Nov 14

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Transcript of Nov 14


Week of November 14th – 8th grade

Monday, November 14th


Read pages 78-80

Answer Check up questions 1-7 and identify.

Use complete sentences.

Answers to Check up questions

Prime Minister Pitt’s plans for the colonies were

not carried out because he became very ill and

there was a new person in power, Charles


Townshend Acts were a series of taxies on

Colonial imports from Britain which included

paper, paints, lead, glass and tea. It also

established a board of customs t oversee the tax

collection and a special court without a jury. The

colonists voiced their opinion by passing out

pamphlets. When England did not respond, the

colonists boycotted and refused to buy British


Lord North, the new prime minister, urged for the act to be repealed in 1770 because he realized it cost more than it was worth.

All the taxes were eliminated except the one on tea.

The British East India Company kept a surplus in London to sell to the colonies but rather, the colonists let it spoil.

The Boston Port Bill closed the port so the colonists couldn’t get supplies. The colonists were furious and wanted to gain freedom. Other colonies sent relief.

The Quebec Act recognized catholicism as the official religion. It feared them because they were concerned that they would be dictated on what to believe.


Charles Townshend (1725-1767)– Prime

Minister of England; started taxing colonies.

Townshend Acts

Writs of Assistance – documents that allowed

British officials to search American ships and

building for smuggled goods.

John Adams – Boston lawyer; defended

soldiers. 6 soldiers set free and 2 found guilty.

Boston Massacre – Confrontation between

British soldiers and colonists left 5 people


Samuel Adams – From Boston and warned colonists that peace with Britain was only temporary – real problems had not been resolved. He suggested the Committee of Correspondence in 1772 to keep people informed of the problems with England.

Boston Tea Party was a group of patriots disguised as Indians and broke into 340 tea chests, and dumped it into the harbor. This enraged the British.

Quartering Act – An act making it legal of British officials to house British soldiers in occupied buildings.

“Intolerable Acts” – The reaction towards the Quartering Act and Boston Port Bill in regards to the unfairness of the acts.

Quebec Act – Parliament passed this act in 1774 which canceled the American colonies’ western land claims by extending the borders of Quebec south to the Ohio River and west to the Mississippi. It also recognized catholicism as the official religion in Quebec.


Read pages 81-86

Answer in complete sentences “Check up” on

page 86 questions 1-8 and Identify.

Tuesday, November 15th


Who was the Chancellor of the Exchequer

who came to power after William Pitt became


Which tax was the only one of the Townshend

Acts not repealed?

What act closed the port of Boston to all



Charles Townshend

Tea tax

Boston Port Bill

Homework Review

The First Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia on September 5, 1774.

The patriots planned on warning by placing lanterns in the belfry of the Old North Church –one if it were by land and two if it were by sea.

The three patriots that rode through the night warning the colonists of the approaching British were Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Dr. Samuel Prescott

No one knows who shot the first shot but it was known as the “shot heard ‘round the world” because it was to change the course of world history.

John Hancock was elected president of the Second Continental Congress. They called on George Washington to be the commander in chief.

The Battle of Bunker Hill was actually on Breed’s Hill.

Before war the Second Continental Congress tried to appease England by approving the Olive Branch Petition to be sent to George III in July 1775 asking to work things out.

The king hired Hessians, professional soldiers from Prussia and northern Germany.


Declaration and Resolves – adopted October 14, 1774 by congress declaring the colonies and the peoples were free and natural born subjects of England; they couldn’t lose those rights; foundation of English liberty and of all free government is a right of the people to participate in their legislative council. Recognized authority of king but not Parliament

Concord – ammunition was being collected; start of War April 19, 1775

Lemuel Haynes – Massachusetts Minute men; fought in war; later great preacher

Ethan Allen and the “Green Mountain Boys” – farmers in May 1775 fought in Fort Ticonderoga and won against the British.

Second Continental Congress – May 10,1775, in Philadelphia convened to resolve the issues with England.

Hessians – foreign soldiers hired by the British. From Germany and Prussia

Prohibitory Act – English removed protection from the colonies in December 1775

Common Sense – written in pamphlet form by Thomas Paine. 120,000 copies sold in three months. Detailed account of English liberties and abuses of the monarchy and Parliament


Read pages 86-93

Do Check up questions on pages 88 and 93

Wednesday, November 17

Warm up

Who was the leader of the “Green Mountain


Who was elected President of the Second

Continental Congress?

Name one of the men who rode through the

night to warn hi countrymen that the British

were coming.

Which act made it legal for British officials to

house British soldiers in occupied buildings?

What act closed the port of Boston to all



Ethan Allen

John Hancock

William Dawes, Paul Revere or Samuel


Quartering Act

Boston Port bill

Homework Check up page 88

Thomas Jefferson led the committee to

prepare the Declaration of Independence. It

was adopted July 4, 1776.

The Declaration of Independence showed

God’s care for all creation by 1.) respect for

human life and private property; 2.) equality

before law and 3.) responsible liberty.

Americans had inherited their love of liberty

from a long history of English tradition.

POP Quiz

Hand in homework

Make sure name, date, grade and homework

assignment is on the top right.

Put everything on the floor.

You will need a pen or pencil


For the short answer questions use the


Quartering Act


Dressed up as Indians

Tea tax

Boston Port Bill


Read pages 94- 98

Do Check up on page 98 and Identify

Thursday, November 18

Warm Up

Quiz 10

Use your notes

Silent, Individual Work time

Homework Check


Hand in homework

Quiz tomorrow

Who was known as the “Swamp Fox”? Francis Marion

Who was called the “Fighting Game Cock”? General Thomas Sumter

Who was known as the “Fighting Quaker”? General Nathanael Greene

Who said, “I have not yet begun to fight”? John Paul Jones

Who sold secrets to the British and tried to betray West Point? Benedict Arnold

At what final battle was American independence virtually won? Battle of Yorktown

What legal document, signed by the British king, recognized the 13 former colonies as “free, sovereign, and independent States”? Treaty of Paris

Name the patriot who led military attacks on the frontier, capturing Kaskaskia and Cahokia, two British posts. George Rogers Clark

What was the name for the private vessels commissioned by Congress? privateers

At what battle did frontiersmen stop an invasion of North Carolina and gain new morale for the patriot case? Battle of King’s Mountain

Cool Down - Journal

What did you learn today?


Get your Youth in Government Paperwork Filled

out COMPLETELY – Due Friday

Start working on your American Revolutionary


Write Battle Facts out

Friday, November 19th

Warm-Up Activity

Review notes


You will need a pen or pencil.

EVERYTHING off your desk and on the floor


Word bank for short answer

Battle of King’s Mountain

George Rogers Clark

Battle of Yorktown

Treaty of Paris


Newspaper Outline

Main Concepts






Start designing what your newspaper will look
