Newsline June 2014 guwahati

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Transcript of Newsline June 2014 guwahati

Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime, SDB





Fr. V M Thomas SDBProvincial


Dear Brothers,

You are very welcome! I thank Fr. Angelo for his words. My wish for him and the new General Council is that you may know how to serve by guiding, accompanying and sustaining the Salesian Congregation on its journey. May the Holy Spirit help you to recognise the hopes, dreams and challenges of our time, especially of the young, and interpret them in the light of the Gospel and your charism.

I imagine that during the Chapter - whose theme is “Witnesses to the radical approach of the Gospel”- you always have Don Bosco and the young before you; and Don Bosco with his motto: “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle”. He reinforced this programme with two other things: work and temperance. I recall that when I was in college, the siesta was forbidden!… Temperance! For the Salesians and for us too! "Work and temperance," he said "will make the Congregation flourish." When we think of working for the good of souls we overcome the temptation to spiritual worldliness, we do not look for other things, but only God and His Kingdom. Temperance, then, is a sense of balance, being satisfied, being simple. May the poverty of Don Bosco and Mamma Margaret inspire every Salesian and every community to an essential and austere life, one that is close to the poor, transparent and responsible in managing goods.

1. The evangelisation of the young is the mission that the Holy Spirit has entrusted to you within the Church. It is strictly bound up with their education: the journey of faith happens as part of growing up and the Gospel also enriches this human growth. We need to prepare young people to work in society in accordance with the spirit of the Gospel, as workers for justice and peace, and to live as people who are active in the Church. This is why you make use of the essential - and updated - pedagogical and cultural research, to respond to the current educational emergency. May Don Bosco's experience and his “preventive system” always sustain you in your commitment to live with the young. May your presence amongst them be marked by the tenderness that Don Bosco called loving kindness, but also by trying out new 'languages', while well knowing that the language of the heart is the fundamental language for approaching them and becoming their friends.

The dimension of vocation is fundamental here. At times, the vocation to consecrated life is confused with the choice of being a volunteer, and this distorted view does not bode well for Institutes. Next year, 2015, is dedicated to consecrated life, and will be a favourable opportunity to present its beauty to young people. We need always, to avoid partial views so we do not give rise to fragile

The Pope Francisto the General Chapter 27

Sala Clementina, Vatican – March, 31 2014

Dear confreres,

I invite all of you to reflect on the image that Jesus has given us as the paradigm for our life and apostolate. His words are very clear: “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” (Jn 15: 5) I call your attention to the figure of speech used by Jesus; He does not use a simile but uses the personal metaphor. He does not say 'I am like the vine and you are like the branches of the vine'; rather Jesus is very emphatic in addressing Himself as The Vine and we as The Branches. As we read the words of the Lord in the rest of the passage, the great significance of the metaphor used by Jesus must not be lost. The oneness that has to exist between Jesus and each of us becomes the core element of our life and apostolate.

This oneness with the Lord is not something that can be fragmented and stratified or even compartmentalized as we go about the activities involved in our varied apostolic works for the young. It has to permeate every moment of our life and every sphere of our activities; we cannot think of oneness with the Lord as being limited to the times of our formal structured prayers and exercises of piety in the morning and evening. It has to be our life itself. The necessary consequence is that we cannot make a distinction between our relation to the Lord and our apostolic activities; the two form a dyad, a necessarily integrated whole with its two elements. Our being one with the Lord restores the correct equilibrium that is often upset

in the tenor of our lives due to our blurred focus and myopic vision of who we are and what we do. It is imperative that the Lord has to have primacy in our lives… “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” (Jn. 15: 5a) Our individual identities, and the meaning of our life and apostolate, flow from our being one with the Lord. “Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without Me.” (Jn. 15: 5b)

Dear confreres, we pretty much fail in measuring up to the benchmark set by the Lord. While we can justly claim apparent success in our apostolate and mission to the young, we fall way short of the oneness that the Lord demands from us as the vine and the branches. Our priorities are not based on the fundamental primacy that the Lord should have in our life. Perhaps our endeavours are often more in line with a branch that is separated from the vine, trying to be fruitful on its own… a futile attempt indeed! “A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in Me.” (Jn. 15: 4b) Being one with the Lord is the key to fruitfulness in our life and apostolate.

As we step into June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may He bless each of you; may the Heart of Jesus enable us always to be united in love with Him and with each of our brothers in the community where we are called to be one as the “vine and the branches” are one.

I extend my cordial good wishes and greetings to each of you.





Fr. V M Thomas SDBProvincial


Dear Brothers,

You are very welcome! I thank Fr. Angelo for his words. My wish for him and the new General Council is that you may know how to serve by guiding, accompanying and sustaining the Salesian Congregation on its journey. May the Holy Spirit help you to recognise the hopes, dreams and challenges of our time, especially of the young, and interpret them in the light of the Gospel and your charism.

I imagine that during the Chapter - whose theme is “Witnesses to the radical approach of the Gospel”- you always have Don Bosco and the young before you; and Don Bosco with his motto: “Da mihi animas, cetera tolle”. He reinforced this programme with two other things: work and temperance. I recall that when I was in college, the siesta was forbidden!… Temperance! For the Salesians and for us too! "Work and temperance," he said "will make the Congregation flourish." When we think of working for the good of souls we overcome the temptation to spiritual worldliness, we do not look for other things, but only God and His Kingdom. Temperance, then, is a sense of balance, being satisfied, being simple. May the poverty of Don Bosco and Mamma Margaret inspire every Salesian and every community to an essential and austere life, one that is close to the poor, transparent and responsible in managing goods.

1. The evangelisation of the young is the mission that the Holy Spirit has entrusted to you within the Church. It is strictly bound up with their education: the journey of faith happens as part of growing up and the Gospel also enriches this human growth. We need to prepare young people to work in society in accordance with the spirit of the Gospel, as workers for justice and peace, and to live as people who are active in the Church. This is why you make use of the essential - and updated - pedagogical and cultural research, to respond to the current educational emergency. May Don Bosco's experience and his “preventive system” always sustain you in your commitment to live with the young. May your presence amongst them be marked by the tenderness that Don Bosco called loving kindness, but also by trying out new 'languages', while well knowing that the language of the heart is the fundamental language for approaching them and becoming their friends.

The dimension of vocation is fundamental here. At times, the vocation to consecrated life is confused with the choice of being a volunteer, and this distorted view does not bode well for Institutes. Next year, 2015, is dedicated to consecrated life, and will be a favourable opportunity to present its beauty to young people. We need always, to avoid partial views so we do not give rise to fragile

The Pope Francisto the General Chapter 27

Sala Clementina, Vatican – March, 31 2014

Dear confreres,

I invite all of you to reflect on the image that Jesus has given us as the paradigm for our life and apostolate. His words are very clear: “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” (Jn 15: 5) I call your attention to the figure of speech used by Jesus; He does not use a simile but uses the personal metaphor. He does not say 'I am like the vine and you are like the branches of the vine'; rather Jesus is very emphatic in addressing Himself as The Vine and we as The Branches. As we read the words of the Lord in the rest of the passage, the great significance of the metaphor used by Jesus must not be lost. The oneness that has to exist between Jesus and each of us becomes the core element of our life and apostolate.

This oneness with the Lord is not something that can be fragmented and stratified or even compartmentalized as we go about the activities involved in our varied apostolic works for the young. It has to permeate every moment of our life and every sphere of our activities; we cannot think of oneness with the Lord as being limited to the times of our formal structured prayers and exercises of piety in the morning and evening. It has to be our life itself. The necessary consequence is that we cannot make a distinction between our relation to the Lord and our apostolic activities; the two form a dyad, a necessarily integrated whole with its two elements. Our being one with the Lord restores the correct equilibrium that is often upset

in the tenor of our lives due to our blurred focus and myopic vision of who we are and what we do. It is imperative that the Lord has to have primacy in our lives… “I am the vine, and you are the branches.” (Jn. 15: 5a) Our individual identities, and the meaning of our life and apostolate, flow from our being one with the Lord. “Those who remain in Me, and I in them, will bear much fruit; for you can do nothing without Me.” (Jn. 15: 5b)

Dear confreres, we pretty much fail in measuring up to the benchmark set by the Lord. While we can justly claim apparent success in our apostolate and mission to the young, we fall way short of the oneness that the Lord demands from us as the vine and the branches. Our priorities are not based on the fundamental primacy that the Lord should have in our life. Perhaps our endeavours are often more in line with a branch that is separated from the vine, trying to be fruitful on its own… a futile attempt indeed! “A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless you remain in Me.” (Jn. 15: 4b) Being one with the Lord is the key to fruitfulness in our life and apostolate.

As we step into June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may He bless each of you; may the Heart of Jesus enable us always to be united in love with Him and with each of our brothers in the community where we are called to be one as the “vine and the branches” are one.

I extend my cordial good wishes and greetings to each of you.

20 New Salesians for Guwahati Province

The Province of Guwahati is blessed with 20 new SDBs on 24 May, 2014. Fifteen novices made their First Professions at Don Bosco Novitiate, Sunnyside three in Siliguri and two in Zaubsa. The province expresses sincere thanks to the Novice Masters, Fr. Barjo Philip, Fr. N.J. Johny, Fr. M.P. Thomas and all the other confreres who have been accompanying the novices in their vocation journey and preparing them for Salesian life. The province rejoices and thank God with the newly professed. We appreciate them for the generosity with which they have responded to God's call.








E, G








vocational responses supported by weak motivation. Apostolic vocations ordinarily are the result of good youth ministry. Looking after vocations demands specific attention: prayer above all, then activities which are proper to this task, personalised approaches, the courage to make the proposal, accompaniment and family involvement. The geography of vocation has changed and is changing, and this means new demands on formation, accompaniment and discernment.

2. Working with the young, you encounter the world of exclusion of the young. This is something really terrible! Today it is terrible to consider that there are more than 75 million young people without work, here, in the West. We think of the vast situation of unemployment with its negative consequences. We think of addictions, and unfortunately there are many, but they all have a common root, the lack of true love. Going out to marginalised young people requires courage, maturity and much prayer. You have to send the best people into this kind of work! The best! There could be the risk of being overwhelmed by enthusiasm, sending people of good will into frontiers like this, but they may not be suitable. Therefore it is necessary to have careful discernment and constant accompaniment. The criterion is this: the best should go there. “I need this one to make him

superior here, or to study theology…”. But if you have that mission, send him there! Send the best!

3. Thanks be to God you do not live and work as isolated individuals but as communities: and thank God for this! The community supports all your apostolate. At times religious communities have tensions running through them with the risk of individualism and a scattered approach, while there is a need for profound communication and genuine relationships. The humanising power of the Gospel is witnessed to by fraternity lived in community, made up of acceptance, respect, mutual assistance, understanding, courtesy, forgiveness and joy. The family spirit that Don Bosco left you has helped you much in this regard, encouraging perseverance and making consecrated life attractive.

Dear brothers, the bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth is already beckoning. It will be a propitious occasion for proposing your founder's charism once more. Mary Help of Christians has never failed to help in the life of the Congregation, and certainly she will not fail to offer her help in the future either. May her motherly intercession obtain from God the hopes and expectations you desire so much. God bless you and I pray for you and, please, pray for me too. Thank you!

Source: ANS

Fr Angel Artime’s words to the Holy FatherDIREZIONE GENERALE OPERE DON BOSCO

Via della Pisana 1111 – 00163 RomeRector Major

Dear Pope Francis,

We are very happy to be here with you. Thank you for this opportunity to meet you. For us it is a very precious gift and a unique occasion, allowing us to express the feelings we bear for you in our hearts. We love you, Father. We greatly value your courage and your testimony. With joy we see your great love for the Lord Jesus, for the Church, and your desire for the profound renewal of the whole Christian community over which you preside in service and love.

We know very well that for Don Bosco, love for the Pope meant love for the Church and love for the mission. Our meeting would have no meaning were it not accompanied at the same time by the desire to express to you, dear Father, our willingness to renew our charismatic and missionary commitment to the Church and the world with particular attention to the young, especially the poorest and most abandoned. So we accept your invitation to open the doors of our houses and our hearts, to be announcers of Gospel joy, believing strongly in a God who loves human beings and desires their salvation. In the words of “Gaudium et spes”, we want to share the joys and sorrows of today's world and of the young people who live in it, fully committing ourselves to building the Kingdom of God.

During this General Chapter, with the theme of being “Witnesses to the radical approach of the Gospel”, we have felt that we are deeply in tune with your Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”. This text has enlightened and guided our reflection. It has been an occasion to reflect deeply on our Salesian charismatic identity, bearing in mind at the same time the need to interpret what Don Bosco experienced and passed on to us, in a way that is relevant. We have identified a path to renewal in which we commit ourselves to living the mystical dimension of consecrated individuals who intend to give absolute primacy to God, the Lord of our life. Moved by the Spirit of Jesus therefore we want to be “seekers and witnesses of God”, joyfully accompanying young people on a journey of human and Christian growth.

We are proposing to renew the prophetic witness of our fraternal life. In a world often torn by conflict at every level, it seems to us that our religious life has as

one of its principle tasks witnessing to the joy of a communion of brothers who feel they are all disciples of the Lord. It is a fellowship that involves our daily life, our work, our prayer and it becomes in itself a proclamation of a life expressed in new relationships inspired by the words of the Gospel and able to attract young people to the precious experience of a life given for others according to Don Bosco's charism.

In our mission we want to reaffirm our desire to be servants of the young, through an educative proposal inspired by Gospel values and with a generous commitment to transforming the world. We want to reaffirm the criterion of Don Bosco's choice: preferential availability for the poorest of the young, the most disadvantaged peoples, those on the margins, in traditional missionary settings and in the more secularised societies.

We welcome, dear Pope Francis, your words and proposals for an ecclesial choice of the major guidelines which will guide us over the next six years.

With the entire Salesian Family I take this opportunity to thank you, for having agreed to come to Turin for the Second Centenary of Don Bosco's birth. With the affection of children we assure you of our prayers, as we entrust your mission to the Virgin Help of Christians, Mother of the Church and we ask for your paternal blessing.

Ángel Fernández ArtimeSource: ANS

20 New Salesians for Guwahati Province

The Province of Guwahati is blessed with 20 new SDBs on 24 May, 2014. Fifteen novices made their First Professions at Don Bosco Novitiate, Sunnyside three in Siliguri and two in Zaubsa. The province expresses sincere thanks to the Novice Masters, Fr. Barjo Philip, Fr. N.J. Johny, Fr. M.P. Thomas and all the other confreres who have been accompanying the novices in their vocation journey and preparing them for Salesian life. The province rejoices and thank God with the newly professed. We appreciate them for the generosity with which they have responded to God's call.








E, G








vocational responses supported by weak motivation. Apostolic vocations ordinarily are the result of good youth ministry. Looking after vocations demands specific attention: prayer above all, then activities which are proper to this task, personalised approaches, the courage to make the proposal, accompaniment and family involvement. The geography of vocation has changed and is changing, and this means new demands on formation, accompaniment and discernment.

2. Working with the young, you encounter the world of exclusion of the young. This is something really terrible! Today it is terrible to consider that there are more than 75 million young people without work, here, in the West. We think of the vast situation of unemployment with its negative consequences. We think of addictions, and unfortunately there are many, but they all have a common root, the lack of true love. Going out to marginalised young people requires courage, maturity and much prayer. You have to send the best people into this kind of work! The best! There could be the risk of being overwhelmed by enthusiasm, sending people of good will into frontiers like this, but they may not be suitable. Therefore it is necessary to have careful discernment and constant accompaniment. The criterion is this: the best should go there. “I need this one to make him

superior here, or to study theology…”. But if you have that mission, send him there! Send the best!

3. Thanks be to God you do not live and work as isolated individuals but as communities: and thank God for this! The community supports all your apostolate. At times religious communities have tensions running through them with the risk of individualism and a scattered approach, while there is a need for profound communication and genuine relationships. The humanising power of the Gospel is witnessed to by fraternity lived in community, made up of acceptance, respect, mutual assistance, understanding, courtesy, forgiveness and joy. The family spirit that Don Bosco left you has helped you much in this regard, encouraging perseverance and making consecrated life attractive.

Dear brothers, the bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth is already beckoning. It will be a propitious occasion for proposing your founder's charism once more. Mary Help of Christians has never failed to help in the life of the Congregation, and certainly she will not fail to offer her help in the future either. May her motherly intercession obtain from God the hopes and expectations you desire so much. God bless you and I pray for you and, please, pray for me too. Thank you!

Source: ANS

Fr Angel Artime’s words to the Holy FatherDIREZIONE GENERALE OPERE DON BOSCO

Via della Pisana 1111 – 00163 RomeRector Major

Dear Pope Francis,

We are very happy to be here with you. Thank you for this opportunity to meet you. For us it is a very precious gift and a unique occasion, allowing us to express the feelings we bear for you in our hearts. We love you, Father. We greatly value your courage and your testimony. With joy we see your great love for the Lord Jesus, for the Church, and your desire for the profound renewal of the whole Christian community over which you preside in service and love.

We know very well that for Don Bosco, love for the Pope meant love for the Church and love for the mission. Our meeting would have no meaning were it not accompanied at the same time by the desire to express to you, dear Father, our willingness to renew our charismatic and missionary commitment to the Church and the world with particular attention to the young, especially the poorest and most abandoned. So we accept your invitation to open the doors of our houses and our hearts, to be announcers of Gospel joy, believing strongly in a God who loves human beings and desires their salvation. In the words of “Gaudium et spes”, we want to share the joys and sorrows of today's world and of the young people who live in it, fully committing ourselves to building the Kingdom of God.

During this General Chapter, with the theme of being “Witnesses to the radical approach of the Gospel”, we have felt that we are deeply in tune with your Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium”. This text has enlightened and guided our reflection. It has been an occasion to reflect deeply on our Salesian charismatic identity, bearing in mind at the same time the need to interpret what Don Bosco experienced and passed on to us, in a way that is relevant. We have identified a path to renewal in which we commit ourselves to living the mystical dimension of consecrated individuals who intend to give absolute primacy to God, the Lord of our life. Moved by the Spirit of Jesus therefore we want to be “seekers and witnesses of God”, joyfully accompanying young people on a journey of human and Christian growth.

We are proposing to renew the prophetic witness of our fraternal life. In a world often torn by conflict at every level, it seems to us that our religious life has as

one of its principle tasks witnessing to the joy of a communion of brothers who feel they are all disciples of the Lord. It is a fellowship that involves our daily life, our work, our prayer and it becomes in itself a proclamation of a life expressed in new relationships inspired by the words of the Gospel and able to attract young people to the precious experience of a life given for others according to Don Bosco's charism.

In our mission we want to reaffirm our desire to be servants of the young, through an educative proposal inspired by Gospel values and with a generous commitment to transforming the world. We want to reaffirm the criterion of Don Bosco's choice: preferential availability for the poorest of the young, the most disadvantaged peoples, those on the margins, in traditional missionary settings and in the more secularised societies.

We welcome, dear Pope Francis, your words and proposals for an ecclesial choice of the major guidelines which will guide us over the next six years.

With the entire Salesian Family I take this opportunity to thank you, for having agreed to come to Turin for the Second Centenary of Don Bosco's birth. With the affection of children we assure you of our prayers, as we entrust your mission to the Virgin Help of Christians, Mother of the Church and we ask for your paternal blessing.

Ángel Fernández ArtimeSource: ANS




E, G








Back in Valdocco, Don Bosco wants to reach out to every young person, by preference the most needy of them, through each one of us, called as we are to represent him today.

I am about to leave the ministry as Rector Major that was entrusted to me for the first time on that distant 2 April 2002. On that day the Lord called me to represent Don Bosco for you and the Salesian Family. It was an undeserved grace, I believe, and I confess that it encouraged me to identify myself with our Father more each day, identify with his concern for the Congregation, his passion for the young. I know that however much I thank him in the remaining days of my life I could never repay this debt of God's love. May he be forever blessed!

My gratitude extends to each and every one of you, my dear confreres. I have felt accepted and very much loved, though I know that all the signs of respect and love I received were the expression of your affection and filial devotion to Don Bosco. Everyone's understanding and endorsement, the availability and the obedience I encountered in so many of you have been a real support in the exercising of my ministry. May God bless you as I, with all my heart, do!

I do not hide the fact that during these twelve years as Rector Major there has been no lack of pains and sorrows, some more sorrowful because inexplicable or unexpected. However, like Don Bosco in his dream of the pergola of roses, I have walked amidst thorns… However the pain felt and the loneliness experienced helped me to see with greater clarity the

good that God, through each one of you, is achieving. I can tell you that today I feel very proud to be a Salesian, not only to have our holy Founder as a Father but also to have you as my confreres.

I am sure that whoever will be elected after me will take care “of you and your salvation”. As Don Bosco, I now urge you: “listen to him, love him, obey him, pray for him as you did for me”. And may Mary Help of Christians, Mother and teacher of Don Bosco and each one of us, guide and accompany you in living out your consecration. Thank you, with all my heart.

Rome, 24 March 2014

The 27th General Chapter has elected Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Provincial of Argentina South, as tenth Successor of Don Bosco. The official announcement was welcomed with long and warm applause.

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, 53 years of age was born 21 August 1960 at Gozón-Luanco, Spain. He made his first profession on 3 September 1978, perpetual profession on 17 June 1984 and was ordained priest on 4 July 1987. Originally from León Province, he has been Youth Ministry Delegate, Rector of the school at Ourense, member of the Council and Vice Provincial and, from 2000 to 2006, Provincial of León.

He was a member of the technical commission in preparation for General Chapter 26. In 2009 he was appointed Provincial in Argentine South, a task he has carried out until now. In this capacity he got to know the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, and to work with him. He has a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology and a Licence in Philosophy and Pedagogy.

On 23 December last he was appointed Provincial of the new province of Mary Help of Christians in Spain, an office which Fr Angel will obviously not now be able to take on, since he will exercise his ministry as Father of the whole Salesian Family.

Best wishes, Fr Angel!

The 27th General Chapter concluded on 12 April with Ángel Fernández Artime taking over as Captain of the Congregation. An era has passed over into history and another is beginning! The day began with the last common Eucharist, presided over by Fr. Ángel flanked by Pascual Chavez and Francesco Cereda and surrounded by the members of new and old General Council

The Indian Contribution to the Eucharist was a Bhajan – “Saranam” sung by Fr. LB Anthony, Fr. Nirmol Gomes and others and an “aarathi” at the Doxology led by Fr. Thomas Koonan. In his homily Ángel emphasized the need for Salesians to be holy, the theme that Pascual Chavez had focused on in his very first letter after being elected Rector Major 12 years ago. Our task, he said, is to make “our local and provincial communities real `sanctuaries` filled with His (God`s) presence: the life of holiness shared with the educative and pastoral community...” Fr. Ángel then thanked all those who had contributed in some

way in running the Chapter. The last person he thanked (because he wanted that to be special) was Francesco Cereda, now his Vicar, who as Moderator had successfully facilitated the Chapter. Fr. Ángel then gave the concluding talk of the Chapter that he entitled “GC27: An Opportunity for Belonging to God, the Confreres, the Young.”

In this final talk Fr. Ángel summarized the work of the Chapter and outlined the priorities for the next six years and the processes to be followed to realize the goals. Primacy to God in our life: “It is in this transcendent dimension, in ensuring that all of our life is caught up in God`s storyline and that He has pre-eminence in our lives, that we find our strength...”

A fraternity that is irresistibly prophetic: “we run a certain risk of sacrificing the community, our fellowship and at times even our communion, for the sake of work, activity, including sheer activism.”

Work and Temperance: “May the poverty of Don Bosco and Mama Margaret inspire each Salesian and each community to an essential and austere life, one that is close to the poor, transparent, responsible in managing goods.” (Pope Francis in his address to the GC Members)

Servants of the young: “how can we remain at peace when in our suburb, area, city there are poverty-stricken young people, loneliness, family violence, aggression by those who have power over them...? We are called to give them a voice in circumstances where they have none, called to offer them friendship, help, acceptance, the presence of an adult who likes them.”






DIREZIONE GENERALE OPERE DON BOSCOVia della Pisana 1111 – 00163 RomaThe Rector Major

To each and every Salesian in the CongregationDear confreres,

You cannot imagine the deep joy I felt when, on the evening of 30 January last, I was able to walk beside Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, Archbishop of Turin and many Salesians, young people from the SYM, as we accompanied Don Bosco's Casket through the streets of Turin on his return to Valdocco. Young people who had come to the Basilica were waiting for him there and singing “Don Bosco ritorna”. Don Bosco has come back home, having visited his sons wherever they were, anywhere in the world, and it had me thinking of you and now I am writing you this personal letter.

New Salesian Presence in Karbi Anglong

The Salesians will have another presence in Karbi Anglong District of Assam. The Don Bosco Junior college will be inaugurated on 20th June, 2014 with its temporary structure in Manja. Fr. Vettickathadam Cyriac SDB has been appointed as the Director/In-charge of the new college and Fr. Jimmy T. Sangma SDB as the Principal. The Salesians of Guwahati Province is grateful to Rt. Rev. Paul Mattekkat DD for facilitating the opening of the new college in the Diocese of Diphu.




E, G








Back in Valdocco, Don Bosco wants to reach out to every young person, by preference the most needy of them, through each one of us, called as we are to represent him today.

I am about to leave the ministry as Rector Major that was entrusted to me for the first time on that distant 2 April 2002. On that day the Lord called me to represent Don Bosco for you and the Salesian Family. It was an undeserved grace, I believe, and I confess that it encouraged me to identify myself with our Father more each day, identify with his concern for the Congregation, his passion for the young. I know that however much I thank him in the remaining days of my life I could never repay this debt of God's love. May he be forever blessed!

My gratitude extends to each and every one of you, my dear confreres. I have felt accepted and very much loved, though I know that all the signs of respect and love I received were the expression of your affection and filial devotion to Don Bosco. Everyone's understanding and endorsement, the availability and the obedience I encountered in so many of you have been a real support in the exercising of my ministry. May God bless you as I, with all my heart, do!

I do not hide the fact that during these twelve years as Rector Major there has been no lack of pains and sorrows, some more sorrowful because inexplicable or unexpected. However, like Don Bosco in his dream of the pergola of roses, I have walked amidst thorns… However the pain felt and the loneliness experienced helped me to see with greater clarity the

good that God, through each one of you, is achieving. I can tell you that today I feel very proud to be a Salesian, not only to have our holy Founder as a Father but also to have you as my confreres.

I am sure that whoever will be elected after me will take care “of you and your salvation”. As Don Bosco, I now urge you: “listen to him, love him, obey him, pray for him as you did for me”. And may Mary Help of Christians, Mother and teacher of Don Bosco and each one of us, guide and accompany you in living out your consecration. Thank you, with all my heart.

Rome, 24 March 2014

The 27th General Chapter has elected Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, Provincial of Argentina South, as tenth Successor of Don Bosco. The official announcement was welcomed with long and warm applause.

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, 53 years of age was born 21 August 1960 at Gozón-Luanco, Spain. He made his first profession on 3 September 1978, perpetual profession on 17 June 1984 and was ordained priest on 4 July 1987. Originally from León Province, he has been Youth Ministry Delegate, Rector of the school at Ourense, member of the Council and Vice Provincial and, from 2000 to 2006, Provincial of León.

He was a member of the technical commission in preparation for General Chapter 26. In 2009 he was appointed Provincial in Argentine South, a task he has carried out until now. In this capacity he got to know the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, and to work with him. He has a Doctorate in Pastoral Theology and a Licence in Philosophy and Pedagogy.

On 23 December last he was appointed Provincial of the new province of Mary Help of Christians in Spain, an office which Fr Angel will obviously not now be able to take on, since he will exercise his ministry as Father of the whole Salesian Family.

Best wishes, Fr Angel!

The 27th General Chapter concluded on 12 April with Ángel Fernández Artime taking over as Captain of the Congregation. An era has passed over into history and another is beginning! The day began with the last common Eucharist, presided over by Fr. Ángel flanked by Pascual Chavez and Francesco Cereda and surrounded by the members of new and old General Council

The Indian Contribution to the Eucharist was a Bhajan – “Saranam” sung by Fr. LB Anthony, Fr. Nirmol Gomes and others and an “aarathi” at the Doxology led by Fr. Thomas Koonan. In his homily Ángel emphasized the need for Salesians to be holy, the theme that Pascual Chavez had focused on in his very first letter after being elected Rector Major 12 years ago. Our task, he said, is to make “our local and provincial communities real `sanctuaries` filled with His (God`s) presence: the life of holiness shared with the educative and pastoral community...” Fr. Ángel then thanked all those who had contributed in some

way in running the Chapter. The last person he thanked (because he wanted that to be special) was Francesco Cereda, now his Vicar, who as Moderator had successfully facilitated the Chapter. Fr. Ángel then gave the concluding talk of the Chapter that he entitled “GC27: An Opportunity for Belonging to God, the Confreres, the Young.”

In this final talk Fr. Ángel summarized the work of the Chapter and outlined the priorities for the next six years and the processes to be followed to realize the goals. Primacy to God in our life: “It is in this transcendent dimension, in ensuring that all of our life is caught up in God`s storyline and that He has pre-eminence in our lives, that we find our strength...”

A fraternity that is irresistibly prophetic: “we run a certain risk of sacrificing the community, our fellowship and at times even our communion, for the sake of work, activity, including sheer activism.”

Work and Temperance: “May the poverty of Don Bosco and Mama Margaret inspire each Salesian and each community to an essential and austere life, one that is close to the poor, transparent, responsible in managing goods.” (Pope Francis in his address to the GC Members)

Servants of the young: “how can we remain at peace when in our suburb, area, city there are poverty-stricken young people, loneliness, family violence, aggression by those who have power over them...? We are called to give them a voice in circumstances where they have none, called to offer them friendship, help, acceptance, the presence of an adult who likes them.”






DIREZIONE GENERALE OPERE DON BOSCOVia della Pisana 1111 – 00163 RomaThe Rector Major

To each and every Salesian in the CongregationDear confreres,

You cannot imagine the deep joy I felt when, on the evening of 30 January last, I was able to walk beside Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, Archbishop of Turin and many Salesians, young people from the SYM, as we accompanied Don Bosco's Casket through the streets of Turin on his return to Valdocco. Young people who had come to the Basilica were waiting for him there and singing “Don Bosco ritorna”. Don Bosco has come back home, having visited his sons wherever they were, anywhere in the world, and it had me thinking of you and now I am writing you this personal letter.

New Salesian Presence in Karbi Anglong

The Salesians will have another presence in Karbi Anglong District of Assam. The Don Bosco Junior college will be inaugurated on 20th June, 2014 with its temporary structure in Manja. Fr. Vettickathadam Cyriac SDB has been appointed as the Director/In-charge of the new college and Fr. Jimmy T. Sangma SDB as the Principal. The Salesians of Guwahati Province is grateful to Rt. Rev. Paul Mattekkat DD for facilitating the opening of the new college in the Diocese of Diphu.





E, G








Fr. Mario Celebrates 97 Years of God’s Love

The oldest Salesian in India celebrated his 97th birthday at Don Bosco Provincial House Guwahati amongst his beloved confreres. Born in Sardinia Italy, Fr. Mario Porcu has been in India for 75 years and was five times acting provincial of the undivided Guwahati province.

An Indian citizen and pioneer missionary Fr. Mario established several mission centres in northeast India (Guwahati, Maligaon, Sonaiguli, Mawlai, Shillong, Dibrugarh and Bhutan-Phuntsholing). Fr. Mario says he has only one regret – Salesians had to leave DB Tech Phuntsholing in 1982, the mission he started in Bhutan in 1969.

Fr. Mario keeps exceptionally good health and goes out for chaplaincy to the Salesian Sisters, and is the preferred Confessor at several convents in Guwahati. With his trusted workhorse, an old Olivetti type-writer, Fr. Mario puts in a whole day's work at his ground floor office in the provincial house.

The celebrations were held at the provincial house chapel with a Eucharistic adoration service followed by felicitation and dinner at Mario Hall in the second floor of the provincial house. Some 60 confreres including Salesian practical trainees joined Fr. Mario in thanking God for this wonderful day. The secret of Fr. Mario's longevity could be explained as “disciplined religious life, missionary zeal in reaching out to people, punctuality, prompt execution of duties, pastoral availability for the exercise of his priestly duties and incessant work.”

Young priest and youth minister of the province, Fr Paul Rabha, speaking at the occasion confessed his admiration. Fr. Mario reached the remotest corners of Assam where he thought no missionary ever could reach. He founded churches and the Christian communities still remember Fr Mario, who reached those villages on foot.

Fr. C M Paul, SDB

Emphasising the importance of education in building an equitable society, Prof. Dhrubajyoti Saikia, Vice Chancellor of Cotton College State University, called for application of technology to meet the emerging challenges in the field of education.

Addressing a three-day National Conference on Education (21–24, May 2014) on the theme “Confronting Challenges Facing 21st Century Education” organised by Don Bosco Institute (DBI), Kharghuli with the main focus on technology in education and educating the internet savvy generation, Prof. Saikia requested the Principals participating in the Conference to give sufficient opportunities to students to have discourses on intellectual matters as these discussions could provide platform for discoveries and inventions.

“There is a tremendous potentiality in the students. There could be an Albert Einstein in Majuli or a Steve Jobs in Barpeta, they will prove so only if they are given a chance. Therefore, we have to give the best to the children of today, for they are the ones to build the future of the country,” Prof. Saikia said.

Prof. Saikia further added that education is about the society at large, and so all stakeholders in the field should always keep in mind the welfare of the society at large. “The incredible advancement of technology that characterizes our times continues to wipe out fresh challenges in the field of education. They demand that all educators, particularly heads of educational institutions, cope with hitherto

unforeseen challenges in social network and the mixed fare they offer,” observed Prof. Saikia.

On the other hand, reposing faith in youth power, Fr. V.M. Thomas, the Provincial of the Don Bosco Salesian Province of Guwahati, in his message said that the young people in the world, if they are given the opportunities and the chances can succeed. “The young people are so talented and capable, but are deprived of the opportunity to become what they are,” said Thomas, adding that young people need motivation to build their dreams and shape their lives for better prospects for themselves and the future of the nation.

The key topics for discussions during the Conference were Creating New Partnership and Opportunities in Schools for the Digital Generation, Modeling Excellence and Strategies to Lead and Learn as a Principal. The seminar also featured Students' Panel on the Impact of Tech on i-generation.

Rev. Father. VM Thomas, the provincial gave the first inspiring and enriching sessions to the participants of the conference. “Youth is the power of today's society” he said this in the intro to his session. He believed in changing their attitude to transform the outer aspect of their life. He compared some of the schools of Guwahati with the schools of New York, saying that the same resource is available and our job is to mobilize, connect network and synergize it and use different techniques which will lend a hand to provide success and make them realize their dream and their power.

DBI Hosted 6th National Conference on Education




FUTURE DIRECTIONSKnowledge, Study and assimilation of GC 27: Dedicate at least first three years to this.

Depth of Interior Life: Become witnesses to the God of Love: Each community to consider how it can give God the first place.

Care for individuals in the community: Each Province to carry out a study to consolidate communities, with the willingness to close down existing works if need be.

Priority in ministry to young who are poorest, the least, the most excluded: give the best confreres of the province for this ministry; each province to take another look at where we are, where we must remain, where we should go and where we can leave.

Lay participation in a shared mission: each Province in the first three years after GC27 makes the programme for shared mission between SDBs and lay people. Fr. Ángel concluded by expressing thanks on behalf of the entire Salesian Family to Fr. Pascual Chavez and Fr. Bregolin and the General Councillors who have completed their given terms. Fr. Pascual, he said, has led our Congregation these past 12 years “surely and certainly, like a good captain who knows how to navigate despite fog and nightfall each evening.” He thanked him “for being a Father for all the Salesian Family, an enthusiastic Successor of Don Bosco for young people all over the world... for your rich, solid magisterium, ... for bringing home the ship of the Congregation over this long twelve year journey.”

Source: ANS

Opportunities can bring out latent talents in youngsters

Congratulations!Fr. Zacharias Varickasseril SDB has been awarded the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy (Ph.D) by North Eastern Hill University for his thesis entitled “A Study

of the Attitude of Teacher Educators towards Innovative Practices in Teacher Education Institutions in Meghalaya” under the guidance & supervision of Dr. Nikme S.C. Momin of NEHU,

Tura, Campus, Meghalaya.





E, G








Fr. Mario Celebrates 97 Years of God’s Love

The oldest Salesian in India celebrated his 97th birthday at Don Bosco Provincial House Guwahati amongst his beloved confreres. Born in Sardinia Italy, Fr. Mario Porcu has been in India for 75 years and was five times acting provincial of the undivided Guwahati province.

An Indian citizen and pioneer missionary Fr. Mario established several mission centres in northeast India (Guwahati, Maligaon, Sonaiguli, Mawlai, Shillong, Dibrugarh and Bhutan-Phuntsholing). Fr. Mario says he has only one regret – Salesians had to leave DB Tech Phuntsholing in 1982, the mission he started in Bhutan in 1969.

Fr. Mario keeps exceptionally good health and goes out for chaplaincy to the Salesian Sisters, and is the preferred Confessor at several convents in Guwahati. With his trusted workhorse, an old Olivetti type-writer, Fr. Mario puts in a whole day's work at his ground floor office in the provincial house.

The celebrations were held at the provincial house chapel with a Eucharistic adoration service followed by felicitation and dinner at Mario Hall in the second floor of the provincial house. Some 60 confreres including Salesian practical trainees joined Fr. Mario in thanking God for this wonderful day. The secret of Fr. Mario's longevity could be explained as “disciplined religious life, missionary zeal in reaching out to people, punctuality, prompt execution of duties, pastoral availability for the exercise of his priestly duties and incessant work.”

Young priest and youth minister of the province, Fr Paul Rabha, speaking at the occasion confessed his admiration. Fr. Mario reached the remotest corners of Assam where he thought no missionary ever could reach. He founded churches and the Christian communities still remember Fr Mario, who reached those villages on foot.

Fr. C M Paul, SDB

Emphasising the importance of education in building an equitable society, Prof. Dhrubajyoti Saikia, Vice Chancellor of Cotton College State University, called for application of technology to meet the emerging challenges in the field of education.

Addressing a three-day National Conference on Education (21–24, May 2014) on the theme “Confronting Challenges Facing 21st Century Education” organised by Don Bosco Institute (DBI), Kharghuli with the main focus on technology in education and educating the internet savvy generation, Prof. Saikia requested the Principals participating in the Conference to give sufficient opportunities to students to have discourses on intellectual matters as these discussions could provide platform for discoveries and inventions.

“There is a tremendous potentiality in the students. There could be an Albert Einstein in Majuli or a Steve Jobs in Barpeta, they will prove so only if they are given a chance. Therefore, we have to give the best to the children of today, for they are the ones to build the future of the country,” Prof. Saikia said.

Prof. Saikia further added that education is about the society at large, and so all stakeholders in the field should always keep in mind the welfare of the society at large. “The incredible advancement of technology that characterizes our times continues to wipe out fresh challenges in the field of education. They demand that all educators, particularly heads of educational institutions, cope with hitherto

unforeseen challenges in social network and the mixed fare they offer,” observed Prof. Saikia.

On the other hand, reposing faith in youth power, Fr. V.M. Thomas, the Provincial of the Don Bosco Salesian Province of Guwahati, in his message said that the young people in the world, if they are given the opportunities and the chances can succeed. “The young people are so talented and capable, but are deprived of the opportunity to become what they are,” said Thomas, adding that young people need motivation to build their dreams and shape their lives for better prospects for themselves and the future of the nation.

The key topics for discussions during the Conference were Creating New Partnership and Opportunities in Schools for the Digital Generation, Modeling Excellence and Strategies to Lead and Learn as a Principal. The seminar also featured Students' Panel on the Impact of Tech on i-generation.

Rev. Father. VM Thomas, the provincial gave the first inspiring and enriching sessions to the participants of the conference. “Youth is the power of today's society” he said this in the intro to his session. He believed in changing their attitude to transform the outer aspect of their life. He compared some of the schools of Guwahati with the schools of New York, saying that the same resource is available and our job is to mobilize, connect network and synergize it and use different techniques which will lend a hand to provide success and make them realize their dream and their power.

DBI Hosted 6th National Conference on Education




FUTURE DIRECTIONSKnowledge, Study and assimilation of GC 27: Dedicate at least first three years to this.

Depth of Interior Life: Become witnesses to the God of Love: Each community to consider how it can give God the first place.

Care for individuals in the community: Each Province to carry out a study to consolidate communities, with the willingness to close down existing works if need be.

Priority in ministry to young who are poorest, the least, the most excluded: give the best confreres of the province for this ministry; each province to take another look at where we are, where we must remain, where we should go and where we can leave.

Lay participation in a shared mission: each Province in the first three years after GC27 makes the programme for shared mission between SDBs and lay people. Fr. Ángel concluded by expressing thanks on behalf of the entire Salesian Family to Fr. Pascual Chavez and Fr. Bregolin and the General Councillors who have completed their given terms. Fr. Pascual, he said, has led our Congregation these past 12 years “surely and certainly, like a good captain who knows how to navigate despite fog and nightfall each evening.” He thanked him “for being a Father for all the Salesian Family, an enthusiastic Successor of Don Bosco for young people all over the world... for your rich, solid magisterium, ... for bringing home the ship of the Congregation over this long twelve year journey.”

Source: ANS

Opportunities can bring out latent talents in youngsters

Congratulations!Fr. Zacharias Varickasseril SDB has been awarded the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy (Ph.D) by North Eastern Hill University for his thesis entitled “A Study

of the Attitude of Teacher Educators towards Innovative Practices in Teacher Education Institutions in Meghalaya” under the guidance & supervision of Dr. Nikme S.C. Momin of NEHU,

Tura, Campus, Meghalaya.





E, G








He gave to the participants the “VIP” formula which is 'Vision-Inspiration-Performance'. “We create a world with our thoughts, and thoughts can become reality with a widen knowledge and improved personality. If we have future imaginative ability we can excel. It is important to improve the educational system and transfer the class room into innovative learning technique for the i-generation,” he said.

Ms. Atreyee Borooah in her session emphasized on “Creativity”. She said that Creativity will lead to change, which will bring cultural change, political change and this will lead to economic development of a country. Creativity and Innovation are two different components. “Creativity is thinking new thing while innovation is doing new thing,” she said. Ms. Borooah also spoke of the present scenario of educational system of India, which “has to be change from spoon-feeding to instilling inquisitiveness in student and encouraging them towards innovation”.


Feast of Mary Help of Christians Celebrated

Sunday, 25 May, was a glorious day for the Mary Help of Christians Parish, Maligaon as ten children received the Sacrament of Confirmation and five children received the First Holy Communion. The joyful celebration of the Sacraments began with the children entering the church in procession. Archbishop John Moolachara of Guwahati Archdiocese was the main celebrant and Fr. Hubert Uttam SDB, Parish Priest and other priests concelebrated during the Holy Mass.

In his homily, the Archbishop reminded the candidates of the promise given by Jesus, to send the Holy Spirit on his disciples. He also spoke on the importance of being faith bearers in today's world. During the Confirmation Rite, the candidates were presented to the Archbishop and a testimony was given, stating, that they were ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Each candidate then came forward and received the confirmation.

The children welcomed the Holy Spirit into their lives and received the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit by saying yes. It was a proud moment for the parents and the relatives who were part of the Eucharistic celebration. The Sisters' choir from St. Mary's Convent, Maligaon added to the solemnity of the celebrations with their melodious voices. The celebration went on smoothly and joyously. Thanks to the parish priest, the confirmation instructor and the volunteers. After the Mass there was a short cultural programme staged to felicitate and thank Archbishop and other dignitaries of the parish. A solemn lunch was served for all those who came. At the end there was a photo session with the children. The faithful of Maligaon parish wish the children a the very best in the journey of faith.

Cl. Papireddy Gade, SDB


“Heaven or Hell, choice is yours”

On 3 May 2014, a seminar on Defensive Driving and Road Safety Rules was held at Don Bosco Maligaon. Mr. Atanu Ghosh Dastidar from Hubert Ebner(India) Pvt. Ltd Kolkata facilitated the sessions. The staff of Don Bosco Maligaon along with 170 students attended for the seminar.

Mr. Dastidar began the seminar by reminding all about road safety rules and the importance of knowing the same. He emphasized on Defensive Driving which was essential for driving, and Safe Driving Strategies to enable road users to avoid identified hazards in a predictable manner. These strategies go beyond instruction on basic traffic rules and procedures. He also shared defensive driving classes, where we learn to improve our driving skills by reducing the risks and by anticipating situations by making safe and well-informed decisions. Such decisions are implemented on road and environmental conditions while completing a safe driving exercise. He projected various road symbols and relevant video clips, and asked the students to identify them and discussed about them.

After the presentation, there was time for students to interact with Mr. Dastidar and clarify the doubts. Concluding the seminar Mr. Dastidar told the students that the road was not only for the drivers and vehicles, but for the pedestrians too. He told that to avoid chaos and accidents on the road, we should follow the symbols which are positioned on the road.

Cl. Papireddy Gade, SDB


CONVERGENT MEDIAThe six-year-old Don Bosco University in Guwahati claims the course starting in July is “one-of-its-kind post graduate degree program in backpack journalism to prepare citizen journalists.” “In our technology dominated world, the professions are multi-tasked and require one to be an expert in more than one narrow specialism,” says Head of Mass Communication Department at ADBU, Fr. C.M. Paul.

The post graduate degree program takes one through hands-on-exercises in the glamour of the advertising gimmicks, the way a news story gathers steam, and help students try their hands at getting a film from script to screen and cause waves. Though it sounds a tall claim, Fr Paul says, “I`m confident, it can be done.”

The program is designed to equip one with a thorough knowledge of the entire media spectrum from journalism to video production, traditional to mobile media, the gamut of social media, citizen journalism, development communication and the world of public relations.

“For those who are not so social media savvy,” suggests Fr. Paul, “there is another world out there for critical commentators to keep a tab on the ways in which media reflects, represents and influences the world.”

“The new media platforms - Blog, Vlog, Twitter, YouTube, Podcast, Facebook and other social media networks are so varied, pervasive, influential and fast changing that it is a continuous challenge to keep pace with the latest trends in media-related industries,”

Fr. C M Paul, SDB




Mr. Rakshit Tandon an Expert in Cyber Crime, spoke on ‘Cyber Threats in Digital World’ for students, teachers and parents to sensitize them about the types of Cyber Crimes. He evinced on how cyber suicide and cyber crimes are increasing in the present generation in our society. He suggested that every school must have a Schools Cyber Safety Program and a Cyber Captain as we have School Captains in schools. “Conduct various programs for educating the students about Cyber Safety, Hot Line Help for the students are also available”, he said.

Other resource persons who animated the sessions wereProf. William from Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar and Ms Loya Agarwala, Adolescent Counsellor. The National Conference on education came to a successful conclusion with a students' Panel on the Impact of Tech on i-generation.

Mr. Rakshit Tandon, Director, A& R Info Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd.





E, G








He gave to the participants the “VIP” formula which is 'Vision-Inspiration-Performance'. “We create a world with our thoughts, and thoughts can become reality with a widen knowledge and improved personality. If we have future imaginative ability we can excel. It is important to improve the educational system and transfer the class room into innovative learning technique for the i-generation,” he said.

Ms. Atreyee Borooah in her session emphasized on “Creativity”. She said that Creativity will lead to change, which will bring cultural change, political change and this will lead to economic development of a country. Creativity and Innovation are two different components. “Creativity is thinking new thing while innovation is doing new thing,” she said. Ms. Borooah also spoke of the present scenario of educational system of India, which “has to be change from spoon-feeding to instilling inquisitiveness in student and encouraging them towards innovation”.


Feast of Mary Help of Christians Celebrated

Sunday, 25 May, was a glorious day for the Mary Help of Christians Parish, Maligaon as ten children received the Sacrament of Confirmation and five children received the First Holy Communion. The joyful celebration of the Sacraments began with the children entering the church in procession. Archbishop John Moolachara of Guwahati Archdiocese was the main celebrant and Fr. Hubert Uttam SDB, Parish Priest and other priests concelebrated during the Holy Mass.

In his homily, the Archbishop reminded the candidates of the promise given by Jesus, to send the Holy Spirit on his disciples. He also spoke on the importance of being faith bearers in today's world. During the Confirmation Rite, the candidates were presented to the Archbishop and a testimony was given, stating, that they were ready to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Each candidate then came forward and received the confirmation.

The children welcomed the Holy Spirit into their lives and received the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit by saying yes. It was a proud moment for the parents and the relatives who were part of the Eucharistic celebration. The Sisters' choir from St. Mary's Convent, Maligaon added to the solemnity of the celebrations with their melodious voices. The celebration went on smoothly and joyously. Thanks to the parish priest, the confirmation instructor and the volunteers. After the Mass there was a short cultural programme staged to felicitate and thank Archbishop and other dignitaries of the parish. A solemn lunch was served for all those who came. At the end there was a photo session with the children. The faithful of Maligaon parish wish the children a the very best in the journey of faith.

Cl. Papireddy Gade, SDB


“Heaven or Hell, choice is yours”

On 3 May 2014, a seminar on Defensive Driving and Road Safety Rules was held at Don Bosco Maligaon. Mr. Atanu Ghosh Dastidar from Hubert Ebner(India) Pvt. Ltd Kolkata facilitated the sessions. The staff of Don Bosco Maligaon along with 170 students attended for the seminar.

Mr. Dastidar began the seminar by reminding all about road safety rules and the importance of knowing the same. He emphasized on Defensive Driving which was essential for driving, and Safe Driving Strategies to enable road users to avoid identified hazards in a predictable manner. These strategies go beyond instruction on basic traffic rules and procedures. He also shared defensive driving classes, where we learn to improve our driving skills by reducing the risks and by anticipating situations by making safe and well-informed decisions. Such decisions are implemented on road and environmental conditions while completing a safe driving exercise. He projected various road symbols and relevant video clips, and asked the students to identify them and discussed about them.

After the presentation, there was time for students to interact with Mr. Dastidar and clarify the doubts. Concluding the seminar Mr. Dastidar told the students that the road was not only for the drivers and vehicles, but for the pedestrians too. He told that to avoid chaos and accidents on the road, we should follow the symbols which are positioned on the road.

Cl. Papireddy Gade, SDB


CONVERGENT MEDIAThe six-year-old Don Bosco University in Guwahati claims the course starting in July is “one-of-its-kind post graduate degree program in backpack journalism to prepare citizen journalists.” “In our technology dominated world, the professions are multi-tasked and require one to be an expert in more than one narrow specialism,” says Head of Mass Communication Department at ADBU, Fr. C.M. Paul.

The post graduate degree program takes one through hands-on-exercises in the glamour of the advertising gimmicks, the way a news story gathers steam, and help students try their hands at getting a film from script to screen and cause waves. Though it sounds a tall claim, Fr Paul says, “I`m confident, it can be done.”

The program is designed to equip one with a thorough knowledge of the entire media spectrum from journalism to video production, traditional to mobile media, the gamut of social media, citizen journalism, development communication and the world of public relations.

“For those who are not so social media savvy,” suggests Fr. Paul, “there is another world out there for critical commentators to keep a tab on the ways in which media reflects, represents and influences the world.”

“The new media platforms - Blog, Vlog, Twitter, YouTube, Podcast, Facebook and other social media networks are so varied, pervasive, influential and fast changing that it is a continuous challenge to keep pace with the latest trends in media-related industries,”

Fr. C M Paul, SDB




Mr. Rakshit Tandon an Expert in Cyber Crime, spoke on ‘Cyber Threats in Digital World’ for students, teachers and parents to sensitize them about the types of Cyber Crimes. He evinced on how cyber suicide and cyber crimes are increasing in the present generation in our society. He suggested that every school must have a Schools Cyber Safety Program and a Cyber Captain as we have School Captains in schools. “Conduct various programs for educating the students about Cyber Safety, Hot Line Help for the students are also available”, he said.

Other resource persons who animated the sessions wereProf. William from Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar and Ms Loya Agarwala, Adolescent Counsellor. The National Conference on education came to a successful conclusion with a students' Panel on the Impact of Tech on i-generation.

Mr. Rakshit Tandon, Director, A& R Info Security Solutions Pvt. Ltd.





E, G








I would like to share with you some of the insights and reflections from the retreat.

The preacher opined that friendship begins with an encounter with the person concerned; so it is with God too. Our encounter with Christ enables us to make him our priority. In connection with this he referred to the recurring theme of the GC 27 - “Radical following of Christ and Primacy of God”. But one may ask the question “What is my priority as a person, as a Salesian?” and in answer to this, Fr. Zachary provided the statistics of one of the researches made in which it was recorded that 82% of youngsters expect Priests and Salesians to be men of prayer. This is clearly seen in the wish of Don Bosco for his sons that they be contemplatives in action. This he did show by his example of prayer even while in the midst of activities; in fact for him his work was his prayer and vice versa. Prayer leads one to have a personal experience of Christ and this in turn leads one to transformation in both one's life and one's relationship with others. When this happens one is able to say, “The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want” (Ps 23). Friendship is both giving and receiving, a two-way process and therefore commitment is required from both the persons concerned. One's friendship with God is a covenant which calls for total commitment; yet when one fails to do so God assures one of his forgiveness. One


On 22 May, twenty two brothers of Dimapur and Guwahati provinces renewed their vows at 6:30 am in the Provincial House, Guwahati.

The Renewals were received by Fr. Bosco Perianayagam, Vice Provincial of Dimapur with Fr. Cyprians sdb as the witness, in the presence of Fr. Punit Lakra sdb and brothers (from Silchar, Dimapur and Guwahti provinces) who had just finished their retreat at DBI-Inspiration in Kharguli, Guwahati

Fr. Bosco Perianayagam, asked the brothers at the renewal mass to connect perpetually to God every moment and at all times. He said,“Vocation is God's gift, it is enriched by provocation, enthused by invocation and finally arrives at convocation, a joyful celebration of the gift”. He added, “renewal is renunciation and gift reclaimed! We need to make joyful sacrifices here after again”. The homily hit home when he said, “Trust God, He will help you. Be generous with God and He will not abandon you”.

Cl. Edward Kujur, SDB

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 a contingent of 35 brothers met at DBI Inspiration for their annual retreat in preparation for the renewal of their vows. The arrival of some other brothers later added the number to 42. The brothers present comprised of all the three North Eastern Salesian Provinces, Dimapur (IND), Guwahati (ING) and Silchar (INS). Rev. Fr. Zachary Varickasseril, the Provincial Secretary animated the retreat. The five-day retreat basically revolved around, “The Art of Growing in Friendship with Jesus”, a theme that culminates in one's reflection on one's relationship with Christ. The focus of the retreat was to enable the retreatants to review and reflect on their personal relationship and experience of God.

In the introductory talk Fr. Zachary addressed the brothers as the future of the Salesian world in North East India. He invited them to allow Christ to dwell in them by allowing the Word of God to take root in them. Throughout the five days of the Retreat, Fr. Zachary dealt with various themes such as Friendship, Prayer, Personal Experience, Commitment, God's Forgiveness, Suffering, Faith, Love and Religious Identity. He made use of his life experiences to convey his message with clarity. He was extremely resourceful in as much as he was able to share a lot of his views and opinions also with the help of anecdotes and quotations.


should avail oneself of the means of reconciliation in order to restore the lost friendship with God. In this friendship sufferings and crosses are not an exception and this is why Christ invites us to follow him along with our crosses. In this journey of friendship with Christ we walk with him in faith and love being aware of our religious identity and the call to be signs and bearers of God's love to the young.

The retreat came to a fitting conclusion on May 20, with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial of Guwahati. At 9:00 am after thanking the Preacher and the staff of 'Inspiration', the 42 brothers proceeded to DBI where they were felicitated by the students and the staff of DBI after which they proceeded to Guwahati Provincial House for a two-day programme in preparation for Practical Training. Several resource persons came to share their learning and experience on various topics such as Communication Skills, Missions and Their Challenges, Child Protection Policy and Child Rights. The brothers also had an opportunity to visit the Don Bosco University, Azara.

Cl. Nazarius Kharkongor, SDB (INS)




The vocation camps for the post matric boys were held from April 1st to 6th at Bosco Mount Rongkhon, Tura and April 8th to 14th at Don Bosco Centre, Sirajuli. There were 45 participants altogether coming from different regions of the Province. The programmes as a whole were good and successful. The selected candidates will be studying and undergoing formation at Bosco Mount Rongkhon, Tura and Don Bosco Centre, Sirajuli.

The participation and response from the boys were good and remarkable. During the camps many activities were conducted which made them feel good and priviledged. As a part of vocation agenda a half-day recollection was conducted which helped them to go deeper, reflect and understand if they are really called to be Salesians or not.

Every Salesian has the responsibility to take the mission ahead and pass it on to the new generation. In reality all are doing God's work and He is the Master and all of us are His co-workers. Today we are here and tomorrow we will not be any more. Therefore, let's not think that we are the masters and without us or me nothing will happen but have the sense of team work, trust and encourage each other. In this way God's work will flourish and will be continued. Let's also not measure our work on success alone but have dedication, fidelity and trust in God who is the Master of all things and all of us. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. So you must ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to his harvest” Lk 10:2.

Fr. Thadeus Kujur, SDBVocation Promoter


Inter- Provincial Retreat for Brothers





E, G








I would like to share with you some of the insights and reflections from the retreat.

The preacher opined that friendship begins with an encounter with the person concerned; so it is with God too. Our encounter with Christ enables us to make him our priority. In connection with this he referred to the recurring theme of the GC 27 - “Radical following of Christ and Primacy of God”. But one may ask the question “What is my priority as a person, as a Salesian?” and in answer to this, Fr. Zachary provided the statistics of one of the researches made in which it was recorded that 82% of youngsters expect Priests and Salesians to be men of prayer. This is clearly seen in the wish of Don Bosco for his sons that they be contemplatives in action. This he did show by his example of prayer even while in the midst of activities; in fact for him his work was his prayer and vice versa. Prayer leads one to have a personal experience of Christ and this in turn leads one to transformation in both one's life and one's relationship with others. When this happens one is able to say, “The Lord is my shepherd, nothing shall I want” (Ps 23). Friendship is both giving and receiving, a two-way process and therefore commitment is required from both the persons concerned. One's friendship with God is a covenant which calls for total commitment; yet when one fails to do so God assures one of his forgiveness. One


On 22 May, twenty two brothers of Dimapur and Guwahati provinces renewed their vows at 6:30 am in the Provincial House, Guwahati.

The Renewals were received by Fr. Bosco Perianayagam, Vice Provincial of Dimapur with Fr. Cyprians sdb as the witness, in the presence of Fr. Punit Lakra sdb and brothers (from Silchar, Dimapur and Guwahti provinces) who had just finished their retreat at DBI-Inspiration in Kharguli, Guwahati

Fr. Bosco Perianayagam, asked the brothers at the renewal mass to connect perpetually to God every moment and at all times. He said,“Vocation is God's gift, it is enriched by provocation, enthused by invocation and finally arrives at convocation, a joyful celebration of the gift”. He added, “renewal is renunciation and gift reclaimed! We need to make joyful sacrifices here after again”. The homily hit home when he said, “Trust God, He will help you. Be generous with God and He will not abandon you”.

Cl. Edward Kujur, SDB

On Wednesday, May 14, 2014 a contingent of 35 brothers met at DBI Inspiration for their annual retreat in preparation for the renewal of their vows. The arrival of some other brothers later added the number to 42. The brothers present comprised of all the three North Eastern Salesian Provinces, Dimapur (IND), Guwahati (ING) and Silchar (INS). Rev. Fr. Zachary Varickasseril, the Provincial Secretary animated the retreat. The five-day retreat basically revolved around, “The Art of Growing in Friendship with Jesus”, a theme that culminates in one's reflection on one's relationship with Christ. The focus of the retreat was to enable the retreatants to review and reflect on their personal relationship and experience of God.

In the introductory talk Fr. Zachary addressed the brothers as the future of the Salesian world in North East India. He invited them to allow Christ to dwell in them by allowing the Word of God to take root in them. Throughout the five days of the Retreat, Fr. Zachary dealt with various themes such as Friendship, Prayer, Personal Experience, Commitment, God's Forgiveness, Suffering, Faith, Love and Religious Identity. He made use of his life experiences to convey his message with clarity. He was extremely resourceful in as much as he was able to share a lot of his views and opinions also with the help of anecdotes and quotations.


should avail oneself of the means of reconciliation in order to restore the lost friendship with God. In this friendship sufferings and crosses are not an exception and this is why Christ invites us to follow him along with our crosses. In this journey of friendship with Christ we walk with him in faith and love being aware of our religious identity and the call to be signs and bearers of God's love to the young.

The retreat came to a fitting conclusion on May 20, with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided over by Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial of Guwahati. At 9:00 am after thanking the Preacher and the staff of 'Inspiration', the 42 brothers proceeded to DBI where they were felicitated by the students and the staff of DBI after which they proceeded to Guwahati Provincial House for a two-day programme in preparation for Practical Training. Several resource persons came to share their learning and experience on various topics such as Communication Skills, Missions and Their Challenges, Child Protection Policy and Child Rights. The brothers also had an opportunity to visit the Don Bosco University, Azara.

Cl. Nazarius Kharkongor, SDB (INS)




The vocation camps for the post matric boys were held from April 1st to 6th at Bosco Mount Rongkhon, Tura and April 8th to 14th at Don Bosco Centre, Sirajuli. There were 45 participants altogether coming from different regions of the Province. The programmes as a whole were good and successful. The selected candidates will be studying and undergoing formation at Bosco Mount Rongkhon, Tura and Don Bosco Centre, Sirajuli.

The participation and response from the boys were good and remarkable. During the camps many activities were conducted which made them feel good and priviledged. As a part of vocation agenda a half-day recollection was conducted which helped them to go deeper, reflect and understand if they are really called to be Salesians or not.

Every Salesian has the responsibility to take the mission ahead and pass it on to the new generation. In reality all are doing God's work and He is the Master and all of us are His co-workers. Today we are here and tomorrow we will not be any more. Therefore, let's not think that we are the masters and without us or me nothing will happen but have the sense of team work, trust and encourage each other. In this way God's work will flourish and will be continued. Let's also not measure our work on success alone but have dedication, fidelity and trust in God who is the Master of all things and all of us. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. So you must ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to his harvest” Lk 10:2.

Fr. Thadeus Kujur, SDBVocation Promoter


Inter- Provincial Retreat for Brothers




E, G








Practical trainees' animation programme was held for the brothers doing their first year of practical training on 26th and 27th May at Don Bosco Provincial House, Guwahati. Ten brothers participated in this animation programme. Various resource persons enlightened the brothers on diverse aspects of practical training.

Fr. Marcus Lakra's session on “Salesian Optimism and Joy” laid emphasis on educating, engaging and empowering the young. “The young must feel that they are loved”, he said. He also stressed on the four qualities of a good Salesian educator: respect, understanding, affection and humour. Fr. Marcus added, “Practical training is a deeper opportunity for living experience of Salesian educative and pastoral action”. It is a life of enjoyment and sacrifice. Therefore, he exhorted the brothers to get involved in the practice of the preventive system.

Fr. Zachary enlightened on the Methodology of Teaching. He told that “a great teacher is one who inspires”. He encouraged the brothers to build good relationship with the students and know each one by name. He further added, “a teacher is only a facilitator, guide and helper. It is students who need to act”. Fr. Bivan Mukhim highlighted the importance of Mass Media and Communication Skills. He elaborated on the positive as well a negative impact of media. He exhorted the participants to make diligent use of the media and educate others to do the same.

Fr. Cletus, during his session on Innovative Skills and Inventiveness, asked the brothers to be creative. “Involve the people with full freedom” he said. He added, “some kind of readings can enhance imagination.”

Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial animated on 'The Practical Guidelines on Formation.' He told that “the celibate way of life that was personalized and lived joyfully in the post novitiate now has to pass through the test of a demanding rhythm of active life in practical training”. It is a time for personal responsibility for one's life and growth. “One must give importance to prayer”, he said, which is lacking in most of the practical trainees. Practical training is the time to be accountable for the use of time, money, media and other opportunities.

During the meeting the brothers had the chance of visiting neighbouring communities like Snehalaya and Don Bosco Technical School, Maligaon and learned about the works being done to help the street children and vocational training for young people, respectively.

Bro. Vivek Lakra, SDB

Results 2014 of Don Bosco Schools of the Province

Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) Results

Sl. School Class Total No. No of Students

Appeared 1st Div 2nd Div 3rd Div %

1 Don Bosco School, Mendal 12 Result 40 18 20 2 100*

10 Result 80 6 59 14 99

2 Don Bosco School, Rongjeng 10 Result 59 11 32 16 100*

3 Don Bosco School, Tura 10 Result 131 47 62 22 100*

4 Don Bosco School, Rongkhon 10 Result 56 22 33 1 100*

5 St. Dominic Savio, Garobadha 12 Result 87 5 53 29 100*

10 Result 78 16 39 22 99

6 Don Bosco School, Shallang 10 Result 14 1 5 6 86

State Education Board of Assam (SEBA) Results

Sl. School Class Total No. No of Students

Appeared 1st Div 2nd Div 3rd Div %

1 Don Bosco School, Amkachi 10 Result 45 2 14 3 42

2 Don Bosco School, Barpeta Road 10 Result 95 19 49 15 87

3 Don Bosco School, Bengtol 10 Result 35 8 20 - 80

4 Don Bosco school, Boko 10 Result 51 24 25 2 100*

5 Don Bosco School, Damra 10 Result 73 11 40 15 90

6 Don Bosco School, Dimakuchi 12 Result 12 - 3 6 75

10 Result 53 5 28 5 72

7 Don Bosco School, Doomni 10 Result 32 3 17 9 91

8 St. Francis Xavier School, Dotma 10 Result 34 6 23 2 91

9 Don Bosco School, Gojapara 10 Result 36 8 14 8 83

10 Don Bosco School, Umswai 12 Result 42 4 8 18 71

10 Result 66 3 14 5 33

11 Don Bosco School, Sojong 12 Result 15 1 8 6 100*

10 Result 49 11 29 8 98

12 St. Dominic School, Haflong 12 Result 30 16 9 5 100*

10 Result 77 50 12 - 100*

13 Don Bosco School, Tangla 12 Result 32 3 15 9 84

10 Result 41 5 29 2 88

14 Don Bosco School, Kumarikatta 10 Result 16 4 12 - 100*

15 Don Bosco School, Satgaon 10 Result 39 3 31 5 100*





DBS, Tura Higher Secondary Block Inauguration

18th June 2014 was a red letter day for Don Bosco School, Tura. On this day Rt. Rev Andrew R. Marak DD, the Bishop of Tura formally blessed the Higher Secondary Block and Rev. Fr. V M Thomas SDB, the Provincial officially inaugurated the Plus 2 course. During the cultural programme that followed the inauguration, Mr. Ambrose C. Marak, MCS Director, School Education and Literacy, Govt. of Meghalaya, Shillong inaugurated the Bosco Academy of Music. A large number of invited guests, parents and students were present at the inaugural programme.

Practical Trainees’ Animation Programme

FOREVER WITH DON BOSCOTwo young clerics committed their lives forever to live poor, chaste and obedient. The Perpetual Profession of Cl. Martin Marak took place on 18th May, 2014 at Catholic Church, Damra while Cl. Joachim Pumah made his Final Commitment at Amkachi Parish, Karbi Anglong on 25th May 2014. The clerics made their perpetual profession in the presence of Fr. VM Thomas, the Provincial. We congratulate them for their commitment to the Lord forever.

CL. Martin Marak Cl. Joachim Pumah




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Practical trainees' animation programme was held for the brothers doing their first year of practical training on 26th and 27th May at Don Bosco Provincial House, Guwahati. Ten brothers participated in this animation programme. Various resource persons enlightened the brothers on diverse aspects of practical training.

Fr. Marcus Lakra's session on “Salesian Optimism and Joy” laid emphasis on educating, engaging and empowering the young. “The young must feel that they are loved”, he said. He also stressed on the four qualities of a good Salesian educator: respect, understanding, affection and humour. Fr. Marcus added, “Practical training is a deeper opportunity for living experience of Salesian educative and pastoral action”. It is a life of enjoyment and sacrifice. Therefore, he exhorted the brothers to get involved in the practice of the preventive system.

Fr. Zachary enlightened on the Methodology of Teaching. He told that “a great teacher is one who inspires”. He encouraged the brothers to build good relationship with the students and know each one by name. He further added, “a teacher is only a facilitator, guide and helper. It is students who need to act”. Fr. Bivan Mukhim highlighted the importance of Mass Media and Communication Skills. He elaborated on the positive as well a negative impact of media. He exhorted the participants to make diligent use of the media and educate others to do the same.

Fr. Cletus, during his session on Innovative Skills and Inventiveness, asked the brothers to be creative. “Involve the people with full freedom” he said. He added, “some kind of readings can enhance imagination.”

Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial animated on 'The Practical Guidelines on Formation.' He told that “the celibate way of life that was personalized and lived joyfully in the post novitiate now has to pass through the test of a demanding rhythm of active life in practical training”. It is a time for personal responsibility for one's life and growth. “One must give importance to prayer”, he said, which is lacking in most of the practical trainees. Practical training is the time to be accountable for the use of time, money, media and other opportunities.

During the meeting the brothers had the chance of visiting neighbouring communities like Snehalaya and Don Bosco Technical School, Maligaon and learned about the works being done to help the street children and vocational training for young people, respectively.

Bro. Vivek Lakra, SDB

Results 2014 of Don Bosco Schools of the Province

Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) Results

Sl. School Class Total No. No of Students

Appeared 1st Div 2nd Div 3rd Div %

1 Don Bosco School, Mendal 12 Result 40 18 20 2 100*

10 Result 80 6 59 14 99

2 Don Bosco School, Rongjeng 10 Result 59 11 32 16 100*

3 Don Bosco School, Tura 10 Result 131 47 62 22 100*

4 Don Bosco School, Rongkhon 10 Result 56 22 33 1 100*

5 St. Dominic Savio, Garobadha 12 Result 87 5 53 29 100*

10 Result 78 16 39 22 99

6 Don Bosco School, Shallang 10 Result 14 1 5 6 86

State Education Board of Assam (SEBA) Results

Sl. School Class Total No. No of Students

Appeared 1st Div 2nd Div 3rd Div %

1 Don Bosco School, Amkachi 10 Result 45 2 14 3 42

2 Don Bosco School, Barpeta Road 10 Result 95 19 49 15 87

3 Don Bosco School, Bengtol 10 Result 35 8 20 - 80

4 Don Bosco school, Boko 10 Result 51 24 25 2 100*

5 Don Bosco School, Damra 10 Result 73 11 40 15 90

6 Don Bosco School, Dimakuchi 12 Result 12 - 3 6 75

10 Result 53 5 28 5 72

7 Don Bosco School, Doomni 10 Result 32 3 17 9 91

8 St. Francis Xavier School, Dotma 10 Result 34 6 23 2 91

9 Don Bosco School, Gojapara 10 Result 36 8 14 8 83

10 Don Bosco School, Umswai 12 Result 42 4 8 18 71

10 Result 66 3 14 5 33

11 Don Bosco School, Sojong 12 Result 15 1 8 6 100*

10 Result 49 11 29 8 98

12 St. Dominic School, Haflong 12 Result 30 16 9 5 100*

10 Result 77 50 12 - 100*

13 Don Bosco School, Tangla 12 Result 32 3 15 9 84

10 Result 41 5 29 2 88

14 Don Bosco School, Kumarikatta 10 Result 16 4 12 - 100*

15 Don Bosco School, Satgaon 10 Result 39 3 31 5 100*





DBS, Tura Higher Secondary Block Inauguration

18th June 2014 was a red letter day for Don Bosco School, Tura. On this day Rt. Rev Andrew R. Marak DD, the Bishop of Tura formally blessed the Higher Secondary Block and Rev. Fr. V M Thomas SDB, the Provincial officially inaugurated the Plus 2 course. During the cultural programme that followed the inauguration, Mr. Ambrose C. Marak, MCS Director, School Education and Literacy, Govt. of Meghalaya, Shillong inaugurated the Bosco Academy of Music. A large number of invited guests, parents and students were present at the inaugural programme.

Practical Trainees’ Animation Programme

FOREVER WITH DON BOSCOTwo young clerics committed their lives forever to live poor, chaste and obedient. The Perpetual Profession of Cl. Martin Marak took place on 18th May, 2014 at Catholic Church, Damra while Cl. Joachim Pumah made his Final Commitment at Amkachi Parish, Karbi Anglong on 25th May 2014. The clerics made their perpetual profession in the presence of Fr. VM Thomas, the Provincial. We congratulate them for their commitment to the Lord forever.

CL. Martin Marak Cl. Joachim Pumah

Central Board of School Education (CBSE and ICSE) Schools

Sl. School Class Total No. No of Students

Appeared 1st Div 2nd Div 3rd Div %

1 Don Bosco School, Kokrajhar 12 Result 49 27 13 1 84

10 Result 68 68 - - 100*

2 Don Bosco School, Panbazar 12 Result 190 190 - - 100*

10 Result 193 166 20 7 100*

3 Don Bosco School, Ramfalbil 10 Result 13 13 - - 100*

4 Don Bosco school, Sashipur (ICSE) 10 Result 52 28 23 - 98




E, G







14 14




Month Date SL.No. Parish/Centre Content

June 12-16 1+2 Doomni+Barpeta Preliminary visit /group Formation

19-23 3 Kumarikatta Preliminary visit

26-29 4+5 Boko+ Maligaon Preliminary visit and group Formation

July STYM DBI Empowering Youth




Aug 7-11 6+7 Tangla+ Dimakuchi Preliminary visit and group Formation

14-18 8+9 Amkachi+ Umswai Preliminary visit /group Formation

21-25 10 Damra Preliminary visit and group Formation

Sept 4-8 11 Gojapara Preliminary visit

11-15 12 Mendal Preliminary visit and group Formation

18-22 13 Rongkhon Preliminary visit

25-29 14 Bengtol Preliminary visit and group Formation


16-20 15 Rongjeng Preliminary visit

23-27 16 Shallang Preliminary visit and group Formation

Nov 6-10 17 Garobadha Preliminary visit and group Formation

13-17 18 Dotma Preliminary visit and group Formation

20-24 19 Kokrajhar Preliminary visit and group Formation

27-30 20 Haflong Preliminary visit and group Formation


18-21 21 Panbazar Preliminary visit and group Formation

26.. ? Christmas holidays

JAN2015 ? 22 Sojong Preliminary visit and group Formation


1. Preliminary visit : consists of mainly mobilizing, first time meeting youth individually or in group, collecting names etc.

2. Preliminary visit +group Formation: consist of mobilizing, first or second time meeting, gathering, interacting, analysis of the local parish youth situation and seeing the possibility of forming a group in each parish (if there are no parish youth group).


Please note the following details:

1. Let the young people of your Parish/Centre know about STYM.

2. Appoint Five Youth Leaders, both boys and girls (ages 18 – 25) to take part in STYM at DBI. (They should know English, should be Catholics and should be youth of the Parish and not school children)

3. Arrival at DBI at 3.00pm on 30th June. Departure from DBI on 4th July after breakfast.

4. Registration fee Rs. 300 per head.

5. Fix the possible dates for the Summer Youth Camp in your Parish/Centre between 7th – 31st July and kindly let me know your convenient date by 3rd week of June. We will also send our staff to help the youth to organize the Youth Camps at various Parishes/Centres.

Looking forward to your support and collaboration for an effective STYM-2014.

For details, contact:

Fr. Bivan R. Mukhim, SDB

Associate Director

Mob: +91 94355 94511


STYM - YOUTH BUILD 2014th th30 June - 4 July 2014

Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati

At the beginning of Vita Consecrata, Pope John Paul II wrote: “In every age there have been men and women who, obedient to the Father's call and to the prompting of the Spirit, have chosen this special way of following Christ, in order to devote themselves to Him with an 'undivided heart”— 1Corinthians 7: 34. There is only one truly “undivided heart”—the Heart of Jesus. Being devoted to this Heart is essential for living the consecrated life with authenticity. This is the meaning of the vows: “The evangelical counsels, by which Christ invites some people to share his experience as the chaste, poor and obedient one, call for and make manifest in those who accept them an explicit desire to be totally conformed to Him.” Ultimately such conformity is a matter of the heart. It begins with “heart knowledge” of God's deep personal love. It is not enough for a consecrated person to have “head knowledge” about Jesus. Each of us is called to a deep heart to Heart relationship with Jesus, to come to know Him intimately. This is the knowledge that transforms hearts and configures consecrated people more closely, one day at a time, to Jesus.

As consecrated persons we are called to be closely configured to Christ as He Himself was totally consecrated to His Father and His Father's will. St. Paul expressed his own consecration in these words, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2: 20). This was not an obliteration of himself but the transforming union of himself with Jesus Christ. As we are in the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus let us be drawn by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which flourished in the Church. Let us make Jesus the King and Center of our heart. Like the first Apostles, we wanted to express in our own life and in our apostolate that deep faith in and love for Jesus which inflamed us and which drew us to love Him even to the cross. To a world torn by hatred and indifference toward God and His Church, a world in which people sought false images of salvation and happiness, let us present the Heart of Christ — "which has so loved us..." - as the fulfillment of all expectations, the fountain of life, the source of happiness and salvation.

Our Consecration after the Heart of Jesus

Kumarikatta: Chapel BlessingOn the 1st of June, Rev. Fr Thomas Lakra SDB, the Vice Provincial blessed the Chapel of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at Lebra Shanthipur, Kumarikatta Parish. This chapel was built in loving memory of Abortion Victims who are deprived of life.

This project was guided by Fr. Bhaskar Raj, the Parish Priest of Kumarikatta and supported by Mr. John Chauh and Mrs. Kelli, New Rochell. A large number of faithful witnessed this solemn blessing of the new chapel.

Fr. Bhaskar Raj

Fr. Bivan R. Mukhim

Central Board of School Education (CBSE and ICSE) Schools

Sl. School Class Total No. No of Students

Appeared 1st Div 2nd Div 3rd Div %

1 Don Bosco School, Kokrajhar 12 Result 49 27 13 1 84

10 Result 68 68 - - 100*

2 Don Bosco School, Panbazar 12 Result 190 190 - - 100*

10 Result 193 166 20 7 100*

3 Don Bosco School, Ramfalbil 10 Result 13 13 - - 100*

4 Don Bosco school, Sashipur (ICSE) 10 Result 52 28 23 - 98




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14 14




Month Date SL.No. Parish/Centre Content

June 12-16 1+2 Doomni+Barpeta Preliminary visit /group Formation

19-23 3 Kumarikatta Preliminary visit

26-29 4+5 Boko+ Maligaon Preliminary visit and group Formation

July STYM DBI Empowering Youth




Aug 7-11 6+7 Tangla+ Dimakuchi Preliminary visit and group Formation

14-18 8+9 Amkachi+ Umswai Preliminary visit /group Formation

21-25 10 Damra Preliminary visit and group Formation

Sept 4-8 11 Gojapara Preliminary visit

11-15 12 Mendal Preliminary visit and group Formation

18-22 13 Rongkhon Preliminary visit

25-29 14 Bengtol Preliminary visit and group Formation


16-20 15 Rongjeng Preliminary visit

23-27 16 Shallang Preliminary visit and group Formation

Nov 6-10 17 Garobadha Preliminary visit and group Formation

13-17 18 Dotma Preliminary visit and group Formation

20-24 19 Kokrajhar Preliminary visit and group Formation

27-30 20 Haflong Preliminary visit and group Formation


18-21 21 Panbazar Preliminary visit and group Formation

26.. ? Christmas holidays

JAN2015 ? 22 Sojong Preliminary visit and group Formation


1. Preliminary visit : consists of mainly mobilizing, first time meeting youth individually or in group, collecting names etc.

2. Preliminary visit +group Formation: consist of mobilizing, first or second time meeting, gathering, interacting, analysis of the local parish youth situation and seeing the possibility of forming a group in each parish (if there are no parish youth group).


Please note the following details:

1. Let the young people of your Parish/Centre know about STYM.

2. Appoint Five Youth Leaders, both boys and girls (ages 18 – 25) to take part in STYM at DBI. (They should know English, should be Catholics and should be youth of the Parish and not school children)

3. Arrival at DBI at 3.00pm on 30th June. Departure from DBI on 4th July after breakfast.

4. Registration fee Rs. 300 per head.

5. Fix the possible dates for the Summer Youth Camp in your Parish/Centre between 7th – 31st July and kindly let me know your convenient date by 3rd week of June. We will also send our staff to help the youth to organize the Youth Camps at various Parishes/Centres.

Looking forward to your support and collaboration for an effective STYM-2014.

For details, contact:

Fr. Bivan R. Mukhim, SDB

Associate Director

Mob: +91 94355 94511


STYM - YOUTH BUILD 2014th th30 June - 4 July 2014

Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati

At the beginning of Vita Consecrata, Pope John Paul II wrote: “In every age there have been men and women who, obedient to the Father's call and to the prompting of the Spirit, have chosen this special way of following Christ, in order to devote themselves to Him with an 'undivided heart”— 1Corinthians 7: 34. There is only one truly “undivided heart”—the Heart of Jesus. Being devoted to this Heart is essential for living the consecrated life with authenticity. This is the meaning of the vows: “The evangelical counsels, by which Christ invites some people to share his experience as the chaste, poor and obedient one, call for and make manifest in those who accept them an explicit desire to be totally conformed to Him.” Ultimately such conformity is a matter of the heart. It begins with “heart knowledge” of God's deep personal love. It is not enough for a consecrated person to have “head knowledge” about Jesus. Each of us is called to a deep heart to Heart relationship with Jesus, to come to know Him intimately. This is the knowledge that transforms hearts and configures consecrated people more closely, one day at a time, to Jesus.

As consecrated persons we are called to be closely configured to Christ as He Himself was totally consecrated to His Father and His Father's will. St. Paul expressed his own consecration in these words, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2: 20). This was not an obliteration of himself but the transforming union of himself with Jesus Christ. As we are in the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus let us be drawn by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which flourished in the Church. Let us make Jesus the King and Center of our heart. Like the first Apostles, we wanted to express in our own life and in our apostolate that deep faith in and love for Jesus which inflamed us and which drew us to love Him even to the cross. To a world torn by hatred and indifference toward God and His Church, a world in which people sought false images of salvation and happiness, let us present the Heart of Christ — "which has so loved us..." - as the fulfillment of all expectations, the fountain of life, the source of happiness and salvation.

Our Consecration after the Heart of Jesus

Kumarikatta: Chapel BlessingOn the 1st of June, Rev. Fr Thomas Lakra SDB, the Vice Provincial blessed the Chapel of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at Lebra Shanthipur, Kumarikatta Parish. This chapel was built in loving memory of Abortion Victims who are deprived of life.

This project was guided by Fr. Bhaskar Raj, the Parish Priest of Kumarikatta and supported by Mr. John Chauh and Mrs. Kelli, New Rochell. A large number of faithful witnessed this solemn blessing of the new chapel.

Fr. Bhaskar Raj

Fr. Bivan R. Mukhim




E, G








The mortal remains of Cleric Manuel Mardi, a 26 year old Salesian of Guwahati province, was laid to rest at the Catholic Cemetery, Uzanbazar on March 25, 2014 in a simple yet moving ceremony. Cleric Mardi was doing his second year philosophy at the Don Bosco Philosophate, Dimapur. He was diagnosed with Leukemia and was treated at the B. Baroah Cancer Institute, Guwahati. The sudden demise of the young cleric came as a shock for the confreres of Guwahati Province. The funeral Mass held at 10:30 am was attended by Cl. Mardi’s close relatives, large number of priests, religious and lay people..

The Holy Mass was celebrated by Archbishop John Moolachira, DD, of Guwahati. In his sermon he reminded all those present of the shortness of life. “On 5th March when ash was put on our forehead, we were all reminded of the fact that we are only made of dust. The death of Cleric Manuel Mardi is a reminder for all of us of the shortness of our life and that one day we shall be buried into the womb of the Mother Earth. We surrender everything to God and to His divine will” said Archbishop John. He also prayed for the departed soul and extended his sincere condolences on behalf of the priests of the diocese of Guwahati to the Salesians at the loss of a young confrere.

Those who delivered the condolence messages were Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial of Guwahati, Fr. Cyril Tirkey, the Economer of the Salesian Province of Silchar, Fr. Tom Karthik, Rector of Don Bosco Philosophate, Dimapur and a few others.

Fr. Tom, the Rector of the Philosophate at Dimapur, described Cl. Daniel as a young and energetic Salesian. He said he could not believe that he is no more on earth. He said that Cl. Mardi was loved by all the brothers and was sincere in his personal manifestations with the Rector. “Cl. Manuel Mardi developed a sudden pain in the stomach and was referred to a hospital at Dimapur. Sensing the seriousness of the situation after suspecting cancer, the doctor recommended sending him to Guwahati for better treatment and biopsy. It was the saddest news to hear that he is no more,” Fr. Tom said.

Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial, described the sad news as a great shock to the Province. He pictured

him as a sincere, hard working and obedient confrere who was always ready to help. “His soft spoken nature made him accepted by all the confreres and his sincerity is the trademark of Cl. Manuel Mardi,” he recounted.

Hearing news of his death, messages and words of condolences started pouring in from the confreres of the Provinces of Dimapur and Silchar. Some confreres from the two Provinces were present to offer their sympathy and solidarity at the funeral of a young and promising Salesian.

May his soul rest in peace.





E, G








The mortal remains of Cleric Manuel Mardi, a 26 year old Salesian of Guwahati province, was laid to rest at the Catholic Cemetery, Uzanbazar on March 25, 2014 in a simple yet moving ceremony. Cleric Mardi was doing his second year philosophy at the Don Bosco Philosophate, Dimapur. He was diagnosed with Leukemia and was treated at the B. Baroah Cancer Institute, Guwahati. The sudden demise of the young cleric came as a shock for the confreres of Guwahati Province. The funeral Mass held at 10:30 am was attended by Cl. Mardi’s close relatives, large number of priests, religious and lay people..

The Holy Mass was celebrated by Archbishop John Moolachira, DD, of Guwahati. In his sermon he reminded all those present of the shortness of life. “On 5th March when ash was put on our forehead, we were all reminded of the fact that we are only made of dust. The death of Cleric Manuel Mardi is a reminder for all of us of the shortness of our life and that one day we shall be buried into the womb of the Mother Earth. We surrender everything to God and to His divine will” said Archbishop John. He also prayed for the departed soul and extended his sincere condolences on behalf of the priests of the diocese of Guwahati to the Salesians at the loss of a young confrere.

Those who delivered the condolence messages were Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial of Guwahati, Fr. Cyril Tirkey, the Economer of the Salesian Province of Silchar, Fr. Tom Karthik, Rector of Don Bosco Philosophate, Dimapur and a few others.

Fr. Tom, the Rector of the Philosophate at Dimapur, described Cl. Daniel as a young and energetic Salesian. He said he could not believe that he is no more on earth. He said that Cl. Mardi was loved by all the brothers and was sincere in his personal manifestations with the Rector. “Cl. Manuel Mardi developed a sudden pain in the stomach and was referred to a hospital at Dimapur. Sensing the seriousness of the situation after suspecting cancer, the doctor recommended sending him to Guwahati for better treatment and biopsy. It was the saddest news to hear that he is no more,” Fr. Tom said.

Fr. Thomas Lakra, the Vice Provincial, described the sad news as a great shock to the Province. He pictured

him as a sincere, hard working and obedient confrere who was always ready to help. “His soft spoken nature made him accepted by all the confreres and his sincerity is the trademark of Cl. Manuel Mardi,” he recounted.

Hearing news of his death, messages and words of condolences started pouring in from the confreres of the Provinces of Dimapur and Silchar. Some confreres from the two Provinces were present to offer their sympathy and solidarity at the funeral of a young and promising Salesian.

May his soul rest in peace.


Don Bosco Provincial HousePanbazar, Guwahati - 781001, Assam, India

Tel: 0361 - 2510458 n

Chief Editor : Associate Editor :Email:

Fr. Bivan R. Mukhim Fr. Zacharias Varickasseril DBI, Guwahati /

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