NOTICE€¦ · Fat Loss Pills are Bulls@#t ... fat. The problem is that ... This is the foundation...

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Transcript of NOTICE€¦ · Fat Loss Pills are Bulls@#t ... fat. The problem is that ... This is the foundation...




The information in this book is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise

pose some inherent risks. The editors and publisher advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety

and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well-

maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercise

and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or dietary regimen

that may have been prescribed by your doctor. As with all exercise and dietary programs, you should get your

doctor’s approval before beginning.

Mention of specific companies, organisations, or authorities in the book does not necessarily imply

endorsement by the publisher, nor does the mention of specific companies, organisations, or authorities in the

book imply that they endorse the book.

Internet addresses, telephone numbers, and product information given in this book were accurate at the time

this book went to press.

© 2012 by Gavin Walsh

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

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system, with the written permission of the publisher.


Contents Your Nutrition ......................................................................................................................................... 4

The Food Pyramid is Bulls@#t ........................................................................................................ 4

The Typical Western Diet is Bulls@#t ............................................................................................. 5

Processed Foods are Bulls@#t ........................................................................................................ 5

Fat Loss Pills are Bulls@#t ............................................................................................................... 5

Caveman Eating – The ‘Paleo Diet’ ......................................................................................................... 7

Benefits of the Paleo Diet ............................................................................................................... 7

Diet Basics ....................................................................................................................................... 8

What to Eat ..................................................................................................................................... 8

The Elimination Phase ....................................................................................................................... 10

Processed Foods ........................................................................................................................... 10

Sugar ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Alcohol .......................................................................................................................................... 11

Caffeine ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Wheat/Gluten and Other Starchy Carbs ...................................................................................... 12

Milk ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Tips for the Paleo Lifestyle ............................................................................................................ 13

Paleo Friendly Desserts ................................................................................................................. 14

Caveman Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 15

About The Author ................................................................................................................................. 16


Your Nutrition As I’ve already said, nutrition is hugely important. It is 60-70% of the battle if you’re looking to lose

fat. The problem is that when most people look to lose weight and get fit they join a gym or fitness

programme, but do nothing in terms of their nutrition. If I have said it once I will say it a thousand

times: you must get your nutrition right. This is the foundation on which you’re going to build your

fitness and fat loss.

So, what works? We’ve been told so many different things over the years that there’s a lot of

confusion about what we should and shouldn’t be eating. So, let’s start by looking at some of the


The Food Pyramid is Bulls@#t You may remember the food pyramid (see diagram below) that you were taught at school showing

the major food groups and proportion in which we should be consuming them. I was taught this at

university. To put it bluntly, it’s rubbish! The group at the bottom – the grain group – is where the

main problem lies. Of course sweet and fatty foods play their part in a person being overweight, but

it’s actually the starchy carbs that are our biggest problem. It’s the starchy carbs, which we are

recommended to eat as our

main food source, that cause so

many hormonal issues.

The food pyramid was

developed by a Swedish woman,

Anna Britt Agnsäter, in 1972. It

was published in 1974, and both

the United States and Great

Britain adopted it, despite the

fact that no real testing went

into it. The food pyramid is

largely based on how food was

manufactured at that time and

its cost. It was easy to create

the food groups in this way, and

to make recommendations for a

‘healthy’ diet based on it. My

biggest beef is that it recommends our largest dietary component be starchy carbs. When you think

about it, why would you eat more bread and pasta than fruit and veg nowadays? What would you

consider to have the most nutritional value? Although we can see that attitudes have changed a

little we’re still recommended to eat 65% carbohydrate and when most people think carbohydrate

they don’t always think of fruit and veg, but rather pasta, rice and jacket potatoes. The best

approach is a balanced one: roughly 1/3 carbs, 1/3 proteins and 1/3 good fats.

Please don’t think that I am demonising carbohydrates. I’m not. They play an essential part in our

diets when used correctly, and sparingly. Let me explain.


The Typical Western Diet is Bulls@#t Over the years, hundreds of people have come to see me about losing weight and improving their

fitness and when I’ve asked what their diet consists of it’s not uncommon to hear cereal for

breakfast, sandwich for lunch and pasta for dinner. If this sounds familiar chances are one of your

hormones, insulin, will be working overtime. Insulin is the hormone responsible for carrying blood

sugar to the tissues, muscles and organs; and if we’ve got too much sugar in our blood, to the fat


We believe that foods like pasta and jacket potatoes are healthy. If you’re training for a marathon or

some sort of endurance event, then eating these kinds of carbs are essential - you’ll need that extra

energy to carry you through. Are you training for a marathon? I didn’t think so. So if you’re looking

for rapid fat loss you need to keep your insulin levels low so that you stop storing fat and start using

it as energy and you do this by cutting back on those starchy carbs.

Unfortunately the ‘western’ diet is having a negative impact on global nutrition. It can be summed

up in three words: fast processed foods. Food processing is big business. The food industry strives

to make our appetite stronger for quick and tasty foods so that they can increase their profits.

While these companies pocket our money our health is deteriorating rapidly. According to a

landmark report of The British Government Office for Science entitled “Tackling Obesities, Future

Choices”, if we continue to carry on eating as we are, by the year 2050 50% of the UK population will

be obese. That’s ridiculous! The western diet combined with a lack of regular (effective) exercise is

a recipe for disaster. The overall effect of our western diet has increased the risk of obesity,

diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, dementia, allergies, IBS; the list goes on and on!

Processed Foods are Bulls@#t As a rule of thumb, if a food contains an e-number, a preservative, or an ingredient that you can’t

pronounce you shouldn’t really be eating it. If you can’t pick it from the ground, you can’t dig it up

as a plant, or you can’t catch it and kill it, then you shouldn’t be eating it. Food processing began

hundreds of years ago with the advent of agriculture, animal farming and the discoveries of

fermentation of alcohol and the refining of sugar and oil. Most nations practice some form of food

processing; however, we have taken it to a new level over the last 50 years with the introduction of

food preservatives, hydrogenated fats, colour enhancers, E-numbers and god knows what else.

Fat Loss Pills are Bulls@#t There’s a multi-million pound industry based around fat loss pills and related supplements. In my

opinion, with a few exceptions, you should avoid them at all costs. Money is thrown in huge

amounts at trying to convince us that they work and that we should buy them. Unfortunately none

of them are the miracle cure for fat loss they claim to be. There are supplements that can help to

address your hormone balance and enable you to burn more fat naturally; I’ll talk about these a little

later. But no amount of miracle pills, silver bullets or magic beans will work. Avoid them at all costs.


The Way



Caveman Eating – The ‘Paleo Diet’ For 2.5 million years, early man foraged and hunted for seafood, meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, roots

and seeds. This period of time before the development of agriculture is known as the Palaeolithic

era. The Paleo diet is also known as the Stone Age diet, hunter-gathering diet and the caveman diet.

But whatever you call it, the basic principle is the same. Man’s digestive systems have altered only

the slightest amount in the 10,000 years since farming changed our diets and not enough to keep

pace with the dietary changes that we are now faced with. Our minds are modern, but our bodies

and brains still need the same food as they did thousands of years ago. Shortened to ‘Paleo’, the

modern diet is an approach to nutrition that mimics the early man’s diet for ultimate health.

Gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin first popularised the Paleo diet in the 1970’s. He argued in his

book, "The Stone Age Diet," humans, as carnivores, chiefly need fats, proteins and a small amount of

carbohydrates for optimum performance. For the last 30 years, obesity has risen at an alarming

rate. Our modern diets are laden with preservatives, processed sugars, and fried foods. They are a

far cry from that which we have evolved to process. Today’s obesity crisis has led to a renewed

interest in Voegtlin’s tested approach to healthy living and it is picking up pace all the time.

Benefits of the Paleo Diet It never ceases to amaze me how, by changing what we put in our mouths, we can cause dramatic

changes in our quality of life. The advantages of the Paleo Diet have been researched and tested in

numerous academic journals and I have set out the principal ones, below.

Lose fat. Though the Paleo diet is not designed as a weight loss plan, if you have weight to lose you

will naturally start to lose it when following this approach. The foods that make up the Paleo diet

are what we call ‘fat burning’ foods. In fact, the Paleo diet allows you to eat large quantities of

delicious, nutritious food while simultaneously restricting calories. The result is a lean, fit body.

Fight disease. There is evidence to suggest that the Paleo diet can help in the prevention and

control of diabetes, Parkinson's, cancer, heart disease and strokes.

Improve digestion. The symptoms of many digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome,

Crohn’s disease and indigestion can be controlled or avoided by following a Paleo regime.

Combat acne. Eating the Paleo way means avoiding the foods that cause acne. When sebum is

overproduced or obstructed, the sebaceous glands enlarge and form pimples. Foods in the Paleo

diet do not cause the insulin spikes that result in a sebum boost. As a result, you can expect

smoother, more attractive skin.

Feel good. Not only does the Paleo diet help you to be healthier and look more radiant, it also

makes you feel better. Paleo supporters swear by the caveman lifestyle because it just “feels” right.

The only way to find out the energy and confidence they experience is to try it for yourself.


Diet Basics People assume the Paleo Diet is complicated and difficult to follow. It is actually quite simple: eat

real foods (see ‘What to Eat’ below). For a guideline on portions, 56–65% of your calories should

come from animals, 36–45% from plant based foods. Keep proteins high at 19-35% carbohydrates at

22-40% and good fats at 28-58% (or roughly a third of each if you want to make it really simple).

What to Eat Eating a Paleo Diet is more about experimentation than limitation. Mother Nature provides a huge

variety of delicious foods to explore. Instead of settling for a box of processed pasta and sauce, feast

on a meal that excites your taste buds and your energy levels. Here is a small list of the many foods

to incorporate into your diet.


Meat Game Poultry Fish Shellfish Eggs

Beef Pheasant Goose Tuna Lobster Chicken eggs

Veal Deer Chicken Salmon Shrimp Goose eggs

Pork Duck Turkey Trout Scallops Duck eggs

Lamb Wild Turkey Quail Halibut Crab Quail eggs

Goat Rabbit Sole Clams

Rabbit Moose Bass Mussels

Mutton Woodcock Haddock Oysters

Wild Boar Elk Turbot

Bison Cod










Standards Green Leafy Squash Root Mushrooms

Cauliflower Collard Greens Butternut Turnips Oyster

Broccoli Lettuce Crookneck Carrots Button

Celery Spinach Acorn Beets Portobello

Bell Peppers Watercress Pumpkin Parsnips Chanterelle

Onions Beet Top Zucchini Artichokes Porcini

Leeks Dandelion Yellow Summer Rutabaga Shiitake

Spring Onions Swiss Chard Buttercup Sweet Potatoes Crimini

Eggplant Mustard Greens Crookneck Radish Morel

Brussel Sprouts Kale Yams Chestnut

Artichokes Turnip Greens Cassava

Asparagus Seaweed

Cucumber Endive

Cabbage Arugula



Supporting Players

Fats Fruits Nuts & Seeds Flavour Enhancers Fresh & Dry Herbs

Olive Oil Apples Brazil Nuts Cayenne Pepper Parsley

Avocado Oranges Pistachios Chilies Thyme

Coconut Oil Bananas Sunflower Seeds Ginger Lavender

Clarified Butter Strawberries Pumpkin Seeds Onions Mint

Lard Cranberries Sesame Seeds Garlic Rosemary

Tallow Grapefruit Pecans Black Pepper Chives

Veal Fat Peaches Walnuts Hot Peppers Tarragon

Duck Fat Pears Macadamia Nuts Star Anise Oregano

Coconut Flesh Nectarines Pine Nuts Mustard Seeds Dill

Nut Oils Plums Chestnuts Fennel Seeds Bay Leaves

Nut Butter Pomegranates Cashews Cumin Sage

Lamb Fat Pineapple Hazelnuts Turmeric Coriander

Grapes Almonds Cinnamon

Papaya Paprika

Cantaloupe Nutmeg

Kiwi Cloves

Lychee Vanilla


The Elimination Phase The place to start if you are serious giving this a go is to eliminate all the bad stuff from your diet.

The main things to ditch are set out in detail below but, in brief, they are processed foods (the

largest source of toxicity and malnutrition), sugar, alcohol, caffeine, wheat and other starchy carbs

and dairy.

Some practitioners call this an elimination diet, but I’d

question whether it’s really a diet at all. In my eyes,

it’s just healthy eating (the Paleo way), and what you

should be doing for the majority of the time anyway. I

live by this rule 80% of the time and then give myself a

little bit of freedom for the other 20% (although, if

your goal is to shift some fat I would recommend

going the whole hog for at least 28 days). If you can’t

do this then there is little point reading the advanced

methods I’ll talk about shortly. So, you really need to

eliminate all the crap from your diet first. If you’ve got

a terrible diet, you might find that once you’ve done

this your cupboards look rather empty!

Processed Foods The reason for cutting out processed foods is that they’re high in saturated fats, preservatives, sugar

and salt, none of which are good for us. Processed foods are the kinds of things you’ll find in ready

prepared packets, trays and containers; or microwave foods. They’re usually full of E numbers,

hydrogenated fats and all sorts of ingredients that you can’t pronounce. Cut them out, they’re no


Sugar Next on the elimination list is sugar, more specifically refined sugar. Any sugar that’s in your diet

should come from fruit and vegetables rather than the refined sorts that you find in cakes, biscuits,

fizzy drinks, sweets, etc. Sugar rots the teeth, so imagine what it does to the soft tissues inside our

bodies. Sugar is also linked to heart disease, dementia, and a whole host of other metabolic


Ideally you should automatically reduce your sugar intake when you cut out processed foods, but

one to look out for in particular is fructose corn syrup. This sweetener is the worst kind of sugar, so

try to avoid it at all costs as the metabolic effects of a calorie from fructose are completely different

to a calorie from other nutrients, including other sugars, and these metabolic differences explain its

links with so many metabolic diseases. Although fructose is a natural component of many foods, it is

fructose corn syrup that causes the real issue. Fructose corn syrup is highly processed to create a


very sweet taste. It has become a favourite of many food manufacturers as it’s cheaper and much

sweeter than regular table sugar (sucrose).

Around 30 years ago, when the media jumped on the low fat bandwagon, food companies started to

add ‘healthy’ low fat or light options to their product range. Unfortunately, by taking out the fat

they also removed the flavour. So what did they do? They threw in fructose corn syrup into the mix.

The problem is that our livers are unable to deal with the highly processed form of fructose as they

would do other sugars. Instead of passing on the majority of the energy to the organs, muscles and

tissues, the liver stores a large proportion of the energy as plain old fat. This process also creates a

long list of waste products and toxins which affect the functions of many other cells and tissues

leading to more belly fat and a whole host of diseases.

Alcohol You need to eliminate alcohol from your diet. As most people’s biggest vice, I can already hear the

groans of discontent. But, at the risk of sounding like a condescending parent, it is for your own

good. I make my personal training clients cut out alcohol for 28 days as an all-or-nothing rule. It’s

no booze, or no training.

The first and simplest reason you should cut out alcohol is because it is essentially liquid calories. It

adds hundreds of calories that your body doesn’t need and that results in your body storing more

unsightly fat.

Alcohol also increases cortisol, the hormone which is responsible for waistline weight. The less

alcohol you have in your body, the less cortisol you’ll produce. When you drink alcohol, even if it’s

just a couple of glasses of wine, you cause fat metabolism to decline by up to 30%. That is massive!

In other words, while your body is burning off the alcohol it’s not burning off any fat and even if

you’re training hard you will have to work a whole lot harder to catch up with the person who’s not

drinking to get the same results. By getting on the wagon for just a short period of time you will give

your fat loss mission a real boost. Plus, it won’t do any harm to your general health and wellbeing.

Your liver will certainly thank you.

Eliminating alcohol from your diet will also be good for your quality of sleep. If you’ve had a big

night out, when you get home and your head hits the pillow you’re out for the count. But is it good

sleep? You might wake up every couple of hours, feel like you’ve got Gandhi’s flip-flop in your

mouth, need the toilet and stumble around. This is not good sleep. You are more likely to make

poor food choices as well, either at the end of the night (kebabs, burgers, chips), or the next day.

You never really feel like having a chicken salad for lunch the day after a big night out, am I right?

More likely it will be a greasy fry-up followed by a carb heavy meal later in the day. So, you can see

that for a multitude of reasons the smart cookies cut out the juice while training.

Caffeine There are probably some of you thinking that you can’t possibly cut caffeine out of your diet because

you really need to have your morning tea or coffee. More than anything, this is probably just

habitual. You need to try and kick this habit.


The reason I recommend cutting out caffeine is because it increases your heart rate and your blood

pressure. Caffeine causes a surge in blood sugar, which gives you a boost of energy; but it then

sends you on a metabolic rollercoaster. You’re at the top, you’ve got a nice boost of energy, but

then you come crashing back down. And when you crash down, you end up craving more of the

sugary foods and starchy carbs that we know aren’t good for you.

Caffeine is also a diuretic. It dehydrates you and prevents you from flushing out the toxins within

your body. This is one of the reasons that being hydrated helps when it comes to burning excess fat.

If you are a ‘several cups a day’ person then I might as well warn you now: you will experience

withdrawal headaches the first few days without caffeine, it’s a given, but once they have worn off

you’ll be on easy street.

Wheat/Gluten and Other Starchy Carbs Wheat is everywhere. It is found in all sorts of foodstuffs: bread, pastry, pasta, cakes, cereals,

biscuits; all sorts of yummy things that can be difficult to avoid. But avoid them you should and I am

going to tell you why.

Wheat can cause an auto-immune disease, whereby your immune system goes into overdrive to

fight off foreign bodies it detects in your system (wheat particles) and, in doing so, becomes run

down. This was certainly my experience with wheat when I was growing up. If I had a big night out

with the lads or I didn’t get enough sleep, or missed a meal, I’d become run down almost instantly.

I’d have a runny nose, my hay fever would kick off and I'd need a lie down to re-charge. I didn’t

understand why until several years ago I visited a kinesiologist on the recommendation of a friend.

This fantastic practitioner explained to me that my symptoms indicated that I had a leaky gut (nice)

and because of the copious amounts of bread I’d eaten over the years (and other poor food choices,

for that matter) I’d developed a yeast infection via my “leaky gut”. This, in turn, caused my body to

become acidic and overrun with yeast proteins. You see, wheat contains lectins which bind to the

outer lining of the digestive system, allowing proteins to pass through into the blood. The immune

system has to try to mop up those proteins and get rid of them, but in doing so becomes run down.

And that’s what was happening to me. Sound familiar at all?

Apart from this, wheat can also cause bloating and bowel complaints and it can block nutrient

absorption. If we don’t get enough of certain nutrients, our bodies face a multitude of problems,

not least that our hormones won’t work in the way that we need them to and I have already

touched on the importance of hormone balance.

By ‘starchy carbs’ I mean the foods in the grain food group: pasta, bread, cereals, rice – and also

potatoes, chips and crisps. You need to cut these out of your diet. They’re probably the foods that

you really love to eat, but they’re also the foods that have probably caused you to become

overweight. Too many starchy carbs elevate your blood sugar level. Your body releases insulin to

deal with the blood sugar and route it to your cells for energy. If we continue to munch a high carb

diet, over time our bodies become de-sensitised to the effects of insulin and the delivery of blood

sugar to our muscles stops functioning efficiently. Our blood sugar levels remain too high and so the

body starts to divert blood sugar instead to fat cells for storage or to the liver (which has a similar


effect on the liver to that of alcohol poisoning), neither of which is a good thing. So put down that

cake and step away from the biscuit aisle!

Milk As a boy, I remember drinking milk as if it were going out of fashion. “Drink your milk so you have

healthy teeth and bones”, I was told and I’m pretty sure you grew up being told something similar.

In actual fact, drinking milk is not good for us and has serious questions to answer in respect of our

health. Not all milk is bad: take human breast milk, for example. Human breast milk was designed

for people, just like cow’s milk was designed for cows (not human beings).

Cow’s milk consumption has been linked to breast cancer, diabetes, kidney stones, acne, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis and, bizarrely, osteoporosis even though milk is supposedly a good source of calcium.

There are a variety of myths surrounding milk consumption. One of the first myths is that drinking

milk creates healthy bones because of the calcium found in the milk. However, the animal protein

found in milk actually depletes the human body of calcium, exactly the opposite of what milk

drinkers expect it to do. Milk, like all animal proteins, acidifies the body’s blood pH level which in

turn triggers a biological correction (our bodies don’t like to be too acidic). You see, calcium is an

excellent acid neutralizer. And the biggest store of calcium is in our bones. The very same calcium

that our bones need to stay strong is used to cancel out the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is

pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via our urine, so that the (perhaps) surprising net result

after this process is an actual calcium deficit.

Another milk myth is that by drinking milk you will help reduce bone fracture and prevent

osteoporosis, but the evidence (see references) suggests that high milk consumption is linked to an

increase in bone fractures for exactly the reason I have outlined above.

Of course, milk is actually a processed food undergoing pasteurisation and homogenisation. These

two processes are thought to cause a long list of digestive and other health problems. Cows are

often given growth hormones and antibiotics to increase milk production and prevent disease;

however these things inevitably end up in the milk, which surely can’t be a good thing for human


You may have already asked the question “do I need to steer clear of all dairy?” Well the answer is

“not necessarily”. There are unsweetened, cultured dairy products such as yoghurt, kefir, and sour

cream that are acid neutral and so won’t cause calcium loss. However, if you do feel the need to

drink milk then my favourite alternatives include rice milk, coconut milk and almond milk. Almond

milk actually tastes very similar to cow’s milk, but has an alkalising effect on the body that is very


Tips for the Paleo Lifestyle Unfortunately, the ‘convenience’ foods available today are usually pretty rubbish when you look at

their nutritional value. Our busy lifestyles have our kids raised on a diet of processed and fast foods.

The popular culture even makes eating real foods an odd concept. Even knowing the proven

benefits, some people never try the Paleo approach because they believe it to be too difficult. Living


a long, healthy, fulfilling life is well worth a few small changes, surely? While not as easy as stopping

at a drive through, maintaining a Paleo lifestyle is pretty straightforward if you take note of a simple

few tips. Trust me, I manage it and I never stop for a moment (well only to grab a bit of sleep)! So,

to master the Paleo approach:

Stay organised: the number one tip is to be organised and prepared. The biggest challenge

to start with will be to have Paleo foods available at your home and planning your meals to

include them. You‘re much more likely to eat healthy food if it is readily available;

Change how you shop: find the best farmers’ markets, butchers and grocery stores in your

area. Before going food shopping have a list of items you plan to pick up. I stick to the

outside lanes of the supermarket to avoid the aisles filled with processed foods. I haven’t

been down the biscuit isle in years. This may be difficult at first, but after a month or so you

will know longer feel the need to hang out with the junk food;

Clean your pantry: clear your cupboards of all the cereals, pasta, and processed foods in

your cabinets. Don’t worry, you will replace these foods with much more satisfying fresh

and healthy foods;

Learn to work the kitchen: unlike a diet based on grains, there so are many foods to eat on

the Paleo Diet you should never become bored. The best way to take advantage of

everything nature has to offer is to learn how to cook. By combining the diverse flavours,

there is an endless amount of tasty dishes to excite your taste buds;

Dress your food: most of the condiments on the store shelves are filled with preservatives.

However, you can enhance the flavour of your foods by making your own condiments at

home. Ketchup, mustard, salad dressings and sauces can be made at home naturally with

delicious results;

Exercise: just changing your eating habits will cause you to lose weight naturally on the Paleo

Diet. Add exercise to the mix and you will be amazed at how quickly you notice a difference.

Your true, toned physique will come out as the lbs. drop off. You will also notice the amount

of energy you have increases compared to when you ate a traditional diet. Start feeling

strong, energetic, mentally sharper and all round younger;

Join a support system: find chat rooms and forums where like-minded people meet.

Participate at a gym where the Paleo diet is the main lifestyle choice. It is nice to share ideas

on the best Paleo books and even give advice on keeping true to the diet plan. Joining a

community online or in person is extremely motivating when you learn about how the other

members’ lives improved just from staying true to the Paleo way.

Paleo Friendly Desserts One of the biggest stumbling blocks with the Paleo Diet plan is desserts. Most desserts contain

unnatural sweeteners and starchy carbs that spike insulin levels. These sweet treats are a recipe for

disaster. However, with kids, special celebrations and birthdays sometimes a sweet treat is in order

(I’m all heart aren’t I?). There are some very tasty Paleo desserts that can help your transition fully

into the Paleo lifestyle without indulging in bad choices or having a gluten stomach ache. While it is

not a good idea to eat desserts after every meal, Paleo friendly desserts can stop hard-core cravings

from your pre-Paleo days.


Here is a list of whole food substitutions you can use to whip delicious Paleo friendly desserts


almond flour - grinding almonds create nutritious, high protein flour perfect for making

muffins breads and of course, traditional macaroons.

raw honey - because honey can be eaten straight from the tree, it is considered a true Paleo

sweetener. Though it is a whole food, honey is highly calorific and does spike the insulin

level, so use sparingly. However, honey is a great sugar substitute.

cocoa - unsweetened dark chocolate has nutritious antioxidants and sticks to the limited

dairy rules. Opt for the natural cocoa over the Dutch processed version that loses its

benefits during processing.

pure vanilla extract - pure vanilla extract is a staple in any baker’s cupboard. Just make sure

to buy the pure stuff not the cheap flavouring.

coconut oil - coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid, which means it transfers directly to the

liver where it is used for energy instead of being stored directly as fat. It also stimulates the

thyroid gland helping speed up metabolism. Coconut oil adds a subtle sweetness to cobblers

pancakes and other baked recipes.

coconut milk - a great dairy substitute, coconut milk contains lauric acid. Lauric acid is

thought to be beneficial in fighting influenza and herpes, as well as improving the immune

system. Use coconut oil to make ice cream, hot cocoa, puddings, and even egg nog.

nuts - nuts are loaded with good fats the body needs. Hazelnuts, pecans, macadamias and

almonds are lifesavers in the kitchen. Use nuts for pie crusts, candies or even as simple

spiced nut blend.

frozen fruit - freeze berries to make easy desserts. Use them to make rich frothy smoothies

or sorbet. Frozen grapes and cherries taste delicious straight from the freezer. Try frozen

bananas on a stick or blended down for a creamy ice cream experience.

Drinks can also be a stumbling block for many people. In terms of what to drink, you should be

going for naturally calorie-free drinks (and I don’t mean those that are packed with artificial

sweeteners) such as water and herbal teas. You should cut out fizzy drinks and also energy

drinks like Lucozade and Powerade. Unless you’re training to run for 60 minutes to 90 minutes

plus, you don’t need energy drinks. Your energy should come from your fat stores – use your fat

as energy, and burn it off!

Caveman Conclusion The Paleo Diet will help you to shed pounds and to generally lead a healthier life. Add exercise into

the mix and you can achieve the lean, sexy bodies seen on fitness models. Despite popular belief, I

hope I have shown you that the Paleo (or ‘healthy eating’) lifestyle is not restrictive and can actually

open up your palette to a whole new world of culinary experiences. There are a variety of high

quality cookbooks and websites that will help you along the way. Once you experience the

transformation you will wonder how you ever functioned beforehand.


About The Author

Ok, so this is meant to be about me. What shall I tell you? Well, you could say that I am one of the UK's elite personal trainers and that I also run one of the most successful fitness boot camp companies in the UK. I've been in the fitness industry for over a decade and have developed my own distinct training style which represents a fusion of what I feel to be the most effective methods and techniques around today. This is me on the left. If I'm honest I hate photos like these, but I thought I'd show you to prove that I know what I'm talking about. I didn't even go to the gym to get in condition for this photo. My Wife had given birth, so going to the gym to train several times a week wasn't going to happen. Instead I trained in one of our spare bedrooms, which just goes to show you that you don't always need a gym to get in good shape, just lots of hard work and clean nutrition.

I regularly appear in fitness and other media publications such as Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Grazia, Harper's Bazaar, The Times, The Guardian, Sport magazine, The Evening Standard, FHM and MSN Health as well as appearing on ITV1 and Sky Atlantic. I am committed to learning the latest, cutting edge, training techniques to ensure that I am able to pass on this knowledge to you and as many people as possible so that you can improve your health and well-being for the foreseeable future.