Noticias jhonm

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Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.AndMicrobiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA.

Jhon M. Cardona Betancur Medicine Student -III

Semester.Universidad Pontificia

Bolivariana Molecular Biology- August 6


Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA


- MARTINEZ S, Lina María. Biología Molecular. 5 ed Medellín: UPB Fac. Medicina

- Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA, Published on July 11, 2012 Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherst.

- Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized. ScienceDaily (July 26, 2012).

Medical utilityGenetics can meet normal and abnormal processes in living organisms, understanding this process will give us a broad knowledge of, as sick and why, and how to do some early intervention in disease processes. This study with efforts to prevent the progression of diseases that kill millions of people each year, an important aspect of these studies is to try to cure diseases without affecting people who have them, avoiding side effects are often worse than the very disease.

ScienceDaily (July 26, 2012)

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.

Cancer is perhaps the area where more research is done in this case, the investigation focuses on the organization of chromatin as cause of mutations that ultimately become cancer.

Published on July 11, 2012 Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherst

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA.

For many years, parasitic diseases have affected thousands of people, and has tried to avoid and cure them with little success in some areas of the world, one possible cause is that the treatment can affect the host is looking for ways to work around this.

Student observation: all work carried out in cancer will always be welcome, but even if they are made so that the least possible impact to patients and their quality of life.

Student observation: Knowledge of the mechanisms used by microorganisms to survive, gives us tools to attack them more effectively and with less affectation to our health.


Studies to treat diseases that affect humans are made on many fronts, studying conditions of the host, the environment, or conditions own the organism, these studies focus on the mechanisms by which reproduction is given of the cells of these microorganisms and the way to block these processes.


Studies to treat diseases that affect humans are made on many fronts, studying conditions of the host, the environment, or conditions own the organism, these studies focus on the mechanisms by which reproduction is given of the cells of these microorganisms and the way to block these processes

conditions of the host

Environment conditions

conditions of the microsorganism

investigations focused on:

ScienceDaily (July 26, 2012)

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.

Cancer is perhaps the area where more research is done in this case, the investigation focuses on the organization of chromatin as cause of mutations that ultimately become cancer.

Student observation: all work carried out in cancer will always be welcome, but even if they are made so that the least possible impact to patients and their quality of life

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.

Disease in which the body produces abnormal cells derived from the tissues themselves. These are generally characterized by escape reproductive control that required their original function, losing its original capabilities, and over time, acquiring others that are not theirs, invading progressively and by different routes nearby organs, or even remotely via the lymphatic or hematogenous

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.

cells in their body has a length of one meter in the same DNA. In order to properly package all the DNA in the cell nucleus, to be mounted on a structure called "chromatin".

To form chromatin, the nucleosomes are bound together by another histone proteins called H1. H1 winds the nucleosomes together into a chromatin fiber that is about 30 nanometers in diameter. These chromatin fibers are looped into a 300 nanometer coiled chromatin fiber, and these coiled chromatin fibers are then wound into 700 nanometer condensed chromatin

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.


Euchromatin Heterochromatin

Constituent Optional

Chromatin genetically active in interface rolled out

Is transcriptionally inactive and is highly repetitive DNA sequences,

Formed by DNA sequences are not transcribed as sequences satellite located in the centromeres of chromosomes.

Contains sequences that are transcribed in some cell types.

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized.


This study is based on existing information as the basis of the human genome, also generated new information that may be used by other researchers around the world for the benefit of patients with cancer, given the importance that we can learn more about the causes of cancer.

But can also be used to understand some of the basic problems of genetics, such as why some regions of the genome mutate faster than others. and you can do to prevent this.

Published on July 11, 2012 Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherst

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA

For many years, parasitic diseases have affected thousands of people, and has tried to avoid and cure them with little success in some areas of the world, one possible cause is that the treatment can affect the host is looking for ways to work around this.

Student observation: Knowledge of the mechanisms used by microorganisms to survive, gives us tools to attack them more effectively and with less affectation to our health.

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA

Human African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness is a parasitic disease transmitted by a vector. The parasites that cause it are protozoa belonging to the genus Trypanosoma. Are transmitted to humans by the bite of the tsetse fly (genus Glossina) has contracted the infection of humans or animals that harbor the parasites pathogenic to humans

Sleeping sickness occurs only in 36 sub-Saharan Africa where there are tsetse flies that can transmit it. People who are more exposed to contact with the tsetse fly and therefore to the disease are the rural people engaged in agriculture, fisheries, livestock or hunting.

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNAThe cell structure is typical with all eukaryotic organelles,

including the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and so on. The main unusual features include a single large mitochondria with a condensed mitochondrial DNA structure

Cicle of tripanosome brucei

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA

Immunofluorescence experiments focused set to follow its desired path, known as the identification of mtDNA polymerase (POLID).

They found a mechanism how this protein is involved in kDNA replication. In response to changes during kDNA replication cycle, POLID redistributed, changing location of the mitochondrial matrix approaches concentrated around the kDNA, and dynamically relocalizaba the withdrawal of the molecules of kDNA.

Matriz mitocondrial

mitochondrial DNA

inner membrane

Proteínas de mitochondrial



intermembrane space

outer membrane

Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA


Knowing the mechanism by which microorganisms survive gives us tools to attack them in a more selective, without using toxic substances that alter the health of the person concerned. The importance of this study is that it can also improve control of other parasitic type diseases.

Medical utility

Genetics can meet normal and abnormal processes in living organisms, understanding this process will give us a broad knowledge of, as sick and why, and how to do some early intervention in disease processes. This study with efforts to prevent the progression of diseases that kill millions of people each year, an important aspect of these studies is to try to cure diseases without affecting people who have them, avoiding side effects are often worse than the very disease.

Medical utility

The development of increasingly selective drugs for their site of action in the future allow more timely action on the affected organ or even more on the molecule defective

Medical utility

The studies conducted on the human genome, deciphering every day but the tangle of questions there in front of the origin and explanation of many pathologies. Also reoriented many studies are underway.

Medical utility

The medicine of the future must address problems even before they appear, making diagnosis by genes that have an individual.

It could also have resources to intervene in the DNA in many ways one could be nanotechnology, which would allow damage repair and embed information in the dna of an individual.


- Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized. ScienceDaily (July 26, 2012).

- MARTINEZ S, Lina María. Biología Molecular. 5 ed Medellín: UPB Fac. Medicina. Pag 46

- Microbiologists reveal how T. brucei’s key proteins organize to replicate its mtDNA, Published on July 11, 2012 Universidad de Massachusetts en Amherst

Mutation Rates in Cancer Cells Strongly Linked to How Chromatin Is Organized

Science and life can not and must be separated. For me science gives a partial explanation of life. As it is based on facts, experience and experiments ... I agree that faith is essential to succeed in life, but I do not accept your definition of faith, the belief that there is life after death.

In my opinion, all you need is faith the belief that striving to do the best we can we will come to success, and success for our purposes, the improvement of mankind today and the future, it is penalty to be achieved.

Rosalind Franklin 1940