· 2010. 8. 19. · Panaji,...

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Transcript of · 2010. 8. 19. · Panaji,...

  • Panaji, 28th April; 1977 IVaisaka 8, 1899)




    Home Department n ransport and Ac;commodation) Office of the District Magistrate of Goa


    No. JUD/MV /SANGUEM/77/208

    In conltinuatioo of thls office notific8ltions No. JUD /M V / jMARGAO/76/841 daJI:ied 25-6-76 and No. JUD/MV/SAN-GUEMj76/1258, dated 17th AuguSt, 1976, under Rule 7.2 of the Goa, Damarnl and Diu Motor Vehiie1leis Rules, 1965, the follJowlo:1g place on !the M8Irgao-Sanvord!em-iSanguem route is hereby noltified as addl,ltilO!llal bUJS Stop fOT takill1g up and settling down of p&'3iSeI!l!'S.

    No Sltage carriage Shall Itakie up or Set down passengers except at 'the place shown belOW als bus mop.

    No stage carriage shall be halted at a bUSi sltop for long'er ,rthaIn is illJeICeSSIal'y to take up such palSJSelll>g1elrS as am awaiting when the vehicle arrives and to selt d\)WU such passengers as wish !to alJight.

    Name of the place

    At Electric8l Pole No. A/S, NtJar Nlita fudllilitrles, St. Jose A.rIeal, on Margao--Sanvordem-lSanguem route.

    Panaji, 20th April, 1977. - The District Magistrate, R. Narayanaswami.


    No. JUD/MV/SANGUEM/77/341

    Under Section' 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, the .following place on the Margao-Sanvord€im-iSangu'e!m route IS' hereby notli:fiJed for fixalflion of \Signboard as ilndicated against its name.

    Name of the place

    At Electrical Po1lei No. A/G, Near Nita IndU'StriJeIS, Sit. JOISe Areal, QIIl Margao-Sanvordem-Sangtrem route.

    Panaji, 20th April, 1977. - The N arayanaswami.


    No. and type of signboard

    1. "BUS STOP"

    District Magistrate, R.

    Education and Public Works' Department Public Works Department

    Works DiV'il1ion V - Pa,naF


  • 18

    Revenue Department

    Collectorate of Goa, Panaji,

    Schedule organised as per Section 51 of the Decree No. 3602 qated 24-11-1917, for the purpose of objections if any, of the interested parties which are to be submitted within 20 days from the date of second publication of this Schedule in the Official Gazette.

    Name of the applicant - Smt. Savitri Gurvina, of Veluz, Satari.

    Designation of the plots - (1) 'Saudicho Temb' bearing New Survey No. 48/1.

    (2) 'Cormocontll Gotona' bearing New Survey No. 60/1, 60/2 Part, 42 Part and 61 Part.

    (3) 'Ambeachim Panim' bearing New Survey No. 37/15 and 37/5 (Part).

    Slitualtion of the plott ~ SJituatted at Veluz" Val poi, Satari Taluka.

    Boundaries - (1) North: Government land assigned to Shri Crisna Nocul Arvoicar and Govt. land assigned to Shrl

    Narahari Pondori Xete Sirodkar.

    South: Government land.

    East: Government land assigned to Shri Raglo Naglo Gurou.

    West: GoVlernment land aSsIi!gned to Smt . .AJn:andi Gaolnkar and Govt. land assigned to Raglo Naglo Gurou.

    (2) North: Govt. land assigned to Shri qhandru B. Gaonkar.

    South: Govt. land and Govt. land assigned to FoU B. Gaonkar.

    East: Go, assigned to Chondru B. Gaonkar and Govt. land assigned to Shri Sitaram B. Xete Teli.

    West: Govt. land assigned to Shri Foti B. Gaonkar.

    (3) North: Govt. land assigned to Shri Chandru Babi Gaonkar and Govt. land assigned to Shri Naraina Pondori Xete Sirodkar. .

    South: Government land assigned to Shri Esso Rama Modvol and Govt. land, assigned to Shri Ragoba Chilgo Gaoncar.

    East: Government land assigned to Shri Ragoba Chilgo Gaoncar and Govt. land assigned to Shri Utoma Xete Sirodcar.

    West: Government land assigned to Shri Chondru Babi Gaonkar and Nala.

    Areas- (1) 1.3115,00Ha. (2) 1.6155,00 Ha. ( 3) 1.7253,00 Ha,

    Total: - 4.6523,00 Ha.

    Annual ground rent of plot:-

    1) Rs. 2.05 2) Rs. 2.55 3) Rs. 2.70

    Total: - Rs. 7.30

    Collectorate of Goa, Panaji, dated 23rd April, 1977. - The Collector of Goa, R. N arayanaswami.

    Administration Office of the Comunidades of Salcete

    (Section of Ca,nacona Comunidades)

    Notices .. Elu Miranda, Adminisltrator:

    Do hereby conveDie the ComUfl1idad>e of Camacona of Cana-COM" Taluka, to meet in its extraordinary session on the


    3rd Sunday ailLer the, Gazette', rut 3 p. m., l1epre[!{ntation of capital and :l1esolve :to make of Govemm,ent, fr:eiei of mola", situated at fur Ithe purpOSieI of welfa:ne meaJsure to thie womkeirs lin rural al',e'as and implementing the relsplective

    If :thie abo'll1e! ComULnidade tioned Sunday, the £Jalnle tim e on Ithe! third for the same purpose; if to meelt for thE)! second third l1Jim:e, in lilts in the (Same place and

    The Managing Commi1!te;e should ats!o omit ,ilts oplmlioiH the General Body uf

    Chaudi, 14th,A_pril, randa.

    Elu MliraJIlda, AdminisiLrator:

    Do hereby COllV:e!llie the c:OIl1a Taluka, Ito meet in 3rd Sunday after the publicatIon Gaze'tite, at 10 a. m:, wilth rrepres,' capital anrd , Ito rnake of Giorvernmel1lt, fnee' IOf cost, "PoullvorilmoJa", situated at stltualted all; tthrel same plaCie, in aJ1lId 3100-0 sq. metr:elS', mernrt 'Of hOUiSieJ sHes" frS a famiUes of landles!s ag;rlileultm'D.l Ithus help ilJ:J,e GoverQlltnernt ill 'scheme. - FUe no. 2/1977.


    Com unidad':s l.efault of

    ·\dn1inistra 1:01"\

    on conv:ened

    If tth'e! abOVie! Comu[uidad8 tilonec1 Sunday, the samle is time on the thiilrd WeKlnesdav for the same purpose; if oe to melelt for the' second time,

    m., in the 2arn,e: wa~r sarr10 C0111unidad,9 COl1V'ene'(/, s\,ga1n thE

    third Itime, lin ~Itrsordinary in the same plac,e and fnr

    4th Sunday at :L m ..

    The Managing Commitltok' emilt ~t's opinJilon in default Body (Cbmunii'da:oo).

    Chaudi, 14th April, 19'{;' '·Ilmda.

    Local Self


    renck,' Noiic8


    Sealed tenders supel1Scribed for Suppiy of Fnrest Officer, F'oor), Panaji

    the supply 2650 Nos. of

    Stone' Slabs" are invited by the Divisional Working Plan Division, J'unta House (4th (Goa), on behalf of the Prosident India, of 2100 Nos. of "Rough Blar;k Stone Slabs & Rough Gray Stone Slab's" 'the of path in the Children'S Park at. Campal-Panaji the prescribed tender forms 'NiH be reeeived of the Divisional Forest Officer, 'Working Division, Panaji, up to 3 p. m. on 3~5-Hln and will be immedia-tely thereafter in the presence of such of I.enderers or their duly authorised representatives as present at the time of opening. The prescribed tender as well as forms defining specifications and terms and c:mditions for supply can be had from the above office on of Rs. 5/- (Rs. Five only) whicll irs not 2efundab18 . of Rs. 3/- will be charged extra if required by .i 1St.

    Panaji, 13th April, 1977. -- 'rhe Divisional 'Working Plan Division, Jocwph

    rest Officer

  • 28TH APRIL,1977 (V AISAKA 8, 1899)

    (South Goa Division 1

    Seated ItieInIders .M1e hel'i6by invited by the Deputy Conservator of Forests, South of India fur undiel'-itaking the contract for cutting and removal of 'the standing matm'ial awl and :llirewood eltc., friom the areas shown in the schBdule menltliJoned below OQJ the

    --------------------.----------------.~-.--->~ ..... Timber in m~

    Sr. No. Round Range Name of the piot-------------T r [ I f I

    1 2 3 4

    1. KUrdi Sanguem 'ralsai Plot 1

    2. -00-- -- do-- Talsai Plot 2

    3. --do-- -do-- Tal'sai Plot 3

    4. Netorlim -do-- Shenyem Ca-shew Pint. 1974-75

    5. -- do---; --do-- WM'gani to V;erlem

    6. Kirlapal --do-- Rumdem13/C

    7. Gaundon- Canaeona Oorgoi PLot grem No. C-14

    8. Poingui- --0.0- HalitItpaul PIOit nun No. (E)

    9. Shdshevol -0.0-.- Piplamol PlOit No. 1

    For further dietails pieMe contact thie Conservakor of Fore\Sltlg, South Goa, :Panaji.

    Panaji, 19th Aprt~, 1977.-The Dy.

    I c\a~s





    II class HI class

    6 7

    Sangnem Range

    14.2230 44.0583 MaUi

    135.96il6 Other


    7.1906 Matti

    137.9(W3 Other



    26.032 Ma,tti

    28.882 Other


    0.180 Matti

    58.198 Other


    Area of 5.25 Hect3Jl'~





    O!IDacolla Ralnge

    16.267 3.999 Ma.JJti

    20.736 Other


    i.336 3.677 Makti

    21.9:U other


    18.308 41.875 Matti

    13.0.12 Other


    33.945 9.778 Matti

    18.815 Other


    elas~ elHs:~







    Forest Officers Sanguem and 'CaJnaeona

    ConseTvator of Forests, South Goa, I. I. En,smIH;.

    cut '30nditionns


    702.872 -. ti(


    GO Tt.e mat'3rial and in Govt. fJrom \Varg'alli lTerlem

    40 material i:;;:J l;ocated in coupe Rumdem 13;"C and is part-


    material is cut the No,


    matel'ial is fe1-led and lying in

    11'(; Hattipaul Plot. No. (E)

    50 material

    mate!:''ial is fe1-led and is Jying

    the Piplamol 'Plot No 1



    Finance Department (Revenue 1

    Office of the Commissioner of Sales T

  • 28'J1H APRILj :1977 (V AISAKA 8, 1899)


    'Office 6fthe' Notary Public ex-offidoSalcete, Margao

    Visnum Sinai Priolcar, notary public ex-officio, Salcete, with . office functioning in the premises belonging to Margao Municipal Council. .

    'In terms' of para one of article 179 oiLaW No. 2049, dated 6th August, 1951 and for the purpose of para 2 of the same article it is made known to the public in due time that by a notarial deed executed on 15th July 1975, drawn by the undersigned at folio 69 onwards of Book of deeds No. 1272, has been declared that Shri Ressurreicao Soares, married, seaman, resident of Navelim, is the only interested heir to the estate of the late Menino Salvador Soares, by other name Menino Salvador Maria Soares, bachelor, Police constable who was domiciled in Telualim of Navelim, who was his brother and that no other person has any preference or claim to the said estate;' .

    Margao, 23rd April, 1977. - The Civil Registrar-cum--Sub Registrar-cum-Notary Public Ex~officio, Visnum Sinai Priolca1". . ,.

    V. no. 534/1977

    In the Court of the Civil Judge MilpUSii

    (Shri v. A. Gaonkar) Civil Suit No. 31 of 1974

    Vishi!1anti Alornekar, lt1eISident IOf PombUlI'pa Bardez-Plainltiff.

    vis Shri Surendra Alornekar, resident of Alanvado Ecossim-


    2 In Ithe maltJter of diVlOII"Ce suit betweelll aooVie parttes UIll:dieIt" DiV'OlI"Ce Law (I;ei do Divorcio).

    Whereas Smt .. Vishranti, the plaintiff, has filed above suit against her husband ISure;ndra on 21-2-1974 for di8'S~ lution of 'thlei:r manr!i:age by Wl'anting diivoNe to her.

    AnldWhevel3S, after hiearing Ithe parties court has passed a Judgm:eInIt dated 28-2-1977 whe!1eby IthiS court has granted di:VIOl'Ce to IthIel plaJilntJiff aIlld maI'lliiage of the plairntiff with the de£endaInlt so]emnized on 1~h May 1970 in the Civil Registration Office of Bardez stands dissolved.

    Now Thiereforie, as per prOVisioDlS of ithe Divorce Law tile above exitract of disIsolution of lth:eliJrmarriage. is sent for pl\lblication in OffiCiihl Gazettle aIllId Gomartltak.

    Given under my halllld an.d the lSeal of ith'a COurt thllg 28th day of February, 1977.

    V. A. Gaonkar, Civil Judge, Mapusa. V. no. 577/1977

    Administration Office of the Comunidades of Goa

    Section of Ponda


    3 In accordance with thljl terms and for the purposE' esta-blished in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, in force, it is hereby announced that Shri. Ananta Sitaram Malewadker, resident of Candola of Ponda Taluka, has applied on lease for construction of a h{)use, an .uncultivated and unused plot of land named "Ambiem Borod", plot no. 46, belonging to the Comunidade of Candola, covering an area of 600 sq. mts. It is bounded on the east by reserved road and plot 'lpplied by Shri Raghunath Vishnu Sanvhl, on the west by reserved road and private property of Shri Bernardo M. A .. Pereira, on the north by the plot applied by Shri Gana Datta Naik and on the south by the plot applied by Shri Madhu Laxmana Naik. - File no. 43/1975.

    If any person has any. objection against the proposed lease he. should submit his objection to the Administrator of Comu-nidades of Tiswadi Taluka, within 30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.

    Ponda, 30th March, 1977. - The Secretary, Siurarna Sinai Ede.

    V. no. 307/1977 (Repeated)

    Administration Office

    ~J ,tl

    4 In pursuance of article in force, it ishelreby announ(~e'd

    ,the Code i liat Smt,

    dea, married hous('mJ:t1e, Taluka, hatS applied on as "Cajual", bearing no, 109, Nagoa, covering an arlea of al'etSlidicTiitiial house. It is alnd the' pest pap!: of the propeIity of Shri FnLncisco I'lemaining pa.rt of the };aid plot of the same plot grantec] F1\le No. 21/1977,

    If any person has leaiSe hie should submit ob i AdmIintstrator of Comumlidadc,'s . a peri.:ad of 30 days, eOUlolted of this nOitiCIe in the Official

    Margao, 19th April, Gacodcar.



    agailnst cti oms, in vii Sakete, alt

    iYIYl the secoLd iz;ette.



    5 It is hereby annonnced on 19th 12 noon, auction will be held the door of the Mamlatdar of Canacona Tainka of the known as "Conditolopa", situated at Betul and


    Canacona Comunidade applied Smt. Antoneta resident of Betu] of Agonda ill area of 3,999.996 sa. mt;;. for the purpose of cultivation "ashew trees and othel; bearing trees on permanent on upset Deice of lease rent of Rs. 50/-. .

    The said plot is bounded the same plot of the Comunidado strip of land of 3 metres road. File no. 5/1970.

    east, west and and on the north reserved pa~,sage er

    It is further ann01meed bidder will have to prove with necessary Goa or that he/she is domiciled and has to produce at least befere the time fixed for auction an affidavit proving that he/she does not ovm or hold on lease as tenant any land, so thnt the total area, including that of the above plot should exceed 2 IH,dares.

    In terms of art. 339 of Comunidades categories of persons shall have the the plot referred to above, which

    Code. the following of preference for

    '7e1'ified at the time of auction:

    1st _. i!;. Gaunkar OJ sh el'e tile Comuni.dade residing in the village

    2nd - Any other resident a cultivator.

    village and preferably

    3rd - The owner of the preference being given to the OlW who

    1.- Those who had applied for the same plot before the request of the present applicant was bcoing eonsidered.

    5th - Those individuals residents viithiq 8 kms. of the village where the land is sitlmted.

    Chaud'i:, l'Blbh AJpril, 197'; .. _- Th€ deere!tary. Pan-duronga Sinai Gacodcar.

    Seen: -' Elu lIIiranda, ,lminisLld.or of c.: u.>~"Hi"a'~""

    6 It is hereby annot:l'ced th:~t on 19th 11 a. m., auction will be hdd at the dOG!" of Mamlatdar of Canac~ Klf the of molla alias Bailem mola" situated at Agonda, in area Smt. Rosy Vaz ailas Vaz, truction of house for reSidence, on price of early lease rent of Es. 30/-




  • 22

    The said plot is bounded on the east and west tiy the plot of the same ComUlIlIida

  • 28TH APRIL} 197', (VAISAKA 8, 1899)

    11 - File no. 126 of year 1976, applied by Tatoba. Ganesh Talkar, Government primary teacher, resident of Guirim B.ardez.

    . Tivim, 24th April, 1977. - The Clerk, RatnaeaT Porobo Dessai.

    V. no. 532/1977


    12 The above mentioned Comunidade is convened to meet at its Meeting place, in an extraordinary meeting, on 15th May, 1977 at 4 p. m. in order to give its opinion on the 1'eso-lUition o.f Ithe Managfu.gCommitrtleie datled 19th March, last relating to non-inclusion of the salaries of Church employees in the budget of 1977.

    Colvale, 16th April, 1977. - The acting Clerk, Visitacao Cr'isto Rei SocorTo Pereira.

    V. no. 465/1977


    13 The abo.Vie mentlionied Comunidade, is co.nven:ed to meet in an eCXitraordiilnary meeting, art.itls Me1elting Hous'8', on the fourlth Tuesday a:f:1ter the publication o.f this noltice in the Official G~eJttC', art 10 a. m. ill orocr to give lts ')piltlion on the resolutlilon ;of 'the Managing iCommttte1e dated .22nd March lasit relaa:fullig to Illon iIllclusdon o.f the salaries of Church ser-vants in fue budgeil: of 1977.

    Camorlim, 19th April, 1977. - The acting Clerk, Visitacao Cristo Rei SOCOr1'o Pereira.

    V. no. 466/HH7


    14 The above Comunidade is hereby announced to convene in an extraordinary meeting in its meeting hall on the 3rd Sunday at 3 p. m., in the Devastan of Shree Niracar, Nagor-cem with representation of 2/3 of its social capital in accor-dance with art. 30-4-j of Comunidades Code in force, after the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, in order to give its opinion in the file no. 44/1974, wherein Smt. Mira Sucumar, a Scheduled Cast, has applied on permanent lease the plot of land "Delemvortimolla", in the area of 600 sq. mites., rOil' the pUTpo\sle of c'onstructiO!I1 of hOUSIEl for residence. If th:e iOomunidade faliils to meiet on the abOVie said date, tlime and place, it is again convened on the second time on the Srd Tuesday at 3 p. m., in the above said place and if still on the second time fails to meet, it is again convened to meet on 4th ISunday art 3 p.- m., thtSi time in an Ol:1dinary form, in the same place and for the same purpose.

    Chaudi, 21st April, 1977. - The Clerk in charge, Balaji Bogvonta Porobo Concm'.

    V. no. 471/1977


    15 The above Comunidade is hereby convened in its extraordinary meeting in its meeting Hall in the Temple of Shree Deus Loximim Narain of Cola, at 10 a. m., on the 3rd Sunday after the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, in order to resolve on the lease file no. 47/1976, wherein Shri Vishnudas Mucunda Camotim, resident of

    -Margao has applied a strip of land admeasuring 1.075 sq. mts., for the PUlI'lpoSle of acceslSJ road to. his property "Gall".

    Chaudi, 21st April, 1977. -:- The Clerk in charge, Balaji Bogvonta Porobo Concw·. •

    V. no. 472/1977

    16 The above mentioned Comunidade is hereby convened for an extraordinary meeting at its Meeting place (Temple of Shree Deus Loximim Narain of Cola) with representation of its 2/3 of socia] capital, at 10 a. m.,on the 3rd Sunday after the publication of this notice in the Official Gazette, in order to give its opinion on the file no. 2/1973, wherein Shri Puruxottam Srinivassa Naique from Shiroti of Cola, has .confessed the encroachment of land "Cajumola", in the area of 2.000 sq. mts., by constructing casa para residencia etc. The meeting is convened in accordance with art. 30-4-j as per recommendation made in the letter no. COL/CAB/ /GCL/74/20 dt. 21-1-75. If the Comunidade fails to meet on the above said date, it is again convened for the socond time on the 3rd Tuesday in the same place, form and time and also for the same purpose, and if still fails to meet at the second time, it is again convened for the third time on the

    4th Sunda.y, this time place and also for the

    Chaudi, 21st Bogvonta Porabo

    17 The said Cumunida-ae ang hall, at Chiealim M. 10 (\ order to give its IVL de P. peJr cira , for Ithe grant of a. plvrt on 1:ruotilOn of a houJS1e rvdmeasw auctJion, being the description follows: -

    Talhao No. 20 Uttar-Dongm west by ttalhaJo No. 19, nor·Ul No. 20 and by soufth projcted I

    Chicalim, nth 8haratchandTa V.

    J.8 A special under Section (J) (4) of t Iv[eeting Hall at H) n. Dl. witb 3rd. Sunday, after the pUjllie),i Gazette in order to resolve petition of 8hri Dinlwl' attached at page 76 of iJ'e file pointed out the suffieient cali conlStruc!ting a hon05,81 on the plot within the time limit Comunidades and the de Bardez that after getting to be kind enough to reverS2 on him by granting him a years period for the task of conversion of cultural purpose and other

    In case it faUs to mcet on the immediate day, at same representation to opine 2nd time, and even then it fails



    clded by east'. remai1ning

    FlHe No.

    the same is convened thne on the n(;::.>~ day to this, at the same place over the same issue.

    /\BSOl1'0Y'a, Inth Febl'U8Y~. UaunkaJ·.


    19 Salvador Francisco j,.c;~-is to withdraw from the Bardlez, the amount of Rs. yca,rs 1972 a,nd 1973, XavI'er MenezelS. .

    20 Ana Esperanca Anrt:oneta deillt of VeUm, wishes 'to. -tra'1lisfe:r the Ambelim Comul1idadle, Nos .. in the tiitlelS Noo. 6i651 IDO 6655,

    1 t51

    Inacio Jose da SUva, who from and to collect the dividends of the sitallldli!ng tn rt:he namel of th e saud unpaid, firom the Tr1easury of thc said

    Thiose who wiISh 'to claim may dio authoriity, w~thin the legal lime

    wishes Pirna, of the


    11'0 . .f69/19H

    S;h"tY'S:3 of containing

    before [he\ con:, petent


    21 Shri Carlisto Henriqucs, of Vasco da to transfer on his name the title No. 235 and No. 523, as well as to collect the dividend which is less than Rso 200/-(Rupees two hUlll;ctred only) from the Comunidad/e' of Mor-mugao, belonging to his late mother GraciauH. Godinho of Vasco (fa Gama and irnrttes ;:;laim 1viilhj!IT leg21 time.


  • 24

    22 Artur Bapltista, from ASiSagao, wilShies Ito collect from ;this 1merusury of the Comunidad-e of Assagao the sum of RJS. 1251~64 of dividend of 5 shares of /the said Comunidad'e, :Ilrom tIre year 1967 Ito 1976 belong1i.lng to hJhs 1aI1le!father ~onio Gabriel Bap!tiiJslta, who was from. Asisagao. Cl,alms, if any, to the same ar~ invited W1iIthliIn the l~gal Itime limit.

    V. no. 575/1971

    In the Order of dated 4-4-77, published No.3 Series III dated be read as follows:


    GOVT. PRINTING PRESS - GOA (Imprensa Nacional - Goa)

    PRICE - 0-85 ps.

