Non Telegraphic

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Transcript of Non Telegraphic

Bruce Lee’s Secret Training Methods © Copyright StoneTree Limited 2007

Chapter 10 Non-Telegraphic training

(Damn Good Deal Only)

Bruce Lee’s Secret Training Methods © Copyright StoneTree Limited 2007


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Bruce Lee’s Secret Training Methods © Copyright StoneTree Limited 2007

Non-Telegraphic training The Bruce Lee Way

“Secrets of concealing your intentions and out-smarting your opponent”

Bruce Lee knew that the fighter that conceals his intentions has

a distinct advantage. This is done by keeping impending moves and strikes hidden from your opponent. Instead you want to blind and confuse them keeping them guessing as to where the next blow will come from. The goal is to continually surprise the opponent. Catch them off-guard. Give them no time think and to plan a defence. Ideally the attack will have already happened before they have figured out what has just occurred. Any martial expert that does this well holds all the cards - victory is almost guaranteed.

“Be Like A Cobra, Your Strike Should Be Felt Before It Is Seen.” – Bruce Lee

Novice fighters typically give away subtle clues. In their body language they will accidentally tell their opponent where the next strike will be coming from. These subtle clues can be quick glances at the fist that is about to deliver a punch or maybe the drawing back of the arm before a punch. Other

clues could be to look at the opponent’s body part that is the intended target. A true martial arts expert will train hard to ensure that he is never so clumsy. Instead he will train hard to make sure he can quickly identify these give away clues from his opponent. That way he will always be one step ahead.

This is called non-telegraphic training. It is a core skill that

Bruce Lee quickly mastered. Here is a quick overview of non-telegraphic training the Bruce Lee way:

Bruce Lee’s Secret Training Methods © Copyright StoneTree Limited 2007

- Level 1: Non-telegraphic training in defence and attack

i.) Non- telegraphic defence To be a master martial artist you need to become an expert in

reading your opponents body language. You need to be able to read your opponent like a book. You need to be able to spot subtle clues of an impending attack and do this without giving away your own intentions. Sometimes you’ll have the luxury of being able to study your opponent before a fight. Other times you’ll need to be able to learn to read your opponent on the fly.

The goal is to look for any giveaway movements or rituals the

opponent does before making an attack. When faced with an inexperienced fighter it is easy to spot clues of an impending attack by watching for ‘build-up’ movements. For example, the drawing of the arm before a punch or the obvious shift in body weight before a kick.

With more experienced fighters these giveaway movements are

more difficult to spot. But many fighters are sloppy and do not do enough non-telegraphic training. As a result they unknowingly giveaway minute clues of an impending attack. Like anything practice makes perfect. You should watch other experienced fighters in action to become more skilled in reading combative body language.

However, there are some basic training routines you can complete to ensure you don’t give the game away while you fight. These are highlighted below in non-telegraphic attack. ii.) Non –telegraphic attack

“Don’t take time to set-up before delivering a strike to an opponent. They are just not going to stand there you need to feign and move about.” - Bruce Lee

a.) No set-up time Practice initiating a punch from where fist is without set-up. Do

not give away your attacking intentions by throwing a punch or drawing your arm back before you strike. This is clumsy and a classic mistake of an inexperienced fighter.

The same is true for when you deliver a kick. Your goal is to

have your leg retracted by the time your opponent sees what has happened. This is where Bruce Lee’s training methods deviate from

Bruce Lee’s Secret Training Methods © Copyright StoneTree Limited 2007

traditional Chinese martial art methods. Bruce Lee believed that the traditional rigid horse stance was incredibly stable it gave the game away too easily. An experienced fighter would quickly spot these weight shifts.

To deliver a non-telegraphic kick the Bruce Lee way you need to

be continuously moving. That way you keep your opponent guessing. It is more difficult to stop movements in weight before delivering a kick.

A good way to practice non-telegraphic punching and kicking is

to shadow box. Bruce Lee performed shadow boxing training routines almost daily. It is one of the most effective ways to practice delivering non-telegraphic attacks.

b.) Poker face eye-contact Another way to keep your intentions hidden to maintain a poker

face eye-contact with your opponent. This not only intimidates your opponent but it also reduces the risk of you giving away your intentions by glancing around.

Being able to effectively fight while maintaining a poker face is

not always as easy as it may sound. This is because you still need to keep your awareness razor sharp. This only comes with practice. But it is much easier if you move around a bit like Bruce Lee. This helps you to maintain 360 eagle-eye awareness more than the traditional rigid styles.

c.) Think like a chess master If you’ve ever seen two experienced martial artist fight you will

notice that it is more like a game of chess that a drunken brawl. Each fighter is trying to out-think the other. Again this is a learned skill. Martial arts expert are able to think multiple moves ahead as well as being formless. This is explained below.

- Level 2: Feigning an attack

Level 2 in non-telegraphic training is to learn how to deliberately employ confusion tactics. One of the best ways to fool and confuse your opponent is to feign an attack. For example, deliberately break your poker face and glance at a body part. Make it look like you’ve mistakenly given away your game plan. Make the kind of mistake a

Bruce Lee’s Secret Training Methods © Copyright StoneTree Limited 2007

clumsy or inexperienced fighter would make. You want to fool your opponent into planning an unnecessary defence. You need to make it look convincing by essentially selling them on your next move. Many experienced fighters will do this to encourage you to expose

an area they really intend to attack. They will use this as a ploy to catch you off guard and strike an undefended body part. But be careful. Part of the art in advanced non-telegraphic training is to not to be predictable. Your opponent may fall for you fake mistake once or twice but they will get wise to you if you become predictable. As a result mix your mistakes with real follow-up attacks. Keep them continually guessing. Again one of the best ways to practice is to shadow box. Then try

out your newly learned skills in the sparring ring.

- Level 3: Be formless

“Pour water into a cup. Water becomes the cup. Pour water into a saucer it becomes the saucer. Water is formless. Baby if you want to be a great martial artist you must behave like water.” Bruce Lee

The most advanced level is level 3 in non-telegraphic training. This only comes with a lot of practise. Level 3 is where you mix both levels 1 and 2 with some special level 3 mojo. First you move and adapt with to your opponent. Making them feel like they are in control while you quietly sap away at their energy. Give them a false sense of comfort and security. Make them think like they have the upper hand. In reality all you are doing is luring them into a false sense of security.

Then you then begin to confuse them a little. As you continue,

begin to make them guess until you work them into a state of suspended terror and bewilderment. Now each attack becomes more intense and vigorous. They begin to become more and more clumsy and desperate.

You then feign another attack. Let him throw a few ineffective

punches and wham you strike with the full force of a hungry cobra. You then connect with your raw animal killer instincts as release a frightening attack so powerful it curls your toes. By the time your opponent has time to figures out what has happened the fight is over.