nHibernate Caching

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of nHibernate Caching


nHibernate CachingAlbert Kuo


Database Transaction nHibernate Caching nHibernate Caching Implementation Reference



Database Transaction


Understanding database transactions


NHibernate ITransaction API


NHibernate ITransaction API


nHibernate Caching


Used for optimizing database applications. A cache is designed to reduce traffic between your

application and the database by conserving data already loaded from the database.◦Database access is necessary only when retrieving data

that is not currently available in the cache.◦ The application may need to empty (invalidate) the cache

from time to time if the database is updated or modified in some way, because it has no way of knowing whether the cache is up to date

What is caching?


nHibernate CachePersistence context cache

Pluggable, scope is process or cluster


Two different Caches

First-level cache Second-level cache

associated with the Session object

Hibernate uses first-level cache on a per transaction basis (within a single transaction boundary)◦ Used mainly to reduce the number

of SQL queries it needs to generate within a given transaction.

◦ For example, if an object is modified several times within the same transaction, Hibernate will generate only one SQL UPDATE statement at the end of the transaction, containing all the modifications

associated with the SessionFactory object

Second-level cache keeps loaded objects at the Session Factory level across transaction boundaries

The objects in the second-level cache are available to the whole application, not just to the user running the query◦ This way, each time a query

returns an object that is already loaded in the cache, one or more database transactions potentially are avoided.


Use it when you need to cache actual query results, rather than just persistent objects

Query-level Cache


nHibernate Caching Implementation



Where to download


• NHibernate.Caches.Prevalence makes it possible to use the underlying Bamboo.Prevalence implementation as cache provider.


• NHibernate.Caches.SysCache makes it possible to use the underlying System.Web.Caching.Cache implementation as cache provider.

• This means that you can rely on ASP.NET caching feature to understand how it worksSysCache

Cache ProvidersYou can choose one of provider to use


How to configure?

Prevalence SysCache


How to configure?

Prevalence SysCache

Add four properties into <session-factory> <!-- nHibernate Cache configuration --> <property

name="cache.provider_class">NHibernate.Caches.Prevalence.PrevalenceCacheProvider, NHibernate.Caches.Prevalence</property>

<property name="cache.use_query_cache">true</property>

<property name="cache.use_second_level_cache">true</property>

<property name="cache.default_expiration">120</property>

Add four properties into <session-factory>

<!-- nHibernate Cache configuration --> <property


<property name="cache.use_query_cache">true</property>

<property name="cache.use_second_level_cache">true</property>

<property name="cache.default_expiration">120</property>


How to configure ? – cont.


How to configure ? – cont.


How to configure ? – cont.

Configure caching strategy for each mapping file


read only◦ If your application needs to read but never modify instances

of a persistent class, a read-only cache may be used. This is the simplest and best performing strategy.

read/write◦ If the application needs to update data, a read-write cache

might be appropriate. This cache strategy should never be used if serializable transaction isolation level is required.

nonstrict read/write◦ If the application only occasionally needs to update data

and strict transaction isolation is not required, a nonstrict-read-write cache might be appropriate.

Cache StrategieCache Strategies (for Second-Level)


Run Search Function


2009-10-01 16:36:49,250 INFO NHibernate.Cfg.SettingsFactory.CreateCacheProvider(:0) - cache provider: NHibernate.Caches.Prevalence.PrevalenceCacheProvider, NHibernate.Caches.Prevalence

2009-10-01 16:36:49,250 INFO NHibernate.Cfg.SettingsFactory.BuildSettings(:0) - query cache factory: NHibernate.Cache.StandardQueryCacheFactory

2009-10-01 16:36:49,578 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.CacheFactory.CreateCache(:0) - cache for: HelloNHibernate.vo.Contact usage strategy: read-write

2009-10-01 16:36:49,750 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.CacheFactory.CreateCache(:0) - cache for: HelloNHibernate.vo.People usage strategy: read-write

2009-10-01 16:36:50,125 DEBUG NHibernate.Loader.Loader.InitializeEntitiesAndCollections(:0) - total objects hydrated: 3 2009-10-01 16:36:50,125 DEBUG NHibernate.Engine.TwoPhaseLoad.InitializeEntity(:0) - resolving associations for

[HelloNHibernate.vo.People#3] 2009-10-01 16:36:50,140 DEBUG NHibernate.Engine.Loading.LoadContexts.LocateLoadingCollection(:0) - creating collection wrapper:

[HelloNHibernate.vo.People.Contacts#3] 2009-10-01 16:36:50,140 DEBUG NHibernate.Engine.TwoPhaseLoad.InitializeEntity(:0) - adding entity to second-level cache:

[HelloNHibernate.vo.People#3] 2009-10-01 16:36:50,140 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.ReadWriteCache.Put(:0) - Caching: HelloNHibernate.vo.People#3 2009-10-01 16:36:50,140 DEBUG NHibernate.Caches.Prevalence.PrevalenceCache.Get(:0) - Fetching object 'NHibernate-

Cache:HelloNHibernate.vo.People:HelloNHibernate.vo.People#3@3' from the cache. 2009-10-01 16:36:50,156 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.ReadWriteCache.Put(:0) - Item was already cached: HelloNHibernate.vo.People#3

Check log – Prevalence Set cache provider

Cache strategy

Fetch data from cache


2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.ReadWriteCache.Get(:0) - Cache lookup: Persistence.vo.CaseState#0

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Caches.SysCache.SysCache.Get(:0) - Fetching object 'NHibernate-Cache:Persistence.vo.CaseState:Persistence.vo.CaseState#0@0' from the cache.

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.ReadWriteCache.Get(:0) - Cache hit: Persistence.vo.CaseState#0

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultLoadEventListener.AssembleCacheEntry(:0) - assembling entity from second-level cache: [Persistence.vo.CaseState#0]

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultLoadEventListener.AssembleCacheEntry(:0) - Cached Version:

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Event.Default.DefaultLoadEventListener.DoLoad(:0) - resolved object in second-level cache: [Persistence.vo.CaseState#0]

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Engine.TwoPhaseLoad.InitializeEntity(:0) - adding entity to second-level cache: [Persistence.vo.Cases#200910090114]

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.ReadWriteCache.Put(:0) - Caching: Persistence.vo.Cases#200910090114

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Caches.SysCache.SysCache.Get(:0) - Fetching object 'NHibernate-Cache:Persistence.vo.Cases:Persistence.vo.Cases#200910090114@-909291618' from the cache.

2009-10-19 13:21:27,046 DEBUG NHibernate.Cache.ReadWriteCache.Put(:0) - Item was already cached: Persistence.vo.Cases#200910090114

Check log – SysCache


nHibernate in Action, Manning, 2009/2◦ http://www.manning.com/kuate/

nHibernate online doc: Chapter 14. Improving performance◦ https://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/nhibernate/html/performance.h


nHibernate online doc: Chapter 20. NHibernate.Caches◦ https://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/nhibernate/html/caches.html

NHibernate 考察系列 06 进阶篇◦ http://www.cnblogs.com/riccc/archive/2007/04/17/nhibernate-entity-


NHibernate 之旅 (22) :探索 NHibernate 一级缓存◦ http://www.cnblogs.com/lyj/archive/2008/11/24/1340253.html
