November 2018 Front Porch (file) file · Web viewBarb & George Hugo 11/06/82Larry & Sandy Wentovich...

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Transcript of November 2018 Front Porch (file) file · Web viewBarb & George Hugo 11/06/82Larry & Sandy Wentovich...

THE GENIUS OF GENEROSITYKansas pastor Jack Wellman has been credited with the insight that “there is a certain genius in generosity.” He explains that when we open our hands — figuratively speaking — to allow something to pass through our fingers, rather than holding it with tightly clenched fists, God can give us new blessings. “God cannot pour more into hands that are already clinging tightly to what they hold,” says Wellman. Whether material goods or time, ideas or talents, money or energy, the gifts God has given us so generously are to be shared just as freely with others. With our hands

Colleen Brown 11/02/--Ryan Ross 11/03/--Cheryl Ann Howard 11/05/-Kirstin McCarty 11/07/-David A.Hindman 11/10/-Jean Reinhart 11/11/--Gary Neiley 11/11/--Laedyn McHenry 11/13/09Jackie Parfitt 11/13/--Jeff Hindman 11/14/--Anna Joy Petlock 11/18/14Beth Brown 11/22/--Betty Neiley 11/22/--Jared Zionkowski 11/23/99Becky Neiley 11/23/--Grayson Cogswell 11/25/13Aaron Carr 11/25/05Shannon Lord 11/25/--Travis Eberlin 11/27/--

Wyalusing Presbyterian Church79 Church Street


Barb & George Hugo 11/06/82Larry & Sandy Wentovich 11/12/83Doug & Beth Brown 11/11/96


GranddaughterAmelia Jean WoodruffBorn to Courtney &

AdamOctober 13, 2018

DBlack, 10/10/18,

ALL SAINTS’ DAY NOVEMBER 1, 2018 LIFELONG SAINTS: Rather than limit the celebration of saints to one Sunday,



The FRONT PORCH is the monthly newsletter of Wyalusing Presbyterian Church located at 179 Church Street in the heart of Wyalusing Pennsylvania. The vision of Wyalusing Presbyterian Church is to nurture faith inJesus Christ, and through that faith, reach out to all people in Christian love. Phone: 570-746-3333 E-mail: web site:


Dear friends and members of our

congregationwho have passed on

to glory since last November

1st :*

Lewis ReinhartFebruary 6,


Rev. Virginia Miner

February 19, 2018



some churches now observe a Season of Saints from World Communion Sunday (the first Sunday in October) to All Saints’ Sunday (the first Sunday in November).

Saints aren’t merely exceptional Christians, writes worship director Taylor Burton-Edwards. Instead, they’re simply believers, all of whom are undergoing a lifetime of transformation into Christ’s own people. Pointing to a saint-themed hymn by Charles Wesley, Burton-Edwards notes that the lyrics are intended to be an “anthem for a lifetime,” not a once-yearly occasion.

Come, let us join our friends above who have obtained the prize, and on the eagle wings of love to joys celestial rise.

Let saints on earth unite to sing with those to glory gone, or all the servants of our King in earth and heaven are one.

Daylight-Saving Time ends November 4, 2018

WHO WILL LEAD? After the people of Shechem made a poor decision about who would rule as their king, Gideon's son Jotham told them a parable. In Judges 9:8-15, the trees had difficulty finding a willing leader. The olive tree, fig tree and grape vine all declined, saying they didn’t want to leave their important production jobs. Finally out of options, the trees asked the wretched, thorny bramble bush to be king. Although this wild shrub wasn’t welcome on anyone’s land, still it was a plant. And it was willing to rule if the trees announced their allegiance. The trees opted for the worst of the worst. When the most worthy, qualified people neglect to step up and lead, results — and morale — suffer. Where can your expertise and passion best be put to use in God’s kingdom?

VETERANS DAY November 11, 2018



Dear friends and members of our

congregationwho have passed on

to glory since last November

1st :*

Lewis ReinhartFebruary 6,


Rev. Virginia Miner

February 19, 2018



ELECTION DAY November 6th

The earliest official reference to using “Taps” at a military funeral is described in an 1891 manual. During the Civil War, a Union soldier “was buried at a time when the battery occupied an advanced position concealed in the woods.” Because it wasn’t safe to fire the customary three volleys over the grave, Captain John Tidball decided the sounding of “Taps” would be an appropriate substitute ceremony.Previously, “Taps” signaled the end of a soldier’s workday, but it has since come to honor the end of his or her earthly life. Horace Trim’s lyrics remind us of God’s constant presence: Day is done, gone the sun

From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky All is well, safely rest God is nigh.

Thanks and praise for our days ’Neath the sun, ’neath the stars, ’neath the sky

As we go, this we know God is nigh.


following the Worship ServiceA COFFEE HOUR sponsored by

the Session and Personnel Team Leader, Elder George Hugo – Here’s

the time to let our staff know we appreciate all the work they do.

World Food Day November 13, 2018

In light of Matthew 22:39, where Jesus says we should love our neighbors as ourselves, Rozella Haydée White writes: “I believe that we are called to love ourselves so that we can love our neighbor. I believe that loving God leads to loving self. When we love self, we practice how we are called to love others. Then when we love others, we love the incarnate God. And this cycle

continues, leading us deeper into love with the One who is love.” Unfortunately, many Christians have been taught that loving oneself is, well, selfish. But White understands self-care not as being self-serving but as recognizing oneself as a holy, beloved dwelling place for God. She asks, “What if God has been inviting you not just to rest but to remember that you are first called to love God and love yourself? What if living out the commandments in that order gives you boundless energy to love others?”

Mission Team leader, Elder Deb Minturn: The October/November Noisy Can Collections

will go to Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center.. The first Sunday of each month we leave the HUNGER BASKET at the Greeters table in the front hall – all cash donations go to Towanda Area Christian Outreach (TACO) and each month on Communion Sunday the NOISY CAN goes to the Hunger Basket . During November fill the shopping cart for HELPING HANDS with 4 packs of toilet paper.

Session has committed to supporting the Smith and Howard families - $100 per/family each month (the two men & their families who grew up in our church: CAM SMITH – now at Carson-Newman Univ. and DAVID HOWARD in Papua New Guinea - check out the bulletin board in the Sigler Hall to read the most recent postings from the Howard family & Rev. Cameron Smith )

The big baskets will hold your contributions of school supplies for North Rome Christian School.

Throughout the year WPC continues to support our local charities: Hezekiah’s Hands, Helping Hands Food Pantry, the North Rome Christian School, the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center, and the Wyalusing Youth Group.



GOD IS OUR REFUGE AND STRENGTHTherefore, we will not fear … though the waters roar and foam, though the

mountains tremble. —Psalm 46Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) urges your support for those affected by Hurricane Florence. PDA is delivering immediate aid to those impacted by the storm on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Initial assessment suggests catastrophic destruction, but the full scope of the damage will not be known for many months. The storm’s path is cutting across areas still recovering from Hurricane Matthew (2016). While these winds and waters have meant loss and destruction, the work of PDA might become, as the psalmist says, “a river whose streams make glad the city of God.”

PDA is deploying teams to affected presbyteries to meet with Presbyterian and community leadership to assist in coordinating relief efforts and mucking out homes and churches. After initial needs are addressed, PDA will remain — providing spiritual and emotional care and long-term recovery to address the unmet needs of those impacted. Through your prayerful gifts, we draw hope

out of the chaos.Mission Team Leader, Deb Minturn tells us the Hallsville Presbyterian Church in North Carolina that we helped following the Hurricane in 2016 has been hit again by Hurricane Florence. WPC will come to their aid again.

If ever throughout the year anyone feels led to contribute any amount, just use one of the white pew envelopes, and mark it for missions.

“A single grateful thought toward heaven

is the most complete prayer.”—Gotthold Lessing

… from the DEACONS BENCH Colleen Brown, Sue Fenton, Marleah Stevens, Marilyn Ross, Cari McCarty, Karen Bond, Julie Gamble & Carman Eberlin

DEACON MEETING MINUTES – 10/21/2018The meeting was opened in prayer and scripture from James 3: 17-18

FOR INFORMATION: ●Deacon in charge of Greeters/Ushers for NOVEMBER –Colleen Brown●Deacons to serve Communion in NOVEMBER: Karen Bond, Marilyn Ross, Sue Fenton, Julie Gamble●Next Meeting date is 11/11/2018 right after worship. This was changed from our regular third Sunday so we can be thankful with our church family for Thanksgiving at Mark’s Valley View.

OLD BUSINESS: Continued Prayers for the children of Belize:

Specifically Jamie Tracy, Susie Westby, Whitney

Garbutt, Denzel Garbutt & Stephanie Logan. Finalized reaching out to our college students

10/14/18, please keep them in your prayers:Wesley Ballard, Madison Eberlin, Scott Eberlin, Katie Epler, Kristie Epler, Katie Howard, Rachel Jensen, Kirstin McCarty, Silas McCarty, Tiana Miller, Olivia Minturn, Alyssa Porter

John Winters 191 Winters Lane New Albany PA 18833 has been in the hospital. He stepped on something and his foot got infected. He is now home with a pic-line and enjoys cards very much.

Continued prayers for Lynn Petlock 190 Our Drive Sugar Run PA 18846.

NEW BUSINESS: It is time to start thinking about 2019 Deacon Members. According to the bulletin, the Deacon Class of 2018 is as follows: Colleen Brown, Sue Fenton, and Marleah Stevens. A Deacon can renew their three year term once. We certainly are Blessed with our current Deacon team. Marleah Stevens prefers not to renew her term. Sue Fenton and Colleen Brown will serve another three year term.

DEACON ACTIVITIES IN AUG-SEPT-OCTOBER:→Anniversary Cards: 2→Birthday Cards: 12


Wyalusing United Methodist ChurchNovember 18, 2018 7 p.m.

→CONGRATULATIONS: Courtney (Eberlin) and Adam Woodruff had a baby girl, Amelia Jean Woodruff on 10/12/18 They were contacted and

are not in need of anything.→Get Well Cards: 38→Misc. Cards: 22→Sympathy Cards: 15→TLC/Thinking of You Cards: 19→ College students: Empty Nest Parents 4→Phone Calls: 13→Emails: 14The meeting was closed in prayer by Carmen Eberlin

Respectfully Submitted, Marilyn Ross, Deacon Secretary

CHURCH FAMILY Thanksgiving Dinner At Mark’s Family Restaurant

November 18 followingThe worship service.

Let Karen Bond know of your reservation plans by November 10

On Thanksgiving and every day, Lord,

help us see you at work in all situations

and give thanks.From the Pastor’s Desk:

We just had the church’s Fall Work Bee last weekend. Church folks joined together to tackle some of the projects on a long list to prepare the building for the cold months. In the meantime, we changed at least a dozen light bulbs, polished up the brass, took care of some safety concerns, and generally refreshed the place. Especially with all the new lights, the church building looks renewed.

Refreshment like that does not have to be just for the building. It is just as important for us to take time to refresh our spirits, too. Maybe you need to renew your commitment to being in worship. Maybe refreshment means picking up where you left off in your regular Bible reading—even if you stopped in the soupy depths of Leviticus. Renewing your prayer life might be where your refreshment comes. It could be time to find a new way to serve in the church and/or in the community. There is a vast array of possibilities to renew your spiritual life both on your own and through the church’s ministry and mission.

Another way to look at this refreshment and renewal theme involves the church calendar. Believe it or not, we are approaching the end of the Christian Year. Christ-the-King Sunday, the last Sunday of November, marks the last week on this calendar. The first Sunday of Advent, December 2, is New Years for Christians. We start the new year by renewing our anticipation for the second coming of Christ. November gives us a month to get our lives in order, and to clean out ugly things from those deep recesses of our hearts—bad habits, bitterness, envy, jealousy, self-centeredness, etc. Shed some new light on those places in life that have been dimmed by inactivity or neglect. In doing so, we will be more ready to celebrate the coming of Christ as Advent begins.

Yet another way to think of refreshment surrounds Thanksgiving Day. It is a time for us to give God thanks for the many ways God has blessed us in the past year. If you have had a good year, this might be easy. If you have had a difficult year, hopefully you can at least thank God for staying with you through it. And, at the very least (or greatest), we can all thank God for what Jesus has done for us on the cross and through the Resurrection. Spending time counting those blessings and giving thanks to God is a great way to refresh your spiritual life.

When the lights go out one by one, we adjust. I changed 6 light bulbs in the Pastor’s Study. I had simply grown accustomed to dim lighting. All of a sudden, the whole place is brighter! It is more inviting and more welcoming. New lighting refreshed the room, and made it a better work environment. The room needed some refreshment. Shining new light was just what it needed.



As we close in on the end of the Christian Year, let us take time to renew and refresh our spiritual lives. Shine some new light into your own life. Even better, as the Lord to shine into your life so that you may more brilliantly reflect his light to others. Just as you refresh your home to make it ready for the interior cold weather months, may you enjoy a great time of refreshment and renewal this season in your spirit.

November 21, 2018 5 p.m.

Hanging of the Greens

LITTLE WORD, BIG DIFFERENCEGod says to give thanks in everything. That doesn’t mean you need to give thanks for everything. You don’t need to give thanks for that bad day. Or for that bad relationship. Or being passed over at work. Financial hardship. Whatever it is — you are not to give thanks for the difficulties but rather in the difficulties. That is a very important distinction, and one I think we often miss. Giving thanks in everything shows a heart of faith that God is bigger than the difficulties and that he can use them, if you approach him with the right heart and spirit, for your good and his glory.

—Tony Evans

Tuesday Night BIBLE STUDY


The Tuesday night Bible Study Group begin Tuesday, October 2 at 6:30 P.M.. We will continue to study Galatians and Ephesians through November..

This group is open to everyone.

.Horizons BIBLE STUDY The 2018-2019 study “God’s Promise – I Am With. You. ” continues with Lesson 3:”God with us in our discouragement” Please notice the November meeting will be in the choir room on Friday, the 23rd at 10:30 a.m. (a week later than usual) Stop by the office to pick up your supplement to the regular lesson - the primary scriptures for lesson 3 are Deuteronomy 31: 1-8, Joshua 1: 1-9 and Haggai 1: 1-15; 2:1-9. In the commentary by Rosalind Banbury: She reminds us “If we only rely on our own power, we will get worn down and burned out. Relying on the power, love and presence of God in Jesus Christ brings new life to us. In Christ we find hope, courage and the presence of God with us.” In her commentary, Roula Alkhour asks these questions of us: “How does the experience of the Israelites entering the Promised Land under new leadership relate to your life in times of transition? When have you experienced hope in times of uncertainty? Who are the people in your life who remind you of God’s promises in times of discouragement? What grounds you in God’s presence when life is uncertain?”

NOVEMBER 23, 2018

Gather around the town tree about 6 pm. Volunteer to help WPC provide chairs for seating and hot cider to warm our bodies and our hearts!

Days grow shorter, but God’s love never decreases. Nights

lengthen, but God’s light outshines all the world’s darkness.

…from Towanda Area Christian Outreach Food Pantry (TACO)… The board of directors... would like to thank you for your donations of $18.00 and $16.61 given to our pantry on September 16 and August 26. 2018 These donations will help us to better serve our local community with food assistance.

Through August of 2018, we served 1,928 families totaling 4,710 individuals. We also served 1,034 senior families through our Elder Share Program and 1,292 households with our Fresh Express program. Thank you for your faithful support of our pantry. Sincerely, Sandra L. Niuman.

…many thanks to all who joined in providing special music during October.:October 14 & 28 had the whole congregation singing favorite hymns:

One from a couple of our younger people (Mckenna Mapes and Josh Stoddard) “ O Come All Ye Faithful” - you can’t go wrong with a Christmas Carol! - and on Reformation Sunday, Martin Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” a favorite of Vernie Bradish.On October 21 the Sunday School Kids led by Shannon Lord gave us a rousing song complete with motions of Genesis 1:1 (“In the beginning…”)

…Thanks to everyone who helped with the Fall Work Bee. The Trustees really appreciate your participation.

… Have you noticed how beautifully John Petlock has cleaned up and edged all the plantings around the church? Thank you, John, for helping WPC present such a welcoming face to our community!


Thank you for the wonderful dinner you provided after Mom’s service. Her church family was an integral part of her life. So many people honoring her memory was a blessing to us all.

Your kind expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.

The family of Pat Hoffman

To Wyalusing Presbyterian Women, Can’t thank you all for the lovely meal. It was delicious, and probably the first meal we’d had in days! Appreciate all the hard work to feed so many people. It was so nice to be around Pat’s friends and to visit for all you lovely folks. The church was such a big


8 A.M.

... to the Congregation of Wyalusing Presbyterian Church:Dear Rev. Dr. Ballard and Congregation:At the October 8, 2018 meeting of the Board of Directors of the Wyalusing Area School District, a motion was approved to acknowledge the donation assorted school supplies to Wyalusing Valley Elementary School. In accordance with federal regulations, no goods or services were provided at any time in return for this contribution.On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous donation and to thank you for your support of our students.Sincerely,Jason Bottiglieri, Ed. D.Superintendent of Schools

YOUTH GROUP has started a new year – – –Shannon Lord announced

regular Sunday evening meetings beginning September 30th for all Junior and Senior Hi teenagers in the community. Plan to get together every Sunday at the church starting at 5 p.m. for great times with good friends!

“Vegetables are a must on a diet.I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread

and pumpkin pie.” — Jim Davis

“Variety’s the very spice of lifethat gives it all its flavor.”

—William Cowper

CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY November 25, 2018


King of kings and Lord of lordsIn the Bible, no one is called “Lord of lords” but God and Christ. Although a couple of Old Testament earthly kings (Artaxerxes and Nebuchadnezzar) are referred to as “king of kings,” only in reference to Christ is the term capitalized — “King of kings.” Earthly rulers can claim supremacy, but we celebrate Christ the King Sunday as the culmination of the liturgical year to testify that our Lord Jesus is Ruler of all. In the words of the famous “Hallelujah” chorus from Handel’s Messiah: “King of kings and Lord of lords; and he shall reign for

To Wyalusing Presbyterian Women, Can’t thank you all for the lovely meal. It was delicious, and probably the first meal we’d had in days! Appreciate all the hard work to feed so many people. It was so nice to be around Pat’s friends and to visit for all you lovely folks. The church was such a big


After Cain killed Abel, their parents, Adam and Eve, had another son. What did they name the baby?

A. SethB. EnochC. ShemD. Lamech

Answer: A (See Genesis 4:25.)

+ Christian Symbol +

Sun of Righteousness

The sun is often used as a symbol for Christ, especially during church-year seasons that use prophetic imagery and focus on Jesus’ second coming. Malachi 4:2 — “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings” (ESV) — is echoed in the Christmas hymn “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing”:

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness! Light and life to all he brings,

What a blessing that in Christ,we can approach God’s thronein confidence and find grace.

Be thankful for what you have;you’ll end up having more.

If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”

—Oprah Winfrey



HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY Beth Lewis, CEO of 1517 Media, blogged about a favorite holiday tradition: inviting over people who’d otherwise be alone. Her grandchildren prepared hand-made place cards, wrapped small gifts for the guests and helped cook the meal.

Then one year, Thanksgiving happened to coincide with a cross-country move for Grandma and Grandpa. Chaos and stress almost buried the tradition — until Lewis’s 9-year-old granddaughter asked nonchalantly, “Who’s joining us for dinner this year?”

Lewis writes: “In the busyness of moving, it hadn’t even occurred to me. But, for her, it is simply what our family does!” So they extended some invitations, ate on paper plates among moving boxes and had a joyous time. Lewis was proud of her granddaughter for the reminder that hospitality is a value worth practicing and modeling — and even turning into a holiday tradition!