Nick merrett[s3285419] basch

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Nick merrett[s3285419] basch

Final Fantasy XII

Nick Merrett | s3285419


• Basch fon Ronsenburg

• 36 year-old Male• Former Knight

Captain• Skilled Swordsman• Wrongly accused of


Quick History

Stance & Posture

• Basch has quite a low centre of gravity and therefore maintains quite a sturdy and stable stance

• He stands proudly, throughout a majority of the game, shoulders back, head high, etc.

• Basch also has a tendency to cross his arms across his chest and rest his hand on the pommel of his sword

• As he is portrayed as a knight in-game, Basch maintains his proud/protective demeanor even in battle


• In terms of general movement, Basch walks/runs rather slowly with confident strides

• He is quite heavy on his feet, as he is portrayed as a character of strength, not agility

• Basch also generally stays in the back of the group, acting more as a bodyguard than a leader

• However, if trouble strikes, he acts with haste and will protect the front


• Not a very talkative character in relation to the others

• When he does gesture it is usually with his sword, his whole arm or his entire body

• Again he has a tendency to cross his arms across his chest and rest his hand on the pommel of his sword


Facial Expressions

• For a majority of the game, Basch has quite serious expressions, especially in battle or when trouble strikes

• Also - being accused of regicide at the start of the game - his facial expressions are can be either quite sad or contemplative as well as angry

Tone, volume, etc.

• As with his stance/posture, Basch talks with confidence and pride but not overly loud

• His voice is clear, deep and gravelly

• He has a slight foreign accent


• The only real physical interaction between Basch and other characters is usually to protect, shield or save them, otherwise he usually keeps his distance

• He is usually not touched a lot, when he is it is usually on the shoulder only


• Basch’s apparel is a mixture of armor plating and leathers

• Being pursued as a king slayer, he becomes a rebel and his clothes show influence from both that rebellion and his fighting/knight/soldier history

• The clothing also shows off muscle, to emphasize his strength


From the above information, it is obvious that Akihiko Yoshida designed Basch to be the “stoic protector” archetype, to be seen as a proud and loyal fighter/swordsman who will defend those around him, and who is knowledgeable and experienced in combat, but has been traumatized/wronged in his past and these bad memories are obviously haunting him.