No. 15 October 19, 2017 - · a) email to Dana Hortz...

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Transcript of No. 15 October 19, 2017 - · a) email to Dana Hortz...

Coming Events

19 Oct Prep 2018 Info Evening 20 Oct Prep 2018 Orientation day 23-26 Oct Book Fair 27 Oct Day for Daniel 27 Oct School Disco - Halloween

Theme 30 Oct Yr 3-6 Swimming lessons start 22 Nov Prep Vision Screening 28 Nov High School orientation days –

North Mackay SHS, Pioneer

SHS & Mackay Northern

Beaches SHS 01 Dec Christmas Concert 04 Dec High School orientation day—

Mackay SHS 05 Dec Swimming Carnival 05 Dec Year 6 Graduation dinner 07 Dec Awards ceremony Principal: Mr Paul Manttan D/Principal: Mrs Wendy Ross BSM: Mr Trent Sehl School Captains: Haylee Holdsworth, Brady Buckton Vice Captains: Isabella Sammut, Cody Elgar Cultural Officers: Kimberley Parchert, Matthew Guy House Captains: Banksia: Alira Vaughan, Cayden Holley Blue Gum: Charlotte Whittaker, Will Shears Wattle: Riley Chamberlain, Jamaine Edwards-Taia Drumming Captain: Cade Geiger

No. 15 October 19, 2017


This week 56H and 45B moved into their new classroom in C Block. It has been a long wait for these classes as well as 6C and 5B who have been working out of makeshift classrooms around the school. 6C and 5B will be able to move into their rooms on Monday 30th October when the operable walls (dividing walls between the classrooms) are installed. The new facility includes a dedicated learning support room where Mrs Whittaker and her team will work with students requiring extension or support. This room includes a new 80 inch interactive TV. The new rooms have been reconfigured to create more learning space and include a hearing loop for students with cochlear implants, internal port racks and new air-conditioning. All other classrooms now have new air conditioners installed ready for summer. This 1.7 million dollar project is not complete however, and will hopefully be finished ready for the start of the new school year. One of the goals at Northview is for all students to be able to think critically and independently. Higher order thinking skills is a term that is used to described thinking that is not just regurgitating facts and information, but judgmental skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Higher-order thinking is more difficult to learn or teach but also more valuable because such skills are more likely to be used in unfamiliar subjects and situations. Families can play a significant role in encouraging higher order thinking with their kids and teens, even when having a casual conversation. Asking open-ended questions that don’t have one “right” answer gives children confidence to respond in creative ways without being afraid of being “wrong.” After reading a book together, a parent might ask their child a question such as: “If you were that character, how would you have persuaded Timothy to turn himself in?” rather than something like “What was the main character’s name in the book?” Below are more examples of questions to ask your child to spark discussion, make them think critically, and encourage higher order thinking. When reading a book: “What do you think might happen next?” “Does this remind you of anything from your life?” “Can you tell me about what you read today?” “Why did he/she act that way?” When visiting an unfamiliar place: “How is __________ similar to/different from __________?” “Can you explain/show me that in another way?” When making an important decision: “How would you rank __________?” “How do you imagine __________ would look?” “What do you think a solution might be?” “Why did you decide to choose __________ over __________?” Try asking your kids these questions at home and in a variety of educa-tional and non-educational settings. Be prepared to respond to your child’s answers with even more thought-provoking questions to continue to encourage higher levels of thinking, also opening up the lines of communi-cation between parent and child!



08:00AM to 03:30PM


54 Pioneer Street

Mount Pleasant Qld 4740

p: 4965 6888 f: 4965 6800 e:

Day for Daniel Friday, October 27th is Day for Daniel, an important day recognised

across Australia to raise awareness about child safety, promote a safer

community for kids, and to educate children regarding their personal

safety. To raise awareness in our local community we are participating in a

“walk to school” from Northview Park. Each student will receive a red

balloon to hold while walking to school to paint our neighbourhood red.

Parents are more than welcome to come along and join the walk. Key details: Time: meet at the park by 7.45am. Walk commences at 8.00am. Arrive

at school approx. 8.20am. Where: Northview Park (near toilet) What to wear: School uniform (as our uniform is red we already look great)

Spooky Disco The Spooky Disco isn’t too

many sleeps away now. P-2

students will attend from

5.30-7.00pm. Parents of

prep students are asked to

either stay with their child, or

organise for another adult to

be in charge of supervision

for the disco. After paying

the entry fee and entering

the disco, all students must

remain inside the hall until

they are collected by a re-

sponsible adult. Please

note we will not let your child

walk home from the disco

even if they regularly walk

home from school. We

thank parents in advance for

their adherence to these

guidelines. Kind regards, Paul Manttan (Principal)

Student Council News

Student Councils Oz tag competition was due to start this week on Wednesday and run each

Wednesday and Thursday for 4 weeks. Due to weather we will start next week. A draw and team

lists is posted outside the sportsroom.

Student Council will be selling ice-cups Friday afternoons at the front gate. Monies raised will go

toward the purchase of post pads for the refurbished netball courts.

Senior students have challenged teachers to a game of netball to be played Friday 3rd

Novem-ber. More details to come.

Booklists and Bookpack for 2018

Booklists for 2018 are now available on our website un-der enrolments. A copy of our school’s booklist has also been emailed home with this week’s newsletter.

Our P&C have arranged with MBM OfficeNational to pro-vide bookpacks for families who are keen to have their child’s booklist ordered and delivered without the hassle of shopping around for items. Unfortunately the online or-dering site was unavailable until today. Due to this delay, the competition for early or-ders has changed to all orders placed up to Sunday 22nd October 2017 will go into the draw to win a prize.

Don’t forget all bookpack or-ders for school delivery needs to be placed by Friday 3rd No-vember 2017. All other orders need to placed by 10th Janu-ary to ensure bookpacks are available for students for the first day of 2018. Please con-tact Dana Hortz at MBM Of-fice National on 0420 904 855 if you have any questions or concerns. MBM Office Na-tional can also setup a man-ageable layby option All you have to do is call into their office at 52 Gregory St, Mackay and they will be happy to assist you.

If you’d like to order your booklist through MBM OfficeNational there are two options.

1. order online at h�ps://

2. complete an order form (available on our school website) and either:

a) email to Dana Hortz or drop into the MBM OfficeNational shop on Gregory St OR

b) place in the “forms” box in our school office.


Upcoming events:


HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR 1 week until our Halloween disco on Friday 27th October. Have you got your costume ready? We are so excited to see everyone dressed up in their spooky clothes. Food on the night will be ‘zombie brains’ spaghetti bolognaise $4 a container (gluten free pasta will be available), ‘witches fingers’ hot dogs $3.00 + 50c for cheese. Jelly shots will be a fun little snack along with packets of crisps from our witches cauldron! Drinks will include Water, soft drink and poppers. We are still in need of some volunteers for the yrs 3 - 6 session so if you can help out please text Jodie on 0466210256 WORLD TEACHERS DAY

We have decided to change the date or our world teachers day celebration to coincide with Melbourne cup day on Tuesday 7th November. We are still seeking pledges of food donations which can be sweet or savoury dishes from cakes, slices, lamingtons, crackers and cheese, quiche, hot chicken, sandwiches etc. Please contact Katrina on 0418256778 or Tanya on if you can assist!


School Polos We have some brand new school polos from PSW in sizes 6 – 18 which we will be selling for $30ea via flexischools only. Orders can be collected from the tuckshop on Monday, Wednesday and Friday but please allow 1 week for delivery. Ensure your mobile number and size required is listed. Hats Next year we have decided to move to a polyester hat and due to these being a new production item we will not be receiving our stock order until the end of November. These will still be at the current price of $12.50. We are getting some of the cotton hats for the time being to hopefully suffix until then and they will be at a discounted rate of $7ea. You are most definitely able to still wear the cotton ones next year so please don’t go getting rid of your old ones. It will be just over time we are swapping fabrics. Please be aware we have limited stock until the end of November. Library Bags – Red and Green These are currently in production but due to a back log from our supplier we will not be receiving our order until next week. All items will be listed on flexischools over the next week for ease of ordering. 2018 Preps – Please note due to the backlog from our suppliers we will only have School polos, sports polos and limited hats available on Friday. However an order form will be provided so that you can place your order and we will let you know once it arrives. Collection day will likely be the same day as the book pack collection at the school.


PC Jaxon McKenzie Sophia Barret

For being a caring friend. For a fantastic start to her hero writing.

PM Mackenzie Cochrane Being an amazing classroom helper. 1J Toby Marl Being a great leader in Maths. Well done Toby! 1W Kaden Henry For always showing excellent behaviour in class. 1/2D Makadde Hope &

Claire Giumelli For being fantastic classroom helpers and working very well all week.

2Pa Hank Brodie Fantastic work ethic applied to all subjects. Keep it up!

2Pi Phoenix Pilcher Having a fantastic start to the term. Always contributing to class discussions.

3F Reuben Cunington & Tanner Morgan

Returning to Term 4 with a great attitude.

3S Lachlan Thompson For bringing a positive attitude to his learning and being prepared to attempt challenging tasks.

3/4MW Brayden Skinner For always being a cheerful, kind person, who always shows excellent classroom behaviour.

4PA Luke Taylor Outstanding editing and spelling when writing new book chapter.

4/5B Ethan Catlin Positive work ethic and giving all tasks a go. 5B Shane Munchow Fantastic start to Term 4!

5/6H Kooper Shears Great work on his panel discussion.

6C Phoebe Nelson & Dominic Clow

Always using their manners.

HPE P - 2 - Lily Gibbs, Thomas Cook, Ella Shadlow, Levi Argent 3 - 6 - Jazmine Glendon, Keneisha Purcell, Dakota Rutledge

LOTE 4/5B - John Dargan 5/6H - Jessica Batley 5B - Abby Gibbs 6C - Lachlan Kerr

Students of the Week - 09/10/2017