Notes from Islamic classes given by Sister Eman Al Obaid ......2015/12/05  · Surah Al-Baqarah...

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Transcript of Notes from Islamic classes given by Sister Eman Al Obaid ......2015/12/05  · Surah Al-Baqarah...

  • سورة البقرة Surah Al-Baqarahخطوات الشيطان

    #3 23 رجب 143612.5.15

    The shaitan never gets tired, has a strong determination, will and persistence. He will stay with us until our last breath. He studies the psychology of the human being. He will only whisper after he has made a full scan of the person, what he loves and hates, his struggles and irritants, his goals, all his emotions. It's a blessing that we are informed of how the shaitan works, because then we know why we get angry and irritated.

    يْطَاِن ۚ إِنَُّه َلُكْم َعُدوٌّ مُِّبنٌي ْلمِ َكافًَّة واََل تَتَِّبُعوا ُخطُوَاِت الشَّ يَا أَيَُّها الَِّذيَن آَمنُوا اْدُخُلوا ِفي السِّO you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the

    footsteps of shaitan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy2:208

    َوإِذْ ُقْلنَا لِْلَماَلِئَكِة اْسُجُدوا آِلَدَم فََسَجُدوا إاِلَّ إِبْلِيَس َقاَل أَأَْسُجُد مِلَْن َخَلْقَت ِطينًاAnd [mention] when We said to the angles : Prostrate to Adam, and they prostrated, except for Iblees. He

    said, Should I prostrate to one You created from clay?يَّتَُه إاِلَّ َقلِياًل رْتَِن إَِلىٰ يَوْمِ اْلِقيَاَمِة أَلَْحتَِنَكنَّ ذُرِّ ذَا الَِّذي َكرَّْمَت َعَليَّ َلِئْن أَخَّ َقاَل أَرَأَيْتََك هَٰ

    [Iblees] said : Do You see this one whom You have honored above me? If You delay me until the Day of Resurrection, I will surely destroy his descendants, except for a few

    َقاَل اذَْهْب فََمن تَِبَعَك ِمنُْهْم فَِإنَّ َجَهنََّم َجزَاؤُُكْم َجزَاًء مَّوْفُورًا[ Allah ] said : Go, for whoever of them follows you, indeed Hell will be the recompense of you - an ample

    recompenseيْطَاُن َواْستَفِْززْ َمِن اْستَطَْعَت ِمنُْهم ِبَصوِْتَك َوأَْجلِْب َعَليِْهم ِبَخيْلَِك َورَِجلَِك َوَشارِْكُهْم ِفي اأْلَْموَاِل َواأْلَواَْلِد َوِعْدُهْم ۚ َوَما يَِعُدُهُم الشَّ

    إاِلَّ ُغرُورًاAnd incite [to senselessness] whoever you can among them with your voice and assault them with your horses and foot soldiers and become a partner in their wealth and their children and promise them. But

    Satan does not promise them except delusionإِنَّ ِعبَاِدي َليَْس َلَك َعَليِْهْم ُسْلطَاٌن ۚ وََكفَىٰ ِبَربَِّك وَِكياًل

    Indeed, over My [believing] servants there is for you no authority. And sufficient is your Lord as Disposer of affairs

    65-17:61 سورة اإلسراء

  • The shaitan attacks your weak points. The more the person dedicates himself to Allah, the more the shaitan will dedicate himself and his followers to this person. But he is خناس, he can only whisper, then runs away when you remember Allah. This is what you should never be heedless.

    Always remember the incident, when Allah commanded the angels to prostrate to Aadam عليه السالم. The shaitan objected to that, because Aadam was made with clay, whereas Iblees was created from fire. This made him arrogant. But don't ever underestimate or put down anyone.

    The word used in this ayah, by the shaitan, regarding misleading the human beings, is َّأَْحتَِنَكن, which is derived from the root َأْخنَت, to suffocate. Another word derived from this verb is the noun حنك, which is used to describe the harness and bit of the horse, the part which fits in its mouth, making it easy to lead the horse wherever you want. Iblees promised to lead everyone astray.

    Allah favours whoever He wants. Do not look down upon someone who has just come to the path of guidance, rather, look at them with eyes of mercy.

    The shaitan didn't think that Aadam was up to his standard, this was his hawa, or desire. Anyone who follows the shaitan takes only those commands of Allah, which are according to his desires. The shaitan transgressed, and has an enmity with all mankind, even those who are yet unborn.

    Allah told Iblees ▶ ▶ اذهب go. It was as if Allah did not want him around. Allah promised him and

    his followers ▶ ▶ جزاًء موفورًا a complete punishment. Those who follow the shaitan are actually his mounts; this is such a humiliation.

    Allah challenges Iblees ▶ ▶ اْستَفِْززْ ِبَصْوِتَك irritate by constant whispering, so much so, that they slip. Sometimes the whisper of the shaitan is so insidious, it makes the person restless, needing to commit the sin.

    Allah also says ▶ ▶ شاركهم have a share in their wealth and children. When you enter the house, mention the name of Allah, by saying bismillah, so that the shaitan cannot enter with you. When you eat, mention the name of Allah so that the shaitan cannot share your food with you.

    There is even a dua to recite before a relation with your spouse, so that the shaitan cannot be a part of it, and if the relation results in offspring, that child is protected from the shaitan.

    The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم said : إِذَا َدَخَل فََلْم يَذُْكِر يْطَاُن الَ َمِبيَت َلُكْم واَلَ َعَشاَء . َو إِذَا َدَخَل الرَُّجُل بَيْتَُه فَذََكَر اهللََّ ِعنَْد ُدُخولِِه َوِعنَْد طََعاِمِه َقاَل الشَّ

    إِذَا َلْم يَذُْكِر اهللََّ ِعنَْد طََعاِمِه َقاَل أَْدرَْكتُُم امْلَِبيَت َواْلَعَشاَء. يْطَاُن أَْدرَْكتُُم امْلَِبيَت . َو اهللََّ ِعنَْد ُدُخولِِه َقاَل الشَّ2018 a# صحيح مسلم، حديث

    When a person enters his house and mentions the name of Allah at the time of entering it and while eating the food, Satan says (addressing himself: You have no place to spend the night and no evening meal; but when he enters without mentioning the name of Allah, the Satan says: You have found a place to spend the night, and when he does not mention the name of Allah while eating food, he (the Satan) says: You have found a place to spend the night and evening meal.

  • Allah goes on to challenge the shaitan further ▶ ▶ َوِعْدُهْم make promises to them, that Allah will forgive sins, or that it is allowed to take revenge, or that it is your right to usurp someone else's rights; he makes promises according to what is forbidden.

    Aadam عليه السالم wished to be an angel, or live eternally. The shaitan played on these desires by tempting him to eat from the forbidden tree, resulting in Aadam and Hawwa being banished from Jannah ▶ يْطَاُن إاِلَّ ُغُرورًا ▶ َو َما يَِعُدُهُم الشَّ the shaitan promises for nothing but deception.

    The special servants of Allah, those who revel in their slavery to Him, are safe ▶ إِنَّ ِعبَاِدي َليَْس َلَك َعَليِْهْم

    ▶ ُسْلطَاٌن they are safe from the fitnah of the shaitan. They devote themselves to worshipping Allah.

    No one can guard and protect except Allah ▶ . وََكفَىٰ ِبَربَِّك وَِكياًل

    The seven steps of the shaitan.

    If a person falls in the first step, the shaitan leaves, victorious. Otherwise, he tries the next step with the person.

    البدعة .2The second step of the shaitan, innovations in religion. This is a dangerous trick, sugar coated to look attractive. The actions look like worship, but have not reference to support them; they are based on hawa.

    You might think that you will forget to make the intention for salaah, because it is in the heart, so you say it out loud. But the question is, did the

    The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم said : يْطَاَن َما َرزَْقتَنَا فَِإْن َقَضى اهللَُّ بَيْنَُهَما َوَلًدا يْطَاَن َوَجنِِّب الشَّ َلْو أَنَّ أََحَدُكْم إِذَا أَتَى أَْهَلُه َقاَل ِبْسمِ اهللَِّ اللَُّهمَّ َجنِّبْنَا الشَّ

    يْطَاُن. َلْم يَُضرَّهُ الشَّ

    َحِديٌث َحَسٌن َصِحيحٌ .جامع الترمذي ، حديث # 1092

    If anyone of you, when having sexual intercourse with his wife, says : In the Name of Allah, O Allah! Protect me from Shaitan and protect what you bestow upon us from Shaitan, then if Allah decrees

    that they should have a child, Shaitan will not be able to harm him.

  • Prophet Mohammad صلى اهلل عليه و سلم do it, or did his Companions ? There is no such thing as بدعة a good innovation. The shaitan is so much in control of people who innovate in religion, that , حسنةthey resent anyone who corrects them. The bida'h is more beloved to the shaitan than consuming alcohol or adultery, because the person indulging in innovation in religion is deceived into thinking that he is doing good, so it is very difficult to repent for it.

    Think about it, can anyone be better than the Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه و سلم in worship ?

    For righteous good deeds to be accepted, they must fulfill two conditions ↙🔻 ▶ اإلخالص sincerity 🔻 ▶ اإلتباع following the way of the Prophet صلى اهلل عليه و سلمYou cannot invent anything new according to your hawa.

    When you go to the masjid, and see the majority of the people making dua and wiping their faces with their hands, this looks very attractive, but the question again arises, did the Messenger of Allah ?or his Companions do this صلى اهلل عليه و سلم

    Don't do any worship until you are sure that it is backed by a reference; this is being on the safe side. Worship is not about what you like or want; it is all about what Allah wants and likes.

    Anas رضي اهلل عنه narrated : Three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet صلى اهلل عليه و to inquire about the worship of the Prophet. When they were informed, they considered their سلم

    worship insignificant and said: أين نحن من النبي صلى اهلل عليه وسلم قد غفر اهلل له تقدم من ذنبه وما تأخر

    Where are we in comparison with the Prophet صلى اهلل عليه و سلم while Allah has forgiven his past sins and future sins.

    One of them said: ًأما أنا فأصلي الليل أبداAs for me, I shall offer Salat all night long.Another said: وأنا أصوم الدهر أبداً وال أفطر

    I shall observe fasting continuously and shall not break it. Another said: ًوأنا أعتزل النساء فال أتزوج أبدا

    I shall abstain from women and shall never marry. The Prophet صلى اهلل عليه و سلم came to them and said :

    أنتم الذين قلتم كذا وكذا؟! أما واهلل إني ألخشاكم هلل وأتقاكم له لكني أصوم وأفطر، وأصليوأرقد، وأتزوج النساء، فمن رغب عن سنتي فليس مني

    Are you the people who said such and such things? By Allah, I fear Allah more than you do, and I am most obedient and dutiful among you to Him, but still I observe fast and break it; perform Salat

    and sleep at night and take wives. So whoever turns away from my Sunnah does not belong to me. ،متفق عليه، رياض الصالحني ، كتاب #1 ، حديث # 143

    ْساَلَم ِدينًا ۚ اْليَوَْم أَْكَمْلُت َلُكْم ِدينَُكْم َوأَتَْمْمُت َعَليُْكْم ِنْعَمِتي َورَِضيُت َلُكُم اإْلِThis day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have

    approved for you Islam as religionسورة املائدة


  • The bida'h is a mirage, when you need it, there will be nothing there. Don't listen to the shaitan when he beautifies it.

    If the person remains on the Qura'an and the Sunnah, the shaitan will go to the next step.

    الكبائر .3The third step of the shaitan, major sins. These are classified as any sin for which the punishment is mentioned in the Qura'an and Sunnah, such as backbiting, lying, slander, etc.

    Whoever holds himself back from falling into innovations in deen, the shaitan will try to make him commit major sins. But don't forget that the shaitan has no power over you, he can only whisper, and give you the idea. He runs away when you seek refuge with Allah.

    After the shaitan scans the person, he chooses the sin most suited to him to beautify. He will whisper until he makes you desperate to commit the sin. He will also give promises, to make you eager to sin.

    The major sins are so ugly, but the shaitan will beautify them. After you are caught and hypnotized, he will still work on your mind. After you love the sin, he will remind you of the repentance, so that you will not look at the sin as too big or too serious; you will see it as small and insignificant. He will give you ideas about what words to use to justify the sin, and give you reasons for delaying the repentance. All this elaborate process is before the sin is committed, so that it is easy for you to do it.

    A Jew said to `Umar : يَا أَِميَر امْلُؤِْمِننَي َلْو أَنَّ َعَليْنَا نَزََلْت َهِذِه اآليَُة {اْليَْوَم أَْكَمْلُت َلُكْم ِدينَُكْم َوأَتَْمْمُت َعَليُْكْم ِنْعَمِتي َورَِضيُت َلُكُم اإِلْسالََم ِدينًا }

    الَتََّخذْنَا ذَلَِك اْليَْوَم ِعيًدا.O Chief of the Believers, if this verse had been revealed upon us, we would have taken that day as

    an Eid. `Umar said : إِنِّي ألَْعَلُم أَىَّ يَْومٍ نَزََلْت َهِذِه اآليَُة، نَزََلْت يَْوَم َعرَفََة ِفي يَْومِ ُجُمَعٍة.

    I know definitely on what day this Verse was revealed; it was revealed on the day of `Arafat, on a Friday.

    # صحيح البخاري ، حديث 7268

    The Messenger of Allah صلى اهلل عليه said : إِْن َعبًْدا َحبَِشيًّا َوَستََرْوَن ِمْن بَْعِدي اْخِتالَفًا َشِديًدا فََعَليُْكْم ِبُسنَِّتي َوُسنَِّة ْمعِ َوالطَّاَعِة َو َعَليُْكْم ِبتَْقَوى اهللَِّ َوالسَّ

    إِيَّاُكْم َواألُُموَر امْلُْحَدثَاِت فَِإنَّ ُكلَّ ِبْدَعٍة َضالََلٌة. وا َعَليَْها ِبالنََّواِجِذ َو اْلُخَلفَاِء الرَّاِشِديَن امْلَْهِديِّنَي َعضُّحديث حسن ، سنن بن ماجة ، كتاب # 1، حديث # 44

    I urge you to fear Allah, and to listen and obey, even if (your leader) is an Abyssinian slave. After I am gone, you will see great conflict. I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the path of the Rightly-

    Guided Caliphs, and cling stubbornly to it. And beware of newly-invented matters, for every innovation is a going astray.

  • The attack of the shaitan is four-pronged. 🔻 He analyzes the person, identifying his weakness 🔻 He beautifies the sin he chooses for that person🔻 He shows you how to justify the sin, so that the person thinks it is insignificant 🔻 He opens the doors of hope, telling you how forgiving Allah is

    One of the poisons of the shaitan is الرجاء , hope. Hope with sins is poison. Imagine telling someone to drink poison, but that he will be saved. The shaitan will bring the ayaat of forgiveness from the Qura'an. He is so expert in his deception, that the person will knowingly commits the major sin, and not even think to repent.

    The shaitan will beautify a woman in the eyes of a man, so that even if she is the ugliest, she will appear the most attractive. This is one of the reasons Allah has commanded the women to cover. The shaitan uses the women as his tool, as objects. Allah gave the women dignity; the hijab is a protection for them.

    The protection for the men is to lower their gaze. If he will stare at a woman, then the shaitan will come immediately, and the man will realize his mistake when it is too late, when all the deceptive beautification will be removed. If a man is attracted to a woman, he should go to his wife to satisfy his needs. This will defeat the shaitan, because that man will choose the halal way. This will also make the shaitan angry, but he will not give up; he will try another trick.

    Don't think you are so powerful that you withstood the temptation of the shaitan, as this will make you proud. Ask Allah for help, and attribute your victory to Him.