NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016 UNC - College of Natural and ... · Course: CS101-006_201630_20112:...

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Transcript of NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016 UNC - College of Natural and ... · Course: CS101-006_201630_20112:...

1 - TRADITIONAL COURSE The frequency of my attendance in this class was:

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Almost every day (1) 13 52%

Missed 3-6 days (2) 9 36%

Missed 7 or more days (3) 3 12%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 1.60 0.71 1.00

2 - ONLINE COURSE The frequency of my participation in this online class was:

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

I logged in almost every day (1) 7 38.89%

I logged in 3 times a week (2) 5 27.78%

I logged in 1 to 2 times a week (3) 4 22.22%

I did not log in every week (4) 2 11.11%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median18/30 (60%) 2.06 1.06 2.00

3 - I took responsibility for learning the material in this course.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 0 0%

Neither Agree Nor Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 21 84%

Strongly Agree (5) 3 12%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.08 0.40 4.00

4 - The instructor promoted an atmosphere in the class that was conducive to my learning.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 2 8%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 4 16%

Agree (4) 14 56%

Strongly Agree (5) 5 20%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 3.88 0.83 4.00

Instructor: Mehrgan Mostowfi *

CS101-006_201630_20112: CS101-006 Intro to Computer Science Spring 2016Course:

NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016UNC - College of Natural and Health Sciences

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5 - The instructor communicated concepts so that I could understand them.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 3 12%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 17 68%

Strongly Agree (5) 4 16%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 3.88 0.83 4.00

6 - The instructor demonstrated knowledge and/or expertise in the subject matter.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 0 0%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 5 20%

Agree (4) 10 40%

Strongly Agree (5) 10 40%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.20 0.76 4.00

7 - The instructor was helpful when I had questions about the course.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 2 8%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 3 12%

Agree (4) 12 48%

Strongly Agree (5) 8 32%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.04 0.89 4.00

8 - The instructor provided clear information about expectations for the class (I knew what I needed to do and when work was due).

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 0 0%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 15 60%

Strongly Agree (5) 9 36%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.32 0.56 4.00

Instructor: Mehrgan Mostowfi *

CS101-006_201630_20112: CS101-006 Intro to Computer Science Spring 2016Course:

NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016UNC - College of Natural and Health Sciences

Page 2 of 5

9 - The instructor provided constructive feedback on my work.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 1 4%

Disagree (2) 3 12%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 16 64%

Strongly Agree (5) 4 16%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 3.76 1.01 4.00

10 - I was challenged to think in this course.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 0 0%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 14 56%

Strongly Agree (5) 10 40%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.36 0.57 4.00

11 - My work was graded fairly (e.g., exams, quizzes, other assignments).

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 1 4%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 12 48%

Strongly Agree (5) 11 44%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.32 0.75 4.00

12 - Assignments were returned in time to enable me to apply the instructor's feedback on subsequent assignments

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 1 4%

Disagree (2) 1 4%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 3 12%

Agree (4) 16 64%

Strongly Agree (5) 4 16%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 3.84 0.90 4.00

Instructor: Mehrgan Mostowfi *

CS101-006_201630_20112: CS101-006 Intro to Computer Science Spring 2016Course:

NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016UNC - College of Natural and Health Sciences

Page 3 of 5

13 - The instructor treated all students with respect.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 2 8%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 2 8%

Agree (4) 14 56%

Strongly Agree (5) 7 28%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.04 0.84 4.00

14 - I learned a lot in this class.

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 2 8%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 12 48%

Strongly Agree (5) 10 40%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.20 0.87 4.00

15 - Overall I would rate this instructor as effective.

Mehrgan Mostowfi

Response Option Weight Frequency Percent Percent Responses Means

Strongly Disagree (1) 0 0%

Disagree (2) 3 12%

Neither Agree or Disagree (3) 1 4%

Agree (4) 13 52%

Strongly Agree (5) 8 32%


0 25 50 75 100 Instructor

Return Rate Mean STD Median25/30 (83.33%) 4.04 0.93 4.00

Instructor: Mehrgan Mostowfi *

CS101-006_201630_20112: CS101-006 Intro to Computer Science Spring 2016Course:

NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016UNC - College of Natural and Health Sciences

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16 - The instructor did the following things well …

Mehrgan MostowfiReturn Rate 18/30 (60%)

• Answering students questions at some times when I came in to talk to him, at times he was helpful.

• Strong knowledge and experience in the field, with interesting input and fairly good explanations in lectures

• Demonstations

• The structure of the class was predictable, dependable, and overall solid. Note taking and categorizing the subjects that we learned in class was easy because as previously stated, the structure wasgreat and easy to follow. It also felt like the instructor really appreciated our time and made the most efficient use of it.

• He was good at teaching us the course material and answering questions both inside and outside of class.

• The instructor knows how to code well but comes off rude, doesnt care if you learn and overall like he does want to help or be there.

• Effective teaching and methods, fair grading.

• always would walk around to see if students understood material. shows good examples.

• Of all my teachers, Mehrgan has been the most empathetic and helpful teachers I have had this semester. He went the extra mile to make sure I succeeded this semester despite the medical andhealth issues I have had to endure. I am grateful that he pointed out several resources for me on campus while I was dealing with such a difficult and trying time. It is nice to see a teacher that is socaring and dedicated to ensuring students succeed and learn the material. During lectures, he explained things VERY thoroughly/clearly in such a way that the material was easy to grasp and easy toremember. In my eyes, Mehrgan deserves a raise or recognition if he hasn't already!

• The lectures were good and the in class work was helpful.

• Spent a significant time explaining concepts so that I was confident in my comprehension.

• Making time after class, for questions.

• Vast knowledge of topics and applications of topics

• Very knowledgeable, and very helpful in class.

• good job teaching and providing in class work

• Time was his strength, he allowed for flexibility in this course. He also did keep to his syllabus. He asked questions to make us think, that is what I personally liked that he made us think.

• All of the practice handouts with examples and problems. At least allowing some time in class to go over problems.

• His approach to teaching the material was very structured. He did a great job of creating a classroom environment conducive to learning the material. He was excellent at providing feedback onassignments and quizzes and also ensured grades were input into Blackboard quickly. I appreciate all his efforts.

17 - In what ways could the instructor improve the effectiveness of her/his instruction?

Mehrgan MostowfiReturn Rate 19/30 (63.33%)

• Better examples and more detailed explanations of codes and programming since it is a beginner class

• I felt like he was sometimes rude when I came in to talk to him, especially when it took me forever to understand the concepts. Also, he asked me if I knew how to read which was uncalled for. Hekept telling me the course was easy and that I was the only one to not understand it which was demeaning.

• Sometimes, topics and concepts took longer to complete than others. A more steady pace maybe.

• Slow down on some topics and speed up on others.

• I don't know

• Due to the nature of the class, there was a lot of students and only one professor, so it was kind of hard to have one on one time with the instructor, but if possible, that would have been myconstructive idea: to spend more one on one time with each student. Again, I understand how this was hard due to the number of students, but it sometimes felt like it was easier to ask my classmatesbeside me for advice rather than ask the instructor, just because he was so busy.

• A lot of the times when he asks us to figure something out, he'll end up explaining it by himself. While this does help the class move along more quickly, I feel as though it doesn't leave a lot of roomfor thinking about and figuring out a problem by ourselves. Or if we were given genuine time to create a program by ourselves, he would soon explain how a certain solution wouldn't work based off of asingular student's question, which would also eliminate the ability for us to figure something out ourselves.

• Change his the way he acts with students and how he answers questions by not making them feel dumb when students ask for help.

• Slightly slower pace when explaining and laying base-level knowledge and concepts.

• more free time in class to do assignments

• As I stated in #16, he is a WONDERFUL teacher. I honestly have no complaints.

• Support alternate ways to approach problems than the solution he came up with.

• Slowing down when learning complicated material.

• Often confusing and overstated material and made simple tasks complicated and difficult to understand

• I do wish he posted more material to read and supplement his lectures.

• Smaller but more frequent assignments

• He is hard to understand, but as time goes he learn to understand him!!!!

• Most of the class went in lecture format and the lecture notes were given out after the material - if you give the lecture notes before hand the students can read ahead and be able to follow alongbetter; also might give more time to hands-on problems during the second half of the course so if the students have questions they can ask then, as well as trying not to rush through the problems atthe end of the class period.

• I think a bit more in-class time during the second half of the course would have been beneficial to learning programming.

Instructor: Mehrgan Mostowfi *

CS101-006_201630_20112: CS101-006 Intro to Computer Science Spring 2016Course:

NHS Spring 2016 5/8/2016UNC - College of Natural and Health Sciences

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