Northern Social Justice

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Perhaps the future of the welfare state does not lie in the hands of Southern think tanks but of Northern social innovators.

Transcript of Northern Social Justice

Northern Social Justicethe role of local government

Dr Simon Duffy ■ The Centre for Welfare Reform ■ 4th February 2013 ■ Presentation for Kirklees

Dr Simon Duffy

•Social innovator - e.g. personal budgets

•Philosopher - work on citizenship

•Advisor - Campaign for a Fair Society

The Centre for Welfare ReformReform does not mean cuts and inequalityWelfare state is good, but designed wrongNeeds more innovation, andRespect for citizenship, families, community & justice

1.Local government is on the losing end of a game it doesn’t control

2.The welfare state is good, but badly designedThe capacity for positive change lies within local communities

3.It is time to change the game and reframe the role of local government

Welfare State was designed to defeat 5 giants:

1.Want - national insurance

2.Disease - NHSIgnorance - state education

3.Idleness - Keynsianism

4.Squalor - public housing

But the design of the welfare state has at least 5 flaws:





Change in welfare state has been dominated by:





5.Further centralisation

But there is hope - Northern social justice innovations focus on:





Wards 40

Av Pop 1,700

Over 65 376 22.1%

15 and under 308 18.1%

Misusing drugs/alcohol 14 0.8%

Limiting long-term illness 383 22.5%

Children with SEN Statements 7 0.4%

In private homes (including private rental) 1,365 80.3%

In poor health 181 10.6%

Deaths in year 20 1.2%

Crimes in a year 88 5.2%

Looked after children 2 0.1%

Use Social Care 78 4.6%

Working age on relying on benefits 177 10.4%

Children Social Care Budget £60,000 £6,666

Adult Social Care Budget £490,000 £6,282

1. Human rights - not just services

2. Clear entitlements - not confusion

3. Early support - not crisis

4. Equal access - not institutional care

5. Choice & control - not dependence

6. Fair incomes - not insecurity

7. Fair taxes - not injustice

8. Sustainability - local growth

A new strategy might see a shift towards:

1.Public servant

2.Advocate for citizenship

3.Investment (not procurement)Regional leaders
