the towns individual Post Offices, and the churches were not far apart (The Baltimore Methodist Church was at the corner of Mulberry and Granville Streets and the Basil Methodist Church was at the corner of Oak and Market Streets). The Basil Church had an average attendance of 34 in 1962, and most were elderly so the possibility of growth in the future was very low. At the Fourth Quarterly Conference held on February 26,

1963, the two church congregations were officially united and chose the name, “Christ Methodist Church.” At that time they also agreed that the joined congregations would build a new Church. On April 19,1963, they purchased the land on which the Church is now located. The sign in this picture, with some of the church members around it was placed on the property shortly afterward.

Future Site of

The Christ Methodist Church

JUDY KELLER/DENISE VANDERMARK Senior Citizen Christmas Project

This November we will be gathering supplies for our Annual

Senior Citizens Christmas Project. Our goal is to have a

shopping bag of supplies for each resident of Walnut Creek

Village to help those who are on fixed incomes. Any extra

supplies will be available for our seniors who attend the

Wednesday lunch in the Family Life Center.

Thanks to the generosity of our church and others in the

community, this will be the 4th year to give away supplies

such as:

laundry detergent & dish soap

fabric softener

bar soap


hand and/or body lotion


lip balm

razors & shaving cream

Large Christmas Bags

Please send regular size products and no hotel size


We will have a box in the narthex for donations starting

the first Sunday in November. Please have all items in

by Sunday, Nov. 27th.

Questions? Contact Judy Keller at 740-215-2665 or

Denise Vandermark at 740-503-6018. Thank you for

supporting this popular ministry!

Judy Keller

Denise Vandermark

All Saint’s Sunday

On Sunday, Nov. 6th

, we celebrate All Saints’ Sunday.


October 2016 10/2 10/9 10/16 10/23

Attendance Traditional Service 118 105 87 145

Attendance Contemporary Service 37 34 52 43

Special Sunday Service N/A N/A N/A N/A

Total Attendance (both services) 155 139 139 188

Attendance Sunday School 66 64 72 77


Please Note: It is important for everyone to fill out the Connect Cards on Sunday

so that the attendance records and reports I need to run are accurate. It also helps

me with knowing how many bulletins to run every Sunday along with other

important information. Thank you! Darcy Soliday, Admin. Asst.




OPERATING INCOME 26,668.97 274,459.11

OPERATING EXPENSES 30,799.74 269,114.01

Designated Funds 21,947.55 45,228.77

Sunday School 246.00 2,213.85

Coins for Missions 170.05 788.88


SEPTEMBER YEAR to DATE A new line has been added.


our Church. For example, FLC Loan

Payment, Utilities, Parsonage, Coffee

and Kitchen Supplies, Etc.

Designated Funds are monies given for

Special Projects. For Example: Special

Sunday Donations, Children’s Ministry,

Summer Lunch Program, Baltimore

Food Pantry, Memorials, Etc.

NO Designated Funds may be used for

the OPERATING of our church. Your


ERATIONS. PRAY specifically and

search your HEART when you

PLEDGE for 2017.

We are grateful for ALL DONATIONS!

GOD has big plans for Christ UMC.




It's November al-ready. Where has this year gone? As I write this I'm look-ing out of the win-dow and enjoying the beautiful colors

of God's handiwork. The cooler weather and the splendor of the fall landscape is such a powerful reminder to me that God is always trying to show us how much He loves us. To me nothing is prettier than the royal purple color of ironweed against the rich golden color of goldenrod. { In God's world weeds can be pretty too !} God surely is the ulti-mate artist. Do you know of anyone else who tries so hard to impress you and love you so much? Our next prayer shawl meetings will be on Nov.8 and Nov.22 at 10:00 in the church parlor. We will be talking about what projects we will be doing for next year. If you can crochet or knit please join us and see what we are all about. We are also always looking for people who are in need of comfort and warmth that we can give a shawl to. We like to think of our colorful shawls as a hug from God. If you have any ques-tions please contact the church office or Bernie Anderson. Will you take the time today to thank God for all He does for you and all the love He blankets upon you? May God bless you with His love this Thanksgiving,

Bernie Anderson


Our next blood drive will be:


November 14th

2:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Please share this information with your family and friends, as there is ALWAYS a need for donors. The sign up sheet will be at the Connec-tion Counter later in October.

Thank you,

Denise Vandermark


I f you miss worship, want to listen to a sermon again, or want to recommend

a sermon to a friend, you may listen to the weekly sermons on our web site (


C hrist UMC has a Facebook

page!Look us up under Christ

UM church Baltimore. The page

should show a picture of the church

with the rainbow. This is a new page.

Share your news. Like us on

Facebook! See Tiffany Jones.

I f you would like newsletter articles & announcements published

please send to the church office at or put them in Darcy’s mailbox in the church office.

Newsletter Deadline Monday, November 14 for the

December newsletter.

When sending your articles and info, it is very helpful to use font


Bulletin insert info due no later

than 3:00 pm on Wednesdays.


The Wednesday Night Bible study group meets at 6:00 pm each week in the Parlor. Frank Anderson will head up a study on the Gospel of John (with lessons based on Max Lucado's guide).

There will be no requirement to purchase anything, but please bring your Bible. Everyone is welcome.





Remember to set

your clocks BACK

1 hour before you

go to bed on

Saturday, November 5th.



Come for some fun and fellowship as

we join together as a church family to

decorate the church for Advent and


Sunday, November 20th

4:00 p.m.

Many hands make light work!

Good Timers will

order fresh uncooked

turkey breasts again this

year. They average 6 to 8

pounds and the cost is

about $2.20 a pound.

The deadline to order is

Oct. 31. Louise Smith will

contact you when your

order is ready for pick-up.

To place an order contact Louise at

740-862-6018 or email to


New Member Class

Are you interested in joining Christ United

Methodist Church or learning more about

what it means to be a member? If so, contact

Pastor Alice

or 740-862-4343 to register or get more


Classes will be during

Sunday School (10-10:40

a.m.) on Nov. 6, 13, 20 and

27, plus 3:30-5:00 p.m. on

Sunday, Nov. 37


Christ UM Preschool Book Fair

Get some great Christmas gift at our Preschool Book Fair.

Tuesday, November 15 Thru

Thursday, November 17

Open all 3 days 9:00 am - 3:00 pm and in the evenings from 5:30 pm -

8:00 pm.

These Scholastics books are reasonably priced. We

have children and adult books! Shop in the

Fellowship Hall.

Great Christmas Gifts!

The Rebekah Circle is selling “Rada” knives and

utensils as a fundraiser. These are great for home

use, sold year round and have a GREAT price!

Available in the office choose from paring, stubby

butcher or 10” bread knife. Also a serverspoon

and knife sharpener.

They are great gift too!

Talk to Bonnie

Simpson, Louise Smith

or Darcy at the office


We are preparing for this year’s youth Christmas program, and we’d love to celebrate any special talents of our children and youth. While all children and youth will be involved, we want to highlight any child or youth who is willing to share his or her God-given talents (singing, playing an instrument, reading, etc.). If you know a child or youth who would be willing to feature his/her gift, please contact Katy Endsley ( or Jody Poth ( Katy Endsley

Staff Appreciation Gifts

If you wish to show your

appreciation to the staff of

Christ Church, place your

donation in the offering plate on

or before December 12th.

Please mark your check memo

area or your offering envelope

with 'Staff Appreciation'.

Open Gym Starts Nov 22nd

runs thru April 2017

5 - 7 pm Family Time 7 - 9:30 pm Teens & Adults

Need helpers for this outreach ministry

Contact Jack Van Dine 614-557-4652



1 Eryka Gaskill, Kari James

2 Mary Johnson, Adrienne Miller

3 Raylee Barr

4 Kylie Schrader

5 Roxanne Warling

6 Kyle Schrader, Joshua Spencer

7 Ann Wolfe

9 Jennifer Blackstone

11 Steve Harman, Kevin McCluer, Jack Van Dine

13 Worth Harman

14 Ed Duggan

15 Joe Farmer

17 Ed Ulrich

18 William McCreery

22 Dick Weidner

23 Talayna Spangler

25 Trudi Coakley, Dianne Miller

26 Kelsie Huntwork

29 Silas Kohler, Greg Noyes, Dona Rae Stalder

Mark & Polly Spencer November 2

Jacob & Tolli Ulrich November 3

Chris & Shelley Barr November 6

Zack & Eryka Gaskill November 7

Clark & Shelly Raver November 7

Matt & Rebecca Petty November 8

Jim & Bonita McCall November 14

Kasey & Tracy Farmer November 21

Seth & Elisa Kohler November 22

Braden & Amy Moore November 24

Ken & Roxanne Warling November 27



Dear Church Family,

Thank you for your prayers, cards, phone calls, food and attention during the passing of my mother, Mary Lou Snider. We feel blessed to Christ United Methodist as our Christian family to support us during this time of loss.

In Christian Love, Mike & Brenda Snider

Annual Turkey Supper Sat., Nov. 12th

4 - 7 PM

Family Life Center $10 Adults Children ~ $5 Child (child 10 and under)


Turkey/Gravy Cole Slaw

Dressing Cranberry Salad

Mashed Potatoes Homemade Pies

Green Beans Lemonade, Iced Tea

Rolls Coffee Carry Out Available

N ov ember 2016 Christ United Methodist

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


6:45 pm Worship Task

Force (P)

7 pm Trustees (L)


10 am Senior VB (Trinity


11 am Senior (Trinity


6 pm Bible Study (P)

7:15 pm Choir (S)


6:30 pm Lay Leadership

Nominations (L)

7 pm Bells (P)

4 5

Set Your

Clocks Back 1

Hour Tonight


7:30 am Men’s

Breakfast (FH)

8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sun. School

10:45 am Contemp

5-7 pm Youth (FLC)


6:30 pm Finance (L)

7 pm Admin Council


7 pm Rebekah Circle (P)


6 pm Scouts (FH)


10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior (FLC)

6 pm Bible Study (P)



7 pm Bells (P)


Turkey Supper prep &

set up (FH & FLC)


Annual Turkey


4-7:00 pm




8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sun. School

10:45 am Contemp

5pm Youth Family

Game Night( FLC)


Blood Drive

2 - 6:30 pm (FH)

7-8:30 pm Charge

Conference at

Lancaster UMC


10 am Prayer Shawl


6 pm Preschool Fall

Program (S & FH)


10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch


6 pm Bible Study (P)


10 am Baltimore

Seniors (FH)

6 pm Pre-K Fall

Program (S & FH)

7 pm Bells (P)




8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sun. School

10:45 am Contemp

Hanging of the


4:00 pm






7 PM

Faith Lutheran


5-9 pm Open Gym


10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch


6 pm Bible Study (P)

6:30 pm Girl Scouts (FH)

7:15 pm Choir (S)


Office Closed




Office Closed for



5-9 pm Open Gym



27 1st Sunday of


8:45 am Traditional

10 am Sun. School

10:45 am Contemp


7 pm Admin Council



10 am Prayer Shawl


7 pm Empty Bowls

Meeting (FH)

5-9 pm Open Gym



10 am Senior VB (FLC)

11 am Senior Lunch


6 pm Bible Study (P)

Please Note: The information on the calendar is subject to change

9 am — 3 pm Preschool (FLC)

9-3 pm Preschool in Session (FLC)

9-3 pm Preschool in Session (FLC)

9-3 pm Preschool in Session (FLC)


8:45 a.m.

Traditional Worship

10:00 a.m.

Sunday School for all ages

10:45 a.m.

Contemporary Worship

Christ United Methodist Church

700 S. Main St.

Baltimore, OH 43105

Phone: 740-862-4343

Fax: 740-862-6163


Web page:


Our mission is... to help people find and follow Jesus Christ.

Pastor Alice Wolfe

Generally in the office, Tues., Wed.,

& Thurs.; Hours vary

(Call any time for appointment)

Children’s Director Tiffany Jones

Administrative Asst. Darcy Soliday 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mon.-Fri.

Treasurer Darla Reedy 9 a.m.- 3 p.m. Tues.

Preschool Director Diane Friesner

Choir Director & Cara Noyes

Praise Band Director

Bell Choir Director Becky Ety

Pianists Karen Mathews, Julie Ulrich

Custodians Jim Anderson, Steve Vandermark

Church Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


We are emailing our newsletters!

If you would like to receive your church newsletter by email, please contact the church office.

Our MISSION is to help people find and follow Jesus Christ, by

(VISION) connecting people with GOD through worship,

connecting people with the CHURCH through whole-life discipleship,

and connecting people with the WORLD through mission.