Nicole Hudson and Heather Dopson at Digital Crossroads- Personal Branding and LinkedIn Lead...

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Nicole Hudson and Heather Dopson at Digital Crossroads- Personal Branding and LinkedIn Lead...

Personal Branding &


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Nicole Hudson


Heather Dopson


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Nicole Hudson @NicoleHudsonCo

Heather Dopson@heatherdopson

Personal Branding


Personal Branding

Image Credit: Rebrandly @HeatherDopson@NicoleHudsonCo

The Customer Buys You First


Market and Sell to the Modern Buyer

Buyers Tap Social Media for Content

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

LinkedIn is not a resume site

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Social selling leverages

your professional brand to fill your pipeline

with the right people, insights,

and relationships.

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Optimizing LinkedIn

Establish a professional presence on LinkedIn with a complete profile

Create a professional brand

Prospect efficiently with powerful search and research capabilities

Find the right people

Discover and share valuable information to initiate or maintain a relationship

Engage with insights

Expand your network to reach prospects and those who can introduce you to prospects

Build strong relationships

Ideal LinkedIn Profile

The Art of a LinkedIn Invite

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Recommendations Establish Credibility

Endorsements are Evolving

Take Advantage of Groups and Your


Pulse: Publishing a Post

Posting and Distributing Pulse Content

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

More Creative Ways to Generate

Leads – Organic and Paid

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

The Paid Stuff

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Introduce Yourself – The new “ ask for

the referral”

“If you feel comfortable enough with the relationship to

make a connection with someone on LinkedIn, feel free

to go through his contacts. Copy and paste a short list

of names you’d like to be introduced to, and message

him asking if he would be willing to make a quick

introduction for you to each of them. Include a blurb

the person can use to do so. It’s a quick way to get

warm intros.”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Participate in Discussions

“There are targeted discussion groups on LinkedIn for

almost every niche imaginable. These are typically full of

people looking for support and answers. Give your

expert knowledge freely, and start relationships in these

groups — you’ll quickly become a go-to source and will

generate new leads for your business.”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Boolean Search

“A Boolean search on Google is an amazing way to

source leads based on keywords in LinkedIn. In the

Google search bar, simply type in your string, which

could be something like: site: AND

(“keyword 1” OR “keyword 2″) AND (Seattle OR

Tacoma). Hit search, and all the people on LinkedIn that

match those conditions will show up. ”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

“One tactic I used a lot, especially when reaching out

to other startups, was to compliment their business. I

would say that I thought there were interesting ways for

us to work together. It sounds stupidly simple, but it’s

extremely effective. I’ve closed hundreds of deals

reaching out cold via LinkedIn with this technique or

slight variations.”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Research Profiles Views or The Stalker


“LinkedIn has a feature that shows you people who

visited your profile. I’d contact those people, if they’re a

connection, by sending a message that says, “Hi, is

there anything I can help you with?” If they’re not a

connection, then do a bit more research on them, and

send a note saying, “Hi, I noticed you recently visited my

profile.” Someone who spent time on your profile is likely

a lead worth reaching out to. ”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Ask Questions

“Ask questions to the people you’re connected to. Most

people connect with great professionals but don’t keep

in touch with them. Use your status updates to engage

the people that are connected to you so you can stay

top of mind. Post about industry trends, motivational

quotes and general business questions. You’ll be

surprised by how many people start talking”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Stay Active

“I think LinkedIn Today is a great tool to find newsworthy

content to share with your target market. Staying active

on LinkedIn with at least a weekly post will keep you top

of mind with your network. That passive awareness

becomes important when you reach out for an

introduction or when someone in your network has a

need for your specialty”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

Publish Press Articles, Blog Posts and

Post On LinkedIn Influencer Platform


“We promote our guest contributions on LinkedIn and

engage with prospective clients by asking for feedback

on the content. If you utilize LinkedIn to educate leads,

you’ll provide more value and ultimately form stronger

relationships. ”

Collect Leads

“LinkedIn Ads actually has an optional feature called

Lead Collection. This feature allows advertisers to collect

leads directly through their LinkedIn ad campaigns.

Members who click on your ad are taken to your

landing page with a button to request you to contact

them. It’s incredibly easy for the user, and it’s easy for

you to build up a nice lead gen list. ”

@NicoleHudsonCo @HeatherDopson

LinkedIn Company Page: Inbound

Lead Solutions

Those “ OTHER “ Networks

Twitter: @GetInboundLeads

Facebook – Inbound Lead Solutions


Slide Share: Inbound Lead Solutions

You Tube: Inbound Lead Solutions