NFL's Tyrann Mathieu Promotes Pet Safety While Sitting in Hot Car

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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NFL’s Tyrann Mathieu Promotes Pet Safety While Sitting in Hot Car

Weather during the summer months can be uncomfortably hot in many parts of the country and can take its toll on us humans. But, the heat can have an even more adverse effect on our pets; especially if they’re left in a hot car unattended for any period of time.

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Drivers are finding their side windows smashed in by concerned pet-loving passersby or law enforcement personnel called to the scene.Not only are you likely to get scolded or cited – but, now you have to explain to your auto insurance company how the window got broken – and that may not be so easy.

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In an effort to draw attention to the dangers of leaving your dog or cat in a hot car and to promote pet safety, the NFL’s Arizona Cardinals Tyrann Mathieu tested how long he could last while in the heat of a sweltering car.

If you care about your dog, according to Mathieu in his video, and if you’re going to make him a part of your family, then you should treat him the same way you would someone you loved.

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The ad, which was created by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, placed the Cardinals’ safety in the sizzling passenger seat of an SUV with the windows rolled up and the outside temperature at 90 degrees.

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To add to his plight and simulate the hazards, the air conditioning was turned off while it was 90 degrees inside. It took very little time for conditions to get extremely uncomfortable

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Within the first four minutes, the temperature inside the vehicle had rapidly risen to a stifling 105 degrees.Mathieu couldn’t take it anymore after only eight minutes, when the inside temperature reached 120 degrees.

Covered in sweat and visibly uncomfortable, he quickly exited the car. However, while Mathieu was able to do so, pets don’t have the ability to let themselves out of a hot car if they’re uncomfortable.

An important fact to remember, as PETA explains in the video – is that dogs cannot sweat and, therefore, they have no way of cooling themselves in extreme heat. And, at 105 degrees, a dog can easily suffer heatstroke at which point their organs could begin to fail, added Peta

Don’t assume that, just because you’ll be in the store for a couple of minutes, your pet will be okay. The temperature inside your vehicle can get dangerously hot in just a few minutes – even if the outside temperature feels relatively cool – and, that’s where a tragic mistake can be made

So, for the safety of your children and your pets, don’t leave them unattended in your vehicle. And, be sure you’re covered for a broken side window with comprehensive coverage as part of your insurance policy, if you forget.


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