NOTES Discovering Our Past I. _________ is a story of the past.

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Transcript of NOTES Discovering Our Past I. _________ is a story of the past.


Discovering Our Past I

_________ is a story of the past.


_____________ or ______________ were the first people to live in America.

Native Americans


An _____________ is a person who travels to a new place to learn about it.


Some of the first explorers were the


Another explorer that sailed to America was

________________.Christopher Columbus

Columbus sailed to America in _______.1492

Columbus had three ships

named the ___________,_____________, and __________________.

NinaPintaSanta Maria

People that came to America

started living in ___________. colonies

Many explorers came in hopes

of finding _________,__________, and__________.



A _______________ is a place that is ruled by another country.


_________ are people who live in a colony.Colonists

People that lived in the colonies could not make their own ________.


St. Augustine was already home of the _______________.Timucua Indians

Today St. Augustine is part

of ___________.Florida

The first colonists from Europe came from the country of ________.


Spain built a colony called

_____________.St. Augustine

Colonists from England built a colony called ___________.


The Indians helped the

colonists _________and _________.

build homes

find food

The ________________ already lived in Jamestown.

Powhatan Indians

The colonies were built along the _______________.Atlantic Ocean

The Pilgrims were another group from England. They built a colony called


Later Plymouth became part of


The 13 colonies were still following the laws of _________.England

Soon there were __________

that were built by thecolonists.

13 colonies